GamingSins: Everything Wrong With Horizon: Zero Dawn (Complete Edition)

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[Music] well well well it's 2022 and i'm finally reviewing my 2017 game of the year horizon zero dawn one of the most beautiful and mechanically impressive video games i've ever played with one of the goofiest uninspiring names you could ever imagine i know it'll be explained later on in the game but it still sounds like a name you'd only come up with after hours of doing pcp in a bingo hall sony should be thankful horizon is now one of their premier franchises otherwise many people would have treated it like a generic title they'd only buy during a summer game sale only to forget they bought it months and years later it really shouldn't count against horizon zero dawn but when it was initially released on the ps4 it ran at a measly 30 frames per second with no option for a performance mode and i had to wait 4 years in order to play it at 60fps the way it was meant to be played on my pc and ps5 it doesn't matter how many film school rejects and failed movie makers try to debate 60 fps will always be the optimal way to play a video game especially when it's an action-adventure title like this one and sony should really get out of the habit of releasing their first party titles with a busted frame rate on ps4 and then conveniently supply us with an upgrade for ps5 years later heavily implying players should double dip if they want the ideal experience i would just invest in cryptocurrency and nfts if i really wanted to waste my money like that hi matriarch tirsa what is she doing here more importantly how in the hell does she look exactly the same here as she does when ayloy grows up even rost gets some frost in his hair when that time arrives and that's in the span of at least 20 years ain't no high quality old light cream gonna be laying around for you in this future speak her name disregarding my heavy attempt to avoid making a lion king reference here naming a child aloy while living in a world dominated by machines is enough to elicit that kind of eye roll you usually only see when you and your homie are tag teaming courtney from starbucks when she's gone through half a year of not getting laid what did she tell you about his birth outcast answer i've done only what you asked to raise it yes we said nothing of love nothing rost ever does evokes an emotion such as love he will clearly show that he is duty-bound by any means necessary he even gets into an argument with a loy later on telling her she shouldn't be attached to him what the hell are you even on about children come with me even in video games nobody gives a [ __ ] about gingers aloy is just a little girl at this point in time so her tumble down into the ruins at this height should have at least fractured a few bones regardless of her falling into this shallow water yet she walks it off with ease notice how they don't actually show ayleid dropping into the water it's because even the game designers know that her speedy recovery is [ __ ] the focus is a high-tech device that allows the user to enter augmented reality and serves as a crucial gameplay mechanic by letting you detect vital information about the machines including their weaknesses their patrol routes animals in the wild and important artifacts the only problem is that it forces you to move slowly dude i know it's called a focus but i didn't think it would literally halt my movement speed and break the flow of gameplay a shape it's connected to the door somehow how the hell does aloy even know what a shape is knowledge of things like geometry don't exist in this world anymore and a man like ross who is vehemently against things of the middle world would not be teaching aloy about anything other than survival what was that that boy the one running the brave trails following quick but didn't you tell her to ignore him because you two are outcasts ignore him we are outcasts and he is of the tribe if he's in trouble that should be the bravest problem to deal with it's only a matter of time before the machines find that point and kick him to death but if i shoot it'll cause a stampede teb is near the cliff wall there is no way striders which are based off of horses are going to be stampeding towards a cliff plus it's not the striders that usually do stampedes in the game it's the grazers that do that and you see that most prominently in the proving [Music] how are you doing dude it's stealth grass hiding in it while the machines are looking away isn't that complicated pretty sure even without the focus you'd be able to figure that out to my pleasant surprise horizon zero dawn has a dialogue wheel which is a great concept in theory until you realize that in practice it's kind of useless although it does allow you to choose how aloy responds to certain situations which admittedly provides some nice detail it doesn't fundamentally change the outcome of a game like say dragon age mass effect or even until done there's no morality system that'll keep you in favor or hostility towards certain people there's no option to betray the nor braves and side with a different tribe like you'd be able to in fallout it's just there to fill in the quasi-rpg gap that the game didn't really need now if you actually did include a morality or faction system in future games then you'd be well on your way to making a god damn masterpiece but as it pertains to zero dawn it's not as good as it could have been the proving the tribe's rite of passage held every year those who pass become braves but to the one who wins the matriarchs grant a boom well that seems like a pretty big defect in tribal law if they allow an outcast to participate in the proving you just said a couple minutes ago that the very act of speaking to a brave was against tribal law that boy should not have spoken to us it's against tribal law what alor is performing right here is called hunter reflexes keep in mind that you have to unlock this ability before you can use it in game yet she's doing it right here in a cinematic which is before you even take control of her adult form did someone forget we were supposed to go hunting this morning hundreds of years into the future and yet eloy still talks like a socialite who didn't get whipped cream on her mocha frappuccino proving once again that california was a mistake it's called the forbidden west for a reason you will find out in more ways than one how terrible ailoy's jumping distance is in this game even after showing you a