Lost Ruins of Arnak - Round One PLUS

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welcome to round one the show where we usually play just the beginning of a game to show you what it's like today however we're going to play a whole game of lost ruins of arnak from check games edition who helped sponsor this video the game will have us setting out to explore the island of arnac discovering ancient artifacts overcoming monstrous guardians researching our findings and trying to do those things better than everyone else at the table it has the unique combination of deck building worker placement and resource management and you'll see us try to coordinate all of those things as best we can through all five rounds of the game welcome to the table today we are here to play the lost ruins of arnac yeah jeremy spent about an hour hanging this box back here so appreciate it uh the game right here is definitely worth appreciating this mixes up a lot of different things as you probably may have heard about it already it's got some work replacement it's got some deck building both of which are pretty tight you know the deck building you only have a small deck of cards and you only have two workers to place when you're placing them and they are archaeologists because we are exploring the island of arnac and hopefully researching information to get to the top of this temple and it's all about scoring points like any good euro game is we're going to be getting new cards fighting monsters or overcoming guardians as they put it but we're going to jump right in because we don't want to bore you with all the details of how to play so you're going to hopefully learn as we play the entire game right here so we're in round one of round five which is noted right here at this cool looking staff i'm not sure how that plays into the runes of arnac but it's maybe there's some mysterious magic it looks like the staff of raw there's some moon stuff going on but it is a this is not a final production copy right this is not this is a prototype although i am told artwork wise and i must be said the artwork in this is fantastic uh is very very final all right so uh there's a couple different kind of ways you can use the cards these are all multi-use cards i'm going to use my first action because each player gets to take an action we're going to go around the table until all of us pass i'm going to use this as a fast action to get a gold yep i'm going to put that gold right here and then for my main action i'm immediately going to spend this three to buy this card here anytime you buy items um it's going to go to the bottom of your deck yeah it's kind of interesting because you're not going to just dump all your cards out on your turn we basically play one action at a time until we all pass and then those cards will guaranteed be in your next hand for the following round that's my main action it's your turn i'll take a compass all right compass compass that is a fast action thank you so there are some fast actions anything you have on your cards that have a little lightning bolt i know are going to be not counting as your actions so yes you have a main action to take and can i do more than one it's just one fast action per turn and you can do infinite fast actions well then um yeah the fast actions are typically things that are going to get you stuff really quick to pay for other things yeah and i'm looking at this fancy thing but i don't have three companies three compasses i don't have this because it goes right into our play area right off the bat like yeah i'm not gonna be able to use the ability right away yeah the artifacts unlike the items when you take those you're able to put them immediately into your play area and resolve its effect for free because usually the artifacts cost a tablet but that effect is going to be hard for anyone right now oh she's still going after compasses i am and i'm going to do something down here with your archaeologist yes please which location uh are you wanting gold three compasses thing you just want to go to one of these down here nope one of these oh one of these yeah oh no because i have three compasses so i'm just going to put them right here the best one for me well it depends you're going to need a card in your hand that has a jeep travel icon to go to these two locations or these two or a ship icon in the upper left-hand corner all right you wanna probably a gold at this point sounds like all the other stuff's not gonna help you so you paid so what happened is kira paid the three compasses because whenever you're exploring a new location you have to pay this cost right here to go to these locations then you also have to pay this cost right here and all of these are travel icons that are located in the upper left hand corner of your card there's boots there's jeeps there's ships and there's airplanes there's a hierarchy there airplanes count as anything ships and uh jeeps can count as boots and boots are sort of bottom of the barrel so she's paid all of her costs she instantly gets this idol okay which gives her a gold coin and you place that idle face down on your player board and those will come into play later we'll explain how those might work are those spent coins yeah i'm just putting here because i'll reach across the top then we're going to discover what she found and she found this sort of old cree the artwork in this game is fantastic by the way she found this new location and this is going to serve as a new location that people can go to on their turn the other cool thing is now that it's on the board others including kira don't have to pay the three compasses to go to this location that's only to explore a new one so you immediately get all these things unfortunately that includes a fear card uh but on the upside it includes goes into mine bottom of my oh the fear card will go into your player oh it does okay cool beans all right the fear cards just so you know are kind of cards that clog up your hand a little bit and they're also worth negative points at the end of the month and then there's a guardian yep yeah flip over that guardian oh it's like some kind of weird mutant warthog thing that's i think the technical term for it uh the guardians are going to come out as soon as the location is explored the bad news is they have to be defeated eventually unless you want to take more for your cards the good news is they're not going to attack right now so it's flipped over and we all know now that if you go to this location and want to overcome that guardian you're going to have to use that action to do so and spend a boot a gold and an arrowhead and you will take that guardian you'll get five points at the end of the game and plus they have little powers that you can use so you kick it you pay it off and then you use an arrow yeah yeah that's it right there makes sense you're distracted when you when the kick doesn't work you try to give it gold it doesn't want to bargain all right is that it that's your eye that is your eye that is correct all right i am going to visit the base camp these spaces down here are considered base camp you don't have to spend any compasses to go to them which is great so i'm going to use my fear as a boot action which means i can take my archaeologist and visit any one of these spots i'm going to visit here and take the to gold in addition i am going to do a fast action of funding which is going to give me an additional gold and that is that is all i'm gonna do right now for my first turn yeah some of the actions can be pretty straightforward like this one i'm gonna play this fear card the fear cards aren't completely worthless they do have a boot on it like ryan just used i'm going to use that to take my archaeologist to this location here and get an arrowhead that's all i'm going to do one thing i will point out ryan is generally you want to keep your cards in your hand as long as you can just to give you that flexibility sure um as opposed to getting the coin oh i've got my turnpike okay okay all right on my turn i'm going to use fear as well i'm going to send my archaeologist right here i'm going to gain two compasses two compasses uh and that is um that's your turn that's me okay i'm gonna use my other archaeologist and two boots to get an arrowhead all right i think i know what here is that all right i i'm going to use my action to buy a card i'm going to spend four coins to get the precision compass all right so those are gone the precision compass goes into the bottom of my deck now i will be more precise than you at least with your compass at least when it comes to my compass and is that your turn and that for right now is all i'm gonna do all right i am going to research so when you research there's this research track over here which is the temple of arnac and you're going to move a magnifying glass up and then potentially a log book your magnifying glass has to be beyond where your logbook is your book can never pass your magnifying glass you have to study something before you can write about it exactly i'm going to spend a compass and an arrowhead to do this to move up my magnifying glass right here and when i do that i'm going to get the reward for the magnifying glass spot which is a gold very nice that is my turn all right i am going to spin this to get a compass but you don't need to give me one because i'm going to spend all three of them to send my guy right here with this travel of the funding uh this is going to give me a coin immediately help y'all and it's going to reveal something from that stack of fun yep what did you get the stack of fun two compasses or oh an item card for free any one of them wow yeah any item card not the artifact but the item oh boy oh i know which one i would pick draw a card from the bottom of your deck that's a draw card and get a coin yeah i mean this is a this is a deck building game so drawing cards is always good yep so that's the one i'm going to put this right here on the bottom and not that it'll make that too much of a difference but just so you guys know every card in those decks is unique so there's no repetitive cards it's fine no one else will be able to have a precise compass because i don't have a guardian let's see what part you take it's called the large backpack it makes sense oh look at this guy two compasses and an arrowhead to beat him looks like some kind of angry leopard now i'm going to point this out the angry veteran i'm going to point this out really quick because we have two guardians on the board i want to remind uh jeremy and kira that at the end of the round if you have not uh overtaken that guardian you will take another fear card into your deck cool that's not cool but then she can beat it i'm the one on this expedition in charge of naming everything which means nothing on this island will have serious names that's not a good idea no it's a terrible idea actually are you upgrading she's researching himself she's researching i think yeah so paying a gem yeah to move up uh here yep yep so that's gonna get you a gold got your gold right there thank you and you uh that's it that's it so i can't i don't have three compasses i cannot visit a location that they've already visited so i'm a little limited i have to get compasses so i will get a compass with