Banjo Kazooie Threeie? No, This Is Banjo Dreamie for Nintendo 64

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you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up guys luke here coming back at you with another one so tonight we're going to be taking a look at banjo dreamy which is a rom hack of course of banjo-kazooie as you guys have seen through my pickup video that sort of thing this is one i found recently picked this one up from aliexpress there's several of these banjo-kazooie rom hacks out there this one i just happened to find on there at a great price unfortunately many of these are very expensive i don't really understand why and i have tried to actually get some of these rom hacks myself and get them up and running for some odd reason no matter what i do it doesn't want to seem to work i don't know like i follow follow the guide because if you download these you get a guide that gives you step by step of how to do it um yeah no matter what i do for some reason it's like the program you have to put the actual rom into and then put the hack into it's like it doesn't want to uh work for me i don't know maybe i'm just too stupid to get it i don't know but anyway yeah banjo dreamy said there are several of these out there i'm not really sure who made this one off hand mark kirko he has a channel on youtube he's made several of these and they are fantastic so i've always wanted to try these out i just think it's really cool anyone who takes the time to do these i love banjo-kazooie [Music] hats off to them so if you guys have played banjo-kazoo you know this is uh just the normal section right in his house where you pick your game so i'm gonna go ahead and pick this one here and we'll check this out and see what's going on all right so i don't see any camera controls offhand there is some changing that around okay now i can alright so i don't see that i have any moves literally all i can do is jump i can't even yeah i can't even do the backflip or anything there's our first honeycomb piece six of those and we will get an extra energy bar all right so the shock jump disc that we can't use yet because we don't have any moves hey aries what's going on [Music] you've had a great friday hopefully it's not been too too crazy busy for you there's bottles move my camera just a hair here maybe i'm not someone be blocking that text so much so i need seven notes to get through this door here oh [Music] all right seven notes they should be easy to find oh and i can't attack yet so that's great let's see if i can climb this tree see if there's anything in it and now he won't climb it okay move this camera around here a little better and i know that's the one thing with these uh rom hacks is sometimes they can be very glitchy hopefully this one won't be glowing gardens there he said unfortunately i'm still at work almost done though so how long of a day have you had today has it been uh i think you said you do like 12-hour days right all right so that's one of the ghosts if you guys have played banjo-kazooie that's in the haunted mansion level all right so you can climb the trees at some point obviously because there's feathers in the top of that tree there's our first music note and mumbo token that i can't get okay 25 notes in each world okay [Music] okay there's another mumbo token okay i was going to say i'm assuming if they're giving you mumbo tokens there's got to be some transformations in this game all right here's bottles so this is teaching you just very very basic moves like the whole tree climbing that's like really basic this is so dark [Music] oh gosh all right so there's another honeycomb piece [Music] oh shoot that sucked so far it's 12 hours but by the end of the day it'll be 15. oh my gosh oh my god i literally just fell right off there i really this is so dark i can't hardly tell what's going on okay so you just oh my god really this little odd glitchiness is one thing i was worried about with raw max [Music] all right there's an extra life out there [Music] i need more moves i hate that this has you like learning just the very basics all right i'm going to go to another section over here real quick and see if there's something else i can do before that all right well there's i can't even jump on this flower leaf here okay there we go or pedal i should say not leave the music notes are very random and scattered it seems i saw one there as i fell gosh i can't even here we go [Music] like his jump is so like shallow filling it's like the only way to explain it it's like you feel like you're gonna jump very short and not make these jumps [Music] what oh my gosh what okay it looks like i should climb okay really get away from me oh my god [Music] i need to get up this pole here [Music] okay i got it what you have to recollect the notes you've already found is that what i just said wow okay i'm gonna try to go up this over here and i can't like i said his his jumps are like very short like you should be able to make that right there [Music] my gosh i gotta collect every single note that i just had that is stupid [Music] okay the mumbo tokens i still have those but not the notes [Music] that ghost will not get off there [Music] okay and look i have to go up this platform here got the ants there or termite or whatever it's supposed to be and i can't get up there i mean literally until i know more attacks i can't go up that that's stupid i'm not a fan of having to collect these notes all over again i was hoping this would be a pretty good game but i'm honestly pretty let down right now [Music] [Music] oh my god really