montage clip of her doing exceptionally well for a woman who was raised in the wilds for her entire life you would think she'd be able to make bigger leaps in her adult life and when you actually get to control her which does not happen this yellow rope along with the white ledges are the only methods you can use to properly climb obstacles effectively limiting your options of where you can ascend all the landscapes throughout the map this is an open world game which means it is heavily based on exploration this is the last mistake you want to be making when designing a world with captivating locations nearly every side quest in this game is either this batman style investigation where you gather up all the clues of what happened during an event prior to your arrival or a tracking mission where you need to detect the path of a certain individual and then follow it both of which end up with you fighting machines it gets repetitive after a while which is why i usually opt out of playing them and this has always been the fatal flaw of open world games they try to pack in as much content as they can which then distracts from the narrative that's attempting to be told if you're going to have side missions best not to present yourself as a buffet when the only available food you have are biscuits and collard greens horizon zero dawn unfortunately suffers from mass effect andromeda syndrome where at times the facial animations are stiffer than a corpse going through rigor mortis i can go to my local ventriloquist and find more expressive emotions and dummies than what i find here and that's a shame since the game is so impeccably detailed in every other department if it weren't so heavy on conversations with the dialogue wheel you'd barely notice it and probably not even care but it is and sony unfortunately doesn't have that [ __ ] you money to invest in more resources so that the animations can be near flawless these campfires are the only way for you to save your game and you only have a limited supply of fast travel packs that allow you to well fast travel so if you happen to come across a huge monster and you want to save because there's no campfire around you but you end up getting killed you're jolly well [ __ ] horizon zero dawn has one of the worst cases of map clutter i've ever seen it's like if galactus took a dump all over the map and we get the displeasure of viewing every single fecal particle and then we subject ourselves to visual diarrhea the waypoint marker is so janky that it's like a manic depressive child who can't decide what ride they want to go on at disneyland and now we come to the crowning achievement of horizon zero dawn which is its moth [ __ ] gameplay and how varied it is to make you really feel like you're a huntress especially in the later game you'll be able to use trip casters at pinned down machines with different element types such as shock fire and blast when you think you're going to be surrounded by their attacks get them stunned and finish them off with a critical hit there will be different aero types such as the tear blast which removes any machine parts and thus can take away any artillery advantage that they would have against you there's numerous traps arrows that can temporarily corrupt machines to fight on your side rope casters that'll tie down the biggest of enemies and immobilize them for a brief period of time and allow you to set up more attacks and you can damage certain components which will inflict status effects including burn freeze and shock you can override machines and either pit them against each other if they're in a pack or you can ride them and use them as your transportation across the map in certain instances you can remove a weapon component and use that as part of your arsenal effectively using their own parts against them and it gets even better with the frozen wilds dlc where you obtain a forged fire ice rail and stormslinger which vastly increase how quickly you apply status effects against your enemies you combine all these together and you have yourself one of the most exhilarating combat experiences in gaming and on the harder difficulties holy [ __ ] does it get intense gorilla continue this great work and you'll continue to have my support are you sure they're going to let me in i've told you eloy by law any child outcast can run in the proving then why did you give her such a difficult time explaining that she could when she was a child you realize that lying to kids and withholding the truth is only going to be a detriment to them in the long run right it is eloy isn't it i'm remembering your name correctly dude she never revealed what her name was when she saved you and she stayed silent that whole time in preparation for this day i've made an outfit for you well that's just quite the dedication there ted you have now successfully elevated yourself to super simp status cause how the hell did you calculate her measurements when she's been outside of mother's heart all these years up until now every outfit offers some advantage it's always a trade-off speaking of a trade-off time to point out the awful design choice of having the tinker ability being a skill you need to unlock and not only that it's a level 4 skill which should be a basic skill that other games would have given you as a starting ability for free meaning if you value other more important abilities it's going to be a long time for you to be able to remove and reuse weapon coils and outfit weaves because you know you're a huntress out in the wilds and using mods for your weapons and outfits is a necessity maji this is a world that is regressed back into a tribalistic society this is not the time to be wasting food why does lanza hate me so much she is a woman of extreme opinions more than that i cannot say translation we had to have at least one matriarch hate you and give no valid explanation as to why just had to create some unnecessary drama wow sounds like all my past relationships find your bet outcast and dream of winning the proving that's the closest you're gonna get you sir practice [ __ ] [ __ ] tactics because you won't give her respect even after she wins the proving and confirms you are wrong ah you even try to dress like a real nora not that it fools anyone behold this barren wasteland where i grow my [ __ ] for i have none to give to this insecure worthless fatherless blonde [ __ ] let us carry on with our day and erase him from our memories just like the plot will comforts and distractions that's what i think