exploration unfortunately that only gives me two compasses i would need three so i really can't do anything with my turn here i'm going to have to pass but i will use all of my well no actually i don't have to pass nobody took this spot did they yeah i was going to say you'd never want to pass without you're right never want to pass out using both your guys you might as well get them but i am gonna just i'm gonna use all my cards so you may as well so you'll pass on your next turn right so basically i'm saying i'm done all right i am going to buy a card i've got two gold here okay i'm gonna spend this two gold to grab the bear trap i didn't realize some of those cards on the cost of gold i guess i could still buy a cart in the future the bear trap is going to let me exile this card to overcome a guardian so i can overcome a guardian without pain nice is right oh with a little bit more but i'll save that for later oh your turn jeremy you only played one card this whole time so far yeah i am going to buy a card and i'm also going to buy that one for the gold pan one gold for two gold and that's not true so what's nice about that is that the fast action that that next card can't do anything else i might as well use this to get a compass yep as a fast action that is me kira i'm gonna buy this card which what is that berries to draw two cards so when you use that you will uh basically burn a card play it to your play area but not resolve any of its effects in addition to that card and then get the rewards get a new one let's see what we've got here you know what i've only got one coin i might as well spend it because i did do that funding so i don't have to pass i will take the rough map perfect for my precise compass so there's a lot you have rough masks if you better have a precise compass i kind of know where i'm going um all right well i'm going i better use this while the using is good um i'm going to play this fear card for the boot to take my archaeologist here very nice and then i'm going to burn another card i will burn this exploration card in order to get the gem that's my turn all right i'm going to do something new i'm going to take my idol which i collected i'm going to put over here that means i'm getting one less victory point at the end of the game but i'm going to take one of these actions uh this is a free action so i'm going to take an arrowhead and immediately spin both of these to move my research token up one space nice and i don't need anything and then get a coin and then i get a coin yeah so that's what's nice about the fast actions he used the fast actions first and it set him up to be able to take a main action very good did you get your coin uh i did yes okay i need to start doing some research kira pass kira has passed she has the first two pass she is there's nothing i can do with two compasses there's nothing i can do with two of these tomes so i'm done as well i am as a main action going to go ahead and spend this gem to move my book up here wow look at you climbing up there when you get your book to this location in fact the book or magnifying glass you're going to get rewards and on the first level with the book you get to choose an assistant and take them um i am going to uh i think i'll take this one right here this assistant's going to go right here it's a fast action i'm going to go ahead oh i can't yeah i'm going to use a fast action to get a gold with a card and then i'm going to spend that card with this facts or that gold with this fast action to get an arrowhead nice um you're really climbing and that's my turn i passed we've all passed it to you so it's just you come back to me i'm going to pass two now and play this to get a compass before i do so that is the end of a round we've all passed and now we're going to reset for the next round the first thing we do is we're going to collect our arc our architects archaeologists and when you do from a location like this you have to take a fear card put it in your play area in my play area okay kira you're coming back with this guy you got a fear card ryan and i just take these back yep got mine already after you've done that you're going to move the round marker before you do that you wash these two cards so that item's going over there the artifacts going there this moves down and then we get two new artifacts so as you can notice as the game goes on there's going to be more artifacts than items at a certain point the other cool thing that's going to happen is everyone's going to pick up their entire uh tableau of cards that they basically use that turn they're going to shuffle the entire thing not make a discard pile but they're going to take that pile and put it underneath of their deck so they have any existing cards that they've collected that previous round or any cards that existed before the round and they're going to put that directly underneath them and draw five more yeah so all those cards you bought are going in your hand oh yeah and then first player switches over to kiera remember you can keep some cards from one round to the next so you don't have to discard your cards yeah and another thing that happens is any assistants are going to refresh at this point very nice so now we're set for the next round and keep in mind anyone can go to these locations now without paying the three compasses is it compasses or kampai i'll go there come by can you put this oh where are you going to where i was right there so i can you need to pay a ship card to do that oh yeah i have that uh why did you play this because i'm going to do a boot so that's the goal she's getting ready okay but you still get this right yeah you go there take the action and then once you're there you can fight so you're going to get one of these cards sure you're going to get a compass and you're going to get one of the um the rest gems yes okay now you have to wait till another turn yes okay does that make sense yes you're tired after your weary travel sure ryan it is yours i'm sorry that brush it says gain one compass for each something you have up to three i can't really tell what that's asking it's one of these four for every row don't really love any of those items interesting you know i'm gonna come here to this space and i'm going to gain an item for free that's a jeep isn't it i only have boats in my hand that is unfortunate those don't go well on land i see that i didn't i didn't look twice so let's just do this let's play fear um i'm gonna go here and get an arrowhead that was a lot of build up well i want to make sure that i have my term planned out is all all right i'm going to move here for the g so i'm gonna play my funding card for the jeep uh when i go there i am going to grab the revolver for free okay it's the third one yep yep another slide that's gonna go under my cards and then i'm going to say that's the end of my turn all right because it is all right i am going to do something i should have planned ahead but you know this game is real sometimes as you think about your turn i did play this last night with my son who's generally not into board games but he wanted to finish every last bit of this game and speaking of planning your turn he had stacks of resources by the end of the game and he knew what each stack of resource was going to get him done by the end of the game he did pretty well it all makes sense he did pretty well i'm going to use a fear uh i'm going to go right here get two compasses one got one of these we got two uh yes any fast actions um how about you have a card in there right what's the foundation i mean i'm not peeking but no i'm waiting i'm trying to prolong my i am i'm gonna turn here kidding i'm peeking okay so i'm going to do the thing with the monster do the same thing with them so you are overcoming a guardian so it's going to take a boot card yep yep a gold and an arrowhead there you go and then you get this face up until you want to use that power which is basically a jeep icon so if you ever need to travel and don't have one in your hand you can flip that over to use it just ride the back of them yeah exactly the warthogs like that i hear all right are you done here makes sense all right i'm going to uh exile my rough map oh so that's to get through forever up in that three compasses three compasses and that's it that's it all right i am going to overcome this guardian with two compasses and an arrowhead nice to take that guy you guys with your compasses and stuff um his is precise yeah mine's very precise so precise what is this i'm sorry is that that lets you refresh your system is this is this discard a card from your tableau hand exile a card and you can exile from your hand or from your plate area into the exile like if it's a fear it's just going to go in the fear deck and that's what i will do i'm going to travel there but in order to travel there i need three so i'm gonna get two and spend a third one yep so i'm i'm sitting on this um are you using this to travel there so yeah my guy's gonna go right here and get this and immediately get rid of this out of the game nice let's put them back in the fear down and then you get one of these yup you get a gem sir oh my gosh that was exactly what is that not perfect for you huh yeah there you go and then give me a you want to see the guardian yeah the guardian is a dinosaur looking thing and it's going to require his name ryan yeah i'm sorry his name is george i think it's a dinosaur looking thing oh wow i was right well done david you recognized what that was exactly you know it's because i played it all right uh yeah that's going to take a boat card and arrowhead on a future turn to overcome that guardian your turn okay i'm going to get a gold get a goal here's a goal i'll give you one of these thank you and then i'm going to take this guy to the boot place for the golds yeah and get two more gold more gold i need one more nope there's two here all right cool i'm going to take a couple of these and put them right here um and then that's all i'm going to do for now all right all right i am going to yes i'm gonna come out with my boat out here i'm going to pay three companies pay three compasses so i've got three here this is going to let me upgrade one of my items so i'll take a arrowhead and turn it into a gem very good that's going to come over here to my player board and then let's see this is the level one location i'm going to get a tablet and arrowheads not bad that's not bad so hopefully it's enough to defeat whatever this is wait till you travel up here the uh locations the stone bird the stone stone and there was a pause between stone and bird right thing bird it's kind of a stone kind of a bird so it's going to take a boot and a gem to defeat that that's your turn to defeat that is my turn all right let's see i'm going to play this fear to take my archaeologist out um you know what i'm gonna archaeologist right here and i'm going to burn another card um i'll burn this card it's not going to come into play to get a gem and that is my turn uh i'm going to research uh go ahead and move my blue up yep which is going to give me a guy give me the draw that's a good one gots to have the drone drawing is not a battle and i'm going to expend this to go ahead and draw that makes me sad all right and then you have to bury barry