i mean thankfully that's not killing me but i'm just i'm getting tired of doing this [Music] [Music] i'm afraid i'm gonna fall off here what okay so i can't get that without sliding really okay [Music] oh are you kidding me that stupid camera swung around there and messed me up [Music] well tonight's stream might not be very long guys [Music] oh [Music] okay okay oh my god are you kidding me right now i've never played a banjo-kazooie where your jumps feel so off like this [Music] [Music] and the camera swung around got me in that same spot there i mean this is ridiculous this is the first level [Music] okay how the heck do i get that one are you kidding me hey cyrus what's going on i am uh struggling with this romhack here not really not really digging this at all [Music] like as far as movements like the movements and stuff feel okay oh my god but the jumping doesn't feel right at all i feel like banjo could really jump more before it's almost like they shortened his jumps or something like the jump distance i don't really know how to explain it but it doesn't feel right it's like every time i jump it doesn't feel right at all steve would literally never played this game honestly first impressions you're not missing much [Music] like i don't know if they purposefully made it to make it hard or what but these controls are bad as you can tell it is like super dark it makes it really difficult to tell where you are and where you're jumping to especially when the jumping doesn't seem to feel right anyway [Music] okay there's a note down there i've got to get there's one right here yeah i got that one just passed your best score wow my score was five [Music] there's got to be something more in there thank god there's only 25 of these notes per level i'm hoping maybe the next level will be brighter if i even even make it there [Music] are you kidding me jeez and then i've seen there's really nothing more i can do here right now with the way the jumping is i literally can't even jump up this like there's no reason i shouldn't be able to make that like i can't back flip and get up there can't do anything it's so dark you can't hardly tell anything okay i can't do that [Music] these notes right over here that i can't get because this stupid ghost gets me every time oh my god every time [Music] i need to go up this path i can't go because ant's here i can't attack it there's a mumbo token there miss that one every time [Music] so i need seven notes to get through one door back there if i could get this one last note here maybe it would let me leave and i could go through that door but this ghost will not get away from that pole here where it is [Music] and i can't even see it i can't see the stupid thing are you kidding me there all right i finally got that one aries i just realized you're not allowed to use kazooie in this rom i was hoping at some point that kazooie would come in but yeah like kazooie is doing absolutely nothing if you can't use kazooie at all that really sucks can't i can't even jump up this at all i'm gonna try to leave here and see if i can go through the next area and get some other abilities or something mansa the uncanny one said i never beat any of these i beat the actual original ones but this rom hack here this is the first time i've ever tried it so this is a whole new experience for me and it's not been a very good one so far [Music] zooey's there it'd be nice if it'd actually let me use use him for her i guess it's a her okay so i can't swim yet so i can't go down in the water [Music] well jump up there sorry so wait this is a hack i have no frame of reference i never played any banjo-kazooie game yeah this is a rom hack of the first game [Music] i love the the other two i love them [Music] this one here though is uh not so sure this is a very good hack [Music] not to say they didn't put a lot of work into it but i think that's they've almost made it maybe a little too unfair okay 21 notes to go through there so i'm definitely not getting through that door anytime soon [Music] so yeah i can't dive i can't swim [Music] the one thing killing me is it's very dark in certain areas there's a random door here can't open that [Music] it's really hard to tell what you're doing [Music] twinkling tunnels all right so we'll go to our next area hopefully get some more power-ups or abilities there hey king what's going on i mean i literally can't even attack i'm just walking around okay so i do get the ability to fly i have been getting feathers and there's a shock jump disc as well so we'll get that ability at some point so yeah we we will use kazooie to a degree i guess cyrus said i'm not sure why but this series was just not on my radar back in the n64 days i don't know oh i love this series banjo-kazooie is my i would say my favorite platformer of all time absolutely love the series except for banjo-kazooie nuts and bolts that was terrible aries said this game is for the banjo-kazooie enthusiast out there oh gosh better pay attention that would be me but um yeah so far i'm not really feeling it i guess if it wasn't so dark first off that would help because i have no abilities no option to attack anybody or do anything right now [Music] hey rio what's going on hope you've had a great friday gosh you guys thought the camera angles in the original the original ones were bad wow this one has those beats my god this dark level is just so hard [Music] this is really hard to tell where you're supposed to go okay like there's a ton of stuff to attack me but i have no means of attacking it back are you kidding me i can't even