not all comforts are bad ladies and gentlemen that is not an editing mistake on my part that is an audio bug that exists within the game and horizon is plagued with him now i will have you know that the footage you're watching is from the pc steam port however it was recorded in december of 2021 which is well over a year after it initially released on pc now maybe at someone from gorilla or someplace else sabotage the pc port because of some console loyalty and vindictiveness i don't put pettiness past anybody these days but a year and some change later and your port still isn't fixed is not going to get you in good faith with many players and convince them to get invested in your properties so during the proving eloy gains her trophy and has it destroyed by bost and she has to try to gain a new one this places her dead last in the final run yet she will end up winning first place when it's all finished i know i know the game gives you a reason that the path she took was a shortcut but this noir later said it's an old trail that's falling apart and she's dead last this ain't f-zero where you can turbo boost your weight to the front of the finish line and gain your victory unless those other nora got hit with a banana peel power-up which didn't happen kill them all no witnesses no survivors and yet helus will taunt aeloy by choking her out just to assert his dominance man's been taking that red pill content a little too seriously yep that's a saving the hero in the nick of time cliche all right burn it all then to your task or you could just you know not be an idiot and just finish off alien rost thus fulfilling your goal you see i barely tolerated eloy surviving her tumble into the ruins but now she also gets to survive being tossed off the side of a snowy mountain [ __ ] she doesn't even need the shield weaver outfit with plot armor this strong all commanders halt excavations and proceeded once to the mission point avoid all contact with nora savages but if you are seen kill every witness well that directly contradicts what we just saw none of the nora noticed the eclipse until they started firing and the whole point was to eliminate aeloy because she almost exactly resembles elizabeth sobek so why not just wait until she was isolated and issue the kill order then she only won the proving to look for answers anyway so she would have been away from the tribe and venture off alone eventually is there no other trail to follow [Music] owen he was one of the outsiders the night before the proving the killer saw me through his eyes he lives in meridian olin actually never mentioned that he lived in meridian just another explorer looking to uncover trinkets to sell when all this is over i'm back to delving ruins rummaging for scrap scrounging up trinkets to sell well damn i didn't actually expect someone to incorporate the assuming direct control meme from mass effect 2 into their game it became forgotten for a reason because it was dumb as hell the hit detection when firing your arrows is some of the most pathetic i've ever seen in a video game it's akin to aiming your dick directly inside the toilet and you end up pissing all over the bathroom anyway even though you know you pointed your flesh cannon correctly you made them obey you wow this that corrupter was clearly firing its corruption through its spike launcher but this is an override module that can only be effective up close the only way you can override a machine from long range and have it fight on your side is through corruption arrows and that's only temporary may ubisoft forever be damned for introducing this bland radio tower unlock system and convince the industry to permeate it throughout all open world games let it one day join quicktime events in the band world of video game design where it belongs damn what kind of bow is sona using and why can't i possess it ain't no shock arrow i ever use that's that powerful plus sawtooths are weaker to fire arrows instead of shock game i don't think you understand the concept of a silent strike i'm surprised that didn't alert the whole damn camp by how loud it was oh man this one is too damn funny ladies and gentlemen so check this out when i first met nil he offered me tips on how to take down this bandit camp near devil's thirst however i went ahead and cleared out the bandit camp before meeting up with him and discussing a plan of attack because i had forgotten i spoke to him and thought oh a bandit can't let me just gain some xp real quick so when i actually did go speak to him this dude is talking to me as if i didn't already conquer the bandit camp and then you get an interaction like this go ahead and take the lead i look forward to seeing what you're capable that's the alarm let them sound it and normal come running it's a gift and if you're the heroic kind who needs a little extra there's the captives [Music] like game please register that a player gets ahead of you before you want them to makes the immersion a little bit more unbreakable speaking of which nil is a former cartridge soldier eloy occasionally encounters whenever you raid abandoned camp after you've defeated all the bandit camps he requests that you meet him atop a mesa and he'll challenge you to a duel you can either accept or decline if you accept and then kill him he doesn't drop a special weapon for you to use nor can you take his gear and refit it for alloy that much time invested into a character i think warrants its own reward dodge prowess is one of the most effective and useful abilities in the game however despite alloy possessing a spear there's no block button for incoming attacks you face a fair bit of human enemies and a claw swipe is the primary attack for a good chunk of the machines so it would have only made sense for alloy to have a block function yet it's not present maybe that's just me having my disdain for dodging and wishing to perform parries but my argument still stands speaking of missed opportunities for abilities there's no option for alloy to use the shield from a shellwalker as a defensive tool to balance it out so that it's not an overpowered item since it's been removed from the shellwalker's body and it needs the generator to constantly power the shield once you kill a shellwalker its shield will just be a temporary item that'll break once all of its remaining energy has been depleted from incoming attacks from every enemy you encounter that way you'd have an incentive to hunt down shell walkers and use their parts once you get to higher levels that'll