Game in a Nutshell - Lost Ruins of Arnak (how to play)

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[Music] hello and welcome to neet hrania game club my name is branislav beretz and you're watching another episode of the game in a nutshell series which is designed for explaining the board game rules today we're going to learn how to play lost ruins of aarnak from czech games edition to set the game up first prepare the cards shuffle the deck of artifacts and items and place them face down on their designated spaces on the game board then place the deck of fear cards on this space place this moonstaff under this symbol which indicates the first round and then deal one artifact face up to the left of the moonstaff and five items to the right of the moonstaff then take these idle tiles shuffle them and place a random tile face up on each of these eight spaces of the level one sides then these level two sides will receive two random tiles one of them face up and the other one face down then in a two and a three player games some of these spaces with two boots will be blocked with the blocking tiles actually in a two player game all of them will be blocked in a three player game shuffle these styles and reveal three of them at random and the revealed symbols determine which spaces will be blocked in a four player game these blocking tiles are not used then shuffle these research styles and place one of them at random in each space of this research track spaces with this symbol will only get a child in a 4 player game and spaces with this symbol will get a tile in a 3 or 4 player game this space near the lost temple will get as many tiles as there are players in the game so in a 3 player game it will get 3 tiles the same applies to all these 6 temple spaces each space will get as many tiles as there are players in the game so in our example each stack has exactly three tiles finally shuffle the level one side tiles and place them face down on the dedicated space on the game board do the same with the level two side tiles and also with the guardian tiles shuffle these assistant tiles and place them into three stacks with four tiles each with the silver side up each player then places their research tokens on the starting space under the research track the area in the bottom left corner of the game board is dedicated for resources however i like to have them in this kind of trace each player will take a player board and then four starting cards of the same color plus two fear cards from the draw deck place your two archaeologists in their tents shuffle those six starting cards and place them on this space on your player board as your draw deck then randomly determine the starting player who will get the start player token and that player will start the game with two coins the second player in a player order will get one coin and one compass token the third player would get two coins and one compass token and the 4th player would start the game with 1 coin and 2 compass tokens the game is played in 5 rounds each round has 4 phases in the first phase players will draw cards from their draw decks up to the hand limit which is 5 cards then in a second phase players will take turns starting with the first player and then continuing in a clockwise direction on your turn you can perform one main action and unlimited number of free actions those are actions marked with this flash symbol there are six main actions in the game you can dig at a site which means you send an architect to a site and gain the resources you can discover a new site which means you send an archaeologist to a new space uncover the new site and with that you awaken the guardian the third main action is actually overcoming that guardian fourth action is buying a card fifth action is playing the card from your hand the card which doesn't have this flash symbol which indicates an instant free action and the sixth action is moving up on this research track with your research tokens when you're done playing all your cards and actions your turn phase is over you have to pass and when all players pass the entire turns phase is over then there are two small administration phases first you have to take all your cards you have played and place them face down to the bottom of your draw deck and then this moonstaff will move to the next round which also affects the cards in the display then the game ends at the end of the fifth round and then players will count up their victory points which come from different sources first of all players will score victory points based on their progress on this research track if you make it to this lost temple you can also score victory points from these temple tiles each idol tile you gain is also worth 3 victory points each card you buy also has a victory point value and each guardian you overcome also scores 5 victory points the player with the most points is the winner now in the next chapter of the video i will explain all those 6 main actions on your turn after you draw up to 5 cards in your hand you can perform one main action and unlimited number of free actions those are these instant actions with the flash symbol you can perform these free actions anytime before after or even during the main action as i will show you during the next couple of minutes when you decide to dig at a site you have to take one archaeologist from your tents so from your player board and place him on one of these empty spaces at any discovered site however to do that first you have to pay the travel cost to pay those travel costs you have to play a card or card from your hand all cards have these travel symbols in the top left hand corner and the card you play has to have the symbol that matches the symbol at the site so in this example i have to pay one boot symbol when playing a card take it from your hand and place it somewhere in front of you into something which is called play area in two and a three player games some of these starting sites will have one of the spaces blocked which means there's only one space available other sites will have two spaces available and if you place your archaeologist to this space you have to pay two boot symbols that means you have to play two cards from your hand or simply one card with a double symbol and you can always use more powerful travel symbol instead of the less powerful symbol so when you have to play the card with the boot symbol you can always play a card with the ship or card symbol or even the airplane symbol so when paying two boots in this example playing the card with the boot symbol and then the ship symbol is perfectly okay even this card would be eligible because both ship symbols are more powerful than the boot symbol you may never use the ship symbol instead