This War of Mine | Rules Overview & Day 1

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[Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone welcome back to rolling solo my name is Adam Smith and we are going to start off in part number one our playthrough of this war of mine the board game if you haven't checked out my solo set up for this game which will give you a much better understanding of how we got the game state to this current spot and all the cars distributed along the game board here you're gonna want to check out the video I released a few days ago I'll put a link to that in the top right hand corner that setup video will really help you get an understanding of the first couple pages that are found inside of the journal and for those you that have already seen that let's dive right into the playthrough with day number one in the morning with Bruno Boris and Amelia as they fight for survival a new day begins the very first thing we do at the beginning of a morning is to go ahead and draw and resolve the top card of the event deck which is going to be a chapter 1 cards let's go ahead and dive right into the narrative story chapter number 1 when the Civil War broke out many people thought it would only last a couple of weeks it's been a year since the military surrounded the rebels in the capital cutting off all supply lanes the civilians still trapped in the city suffer from hunger disease and the constant threat of shelling it's another day of desperate waiting for the end of this terrible war during the solo sin of video there was a time frame where we put the chapter objectives into a slot to the right of the event cards and you'll remember I specified that we'll be coming back to this very very soon in the playthrough because it's called upon by this card right here we're going to build out the objectives that are going to be part of this particular challenge or campaign so first off it's a three chapter campaign as it mentions right there in bold underneath of it it gives you all the instructions you need to build out those objectives you'll place the final objective on the very bottom it'll be face down and we're not going to look at that one and then the other two which are going to be randomly chosen from a number of different chapter objectives are going to be placed face-up on top of it so we'll have three cards total the top two facing up and the last one facing down so the final objective we'll be faced down at the bottom of the deck so now we're gonna go ahead and reveal to chapter objective cards are going to be face-up so you guys can see them as well the very first one we draw that'll be face-up is actually going to be chapter 2 is objective which will sit on top of a final objective and the final objective is for chapter number 3 we won't know what that is until we get to it and then after I drop the first card from here and we know it's chapter twos we'll draw another one at random and that will be chapter one that'll be the one we're going after first so it's the second one that I'm moreso concerned about right now so let's go ahead and draw this card see what we get first one here is staying fit so at the end of the chapter all characters hunger must be at 0 so this is really a timing type situation we can be as hungry as we want all the way along so as much as to not be hungry enough to starve and perish but at a certain point at the end of the chapter itself we need to make sure we have no hunger across our characters and it's all of them which is pretty brutal if we don't we have broken morale and we raise characters misery by two if we do we clear the mind and can immediately draw two narrative action cards and keep both of them the great thing with that is narrative cards or narrative action cards are literally the only thing card wives in the game that you can bank on to be a positive for you so that is going to be chapter two's objective now we need to find out what are we going to be going after for chapter one this is the one that matters what's going to affect his rate away water delivery for local thugs it looks like we already owe the locals some water so it says at any moment you may discard any amount of water without resolving its effects for each discarded water advance the objective marker which we're gonna use this marker right here objective status and it's going to go across this track to the very end once we do we just simply leave it in that objective slot and once the chapter resolves itself at the end of chapter one if we are successful we get a payoff and we can add 10 wood or components to storage that is crazy huge that would be a lot of ability to build the penalty for not doing this though is we get and we have to discard six tokens and resources starting with the most expensive that could be really really really bad for us so our first objective for chapter number one is set in stone we got to deliver water to local thugs five of them that's gonna be what we need to focus on the chapter one card we just talked about that got this deck all set up is now fully resolved we can take this cart now and remove it from the game again remove as a keyword in the game anytime that happens you can actually throw it inside of a waste bag if you have the Kickstarter version or honestly any kind of drawstring bag or anywhere you have a spot to throw them just keep them out of play so that chapter one car has been fully resolved the events been fully resolved which basically concludes our morning the other thing that's removed from the game is all the other chapter objectives that you didn't use or pull when building out these objectives so I have a hand currently right now of five of them the chapter objectives left over those are also removed from play in a moment we'll be moving into the next phase called the day actions phase but first I'd like to talk about movement in and around this house here because we have certain actions we can do right out of the gate and other ones are actually blocked off in terms of movement in the house so what you're seeing is a lot of cards on a lot of different spaces but some of those areas don't have any cards whatsoever so a place like this one right here with this red hand icon is a place you could go and take an action now that red hand icon is all over the place really on a bunch of cards but what really matters in terms of knowing which one's you're actually able to use is really whether or not they're blocking you from getting there so in other words even though this space is available and it truly is I could have someone go here to search the kind of advanced fittings in order to find a new idea or think up something new that we could build that sounds like a good idea one thing I couldn't do is try to jump up here to this pile of rubble there is a wall here and there's no way I can get up into that second floor the only way to get up there is obviously a ladder so you have to walk your way along here and once you get to the end of a clear path you then have decisions on either side of you so I have a closed door to my left a heap on my right and rubble above me I cannot interact with anything further along left right and either of these paths until those are cleared out and just to clarify the game is not counting how many spaces you move it's simply just ensuring that you follow what is most obvious in terms of open space to move through to get to a particular action so logically I can get to this closed door right here because I could actually walk through a bunch of empty spaces and go up the stairs you don't have to worry about counting how many rooms you went through or anything along those lines but if you really want it to get to the rubble here or more so the heap you have to get through a closed door and then the rubble just to get to that heap it's going to take quite a few actions to get there these are the types of things you're going to need to think about right out of the gate in terms of what you want to interact with because even though it looks like there's a lot to do at the beginning you're a little bit tapped in terms of where you can actually place your individuals another thing to be aware of is the fact the house actually goes below into the basement level which is