Game in a Nutshell - Barrage (how to play)

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[Music] hello and welcome to neutral a game club my name is branislav Barrett and you're watching gaming a nutshell the series of videos designed to teach how to play various board games today we're going to learn the game called barrage from Thomas a Batista and Simona luciani published by Crown your creations this game is a very very heavy complex euro game and that's why some of the rules have a basic variant and the advanced variant we will cover both in this video and they will be distinguished or marked with these two icons so without further ado let's go to set up the game place the game board in the middle of the table then place the management board next to the game board and then place this energy track nearby as well take these head stream tiles shuffle them and randomly place four of them face up in these designated spaces on the game board for the advanced game shuffle all these six bonus tiles and place them randomly on this energy track do not place any bonus tile on this spot then put the remaining tile back into the box for the basic variant remove this bonus tile from the game completely and place the remaining five bonus tiles on the energy track in a random order then shuffle these six objective tiles and randomly place one of them in this designated space at the end of the energy track these tiles are the National Contract shuffled them and randomly draw one in a two-player game two tiles in a three-player game and three tiles in a four player game you can put the remaining tiles back into the box then sort these private contractors by the color on their back place them in the corresponding spaces on the management board and reveal the top two tiles from each pile face-up divided these neutral them set up tiles by their back randomly draw one tile from each pile and then place the neutral Dems to the corresponding sections so there is a level one them in the rightmost stream in the mountains section so the neutral damp goes here and as indicated with this blue drop with the number one place one drop of water into the same basin then there is a level to them in the rightmost stream in the hills section so you need to place two structures to this spot and again one drop of water and finally there is a level three dam in the middle stream in the plains section so we have the base one elevation and the second elevation and again one drop of water if you play the basic game leave this patent office in the box in the advanced game place it next to the gameboard salt these Advanced Technology tiles by the number of their back and shuffle each pile then take the first three tiles from this first pile with the number one and put them in these three designated action spaces for the advanced game create the random combinations of the company boards and executive officers create as many combinations as there are players in the game in addition shuffle these starting contract tiles and again randomly deal face up as many tiles as there are players in the game randomly determine the starting player order and then the player who is in the last position will be the first one to choose one of the combinations of the company board and the executive officers after making a choice that player also has to choose one of these available starting contracts then the next player in this reversed player order has to make his choice selecting one of the available combinations of the company board and the executive officer and also one of the available starting contracts and finally the first player in the player order takes the final remaining combination together with the final starting contract tile for the basic game or an introductory game after randomly determining the starting player order distribute the company boards executive officers and the starting contracts as indicated in the rulebook when all players get their company boards and the executive officers each player will place all the structures on the company board he would take 12 engineers six coins six excavators and four concrete mixers the game also comes with these larger tokens and this one counts for three excavators and this one counts for three concrete mixers in addition this largest one counts for five excavators and this large one counts for five concrete mixers and finally each player will take five technology tiles of his color but when you play the advanced game return this wild tile back into the box it will not be needed then place all the victory markers on the number 10 on the victory point track and the energy markers on the starting point of the energy track and finally if you don't play with the full player account you have to disable some of the action spaces based on the number of players in the game if you play the three player game use the engineers of the color which is not in the game and cover all action spaces indicated with this number four you have to cover all the action spaces on both the left side and the right side of all actions if you will play a two-player game cover up all the action spaces with this three plus symbol as well Barash is a worker placement game which means players use their engineers as workers to place them into various action spaces to take the corresponding actions they would try to fulfill these contracts by producing energy the object of the game is to score the most victory points and the main source of this victory points is the energy production for that players would need these water drops they can either use the water drops in these neutral dams or they can build their own dams then they need their own powerhouses and also the conduits which connect Dems with the powerhouses in addition to producing energy players can score victory points by building various structures in the game the player with the most points is the winner the game of barrage is played over five round and each round has five phases the first phase the income and hence stream phase is some sort of an upkeep phase players would collect income from their company boards and more water drops will be added to these head stream tiles the second phase is called the action phase and it's the main phase of the game in this phase players have to make all the decisions and take actions on