Most Anticipated Board Games Gen Con 2021

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so this video is about our most anticipated games featured at gen con 2021 [Music] welcome to tantra house studio three i'm kevin i'm melissa i'm will i'm sarah and i'm katie and as katie said we are talking about most anticipated games at gen con we're dividing this into two big categories games that we've already played that will be featured at gen con sort of like we've gotten some pre-release copies and then some games that uh we don't even have yet but we're excited to talk about yeah interesting oh which who wants to start with uh their game that they've already played at the table that they're already excited about uh we have a one at least maybe two from stack uh r and r games i was gonna start with aeg we got one from rnr uh if you like yeah if you like party games this does not look like a party game mystic pads but it is uh in the same thing as code names it gives you those same feelings you're trying you have clues out words out on the board that you're trying to get other people to guess my beef with code names is if you get somebody who doesn't know how to give clues it can get really slow this you're given the clues and you have to figure out how to make them so maybe it goes all the way on the other side because you have to use the cards right you're not having to think about the word you need to do you're having to think which word fits this best well i'm just going to have to pick one of these yes but it still has that same feeling sitting there listening to everybody talk about why it's this one and not this one you're just sitting there like cringing and so like no you shouldn't have mentioned that because that's not what i was thinking you know that is that feeling so basically you have to make a path from your wizard through ten words and you have a little map it's a predetermined map yeah so on some steps there's like five options that the next step could go to and sometimes there's only like two options so trying to find the words that will take them towards this word but not that way and it's fully co-op so everyone is trying to help everyone get through their paths so i do appreciate that i like the um what the game is doing with the cards and the tokens trying to and lots of variability because uh they're just like it code names all the different cards there's lots of tokens and if you watch my favorite part yeah and one of the things about the game is that it's customizable because you can write their dry erase pen works great you can write on some of the blank tokens that they've given you i think there's actually enough you could probably play an entire game of custom words so you can write your own favorite things up there and then everybody gets their associations on that super fun stuff we did play it on our 12-hour game-a-thon so you could check out that video if you want to see it in action let's talk about a game from aeg which was also on our 12 hour game of thumb so you can check that out this is 10. uh this is a set collection type game push your luck set collection type game where you are trying to get sets of uh rows of numbers in different colors i think it's blue red green and orange yeah and as you push your luck you're collecting those numbered cards into your sets and hopefully not busting yeah because if you reveal more than 10 value of cards or currency then you bust and that's not and those cards go in the market and you have the potential to buy them so there's uh currency cards that show up as well you have a limit on how much currency you can have at one time so you need to make sure you have the currency to pay for what you need uh there's also wild stuff you auction off so you need to make sure you're balancing all of it to try and also not bust when it's your turn and you need something yeah one of the nice things about the game is that it is a very straightforward like just numbers and cards you can figure it out anybody can can jump in and play it but there's plenty of strategy in the last portion and how much you're going to spend as you're out bidding the people next to you and setting that bid so i think it's one that a lot of people are going to be able to appreciate plays 15 to 30 minutes which is good too so it's a great party game it goes up to five players yeah i was gonna say it's part of aeg's big game night event that they're doing but it will also be in retail after gen con 10. katie you want to talk about you bless you excuse me this is another one that we played on our 12 hour we just played all the best games that i've loved apparently um this game has um is about trying to run through different time zones and um get rid of the bad guy and basically it's a cooperative game where everybody's trying to work together to try to accomplish different goals and it's a lot of fun there's a lot of fun art and a lot of pop culture references lots of pop culture you are trying to complete missions as a team and those missions are anywhere from getting rid of red cubes or trying to gain green cubes and get rid of the clones that are on the board it's very very varied in the missions that you're trying to complete and you reveal new missions as you complete the ones that you've already are done yeah one of my favorite parts of the game is just the card play you're gonna have three cards at your disposal usually each turn and they're going to give you actions you can do and if there are energy cubes on the board in your space you might be able to refresh loop those cards and use them again so you can get some pretty powerful combos going by refreshing your cards and moving around to different