GAME SINS 100th Episode | Everything Wrong With Assassin's Creed Odyssey

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[Music] have you ever gone fishing with your son no never I would have liked to a professor the only child of Leonidas we learned about is his daughter who ends up being the mother of the main character so it's on the Leonidas would reminisce about his unimportant son before his death Spartans that you have taken that's led you to this moment so how many of the actors were given the instruction be Gerald Butler or interpreted their role that way Persians come to make slaves of us all only we get to enslave other people and build our civilization off of slave labor and war a spearhead lying under what appears to be a small pile of rocks has remained hidden for over two millennium considering the hoops you normally have to go through to find ecco artifacts this one was surprisingly simple after origins I thought Ubisoft was going to recommit to giving the modern day gameplay some direction of purpose like they did back with a desmond after only a minute of laila and blond girl talking about this spearhead it's over and we don't see them again for almost the entire game and most of this scene isn't even animated it's just voiceover during an animus loading screen I cared as little for these sections as the next person but that didn't mean I wanted them completely excised from the game I wanted them to be made better with some unique gameplay you see that's the problem with Ubisoft they can't learn from criticism because they never agreed with any of it which leads a passive-aggressive changes where they act something people made fun of them for instead of improving it will change everything how many times is this promise been made in the series every damn time they go looking to the Past it holds the promise of changing everything but guess what nothing ever changes there's always another game where the status quo hasn't budged an inch despite the assassins accomplishing their goals because there are two blood symbols on the spear Leela has to pick which one to use I'm pretty certain she could hop into one memory and see if that person is carrying Leonidas his spear around and give the other a try if not but the game presents this is a choose wisely a moment it's really just a paper-thin excuse for letting you pick which gender you want to play if you weren't an assassin and you don't follow a Creed can you really call this as Assassin's Creed I kind of figured those two things were mandatory after all you can't make a witcher game if you aren't playing as a Witcher though this game tried it's best to do just that I fully admit to making the mistake of playing as Alexios instead of Cassandra I guess it's my fault for wanting to play as the same gender as myself in a game that gives me the choice but Ubisoft picked Cassandra as the cannon protagonists and hired a clearly much better voice actress for her how does the animus account for player choice there's a meta-narrative going on here the animus is supposed to allow you to relieve genetic memories as they happen which doesn't work if you were choosing the outcomes the game even has wildly different endings depending on what you choose meet Marcos the cousin Roman of ancient Greece this game's identity problems need to be professionally diagnosed not only does it try to be a Witcher game but you can also find elements of shadow of Mordor what with the combat system the random mercenaries that attack and can be recruited an even choice of weapons don't think I didn't notice their Alexios uses a broken spear is his offhand weapon much like you use a broken sword and shadow of Mordor it's ironic when you think about it since shadow of Mordor was once called an assassin's creed clone well now the shoe is on the other Lane but be careful you're alone maybe you should be the main character then or at least until we hear more of Alexios his backstory Oh speak of the devil the flashback that shows a happy childhood leading to tragedy has been triggered here's an idea rather than have people triggering flashbacks by saying something that reminds Alexios of his past just start the game's prologue during his childhood and let us experience it ourselves after being chased from his home in Sparta Alexio stole a boat and sailed into a storm somehow he held onto the spear of Leonidas even while unconscious and floating in the sea who in the right mind would find a child unconscious on the beach and think to themselves sweet new hire and other Cyclops will take everything away I can't protect you from him forever you'll kill me too Marco has borrowed money from the Cyclops to purchase a vineyard and now the Cyclops is coming for his money or Marcoses head I would assume the deal is that Marcos would pay the money back using profits from the vineyard but Markos hasn't even gone up and running with the enemy how do you feel about killing a general in memories who is this general they call him the wolf when hiring a mercenary to kill someone for you it is normally helpful to provide the name as will learn the cult of cosmos is in controlled Sparta so they want a Spartan general dead they could pretty easily accomplish it on their own every single one of your men you have sent a shakedown Markos has called you the Cyclops besides that you do realize you are trying to drown a man who only has one working eye himself for saying the word Cyclops if the cult want to get rid of Alexei was his family do them being descended from Leonidas they probably should have killed him all at once not drop the youngest and most harmless off a cliff while making the rest watch Alexei Oh should have landed in the same area sister fell and then discovered that she survived the fall too but Cassandra is nowhere to be found when he wakes up that wolf spot