why didn't you oh draw one and then play with oh no he did he basically did it first gotcha it makes it is it either way you can do it well you'd always want to draw first and then you can decide if the one you drew is a fear you can dump it oh okay and there you go all right i'm gonna spin three gold that make you sad i was i'm just a little slow i haven't even moved up that so it was still two actions away there was no way that that guy was still how precise is your coming back here i'm over here that's why i'm not doing this i'm just walking around like a card that had a fast action to get two compasses for three gold underneath your deck nice okay i'm going to do funding to get a coin and spend it to get that hat that's a really nice looking hat it's a very fine hat it's a very fine hat very fine hat so yes that's the gems what is that bow and arrows bow and arrows gain one for every one compass for every guardian on sites you occupy oh so that's going to be two compasses really right yeah oh and each guardian you have overcome so any garland you have plus if you're out there so you get a ton of compasses that is pretty cool that was your turn that was well um i'm going to spend this gem to take my magnifying glass up here yep uh and when i do that i get this token which is going to be an immediate gold format uh and then i get another gold or no compasses that's eight companies that's it well done i'm going to play my large backpack which gives me a gold and lets me draw a card from the bottom of my deck from the bottom of it oh wait a minute wait a minute this is combo this is combo right because you can buy stuff first put it on the bottom of your deck and then get it that's what the backpack is for but but playing the backpack isn't i'm glad you figured that part out though gain a compass for each flank you have up to three exile this card to buy blank a discount of four i just want to basically means you can get this for free right congratulate everyone for witnessing jeremy's first uh time ever seeing a combo in a board game all right i'm gonna do this to get that which card do you get i'm just using this to get three fast action so you're still good i'm going to go ahead and spin the two to get the whip yup that's my action give me the whip i'll throw you the dagger now i use my backpack yep exile this card an airdrop an arrowhead to your hand uh to gain an item any item oh what you doing what you doing here she's uh your book yes i'm green she's green she's going to move on right so there's this guy's a compass or a boat this is a coin or a plane this is calling a card from your game state thank you you could do it right now if you want it's a fast action get rid of one of your friends is this telling me what's on the back side yes on the back side so i get a compass and uh yeah i'm going to do that all right nice ryan uh oh here it comes everybody i'm peeking again so this is this allows me to also look at the top card of the artifact deck and potentially buy it as well yes so when you use that that will flip over and you get to buy an artifact let's see what it is it's a sundial or pass to game i'm gonna take it here's the bottom of your or no you get that so this goes immediately and then comes into my area yeah are you gonna pass why does it say tablet in future rounds you'll pay a tablet to use its power pay a tablet to get two tablets basically i can pass this to you to get a gem no pass your round pass your round oh pass my round to gain a gem but you're pretty good now yeah oh no you're not done i'm not done at all actually but keep in mind if you have resources you're going to use to climb up that the only reason that you want to do it sooner rather than later is to grab those which i'm not going to grab anyway so actually i might as well pass probably and gain a gem ah that's not bad that's kind of cool if you time it right do you not get the two tablets as well it's one on the other one oh it's one of the other i took the gem for reasons all right i hope that i'm not gonna i don't have any cards left anyways much going on what have we got going up there you know what i am going to fast play this gold but then i'm going to spend it with this gold to buy the bow and arrows nice oh you get both you have to buy them separately i'm glad it's not bows and arrow [Laughter] one shot now to get a gold and then draw the bottom card in my deck i wonder what it is um it could be my whip but it's probably not i bet it's your never mind your turn um let's see here you knew where i was i did that right i didn't i was going to watch jeremy i will nay nay oh my god all right i'll take a gold with my fast action please are these spent yeah i'll just try and take one of those these are everything above you got like three jeremy jeremy likes piles stash piles everywhere pants okay is there anything that's good you do i don't it's got a nice little area right here yes mine that's why i keep all my on my player board i would i would get it if it was yeah and it's hard you might miss it and you can go and do this oh what are you doing to get an arrowhead please all right all right there you go and then are you passing your main action uh hold on is that what i wanted to do i don't know now i'm regret i'm re-are you looking over here i think i think i'm looking in the wrong space in general if you're looking to move up here you need a tablet and an arrowhead or a gem to move up here you still need an arrowhead yeah you still need an airhead yeah i just don't know if it's worth doing that as opposed to the two tablets yeah exactly yeah that's the type of thing you want to do two tablets here okay ryan you already passed i already passed so i'm out oh you did that yeah i had pass for that sundial well i am going to now i know also what time it is i'm also passing your crappy map and your cool compass yeah uh but i'm getting a compass on my last turn so i'm passed also all right i'm going to play the whip uh exile this guard at the discount of four to buy an artifact and i will obviously buy this before which immediately goes into play it says relocate one of my guys uh to a campsite or one of the first level ones yeah but i'm just gonna go there and get two two tablets yep so yeah now you got him oh you don't have any i'm not sure of the ruling on this it will check after the fact it may be possible footnote that he has to have a card i don't think so i would imagine not already associated it's possible yeah i would imagine not i would agree that's the benefit of right otherwise it's very powerful cards that you spend money on well relocating's pretty big all right i've also passed here's passed i've passed you passed i passed so i still have something i can do uh maybe i can research you probably can you can you need a uh what are you you need an arrow yeah you need an arrowhead or a gem or a gem an arrowhead or a gem yeah you have an idol you could use to turn a i'm gonna do that i'm gonna turn this gold into a gym and then move up on that here oh yeah that's the only option actually no no no i'm gonna get this instead the arrowhead yes but you also need a tab oh you have a tablet yeah i have the tablet so spend the tablet in the arrowhead and you'll go up over here and get two compasses do is it two one for that and one for you so two these just go here yep that's nothing i have another compass but you can all right now everyone's passed i can still just buy a car i could buy a car right oh my gosh i could keep what's this draw a card yep yeah i know i wish i would do that right now i can't believe i passed before that came out i knew jeremy's gonna like this because he's chaining together all right i don't like half hour long terms i don't like him but i can still do stuff right so buy a card exile this card to gain a blank any other card to your hand yeah use this to buy this this is going to go on the bottom of my deck yep all right uh are you done yes no no you still got more to spend um i think i am done right all right we're back we reset the game for the next round and we did check the rules uh and jeremy was well within them when you relocate you do not have to pay the travel costs yay yeah yay indeed so now ryan you're our first iron first player so let's see what i want to do i think i'm going to spend my hat my brand new shiny hat to get it's shiny well it's kind of shiny to get a compass and a coin um you should be using resources i i got a game of collection i passed before i got to spend all my resources last turn because that sundial because it didn't really matter i'm just gonna have a lot more to spend on this turn i'm not racing you guys right now on those belong in a museum so what's your main my main action is going to be to spend a gem no i don't have a lot of resources sitting there yeah i'm going to spend a gem in my natural this up here i'm going to find glasses i'm going to get a gold i have an unnatural amount of resources any more fast actions there you go that is a pass from me not a pass just i'm sorry that is all right um i'm going to go right here with a boat with a boat uh and i'll get a gem nice he's on a boat he's like you're playing the monster hunter basically maybe going down all these different i've got a gun and a bow and arrows plural that's true that's the thing with these games even though there's such a variety of cards the game i played last night i had that revolver and i really i really like the way i can now i can use two yeah yeah you can use cards with two but you just lose yeah you did have to go there didn't you um it is what it is fast action for two compasses there you are thanks um it's four let me spend two more oh two more compasses and then i'm gonna spend all six okay whoa she's going up towards the volcano everybody and um looks dormant though you'll need two cars two cars two dang it i spent that so i can't i forgot so you know i still need my stuff you get all the six compasses yeah i need two more i need to figure out what i'm going to do all right a lot of companies take action you're prepared yeah i need to um let's see here very prepared i'm going to take oh man this guy spend one to put them in the arrow spot please all right an arrowhead all right that was your action yo okay my action is going to well first of all i'm going to spin this idle to draw a card ah that's what i was hoping it would be all right i'm going to [Music] pass now i'm going to use my precision compass and i'm going to look at the top card of the deck and it just goes on top oh or does it say reveal the top tile of the of this oh yeah i'll take that and activate you get to use it immediately yep so reveal the tub tile of this activate it so i get a coin and an arrow an arrowhead and then and then it's going to go on the bottom it's a nice card that's not a bad one at all it just has a nice card getting those artifacts and using them for free is fun for sure that's your turn that's my turn all right i while the getting is good i'm going to uh where is my hmm i'm gonna go here for two tablets oh i have to pay a boot for two tablets that's my turn what's up ryan what do you got mm-hmm you're not no you're gonna go take that drug card tile i am i will go ahead and use that move me up so again draw a card and get a compass okay i have a compass please i get