this level right here but even goes all the way down to this second lower level down here where there's some furniture so again as the game goes on you're gonna be able to try to work your way down there to get those heaps and furniture piles because anything in blue is going to give you a reward if you can actually get to it it's typically chunks pieces components that you're going to use to build things the rubbles there to just basically to consume some time on your end to get past it and of course you have things like bars and it'll tell you right on it in order to get through them you need a saw blade you cannot just sit there and yank on that door hoping to get through it you need to get something that'll actually get you through it again it's all very straightforward it'll tell you right on the card what you need a closed door like you saw earlier on needs a lockpick something else that's worth mentioning is the fact that this house is not sealed tight yet you'll notice these particular icons around the house there are holes where you have exposure to cold coming into your house and yes during a regular round there's going to be certain events or circumstances where having a these holes in your house are going to cause problems for you in terms of the heat so you've got a hole right here you've got a hole there and you've got a whole way up there these are the types of areas you're going to want to over time try and board up with tokens and wood in order to close and seal these off that will help you in your fight against very cold nights that are yet to come the cold space which is way up here in the top left is going to house cold tokens to represent how cold it really is getting every round of play inside this war of mine the board game is considered a day and as I mentioned earlier we went through the morning phase which saw us draw an event and get the objective card set up every morning from here on in were simply just drawing event cards and fulfilling whatever they state's some are eventually going to be subsequent chapters as well now we're going to move to the day actions phase and inside of this phase we're taking the characters that we have available to us our survivors and we're going to be moving them to different Red Hand icons around our house in order to try to get them to do something productive during their day to help us survive so this was the major reason that I showed you guys in terms of moving to locations that have the Red Hand icon there are some constraints the closed doors rubble and the bars are certainly going to stop us from getting to the blue labeled cards that typically have good things behind them actually they always have good things behind them in terms of resources but you have to work to get to most of them there's only one that's available right from the get-go and that's the heat that's sitting right there so that's one of the ones we'll probably dive after right away and then we can go after the heap behind that one so what other actions can we potentially do during the day actions phase we have open actions that are here all the time things like the outside going outside is certainly an option and has some positives behind it however you're doing this during the day phase when all the snipers can see you a mile away so by stepping outside of your safe guarded room that you're standing in currently where we start the day actions phase if we choose to go outside the number of characters that are there no matter how many we're gonna roll a plaque die and if we land a one every character is going to be hit and take two wounds which is pretty nasty then after that we can draw and resolve a visitor card in other words someone's going to show up it could be good it could be bad who really knows but there's a lot of risk reward game going on with that one for sure but it's available to us if we want to try it now at the very very bottom and smaller print says if the number of characters in the group is 2 or less we get to search the visitor deck and instead of getting whatever we get rid off the top of the deck we look for a first arrival card we go through the deck until we hit 1 and once we do the first arrival is going to give us the opportunity to bring someone into the house to potentially actually join us in the top right hand corner of the game board we have a place a new fitting action spot and here there's a deck right above it the green trimmed one there that says build a workshop this is a deck full of cards these are all fittings these are things you can build and write on the card on the top of it itself it'll tell you not only what it is but also the requirements to build it this one's a mechanical part 3 wood five components then you have to ensure you have a space to actually put it of course not only requirements of the components and the items and pieces that you need to make it but also a space to put it that's empty if you meet those two criteria you can build it you can slot it into your house somewhere and you flip the card over once you do and you're able to gain some benefits from it just be aware of the fact you're allowed to go through that deck at any time and just look through it it's essentially almost ideas think of them as basically ideas that are in your head from the beginning of the game almost like you walked into this house and you realize we really need a workshop we really need a heater those type of things that are just simple ideas the deck to the right of it is the ideas deck and that's ideas beyond what you have access to at the start of the game in order to get access to that particular deck there's another space on the board you need to go to and that's this space right here if you choose to have a character land on this space you can choose two cards from that ideas deck which is the orange trimmed deck and put them into the green fittings deck basically allowing you access to build those things again as long as you actually have the resources do it and a space to build it so this is going to be useful a little bit later on maybe not necessarily the gates especially when we have a very low amount of components in wood and things we need to build some of these items but again you can freely go through these two decks to kind of get used to what kind of benefits you'll gain from them and what requirements you need to build them it's all part of the strategy in how your going to try and survive the key takeaway is that you can never take an idea from the ideas deck and build it it has to be inside the fittings deck to be allowed and this last action that's always available to you is poke about any number of characters can go here it's really useful and it really will help you out on those scavenging trips where you come back with your findings and you just don't have enough resources in terms of wood and components and you want to take a gamble on rolling a 10 sided die to see whether or not you can rummage some stuff up from the basement so it certainly will help you out in certain situations but it also can be a big waste of an action if you happen to roll one to a four and can only take one wood or one component as part of the day fees we always have to determine how many actions we actually have at our disposal so first off how is the D phase structured in terms of resolving actions it's simply all three of our characters starting on the guard space which is literally the front door of our house I get to choose when playing solo where I'd like to put them so I choose where I want to actually locate those individuals and what actions are gonna take I don't resolve them I'm just placing them where they need to be and then in whichever order I want I resolve them that is basically the first action and once they're all resolved all three characters they go back to the guard space and then we start the second stage of actions so what's really important to note always before you go into this is what current status is really negative status is you have in your character because it's gonna affect how many actual actions they get to perform very easy on the first day because everyone's the exact same completely ignore the two here on these statuses or conditions focus more so on the circles for hunger you'll see