Barrage 4p Play-through, Teaching, & Roundtable discussion by Heavy Cardboard (reupload)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Heavy Cardboard
Views: 19,241
Rating: 4.9118943 out of 5
Keywords: boardgame, boardgames, board, game, fun, playthrough, teach, learn, how to play, teaching, patreon, podcast, live, livestream, board game, board games, XXXGAMENAME, XXXDESIGNER, XXXPUBLISHER, Cranio Creations, Barrage, Tommaso Battista, Simone Luciani, Hydroelectric, CMON, CMON Games
Id: rRmFhyr2Eno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 247min 51sec (14871 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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