GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Death Stranding

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ever since death stranding was announced people mostly youtubers desperate for content after every trailer have been trying to pin down exactly what death stranding is usually in the form of a breathlessly long video over analyzing everything instead trailer well I'm gonna tell you exactly what des training is only using fewer words so here is the most accurate description one can give you death stranding is the combination of Oregon Trail and David cages beyond two souls Oregon Trail is a game where you set out to realize America's manifest destiny by connecting the two coasts and along the way you manage inventory while traveling over rough terrain and avoiding dangers sound familiar and beyond two souls is the massive Batory fantasy of a game created by a developer no one wanted to say no to featuring a star-studded cast set in a world where the worlds of the living in the dead of merged the detriment of the living that game's protagonist is even connected to her dead baby brother through a ghostly umbilical cord and ends with a teaser for a sequel set in an apocalyptic world taken over by spirits considering kojima visited Quantic Dream before he started work on death surrounding I think David might have slipped the unfinished script for the sequel into Kojima's pocket when he wasn't looking no product placement for the glasses Kojima I was expecting you to tell us where we could buy a pair of those stupid looking shades for ourselves I find it hard to believe there would be many animals remaining in this world due to the time fall this flock of crows get caught in the rain and they all aged to death in seconds but where exactly do they normally take cover from the rain there isn't a single tree remaining I get the feeling setting this game in America was an afterthought because the terrain sure as hell looks nothing like any part of America it's closer to Norway and Iceland than anything else also the people in this game used the metric system I don't care how far in the future this game is set that is one thing that isn't changing about America tying fall ages anything it touches quarters like Sam wear a suit to keep them safe from it but I would want a fully covered face since wind can easily throw a rain in your face especially when riding on a motorcycle claun important photographs are coated in a thin layer of olive oil that explains why they always slip out of pockets and books when the plot want to show them to you there should be a dead deer right outside this cave since the bTW that appears scares it out into the time ball but there is no dead deer from old age anywhere to be seen how did fragile get into the cave safely Sam almost ran her over on the bike and she teleported away leaving her umbrella on the hill in the rain yes she somehow retrieved the umbrella in the rain then made her way to this cave while being rained on and yeah she can teleport so that might explain how she appeared here except her teleports are always accompanied by a particular sound and why would she teleport to a random cave instead of somewhere better like a different game Cheers chiral energy so you have tombs like me I've got the extinction factor I mentioned at another video that Kojima should make games he never plans to release just so he can continue to release enigmatic trailers which seems to be what he loves the most about his job this game feels like he came close to realizing that dream since the entire plot is packed into the first and final acts of the game and the gameplay fills second class - the cutscenes cutscenes it only served to create trailers said to tasteful music and acted out by expensive television actors and scenes are about as digestible as mud sandwiched between two pieces of treated lumber [Music] Kojima has always had a good ear for a game soundtrack but this one feels like an excuse to share his Spotify playlist with everyone every time you approach something of significance in the game a somber music track starts playing and I guess you're supposed to take it all in while walking slowly maybe I did the first time and even the second but by the third I was ripping across the terrain in a motorcycle and I just wanted to deliver my package of frozen semen and painkillers and I didn't care about the obscure band Kojima was trying to point my attention to Sam as a fan Fossen phobia the fear of being touched but I have to believe everyone else is suffering from anther buff obeah since even in not cities not a living soul can be found and Sam only communicates with Holograms of people somewhere else he's never allowed into the cities or shelters the game swears that there are people in there but this lies about it's transparent as the one you tell to the pizza delivery boy every time you order five extra-large peaches for the party you were clearly throwing for all your friends that are definitely not going to eat them all by yourself and crying mama isn't in central not City she's in the Midwest somewhere so why is her hologram the one accepting Sam's delivery how does she even check the condition of the delivery if she can't open it she isn't physically there how long since he flatlined he was in quarantine not sick whenever a person dies their body has to be burned lessen necrotize and become a bTW which could end up eating a living person and causing a boy doubt unless you were constantly monitoring the vitals of everyone in the city so authorities could be alerted the second someone expires living in a city would be impossible since people die quietly and alone all the time usually from eating too much pizza by themselves hold on someone's at the door also it's later revealed that the death stranding is a six extinction event that takes place on earth meaning five other death strandings occurred before this one which means animals should necrotize and