like roll into that honey thing to get honey out of there so i need health and it's in those honey things and i can't roll into them to break them and get health that sucks oh my gosh am i seriously just stuck down here wow one yeah my best score is one aries said the level's so dark i can see my reflection on the phone it is terribly dark every level that i've seen on this game has been so dark like this is awful and there's you know there's nothing nothing in the options or any kind of options to brighten it up any [Music] there's another honeycomb in the water and i can't dive down to get it [Music] i see nowhere to go in this level not that i can see the level anyway here we go let me get my one note back [Music] i mean i can't see crap in this game [Music] he king said how do you get the feather i have no idea like literally all i do is this little jump here [Music] i can get the feathers that are easily accessible but anything like the remote that's remotely high i can't get oh there's a mumbo token i didn't find [Music] ray i said a lot of n64 games appear to have darker color palettes that are hard to see through he king said maybe he has to learn moves yeah ray i've noticed i don't know it's it's really mixed of course this is a rom hack too so my guess is they've they've made this dark but it really sucks because i've played a lot that are really not this bad [Music] yeah e king there are there are moves you get um literally okay so i got that one feather there literally i got one move earlier and all it allowed me to do was climb in the other games you get moves that allow you to you know use kazooie and do stuff like that but all it did was give me the ability to climb like i can't double jump i can't they're not double jump but i can't do the flap jump can't but slam can't even punch so when i need health yeah i'm just i can't get i can't even get health cyrus the games is dark or designed on a crt or with that in mind ah but yeah this is this is just bad bcb said a big banjo-kazooie fan here i love banjo-kazooie but yeah this uh romhack's not good and there are some really good rom hacks out there i have seen them so i know there are some really good ones this is one that i just heard of but never really uh watched it because i knew that once i got it i wanted to play it through and give a give a first look at it first experience and so far this first experience has not been that great i can't even get out of here yeah there's health right there i can't get it bcd said sorry to hear yeah yeah it sucks i was really excited for this one and it's been i'm gonna let down okay oh my god now where is the entrance back okay so i do see bottles over there if you guys can see he's over there so if i knew how to jump i could get over there to him or actually you know do a more of a jump than what i'm doing but yeah i can't even jump more than like two inches or two centimeters or whatever i'm just going to die so i can get back out of here because this is this is not working out [Music] he king said is this better than tonic trouble um i would say tonic trouble is probably better than this all right so yeah i'm not going back in there i just i can't do anything i've got to see if there's another area i can go through that clearly not working out i can't dive [Music] i feel like the only thing i can do in this game is die okay i've got that i'm gonna go back to the very beginning area and see if there's something here somewhere that i've missed yeah there's health i literally just walk right into it can't do anything like this is the one piece of health i've seen in this whole game [Music] this one has been a huge letdown okay well this is a new little section [Music] okay so there's a honeycomb up above that area there as well oh my god look at that okay get on that little tiny section there vcbs pcb said too dreamy for you this is more like a nightmare than a dream [Music] for someone who loves banjo-kazooie i was so excited for this so glowing gardens there's i can go back in here and see if there's something else i can do hard to live up to the original great game that's for sure and i don't know yeah so this right here is crap every time you leave the level you lose all the notes from that level and you have to get them all over again wow [Music] oh [Music] i mean unless there's another attack that i get inside here i have no clue where to get any other abilities i have several feathers it's not doing me any good if i can't use them i'll be honest with you i don't even care about getting that life at this point [Music] [Music] cyrus said this hack seems like it was made by the same type of people that design mario maker levels that they love and are confused by why everyone hates them exactly [Music] yeah i made that jump that time [Music] [Music] he king said the game looks good to me but he needs a torch if they put this on the vcs store the atari fanboys would love it you could put a turd on the entire evcs game store and just make well actually here's here's a new game idea for atari we're going to uh make this game involving a turd and the point of the game is to polish the turd that right there would sell to every one of the atari fanboys right there it's on the vcs store so it's gonna be amazing samantha says i gotta tap out gang hope i catch the next one i love this game yeah sorry this one was a bit of a letdown i've got a got another good one planned for next friday so if you want to check that one out i'm going to do um dinosaur planet the unreleased game for nintendo 64. so yeah if you want to check that one out next