to draw a card okay look i'm done drawing a card is usually pretty key in deck building games drawing especially in a game where you have so few problems you really can cycle and jeremy loves that that cheats for the fact um that might be one of your favorite things i think drawing cards yes i mean i gravitate towards it for sure yeah i do the same thing in games like dominion or even clank especially when a game when you're trying to string out your turn and take but they don't always win because they're usually not worth a ton of points all right what let's pay attention kiera's like quietly buying cards over there without us knowing what they are she's like i'm gonna ninja three compasses for a fear and four coins oh that's gonna set up another buy i think it just might next turn yeah four compasses to upgrade an item that's nice what does that mean defeat a guardian or just defeated without its cause you have to say no you have to be there are you done cure i am all right i will spend man i really don't like any of these oh you know what that's not bad i'll spend a gem to move up join everybody and i'll take what looks like amelia earhart here is that her name i don't know she's just hello looks like amelia earhart she's definitely a pilot but she and she you know gives me either a coin or a plane i have a medical person with a puzzle could be winner friend medical that's my see she's got the she's got the armband medical with a pug it seems unsanitary it does seem unsanitary all right your turn that is my turn don't follow it but okay uh i need boy i really need that i'm going to play the revolver for its action which lets me spend a compass to defeat a guardian boom so i'm going to defeat that guardian look at that well done clearing out all those guardians for us that revolver is one of my favorite things anywhere i want to go anywhere you want to go only the start of a theme song i know it sounds like a disney like you're on a disney ride where are you going to go anywhere you can go anywhere you want anywhere anywhere i'm going to draw a card and then burn a card oh yeah then here's my six one two three four five six and i can you need one of those things they're gonna organize your heart there don't forget to burn a card first i will i'm just doing the math doing the mental math ryan the mental math do you want are you doing it with an abacus don't distract him or you're just going to make it take that much longer all right so yeah it's all good man this is two monsters though this is not it's not a great thing to happen to me but i will do it just because we're playing a fun game all right i'm gonna go i have to burn a card right yeah so there's my burnt card oh no one two yeah this is my burnt card uh so up here with that without taking effect i'm gonna gain uh four colors i'm at six um i'm at six and i'm going to use these two to drive all the way up here to this yep so you get rid of those two compasses in front of you yeah they're all gone sorry well you're gonna get one back right now i will get one back correct and that's it oh well we'll stuff that i get a bunch of stuff too yeah this is let's see what he gets juicy i meant from an arrowhead an arrowhead and a gem that's pretty good and a monster oh this is the fuzzy serpent fuzzy serpent everybody fuzzy surprise doesn't it look like a little fuzzy looking circle it doesn't look like a little fuzzies urban giant well there's no there's no depiction of scale in that picture either way those could be stalks of grass we don't know that is true that's me okay that was that was quite the thing not to take two fear uh i'm gonna do from that monster from boat i have one here and one there the boot to go get two compasses thanks ryan he jumped there yes did you get your compasses nope there you are thanks all right any free actions nope all right i'm going to spend a tablet and an arrowhead to go up with this and i'm gonna get a compass that's that i don't know what you guys are studying so intently but nothing doesn't help me i'm zoning out while the ap begins the ap is setting it everyone this is interesting do tell what is interesting i am going to put ap setting in on me that sounds like v is bows and arrow i'm playing with my bow and arrows to gain a compass for each guardian on sites you occupy there's no guardians there but also two uh guardians here for that one and then i'm going to fast do a fast action that's all i'm going to do this turn all right all right i am going to go ahead and expend this uh as a free action i am going to gain a uh two tablets i'm going to spin on my actions these two to move my thing up uh immediately give me one of those yep compass and boat compass and truck or upgraded resource uh compass and boat double sim boat uh no compass compassion truck i'm sorry i'm bad i don't want to come back it's a jeep everybody jeep i'm sorry and i'm gonna go ahead and spin that to get a compass okay i'm gonna move my magnifying glass up for compass for green yep okay and you get a compass i got it thank you i'm is that it for you correct i'm gonna spend a relic and an arrowhead to move my journal up as well take a second person i'll take this guy that gives me two gold and i will just immediately use him and take two gold because why not you see the the chains coming in don't you uh i am going to spend i'm going to buy a card i'm going to spend three compasses to buy some mortars a good one the mortar is going to go into play immediately and i can exile a card so goodbye fear can you put that over there please i'm sorry uh and i get two gold i am going to use my last this is my last special ability right yeah i'm giving up a point this way i'm going to have a lot of points that's four i i will point out too there is an artifact in the deck this is the stone key that allows you to remove those idols off of those spots okay i'm gonna tell him that i'm gonna gain this well he's already done it yep and i'm gonna throw these away to move up here yep and i'm going to flip one of your guys and refresh him and when you flip they refresh and you can use them again all right joy jeremy joy all right i think he's done kara i think it is your turn you're not done uh is this only for my hand or can it be from my table it can be your yeah your hand or your play area yeah that's working out well for you i know i like that guy too i'm going to go ahead and get [Music] what are you getting i'm thinking what are you buying yeah let's go ahead and buy a little bit of this oh good give me something to do what did you buy a compass into a gym it is the trowel all right what are you revealing let's see oh yeah sorry jeremy that's a pack donkey that lets you draw two cards sorry jeremy that's i'm buying that immediately oh man see all those resources paid up i told you i would eventually spend them by the way backtracking when you played this out of your hand did you pay the tablet oh oh no i just bought this oh you did with my precision okay i forgot just checking yeah uh that was your turn um yes that was my turn i'm gonna hold on you can't use something higher than a tablet to pay for it has to be a tablet right yeah these are not there's no hierarchy here like that um ah i can't really yeah like the guiding stone that i bought with my precision compass how perfect two months if only i had a better map i am going i like that airplane out there though oh i could no i can't i'm going to pass but i'm going to use a free actionated compass before i do so i'm out of the round i'm going to keep my card i think can pass really i can't benefit from it right now sure i don't have a i don't have a manuscript oh tablet four compasses to get the war club oh i could actually you know what i could you're fine i'm just gonna rewind i can spin this as a boot right you can yeah the airplane yeah yeah so i'll just do that and just kill this thing right okay so that does affect what i'm doing quite significantly oh really you can't you have to otherwise why would i take this because it would let me do it immediately you could have killed him anyway you have to be there yeah you have to be you have to be at that level even with this yeah oh okay sorry so well then i thought you did something earlier that didn't you did but you know i was there i was at the location there is a card that lets you kill at another location as long as it's not occupied but sure sure sure let's activate any site does that mean one of those base campsites well that's a good one oh which one is that the lantern oh nice i'll reveal me another one that draws a bunch of cards no she said no well let's see what happens refresh your card for a jam oh yeah start a card or not burn it burn all right i'm gonna gain two compasses and i'm gonna spend a total of six compasses you're going sky high i am flying out though i'm sure i'm gonna do the jeep so we're gonna do funding and amelia to pay for the two icons all right and i'm gonna go for there right so there's your tokens you get to uh exile a card i will i'm going to actually exile this exploration card because i don't know that it's gonna be super useful anymore yeah and i will get whatever is on this level two one which is two compasses and a gem and a gem and then what sort of beast is waiting for me a oh just a giant scorpion giant scorpion and he is he requires what a compass and a you have to burn a card and a compass and an arrowhead i think i can do that i i had passed i had passed all right i'm going to spend two well here is just those are good buying cards what's that do research with a discount yep probably she's gonna need a lot of manuscripts to power those yeah i don't have enough to do it right now so well you have enough to do that your green correct oh i could you're right you just pay one manuscript and move up there and you get a second person oh cool a compass upgrade an item or a compass or a ship upgrade an item all right no i'm asking what does that mean like change a tablet to an arrowhead or an arrowhead to a gym okay so this guy is just better than this one because he gives you the option and she just gives you a compass sounds like ryan's trying to sell her no i'm just saying i think that this is the better one than this one because it's got some flexibility we're gonna get but that's one for a company yeah that one ultimately gets two compasses though oh this one ultimately gets a golden compass i see that's the difference yeah what's the other one ultimately get which one which one the middle one upgrade and a compass okay uh i'll take that one the middle one all right thank you i need so if i want to fight that guy okay get rid of a car i have a compass i have a card so i need an arrowhead so i'm just gonna cash this in for an arrowhead and then i will immediately spend this card the arrowhead and this to defeat the giant scorpion and you can draw a card if you i could but i i don't know that it's going to do to me before we go on i know i'd passed i want to ask is a friendly game can i rewind to spend a coin to use this yeah everyone feel good about that no it doesn't would it affect anything no not for me or not for you guys but i mean i you could like to do it now instead of that just well he's he's still going to pass yeah i can do it again at the end of my lifetime sure we all passed i have