places and another panosaurus game i just want to mention really quick is wild space we haven't featured this on our channel yet but we will this is another fun game coming uh to jen being featured at gen con as well from pinosaurus it's competitive and you are collecting a crew of animals space animals there's like bears and octopi [Laughter] monkeys and um a set collection type game yeah it's a one to five player it's pretty brief i haven't had a chance to try it yet but the art for it looks super fun and we definitely look forward to playing it before gen con i've played it already it's a great game yeah another one where you can combo a lot of things because the card may let you play another card which lets you play another card and activate it so you're kind of trying to chain everything together i know will has one that we've all played that he wants to mention also we don't have it right here in front of us but knight of the ninja from brotherwise games is one that we played um six months ago or something on our channel i don't know where'd you find it at was that a 24-hour game was our tantrum con digital digital way back in february uh it's a social deduction game where players are on two different teams and they are trying to they actually have action cards that they'll be playing but you don't know who's on what team you do not secret social yeah action cards that will be played in sequential order and so you have to kind of decide if and or if you want to play the card when you can play it some of them have a couple different options on when you can play very powerful things like cutting other people out of the game or revealing things or flipping them and it was the type of social game where you don't have to be good at lying uh but you do have to be good at kind of figuring out was this guy really telling the truth about this thing i don't know i can't figure it out very fast super quick game uh easily replayable and the card art for it is gorgeous it's like the actual cut paper that's like layered on top of each other hard to describe check that one out because it's very cool looking now you love metro bezier games wanted to mention that as well we have a review on our channel already but not for a while but the bezier games will be featuring that at gen con as well that is a very interesting tile laying engine building game with translucent tiles building your cool little subway map lots of fun stuff before we move into games that we haven't played yet um well we haven't played this yet but this is like crosstalk the transition game the segway game could have played this so galaxy trucker has been out for a while but c g e e yeah is i'm getting my my letters all mixed up coming out with a revised new edition which is streamlined they've um redone the art and iconography to help it be a little easier for players to get into the com fewer components but still a lot of the same gameplay i'm sure we'll be demoing it at gen con con melissa and i will be at gen con or at the cge booth demoing this game and others yeah this is a real-time tile lane game and then you fly through space and destroyed by yeah that's part of the fun though the higher education apart the asteroids the pirates all of that um hectic fun cool well why don't we move into games that we are really anticipating because we haven't played them yet okay do you want to start with one sure so i've got my list here which i'm going to reference um let's do one right now then okay all right i um am talking about um origins uh first builders and uh okay um we looking at it it's uh grabbed my attention with a little bit of the the art um for the cover but also um the dice place dice worker placement there we go one of my favorite um that plus city building i found i really like city building aspects so um be more civilization building yes because it's like first builders yeah it's more than just a city i mean you are creating a civilization but anyway so that one sounds pretty interesting i'm looking forward to trying that one out a lot of civ games civilization games are really long games because it takes a long game to build up your sublimation this says it plays in one to two hours so it's maybe a medium weight civ game but i think that dice work replacement really intrigues me with some tile placement yeah i also agree with katie this mechanic and the theme and the art has really really drew me in this is coming from board and dice so check it out i believe we'll be getting a copy that we can also do a review of that um i came across one on one and this is from ravensburger and it's called echoes and they have two that they have announced the cocktail and the other ones the dancer and this is a cooperative deduction mystery game but it's an audio mystery what so it comes with a free app and players listen to mysterious noises and voices that are connected to the playing pieces that you have in front of you so you have to like listen to the sounds and piece together what's happening what the mystery interesting so it's almost like stop thief maybe that one the new game has an app that you play with so i wonder if it's something i'm just my one concern is um unlock has done some sound things with their like trying to escape and the sound quality or what this trying to do hasn't come through as well as we had hoped so hopefully since the game is all based on audio it's very clear clean good quality yeah so i'm interested to try it and see what it's like cassette tape edition so it sounds like you're scanning objects with your phone and then that will trigger audio queues that you have to listen to fascinating will or sarah jump in um i haven't actually played the base game for