two of them are white one of them's black if they were all white so an example I had a hunger one I would actually have three actions with this particular character sadly I don't I actually only have two because the black spot means I lose the third action so currently I can only take the first and second stage of actions and that's where it stops where why this is important to mention now is because it's easy right now but as the game goes on you're going to obtain more conditions so for instance Bruno might become really miserable and even though he's up to a level three misery which is actually really bad you can see still by actually checking this out in a column fashion I still have two actions available for him but as more statuses pile on over time and if you're not managing them properly you'll start to see that dwindle the second you have a black circle in a column that action is lost so now I can only do the column worth and I have all white circles inside of which is the first action so I literally can only do one action with brittle until he gets rid of some of his fatigue and then he's back to two so you're probably curious has to want the number is on the right-hand side of these status conditions it basically is the level of how bad that particular condition is affecting that current character so as of right now there is four levels there's one two three and four in terms of the tokens there can actually be a zero and it's simply literally not having a status token if it's zero that's the best-case scenario you can ask for because you don't have any condition whatsoever in that particular status so of all of the statuses you can get fatigue hunger misery wounds and illness if you have none of them you're doing the best you possibly can with a character and you're getting all three of the actions there are status conditions that will come in at a1 that still have three actions available to you like hunger so if I can knock my hunger down over time with my characters then I can actually get back some actions so that's really important and you can use that strategy inside of the exact same day phase so I could go into add a phase with this structure and as long as I was able to find a way to get Boris or Amelia to eat some food that would knock back their level to a-1 I could gain access to that third action by doing it in the first or second action if that makes sense so there's a lot of strategy there as I mentioned the highest level you possibly can get on the status condition in terms of the number is of four which is not good and when you hit a four you're gonna get something that looks something like this and when it states something like that you can expect to find a very bad end for that particular character it's going to tell you to go to the narrative in order to find a certain excerpt from it read it and determine what happens to that character you're trying at all costs to avoid getting your characters of to a level for on any status conditions it's also important to know that you check the special ability for the particular character that you're using because it might actually come in handy in a particular phase during the day this one here says you may sacrifice one of Bruno's actions during the day phase to roll a black dye result of six to ten anywhere in between there or including those add one vegetable to storage vegetables are very good they're not gonna necessarily decrease your hunger but they won't allow it to go up either which is great unfortunately we need water so water would have been a lot better there the other individual that has a special ability is Amelia her States Journal at the beginning of the dawn phase amelia may raise her fatigue by any amount to lower her misery by the same amount so she can basically become more tired but in order to reduce her misery which is actually quite nice because misery is pretty nasty now you'll notice Boris there on the left being the red bordered character does not have a special ability that's because the red characters with a red border around them they typically have stronger prowess and they also typically have a bigger inventory so that's their advantages so let's decide on our actions for the first action at least I'm gonna have Bruno head over to this heap over here in order to try and search it hopefully we'll find some things that we need I'm gonna have Amelia head over to this closed door here which requires a lockpick so I'll place a lockpick from our storage there and last but not least I'm gonna have Boris go through and up the ladder to the rubble space in order to dig through this I need either a shovel or two characters to be there we do have a shovel so I will place that right there at this point I can now resolve each of these as I choose I'm gonna go ahead and have Bruno explore the heap first and find out what we get it appears we have found in electrical part one water that's good and three components so let's go ahead and add what we have gained after going through that heap we found ourselves some water this is perfect because we know we need one water per character so now we have enough water for everybody we also gained three components which is awesome it's going to help us with building things again I have five of them now so I could take one of these and remove five from this storage area take one of them and put it in the storage timez5 area but I still have a bunch of components to pull from the box so I won't do it until we're running low on them plus it's easier to count them up here on the playthrough and the next thing I gained was an electrical part so not bad all around for Bruno he is going to return to the guard spot and that card we just received and revealed is going to be removed from the game next we have Boris up here with a shovel and he's gonna go ahead and dig through it some rubble so first off the shovel does not get discarded and does not break or anything along those lines when being used and I'm gonna take this rubble cart we're gonna flip it over and you know what the nasty thing about rubble is is as you go through it with actions there's still remnants left over so I spent an entire action just breaking down the rubble but there's still some rubble remnants to dig through later on they're gonna require a shovel or two characters so that's all I get to resolve there it just simply flips the card and he goes back to the garden position amelia is last but certainly not least she's trying to open up a closed door she needs a lockpick to do it she now rolls a ten sided die to see how well she does at lock-picking we got ourselves a four what does a four give us a four to 10 is discarding of the lockpick and then we get to resolve the back of the card we literally just barely did it now you'll notice the lockpick is discarded so this is going to go back to the box and we only have one use of that now if we had a failed lockpick we still get to keep it and we could try it again later it just basically burns actions on us but we were successful just barely so now we can go ahead with this closed door flip it over and look at that we gained ourselves one component and one wood so we'll go ahead and add additional wood there we've got five and now in terms of components we have quite a few going for us that card has been fully resolved we'll take the ten sided diet out of the equation this card is removed from the game it's now opened up a space for us to build here now we actually have two new spaces open the closed door space in the heat space to build things in with fittings later on she goes back to the guard space and that is gonna do it for the first round of actions so I'm gonna go ahead now for second actions amelia is going to go this time to clear out the rubble up top and she is going to bring the shovel with her to ensure that she can complete that that's simply just going to be the removal of that card and the opening or availability to get to those closed doors which will be nice eventually once we have another lock pick of course but I'm just clearing the way and opening up spaces next up I'm gonna go ahead with Bruno and we're gonna Bruno go to the heap card which is now available thanks to us clearing out the other heap card so he's gonna go all the