Barrage - Basic Strategy Guide

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[Music] hello and welcome to Netanya game club my name is Brenda Barrett and in this video I'm going to give you some basic strategy tips for the game called barrage now there are two reasons why I decided to do this video first this game is fantastic it's phenomenal I love this game it's so great it's becoming one of my most favorite games of all time literally it's so good however second reason it's a heavy heavy heavy strategy game and you can easily lose the game in the first round you can still recover but it takes a lot of the game time and by the time you recover your opponent's might be in the middle of the scoring track so for some people this might be a little bit frustrating experience but this game deserves great experience so even for the newcomers for the people who play this game for the first time I decided to make this video to give you some basic strategy tips so that you can really enjoy the game and have a chance of scoring a decent amount of victory points so let's get started so there's a couple of things you need to look at even before you start again first is the company board and your executive officer company boards are unique and although they have the same structure and the same layout these bonuses are unique these are different except for the last column this is the same on each company board but all other bonuses are unique and you need to know what kind of bonuses are on your company board and where they are placed you will not be able to uncover all those bonuses that's impossible but to win the game or to score this in a manner of victory points you definitely need at least some of those bonuses and especially the bonuses for the production are usually very important then look at your executive officer and make sure you understand what the special ability does for you it can be very important and I'll talk about them in a minute and finally look at the energy track and these end-of-round bonuses and also the objective tile you will probably not be able to score a lot of victory points for each of these end-of-round bonuses however try to focus on end of round 4 and round 5 bonuses because by the end of round 4 in this example you should have quite a lot of elevations built already or you can have 6 8 or even 10 contracts fulfilled by the end of round 5 however make sure you can actually produce enough energy to score full amount of victory points for that and also try to have this objective tile in mind as well because if you can score 15 or even just 10 victory points at the end of the game it could be the difference between winning and losing in this game one of the most frequent questions is what should i do first there are so many options out there what should i do first I would say there are three things you have to keep in mind or you three things you need to do at the start of the game first get some contracts you need them I'll talk about them in a minute second build something something somewhere we'll get to that as well and third get an advanced technology tile from the Patent Office obviously this is only valid if you play the advanced game but I would I would strongly advise place the ad play the advanced game right of the bed it's not that difficult and it brings more more depth and more strategy to the game so get a contract build something and get the advanced technology tile contracts can give you huge bonuses and even these green these basic contracts can give you like free base over here here you get your construction wheel-turning so those contracts save you time they save your resources that's why every time you produce energy you must must must fulfil a contract if you don't fulfill a contract when you produce energy you're wasting your tech shion's you're wasting your time that's why one of the first thing you have to do at the start of the game get some contracts second you have to build something somewhere and now the question is what and where very often people start with the bases somewhere or they start building the powerhouses in in various locations however they usually don't realize that the most limiting factor is actually the conduit in order to build the conduit you need to pay two excavators for each production value of the conduit so with the six starting excavators you can only build maximum three production value conduit so under normal circumstances if you don't have any special ability these production value 5 and production value for conduits are basically inaccessible to you and by the way the production value of five conduits have these red pipes production value for conduits have the orange pipes productionvalue through three have the yellow pipes production value two conduits have these green pipes and production value one have these gray pipes so even if it's very tempting to start using this neutral them make sure you don't build your powerhouse here because you would need a conduit production value for which at the start of the game you cannot build at all I have already seen several players doing this mistake building a powerhouse trying to connect it to the dam through the conduit which they cannot really build then both the bases and conduits require excavators when you build the base first you will need at least three excavators so if you use those three Eska excavators then with the remaining three excavators you can only build level one conduit unless you have some special power but let's say you don't have that special power you can only build level one conduit and that's why I'm saying conduits are the most limiting factor at the start of the game when you start building something so in order to start producing quite a lot of energy try to build conduit with the production value three you don't have to build your own dams first you can leverage the neutral dams potentially building your own dams at the same base in and using the same conduit obviously however I would suggest don't build the conduit first because you're greedy opponent might be the first to build a powerhouse he can use your conduit and even though you would get some victory points and credits this guy will be the one producing energy and fulfilling contracts and gaining bonuses so don't start with the conduit and build the powerhouse first and then when you have a powerhouse you can build the conduit then if possible try to build two structures of the same type in one turn so that you can start gaining these bonuses in order to do that you will need technology tiles if you play the base is a game and let's say I would want to build a second conduit I can use the wild style however if you play the advanced game you don't have the wild style you have to buy the advanced technology tile from the Patent Office and that's actually the third thing you should do at the start of the advanced game now let's briefly talk about these special abilities of executive officers this one is actually great for construction you can spend three credits for anyone missing machinery when you construct buildings so this special ability is very helpful if you want to build this production value for conduit at the start of the game and for example here's the beautiful synergy if you build this conduit second County it you can start generate credits at the start of each ramp which actually help you to build more buildings using your credits this special ability is also very helpful with the construction because it allows you to copy one of the existing tiles or tech technology tiles in a construction wheel so what say I want to build a second power house I don't have the advanced technology tile I don't have the wild style I can use this copy power I don't have to put any technology tile here I need to spend resources and I can build the second power house this one allows you to build bases in the mountains a lot cheaper so you can be the first one to