become be teased as well since they would have in the past death strandings but that doesn't seem to be the case here they just burn the poor bastard right here you're so close to town can't do it you can't burn a body close to town since it puts Carelli him in the air I don't believe the game ever clarifies why that is such a bad thing but it can be worse than risking the body turning into a BTW and destroying the entire city spot bt's just sends him that's why we came prepared a bridge baby huh if you have the bridge baby that allows you to see BTS then you don't need Sam who can only sense them America is a country anybody could go anywhere they damn well please couriers like yourself we had highways airplanes you can even visit other countries I don't think you need to tell this is someone who clearly isn't all that young himself and lives this reality every day of his life why are you asking Sam you're the one with a bridge baby with that open hood Sam is really lucky he doesn't land on his back in the rain every time he's in a crash this scene where the corpse disposal goes wrong is awesome I just wish it wasn't the only great moment we get for the next 30 hours of playtime I have to assume I Gor knows that bullets don't affect be teased and the only reason he brought the gun was to make sure the BTS didn't eat anyone's still alive yet he still shoots at them also Sam doesn't grab the gun and kill Ike or to stop a void out from happening and destroying central not Sam is a rap at reott meaning he can return to the living after dying however the boy dog should have killed BB as well and Sam was holding it but that always comes back with him this game has a tendency to start a new scene with Sam awakening in a bed with no transition to how he got there it's always hand waved away that someone found him and brought him back which I could believe if I ever saw any of these people outside of a shelter or a city I'm a doctor well a corner originally must be difficult being a coroner in a world where the dead have to be immediately burned so I'm a prisoner these aren't handcuffs they're cutting edge devices that keep us all connected Kojima is making a statement our phones are essentially handcuffs or something like that there's a fine line between something stupid and something profound and Kojima weaves across it from minutes a minute central knot was obliterated in the annihilation game over man place is a crater the only ones to get it continue were you for obvious reasons video game terminology has an odd new standing in this post-apocalyptic timeline hmm I see a fan Fossum phobia phobias are irrational fears is it really irrational of a touch leaves a permanent bruise on his body and there's only so much they can do in two days I can't pay attention to all this exposition when the game clearly wants me to focus on the monster product placement I have a job for you how was Sam being paid for these jobs since the US has gone there doesn't seem to be any currency the only thing he ever receives is likes which can be exchanged for anything I need you to bring the president some morphine what president America's gone Sam is the son of the President of the United States who also started in directed bridges and didn't suspect that it might be his mother who wanted to see him because I'm not really here since Dedmon is somewhere else and this is a hologram how does he open that morphine case the truth Sam is that America's last president wants to see you in person why go through this ruse in the first place they brought Sam into the city why dump him a few blocks away when they could have just brought him to the isolation ward I'm afraid the president's condition has deteriorated over the course of a few minutes the President must have that same aggressive cancer that killed Naomi and Metal Gear Solid four that's the president's right hand man the director of bridges die hard man yeah it's easy to laugh at a character wearing a mask who goes by the name die hard man but we're dealing with the same man who created a character named hot cold man in Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker you can make America whole Sam if we don't all come together again humanity will not survive Kojima is making a statement on America social media and the culture wars meanwhile my eyes are rolling in my head so fast my PC case fans are jealous and we don't need a country not anymore we do alone we have no future America's finished I like Norman Reedus mainly because he always looks like he'd prefer to be sleeping but his performance in this game as the same exact feel as Kiefer Sutherland in Metal Gear Solid 5 at times he speaks his lines with all the enthusiasm of an IGN video reviewer there goes that family photo falling out again just how long was Brigitte the president she was originally the vice president until the president was killed in the very first void out in Manhattan the death stranding seems to have been going on for decades no listen no one can know that the president is dead if word gets out bridges is finished if it's a legitimate concern that your country will fall apart because the leader dies you are not building a country you're building a cult you think you can recruit me like she tried to what she succeeded look at your wrists that's not symbolic I don't know what is that's not how a contract works both parties have to agree who's gonna take her place face it America's history Sanna America isn't dead yet he just said that it dies have Bridget dies she may be lost to us but we still have an America worthy of the presidency this game is vastly simplifying the us's method of governing as far as I can tell there is no legislature and no judiciary the government derives power from the consent of the people to be governed Bridget may have held on to the title of president but Sam is right this is how babies are using treated then I don't see how they are ever going to convince a certain