the management boards so this is the game face and everything important happens during this phase then there is a water flow phase in which all the water drops from the head stream tiles starts flowing downwards so it's another game maintenance phase after that we have the scoring phase and an end of round phase which is another game maintenance and cleanup phase now we'll cover all the phases in more detail income is represented by these exclamation symbols on the company board and that means you have to build some structures to get some income in the first round of the game you obviously get nothing but later in the second third fourth and a fifth round of the game if you have any of these slots uncovered you would get all these depicted incomes at the start of each round then add water drops to these head stream tiles according to the numbers indicated on each tile that means for this head stream tile there will be no water drop edit in the first round this head stream tile will get two water drops in the first round this tile will have zero water drops and this one will receive one water drop for the second third and fourth round look at the numbers in the corresponding sections there are no water drops added in the fifth round in the action phase players take turns following this turn order on your turn you must take one action that means you have to take some of the engineers from your company board and place them on one free action space these are actions and most of these actions have to action spaces action spaces may require one engineer or two engineers or maximum three engineers in addition if you place your engineers into these action spaces with the red outline you also have to pay three credits from your own personal reserve to take the selected action if you would want to take an action but you wouldn't have enough engineers in your supply you cannot take such action and you cannot place the engineers in an action space without actually taking that action if you have no engineers in your supply you have to pass other players may still take actions if they have any engineers available when all players pass the actions phase is over these four action spaces are the construction actions because they are on the company board they are private and only this player can use the action spaces on his own board and because they are construction actions they allow you to construct various buildings there are four types of buildings in this game bases elevations conduits and powerhouses bases are used to create dams which hold water required for the energy production elevations are used to increase the height of the dams and to increase the amount of water they can hold elevations are always built on top of the bases and each base can have maximum two elevations power houses generate energy however to generate energy they need water from dams and so you need conduits that would connect these dams with your powerhouses to take the construction action you would need one engineer for your first construction action of the round two engineers for your second action of the round and so on and so in addition to engineers you will also need machineries and you will also need these technology tiles so first you need to choose the structure and let's say we want to build this base take the required number of engineers and activate the action space then because we want to build the base we need the technology tile with the same symbol which is this symbol or if you play the basic game you can use this wild tile which can act as any other tile then take this technology tile and place it into the open segment of your construction wheel then take the required machineries and also place them into the same open segment on your construction wheel we'll cover the cost of construction in a minute then rotate the construction wheel by one segment and finally place the building on the game board similar to action spaces if it would place the building on these kind of spots you would have to pay additional three credits however that doesn't apply for elevations because when you build an elevation the base is already there and so you're not required to pay those three credits now in order to build another structure of the same type you would have to wait until the wheel makes the full turn and you get the technology tile back or in the base game you can use the wild style or if you play the advanced game you might have the advanced technology tile with the same structure symbol if you don't have any of these you simply have to wait when the wheel makes the full turn you also get these machineries back now we will cover the costs for each building to build the bases you need five excavators if you build the base in the mountain section which is this section of the game board you will need four excavators if you build the base in the hills section which is the brown section which starts here and ends here and you need three excavators if you build it in the plains section which starts right below these dams and includes these powerhouses and continues to the bottom of the game board and includes these powerhouses as well these water areas are called basins and each player can have maximum one dam in each basin that means that if you already have a dam of your color over here you cannot build the second one however you can build a base of your color in a basin which includes the neutral them when you build elevations you need for concrete mixers if you build it in the mountain section three if you build it in a health section and two if you build it in a Plains section you can only build elevations on top of your bases and as I said already there is a limit of two elevations on top of one base don't forget even if you had to pay three credits to build the base when you build the elevation on top of this base you don't have to pay those three credits again when you build conduits you can only build them in these designated circular spaces there is a small icon with a number next to each place and that's the conduit production value to build the conduit you need to pay two excavators for each conduit value so if I would resize to build this conduit in this spot with the value two I would need four excavators however if I would decide to build it here production value is four that means