of the car symbol and vice versa and anytime on your turn you can spend two coins and hire a pilot which means you gain one airplane symbol you can use this instant action even repeatedly don't discard the cards you have played keep them in that play area so after paying the travel cost you get the resources from the site keep those resources in your personal supply one last note if the site has two spaces available you can use the same site with both of your archaeologists when you decide to discover the new site you will add new sites to the game board to do that you not only have to pay the cost of travel but also the cost of discovery this cost of discovery for these level 1 sites are 3 compass tokens or exploration tokens the cost of discovery of these level 2 sites is six of those tokens that means that to discover this site you have to spend three compass tokens and also one car symbol a travel symbol when spending the compass tokens or coins you may use the ones which you have in your personal supply and then you may use these unlimited number of free actions for each card like this you will gain one compass symbol from the general supply since we need three we may play another card and gain another token when you play the card for the symbol for the treble symbol you may not use the effect of the card so in this example we would play the card only for the symbol and not gain the coin now after paying the costs you will send your archaeologist from your tent to the space of the new site immediately take the idle token from that space resolve the effect of that token in this case it's one coin and then place it face down on these crates when you discover these level two sides take both of those tokens immediately resolve the effect of the face up token and then place it face down on your player board and the other one is just a bonus you don't resolve its effect you simply place it on your player board then after you take and resolve the idle tile take the top tile from the corresponding stack and place it face up on the game board and again immediately resolve its effect so here it's another coin and two tablets however you also awake a guardian so draw the top tile from the guardian deck and place it face up on the side these guardians are actually not that dangerous their only effect is that when you stay here until the end of the round when you take your archaeologists back you take one fear card to avoid that you can either overcome that guardian or you can escape that guardian with the help of certain cards later in the game players can even freely place their archeologies to this side even if there's a guardian there again if they stay there until the end of the round they simply take a fear card this is a standard dick at a side action so you only need to pay the travel costs there's no need to pay the discovery cost again as i already mentioned keep these idle tokens on these crates they are worth three victory points at the end of the game however any time on your turn you can spend that idle and place it on one of these idle spaces and take one of these five immediate actions since you only have four slots on your player board you may use these instant actions maximum four times per game and if you don't for any unused space you will get the victory points shown on that space at the end of the game as i said guardians have no effect other than giving you a fear card at the end of the round however when you overcome the guardian each guardian is worth 5 victory points so when you have your archaeologist at the side with the guardian you may overcome that guardian by spending the resources shown on that guardian tile after paying those costs take the guardian tile and place it next to your player board each guardian is always worth 5 victory points at the end of the game and each guardian also has this boon effect you can use this effect once per game and when you do flip the tile face down some of these guardians provide the travel symbol again when you use that symbol flip the guardian face down over the course of the game you can improve your deck by buying a card as one of the main actions on your turn the cards are divided by the moonstaff which moves right at the end of each round so as the game progresses there will be more artifacts and fewer items in order to buy the card you have to pay the cost which is in the bottom left hand corner and when you buy the item card you place that card face down to the bottom of your draw deck so it's very likely that you will draw that card at the start of the next round then immediately slide all other cards in the direction of this arrow and refill all the empty spaces from the corresponding deck when you buy the artifact you may immediately use the effect of that artifact and then move it to the cards in your player area note that at this moment you don't have to pay this tablet resource i will talk about that in a minute then again slide the cards and refill the empty space with the new cards from the artifacts deck if the deck runs out there will be no more cards added to the card display another type of the main action is to play the card from your hand and it's the card that doesn't have this flash symbol that means that card is not an instant action to play a card you simply play that card in your play area and you use the effect of the card which is described at the bottom of the card you may never play the card for its effect and also for the travel symbols you may use one or the other you may never use both obviously when you play a card as the main action you may also play other cards with this instant symbol when you play the artifact card as the main action first of all you have to pay this tablet resource and only then you can use the effect of that card some artifacts have additional costs as the effect of the card so in addition to the tablet resource in this case i would have to pay the compass tokens to take the effect of the card you can find the explanation of all the symbols and effects of those cards in the rule book however there's one symbol which i'm going to mention right now and it's this symbol which means exiling a card you can exile a card from your hand or from your play area so it's a very nice way how to get rid of these fear cards when you exile the fear card you return it back to the fear deck when you exile the item card or the artifact card they are placed to these spaces on the game board exiled items and artifacts are actually the cards removed from the game with the research action you may move one of your research tokens on this research track each player has two research tokens the magnifying glass and the notebook and you have to remember that you have to research first before you