Game in a Nutshell - Barrage solo rules

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[Music] hello and welcome to Eternia game Club my name is Branislav Barretts and in this video I'm going to show you how to play barrage with Ultima players you can play solo with one or more ultimate players you can play with more human players and one or more Ultima players it's completely up to you and I'm going to show you how those Ultima players take their turns because there are some differences compared to the standard game so here we go when you play with Ultima players always play with the advanced rules that means create the combinations of the company boards and executive officers and also prepare the starting contracts Ultima players always start the game first and human players start the game in the last positions that means the human players choose the combinations of company boards and executive officers first let's say we have a one human player here and to autumn a player's the human player chooses the combination first for example he would choose this combination with this starting contract then ultimate players never play with the executive officers they also don't use these starting contracts so they only use the company boards and now you have to randomly determine their starting player order after doing that place your token to the last position prepare the company board for the ultimate players as usual so the ultimate players also start with six excavators four concrete mixers but ultimate players don't use credits instead they use victory points anytime they would gain credits they would gain the equal number of victory points and vice-versa if they would lose credits they would lose victory points instead they can even get below zero so at the start of the game they don't start with ten victory points but those six credits which they don't have are turned into a victory point so they start with sixteen victory points then shuffle the deck of Ultima tiles and place them with this side up as I already said Ultima players don't use credits in addition they also don't use these bonuses for the third powerhouse on their company boards however they use this second and fourth powerhouse bonuses then the actions Ultima players would take are determined by these Ultima tiles when placing engineers they always place indicated number of engineers and they always place them to the first available action space for the given action they can completely ignore the requirements on this action space in addition they don't perform this action they always perform the action depicted on the ultimate I'll the first available space is counting from top to bottom and then from left to right if they would have to place engineers on these red outline spaces they place indicated number of engineers but they don't have to pay these three credits basically they don't lose three victory points if all the action spaces will be occupied and they still have to perform the action they would place the indicated number of Engineers somewhere nearby and they would still perform that action the same applies to these construction action spaces if the ultimate player is required to place two engineers that player would place two engineers regardless of these requirements on the action spaces the income and headstream face is played as usual that means that if the ultimate players would have any bonuses already uncovered they would get these bonuses then in the action phase at the start of each ultimate turn flip the tile you always have to have two towels available the action tile and then this is a criteria section after this player takes the full turn is the next ultimate players turn that means you would flip another tile and this tile will determine the actions for the second player and this is the criteria side when the deck runs out simply reshuffle it and create the new draw deck this action size determines what action the autumn a player would perform there are always eight actions depicted this is the first one this is the second third fourth fifth sixth seventh and eighth action if the autumn applier is able to perform the first action that player performs the action and the turn would be over if not then that player would try to perform the second action this is the dashed action and if that player would be able to perform that action they continue to the next one basically this dashed action is the only one that doesn't end Ultima players turn so if the ultimate player is not able to perform this first action then it would or wouldn't perform this dashed action and it would try to perform the third action if the Ottoman player would be able to perform the third action the turn will be over if not it would try to perform the fourth action and so on and so forth if the alternate player wouldn't be able to perform any action this eighth action is always available it's similar to the bank action space there's one more exception to the standard rules if the automat player would be able to perform the action but that player wouldn't have enough engineers he would perform that action anyway with the remaining number of engineers in this section of the video I will explain how the Ultima players perform their actions so we'll start with the production action there are three conditions for the autumn employer to produce energy first the autumn a player has to have at least one functional system that will be able to produce energy so there has to be a powerhouse belonging to the ultimate player connected through any conduit to either the dam which is neutral or which belongs to that ultimate player and of course that Dam has to contain some water drops second the autumn a player will only produce energy if that player has anything to gain on the energy track so let's take a look at it in a reverse logic if the autumn a player would be eligible for the full end-of-round bonus that means the player marker on the energy track is already in the section corresponding to the current round and in addition that ultimate player would also score six victory points at the end of the round because the player marker is first on the energy track that player would not produce energy that player would have nothing else to gain so the autumn a player would only produce energy if the player marker is not in this section corresponding to the current round or even if it is in that section but that player is still not first on the energy track and the third condition is related to the contract tiles in this example this action would only be performed if the maximum energy produced would fulfil at least one of these depicted contracts so at least one yellow contract so in this example if ultimate player would be able to fulfill at least one of those yellow contracts let's say using this system that player will produce energy it has to be the color of the contract depicted on the action tile so even if the ultimate player would not be able to fulfill these yellow contracts in this example but that player would be able to fulfill green contracts that player would not perform the production action so if all those three conditions are met the autumn a player would produce energy they always produce maximum amount of energy so this blue player has two options how to produce energy but this system produce more energy because there are two water drops and a conduit with the production level 3 then add the bonuses or the penalty's from the action space and also the bonuses from the company board just to remind you do not add the bonus for the third powerhouse so six energy from the system plus one and plus one is eight energy total now the autumn a player would fulfill the highest energy contract from the contract office so with eight energy one of these two red contracts can be fulfilled even though they are a higher level than the contract depicted on the action tile if there are two contracts with the same value take the