GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

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[Music] comas are the largest part of big boss's life he spent nine years in one during the 70s and 80s then 15 years in another one after a metal gear to the woods that in motion your enemies out everywhere we must ugh that Europeans immediately this plot twist stops making sense right here if you give it any thought venom snake is big boss's body double givin him no therapy to make him believe he is big boss in order to protect the real one so why wouldn't the doctors working for Ocelot already of altered venomous snakes appearance to look like big boss before venom snake awoke from his coma and the doctor is suggesting cosmetic surgery to make venom snake look different so no one would have recognized him as Big Boss which would completely destroy the plan of him assuming big boss's identity I actually don't mind Kiefer Sutherland being the new snake as much as other people do I just wish he would have been given some actual lines to prove himself snake hardly speaks in this game he is almost a silent protagonist and snake has always been a chatty person so all of the most memorable lines still belong to David haters interpretation of snake I went ahead and made my venom snake pretty hard to alter to look like a big boss with plastic surgery thereby increasing the sin strength later the photo the doctor holds up could potentially reveal two venom snake that he is in Bigg Boss the doctor even said he has to forget who he is so why keep reminding him Ishmael saw quite come in said nothing while she killed the nurse and doctor and only acted once she moved to kill venom snake I'll just slowly take my time pulling the trigger like I'm not waiting for someone to tackle me from off-camera I have to wonder what film directors of the past would think about modern directors treating film errors like lens flare and chromatic aberration that they worked hard to avoid in their shots as good things to be done intentionally [Music] you're talking to yourself Ishmael is the real big boss I know big surprise in all since he's also voiced by Kiefer Sutherland what are the odds at big boss and his body double what awakened from comas at almost the exact same time Kojima must have been proud about that microwave hallway and Metal Gear Solid 4 since he makes you crawl on the floor about his long hear the man on fire is volgen who for some reason was being kept in his brain-dead state here in this hospital on Cyprus instead of back in the USSR coincidentally the same Hospital Big Boss and venom snake were being kept at he awakened in part due to the real big boss also awakening and young Psycho Mantis possesses him and moves him around despite all that he constantly goes after big boss's body double instead of the real one I have no idea why Psycho Mantis involves himself with this Kojima does stuff because he wants to and creates an explanation later I'm not sure where this patient came from who grabbed snakes leg the xof soldier killed a nurse then left the room to the hallway this guy would have crawled through to get here he would have walked right past the patient crawling on the floor a stairwell door should not be as difficult to close as a bank vault someone should have mentioned a soldier be that this was a raid on a hospital the guy brought an RPG with him for indoors black ops work these soldiers were really thorough and making sure the bodies were dead until they reach a big boss and snake the only two bodies lying on the floor who weren't covered in blood it may not be actual urine this time but it's still Kojima's brand of comedy impossible finish with the hospital of left Volgin in his uniform from Metal Gear Solid 3 with all the bullets still sticking out of him making someone weak against water makes them incredibly easy to beat especially when it should be bleeding obvious to everyone I'm not even joking when I say you can beat him with a squirt gun back in Metal Gear Solid Psycho Mantis didn't actually have the ability to teleport he simply used optic camo and pretended to in this game he actually can teleport all over the place in fact I'd say Psycho Mantis was way more powerful as a kid xof just so happened to cross paths with Volgin and mantas at the hospital where both were trying to kill snake after this Volgin and mantas work with xof and her skull faces command for seemingly no reason Vulcan is a brain-dead terminator kept alive by his hatred of snake and animated by mantis how could you ever convince these two to work with you how did the fire trucks of Volgin eat it into the sky get to the hospital of xof has the road leading there blockaded snake will never ask or think about Ishmael the man who got him out of the hospital alive and disappeared after the car crash I guess was down with the moby-dick naming scheme too since he conjures a giant flaming whale for no reason I'm on your side I like Troy Baker but his Ocelot is the worst interpretation of the character it doesn't even feel like Ocelot Ocelot is a man who once said there is no such thing as a supernatural here he is being chased by a burning man riding a unicorn while being controlled by a psychic child Psycho Mantis controls Vulcan and feeds off his hatred of big boss but