help you against the more aggressive and tougher enemies you got a cauldron named sigma but no alpha nor beta i see that iframes were left off the priority list of technological advancements to be made you only get 4000 xp for overriding a cauldron those things take a significant amount of time to complete and i've come across side quests where you get more xp and a fraction of the time it takes to finish a cauldron i need to find olin i need to know what he knows but he's a friend no he's a traitor i don't know who the killers are or what they want but i do know that olin is working with them but i mean this i don't need you to understand aaron i just need you to take me to him you know you can't just tell aaron that you saw yourself through olin's focus and that's why you're after him being honest and upfront with a man who just allowed you entry into meridian is just basic human decency and appreciation this is the time to start building your relationships and trust is the best approach to do so you're starting to sound like a woman that just shows up to a guy's mansion and then demands access to the cocaine pile without contributing anything to warrant that okay how are we gonna get in [Music] oh that was subtle i mean it worked didn't it the [ __ ] you complaining about how convenient that ailoy finds a pallet of iron ingots in the workshop which just so happened to be directly above the supposed indestructible asaram vault hatch that leads to the basement looks like olin kept a journal olin i knew he could read contracts but i never took him for a poet i mean who would he has a focus that can communicate every piece of information he needs to the eclipse in secrecy there's no need to be writing down his guilt in a journal that reveals his treachery especially when it's inside of an apartment within a city ran by the very people he's betraying as someone would eventually find it which is exactly what happens here how did you learn to read glyphs and these things that you see how do you do it the focus it reveals the unseen and olin's focus it's the same the device is the same but somehow olin and the killers can speak to each other with their focuses over distances and see through each other's focuses too like looking through each other's eyes see how simple it was to reveal why you're after olin but more importantly is it really surprising to know that focuses have a neural network that allows its users a wide variety of functions and that olin and the eclipse can communicate with each other through their focuses as well as see through their eyes you've had this device for a good chunk of your life so far thus you've had plenty of time to understand it and now know its capabilities in and out this should not come as a shock but you intend to bring these ancient things back to life and why are you talking like you're surprised by this you already detailed this in your journal getting hit while you're behind cover there's no way to override a stormbird and then ride it throughout the map damn the broadheads and striders i got new heights i want to soar through the rule of three cliche is dedicated to continue plaguing my existence take the one on the right well you'd be pretty damn screwed here if you didn't get the death from above skill by now don't assume everyone's gonna play the same way game if you required a certain skill once the player gets to a certain mission maybe eloy should have already had that skill by default especially considering she spent her entire life in the wilds and would have acquired that technique by now if i set it off the explosion will destroy those corrupters and collapse the wall too but it doesn't make sense for the corrupters here to be dormant the whole point of the eclipse unearthing them is to have them reactivated by hades and the corruptors here are clearly above ground so they would have had to have been reactivated in order to bring them to the metal ring in the first place this ring is one of the most important bases for the eclipse they should be having as many defenses as they can to protect the amount of blaze possible especially when ailoy and varl were able to exploit an opening in the ring they should be having the corruptors active just like they will have at maker's end pastors didn't even have any glinhawks on top of the ring to patrol over long distances this is the deathbringer one of the ancient machines that helped eradicate all life on earth thanks to it being replicated at an alarming rate and honestly i am unimpressed i expected it to be much bigger and it's prone to overheating so if you have an abundance of fire arrows you shouldn't have that much trouble with it even on the higher difficulties now that horus machine the one they call a metal devil that's what i wanted to fight shadow of the colossus style but we never get to do that in this game and thus my competitive boner remains flaccid what is this the entity this is hades the rogue ai whose voice olin said was terrifying and chills you to your very bones it's more like a voice i'd hear from a chaotic neutral dj who's had one too many long island iced teas for the night and decided to play a gag on their friends with their audio mixer things giving off major harbinger vibes and trying way too hard to sound threatening and just comes off as a massive dork unacceptable unacceptable so with hades realizing that eloy still lives you wonder why helis never wanted to confirm eloy's supposed death after the proving since he's directly under the command of hades and the whole point of the attack at mother's heart was to kill aeloy since she closely resembles elizabeth sobek and you wonder why hades doesn't accelerate its plans to reactivate the other death bringers upon this realization maybe even harm ailoy's allies like aaron and varl to distract her and make her lose support so that she's less likely to succeed unacceptable unacceptable unacceptable youtube's decision to remove the dislike button why not just explode eloy's focus as well if that's what hades is capable of and prevent her from acquiring the knowledge she desires maker's end turns out to be the ruins of pharaoh automated solutions the corporation responsible for creating the machines that wiped out life hundreds of years ago yet it doesn't require an alpha level clearance like the one at all mother hell it shouldn't even allow dna access since elizabeth sobek wasn't even on good terms with ted pharaoh prior to the reveal of the chariot line going rogue as evidenced by the purge