instead of having someone else kill your father the game gives you the choice of doing it yourself the ship makes a full return in this game after being relegated descripted moments in origins if you were like me you will engage with it as little as possible and fast travel to wherever the game wants you to go thankfully the game is happy to oblige since it rarely requires you to use the ship outside of selling islands you haven't unlocked yet next I would love to know why we sell an over punctuation as the way spartans communicate I've come to meet the wolf of Sparta sure he could he's right there all he has to do is yell hey pops would it be and then his father would notice him be surprised that he's still alive and demand to see him in private instead of that the game begins moving the goal posts by adding several smaller tasks a must be completed first this game is so artificially lengthened that I have expected it to send me emails on penis pumps I wish this game was a bit more like Homer's Odyssey meaning only two chapters survived and all the others were lost a time Harry Potter it's been a long time impossible I saw your phone yeah but I would assume you would have looked for his body so you could bury him since you clearly didn't want to toss him off the cliff and not finding your children's bodies would have clued you into both surviving the fall he's facing the ghosts of his past right now turns out it isn't that bad since his adopted son is alive and so is his actual daughter finding my mother she's alive Thomas why wouldn't she be she wasn't the one thrown off a cliff she's students not for long I'm afraid what are you talking about you're going to bring me her head of course are you out of your mind you kill the man who raised you for a sack of coins I only assumed you wanted your family dead as much as I do this cult goes out of its way multiple times they create their own worst enemy out of Alexios first they use the Oracle of Delphi to convince Sparta to kill Cassandra leading Alexios to flee Sparta then after tracking him down years later recruit him to kill his stepfather and self killing him then try to get him to kill his mother even though he has no reason to want her dead and since Cassandra is already a member of the cult they could have just had her do without ever involving Alexios and she is a true believer I lost my mother when I was young I have to find her where is she it's you from the visions the child on the mountain how could you know that you need to leave now if you didn't want to tell him anything you shouldn't have started with you the child in my dreams it kind of lets on that you know something oh god I'm not here to hurt you that's why I kick the door open and screamed the universal way of saying how do you do this is it it will chamber cultists here it's not really hidden it's right below the temple of apollo and there are people walking right past it the door isn't even locked notice the door opening on its own anyone pushing on it just like in Origins odyssey features an evil call with a penchant for wearing dark robes and creepy mask while trying to take over the world and it's your mission to assassinate all of them or not it's completely optional this time if you want to kill them the series about assassinating historical figures makes his most compelling element an optional side quest why don't you is a traitor the artifact will expose them let's see make every keltus touch the ec artifact to reveal which one is the imposter or just have everyone remove their masks Cassandra was an infant when her family was broken up and subsequently would have no memory of those events Alexios his memory should be meaningless to her nevermind the guy just casually strolling out of the cave before the meeting is over I totally got the real impostor the spear has never done this before in all the years Alexios carried it around I guess the power of flashbacks required you to stand only a night as his grave this is pretty historically inaccurate Spartans were no armor wearing only leather Underpants while rushing the Persians in slo-mo elegance what happened to the traitor Ephialtes King Xerxes paid him well but treachery breeds treachery a contract was put on his head and he died as he lived I seem to recall a knight is sticking his spear through his mouth right after he betrayed the Spartans for an advanced civilization the e-soo held no consistency in architecture design every game their ruins have a different look to them the one thing they could agree on was building all their important structures underground and locking them with glowing weapons which strikes me as more than a little odd it's like they knew they would one day become a dead civilization and decided to plan ahead it would be like us building the Smithsonian under a mound and ceiling with Han Solo's blaster since when did the animus required VR goggles the animus links to your sensorium and you experienced a pass as if you were actually there if you ask me the reason the assassins never make any progress in the present is because they are ironically too infatuated with the past imagine if they took some initiative and started assassinating their enemies instead of reliving the lives of long dead assassins tracking him would require following a ship because he told no one where he was going and it would be very easy to tell if another ship was following you in these times what you think Sandra you must have hit your head on the way down that's probably not the best thing to say to someone who was thrown off a cliff as a baby and no pointer in this conversation is Alexios I tend to explain what happened the night Cassandra is dropped from the cliff he just allows her to form wrong conclusion after another until she leads to her continued her crusade against Greece Athens was the world's