way over here and then last but not least we're gonna go ahead here with Boris and he's gonna go all the way up to the place a new fitting action as he's gonna try to build something so let's go ahead and resolve our second actions I'm gonna start it off here with Boris and again all of these characters are taking simultaneous action resolution but I'm just resolving them one at a time one thing to note though is you can't technically go down to the Polka boat area if you're dying to have some wooden components for an individual who's also planning to build in the same action and then use those components you have to have the resources available to you to build a component prior to placing that individual there so that is definitely something to make note of and is easily mistaken so I'm gonna go ahead here for placing a new fitting and I'm gonna have Boris go ahead and try to build it right here when I say try he's going to because I know I have the resources to do it and I need to have them in order to even go this even to put him in that space so I'm going to resolve him first I need five components and three woods spent to build this simple heater we know the cold is coming so we got to deal with it so let's go ahead and pay five components leaving us with three and we're gonna take away three wood the heater has now been built and we simply flip the card over and it will let us know that we now have an available action here it says make a fire for each two wood or two books or one wood plus a book discard one cold token this is going to come in handy for sure now one thing to mention is that inside the new ideas deck that we don't have access to actually pull into our fittings deck until we use the new idea actions space there is a new idea that will give us an enhanced version of the simple heater that is more efficient so if we find that we're burning a lot of books and a lot of wood and we want to try to keep our resource burning to a minimum we can build a more efficient heater if that's something that we deem to be worthwhile so our simple heater has been successfully built and I'm gonna bring pooris back to the guard position after resolving his action let's move on to Amelia and her clearing of the rubble this one's really straightforward again the shovel will go back to our storage Amelia will go back to the guard position and this particular card is simply removed from the game all right Bruno I'm hoping for good things here I really want to find some nice stuff here in the heap I'll return Bruno back to the garden position we're gonna flip this card over and we're gonna cross our fingers that it ends up being something good for us oh look at that a weapon part one sugar five components into wood that is a huge find what's amazing about what just happened there is the fact that we spent five components in three wood to build a simple heater and we almost got everything back for that we got our five components back so now we're right back up to eight again which is gonna give us a lot of building options we got two of the three wood that we spend on the simple heater back so really that was a pretty awesome find inside the building and on top of it we also found some sugar and even more importantly we got ourselves a weapon part now we can use a weapon part if we can build ourselves a workshop if I'm not mistaken I believe the workshop will allow us the ability to create something like a knife something that we can use for defense however the downside at this particular point is we got all the things we need to go that route but our actions are fully over as the day actions phase comes to an end I want to read a little narrative piece that I believe I missed mentioning when we began our it says a new day begins outside is an ongoing conflict and sniper bullets are coming for us we cannot leave the safety of our shelter but there are improvements to be made we should make this place feel more like home we can use beds a stove or even a radio but first we'll need to clear some space hopefully we might find something useful in this rubble and that's exactly what I think we did during this first day actions phase so now this is closing out let's head into the next phase dusk the Sun has disappeared beneath the horizon shadows and darkness now rule over the city it is a bit safer to go out at this time but first we must regain some strength the very first thing you do at dusk is you should have every character drink some water we happen to find one additional water which was the perfect amount to have each character have one water right now the great news is if I spend one per character and remove them from storage we're good for that requirement if we do not whichever characters don't drink one water they have to roll a black 10 sided die on a one to five their hunger goes up by one and on a six to ten their misery goes up by one so neither of those are all that great and hunger especially if we get up to three that gets into dangerous territory where things could flip to a fork quite quickly the nasty thing or a very tempting thing is the fact that we have a main objective in Chapter number one to deliver water to local thugs so I could risk it I'm trying to dump all three of these out the door to the local thugs and not drink water with any of my characters and see if we could survive but I honestly don't think that's the greatest strategy because once you get some misery attached to you it came basically compound pretty fast and we're pretty high on hunger so I don't like either those all that much at this point so let's go ahead with all that said and drink three water the next requirement during the dusk phase is to eat some food and each character should eat one or more food and you discard it from storage so you're allowed to eat more than one if you'd want to if your hunger is really high and you're trying to knock it way down you definitely can if you use canned food you can lower your hunger by two that is the bed form of food raw food lowers our hunger by one and vegetables keep your hunger at the same level they just get you by barely and they thought ackley don't fill you up and then if you have no food of course your hunger increases so I'm absolutely at this point in time being that I want to get back to three actions each I'm gonna consume all three of these raw foods one for each character so that we can actually flip their status tokens over to the hunger one side now this is much better I mean if I could have started the game off with three actions I could have accomplished even more but that's gonna do it for dusk now we move into the evening evening has come and we are now in the evening phase before nightfall we must decide who will stay in the shelter to regain strength or guard the door and who will venture into the ruined city we can only hope to scavenge some food meds and other necessary materials so what are our options during the evening phase well we can have as many characters as we want sleep on the floor which is the free option right here we can place all our characters there if we want that would lower their fatigue by two it's good but it's not great and right now we don't to worry about any fatigue thankfully because we don't have any but later on we might have to use that spot the other thing you can use which is more efficient is after you've built from the fittings deck a bed into one of these places or spaces I should say you can sleep a single character in a bed and if you do their fatigue goes to zero which is even better has a better night's sleep in general or you can place any number of individuals on guard duty so you can actually have individuals trying to guard the front door of your house and stay up at night their fatigue actually goes up of course by one because they stay up all night long guarding the door but they're also going to be the ones that have to deal with whatever happens during the night which can be pretty rough the other option is scavenging so you can place up to three characters on the findings pile which is that area in the top left-hand corner and that's an area where you're sending them out at night so the snipers can't find them or see them better yet and you get to pick a location and try to go to it and hope