not passed man how many compasses have you had over there two more for another artifact to do stuff and to get a gem and i get a gym what is that three compasses for use the effect on the gold side of any one person available on the supply board okay that's not bad but it's not great either you're still going i'm still i've still got this guy i don't have any cards but i could i have two ways of drawing cards basically if i really wanted to where i'm around three so i might want to save those unless i can get both a tablet and an arrowhead which i guess i could do but it would burn everything i don't think it's worth it for me just know i want to make sure there's nothing i'm hearing it what i want to do is make sure nothing i'm missing right i have a guy left but i have no card i get my guys out there quick i have nobody to i have nowhere to go with him it's my problem oh you don't have any boots oh you know what here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna draw a card with this guy okay and hope that i get a jeep i didn't yeah but no you got a boot you can go and get something with your last worker i'm gonna draw another card and hope again for a jeep and i still didn't wow i got two fears well now you can use two boots which is actually that actually is okay that's actually not bad because two boots can get me an arrowhead which well there you go one couldn't so that's a fast pass i'm sorry i thought you passed are you sure i am all right so refresh everyone start by pulling your guys back if there's a guardian there you take a few archaeologists yes your archaeologist i have my arc where is that on the bottom no it goes in your play area tied by archaeologists there no thank you we're under around four out of ten these cards get burnt that moves down bottom one two three four five cards and everyone refresh their assistant if they're oh yeah thank you and david you can have the clock you are now timekeeper all right so you have to set the alarm for a real one does that mean i can call time on [Music] i'm going to get while the getting getting's good i'm going to play bear trap i'm going to exile this card to overcome a guardian on a site not occupied by another player oh no what you haven't used any of those abilities either have you well they're just travel icons so it'll be nice when i need them it will be but that's it for my turn i need a compass oh why would i want let's get a compass and then spin three i'm gonna go there that compass that you use this to get a compass okay yes yeah so you're going to spend a jeep to go there you get a tablet immediately yep and this idle and you're going to get draw a card and an arrowhead oh cool look at that oh my but you're also fighting a monster what's it what oh it's a it's a giant thing masked owl it really is it's the back of that looks this is a giant you gotta name whatever is on the back some sort of leaf snake leaf snake yeah it's a giant masked owl what three times that was a cool three tablets to defeat him that is some cool looking artwork how about you your two tablets shy sir yeah how about that's it um i'll go ahead and do this and burn this to draw two nice i don't like those items that are out that's all i can do with this particular turn man draw two cards that's pretty solid rope card are you done i think she is i'm going to activate my sundial by paying a tablet to get two tablets that's an interesting card isn't basically just a freaking you could get a gem instead i could but i have to pass my you should do that that's it all right i am going to spend a tablet and a arrowhead to research and get my book finally up to here which is going to get me another guy yes could you give me the person on the far right all right it's back to you jeremy yeah you know you know indiana it is good indiana so there are people watching if we tell them yes don't just think i'm thinking i i mean i don't want here's what i'm telling you jeremy you can give your strategy away the audience wants i'm going to add a graphic that just says thinking can you do the jeopardy sound can we get permission for that um i might pay for the licensing event just for this purpose so i can just take my guy and put him somewhere right let's do like a ticking clock and just zoom in very slowly on his face the sad fleck some music that'd be good can you then turn them to the baby face thing that we saw here so a boat so you need to pay a boat i got your boat i got your boat and you're gonna get a tablet tablet which you've got and then an arrowhead which you don't have but there you go all right oh look you're going on the tablets look at all these i've got three i have only two behind you pretty collection i don't have any of those okay we're gonna get a lot of points by not having any you're gonna get some ten points that's not nothing that's not nothing that's for sure two tablets please i am going to play the precision compass oh you're just going to i'm going to stop this video precision comes in this is a guiding skull hey one compass reveal the top of the two stack activate it and play it on that's like your other one except i'm not gonna have enough to do that so i'm just gonna leave it on the top okay i will take however the monkey medallion for one compass the monkey medallion and then i will gain an item and place it on top of my deck i will take the airplane ooh on top of your deck yeah get in the airplane i'm sorry oh here it is it's an aeroplane right an arrow it is an area the ariel the airplane is going on top of my deck that's pretty stellar that's not bad are you done now sir oh look at that sea turtle i'm done now it's a sea turtle you can ride it you and your seats the idea he gives you a boat discount it does i am going to as a fast action i'm going to spend a coin to get an arrowhead and then as my main action i'm going to take my archaeologist oh you and who went there well there's only one spot taken and that's kira so i imagine kira did i don't know it's been two boots you've got boots to see you've got travel icons to spare you know what oh and jeremy's right here yes there's no more monsters out to kill because that's what you're looking at oh there is one but he's not there i am going to go there for two boots i'm gonna flip over [Music] a jeep and a fear for a boot and take two tablets all right nice let's go just that's something you can do for sure all right i'm going to spend two arrowheads to research go ahead and move me up i'm going to call you know get a compass and call something out got it called that that's your turn that was fast yeah hey hey look i gotta hand it to you that was fun fast turns can happen i'm messing around now that's a good shirt idea fast turns can happen arrow or every convention i'll just point to this shirt are you dumb i am pack donkey is going to draw me two cards oh man see what you're doing there and you're done what yes you have no idea what i'm slowly sliding these resources over all of a sudden he'll have more than rhymes yeah i had two arrows sitting real close there i am all right i am going to research with two tablets and a narrow head to move this up here and get a compass for doing so okay i am going to place this spin my tablet to relocate my guy um i'm going to take this guy so we can fight him if they want now let me move this guy here and immediately get a red you don't leave that guardian for me to shoot with my revolver nope all right i'm going to activate any site any base camp site campsite so i'll take two tablets please nice i gotcha oh yeah thank you all right that's it i will spend it there actually yeah i will fly over here to get one he's going in tablet and that and you know what it doesn't really matter when i do this so i might as well get my two gold now you're done that's exactly right who needs boats when you have a plane you're done i am i'm going to use my assistant as a fast action to be upgraded another compass no only when my other one goes up to the next oh i see yeah um that's a free action and then i appreciate the concern backwards i'm going where are you going i'm going to go right here with this car jeep rather three uh and three compasses and i get this which gives me a compass and on the exploration game getting in on the exploration game and i explored this oh a fear card a fear which goes into my table and uh you can get a gym too i got your tablet here's your trim all right um and a guardian yeah ryan do the honors oh i like this it's a really mean looking baby looking baboon it's a he's got it's a greedy baboon he's looking all that gold is that gold chains in his hands oh it is that's that's a pretty cool card it's a greedy looking baboon look at that he gives you four gold or two gold i love that you're paying them off the picture shows them gold hungry and that's what i have to do that's i dig it i'm done you're done i am done i have no gold to pay him off though that's a problem i might just shoot him i mean no baboons were hurt in the filming of this let's just put that cardboard now we'll go ahead and do this i'm going to do that move me up here cardboard baboons so you get a coin coin and an upgrade yep all right that's a coin and another has jeremy gotten almost all of these yeah i'm not ready i'm not going to try to raise him up that track as well um why are you about to move you move my anything else nope two tablets and an arrowhead to pop up and get a compass that's it that's it i have no gold for the greedy baboon so use my revolver oh no and spend this compass to shoot him say bye-bye that's awful and mean and i am going to not use his power just yet because why that's a lot of points you got right there and killed monsters not bad it's not bad all right i'm going to use my large backpack which gives me a dollar and draw a card from the bottom of my deck oh i could actually i forgot to do it are you doing it i can actually combo this if i buy a card first he's having the same revelations important as this can wait a minute draw a card from the bottom of my deck this is this is unimaginable yeah okay you got you guys are hilarious all right i'm gonna go ahead and spin my two coins all right put forth that you are the hilarious get that parrot yeah i'm gonna get the parrot uh bottom of your neck nice pair of impersonation not bad i could definitely have gotten that for you should i made it a little bit oh of course that looks good i want a card get a coin and that horse is everything i have i've that's the problem hold on what's that let's carry up to here she's using her trowel her track has an ability she got a compass for uh yeah also thematic looking around for gems all right with a trowel though just digging around i took my compass and it led me somewhere and i dug it yeah i do i've got my guiding stone which requires a tablet to be used so i'm going to reveal the top of this activated immediately i'm going to get two tablets back that's a pretty fun little card he has there and a coin that's not that and i'm going to put it back on the bottom that's me that's you i think i'm getting close to being done but i'm not done yet i'm going to research i'm going to spend a gem oh that's a tablet no i'm going to use that power i had with the greedy baboon to upgrade a tablet to an arrowhead um yeah and then i'm going to use