first democracy but I highly doubt they would allow the soldiers of the city to throw pomegranates of Heracles during a political debate but what the image of Cleon is a purely negative figure is mainly because the two sources we have on him are both direct political rivals so I guess the only assassination that happens in this game is character assassination just tell me what to do first check on my colleague Madea who's my friend phidias needs to be taken out of Athens as soon as possible anything else yes there is an ostracism votes taking place that could use your influence 60 hours of content doesn't mean 60 hours of good content this game is like being stuck at a really scenic DMV this isn't even the first time this series has used that line origins data - why kill mature horses snakes with prisoners in our own city because of Pericles and his crooked friends the snake dealer told us it's time to send a message so the snake dealer convinced you that it was the best idea to kill your opponents with snakes that he sold you like what else would a snake seller recommend arrows if you look closely you can practically see the clock ticking by the time left on Phoebe's lifespan Alexio should be spilling that wine all over the floor with the way he's holding the bowl it's about time for Assassin's Creed introduced the eccentric character that shows up in every game in previous videos I've often taken a sin off for this character being more interesting than anyone else in the game this time I'm not even bothering throwing as many gay and bestiality orgies as you want Ubisoft nothing's changing my mind that this game isn't perfectly described by the first syllable and your title [Music] suddenly I'm getting super seducer flashbacks I couldn't help but notice your talent for debate well done you entered the party after he finished debating Socrates no way you heard any of it what news do you have to her whereabouts a physician named Hippocrates may have seen her in Argos what else LGB oddities gave me the name of a woman in Corinth that's all I have there is another option in a former life when I needed something done or someone found I contacted a friend so three new places to search just to find Alexios his mother just to be clear this game is no longer moving the goalposts no this is stopping the game of the 20-yard line suddenly announcing the game is delayed moving it to a different stadium in another city then requiring you to win five more games to qualify and then they move the goalposts a few inches away just because around this point is when you start running up against the level cap that bars you from progressing on the main quest by raising the level requirement of missions well beyond what one could realistically achieve by doing main quest and the occasional side quests resulting in enemies that can kill you in one swing and can't be stealth killed the plebeian standard edition encourages you to buy the XP boost from the store for ten dollars so you can skip the grind by levelling faster I recommend you spend nothing and skip the game even sketchy porn sites have more consumer-friendly business practices than this this game is fond of wasting your time but I dear viewer I'm not and will not waste yours by sending every single sin that happens while Alexios follows a trail his mother marina he left this entire hours long part of the game is so full of pointless padding that would add another 50 sins in 10 minutes to the video instead I will briefly rundown what happens then award the 50 sins it rightly deserves after her children were dropped in the cliff marina I found Cassandra's still alive but critically injured at the foot of it presumably she didn't bother looking for her son's body or question why it was missing she then took her daughter to the physician Hippocrates for healing but since there was nothing he could do he sent marina to a priestess who by sheer chance was a member of the cult that ordered Cassandra's death in the first place she convinced marina that the baby died from her injuries and for some reason marina a believed that and didn't ask for the body for burial then the cult raised Cassandra while marina left for the coast and became a pirate for a while before disappearing again that was many hours of gameplay that I just broke down for you and I am happy I skipped right over it do you think that maybe they are trying to hide the fact that there is barely a plot behind all this filler I see that Athens has gone with a playing filter it's a rarely used color filter but it has its uses such as being a lazy visual for an epidemic what do you think you're doing you're driving this mob to madness this this is nothing at first I thought the game was trying to make Cleon look crazy with sickness since there was no mob in front of him but actually I think the game glitched out and spawned the mob in the wrong place because I found this mom not far away intently staring at a statue even in a game said over two thousand years ago we can't escape oh so clever modern political commentary I told Pericles to coat these in Athens it's too dangerous it can't I thought it was the sickness doctor I'm just gonna lay it all out that áauspiciados very well that the cult is in Athens but took no precautions and sent Phoebe to her death because of it there's only one entrance into the Parthenon so how would Cassandra get past Alexio and the rest who were right in from the door to kill Pericles and then leave without anyone stopping her Meereen doesn't have the best guard on payroll for a city at war they lettuce strapped Alexios walk right in during a strategy meeting I've upgraded that spirit the EC ruins a few times and made a look a hell of a lot more fancy when Alexios finally reunites with his mother it's back to how it originally looked only I'd look for you that night