that things pan out well for you in terms of what you can scavenge and bring back it's worth mentioning that scavenging will increase a character's fatigue by one before deciding which character should go out to scavenge it's always good to look at the inventory levels in terms of how much weight they can carry very important not all of the items you find in your findings pile as you scavenge are going to have a weight requirement but some of them do like this one right here sugar or electrical part if I have found those while scavenging they have a weight requirement of one meaning it's gonna take up some weight to bring them back to the house and my characters can only carry so much so if I'm deciding what I want in terms of characters to go scavenging I need to do a little bit of math in my head really quickly as to how much weight capacity I want to have if I send all three of these out or individuals out to scavenge which is the maximum I can send is three characters I'll have up to twelve weight I can carry back with me that's actually really good the downside is no one is guarding the front door and that's going to have some serious repercussions that you'll see if I ever choose to do that additionally if I choose just say send two characters out the door I can have a weight capacity of nine that seems more reasonable and maybe leave one person behind in order to guard the door this is another reason why having the weapon part that we picked up earlier on is so key because if I can build myself like a knife or something useful to protect and guard that front door with one character that individual will be a little bit more prepared for any nastiness that might come his or her way so let's go ahead and actually have Amelia head out and go scavenge and she's gonna obviously bring along Boris because Boris has one of the best inventory capacities plus his prowess is really good so he's going to get some extra rerolls if he's out there and he's got some trouble coming his way because I'm choosing that Boris and Amelia head out for the night rather than getting any type of rest their fatigue is gonna go up you can see the black dot there it's gonna impact their third action they'll no longer get it currently based on their layout and Bruno is gonna decide to stay right where he is in the guard position at the front door and if he stays up all night guarding he also takes a hit to the fatigue so what characters on the findings pile we move into the scavenging phase it is safer to move around the city at night shots can still be heard but only sporadically you strap your backpacks on tightly and leave your shelter carefully you pick your way through the rune shops houses that line the shelled streets so currently I have three locations starting with the closest location at 14 exploration cards that it would draw if I was to go to this location being that it's closest I can get there fastest so I have more time to scavenge it's the construction site it has things like nothing if rolled one to four mechanical part five to six vegetables seven to nine shovel is ten now that's just the special findings you can find there but you can also grab finding cards that have all kinds of other stuff too that's just kind of the more so what you can expect to find there and hope to get the quiet house above here has books chems herbal meds vegetables meds and canned food that sounds really good because it's got a lot of food in it and we now have no food food is huge and we want to keep control of our hunger so that might be the ticket the next one above is the military outpost it has two weapon parts potentially there are broken pistols a broken assault rifle and a pistol that is a lot of sweet items to get a hold of potentially the first time you visit a location think of it in terms of how long it takes to get to the location itself if you ever revisit that location or have the ability to revisit it later and it's not in the same position and it actually gives you more cards because it's moved down the track think of it fanatically as you being more knowledgeable with the lay of the land so that's why you have more time so I've decided to head to the quiet house I think food and water things like that are high importance to us right now so let's head to the quiet house and see how it goes in the top right hand section of the card it states what types of things you may find there when going through the exploration deck that is worth checking out because the next step of scavenging is determining what equipment you want to bring with you and you might need certain equipment to get through certain things so there is a closed door here and we know closed doors use lock picks however we've already our log pick so that one might be a problem for us there's also a basement entrance that one doesn't seem to be too much of a problem we'll see down below you'll see in the construction site it mentions bars and rubble and we know bars you need a saw blade and rubble you need a shovel well I have a shovel if I was heading the construction site might be worthwhile to bring it it does have a weight requirement that will knock me down one weight of what I can carry back unless I choose to leave the shovel behind but that's something you need to think about when choosing your equipment and this includes weapons or anything else you want to bring with you when you head out scavenging so right now I have very little and I have nothing I want to trade because most of the stuff that I have is not really that great I guess the only thing I could potentially bring now that I think about it would be the sugar the sugar actually does take up one weight so just because of that reason alone I don't want to risk bringing sugar and have it just take up a spot just to take up a spot so we'll leave it at that no equipment coming with us nothing to trade in case we find anybody we'll just see how this pans out the noise marker is set at one and now we get to prepare the bottom left-hand corner of the deck with the unknown deck and the exploration begins so based on the number that's four signed at the location you've chosen in this case it's a twelve I'm gonna grab the expiration deck and I'm going to pull 12 cards off the top of the deck and just like that we've got our deck ready to go we'll place this one back here the deck that I just pulled 12 cards off of this one right here is going to go to the unknown section because we don't know what we're gonna expect to find there there's ironically a clock right on it which symbolizes that time is burning as you move through here and we use this exploration slot right here for any active residents that show up any hiding places that might pop up and any map cards that we might find let's go ahead and reveal the very first card and see what we find ah look at that search the pantry so it's at the very beginning you may ignore this card meaning we can take it and put it in the discard pile to the right of the exploration deck or the unknown deck I should say or we can search the pantry it does have a private tag in the top left hand corner ignore this for now there will be game elements that speak to this right now it does not matter so what we want to do do we want to search the pantry yes we do the whole point of coming to the house was to try to find food that sounds like a good idea it says if we want to return to exploration cards which would be taking two cards from our time deck and putting them back in the exploration deck above meaning that we're losing time of course or we can raise the noise by one and roll for noise I like gambling no I don't but in this case I do because I'm so low on the noise chart it's worth it to me not to burn time but to just bump the noise up a little bit make a little bit of noise as we go through the pantry and hope no one hears us so I'm going to go ahead and bump the noise marker up to two we're gonna take the 10 sided die we're gonna roll it off if we land a 2 or a 1 that someone has heard us we got a 10 see I told you we were perfectly fine all the way along so we've now resolved the top section here we can go to draw and resolve one card from the findings deck and look at the pantry chart so we're gonna go right to this deck right here and find