Psycho Mantis can read minds so he should know which of the two were the real big boss yet he always sends Vulcan after a venomous snake if Psycho Mantis ever spoke I might understand why he takes an interest in any of this that goes for the rest of the cast as well snake rarely speaks quiet isn't talked until the very end bogan and Amanda's never say a word an Eli only has a few lines 90% of the dialogue in this game belongs to Miller and Ocelot Ocelot does not use a single action army revolver in this game considering Konami license so much music and cast Kiefer Sutherland you would think a classic gun wouldn't be too great an expense you remember your partner nine years ago cousin Tina Miller nine years back your private army came under attack by psychic do you remember snake may be paying for ground zeros was something you blocked from your memory seven days to Fort Kasim the three over land which means that snake has just ten days to get his atrophied body back into prime fighting shape after nine years of being in a coma and learned to use a prosthetic arm good luck with that what was the plan to rescue Miller of snake Hannah will confirm his coma Miller has an entire base full of mercenaries were none of them going to launch a rescue mission the idroid can display Holograms scanned documents manage base operations place orders for weapons and research dictate landing zones and targets and activate ISA gars but a snake wants to play some music he needs a use a Walkman I suppose sunglasses product placement is a step up from mgs4 they might have given snake and Apple two to carry around instead of the I droid I do speak Russian Ocelot has spent most of his life living and working within the Soviet Union but the game pulls some BS in order to get you to capture a Russian interpreter first took you soon Kojima had to spend a couple years developing the Fox engine first this is the point in the game where Miller flashes back to the events of nine years ago that put snake in a coma I'm pretty confident this is where you would have played through the events of Ground Zero has had an up and spun out into its own game so I'm going to do just that that's right this is now a sin video double feature but only because Konami cut it from the game so they could sell it to you separately just colleague wanton of obey it's a US military black site situated inside Cuba there's only one of those I have a lot of criticisms about mgs 5 but one thing I can appreciate is a cinematography Kojima did a great job utilizing one take camera shots if you're a wondering who Chico and pause are this is another case of important characters being introduced in a handheld game you were expected to play if there is one thing I am very happy about it's that we no longer have to worry about handheld spin-off game is being tied into the main plot now that the Nintendo switch exists and Sony has no interest in handhelds anymore if you're wondering who this GI Joe villain is and what he's doing here he's the most boring villain in the series skull face has no real connection to anything or anyone he just popped up out of nowhere to be the villain it would have made way more sense to have zero be the villain in this game due to his actual importance to the series maybe it's a detail buried in the cassette tapes I never bothered listening to but I have no idea why Chico keeps his head phone jack plugged into his chest pictured here is what every weeb imagines himself doing in that upcoming area51 raid pictured here is what the result would be for anyone attempting said raid Chico wears posh skull face gave Chico a recording a pauses suppose a death the problem is that skull face needs Big Boss to rescue pause for his trap to work what if snake had believed Chico in the tape and took off without finding her first she go up his Walkman recording once when he was transferred from the detention area to where Paz was being held for more torture allowing snake to use the recorded noises to locate Paz the question I have is why would a secretive military black site committing war crimes allow a prisoner to carry a recording device on him the medic is the one who becomes a venomous snake later I don't really see how a combat medic ever had the kind of training to become someone as capable as Big Boss no time for anesthetic shooter with snakes tranquilizer gun at the very least the Cobra you know had micro bombs hidden inside of their bodies to take their enemy out with them how come skull face had to use a bomb this big that required removing several opposes organs just to make it fit sure you could make the argument that he doesn't give a damn about pauses well-being but he knew this bomb would be so obvious that it would be removed that he had to place a second bomb inside pauses uterus look it's commander Miller and someone's OC from Metal Gear survived this is what I said after buying this game and discovering it takes less than an hour to beat after the second bomb inside pause went off and caused big boss's chopper to crash into an EXO F chopper Big Boss Miller and the medic were somehow transferred to a hospital in Columbia Miller was conscious while they resuscitated Big Boss meaning he would have noticed if Big Boss lost his left arm and had shrapnel sticking out of his head after the