group of Americans to sign up you think the Oder deck has ever poked Sam in the eye that's exactly why you are though putting in text introductions at Lindsay Wagner voices both Bridget anomaly kind of raises an eyebrow doesn't it there's a lot to breakdown when it comes to Bridget anomaly but the one thing I went to hit upon first is that Sam is Bridget's son and Amelie is her daughter yet same as their anomaly his whole life and she has always looked like this he's also never met Amelie anywhere by the beach and never once saw Bridget anomaly together he's never once found any of that strange someone has to carry on her legacy and see our country rebuilt Samantha America strand our new president if your idea for rebuilding America begins with hiding the death of the president and installing your unelected daughter as a new president then I would turn down an offer without a second thought all the way to the Pacific Jesus but then everything went to hell the team was wiped out and Emily was taken so you chose to make Emily the new president even though she is currently being held hostage by terrorists who won no part of the UCA I see no problem with that I'm not being kept in a Cell or anything like that I'm allowed to use their facilities and to speak with you whenever I want I just can't leave the city edge not City is holding amelie captive why let her communicate with auca when they know that would be working against their desire to remain independent wouldn't they at least be listening in on this Sam we want you to go west and finish what Emily started the people she left behind have been hard at work setting up Kairo Network terminals but these terminals are still isolated we need you to bring them online and for that you'll need a cubed so Amelie went to all the trouble of traveling west setting up weigh stations and chiral terminals but didn't bring the key that activates them with her even if the cupid wasn't ready why not just hold off going until it was take the cupid West Sam and reconnect the people of our great nation and when you get to edge not City fine Emily and bring her home I can understand sending a professional Porter Wes but how do you expect Sam dimple trait a city run by militant terrorists and get her out that one is more of a job for snake when your only objective in the game is to walk from one location to the next I can only help but notice the travel time if it only takes Sam a few minutes of walking to reach the first location then die Hartman and Bridget have been sitting on their hands for some time instead of activating the terminals relatively close to them they should have been sending out Porter's with cupid's for some time now mules are essentially Tusken Raiders they carry poles make trumpet sounds and will try to rob you whenever you pass by one of their camps according to Kojima they became like this after developing an addiction to social media likes for a job well done delivering packages so to get that high again they steal packages from Porter's for them in their camp and never deliver them yeah it doesn't make much sense to me either but mules and BTS are your only enemies in this game which isn't saying much since both are easily dealt with or avoided BTS on the other hand are the spirits of the Dead that linger in our world and tried to consume the living they mostly stand around in the rain until you walk right up to one at which point they will drag you a few feet away and spawn at targets to fight you it is easily escaped even if it does kill you Sam will repatriating come back with all his packages you can't really fail this game is so easy the only difficulty is finding enough time to sit down and play it what else should I mention about this games empty second act I suppose it wouldn't be a Kojima game without piss you can whip out norman reedus as meatus and hose down the plants anytime you like it doesn't really do anything but leave a mushroom other players can see and if enough players pee in the same spot it creates a colony of mushrooms which attract crypto buyouts which you can eat and get blood back not that you will ever need to maybe Amelie sang this song to Sam as he was growing up but most people would refrain from singing nursery rhymes to grown adults to wake them up under guard still not chained up still can't leave if Amelie is not under guard and not imprisoned what is stopping her from making an escape attempt this logic is so absurd I'm surprised anyone buys it you might try selling that bottle Norman Reedus bathwater instead of throwing it at ghosts how is Hartman doing research on Sam's bodily fluids he lives in the Rocky Mountains and none of the samples are being delivered to him he's on the other side of the country and not connected to the chiral Network diehard man told Sam their current terminal communication was limited to small amounts of data like voice communication it was damn near singularity no reason for it not to take off people didn't like it when we took the human element out of the service industry so after some consideration we put it back in according to diehard man people got so depressed they didn't get a meet and talk with her FedEx delivery man that drones an AI usage was ceased he goes every time Sam hooks himself up to BBC's visions of the past that are presumably Bibi's in one of them clifford ties a spaceman figure two BB's container the BB sam receipt from i Gor has the same spaceman tied to it which would be one hell of a coincidence on its own but in fact is even more unbelievable once you learned that the BB and Sam's visions is not the BB he is carrying around meaning it just so happens that Clifford tied the same figurine to a BB that assigned to the BB Sam ass this is all in the attempt to make you believe Clifford is looking after the same BB Sammis and he's experiencing bee bees memories but like all roses once you know the truth the Tower of cards collapses if it wasn't properly stacked