like I did your little sister I want to know about my real father he sought me out before I knew your father Niklaus I have not heard from him in a long time Mirian starts playing the pronoun game so they can put off mentioning which famous historical person is Alexia was his father a little longer what's wrong soldiers from battles just may be unfolding to cove after spending hours upon hours building up to this moment they then interrupted with random enemies attacking a beach that you have to go and stop I have not to worry about now let me help you here we can safeguard Naxos and then hunt down the [ __ ] together do you want to know what I find to be the worst sin a game can commit is it's not bad logic poor dialogue or cringy characters it's wasting the players time there's at best a 10 hour experience stretched into a 40 hour one you need to find your father she's a difficult man to describe she's many things would one of those many things include a name welcome to Atlantis impossible I thought it was just a myth Plato would have only just recently wrote about Atlantis in the era this game is said during how can it already have been a myth my name is beatta Cortez I'm your father as goofy as this Atlantis stuff is I would have much preferred the plot been about this instead of Alexius and his family Lewis interesting parts are completely optional they are sealed and the artifacts to open them are missing so I need to find the artifacts and return them to Atlantis let's go ahead and add the Legend of Zelda to the list of games honestly confuses itself for that goddess was born around 570 BCE that would make the man in that cave nearly 150 years old yeah but you know very well that the ISA have all sorts of crazy technology how is a staff that keeps a person alive indefinitely that big of a stretch turns out Pythagoras is your father and wants a silhoue Atlantis so the cult can get their hands on it to do so Alexia has traveled to four corners of Greece defeat four mythological monsters and retrieve the artifacts they guard I tried finishing the Minotaur story but after completing several annoying side quests to unlock the fight the game informed me that the Minotaur was ten levels above mine meaning I might as well have been attacking it with a rusty soup can and this is despite all the side quests to unlock it being on my level so I made the judgment call that I didn't need this in my life and left side quest Island for Sparta where I could presumably find a fraction of the main plot buried somewhere in a mess of misalign goal posts only after finishing the main quest did I find out that this side quest is the main plot for Lela and the reason she's searching through Alexis's memories and completing it gives you the actual ending meaning Lela doesn't give a damn about Alexia's family drama either but it's forced to sift through it just like me my level of immersion just went up a notch so how the hell does this work the spear of Leonidas can allow its owner to experience the memories of Leonidas but we are also experiencing Alexia's memories as laila while simultaneously he experiences King Leonidas how deep can this even go can we then experience King Leonidas as he experiences someone else Sparta will not go to war the Pythia I spoke Pythia says what'd you tell her to say she has been your puppet for far too long back in the day the cult of Cosmos was much more open with the fact they were controlling Greece by telling the Oracle of Delphi what to say right in front of Li Unitas your fate is sealed son of the lion Sexy's with your night bus he will bring order to chaos earlier Herodotus said Leonidas received the prophecy that either Sparta would lose its king or its freedom and I would assume the lady in charge of prophecy was the one who foretold that but he'll that happens here defied the Pythia and everyone you love everything you stand for will perish well he does defy you and not only does his daughter grow up healthy she has children of her own Nicole never made any attempt on Leonidas his descendants until his grandchildren were born first prove yourself a lawyer bring glory to Sparta and redeem yourself in the eyes of the gods considering that one of these two kings as a member of the cult and Alexios being a criminal in the eyes of Sparta the cult is a perfect setup to execute him right here instead he plays along and gives Alexia easier task of winning the Olympics a Spartan army fights the Athenians in Peoria join the commanders there come back victorious or do not return the Olympics will be starting soon in a lease and our Fighting champion requires an escort so when a war and when the Olympics and they can have their family home back this is what we will be spending the next several hours accomplishing and this is near the end of the game Lagos ends up being the only way to conclusively prove which of the Spartan Kings is part of the cult and the only way to keep him alive is based on an arbitrary decision made way earlier in the game that seemingly has no connection to him hold up I have to do my standard hands on hips while thinking about dialogue options pose pistols testiclees is not an actual Greek name from the Classical era it's a faint greek name people have been meaning since at least the 80s and you better believe your ass they drive this third-grade humor right into the ground who do you think would win the most rhesus this year Athens will surely rise to the occasion I say Messi Nia al Kibby okay speaks in nothing but under and Barnabas needs to learn to use an inside voice testicle II strips over some apples and becomes a dead [ __ ] [Music] the guy was just eaten by sharks you can show a little remorse this game whistles out on the Olympics because back in these days Olympians competed in the nude I guess the devs couldn't make the Olympics a