accident he never questions why Big Boss lost a perfectly good arm and as a horn nine years later the very same injuries the medic had after the crash my page I think the overhead costs of building and maintaining an ocean platform would make it hard to turn a profit for a mercenary company start bringing people in use this it's a Fulton recovery device the Fulton recovery system works by floating a balloon in the air attached to a cable then a plane such as a c-130 catches the cable and pulls the person is attached to off the ground and into the air the balloon never actually lifts the person into the air and Diamond Dogs doesn't even have an aircraft capable of Fulton recovery I would let this slide due to it being a cool gameplay mechanic but mgs3 was the first to mention Fulton recovery and described it accurately back then snake grows the ranks of Diamond Dogs by full tuning enemy soldiers from the battlefield and without fail every single one of them proves willing to leave behind their duty their nation and families to live as a mercenary at sea now select cardboard box and start development it requires money and research to develop a cardboard box I mean for crying out loud they deliver snakes box inside another box looking at all these posters put up around mother base and it's clear snake is recruited a bunch of weeps here's where the real problem was sending this game begins Kojima seems to have taken the criticism that mgs4 had too many lengthy cutscenes the heart but then went and over corrected because this game is incredibly sparse on both cutscenes and plot I already mentioned that most of the cast rarely speak but most of the game is just snake going on missions they're only vaguely connected to anything going on in the plot and much of the backstory and explanations are told to you through cassette tapes the game expects you to listen to you look well-rested Big Boss how you've changed you became a demon for such the two weapons as that skull fleece didn't know snake would come here on a mission to retrieve a rocket launcher for the CIA but he showed up in full force so the Metal Gear and the skull unit expecting it either that or he just really wanted that rocket launcher for himself rest in peace this time skull face sent an entire task force to Cyprus to kill Big Boss just ten days ago now here he has him helpless in the grasp of a Metal Gear and doesn't kill him but drops him so the skulls can do it instead the skulls can release parasites into the air that infect humans and turn them into what are pretty much zombies except snake is never affected by it despite being exposed to the same mist the skull you know make up most of the boss battles in mgs 5 every Metal Gear Solid game has seen the personality and character of the bosses degrade and this is the final result personality free super soldiers who have nothing but a creep factor this seems like a poor choice of location for a target range what if someone comes around the corner while practices in session says the guy who spends his revolver around needlessly to show off well not in this game Troy Baker apparently couldn't pull off any of ocelots known mannerisms and body language once you build the medical platform you gain access the pauses hospital room pause clearly died in Ground zeroes when the bomb insider exploded and destroyed big boss's chopper but snake reinterprets what happened that day so he discovered the second bomb and removed it before it exploded this of course is all in hallucination inside his head and I'm not sure what brought it about posh that's right it's her what about the bomb we were able to remove the explosives this hallucination is so incredibly elaborate that snake imagines Ocelot and Miller explaining it to him never mind the fact that the medical platform was just built so they would have had nowhere to keep her before that also you only get to speak with pause when you bring back mother base soldiers who have been wandering the wilderness for nine years somehow they all ended up in Afghanistan in Africa when they were originally on an ocean platform in South American waters and they all carry photos a pause for some reason do all female patients get mini shorts and tube top hospital gowns here or just the ones living inside venom snake's head thanks Kojima I really wanted the image of a young girl being fisted to remove a bomb seared into my brain the sniper battle against the end must have been lining in a bottle because Kojima has tried to recapture it in every game since with mixed results after the final moments of the boss why would you ever try to replicate it knowing it's just going to be a pale imitation Kojima is a 15 year old boy in a middle-aged man's body quite escapes her cuffs and seemingly jumps out of the helicopter but actually she cloaked herself and remained inside until a fighter jet attacks the chopper her mission is technically to kill snake and the game is incredibly poor at explaining on why she changed her mind well shake it off you're going to shake off a jet fighter while over open water in a chopper why it's rifle somehow ended up inside the chopper even though snake didn't put it on the chopper with her it was made clear quiet can get out of cuffs any moment she likes putting them back on isn't reassuring Kojima