Kojima didn't you already do the creepy skull face villain one game ago fragile didn't drag him into this that was all bridge and anomalies doing branches strand is dead America's last president dead and burned and now the girl's been chosen to take mommy's place how do you smell someone and learn such specific info I've heard of a condensing fact from the vapor of nuance but not literally doing it Higgs and Bonnie's the teleportation is always used to be a dick Lachey Higgs doesn't have Amelie which flies in the face of what Sam was told earlier about Amelie being held by the homo demons guy Hardman even displayed a hologram image of Higgs when discussing it Higgs is doom level is so high he can summon and control be teased the guy who committed suicide and central nod and was turned into a bTW it was speculated to be one of Higgs homo demons who did it on the purpose of destroying the city if Higgs can summon a bTW like this in the middle of a city why bother with a suicide plan Higgs is asking Sam this but he might as well be asking the player you saw that [ __ ] too right thanks he's the leader of a separatist group despite all this talk about separate is attacking cities and even using nukes Sam never encounters any of them except Higgs can you zip up the pocket you are carrying that photo around in the cave part not CD next to your bed so far apart yet somehow we keep meeting what fragile defines as fate can also be described with intentional stalking since fragile can teleport why does she need across the crater lake on a boat with Sam the next chapter of the game has Sam attempting to extend the chiral network through the use of prepper shelters it's awfully convenient that Sam only has to interact with one person at a time that represents the entire current settlement and all their problems can be solved by one-day delivery and if the Preppers never had any intention to join the UCA why do they allow chiral terminals and Printers to be installed inside their shelters that they couldn't use without being connected to the UCAS chiral network fragile steps out of the shower fully closed even though you could tell through the frosted glass that she didn't have her outfit inside the shower with her since that would be stupid way my dad made it sound we were something special if you grew up in the u.s. even this fractured post-apocalypse version why do you have a French accent we could bring it all back if we kept on making deliveries and connecting people he was sure of it was your dad Kevin Costner by any chance somehow they got ahold of our security passes and use them to sneak into cities and just like that we're delivering guns and bombs instead of medicine I didn't even know the thing about that all of the cities in shelter Sam has been to have a perimeter field that shuts down any detected weapons even non-lethal once this prepper forces Sam to watch really long hologram videos of his girlfriend hopping around with an hourglass like she's developmentally challenged in a terrorist attack my mother and I barely escaped with our lives turns out his girlfriend is still alive however her accent is clearly not that of a native-born American no one in this world travels anymore did it all the infrastructure being destroyed by avoid outs in time ball so how did someone too young to have been alive when the death stranding began end up with such an accent when she was raised in America instead of carrying her on Sam's back to the junk collector to prove that she is still alive can't she just walk on her own just add some legs to that time fall protective suit and she would be fine I kept it close always but after the attack it stopped working I thought about fixing it how can it clearly intact hourglass stopped working [Music] sorry about that the system seems to be on the fritz since Higgs runs a terrorist organization maybe he could have had one of them disguise themselves as the tag to give San the package that would decrease the likelihood of him being recognized if Higgs wanted Sam to deliver the bomb to south not why tell him it was for fragile Higgs wouldn't even know where fragile is right now and she's going to remember the last time he snuck bombs into a city in a delivery I know these cutscenes can be exhausting but Sam doesn't need to fall asleep before every one of them fragile asked what's wrong even though she teleported into the room after Sam was startled awake by his dream also died hartman said fragile was having trouble teleporting due to the increasing chiral density that's why Sam had to meet her at the weigh station Higgs set the nuke on a timer somehow accurately guessing the amount of time Sam would need to reach fragile [Music] if we might have a chance the tarp it is right next to south nan City you are in the middle of nowhere with a very low yield nuclear bomb why not just leave it in the wasteland where no one lives weird how Higgs never makes use of these separatist soldiers ever again Higgs wanted to blow up south not with a nuke why change that plan just a screw over fragile being forced to run through the time fall ended up being a way better reason to stick a woman in her underwear than having her breathe through her skin fried Jala gets around really well these days for someone whose body was aged into its 70s by time fall I'm gonna make heat sweet great he ever crossed me what killing him can't he's way more powerful now than he was before but you could take him based on what Sam is only a level two June with the ability-to-repay trade after death how convenient that the game finally supplies Sam with real weapons right before a chiral storm appears and whisked him off to World War one especially when it goes against the narrative the game is established that killing anyone would just create more BTS these war levels would be better served his Sam was forced to use time period weapons instead it uses the same 3d printed weapons he can somehow find lying around