this but there is a new um expansion for clank in space i've only played the original clan club in space as pulse arcade it's like an arcade it seems great yeah so i don't know the space has been out there modules with new rules cool to expand clank in space so i know a lot of people are probably interested in that one yeah pretty cool back to melissa do we have a box did you bring it too so since the last one i talked about was deduction mystery tacticalism will already know yeah so um this literally came in the mail while we were at southern vikings so crimes and capers from renegade game studios they have two different um scenarios scenarios boxes this one is lady leona's last wishes the other one is i think a high school theme one and basically murder mystery cooperative puzzle games sounds interesting to me yep i love puzzles mystery can i say i love murder no i love solving murders yeah so crimes and capers cooperative mystery puzzle game can't wait to get this open and try it out cool all right i'll admit that if it hasn't made it to the table it's hard for me to anticipate it some of the box covers that i've seen that look really cool and i don't know if these are actually coming out of gen con or just coming soon but the windward one is that a gen con release windward yeah um you guys have played it yeah a long time ago super cool looking and i don't remember playing it um but apparently i need to anticipate that one and then uh the rocketeer is coming from prospero hall uh that one again i'm only anticipating because the movie was so great 20 years ago or whatever it came out i believe that one's gonna be a two player game so it'll be interesting i think the gist of the game is that you're trying to uh hide the plans for the rocket pack jet pack okay and you're either the good guys team trying to hide it or you're the nazis trying to excuse it two-player is a team team i think it's two players and uh basically you are trying to hide it until the zeppelin launch that will kind of trigger the end of the game and whoever has the plans in their possession at that point i believe will win it but the art for it looks great i mean it looks like it was straight ripped out of the movie and uh just very quilting and stuff prospero hall has been putting out a lot of fun ips recently and doing a good job with them so hopefully they'll do good with rocky and the publisher is funko games yes that's great they also do a great job yeah yeah i would like to talk about against melissa's turn oh um okay i'll talk about key to the kingdom from restoration games i don't really know anything about the original it's a 1990s classic game but the reason it caught my attention is the designers are matthew o'malley and ben rossi and you talk to these guys who did um search for planet x between two cities between two castles so some games that um i love the art is by andrew balzley so you know that's going to be very good um so this is a new version of the classic hole in the board mechanism so you're hopping through portals to explore the demon king's domain so i'm guessing that maybe the board has holes in it i don't know do you know anything about key to the kingdom a game from the 90s but this one gives players greater control over the winds of the dice so i believe that the game i'm talking about has been available um overseas in europe this but arcane wonders is bringing it to the us is called picture perfect this is a negotiation deduction puzzle game where supposedly you have some clues that you have purse that everyone has their own clues and you're trying to arrange 14 it says you arrange 14 characters to take the perfect photograph and you're some way you can start bartering for other people's clues and you're looking in the envelope you're trying to discover what's the best way to arrange this yes i believe so so um it sounds different sounds interesting so i'm interested in trying picture perfect from arcane wonders back to melissa sure oh okay super skills pinball ramp up oh yeah i have a review video of super skill pinball professional shade this doesn't have a problem with pinball no no i love pinball i played so much pinball that my arm is she was sore from the fast weekend at southern gray southern fried gaming expo but this is a standalone basically sequel to the original super skill pinball it has four new tables it's designed by jeff engelstein and published by whiz kids so you have gopher gold pin pals which is a wrestling theme high roller heist which is kind of like a casino caper and then top speed your quintessential car race racing game ball machine so looking forward to that okay okay so back to me um i wanted to talk about king domino origins yes this is on my list i i really enjoyed king domino it's like it's it's like the better than queen domino yes okay same for me and i'm i'm just interested to see what they've done with it they said they're introducing some um oh goodness some other like scenarios some other mechanics um and they're they're putting in um fire and volcanoes like they're gonna be areas within those um things that will give you resources so as you pull them you're getting certain types of resources that you can do things with and interesting i know i i'm interested to see if that is incorporated well enough that the doesn't bog the game down because part of the thing that i really like about king domino is it is fast you can play you have two or three people who've played before you can just do and you can finish the game out really quick um and it's really fun just trying to figure out how you're going to make things fit because there's not much space in everything but i i'm interested to see how that gets incorporated