one on the right side and place the contract next to the autumn a players play abort and of course take the benefit as well as you can see Ultima players don't buy contracts they fulfill contracts directly from this contract office if they produce enough energy they can even fulfil the national contract when Ultima players perform this water management action they add the indicated number of water drops to the head stream tile or tiles and they follow the standard rules so if the water drop has a small white arrow that water drop will start flowing immediately however Ultima players would perform this action only if at least one of the water drops would reach one of their depths so in this example we have to place one water drop that starts flowing immediately looking at the current board status there is only one dam belonging to the blue player and if that player adds a water drop it would overflow this dam it would overflow here as well and it would reach the dam belonging to that player so the ultimate player performs the action and places the water drop if for example this dam would be empty then the water drop would overflow here but it would stop here in that case the blue player would not perform the water management action now in this example the autumn a player has to place two water drops but they will not start flowing immediately now we have to consider the board situation as if the water flow phase would start immediately and all the water drops would start flowing down that means this water drop would overflow here overflow here and stop here then this dam would only have one water drop and it would be able to store another one so the autumn a player would place one water drops to this head stream however the second drop will not be placed because these two water drops would end up in this dam and the third one would overflow everything so even if this autumn a player could place two water drops only one will be placed now if this Basin would be empty then the first water drop would actually stop there and in that case the autumn a player would place both water drops because they both would end up in the blue dam and one final example let's say the autumn a player has to perform this action so add one water drop that starts flowing immediately and that player has multiple dams on the game so there are more options and that one water drop would actually be able to fill both this dam and also this dam and that water drop can be placed in both of these headstream because it would end up in the blue dem then use the tie breaker on this criteria card here you can see that there is an order d c b and those letters corresponds to the head streams this being a this is B C and D which means that in this example this one water drop would has to go from the D stream first then C then B and so on so because the D head stream is a legal place that player would place one water drop here which would start flowing immediately this action says that the autumn a player has to discard both red contracts from the contract office and then move the energy marker by two spaces so simply discard those two red contract and draw new ones from top of the deck in order to perform the construction action four conditions must be met first the structure itself so the powerhouse has to be available second the technology tile of the same type has to be available or the wild technology tile third all the required machineries has to be available and finally the building space of the same type must be available somewhere on the game board so when all those four conditions are met place the indicated number of engineers on the first available action space where is the required number of machineries under construction real add the technology tile as well and then turn the construction wheel and then it's time to place the structure on the game board first and foremost if the structure you place on the game board would be the third structure of a complete production system place the structure there in this example there is a neutral dam here with the conduit so the power house could be placed here or there is a neutral dam here with the black conduit so the blue player could also place the structure over here and have another full system so there are two options at the moment but in case there was only one option let's say this conrod was not here then the autumn a player would place the structure so that it completes the system in our example we have more options so we need to use additional criteria look at the autumn a card and look into the column which corresponds to the structure the autumn a player is trying to build and you can find the explanation of all these symbols in the rulebook but in this example the power house has to be connected to the conduit with the highest value so narrowing our options down we have two systems which can be completed with this third structure and this system has a conduit with the production value two and this one with the production value three so using this additional criteria the power house has to be built in this location if after applying the first criteria it would still end up with multiple options you would follow the second criteria the third criteria and if you still have multiple options you place the structure on the indicated space with this number and bottom of the card the numbers and letters correspond to the locations on the game board while performing this workshop action first of all ultimate players have to lose the indicated number of victory points then they can rotate the construction wheel exactly as in the standard rolls when you rotate the construction wheel and you release your technology tiles and machineries these become available again in order to perform this action you have to have the expansion and unfortunately I don't have that expansion yet so I cannot demonstrate that for you then this is the machinery action as indicated by this V symbol you cannot take this action in the fifth round so in the first second third and fourth round ultima players have to lose the indicated number of victory points and they gain depicted machinery if they can choose between excavators and concrete mixers they choose the machinery where they have fewer pieces available that means those pieces are not on a construction wheel in case they would have equal amount of excavators and concrete mixers they would take one excavator if Ultima players would perform this patent of his action they would lose two victory points and they would gain one advanced technology tile they have to take the title of the same type as indicated on the action so in this example it has to be a conduit or it could be a wild tile if none of them are available Ultima players don't perform their action if there are multiple tiles available Ultima players always choose the topmost one again place only the indicated number of Engineers and Ultima players only loss two victory points not five and when there's no other option Ultima players would place one engineer to the bank and they would score one victory point so let's have you play bearish with Ultima players at the end of the rule book there is a section which describes have to change the difficulty levels for the ultimate players if you want to do it you'll find the instructions at the end of that rulebook otherwise if you would have any other questions or comments please put them into the comment sections below if you like the show if you like this video like it subscribe you've been watching gaming the nutshell my name is Bernice Talbot and hope to see you next time [Music]
Channel: Nithrania - Play It Right
Views: 4,759
Rating: 4.9766083 out of 5
Keywords: barrage, solo, game in a nutshell, how to play, playthrough, walkthrough, instructional, tutorial, video, videotutorial, nithrania, let’s play, rules
Id: GQ7StIp80JA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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