the battlefield all of the battlefield moments end up being a brief walk down a path while the ghosts of dead soldiers find an endless battle Finn Sam has to face off against Clifford in a fight essentially these moments are no different than fighting the skull unit in Metal Gear Solid 5 mama lives right next to South not City she also designed the Cupid Sam uses and even developed a new one to fix the faulty limiter in his even though she can't leave this building due to her BT baby having died here she could have sent a bridges member from the fulfillment center to connect this entire region already instead of leaving it a sim she's due I was in the hospital waiting for a c-section from the looks of the building mama lives in and can't leave it seems like she had her c-section performed in a parking garage shouldn't that rain of cause mama tej also south not was partially destroyed by a nuke meaning there should've been a radioactive fallout which should have killed mama and rendered South not uninhabitable rescuers found mama several days after the attack after hearing her dead baby crying meaning they could have heard mama screaming earlier if she had bothered his people came they finally reached edge not City there's no escape for me now everyone's dead the city's destroyed what's left is crawling with Metis I was under the impression Higgs and his people were the ones who destroyed the first expedition Amelie led and forced her to stay in edge not also Higgs people continue to be mentioned but they are never encountered so their plan is a detonated antimatter bomb in the middle of mountain ought city to clear out the tower bubbling up for the ground diehard mention start warning Sam that he's making deliveries to people that hate the organization he represents and that Locke knows Mama's estranged sister letting him find these things out on his own speaks badly at bridges it makes the organization look like it's run by a writer seeking dramatic reveals and their weapons to that that's right cord cutters it would be a whole lot simpler to design a knife that cuts a BT's umbilical cord than implementing it into the cuffs since the sharp edge is always pressed against Sam's wrist and he falls down a lot my ovaries can't produce eggs and has trouble with her uterus long story short neither of us can have children Mama's baby was actually lockness with Mama only carrying her to terms and slotnick couldn't but after the attack on South not lakhna assume mama took the baby and cut off contact with her and for some reason mama couldn't contact her electronically to tell her that her baby had died she's only been in contact with Sam despite the distance between them and I would assume they kept in a remote contact with each other during the pregnancy so this misunderstanding should have been cleared up long before now mama is capable of walking Sam shouldn't have to carry her across a mountain range to meet her sister according to Locke de mama died back when she was pinned under the rubble but the circumstances of her death and her baby separated her ha and calm and she only wore one cuff to avoid anyone seeing or non existant vitals but the rescuers who pulled her from the rubble that day would have certainly checked her vitals and given her medical treatment and they would have noticed that they were looking at a dead body that was walking around like it was alive since mama dies right after Sam delivers er shouldn't that mean he gets a poor rating on his delivery performance I still got an s-rank despite delivering broken goods she'd severed our bond on purpose that she needs to hold our trials and ran did you ever think the big explosion that happened in South not on the same day mama was due to have a c-section might have had something to do with it looking for this surprise fragile warped me here why not wake Sam up when you first arrived to take BB and let him know what was going on instead of letting him panic this also means fragile warp dead man here to mount not city to get BB then back to central not then back to mountain not just to explain it when it could have been done with fewer trips we reset it you'll have to leave it with me of course I'll cut the cord that links the two of you and then perform an operation that reconnects it to the other side I'm telling you it's like a game just like if we're going to use videogame terminology for this let's at least use accurate terminology I would describe it as getting rid of your humanity in Dark Souls it's a good thing Kojima's games features so much urinating because taking the piss out of them is the main draw for me yeah but I think they might question why both dead men and Sam are getting into the shower fully clothed together as if the game is along enough Sam has a trek around the mountains convincing more Preppers to join the UCA in the chiral network to get Bibi back to normal just like last time these prepper has already had chiral terminals and printers installed in their shelters they should have already agreed to being part of the UCA but some of them still need convincing the doctor prepper gives Sam a new flask that replenishes itself with monster I would not trust this man's medical advice precursors Neanderthals and other precursor species of humans never crossed the Bering Land Bridge to North America there is no way dead men waddle his way up a mountain wearing nothing but is soon while carrying BB and what kind of test would he be doing at a cabin in the middle of nowhere rather than use my tried-and-true repeated boss fights in I'd rather point out how a game focusing on hiking package delivery and an inventory management doesn't really need boss fights combat is so de-emphasize and death stranding that you don't get a weapon until around our 12th so when the game stops you from doing what it is trained you to do so you can have a shootout with Mads Mikkelsen it feels about as enjoyable as you can imagine it would have been