data we end up recovering elizabeth get to uh it's been years where's your legal team ted no need i dropped all 18 lawsuits the money landed it's not bad ted it's apocalyptic you built a line of killer robots peacekeepers that consume biomass as fuel in emergencies and you made them capable of self-replication limited self-manufacture controlled terminator the matrix blade runner irobot 2001 a space odyssey basically any piece of science fiction that deals with rogue ai and you make them all look like geniuses compared to the absurdity you've perpetrated damn the stratosphere you managed to reach all new [ __ ] levels of stupidity with this decision in 15 minutes i meet with general harris and the rest of the joint chiefs what are you crazy now your choice is what i tell them sign and i'll tell them the wealthiest corporation on earth has guaranteed the funds necessary to build zerodon exactly as i've designed it or don't sign and i will make sure they and everyone else on this planet knows the real cause of the glitch vero automated solutions was the largest corporation in the world at that time as well as having the largest amount of military contracts i think the joint chiefs would know the real cause of the glitch it was pharaoh robots that ceased responding to command protocols after all this doesn't add up sobek couldn't have been my mother she lived ages ago all this searching and i'm still no closer that's your reaction to everything you've just learned to whine like a spoiled child my man's silence that's exactly what the [ __ ] i'd be saying if i'd been searching for knowledge my entire life and came across someone else who uncovered the mystery within minutes leave it to lance reddick to put everything in perspective and be the most interesting character in the game so you have a face got a name to go with it of all the questions you could ask right now that's the one you choose exactly ello's been living in a post-apocalyptic world her entire life and she just found out the reason why the world is in the state that it's in and learning silence's name is what she decides to wonder about when you obtain the double and triple shot abilities you have the option to add more arrows to a bow shot while you aim however if you decide to switch to a different arrow type but then immediately switch back to the arrow type you were initially going to use the arrow count gets reset back to 1 and those extra hours you added will be gone even though it makes some sense it breaks the flow of combat and adds unnecessary frustration that shouldn't exist in the first place what are you doing out here all alone where are your men i'm not going to risk their lives i don't mind putting my worthless ass on the line but not theirs your men are part of the sun kings vanguard they're definitely capable of handling a few machines plus this is going to be quite the contradiction when you end up requiring their help while finding maraud's operative in pitch cliff there's really no need for alloy to use the focus here the blood tracks are clear as day and can easily be detected by the naked eye aaron had said his soldiers had already gone over the ambush how the hell did they miss these details no matter what happens i will eventually get hoed by a video game it's just that some instances are far more severe than others like the one you all are about to witness so juicy they are that i can't help but laugh while face palming into oblivion behold utter stupidity [Music] that's worth these many sins this is ursus helmet i thought she died in the field below but must have been here all this trickery for what feels like it's just a torch in me what's crazy is that that's not too far from the truth ursa's whereabouts have been a pretty big deal up until this point we went from thinking that ursa was not that easy to break to thinking she was dead from the ambush to now believing that her body might have been switched out with someone else wearing her armor only to find out she's still alive but ends up dying anyway this is charles manson levels of emotional manipulation all that's so durval can erect and stroke is revenge boner rock breakers are the biggest [ __ ] in the game literally on higher difficulties they like to use the cheap shot only tactic of burying underground striking you and before you get a chance to retaliate go back underground oh you got a few seconds to bust out your rope caster to tie them down [ __ ] you barry back underground not to mention all the auto tracking they do ursa has an enemy among the oceron a warlord named derval impossible every clan in the claim has been hunting for him since the liberation he has to be dead by now then there would have been confirmation about his death such as bringing his corpse as proof of his demise never assume an enemy is dead until you have concrete evidence of so i expect to find him lurking somewhere near the border i've already sent an agent to investigate he'll be waiting for word from us at the marketplace well if he was that easy to track how come every other clan has never found him maraude has made it seem like it wasn't difficult to find him at all so why would derval go to so much trouble to kidnap bursa he felt she betrayed him she fought by his side until she realized he planned to raise meridian and butcher its people and she came to me together we stopped him and liberated the city from my father durval has spent every moment since trying to get revenge but the whole reason why derval wanted revenge was because of the mad sun king sacrificing his family for the blood rituals the same mad sun king ursa navad eventually overthrew thus there was no longer a need for vengeance since the man responsible for the loss of his family was now dead that he still has a vendetta against ursa because of a false sense of betrayal foolishness derval foolishness if i can't find something maybe my focus can game developers you all really need to stop this [ __ ] having the main character verbally backseat by voicing hints and assuming that the player is stupid this is an action adventure game some people like to play at their own pace and figure things out on their own in my case here i was just attending to other business and forgot to press the pause button if you want to give hints just put them in the options menu and let people decide whether they want them on or off game doesn't allow you to override the machines while they're in chains after vol's camp derval is a tinker but he doesn't have the technological prowess