this this doesn't feel like a great use i'm going to use this to get a gold and a compass uh my idol as a fast action then i'm going to research with a gold yeah just to get the tablet first which i was about to do to go up here he beat me too and i get a tablet and probably a compass and a compass well done you're done i am done now look at that look at my backpack there you go that's the last time i forget that look at ryan still has a guy again i do oh you're doing the same thing you got plans for all your resources over there don't you it's funny because this is how i always play games oh really when you were saying that earlier i thought it was funny yeah i moved my uh magnifying glass up please to this one right here oh you're green right yep so she gives me get a compass back i am going to fly the friendly skies my airplane or am i going to do that one two three i won't have enough i won't have enough you know i'm going to spend four before i do anything else let's spend four bucks and get that horse before somebody else does if i do this right i will be able to get that horse next turn what's in that horses how many cards are on your deck right now five so that's your six cards this is my sixth card so i'm gonna watch somebody hawk i don't want that horse to come in to play it if it will watch them it's going to come in i guaran i just guaranteed that it's going to come into play oh is it their fifth card or that's my sixth card okay don't look at me like i don't have a plan he's gonna is there a look that says that okay you're done with the thing because it is my turn that's true i don't but luckily there are one two three four five six left we need to get the things um this is really nothing going on i'm going to have nobody else has any workers left pass and play this card to get a compass so i'm out of the round okay all right jeremy what do you got um too bad you can't move workers once you're on the board you can you've done it you have that ability you've had a card that's like reloading but i mean i can't just move him down well sure i think you have to do a parrot impression every time you do that not gonna happen i don't know what do you what are you turning into my magnifying glass up for a golden uh thing that's what i did you get a compass and a compass and she's highest on the track yeah that's true is that where that doesn't being highest doesn't do anything well being first up here gets you the twenty three make it on to the top right but she's got right now she's got nine points from there at the end of the game and another one down here i'm gonna fly my airplane yes i wanna refresh one of my people exile this card to something with a oh i don't want to do that oh but that sea turtle draws me a cartoon oh the sea turtle's still out there huh yeah what is the bomber i'm gonna go move your guy with the discount one because you're riding the turtle do i want the refresh to refresh your guy for two coins yeah because this is gonna give me two coins so this will refresh a guy and then let's see and then i get so where'd you go i went right here and you spin a boat well i spent my airplane okay and then i'm gonna reveal oh draw a card traveling in style get a coin and a tablet and a tablet wait which pile did you pull that from man that is a solid one tile and then let's see what my monster is it is some kind of bullfrog angry bullfrog angry bullfrog ryan's running on empty on the naming i think so you know what uh he looks like some sort of bullfrog and some sort of angry bullfrog i don't know you're out that's it my turn i passed last time i didn't find a jeep get a coin what's that last card do the hot air balloon exile this card to blank move with a discount of a plane you don't get to relocate but you're taking your move action for one less plane i never saw my i'm spending my compass now and it's and it gives you a discount on the compasses it's because you're like air ballooning it are you the bottom yeah it's a victory point i mean might as well um all righty so i'm going to should i just buy something what did i just do with all my oh here comes the shenanigans of the horse over here did i just buy so look i have eight horses three kinds of tops i just want to check i want to see what i know she's buying more cards i get a gold i get to use the effect on the gold side of one of the available on the supply board which will be the middle one a coin and a coin and a tablet please thank you very much okay are you done yes i'm going to use this last one to draw a card i'm going to get two coins plus a coin and a compass i'm gonna spend four and let's get that sea turtle hey he's finally coming what's the sea turtle's name bruce bruce i think there's a copyright infringement on that name is that the one from the nemo movie yeah i don't think so oh bruce was a shark i think there yeah sure two coins or a pass to gain three coins well i guess you're done then deal with that action i passed um i got more stuff to do don't worry i think you and jeremy and all these draw card cards pass for now okay oh you're done yeah um let's see here one compass i have two coins three coins i use this to get rid of one of my fear nice uh i'll upgrade been beneficial to an arrow and then gain one for each what's that a person you've already played oh it doesn't really benefit me right now does it um i don't know i feel like using my gold right now feels like a waste i wish i had more compasses that's okay all done passing then mm-hmm okay all right i'm going to spend two tablets and an arrowhead to move my book up here which lets me upgrade this guy and refresh him and i'll tap him again and get three gold from him nice um two three i don't really want any cards though uh are you done here okay no fast action well it's your it's we've all passed so i'm gonna so we can just sit here and watch it was just me what oh i just spent my arrowhead i knew there was it's fine it's fine i was dumb here's that jeopardy music again or the thinking there's a lot of things there's a lot to think about there's a fair amount to talk about i don't just leave you in the lurch and not tell you what i'm doing i'd spend it that's true i kind of want to hold on to this tablet passing is always an option there's no there's no shame in it so what do i do if i don't use these cards you can discard them before you start them well before you draw well i can't i have no more workers so i can't even use them there's nothing i can do with those you're passing i'm going to kind of close like you're passing it kind of does i was really really debating spending these to go up one but and but if i could go up with this guy i would but i can't so i'm gonna just yeah i think i'm done all right all right we've passed we get goodness so did you take it back from here i did i get it you get a fear yep it doesn't really ryan you get a fear oh yeah that's right i gotta shuffle that in with everything else the angry bull frog kira you don't get any fear karen you i think you're out of fear aren't you almost it seems like and i will get my horse you all saw me draw cards so when that horse comes up i don't want to hear any accusations and just to let everyone know this is the fifth and final round that we're about to go into as you can tell the game builds uh the turns get a little longer they will string out here towards the end of the game we have now five artifacts and only one single item down there that was not good everyone refresh their assistance yep all right jeremy the first player market is back to you yeah it seems a little unfair you started with it but round i i guess it doesn't really matter since people pass at different times well i really need that watch out there i really want to upgrade my sundial into something a little more modern how about you take what's left to you when it comes back around to you you'll get what you do that's been this whole game all right so i am going to do some stuff uh number one i'm gonna get a gold and a compass for my fast action number two i am going to play the hot air balloon uh exile this card to place a guy with a discount of one hot or one airplane yeah one airplane i'll play another airplane um okay so i'm just going to have to spin three to go up to one of these areas right three compasses yep i'm going to go here i'm going to get a tablet yep and jeremy's got some idle points man he really does whatever else and flip that over because it doesn't really matter get a level two oh what do we got oh my gosh what is it pretty two tablets oh my goodness and it's a pretty cool looking sort of now are um are these worth anything are resources worth anything at the end no look at that it's some kind of what kind of guardian air bird it's not just the flying air versus flying air dragon flying oh okay i guess penguins and chickens are flightless true perhaps all we know for sure is it's not a penguin it's not a ground bird no it's definitely an air burst i don't think they exist on uh rna i i guess i'm done okay not much i can do after the flying air bird came out yeah you gotta watch out for those it flew in this to research what is that with a discount of one arrow or two what's the card inscribed blade okay so i'll use my leftover blade to research up one on the green nope up here right there yeah here and i'll take whatever that is this is let you upgrade a thing right now upgrade an item and draw an item whatever happens you don't have items no but you still got a draw card you're still going to draw a card off top of your deck yep that's it all right i'm done i suppose so i'm going to use amelia earhart what i'm referring to is amelia probably should have gotten it in reverse and get a tablet a coin oh and draw a card okay all right done i'm done so where did you go you went there i went there which means i'm gonna have to fight that thing but not forget to do it this time well that's good i'm gonna get a gold car gold for a fast action okay from funding uh and then i'm going to as my action i'm going to research and spend the gold and the gem to go up here and get a compass you get a compass there you go very nice all right i am going to go here i'm going to get one of these and i'm going to draw a card and you're going to kill it this time and then i'm going to tap this and make it out there all the card draw you all done all right for now i'm going to go to two tablets please two tablets oh you've got two tablets right there is that it uh sure for the moment i'm gonna ride bruce the sea turtle bruce draws me a card there we go and i get to place i'm going to place here and take a red gem and you get to place with a discount of a boat so that way so it's free nice it basically counts as a bow i'm writing him out there pretty good pretty pretty pretty good [Music] yeah i will play this to travel up here uh with this guy and that's gonna cost me three compasses um it gets me this token and gold and what comes out a compass and an arrowhead very nice and not nothing what is it ryan oh an evil ant an evil and that's it that's just the first thing that came to mind i just tell by looking at him he's like it's some kind of evil looking and that just slipped out of my mouth so nefarious he's a nefarious looking ant yeah it's an evil totally nefarious he fits right in are you done