better served having Sam swear off against a territorial mountain goat trying to headbutt him off a cliff a death sudden in the middle of a town young woman in the prime of her life nobody knew until it was too late boy doubt her husband who was a member of bridges at Doom's this is a terrible way to tell someone their own tragic history that they are painfully aware of the truth is I'm Frankenstein's monster artificial grown from pluripotent stem cells and when that vital spark didn't manifest ignore my organs they replaced the defective ones with those of the dead there has to be a reason why someone would go to all the trouble of creating a human through that method but dead man never explains why he was created in such a way normally the dead are incinerated as soon as possible to keep it from becoming a bTW with Mama's body they did nothing with her for days for seemingly no reason and only locked out that her body doesn't turn into a bTW that's the same hourglass of the chiral artists lady made for her boyfriend it was supposed to be one of a kind while you've traveled to and from the seemed an impressive number of times my Beach count is a little higher two hundred and eighteen thousand five hundred and forty nine so Harmon is your average Dark Souls player I see myself in that crater my wife and my child it's like looking at the shape of my heart Kojima strategy is to find a theme name a character after the theme have him talking about the theme shut the theme down your throat in case you missed it then sit back and look smug lucky did something impressive his name is Hartman he lives next to a lake that looks like a heart his heart is mutated into a heart shape he dies of cardiac arrest every 21 minutes the thing comes back and even where the ghost touched him he left a heart-shaped stain on his shirt even kingdom hearts showed more subtlety than this with the same theme Hartman spends 21 minutes in the living world in three minutes on the beach he just came back from the beach when samurai with mamas corpse in no waited 21 minutes go by since his last trip to the beach Kojima didn't count the minutes until Hartman died again but damn if he doesn't make you sit there and do nothing for the full three minutes while Hartman is dead I keep busy I have a collection of music television shows some very interesting short films and stories everything consumable within a 21 minute window well you won't find any of Kojima's games in Arbenz collection those have cutscenes our lasts longer than that of researching the deaths [Music] again Hartman is supposed to spend 21 minutes alive in this world and three minutes dead on the beach it has been only nine minutes since he last went to the beach why give a character a quirk like this if you are not going to follow it in yet another padding section of the game Sam has to travel to remote scientists living in shelters and bring them into the chiral network so they can gain an understanding of past extinction events then why not use c-4 explosives or something far more safe than antimatter also no paleontologist goes digging for fossils with explosives for the obvious reasons frozen mammoths from 10,000 years ago correct and this the Iceman from our 550 300 years ago according to Hartman any living being with a strand is known as in an extinction entity the thing that can start a death stranding event and with the umbilical cord dead man provided they know Bridgette was one such person Harmon also has a photo collection of animals with strands that were extinction entities from previous death strandings and EEE would be extremely rare only six of them at this point but somehow every one of their bodies was uncovered perfectly preserved with her strand visible also one of them was a Neanderthal there was no worldwide extinction event during the time of the Neanderthal except for their own species Homo sapiens who were around at the same time thrive as Neanderthals disappeared and considering how bad off humans are during this death stranding it's unlikely the Neanderthals died due to a death stranding not one says Hartman's 21-minute cycle been upheld in this game wonderful Network Higgs is wearing amélie's necklace right now so why act like he doesn't already have her since edge not City wanted no part of the UCA and even blew up other cities to thwart them why do they leave a functioning bridges distribution center in Cairo old terminal both right outside of the city and inside of it and networks nearly complete just one more not to go and then America will be whole again why is edge not cities so important to the Cairo network now everyone in it is dead there was no one left to connect kept things from you morning mask for the longest time everything he said about me is true how exactly do you know what Higgs said about you being an EE Sam didn't bring it up you needed Sam to do that then why did you try to kill him on three different occasions trying to blow up South not City which would have stopped the creation of the network and destroyed central not with a void out all of these actions would have stopped the chiral network from being completed without having his hood up Sam lunges at Higgs who was standing in the time fall but Sam's faced as an age despite the rain [Music] for all of Higgs knowledge of gaming terminology he should really know better than to make himself the weak point on a giant boss you can take Kojima away from Metal Gear but it seems you can't take the Metal Gear boss find out if Kojima when this be bad for Higgs if he won the BT would eat salmon cause avoid out killing Higgs anomaly meanwhile Sam would just repatriate what is Higgs even trying to accomplish by fighting Sam here he knows very well that he can't kill Sam in this world despite Sam's odor Jack taking most of the bullets it still continues to work just fine afterwards that was a lot easier than all the be teased you sicked on him you know you're going up against Higgs