alloy has nor the access from the override component that lets machines fight on his side your vows says you gotta eat dirt then try actually aiming your weapon at your target a narrow staircase with a clear opening of eloy and you still manage to fire at nothing you deserve this l i got a message from durval saying he wanted to parlay i didn't come for you because i knew it was a trap i couldn't let you get hurt just didn't think it'd be that good a trout thought i could take him out but he's still a master craftsman and this is information you know already since you fought together side by side do we really need to be subjected to another pride goeth before the fall scenario revolves planning something big in meridian he said he'd force avod to watch as the smoke darkens their precious son character dies right after spilling crucial information cliche cauldron what's that ah you're from inside the embrace so you've never seen one i'll have you know that by this point i've already unlocked two cauldrons sigma and row yet elo's talking like she doesn't know what the hell they are so the game didn't bother to alter the dialogue here in the event you've never noticed this quest until much later in the game so that it can actually match the progress you've made so far a letter it mentioned a shipment of blaze being sent to a warehouse here only it wasn't addressed to duvall the name was aland forgeman does that mean anything to you a landlord the asarama have been buying up buildings across the city including one under that name it's by the edge of the mesa near the temple used to be a shop but it could serve as a warehouse if durval used the name as an alias to buy it he might even be there now take him alive so you can haggle over him you can't be serious our security depends on keeping the peace well considering that derval has managed to get blaze into meridian under an alias right under your noses without you suspecting him you're not doing a good job with your security if that bomb downstairs goes off it'll be just what derval promised smoke will darken the sun as the city goes up in flames that would make more sense if the bum were you know bigger this is just one pile of blaze now if we're talking about a stadium-sized pile of blaze on the scale of say sunfall then that would be something to be concerned about help me push this out you were able to push a pallet of iron ingots earlier all by yourself and those definitely looked a lot heavier than a pile of blaze yet the blaze is what you need help with pushing you robbed me of my right to kill your father so i'll have to settle for you so this is just another case of the sins of the father shall be bestowed upon the son even though the son is the one who killed his father thus absolving the karja of their sins take notes viewer beware of revenge boners because if they're erect for long enough they will cut off the blood supply to your brain something's wrong it didn't i i didn't hear anything damn right you didn't that was a pretty hefty explosion aloy and aaron detonated back at the mesa and that didn't grab your attention looking back and barely getting a glance at alloy when she was following you didn't tip you off that someone was attempting to foil your plants no it should be a firestorm not some belt from a charcoal burner then maybe you should have added mo blaze to your plan oh you must be the nora who bushwhacked my cow wait so you know who she is and yet you still didn't prepare for her bomb or no bomb i'm gonna splatter that throne with blood first yours then avodz newsflash you could have already killed a vaude had you not decided to follow the villain trope of letting your enemies live when you should have killed them you all just took derval to imprison him and nobody is keeping watch on him the grave horde section of the game is loaded with audio logs and text data points that are unnecessary the game is going to have plenty of holograms and cutscenes later on that'll clearly explain as to what happened hundreds of years ago this is barely enough to be considered a repeated boss fight it moves so you do have a good idea of how to deal with it if you were to encounter it again and it is corrupted but it's the same type of enemy model with the same weak points now i just need to find the orbital launch base they talked about i've checked my data and located the base that's the good news and the bad it's directly underneath the citadel the palace at sun fall the palace is crawling with eclipse agents many in positions of authority all of them wearing focuses the moment they see you hades will too he'll issue another kill order and this time the entire shadow card your military will be after you that's what they should have been doing already as soon as hades recognized that aylo was still alive back in maker's end it'll always be hilarious to me how the merchants are just randomly placed throughout the map many of them being nowhere near a settlement so very much like resident evil merchants basically have the protagonist as their only customer in the hopes that i actually noticed them when exploring not exactly the most lucrative business plan you got there so when ailoy reaches a tallneck within the eclipse space hades is present the entire point of being here is to disable the focus network so that alloy can venture through sunfall unimpeded but by doing this silence basically served alloy to hades on a silver platter he's made it very clear that he's here to serve his own interest but a major part of those interests is to keep aloy alive so that she can uncover the mysteries he has failed to solve himself warning her about haiti's presence here so that she can properly prepare for him would have made a lot more sense in what ended up cannot occurring me i am beyond its reach maybe you are but this isn't man screw the focus network how does this not disable hades the tallnecks connected to the metal devil where hades resides however this does not include you know chasing after the entity to make sure that she's dead once she's escaped you know underestimating our enemy even though she's already proven to avoid death multiple times business as usual down here in antagonist alley so afterwards i came across a group of shadow karja inside of sunfall without a disguise and they still weren't on high alert and attacked the nora girl who looked suspiciously like the one that was supposed to have died at the proving you and i need to chat with huntress the green tent down in shadow side woman did