had a hard time picking what the parasites do to people they infect so he simply went with all of them quiets parasites let her turn invisible breathe through her skin and photosynthesize for energy that's the opposite direction of the medical platform where quiet cell is located when the time comes I pull the trigger Kojima should really focus on making trailers for games that he never plans to release because those are truthfully the best part of the experience Otto Kahn has talked about his family's dark history of developing nuclear weapons but he never once mentioned his father Huey designing metal gears I can't think of a worse place to build a secret development program for a nuclear-armed bipedal robot than Afghanistan the country has no infrastructure no resources hostile terrain and culture and it's a war zone let's pray that Kojima got this joke out of his system with this game are you dr. Emerich snake it's so weird that Kojima kept Christopher Randolph around to play the voice of auda Khan's father Huey but not David Hayter to play Big Boss I don't think there is a soldier alive that you could convince to use a walker gear in combat due to how expose your back would be skull face would have been killed when Saul anthros fell from the sky while holding him in its hand if psycho made this can control supposedly on pilot Abul Metal Gear due to its design how come he never volunteered to control Rex and shadow Moses would have saved a lot of trouble that he uses abilities for that one this is just like one of my son's Japanese anime it never gets old does it he was working with them Huey isn't wrong but the game completely glosses over Miller's connections to cypher why would you design your exoskeleton two legs have been that far in the wrong direction take a listen to this later I mean I could just tell you right now but Kiefer charges by the word so we can't risk a conversation cipher is pursuing new research in Africa why follow skull face to Africa when you know Saul anthropos is still here in Afghanistan a weapon to surpass Metal Gear meaning it's not just another nuke he doesn't say the thing he's known for saying runs to the pipeline from that facility taking it out should end the leak the client this time is an environmental NGO destroy the facility destroying the refinery is going to cause a much bigger environmental disaster than any leak not to mention devastate the local economy she never speaks sweats she breathes through her skin Kojima promised us we would cry when we discovered the reason why quiet where's practically no clothes oh just look at this river of tears I'm shedding white is infected with the same parasites at the end was infected with but the end wore clothes and only exposes head turns out your ability to breathe through your clothing is proportional to how attractive you are if Big Boss were smart he would bottle and sell quiets bathwater [Music] Kojima license nearly every major music head from the 80s for this game but he couldn't license happy birthday to you Wyatt opens have a crate of cigars with automatic fire but she's using a single fire rifle with a relatively small magazine in this mission a warlord higher snake to kill five of his men who turned out to be children but you can also recruit all the soldiers who were keeping the kids locked up which I have to assume makes for some awkward scenario is back at mother base when the kids run into them these kids are gonna have a bright future making Nike shoes snake can't Fulton children since the shock might kill them he had no problem full turning a wolf puppy back to mother base though variable multi leg tank a spin-off of Metal Gear technology the battle gear was cut from the final game due to it being overpowered so snake never gets to use it normally when content gets cut from a game that does remove all elements of it Kojima left all the cutscenes in because damn it he paid for Kiefer Sutherland and that guy only put in a weekend of mocap and this was one of those scenes you're looking at the Apple air bud testing process so does skull face personally finish off all the test subjects himself there's really no reason for him to be here how does a guy who is on fire inside a dark room sneak up on you can Miller get these kids some better clothes there had to be a losing Super Bowl team's merch to pick from hold on a minute when snake arrived in Africa he had to recruit another interpreter for the local languages now he speaks it himself just fine even liquid someone who loves the sound of his own voice barely speaks in this game words are pretty important in the storytelling process and ironically this game's plot is all about language and communication this game lets me beat children careful now that right arm is an important plot point later why is everyone calling him Eli he never mentioned that name himself nor did anyone else and he clearly hates it I wonder why liquid never recalled knowing Ocelot while he was a kid he might not have trusted him as Shadow Moses heady on the battlefield they used one another's nom de guerre here we insist they use their real names that's a strange rule to have considering everyone on staff a mother base goes by a codename except for Miller instead of acting like a psychopath and to cut out this soldiers tongue why