out what's in there here we go let's see the pantry has some sugar cigarettes and vegetables plus we get to roll a black dye and that allows us to go to the special findings area of our location I talked about earlier where there's numbers next to all the different possible items that could be there and see what we get at random so let's first go ahead and gather everything we got out of the pantry put it in our findings pile and then we'll roll that black 10 sided die so the findings pile is starting to fill up which is nice we only have one in there so far that has a weight requirement that's the sugar again remember we don't have to take everything we find back we can leave things and at the end of scavenging we get to decide what we want to keep for now we just stockpile at all in that findings pile let's roll the black 10 sided die and see which of these special findings we gain a 7 is another vegetable that is fantastic and the reason that's so good is we now have enough food for two of our characters for the next day to eat without having anything impacted in terms of their hunger and our hunger right now allows us to have three actions which is great it's just more about mitigating our fatigue but we still would like to find a little bit more food would be great so now that we've gone ahead and resolved these cards this one's important to note the findings card is shuffled back into the findings deck this car that came from our timed deck right here called the unknown deck to note it underneath of this is going to be discarded we've gone through this so it's going to go right here so I'm going to shuffle that findings card back in and then we can choose to continue exploring or we can literally stop and I'm going to continue exploring all right let's flip the next exploration cards see what we get we found the rubble there was rubble in the end here so you can see sometimes these cards will appear but wait you need to read the very top of these cards it says right here check the current location card for rubble if there is no rubble discard this card remember when we check the top right hand corner of our location and only mentioned a basement entrance in a closed door that means a rubble actually does not appear at this location so this card immediately goes to the discard we don't get to interact with it we continue on if we want to next card of god here says you may ignore this card or hide out return as many expiration cards from this deck right here as you wish and lower the noise by the same amount hmm if I had a gamble that put more noise into it this might have been worth it but at this point I'm going to just let this one slide so we're going to not do that continue onwards searching the furniture this could be good so we can ignore the card or search the furniture if we choose to search it we need to return to expiration cards to the regular expiration deck or raise the noise by one and roll Oh should I risk it should I risk it should I go up to three three and a tenth sided die it only has three chances of it actually happening it's only 30% I think that might be as high as I want to go on the risk there but I think I'm gonna do it and I can tell you right now I'm not always this risky but as things go up you never know sometimes this could be worth it to be able to continue to search and get a really big findings but we could also encounter some nastiness right now so let's see what happens an8 Oh little stressful rolling that so we are good we got ourselves an eight okay so I can breathe a sigh of relief we're safe for now and because of that we can now draw and resolve one card from the findings deck and look at the furniture chart so what do we find from the furniture chart there we go we got ourselves a herb a mechanical part and a weapon part plus a roll of the ten sided die here's what our findings pile looks like now we got a herb in there a mechanical part and a weapon part let's roll the d-10 for what is that a book we got ourselves a book we know books are really really good for burning and they're also usable with a chair in order to lower misery we don't have a chair yet but that could be useful so this will go into the findings pile as well the findings card was shuffled back into the deck we discarded searched the furniture and we continue exploring basement entrance this is good this is really good except for the fact that if we want to enter we have to raise the noise by three and roll and we're already at three oh no this is where it comes back to haunt us but the thing is this particular location has a basement entrance hmm is it worth the risk that is really tough call but you know what I'm gonna do it just kidding I am NOT going to do this right now it is a really bad idea so basically we found the basement entrance I don't have to interact with this one right now you can see right here it says if there is a basement entrance you may resolve this card immediately or place it on the exploration slot and resolve it later instead of drawing a new exploration card so I'm gonna go ahead and place this right here and that's going to allow me to check it out later on when I can start to bring my noise level back down hopefully let's go to the next card stairs down okay this one says look for another way return three expiration cards back or enter it and raise the noise by three and roll nope not doing that I'd rather just grab three cards and put them back essentially so we're gonna return three cards to the expiration deck which is bad because you can see we're burning time here but I want to be somewhat safe hiding-place return so we can ignore the card or return to exploration cards to place it on the expiration slot and use it anytime during the scavenging phase after rolling for noise you may discard this card to ignore an encounter so don't have to draw residence card or perform a backstab that's really good do I have two cards to use yes I do so if I go ahead and I was to discard these cards to put this card in the slot the question is timing can I then interact with this card it says you may resolve this card immediately or place in the exploration slot and resolve it later instead of drawing a new X oh yes I could so I could literally take these two cards and it does state to return them back so they go back to the main deck they're not discarded and this card now sits in my active area I'm gonna choose to actually go into the basement now and I'm gonna go ahead and bump up my noise by 3 and roll and I can at least mitigate the noise so the noise is gonna jump from 3 all the way to 6 I'm certainly not the quiet type when I'm rummaging around the basement we're gonna go ahead and roll 10 sided I see what happens I got a 4 so yes I would actually trigger the noise at this point which would have me go to this residence deck so whenever you trigger noise you would go to the residence deck the red deck right above here but again because I have hiding place I can ignore an encounter do not draw a resonance card so I'm gonna go ahead right now and I'm gonna use this card to stop having to resolve a residence card at all which is great so nobody shows up I hid they came downstairs but I couldn't find me and then after it says after entering add five cards from the exploration deck to the unknown deck also you may discard this card during the scavenging to draw and resolve to finding cards instead of one that's fantastic so I'm gonna go ahead right now and just put five cards back into the unknown section so just when you thought we ran at a time but we now have five cards back here we can continue to explore I'm really trying to find another scavenge chance so I can resolve to finding cards instead of one that would be huge adore P through the keyhole by returning one expiration card to look at the next card from the unknown deck or enter Ray's noise by one or just roll for noise I don't really need to peek because I have some time so I'm just gonna go ahead and roll for noise we're gonna grab the die my nose level now is that a one so I should be safe famous last words five I am so I can pass through the door no problem I go through a door and I run into some bars now there are no bars denoted on the actual quiet house whatsoever so this card simply just gets