you just activate a side quest for me while i'm in the cutscene for a main quest a side quest that isn't gonna benefit me in the final mission of the game zero dawn is not a super weapons program and it will not save us see this is where context is very important he says that project zero dawn will not save us even though it's designed to do exactly that terraform the planet so that it can be habitable again for the humans of the future yeah it doesn't save them the people who are building zero dawn and the ones who are responsible for building the robots that destroyed the world but it is designed to help birth a new generation of humans when the planet is terraformed to become livable again [Music] remember second highest difficulty setting ladies and gentlemen xerodon's extinction fail-safe protocol the ultimate killer app now i know what you're thinking the purpose of gaia is to resurrect life so why give her a subordinate function only purpose of which is to wipe out life all over again i mean what the what just i'm crazy ain't it well no it isn't reconstituting a biosphere that's a tall order tech smartest guy it may be odds are she won't get it right the first time what you're gonna do gaia is step aside while hades takes over and does what you just too darn nurturing and life loving to do which is burn that misbegotten mess of a biosphere to the ground so gaia can start over or now hear me out here for a second you design gaia properly so that she doesn't end up making mistakes in the first place and if by chance gaia does make a mistake why not design a subordinate that you know adapts to correct those mistakes and make adjustments instead of destroying the whole plan and starting from scratch all over again are you really so naive there will be no who waiting for you there eloy whatever birthed you into the world was a what not you bastard oh no i had a legitimate birth it's you a lord who are the creation of a machine but what kind of machine and why why were you created because she is the chosen one all right not like we haven't been setting her up as a messiah figure this entire game what with the virgin birth the ability to miraculously survive fatal injuries winning the proving being anointed a seeker and saving the sun king of meridian from certain death that's a pretty major security oversight if a simple firebomb can break through elizabeth's office you know the most important person in the success of project zero dawn in the old times still alive good i have a more suitable death in mind for you or you could just take your blade to her skull right now since you've already failed to kill her during the proving then again i don't think it'd be powerful enough to penetrate her plot armor so you're sol first person point of view at a critical plot moment when i heard that you had survived a doubt took root in my mind wait so you did know about her survival and didn't make any preparations to destroy her by i don't know informing your eclipse organization about her appearance to recognize her since the focus network is down those i am paid to kill die and yet i failed how why plot convenience my g it is undefeated in the realm of storytelling and you are its latest victim i kept thinking of the moment my knife pierced your throat one twist a simple tug of the blade and you would have bled out in slaughter i am a practiced hand so why hesitate why fail my destined purpose now that's just main characteritis it's very much like divorce if it ends up affecting you it has a very high chance of defeating you speaking of sacrifice i forgot to tell you after you crashed the eclipse network i sent messengers into the east to rally the forces there and mount an invasion of the sacred land i ordered every nora killed i was hoping to catch you there but alas it all seems to have been unnecessary so after acknowledging that eloy crashed the focus network which is outside of the sacred land why would you then think she'd go back to nora land where you initially thought you killed her before she settles her business here and then you try to eradicate everyone except your main target you are too much man what in pineapple pizza's hell is this [ __ ] did the bomb transport me to the d make of horizon zero dawn silent seven aloy in the flesh for the first time this entire game was pretty hype and he brought three overridden ravagers with him showcasing that he has more talent than you probably expected from him and that he ain't no pushover well done you know those three ravagers still have cannons mounted on top of them maybe use them against the corrupters instead of just pouncing them just throwing that idea out there damn y'all really not being subtle with that messiah energy anymore arya overlapping dialogue i always knew you weren't like other nora neither are you varl maybe if we survive all this i can show you what i've learned what i'm learning perhaps if the goddess so wills it color me extremely disappointed that this relationship did not develop further than it could have i know a lot of writers these days think it's cliche for men and women to fall in love with each other but news flash that's how the human race survives this is precisely why a lot of people find eloy boring as hell because all she cares about is saving the world and literally nothing else aloy and varl could have done much more than just respect each other's abilities just put it this way if eloy somehow manages to survive this whole saving the world ordeal what's going to be awaiting her afterwards if she hasn't established any personal or romantic relationships i mean just cause you've accepted your fate of dying alone does not mean everyone else should as well i thought you might actually be here this time actually here why my presence is unnecessary you don't need my help to pass through this door you were the one born to do this not me but you are the one who has been relentlessly pursuing knowledge his entire life and you've been trying to get through gaia prime for years this is the perfect opportunity to acquire that which you have desired all this time and ensure eloy survives her journey plus you just admitted this has also been one of your workshops so ted farrow you know the guy whose robots are responsible for life going extinct in the first place yeah he decided to cash in his chips to reach legendary [ __ ] god status by simultaneously killing all the alphas responsible for building the super intelligent ai that's meant to correct all the mistakes he created also that