I could have written a note explaining the situation she knows everything about the vocal cord parasite but doesn't even write a report about it once mother base becomes infected allowing many people to die before snake discovers the truth and how to stop it maybe going through personnel files and finding every single member of mother base who speaks kacang go and quarantine them sounded good on paper but in reality it's 30 minutes of clicking through menus when you have no villain characters to develop it gives you time to focus on what really matters the skull unit can create weapons from the metallic Archaea inside their bodies I could buy that if they were creating simple weapons like blades but they can even create advanced electronics like Thermal scopes the skull sniper unit is basically a repeat of the sniper duel with quiet which in itself was a repeat of the in fight after you complete this mission you gain the ability to create a parasite suit that can use the same powers as skulls have as long as you power it with parasites taken from captured skulls who never appear in the game again meaning you have to farm parasites by redoing missions like this and earlier once code talker is a 100 year old Native American shaman slash nuclear physicist slash biologist you can make a compelling character out of any of those traits but somehow they managed to make him the most bland and tired Native American stereotype possible they even do the candle trick and give him a peace pipe it's infecting my men could be in here snake already spoke English if he were infected with a parasite activated by that language he would already be dying stay quiet your life depends on it that shouldn't be a problem snake hardly ever speaks anyway they attack only those who speak a certain language so if the vocal cord parasite kills based on the language it is attuned with how does it tell the difference in homonyms like we and we in fact how does it account for an evolving dictionary slang who banach sin loan words how would a parasite know what language a word like Pokemon belongs to I'm pretty sure the pilot could have avoided flying right into the obvious cloud of unknown gas if metallic Archaea causes metal to instantly oxidize how come snakes prosthetic arm and weapons are not affected not only do you fight the skull you know once again you fight them in the very same airport you fought them at the last time to avoid detection for exporting minerals containing tiny amounts of uranium in the form of metallic archaea once on site Natalia Katya enrich the uranium even with enriched uranium created by the metallic archaea you still want eat a lot of sophisticated technology to weaponize it into a nuclear bomb load it onto all-terrain bipedal machines danger any country on cool even the smallest tourists up can become a nuclear power this is the same exact dumb plan Bulgin tried to pull off only even more ridiculous a giant robot isn't cheap nor easy to manufacture in quantity and maintain it on a battlefield and the only way skull face can even use the first one is because he has a little psychic boy controlling it another metallica can instantly over rise to criticality generator fail-safe only he controls we've such weapon can be deactivated whenever he chooses then nobody would ever buy one why does Kojima continue to think people would want weapons that can be turned off by someone else wouldn't the metallic Archaea also rust that needle what are those legs made of titanium titanium is largely a rust proof though ok p0 is beyond the Soviet Basecamp in a lab built by the Soviet philosophers what a surprise Sall anthros is located in the base where snake first saw it almost like it was being developed there or something I'm gonna be back up on this one and by that I mean I want you to fly around pointlessly in a helicopter above all the fighting I'll be doing Elie snuck on board the helicopter to try and escape mother base but where could he possibly hide inside the cabin you me we have no place to run nowhere to hide that is why I'll show you my dude I'll stop trying to kill you and drive you to the very heart of my operation even Cobra Commander would be calling skull face an idiot why not take the helicopter skull face was about to board instead of a Jeep [Music] he doesn't want to war and being ready to fight as a deterrent he's been trying to kill all of you for a while now and he has the complete advantage I've known you since your time at Langley I've long been the other side of your coin 1964 Soviet territory Fox's first mission any mess you made I was there to clean up you can't just drop your new villain into the game and claim his footsteps were there beside you the whole time this is simply trying to add importance to a villain who hasn't earned it the final parasites it knows English an English strain i exterminate english language you have to wonder why xof is so loyal to skull face after all its staff with americans who all speak english meaning they die if he ever releases the english strain of the parasite people will suffer ladies and gentlemen we have a subtitle it sure would have been great if we'd have been able to understand psycho matters at all during this game then scenes like this where he abandons volgen for eli would make some sense Psycho