write something down so your notebook may never be higher than the magnifying glass both tokens move independently so the magnifying glass can go one way and notebook can go the other way again notebook may never be higher than your magnifying glass so when you take the action you choose one of your tokens then you choose the space where you move this token pay the indicated cost and then after moving the token you take the reward from that row when you have the tokens at the starting spaces they may move to any of these spaces however the magnifying glass from this space i can only move it over here because it's not connected to this space any number of tokens can be in the same space there is absolutely no limit when you move you have to pay the cost first then if you are the first in a space with this research token take the reward immediately and then discard the token to the game box then resolve the rob effect in this example magnifying glass would give me one exploration token or a compass token in the first row it was one coin and if i would move with the notebook to the first row i would gain one assistant you can resolve the research token and the rob effect in any order you want these victory points are not awarded now they are scored at the end of the game when the rob effect shows one of these assistant symbols you may choose one of the face up assistants take that tile and place it on your player board these assistants have immediate effects which you can use anytime on your turn and when you do rotate the assistant 90 degrees to show that it was exhausted while most assistants have this immediate effect there are some tiles which you can use as the main action of your turn again after using them exhaust them when the reward shows this gold assistant choose one of your assistants that is still with the silver side up flip it to the gold side and refresh the tile when the magnifying glass reaches this top row you farm the lost temple place the token to the first available space with the highest number of victory points and now choose one of these research tokens there is always one token per player available this top row can only be reached with the magnifying glass notebooks must stop over here when you found the lost temple which means you have this magnifying token at the lost tempo and when you do the research action you can buy one of these temple tiles in order to buy these two point temple tiles you simply have to pay the cost shown below the tile so for this one it will be one coin and two tablets to buy this six point tile you have to do the little pyramid so you have to pay the cost from both sections over here so to buy the tile from this stack you have to pay one jewel and one arrowhead and one compass token to buy this 11 point tile you have to pay all three costs one player can buy multiple tiles from the same stack however you can only buy one tile per action when you're done playing all your actions and all the cards from your hand as the main action of your round you may pass with this pass you may still play any free actions any cards from your hand and i would strongly advise you to do so and with that your round is over and when all players pass the entire round is over at the end of the round first take all your archaeologists back to your player board however when you take them back from the side with the guardian take one fear card add it to your play area or the discard pile return your archaeologist and if this is the end of round five skip everything else and proceed to final scoring otherwise if you would still have any cards in your hand you might keep them for the next round or discard them then shuffle your discord pile and place it to the bottom of your draw deck then refresh all your assistants and the starting player token moves to the next player in the clockwise direction then exile one card on both sides of the moon staff then move the staff to the next round and refill the artifacts with the new cards from the draw deck the game ends at the end of round 5 and players will calculate their final scores first gain the victory points from the research track based on the position of your research tokens in this example blue player would score 21 points for the magnifying glass and 6 points for the notebook red player would score 23 points for the magnifying glass yellow player would score 12 points and this is 10 points for the red player for the notebook token then add the victory points from the temple tiles if you have any then five victory points for each guardian you have whether you use their boon effect or not then three victory points for each idol you have regardless of their position and then additional victory points from the unused slots for these idols add the victory points from your cards and don't forget fear cards have the negative one victory point then sum up all your points and whoever has the most points is the winner when you play on the snake temple side of the game board it has different travel costs and also the different research track when setting this research track up place number of assistants equal to the number of players in the game to this rescue the assistant's place then two assistant stacks would have three tiles and the third stack would have all the remaining tiles then when you move to this space you have to pay one idle that means you have to take one of the free idle tiles from these supply crates and remove it from the game you may not remove the idle tiles from these slots then you can secretly search through the deck of these assistants and then take one of them and place it on your player board however you have to place it exhausted that's why those assistants are placed like this on the game board and not like this this reminds you that you take them exhausted and finally when you get to this space you have to take one fear card and add it to your play area so that's how you play the lost ruins of aarnak if you would have any questions or comments i'll be happy to answer those if you like the series please subscribe you can even support the channel on the patreon page my name is branislav you've been watching game in a nutshell and hope to see you next time
Channel: Nithrania - Play It Right
Views: 4,877
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: game in a nutshell, how to play, playthrough, walkthrough, instructional, tutorial, video, videotutorial, nithrania, let’s play, rules, board game, hra v kocke, ako hrať, ako sa hrá, návod, videonávod, manuál, pravidlá, hra, stolová hra, deskovka, desková hra, jak hrát, jak se hraje, review, recenzia, recenze, lost ruins of arnak
Id: lZnCknQzaO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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