who does have a weapon and that if you die on the beach you can't repatriate hundreds of thousands of years is far longer than current recorded history why end it right now if you believe that [Music] [Music] first [Music] does stranding has to keep reminding you that you were in fact playing a video game just in case you forgot with all the cutscenes it's forcing you to watch how do you ain't nothing but damaged goods you are damaged goods that's how you perform a proper comeback for ten year five why do you think yet across the country on foot just like you begged him to I brought you a metaphor what a coincidence I paid $60 for one managed to bring it here by picturing it as equipment and why couldn't you have done that with a new Bureau forced to carry through time fall more than nukes Sam had to dispose of also did picturing BB as equipment repair the bullet holes Hicks put in its pod there's something that you need to know Sam when you were back east I slipped out of here and I went to visit you to live as it turns out Amelie was never actually held hostage in edge not City she chose this day there and could have left at any time but her being there was die harbins plan to convince Sam to go west looking for her however that only became the plan after Bridget failed to convince Anne to do it for America anomaly had been an edge not City for over a year at that point did she really wait around just in case his plan was needed so I'm Mario and you're Princess Peach this is only the second most painful Mario reference in the game the first is all those toadstool Sam has been pissing out yeah like Mario and Princess Peach Mario and Princess Peach are not known for racing along a beach unless this is some weird Mario Kart metaphor it seems Kojima is running low on ideas for death stranding in the final act and had to reach into his bag of Metal Gear Solid storylines that's how we end up with a born-and-bred soldier like Clifford being forced to take part in a weird scientific experiment involving his child and the president was behind it all along and there's a man wearing a skull face with a hidden past you know maybe those deaths stranding his Metal Gear conspiracy theorists had a point give me back my baby you're looking in the wrong place how does a story spend so much time meticulously explaining everything but still leave you scratching your head I don't believe you you wouldn't hold his mask out like that for any other reason but to startle Sam it's no wonder that guy has trust issues every single time he falls asleep people start messing with him so many people in such a short amount of time fragile transported every member of the team but Sam back to capital naught and now she's too worn down by constant use of her doom to transport him the most important person among them so he has to hoof it all the way back across America on foot deadman eating fried John's last crypto bio turns out to be a pretty dick move this makes the third Clifford hunger fight and outside to the setting there is no difference in any of them they told me you name was Sam Botta when you have fan bridges Clifford clearly knows the truth now about BB and Sam but doesn't bother to mention it considering the fate of his child is the one thing he's obsessed over it's a bit odd I never met Emily in person have you ever seen her in the flesh shiver Han touched her [ __ ] she's really touched all right she and I both well I've only ever interacted with her hologram I'm telling you I've met her in person lots of times when I was little yes but on the beach Amelie only exists on the beach according to dye Hardman except she was clearly in the living world when heads attacked Sam and edge not and it was stated that the only reason the first expedition managed to reach edge not was because Amelie led them around be teased and she would have been present during the planning and launch of the expedition from central nut otherwise why would anyone believe she was with it I swore an oath to the president and to America far as I was concerned her word was law I don't think Die Hardman understands this whole America thing very well the president has no power to great loss that power lies solely with Congress the president only authorizes those laws and enforces them Bridget was diagnosed with uterine cancer in her 20s and couldn't have children since died Hardman let this recording behind is a tell-all in case he didn't come back from the beach he might have bothered revealing the truth about Sam and the fact that he has not bridges biological son either actually he shouldn't even have to since Sam was supposed to be Bridget's second child he should have already figured out that he couldn't possibly be Bridget's child if Amelie isn't I had a little chat with Hakes back on the beach he said it was part of her plan what she was their leader the terrorists avoid outs to hold extinction agenda Emily was behind it all and you just let Sam walk off with Amelie without bothering to mention any of that it also makes no sense anomaly was the one who made Hicks start his terrorist campaign which hampered the completion of the chiral Network which is the one thing she needed to bring about the last stranding become stranded on the beach she needs fast crypto buyouts are incredibly easy to get your hands on there are nests of them right outside of Capitol knots I had hundreds of them by this point in the game yeah you have to deliver a package of them too fragile on the final leg of the journey back to Capitol not the game throws every BT boss at you and a boss rush after this game and Metal Gear Solid 5 Kojima has clearly given up on memorable boss fights Kojima packaged a 1 hour and 40 minute movie on to the end of his video game topping even is 90 minute movie at the end of Metal Gear Solid 4 imagine it as a circulatory system if you will each of our beaches is a single capillary but homilies Beach is the heart that pumps blood to the rest