removed and I shouldn't say remove discarded remove cards leave the game completely here we go we're poking a boat so we can return one card or roll for noise i'm gonna roll for noise that could be dicey but again i only have one chance to screw this up so the odds are in my favor here thank you very much that worked out well that probably wouldn't have if it wasn't on camera and polka mode says to choose one finding from the special findings chart for this location so we have options like canned food meds vegetables herbal meds Kem's and books I'm going to take the canned food because that ensures that everyone in my camp now is going to be able to eat plus someone's getting the extra benefit of being able to really resolve some of their hunger with the canned food so that's a huge plus now the sad thing is the basement entrance card that I'm still hoping to use says I need to resolve for to finding cards instead of one when it asks for it but I haven't been able to resolve a findings card yet this said to choose one finding from this special findings chart not to go to the findings deck so I'm still waiting to use that and I really hope time doesn't run out on me next card in the deck is hiding space again another one of those hiding spaces so you may ignore the card or return two cards to place it again I don't need to do this I think I'm just gonna straight-up ignore it and just see what the last spot is stairs up so we're not even going to be able to take advantage of the great double findings card from the basement that we went into because time is running out and this only gives me an option to return to expiration cards I don't have or to enter it and raise the noise which would not be a good thing so I'm going to do what it says in the very bottom of the card and most of these cards state and my expiration and wrap it all up so all these cards will go back into the exploration deck so now I have to choose which findings I want to bring back and this is simply just a game mechanism that allows you to play a little bit of what do I want to discard what do I want to keep what I want to bring back all based on my inventory weights so can foon is one weapon part is weight of one mechanical part is one that's three sugar is four so I'm gonna have no problem bringing all these back because my current actual weight limit is nine what you can do with the rest of the weight that you can bring back and you don't use through findings tokens in this particular area is you can choose instead to actually bring back wood components and water so literally during this moment you can add as many resources of wood components of water to the findings pile as you wish again you have to be able to actually carry them in terms of total weight they're considered resources so I'm gonna go ahead and actually decide not to bring back sugar as I don't have anything to use with it right now and I already have a sugar at home already that way I have six available weight to use and I'm gonna use it to bring back six water which sounds like a ridiculous amount but this is really gonna help because I'll have three water for my individual characters when they need to drink but also three to go towards the objective that I'm trying to meet so now I've got everything I need inside my findings pile and that's gonna end scavenging now we move to the night raid phase so during the night while we were out scavenging we have to at the shelter deal with somebody that comes to the shelter to try to steal our belongings we currently only have bruno there right now and he's completely unarmed so hopefully it's not too bad we're about to find out reality impact it says something unexpected has happened draw a card from the color's deck to determine the color of the script then reveal the top card of the night raids and check the number with the color on it find the number in the book of scripts and resolve the corresponding text afterwards shuffle this car back into this night raids deck so I'm gonna go to the color deck now and determine which color for the narrative we're going after the color deck is way over here so I'll flip this card over we got blue and we're gonna go ahead and shuffle this card back into the deck so now that we know it's blue we come back to the night raids deck as it depicts on the reality impact flip it over and take a look only at the very bottom of the card we ignore everything else in the card and look down here for a number it says 5 5 6 we're gonna reference that script smoke lots of smoke accompanied by the stench of burning rags what bad luck what thoughtlessness someone's cigarette butt has started a fire upstairs let's put it out quickly or we'll all suffocate if there is a firefighter among the characters present the fire is put out without problems if there is no X firefighter among the characters present role the yellow combat die for each character on guard each character may use their prowess as well for rerolls you may wake up the sleeping characters you have to set the fatigue for each awakened character to two we don't have anybody sleeping though so it's just Bruno if we roll four knife icons in total the fires out although we had to put in a lot of effort to do it if we were all three or less knife icons in total pick two crafted fitting cards to represent what has been burned discard these cards and place them back in the fittings deck oh so I just realized something extremely unfortunate now while Bruno is running around trying to deal with this fire upstairs the best result he can possibly get on this die is a three and honestly anything 3 or lower is gonna result in things being consumed by fire there's nothing I can do about this with my single role that I always get to actually make this check I can roll a three I have prowess which allows me to reroll it but I can't add results to that it's basically re-rolling it to try to get a better result so I really would have you have one other character wake up from bed whether they're sleeping on the floor or in actual bed we'll be in the guard space to try and help me by rolling an additional die to try to make this happen because I left brutal all alone and one of these two characters are went out scavenging probably one of them that has an addiction maybe to cigarettes which ironically Bruno is the one that needs to smoke cigarettes based on his card that I'm looking at maybe he was at fault in the first place so it's his fault this place is on fire and the worst part about it is we spent that time to put the simple heater together it's just been consumed by flames the last piece of the nitrate that occurs right now is what's called a crime wave so right now injuring set up in the solo set of video we put aside nitrate cards and residence cards that had an exclamation mark in the top right-hand corner which was special and different and likely more painful than the regular residents and regular nitrates at this point in time we need to shuffle two cards in any combination between the nitrates deck and the residents deck here and put them into the respective decks so two cards total I could take two residents and shuffle them in to nitrate shuffle men or one of each I'm gonna choose to keep the nitrates under control and not have them turn into the nightmare and maybe move two residents into the residence deck and just like that the residence deck has had two additional cards added into it and the nitrate is over now we move into the final phase of the day the dawn phase another day of survival we must not give up so we've got Boris here as well as Amelia they're coming back with all of the findings from the finding pile that we allocated earlier on so we're gonna bring all of those and put them into storage and the two of them are going to go back to the guard position our characters have returned home and our storage area is stockpiled with some new goods you'll remember earlier on in the video here it said at any moment for water delivery to local thugs you may discard any amount of water without resolving their effects so in other words you don't get any benefit from them for each discarded water advance the objective marker by one I currently have six I only mean three to satisfy my individuals for the next day so what I'm