i am done oh my goodness all right i'm gonna go ahead and spin one and one to move up that track and give me a compass yep thank you much you get a card draw not a compass uh or you're but thank you no you you oh you're right i'm sorry i thought you were green i just confused stop trying to move me backwards sir well you should want to then you can go again and draw another card that's not something someone with a precise compass would do no well i haven't played the precise compass yet not bro but i finally drew some of my drawing cards um i'm going to go ahead and spend these two feet to go to the other tablet side oh loading up on tablets whoa tablets are happening okay i'm not sure what's happening here i don't know either she's making me nervous though i've got plans i do what you're doing i'm gonna use my precision compass so let me look at the top part of the deck and let's see if it's something better than what i want excel the right most card in the row gain any card from exile to the bottom of my deck now i want the guiding skull so i'll have to pay one extra compass to take the guiding skull which is there this goes here that goes on top yeah okay this is going to let me i have to pay a compass to do that i don't want the guiding skull oh okay i don't have an extra compass to okay oh yeah i do exploration okay yeah that compass and this goes back down it's two percent it's a precise compass are you science are you done now yes i'm done ah let's see that's four uh jim and the compass i'm gonna research spending a gem and a compass to go up here which gets me a compass yep and a card now it's the race to get up not bad not bad not bad that's my turn jeremy uh looks like it is i'm gonna do this to get a gold i'm gonna use the gold in this gem to move my book up yeah you're getting a lot of points from that all done the book get you some pretty nice yeah it really does well then all right i'm gonna upgrade my tablet to an arrow i have a tablet an arrow and a gold to move green nope right here up on the left side left side see where it says a golden tablet and an arrow there we go and then i get this which is going to upgrade to this to this yes thank you i wasn't sure it was connected i couldn't really tell sorry that went way too far don't splash the ball all right i will and you got your compass from that no thank you i'm gonna spend this and this to move up there and get my compass okay kind of silly but it works and that's it that's it all right i'm gonna play this card for its ability gain a compass for every guardian up to three so you get three all right my brain just suddenly went there's a lot to think about oh yeah oh yeah what are you going to do tell us all about it do tell it's our three tell us of your adventures on arnac island come out how about news how about i'm going to buy are you going to get that watch well i'm surprised you're probably not getting this i'm sure oh that's smart um well that does give me three and allows me to move up and get more points yeah thank you kyra you are underplayed immediately so you get one fear you get one fear uh one of these one coin three of these yep and your fear and a fear don't forget that fear yeah come on all righty to get this good oops all right so then i'm going to spend two compasses and a third compass to get this which goes into my player immediately and gives me two coins if you don't mind your money is not worth anything at the end of the day and i need that to that because of the upgrade all right what do we reveal for the for the something new a new artifact discard cleansing cauldron oh draw a card and call a card out all right i'm going to play the horse of course which i got from that time i drew all those cards at the end of the last round yes i know jeffrey was watching where the horse was that's all i can do okay i am going to as a fast action play this to get a compass and then i'm going to spend all six oh wow you're going up there for those last ones huh to travel up here two boats with my two boats there you go you finally used them uh so i get a compass and both of these and you're gonna get wow a lot of stuff oh nice a fear a fear two tablets and two arrowheads that's really good but there's a monster there i don't know what this thing is i don't even know armored dragon lizard that's your best name yet what do you mean you don't know the armor dragon lizard is it like your friend at home pancake let's call it pancake we'll call it pancake uh that's my turn from organizing my end of game stuff here that i end of game yeah you did some of those other games i'm going to visit the concession stand everybody and get your snacks we'll be back in just a moment not really we're still here um i might as well just do it while i've got it i'll kill this thing yep nice all right all done i'm going to move up my final three tablets one of each thank you ryan to go here and you'll get any one of these oh wait i'm the one reaching i think i'm the only one that could reach you i fear probably are anything good they're pretty standard stuff those but you just get your selection all right hold on the trick is going to be whether or not she can get some of those tiles up above her right i'm going to go ahead and do this which lets me draw a card mine as well oh that's awesome are you being sarcastic oh that was a waste of a draw you're done yep all right i'm going to move up my no i'm not you know what i'm going to buy that cleansing cauldron is that what that is for three cleansing three compasses i will immediately draw a card and then color card let's get rid of that fear you're done i'm done okay i've got a think here uh so that's gonna be two boots and a compass or a boot a tablet oh i could feel like i should have gotten one of those other ones i always forget i can't see these so that was kind of a bummer well the card draw could have been really good for you it's a gamble i want to do this right now i'm going to play that would have been better play this mortar oh yeah i have to play it for a tablet yeah that's the first time i've had to do that i guess it's a metaphor for a tablet to call this fear could you put that for your back please and get two gold nice done i am done all right i'm gonna move up on the two compasses in an arrowhead card okay i'm gonna buy a point oh well look at you i was gonna hopefully buy that one gold card oh an axe but there's no way i'm gonna get that axe i'd like to it's worth two points though for two gold i have to say as much as i like the art what's even cooler about it is that almost all is thematic give me that me axe let's put that please geez give me that axe what's that one uh it's two points for three goals you're not gonna get the card name of it though uh it's called two you're done i'm done i bought a card okay so i'll just spend the gold and the tablet research-wise and this to go up there and get in and that gets me just a compass a compass but a few more points are you done um i'm done hmm you've got a lot of cards still i do i can just slow play this right i know i have to do something you have to do an action or you pass yeah you do have to do a main action of some kind or you're passing leave it to jeremy to drag out the last round how do i slow play this i'm just thinking just realized i'm just teasing that's something yeah every tv card draws okay see that was fast yeah okay unfortunately because ryan bought that card there's nothing left for me to do wait that's it oh you're passing i have to what card all right on this one play the pack donkey two and i have two coins left so that was two no fast actions no fast actions okay here's what's going to happen uh-oh what's going to happen all right i am going to play this as a fast action to draw a card nice oh boy i hope it was a fear oh boy that is exactly what i needed that's not what i want to hear that's not and then for my action i'm going to spend this compass to fire my revolver in the face of the call one armored angry dragon yep also known as pancake i'll just call this you know i'm scared i'm sorry i didn't want to say that i was no i don't have a fear oh that's true you're done yep oh i guess i don't have to call that do i actually yeah give me that card back thank you are you going to save it i am going to save it sorry just in case you get a yeah those aren't to be done automatically okay each of these is an action though individual actions yeah okay it's main action i'm going to that action oh you didn't do didn't you you're done yep okay now i've got this one's two boots and a compass so i'm going to use this to draw a card you're almost all the way through all your cards what happens then you're just done i'm going to uh use her to get a compass as a fast action and then i'm going to overcome that guardian with a ship and a boot nice and this compass that i just got to take the angry ant and then i'm going to use the angry ant to call this fear there's so many mice i know this is david has a lot of points right here it's the low-hanging fruit of the game it's like just that's 30 points it's my five and jeremy's it's a fair amount of points for sure so um pass are you passionate that's it jeremy's done right um jeremy wants to get away with this get a compass compass i'm going to use these two compass in the gym to come up here yeah it means i get one of these cards for free yep uh oh yeah one of the blue ones i'm not going to make it up that i will say i noticed this last night when you pull when you get these free artifacts like that late in the game you can really change all these for free that would untap this one which will let you draw another card yeah but that one on top of both of his guys oh yeah this one i didn't even see that one down there he has to burn a card draw up to two cards from the bottom of your deck keep one just grab the other card they're all very i need an arrowhead i need an arrowhead no you didn't to move up you don't need an arrow if you wanted you'll need an arrowhead maybe there but he needs a lot more than an arrowhead you don't need an errand hood aaron had aaron no i don't need an air in hand who does need an iron head except eric except for aaron except for aaron i don't know this is where even points might as well yeah that's what it comes down to too is those point values at this point i don't know i can't use an arrowhead right i can't i don't know do you want us to tell you yeah i don't i can't i don't know what your plan is you haven't been telling us your plan i just prefer that he figures it out for himself but i can't get up there i don't have it i'm going to stop it i would say that same thing but drop off for right yeah just figure it out just figure it out and then sure i see y'all funny i don't know what i don't know what you need an arrowhead for you know it's going to be fun when i animate all sorts of things around his head as he's thinking oh yeah that's happening you're welcome you see this one right here it's one of them yeah so you have another card to bury or to burn and then get both your guys back yes that's pretty good man you upgraded both your guys did anyone else upgrade a guy oh you did one place it got out there's no nobody's left all right here you passed i will sundial to pay a tablet to get two tablets that was that back to you david