Mantis allows Eli to telepathically control Saul anthros which seems like it would weird Eli out since he has no knowledge of psychic powers or how to control a walking robot but I bet he wishes he remember this 20 years from now since he could have activated a Rex a lot easier why give it a penis Saul Anthes is way more advanced than either Rex or Ray that were built twenty years later with more advanced technology books that thinks of their existence would be enough to enslave humanity to we can't know they won't without skull-face who is going to build and distribute more of these things that control the metallic archaea that can shut down the nuclear self-destruct inside each one nor can he release the English strain of the parasite this is without a doubt the best Metal Gear fight in the series so sin removed even though this is just a repeated boss fight from earlier there were three where's the other that statement should really give away where the third English speaking parasite is it's not even settled hey it's this shut again I counted ten shots from that rifle without reloading it doesn't strike me as a good idea to bring Sol anthropos to mother base when they know it can turn itself into a nuclear bomb on command and they know skull-face plan to have that control be remote xof and cipher are still around who's to say they couldn't activate it it doesn't feel like this is over it should be the second act of the game feels like it was cobbled together from the deleted scenes of a blu-ray release I'm sure Eli will understand what this is and how to use it then again it never comes into play anyways outside of an unfinished cutscene that wasn't even released with the game watch the man to your left to your right assume nothing report everything well when you consider all these men have been randomly recruited from the Soviet Army in African PMC's without any kind of background check you kind of brought this paranoia on yourself this hallucination has gone on for weeks at this point with Ocelot appearing in it again to date snake on pause the status wooden sum of the mother based soldiers have noticed snake going into an unfinished hospital room and talking to himself what's going on it's down there hey take at the bottom is filled with pouring disinfectant one whipping your subject it's just a necklace wait for the gas leak to dissipate that's nothing to risk your life over I'm going to state something that might give people a reason to take everything I say from here on out with a grain of salt I actually think Kojima is pretty good at writing female characters sure his choice of camera angles often leave me feeling like a teenager trying to adjust my phone to take creep shots of women but that's just the toll you pay to get characters like the boss Eva and others but quiet never lives up to those past examples despite Kojima promising us we would cry once we learn why this poor woman has to walk around nearly naked while keeping her mouth shut we basically get all the TNA but none of the character depth very impressive we will still never get to use it Kojima used to cut unfinished content from his games you know you have confirm your suspicions about Huey before letting him build you a battle gear and oversee the repairs of Sol antipas I was under the impression that the man on fire could only move when mantas controlled him and where did the horse come from snake came to this base to retrieve oguns body there was no horse well good to see that whole Vulcan issue was resolved what a waste of an idea this scene is less sexy when you recall the fact that quiet is basically a slug the game runs out of missions to give you at this point so it recycles previous missions and gives you a handicap and the few remaining missions that are original still have you returning to places you've already been just because you got Kiefer Sutherland in your game doesn't mean you need as many interrogation scenes as 24 who infected you with a parasite you know that skull face had three samples of the English strain of the vocal cord parasite he said the third was close to you upon his death you know quiet is infected and she refuses to say a single word this isn't that heart of a puzzle to figure out also what does it matter what strain she's infected with code talker gave you the cure for it the bacteria that changes the sex of the parasite so they can't create offspring just administer it to her this was founded here - your lungs intact how did you get that flower pedal out of her lungs without surgery there's not good why I can speak two different languages English in Navajo an odd combination for someone who is a Native American the next few missions has snake going out to rescue each one of the kids that somehow managed to escape a military base at sea and individually make their way to Central Africa and Afghanistan just look at all that character development what was even the purpose of the pause hallucination it adds nothing to the plot develops no character and is all around a boring set of fetch quests with hindsight you are supposed to be able to create prequels they don't introduce conflicts with older games why would Eli later going to completely trust Ocelot after all this while not carrying it all for Psycho Mantis who actually did everything for