I would need eight excavators to build the first powerhouse you need two concrete mixers to build the second one you would need three concrete mixers and so on and so forth similar to bases you can have maximum one powerhouse in each Basin including these two spots they are also considered to be a separate basins and so each player can have maximum one powerhouse in these spaces now we will cover the actions on this management board and these actions are public actions that means they are available to all players keep in mind that each action has two separate action spaces it may easily happen that one player would occupy both action spaces of the same action we'll start with this turbine station anytime you activate an action space with this icon you produce energy to do that you must have a powerhouse of your color on the game board then you must have at least one water drop held by either neutral dams or the depths of your color and then there must be a conduit which connects the dam with the water through these pipes to your powerhouse the conduit can belong to any player it doesn't have to be yours to produce energy take as many drops as you want from one dam and move them to your powerhouse you can only choose one dam you cannot combine dams together then for each water drop you produce energy equal to the conduit value so for each water drop I would produce four energy and that's eight energy in total then add bonuses from your company board if you have any and also bonuses or penalties from the management board so in this example I would add two more energy so it's four eight plus three bonuses that's eleven energy in total if you use a conduit of another player you have to pay for each water drop you need to pay the owner of that conduit one credit from your own personal supply and in addition that player would also score one victory point for each drop these are immediately marked on a scoring track then the water flows further down the river each dam can hold as many water drops as is the level of the dam so this neutral dam can hold up to two water drops these can hold up to three but this can only hold one drop so when these drops continue further down the river this dam can only hold one of them the other one overflows which means it simply continues further down and because the powerhouses don't stop the water this water drop reaches the bottom and is lost if you would produce energy let's say you would use this water drop and using this conduit to this power house you would produce to energy and after applying all the bonuses or penalties the total would be less than 1 so zero or even a negative number you would not be able to perform the action after producing energy move your marker on the energy track number of space is equal to the amount of energy you have produced including all the bonuses and penalties and you can and you should fulfil a contract to do that you need to produce the amount of energy depicted on the contract style and you have to do it within one action you cannot combine two production actions to fulfill one contract and similarly you cannot fulfill two contracts with one action it's always 1 contract for one action if you produce enough energy you can even fulfill one of these national contracts when you fulfill a contract immediately take the benefits depicted so in this case two credits and a machinery of your choice and flip the tile face down to mark that it has been completed to fulfill the national contract you have to produce the energy depicted on the tile within one production action take the depicted benefits immediately and then place the national contract I'll face down next to your company board as already noted you should fulfill a contract every time you produce energy all the players start the game with the one starting contract which is the one with the white background however in the contract office you can gain more contracts you can only buy these contracts which are face-up these national contracts are not for sale when you take any of these two actions you can take one of these face-up contracts any one you want and place it face up next to your company board if you take this bottom action you have to pay one credit from your own personal supply and then you can gain any to phase up contract tails again take those styles and place them face up next to your company board at any time during the game you can have maximum three face up contracts if you gain any more contracts later in the game you have to this at any one of those styles to get down to three face up tiles remember these face down contracts are the completed contracts and they don't count towards these three-phase app tiles limit when you're done buying at the end of your action refill the empty spaces water management actions allow you to add more water drops to the head Stream tiles if you take this action you can add two water drops to any head stream tile if you want you can even split them if you take the second action notice that the water drop has a small arrow that means that when you add the water drop to any of these head stream tiles the water drop would actually start flowing immediately following the standard roles it would overflow here and stop at this dam workshop actions allow you to rotate the construction wheel when you take the first action you can rotate the wheel by one segment when you take the second action you have to pay two credits to rotate the wheel by two segments you have to pay the credits from your own personal supply and then you can rotate the wheel by two segments similarly the last action allows you to pay five credits and rotate the wheel by three segments when you rotate the wheel and let's say you take this action and rotate it by two segments after paying those two credits the wheel would rotate one segment and release this technology tile together with these machineries returned the machinery back to your personal supply and the technology tile is again available after rotating the wheel for the second time you would again release another technology tile and also the machinery again put it back into your personal supply in the machinery shop well you can buy machineries when you take the first action you can pay two credits from your personal supply and buy one excavator take the excavator from the