memorable moment in the game by creating multiple events so they just have you do a bank rating on using the combat engine and then you spend the rest of the Olympics figuring out which cult is poison or lucky of ID's hell my pen crayon glitched out and turned into a two-on-one with a random spectator not what you did what did he do exactly all I did back then was have Alexios talk to nikolaos spare him the nickel house walked away yeah he deserted the army but stint or acts like I killed him in Alexios doesn't bother even explaining what happened there are four a VOD on champions fighting for to get females I should have killed nikolaos instant are back in the first half of the game when given the choice now I had to deal with him and his list of side missions and what feels like a repeat of that level I thought you would date does no one in this family ever look for the body to confirm if someone is dead too bad you don't have a mask or a black cloak to save you this time even if you don't have enough proof to prove Palestinian as the culprit he just admits it to Alexius while the guards drag him out of the city then he walks around unprotected in the street to be easily killed while carrying evidence of his guilt allowing Alexios to prove it to the other king if the most is in Poulos we have to stop her now that we had the family house back let's go do the stuff that matters like finding cassandra we just so happened to show up again after this huge waste of time ended the only thing that could make the main villain of the game being defeated by a tree more hilarious as if Alexios was knocked out by one - turns out that the guy shouting make Athens great again ended up being a villain who colluded with foreign enemies to take control of a democratic nation Cleon sends two unarmed guards into Alexios to sell to kill him while he walks off without even waiting for confirmation socrates and barnabas two people not exactly trained in stealth snuck into this garrison in athens avoided the guards and stole back all of Alexia's equipment before freeing Alexios himself the plan to take down Cleon involves a satirical play in a public discussion where Alexios acts as the flammable straw man for socrates who set fire to this starting to see more and more like said wish fulfillment for modern-day politics looks like Leon is going to retaliate with a really nasty rotten tomatos review like all other Assassin's Creed games before it the ending just sort of shows up out of the blue and fills out a place there's this narrative technique called rising climax so this series could bother learning Cassandra was standing still while blade locked with Alexios so either you were intended to shoot Cassandra in which case mission accomplished and no negative exclamation needed or you made a shoot Alexios who you had no angle on and what of my daughter Cleon fired an arrow into demotius back the wound didn't look fatal she could still be alive yeah I didn't check for a body you know the story I need to go to Mount Petrus where it all began it's so painful that I was walking up the path that leads to it and nowhere else when you found me cassandra has a flair for dramatic Enders since she figured Alexios and Meereen would come to the mountain where she was thrown off it's very easy to convince someone with a dumb stereotypical ploy when they have no character to begin with well that wasn't so bad was it screw you game you don't know what I've been through my play time for this mess was 48 hours 48 hours for an assassin's Creed game with the main campaign wrapped up and the family reunited the game now expects you to earn the full ending by spending another 20 hours grinding to max level so you can defeat the mythological monsters and still Atlantis for your dad an idea that was about as appealing to me is looking pissed off a nettle so instead I pulled the ending footage from YouTube and that's what I'm working with here you can find a link to this original footage down below choose wisely get off Indiana Jones his dick already the staff of Hermes is what can't Pythagoras alive for over a century and as soon as he lets go of it he dies I can barely go a month without dropping my phone and that's something small and easy to carry the artifacts were supposed to seal Atlantis and keep anyone from getting inside but Layla just swam in no problem and presses a single button to unseal the entire place true knowledge exists this twist actually invalidates the entire series up till now why care about an order of people protecting ancient secrets when there was one immortal guy who knew the score outliving them all honesty is the earliest game of the series and it's basically rendered all the other games nothing more than a slap fight between two groups who didn't know anything about anything he thought glorious was right you are the key to the prophecy you yes you Laila you are the chosen child of prophecy not that Desmond bastard who the ISA predicted the coming of and who martyred himself to save the world the rules for living past your time and dying instantly really don't make much sense to me that's still a young man's body shouldn't he just age naturally after a languishing the staff this has been an odyssey I won't forget roll credits oh thank god from the guys who saw 300 you
Channel: Dartigan
Views: 736,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: assassin's creed odyssey, everything wrong with assassin's creed odyssey, assassins creed odyssey, game sins, gaming sins, cinema sins, review, cutscenes, movie, best ending, secret ending, atlantis ending, cultist ending, worst ending, alexios ending, kassandra ending, minotaur, medusa, music, soundtrack, trailer, greece, dartigan
Id: oQ4Qo-ndzVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 25 2018
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