going to do is I'm going to use three of them right now to bump up the subjective status to the third position so it's going to shuffle all the way up to here and then we're gonna lose three water from our storage next we have a chance to assign any meds or bandages prior to going to the fete card and why that's important is because the fake card is going to determine whether those meds or bandages actually have any effect currently I have no need because none of my individual characters are ill or wounded so I have no reason to use them plus I don't have any in storage to use anyway I do have a herb which could eventually be turned into a her Bowl med which would be nice but I don't have anything right now anyway and wouldn't want to use anything if I did next we're gonna go ahead and resolve the fate card and find out what happens raised wounds on all wounded unbanded characters by one so you can see right there by not having bandages on wounded characters things would get worse for them but I don't have any wounds on any of them so I'm good lower illness of all characters who took meds buy one that's good if we had taken meds and needed it for illness again we can jump past that then it says discard med tokens from all characters we don't have any next step is if coal tokens - the board ups in the equal four or more raise the illness of all characters by one currently as I mentioned earlier we don't have any board ups in any of the holes inside of our current building and we have no coal tokens so we can skip right past that one next it says to exchange the nearest small location and if there is none exchange the nearest medium location the nearest starts down here but this is a medium location at the construction site so it's not this one that'll be exchanged it's actually the quiet house which is a small one and that's the one we just happen to go to so I'm glad we did when we have the chance so at this point what happens now is a military outpost now becomes a little bit more we become a little bit more knowledgeable where this thing is located so we have more location cards if we choose to go there and we'll draw a brand new location to drop in here as well we have this supermarket that sounds like a pretty good one next on the Fate card it says to resolve any tokens and then discard them basically we have no wait tokens right now but there are certain fittings that would say for instance late traps to potentially catch animals so we would put tokens on those if we use an action to activate them and hope that something good happens usually it involves rolling a die for instance that's just one example and we might find some food so a wait token we don't have any of those on the board currently we might see them later on so we can skip past that the last thing we're going to do on this card is to resolve spirit a on all the character cards and this is a really interesting game mechanic and this is going to change from fake card to fake card in terms of which of these triggers on the cards are going to activate sometimes they actually do a good thing and other times they do a bad thing so for Bruno here a TV host who's a chef his spirit a says habit discard one cigarette from the storage or raise Bruno's misery by one well thank goodness we actually found a cigarette on our scavenging so I can go ahead I'll discard that cigarette in order to avoid misery for him Boris says if Boris is fatigued level two or three raise his misery up so that's something you need to keep an eye on again all of these spirits a B and C you really want to become familiar with them because just like the objective they're just as important in mitigating how bad things can potentially get some of these are actually A+ though over here on the spirit side of things for Amelia her habit is discarding one coffee from the storage or raising her misery by one we were not able to find any coffee so unfortunately we will be raising her misery to a one and just like that you can see the difference is starting to crop up across their characters which again as I mentioned are going to impact things when they come around to the day phase thankfully misery one doesn't impact any actions but being tired certainly does the fake heard that we just fully resolved is now shuffled back inside the Fate deck now we move along as part of the end of the Dawn phase and that is to draw two narrative actions I've drawn two and this is what I've got I got vigilant watch play during the nitrate phase lower the damage or wounds from a single nitrate card by four tokens or resources or wounds or combination thereof still requires a please one character to be on guard duty that's a really good one really good the only one below it says kick the door down play during the day actions phase or during the scavenging phase to automatically open up a closed door we have some closed doors at the top of our shelter two of them now that we cleared out some rubble so that's also a really good one in terms of time saving on the actions really tough to decide which one but I can tell you right now this one was certainly mitigate a lot of bad things from happening this really gives us an advantage in terms of actions I'm gonna leave that decision up to you guys we are only allowed to choose one of these and keep them to end off the day we have a little bit of narrative tax here to read it says let us look back on the past day how did we do what will we need next what must be scavenge or traded what should be built and let's see what tomorrow will bring us so I can tell you right now the first thing I definitely to get back is my simple heater thanks to Bruno dropping a cigarette and starting a massive fire inside of the shelter and that's going to conclude this rules overview video along with day number one and this one we went through at a much slower pace to get everyone accustomed to the game for those of you that have played this war of mine this may be more of a refresher than anything else I'll let you know as we move into day number two and onwards we're gonna cut out a lot of the explanation of what's going on and we're gonna move into actions actions actions so things are going to speed up exponentially another thing that I'm excited to introduce inside this playthrough is something that also came exclusive to the Kickstarter so this is kind of an interesting twist into the playthrough and that is this right here it's the rubble die so there is a mechanism built within the rubble die and it's a very interesting one it basically has sides that are spread between about a 4% chance to roll and a 22% chance to roll at the end of scavenging you can choose to risk it to roll the rubble die something good may happen or something terrible could happen and in order to reference that there's letters all over this die it's a very interesting one and you don't have to do it and we could have died and a number one but I decided to jump past it but this is what the back looks like in terms of what those letters represent and what could potentially happen so thank you guys so much for watching really hope to see you in part number 2 let me know in the comments below as well as a vote that I'll put up in the top right-hand corner as to which of the narrative actions we should choose vigilant watch or kick the door down let me know in that vote in the top right hand corner there's an I click on that you can go to the vote from there hope to see you in part number two thank you so much for watching and as always keep on rolling solo [Music] you
Channel: Rolling Solo
Views: 12,878
Rating: 4.9034481 out of 5
Keywords: this war of mine board game, this war of mine board game review, this war of mine review, this war of mine, this war of mine board game unboxing, this war of mine days of the siege unboxing, this war of mine board game kickstarter, this war of mine board game gameplay, this war of mine board game playthrough, this war of mine how to play, this war of mine board game expansion, this war of mine board game solo, this war of mine board game setup, tales from the ruined city
Id: dpjgk7o4K9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 35sec (3875 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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