general supply and add it to your own personal supply when you take the second action for four credits you can either buy one excavator or one concrete mixer and you take the last action you can pay five credits and to buy one excavator and one concrete mixer when you play the advanced game you can buy advanced technology tile in the Patent Office all three actions are actually the same when you take the action you have to pay five credits and then you can take the advanced technology tile place the tile next to your company board and it's available to you immediately however do not refill the empty space yet it will only happen at the end of the round the bank is the only action space in the game which can hold unlimited number of engineers when you need credits or when you have no other use for your remaining engineers you can place them in the bank and for each engineer you would get one credit so for two engineers you will get two credits take the credits from the general supply and add them to your personal supply with the bank action space we have covered all the action spaces in the game and with that the entire action phase in the water flow phase older water drops from all the head streams start to flow down one at a time the water naturally flows down from the mountains through the hills and it only stops when it reaches a dam each level of the dam can hold one water drop so the three level dem can hold up to three water drops so when these two water drops would start flowing down they would both stop at this level 3 dem however in this rightmost stream we have a different situation when the water drop starts flowing it comes to the first dam but the first demo already has a water drop so it is already at a full capacity so the water drop would overflow and continue down to the next dam which is a level 2 dem there the water drop would stop and the level to them would reach its full capacity now the last water drop would obviously overflow the first damn it would also overflow the second m because it's a level to them with the two water drops at full capacity it would continue downwards and it would reach this green dem however that dam is also at the full capacity because it can hold just one drop so it would overflow as well and reach the bottom of the gameboard it will be lost and returned to the general supply in the scoring face first the player who produced the most energy during this round would score six victory points the second player would score two victory points however to score these victory points the player has to produce at least one energy so in case that none of these players would produce any energy this round the white player would be awarded six points but no other player would score any victory points then the players would gain credits according to their position on this energy track white player would gain five credits this player would gain four credits and these two players would gain three credits if any of the players would be at the zero position of the energy track they would still gain three credits but lose three victory points that's the reason why all the players start the game with the ten victory points and then these bonus tiles will be scored in the first round this tile will be scored in a second round this one and so on and so forth so in the first round if the players would score at least six energy they would be eligible for scoring this bonus tile so both of these players will score four victory points for each base they have built so far in the game players who would produce less than six energy would score nothing after that remove the bonus tile from the game in the second round and all other subsequent rounds again all the players would produce at least six energy would be eligible for scoring this bonus tile however only those players who have reached this segment which means they have produced at least this amount of energy would gain the full reward players who are in this previous section would receive this 4 points penalty to their bonus and the players who have not even produced 6 energy would score nothing now it may happen that these players may actually scored a negative number of bonus points in such a case they would never lose the victory points one more example in a third round all the players who would produce the six energy would be able to score this style however this player would have to subtract four points from his bonus and this player would actually have to subtract eight points from his bonus black player would score nothing at the end of the round first updated the player order the player who produced the most energy will go to the last position then the next player and in case there are two players in the same position they would actually switch their current position then move all the energy track markers back to the zero space then take all your engineers from all the action spaces and put them back into your personal supply discard all the advanced technology tiles from the Patent Office and then draw three new ones first keep drawing from the first pile and when the first pile is empty draw the tiles from the next pile when you finish the scoring phase of the final fifth round the game ends immediately award the victory points for the objective tile and scored the victory points from the leftover resources in your personal supply count the number of credits excavators and the concrete mixers all together and for each five resources gained one point do not count the resources which are still on the construction wheel finally at one victory point for each water drop helped by your Dems whoever has the most total points is the winner and that's how you play Mirage if you would have any questions or comments please put them into the comment sections below I'll be really happy to answer your questions if you like the show please subscribe my name is brian so Barretts you'll be watching game in a nutshell and hope to see you next time [Music]
Channel: Nithrania - Play It Right
Views: 20,946
Rating: 4.9800334 out of 5
Keywords: Barrage, game in a nutshell, how to play, playthrough, walkthrough, instructional, tutorial, video, videotutorial, nithrania, let’s play, rules
Id: eWLvSySWcDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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