him goodbye father I don't need you anymore this makes the second Metal Gear that's been stolen from Big Boss by a blond-haired kid the first being paused and that's the end of Eli's part in the game he flies away with the rest of the kids and Saul and the reson Big Boss and the rest don't even seem to care that a psychotic kid is out there somewhere with a nuclear weapon I mean that should be pretty easy to follow I'm not a clean snake shouldn't be able to smell anything through a gas mask kind of defeats the purpose of wearing one [Music] snake having to euthanize his own man infected with a mutated strain of the parasite is easily the best sequence in the game it even emulates the first level but this time snake is the one going to a hospital killing people considering everyone of the infected soldiers in here was speaking English you would think this would have something to do with mantas giving Eli the last English strain but no it was Huey's doing he leaked radiation into the building that caused a random mutation in the parasite it should be noted that the definition of random is self-evident but every single soldier on this platform developed the same random mutation yes Kojima you've seen Apocalypse Now we're all very impressed mmm gluten-free we've reviewed into everything else that's happened since you arrived here this doesn't strike me as a fair trial why even bother with the charade you know right here's not one of us but we are not responsible to judge an enemy snake sure didn't feel that way when it came to skull face quiet left mother base after the mutation incident fearing her own parasites might mutate then she somehow got herself caught by the Soviets she can escape handcuffs anytime she likes yet these ropes hold her just fine shouldn't quiet be suffocating with all those clothes on this wouldn't drown quiet she doesn't breathe through her lungs and she takes water into her skin as well what was the point of quiet being captured and pushed around if she could have done this at any time she wanted snake didn't even need to rescue her the battle against the Soviet tank division essentially serves as the final boss of the game and damn does it suck this would be an excellent time to put some of that field medicine snake learned at NGS 3 use quite as busted up from a tank round and snake gets bitten by a Cobra I bet snake is really kicking himself for not urging or indeed at a text option to the idroid the boss is with me use pig latin girl si ozb ACSA era hey ern Tate around yay why I never stated that snake had been bitten by a Cobra and she was unconscious when that happened so it's unlikely that Pequod's would have known one was wrong with him or what anti-venom to administer also anti-venom for the Caspian Cobra is not very effective so snake would still be in danger of dying and would not be able to move around is it fully healed why I just had a blank cassette tape on her where no pockets on that outfit well you could have written a note nothing like a quote from Nietzsche to let you know you're dealing with someone who thinks they're smarter than you it all ends where it began cliche literally in this case you were play the prologue in its entirety the long slow prologue full of lying on a hospital bed crawling on the floor in game 2 toriel's with only two small differences in the entire sequence this is you as you've lived on through Thursday this is a really lazy plot twist all things considered what's the reason for why the photo in the plastic surgery scene are different this time there isn't one I'm going to change you about pianos we have no other choice so to hide bitten snake from the people who want big mas dead the doctor made him look exactly like Big Boss the guy everyone wants dead and I thought snake calling himself Plissken and mgs2 was about as obvious as a homage Kojima could make to escape from New York you want to know how this game ruined the relationship between Ocelot and big boss Ocelot was so devoted to Big Boss that he dedicated the back half of his life doing everything to free and revive him but the two only briefly knew each other during the events of NGS 3 and again briefly after Big Boss awoke from his own coma most of ocelots time was spent with venom snake that's your name as today best change your face - good luck with that one this is supposed to be a few years later when Solid Snake is infiltrating outer heaven and ends up killing Big Boss only it was really venom snake thanks to this new cannon you would think Solid Snake would have noticed that this big boss has a robotic hand and a piece of metal sticking out of his head just like a doll
Channel: Dartigan
Views: 600,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal gear solid V the phantom pain, everything wrong with metal gear solid V the phantom pain, mgs5, game sins, gaming sins, cinema sins, ground zeroes, cutscenes, ending, deleted scenes, true ending, movie, bigg boss, quiet, quiet's ending, venom snake, kojima, konami, death stranding, dartigan, trailer, skull face, soundtrack, nuke ending, hidden scene, birthday, shower, memes, multiplayer, funny moments, boss fight, kojima fired from konami, paz, opening
Id: YQdIFmIrk4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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