back to me well all i can do at this point is here's what i'm going to do i'm going to use this to get two tablets okay that's the fast action and then i'm gonna move my book up with two tablets and an arrowhead and that lets me upgrade uh this person here and get two compasses i'm gonna use her to get two compasses well done jeremy i'm gonna use this to get two compasses i'm going to use these two compasses to get this i'm going to take this one just in case that's not a relocation that's not a relocate it's just it says relocation relocate that's just use a guy yeah you sure that's the one you want blank i'm sure it's not it's please place a guy into one of these sites without paying the boot costs you could spend the three on this and then tap a guy again this is going to untap that one that lets him look at the cards in his display i know right i don't know oh look there's a relocated guy oh just to uh just to the base camp though still something okay kind of like this gives you stuff he's kind of a slap all right i'm gonna spend two arrowheads or one arrowhead and two tablets to move up here i'll draw a card and i think that's it i draw a card right nothing else and resources aren't worth anything at the end of the game and then nope take this and i can't use that so i really need to like jim how do i get i haven't seen him here well that's his game he's still he it's not your turn or is it yeah so i'm spending a gold to get an arrowhead and then spending the two arrowheads to move up my book here and upgrading this guy again oh no i can't upgrade him again i'll upgrade him you also oh no and then as a fast action i will spend to get a gym or uh is it jim gonna do anything a gemini tablet would move you up there but you're too far a gem a gold and a compass moves you up to the top spot the gold that's all right i'm short on arrowhead i just need one you just spin your jumper arrowhead but you could i didn't spend it yeah i passed a while ago it's just you guys know it is can i get two compasses then you can keep going because i'm passing can i get an arrowhead i have all these cards in my hand but two of them unfortunately are fears which really limits what i can do so i'll play the monkey medallion for a tablet let's gain the top item and put it on my deck so i'll take that chronometer the top item or the item that goes on top of my deck the only item that is there it goes on top of my deck i've been really upset if that had been two or less gold activate any i mean not now but i had gold a second ago so gold can't really do anything for you you can't spend it on anything but items is that correct buy a point if you encounter a greedy baboon throughout the game it can help because unfortunately i don't have the arrowhead there's no way to buy arrowheads you can buy the binoculars for a point you need four companies i need four compasses and i have one four compasses oh those i'm going to buy the binoculars for a point all right i'll take the binoculars ryan's just closing out at the store right i am i have two gold here i'll buy that that's all i needed let's get this one that one's two points yep just loading up on points because i'm not getting it any other way it's all passed wait hold on oh there's that costs four i can get three more coins here does that do anything i don't think so we just wait for you to get three coins well i wasn't sure if there was anything that they were worth at the end of the game that's understandable but that is the full game we are going to tally up the scores we'll be right back in a second to tell you how things shook out all right all right all right we tallied the scores and ryan what are they all right well i had 49 here at 52. too bad this wasn't a wednesday livestream i like how you said that because you beat me you're so shocked you say that you never beat me in games you beat me here um so jeremy had 63. i want the uh do you think david got lower or higher score than jeremy thanks guardians 65 points 63 to 63 so that was a really tight game with the exception of me you guys were all you were within 10 points of them and you guys were within two points of each other i think one of the most interesting things here is we were talking off screen here was that ryan had a substantial number of cards he had the most cards by a long time a long shot players but he had the lowest score he had 20 how many cards 24 23 cards yeah 23 cards had the lowest score david had eight cars eight cards at the end and had the highest score um i don't really think that's indicative of every time he played the game it is very cool that that happened where you kept a very lean deck and you're going after guardians which none of the other players really did she had one guardian ryan had one guardian i had two you had six that was half your points yeah this was this was my entire strategy obviously i had the card i saw the revolver come out i think a lot of it has to do with there's a wide variety of cards like we said every card is unique and as the cards come out in one game like we didn't see any of these we didn't see any of those if the revolver had never come out right i would not have been able to use that strategy because the revolver let me use one compass to defeat a guardian no matter what that was huge for you that was a lot of points not only is that make it easy it easy to defeat a guardian but it gives you completely carefree attitude towards exploring because you could end up at a location and no matter what the guardian calls for to defeat it you know that if you have the revolver in your hand it's a compass and when your deck's that small you know you're going to get the revolver i really took advantage of that precision compass but by the end of the game my deck was so big i wasn't getting it every round but i also chased the gold engine and i had i was producing a lot of gold which was great all the up until the last round when i realized well the last round gold doesn't really get you anything because the cards you buy yeah you're never going to see them so it's just you're buying points but you're not you're not buying points at a good enough rate as far as maybe not building a gold engine and getting some gems to move up on this track instead here how many points did you have here 24. yeah oh okay so you had the most oh but you didn't get your book up very high and none of us was able to get here and get any of these tiles it's kind of a tricky thing well and i messed up at the end so because i can't see on the other side of that stack now you have something i could have gotten a tablet instead and i would have had enough because i had gold to move up one more two points but since i did the one that let me draw a card oh i pulled another fear which whatever and i use this to call the fear so it's like i'm one point if that card hadn't been a fear okay it could have been something really good yeah what's the other interesting thing about the light decks and the heavy deck is i knew what was in my deck and i think with 23 cards i mean i knew what was in there i didn't have a lot of calling to get my basic cards called out yeah if i could have called those basic cards out because i got a lot of really good cards um but i would have loved to call them down but i just didn't see a lot fear did everybody end with i had one i didn't think i had four you had a lot right i got rid of a lot i have three at the end two we started throughout the whole game yeah i used this quite a bit yeah that was a really i really and i had a couple other things that let me get rid of them as well i liked my pilot but i had my eye on that coal one that was a yeah there's i mean there's a lot of interesting things are going on this game number one i don't think a draw engine is is huge in a game like this i do love the fact that it's very very much about optimization you have to you have to pick your path and do it really well and by optimization not only in those paths you want to do either buying cards going here and exploring or doing the research and trying to stick to that but also your workers like you don't realize until maybe halfway through the game that those workers these archaeologists that you're sending out if you send them out too early then you're kind of stuck chasing your wheels for the rest of the round if you want to wait till the end of the round but if you wait then the good spots that you need to power your turn so there's a lot of interesting decisions on what you want to do at what given time and all that's driven by the cards and that's another interesting thing is that those five cards unlike a traditional deck builder when you're just playing five cards and doing all those actions each player gets an action so the timing aspect of that is really unique well especially in a card draw which you and i both had some cards that let us draw cards it's you have to predict because if you go somewhere if i went here to take you know an arrowhead and then i drew a card that gave me an arrowhead i just wasted that that movement i mean you really should try to draw all your cards the later you can place these guys when you know exactly what you need because i really well i didn't do it on the last round i got my guys out really early which uh and you need two some rounds it's just something that's true you gotta pick and choose yourself i didn't lock up that last space at the end you did because i did that and then i also played the lantern yeah so i got to activate i could activate another spot without wasting my guys and so i made sure i got all the tablets because i had all this upgrading and i was planning and that's what i used the blue cards for none of these blue cards really meant anything to me i think i used one of them once after the initials yeah so i'm going to get those this one research with a discount or less and so i used that one to move up this one to untap and every one of these i got was to help me move up at the end so i was just trying to upgrade my stuff constantly so i use the blue cards not to have them in my deck so much is more to like one time maximize what i was doing in the moment yeah which i liked very cool well that is uh runes of the lost runes of arnac from cge or check games edition if you guys have any questions about the game make them in the comments below this will be available right around essence yeah i think it's a november release uh like i said this is near final they are still tweaking a few things there's going to be a solo edition that they're adding to it that'll be fun um and then the board has another side with complete variability so this track is different and the locations have different costs cool awesome if you guys have any questions about the game make them in the comments and thanks for watching bye you
Channel: Man vs Meeple
Views: 16,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Board Games, Boardgames, Tabletop Games, Games, Card Games, Euro Games, IGN, Strategy Games, Family Games, Gen Con, Best Games, Top 10 Games, Watch it Played, The Dice Tower, Playstation, Worker Placement, Good Games, Deck-Building
Id: 1LzPSixsvqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 3sec (6303 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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