he doesn't pass on his shame and regret to the next generation who will learn about his atrocities maji thanos and palpatine had more morality than that hades wants to send a new transmission to wake the machines so they can devour the world all over again so the eclipse the robots they've resurrected they're just a means to an end look game i really don't mind if you rip off mass effect 1 it is in my top 10 of all time favorite games after all but you could have done it a bit more tastefully you don't want to be like me and simply make minor improvements on a format that's already been established i just find it hilarious that a scorcher whose main power element is fire is not only able to survive but thrives in an environment that is composed almost entirely of ice and their weakness is freeze the technique of overriding machines is pretty inconsistent in the frozen wilds you have the banuk many of whom are tinkers and are able to summon glinthawks to carry the helms of their fallen warriors suggesting they're able to control machines somehow then there's naltuk who is tasked by aurea to observe and prevent the spread of the demonic machines and the control towers that have been popping up around the land yet it never crosses his mind to destroy the clearly visible weak spot on the control towers whenever they emit the pulse signal that repairs and rallies them to hunt to strive that is the way of the banuk and of the contest before you and as challenger your path to victory is harder well then not really consistent in your beliefs on striving for strength if your champion gets a clear advantage over the challenger so doing your little tribal dance to manipulate smoke into an air vent reactivates an ancient facility and opens its doors for you yeah sure game i mean dlc land is the perfect opportunity for you to make up rules as you go along so y'all are just gonna waltz through an active volcano with little protection and just gloss over it like it's no big deal this is the fire claw by far the toughest enemy in the game and more than worthy of being the final boss of the frozen wilds dlc however the fight against it is marred with constant interference from control towers that periodically appear to repair the fire claw it's like if david fought goliath and the philistines were constantly tossing holy water at goliath to restore his hp so that he doesn't get embarrassed by david survive prevail you are banuk what else matters quite the audacity of you to recite his own banuk model back at him after his own sister sacrificed herself you know the same sister whom he didn't want to endanger again but couldn't do to your own stubbornness you haven't seen what's up there outlander i will not risk my sister's life again then we'd better get home with this give me up top now i need explosive ammo above quick you want to demand a foot massage in a back row while you're at it it's not like he's also clinging on for dear life or anything also our attack tosses aloy a firebomb that wasn't equipped on his person just a few seconds ago one of the biggest what the [ __ ] moments i had while playing horizon zero dawn is how you had to go into the quest menu and select tutorial for a particular weapon in order to gain xp for it instead of you know simply equipping the weapon and use it on the necessary machines to show its capabilities and then rewarding you so here i am nearing the end of the main campaign and i'm using a beginner weapon to gain xp from a tutorial that was issued to me at the beginning of the game silence are you there i guess i shouldn't ask ghosts for advice maybe try wearing your focus then and what do you mean by ghost you mean the ghost you've met in person a couple times already one would not be blamed for thinking avod as a weak-willed and incompetent sun king he needed eloy's help to be saved by durval and now despite the warnings from eloy did not properly prepare the defenses for meridian as helus is able to infiltrate the sundim and catch him off guard with a surprise attack [Music] i am chosen this was not meant to be guess the sun must have forgotten to tell you about the villain curse you possess now your spirit can play ping-pong with itself in the shadow realm for all eternity while i do enjoy the machine horde battle the asaram cannons i use have unlimited ammo and are so powerful you kind of wonder how hadesada would succeed with how easily the machines can be decimated by them that's a deathbringer dragging hades literally right by alloy and does absolutely nothing failure to confirm the kill of entity is unacceptable unacceptable unacceptable so you mean to tell me hades has enough strength to actually raise the machines that have been completely buried but then still needs time for the biomass conversion protocol to be initiated even when the machines are now above ground to get a clear signal boost look there isn't a lot of time left i have to face hades not alone my fight your fight that will end up costing humanity should you fail so just take all the help you can get now is not the time for foolish pride arrival of entity has been anticipated has it now so you admit to willfully ignoring her when she was incapacitated as a deathbringer was hauling you next to her the final boss battle of horizon zero dawn is just a souped-up deathbringer so not only is it a repeated boss fight it also decides to use other machines to assist it since it can't defeat me on its own meaning it's committing one of my biggest personal gaming sins what is this [ __ ] the matrix how does stabbing hades transport ailoy to the digital world i could understand if the focus opened up all new holograms for her to tamper with exclusively since the master override is attached to silence's lance but this looks like an entirely new realm of existence [Music] i can tolerate elizabeth's body remaining at a ranch for hundreds of years since it's been in a nano suit this entire time but her being able to hold a souvenir in her palm the entire time now that's just complete malarkey has its rewards don't you think sure especially when you can expand and then proceed to waste all that knowledge in the sequels [Music] i have to find a way to fix it all and the answer is somewhere out in the forbidden west [Music] you
Channel: GCN
Views: 78,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cFyyQDDgo0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 19sec (3079 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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