of us of course Hartman would use a heart as a way of explaining amélie's Beach in relation to everyone else's the red sea of amélie's Beach is ripped straight from the end of Evangelion and here I was thinking zone of the enders was Kojima's best attempt at ripping off that anime you were supposed to stop me that's not the impression I've gotten you set him on the journey of connecting the chiral network across the country you weren't exactly playing head of electro mind games where you said one thing and meant another the last stranding has already begun a seam has formed from my Beach and the beaches of every soul in America and soon it will be inundated by a vast surge of antimatter starting here I have to ask why is America so goddamn important if you were trying to bring about the end of all life when you have to connect the entire world to the chiral network not just the east and west coasts I think the only scene Kojima loves more than people pissing themselves is when it gives you the choice of mercykill a blonde lady I don't know what I accomplished but the game I share is me I accomplished something [Music] our ages began to diverge Bridget's body got older while the beach kept Emily's the same so I came up with a story I told people that Amelie was my daughter a daughter with a debilitating condition an absent father Bridget anomaly are the two halves of the extinction entity separated somehow during a surgery to remove uterine cancer since Amelie only existed on the beach why did Bridget feel the need to make up a story that Amelie was her daughter especially after she had just had surgery that removed her uterus that's like telling your friends you've been recruited for the NFL after having your legs surgically removed not only would people question it do to her surgery they would ask why a 20 year old woman had a daughter who looked the same age as her mother and about why bridge and never looked pregnant and since Bridget later became vice president people would have realized there was no way she could have had a daughter and then people would be asking to see the suppose a daughter that didn't exist in our world from the ashes of the Dead rise the living stronger and wiser inheritors of the legacy of existence itself they defy the universe and refuse to surrender they say we're just getting started I think this is Kojima talking about himself and Konami more than life and extinction God won't help you here but it still has a role to play Emily's last bit of advice nearly cost Sam to kill himself maybe given the details of what you mean instead of flaunting your universe brain today we come together to celebrate the birth of a new nation diehard men introducing himself to the country as the new president while wearing that mask would be like sitting in a dentist's chair while dr. Predator asked have you been brushing every day new nation for a new world the united cities of America I give you America three you know why they call me die Hartley because it's a reference to die hard your real name is even John it was not that difficult to figure that one out I loved him as much as I died Harbin knows exactly who Clifford's Bibi was but doesn't mention that little fact here as he pours his heart out over his guilt for killing Clifford and he forgave me damn that is one good performance you could try taking Lou out of the pot just to see what happens but that would be in direct contravention of an executive order and there are laws about that kind of thing now that we're a nation how is that already outlaw die hard men just became president how our laws even created without a Congress and executive signing we cannot release your son just yet believe me when I tell you it's for the best system woman in the mask who's done nothing but lie to me why would you ever trust the president if she wears that mask in private also why was Bridget wearing the die-hard Minh mask back then take Bibi and get out of this place everyone in this memory referring to the baby as Bibi is the game's way of hiding the fact that it isn't Sam's Bibi like the game wants you to believe Clifford more than likely would have been using his son's name I can't terminate your wife's life support from inside a room system won't allow it so this is the only other option or you can unhook her from it dai Hardman may have helped Clifford give Bibi out of the room but he didn't bother helping Clifford with all the locked doors in the facility oh my god when did Clifford have time to remove BB from the pod he was lying on the floor with it just a second ago after being shot multiple times then they take BB from him and now it's cradled in his arms he's nearly dead you could take the BB from him pretty easily it's not like he's gonna hurt his own child why did you always call your son BB then instead of SB if you were going to go by his initials should I even ask but where did Lou pull that necklace from Sam just took it out of the pod and revived it I'm not sure how Sam knew it was safe to walk in the rain nail but it was one hell of a risk if he didn't BB's ginger was hidden from the player until the very end but Sam would have known BB was a girl the entire time since it wouldn't be hidden from him by discreet camera angles yet he called her Lou after his dead unborn son until now Kashima needs good team is a good cause eva is a got anybody say you
Channel: Dartigan
Views: 815,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: death stranding, everything wrong with death stranding, kojima, what is death stranding, game sins, gaming sins, cinema sins, dartigan, explained, ending, soundtrack, E3 trailer, trailer, launch trailer, norman reedus, mads mikkelsen, del toro, BB, fragile, higgs, opening, playthrough, boss fight, playstation 4, pc
Id: wLe9A7nYjMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 30sec (2790 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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