build in the mountains and catch those water drops or you can build in the mountains and start building your level 3 dam over there and potentially utilizing high production value conduits with the level 3 dam in the mountains and the high production value conduit you can easily score national contracts even more of them this one is actually great for building such a high production value conduits because you don't need excavators you need concrete mixers so it's a lot easier to build production level of production value four or five conduits if you cannot afford such a high production value conduit and you have this special ability you can also easily score national contracts let me show you how if we have a level-3 dem and the conduit with the production value 3 and you have three water drops that's three times three only nine energy now with some production bonuses and maybe the company board bonuses you can get to twelve eleven twelve which may not be enough for national contracts however with this special ability the level three Dems can hold up to four water drops which means you can multiply four water drops with a production value of three that's already 12 and with some bonuses can easily be thirteen fourteen fifteen and you can easily score national contracts so you don't need conduit with the value four or even five you can easily score national contracts even with the conduits with the production value of three that saves you time effort and resources now this special ability is super special ability for an early game if you produce energy and if you produce less than four energy you actually produce four now let me show you what it means have you ever thought about what is this production value one conduit good for well it's exactly for this special ability if you use one water drop and produce one energy you actually produce four and with four energy you can fulfill a contract and if you fulfill a contract and get a huge bonus well that's a huge boost at the start of the game now if you produce one energy you actually produce four and then you add the bonus from the production action maybe you will produce six energy and you can with this one water drop you can actually fulfill yellow contracts and get even more powerful bonuses and what's even better this neutral level 3 dam can hold up to 3 water drops and if you produce energy you don't have to use all of them you can take as many water drops as you want so you can easily take just one and fulfill a contract with the next production action you still produce one energy but that's actually four and you can fulfill another contract and with the next production action again you produce at least four energy and potentially fulfill another contract considering you do this at the start of the game in the early game that's a tremendous jump start and it's a fantastic start of the game and finally the last special ability from the base game this one allows you to copy existing or other special abilities in the game so make sure you understand what those other special special abilities can do for you and utilize them as you want so in the mid-game you have to build up you need to start producing a lot of energy because without producing energy you will not score those end-of-round bonuses so make sure you build up at least one level 3 dem ideally with the production value 3 or 4 conduit or even 5 if you can afford it so at least one level 3 dam and a high production value conduit then you need to start watching for the objective tile and you need to understand what you need to do build up towards that look at the level 4 level found level 5 and the round bonuses and build towards that if you need to build elevations build elevations if you need to build con weights build conduits just make sure you maximize your end of round bonuses at the level 4 level 5 and still you can produce energy and last but not least the player who produces the most energy during the round gets the six victory points so if we have the good engine running and you produce enough energy you can score these six victory points maybe three maybe four times out of five and that's quite a lot of points as well 18:24 points is really not bad so the energy production is really the most important factor of this game the most important element so make sure you do produce enough energy and use the water management to add more water drops to the streams which fill your your dams or the neutral dams that you are using and there's one more beautiful thing you can do you can build the conduit in a strategic place even though you will not use that conduit but it will be heavily used by other players for every water drop that will flow through that conduit you get one victory point and one credit in one of my games one of the players scored 16 victory points through just one conduit and obviously 16 credits that was a lot of points and a lot of money and then in the late game it's time to score a lot of victory points one of the ways have to score quite a lot of victory points are these advanced technology tiles which provide victory points this one gives me three victory points for each para house built including this one so if I reduce it now and build the fourth power house that's twelve victory points then obviously try to score the national contract not only they give you victory points but they also give you powerful powerful bonuses which you can you can still use in the fourth or fifth round then score the end of round bonuses so if you have built up in the mid game towards these bonuses you can also score a lot of victory points and if you can manage to do so if you build the last conduit or last elevation or last base you can score seven points immediately and if you build it in the fourth round you get that bonus in the fourth round immediately and then at the start of the fifth round so by building the last structure you actually score 47 or 14 victory points not bad as well that's why I'm saying in the mid game build up towards these huge scores so that's it as you can see I put a lot of focus on the early game B's because if you make good decisions in the early game you have a good chance of scoring a lot of victory points at the end of the game and even if you don't win the game at least you will not be far behind the leaders and and you will enjoy the game you will have the feeling of accomplishment because if you make all these things running and putting all together and running the engine producing a lot of energy scoring a lot of victory points it's it's very enjoyable game if you make it running if you're not far far behind and that's the purpose of this video to make sure you enjoy it you can start well and enjoy the game as much as we do every time we finish the game we spend long long minutes 10-15 minutes discussing it and for me that's the sign of a great game fantastic game when we keep thinking about it talking about it long after we finish the game it's a great game so I hope you find this information useful however the rules are to be broken sometimes if you find a good combo it's good to break these principles which are just outlined and maybe you will score fantastic number of victory points just by breaking these rules up to you a lot discovering the options in this game I love discovering the nuances of the of this design as I said phenomenal fantastic game for me if you like this video please like it if you like the series if you like my show just subscribe I'm very happy for for any subscriber and thank you very much for watching and hope to see you next time [Music]
Channel: Nithrania - Play It Right
Views: 9,544
Rating: 4.9908676 out of 5
Keywords: barrage, game in a nutshell, how to play, playthrough, walkthrough, instructional, tutorial, video, videotutorial, nithrania, let’s play, rules, strategy
Id: Vg4oRSq2OMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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