into the original idea of king domino so for sure melissa anymore i mean i have like eight more that i could talk about i did research i researched um this is a quirky one cutter land from hobby world it is drafting and then literally i cut you choose because you are cutting the like literally cutting yes you're literally cutting up pieces to then create these lands so i don't know if it's going to be kind of like clip clutch parts okay yeah but um does it come with the scissors like ah i don't know it includes a mode in which you can play with the already cut up pieces and two recharge packs will be available so i just thought it sounded interesting with that cutting up things and literally i cut you juice so one that i saw this weekend at southern fried gaming expo and i didn't get a chance to try it was juicy fruits from capstone oh yeah it looks a little bit like tiny towns where you have a grid and you're adding pieces to it and manipulating them in a certain way it's got super fun art bright artwork um i think you're you have an island and you're getting fruit on it makes me think of gum juice um i just don't know i'm just gonna neoville from blue orange games it's designed by phil walker harding who's done a lot of great games this is a tile placement game so many of us like tile placement here at the table um so you are building skyscrapers and utilities you have a four by four uh grid and you're going to gain points based on how they're positioned and different scoring objectives but i love thailand okay do you have any more um i was going to maybe mention furnace which jonah took home oh jonah just so he left with it i i just saw the box cover for it and i thought this looks really good to draw you in it did it looks i i don't know something about it looks like a kind of industrial 1900 yeah kind of theme and it says engine building which is intriguing so i i literally know nothing about it except for the box art really drew me in kind of funny there's furnace and big and it's the mechanics engine building i mentioned the night k or i mentioned the night of the ninja earlier the knight cage is coming from smirk and daggerface i think i have not played it okay then it can go in this list okay great is it all right we got it we played a prototype before it went on kickstarter so it is a i was going to mention it and then just we just kept going but we could talk about it yeah pull it in now if you've talked about it you can give me the lowdown uh from what it looked like it was like a exploration game where you're kind of flipping tiles hoping not to fall through some of them it's like an escape not an escape room but an escape game where you're trying to make it out alive and then from what i understood like parts of the board kind of disappear as you get away from them what's going on person is represented by like like a token on the board and they all have a candle and they can see basically the tiles surrounding them and as and you're trying to escape like will saying get to the everyone's got to get to the gate but you have to find keys and all unlock the gate at the same time so you have to find like three or four keys um in the game so you're finding keys there's monsters there's things happening in the dungeon and as you move through this grid-based tile board the tiles behind you are coming off the board and if you ever go back to where that spot was new tiles come off the board and they're going to be different they're basically like x's and plus you know they're different like paths so there's some i've i've seen a couple of games that do similar things and that is a very interesting exploration style with it's like um a live board somehow it's just continually moving and changing we've enjoyed our plays we've won a few times lost a couple times uh yeah yeah those tiles they can be brutal but i recommend the night cage uh it's under the smirk and laughter line oh is it laughter even though it's because it's co-op so the theme does sort of look smoking dagger because it's like this dark because you're not backstabbing so you're all working together it's smirking dagger but maybe it's like smirking they should have like an expansion where you stab each other but it's public secret trainer mechanic that they publish both all right um i just wanted to quickly mention that great western trail second edition by edgards field might be out during gen con so that's just something to look for any other last comments there are several kickstarter games that um may have fulfilled this summer but they haven't been released for retail the casino cascadia is one that i thought of there's a few others so if you see a kickstarter game that you missed it may be available for retail or you can always set up game stores and see if they have it cool well we need to hear from you in the comments what games you are anticipating that are being featured at gen con so let us know in the comments we'd love to hear from you um and maybe ones that you've heard us talk about or maybe they're ones that we didn't talk about so yeah thank you guys so much for tuning in we'd appreciate hearing from you and we'll look forward to putting together some more of these videos in the very near future and connecting soon thank you guys bye [Music] could have talked about castle party cora rise of an empire so many glass rhodes getting a reprint i have a hard time doing anything that's just like um the second edition of all right cool i didn't know we were doing something at the end it was trying to make it exciting all right three
Channel: Tantrum House
Views: 10,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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