friday i will schedule that stream that one should be better than this one [Music] e king said atari turd polisher great idea couldn't be much worse than pond quest right [Music] aries said it's called the turd shiner [Music] the dlc for turd turd polisher will be traumatizing oh my gosh you know it's so funny because i do love the banjo kazooie game so much and i can go right through those 100 those games you know like like nothing and yeah this is uh painfully it's it's painful to play [Music] i mean it's it's so hard to judge where you're standing because you can't tell where anything is you can't see i mean literally if you look at that right there you just see the big solid black thing with two green spots on it i think whoever made this this rom hack though purposely made it hard so honestly i could see them making it dark like this just to make it more difficult [Music] hands down though the best of these that i have seen they're all made by mark curco and he does have a youtube channel like showing these off and where you can download them yeah i've tried to get them to run and for some reason i can never get the patch to take to take effect i don't know what i'm doing wrong i follow the instructions to the letter and for some reason it never takes to the game so i i don't know but i really try to get those to work [Music] but he has one that's kind of like set place or a set um on the island from wind waker it looks really good i think it's called the bear waker he has another one jiggy's in time it's obviously taking place in like ocarina of time that sort of environment cyrus said i've never thought to ask you but have you played the n64 games on the switch the service is pretty good now but curious on your take i have not um i didn't oh my god i didn't upgrade the service to that i just have the one where i get the nes games and the super nintendo but i've never bothered to pay more to get those the only reason i haven't is because most of sega games i think i probably already have them and the same for the n64 games um honestly i'm curious myself like how well they play i'm not a big fan of the switch the joy cons so for me i would have to use a pro controller on those um but i have been kind of curious you know how well they do play now do you do you try those cyrus do you play those on there [Music] this is ridiculous i can't even get to this freaking top part of this tree the price of gaming says your king has arrived the king's already here mr e king he's been here for a while there's only one king in this chat and that's e king i mean this this is ridiculous i've played like 40 minutes on this game and gotten nowhere [Music] like no joke if i were playing the original banjo-kazooie i could have already beaten the entire first level gotten everything on that stage but here i can't even get up this freaking tree cyrus said i haven't played them much but i'm going to do that they make an n64 controller for switch too not sure how good it is if you can find those now at a decent price good luck because last i looked they were going for like 100 bucks for one of those 100 plus actually as always people buy that crap up and then they price gouge on it the controller does look really cool though from what i've seen i i think it would be really cool to check that out honestly though [Music] i honestly don't play my switch enough that's another reason i really haven't upgraded to that i just i just don't play it enough [Music] this is ridiculous this is freaking ridiculous area says it's an odd button layout on the switch it's hard to get used to the c buttons being moved to the right joystick bcb said i don't play my switch much either i prefer vintage consoles and i don't really prefer the vintage consoles but uh yeah i'm just not a big fan of switch [Music] like i have skyward sword and that is the only game on my switch that i've actually played not skyward sword i do have skyward sword on there but i have breath of the wild and that's the only game on my switch that i've played more than once like we have i don't know probably 25 to 30 switch games and i said breath of the wild is the only one i've played more than once the others i've played through one time and just never bothered to revisit them [Music] can i make it this time oh wow finally a little bit higher in the tree than i was what's out here wow all of that for one music note are you kidding me still still no more abilities oh my gosh bcb said you should sell it you could probably get your money back if it's rare yeah i don't know at this point in time like i probably will never sell another game that i get just because they go up in value so much it's it's stupid really yeah like this i need to get up there and i can't because this guy's in the way i can't attack him oh my god this is ridiculous huh [Music] this has got to be probably one of the worst rom hacks ever [Music] i mean you can't do anything like this is stupid he king said just all of your games to super mega graphics 64. [Music] now if i could get rid of my if i could get rid of my ever k that would be fine [Music] sounds about right price [Music] i need 21 to make it through there i have nine [Music] i mean there's there's nothing you can do in this [Music] and turn my phone off started getting some ebay notifications e king said you could sell the ever k for 25 of what you paid probably less yeah i think i told you a local game store offered me for my arcade for my vs and for i think it was like 24 25 of the cards plus the four arcade cards they offered me 130 no no you're ridiculous not not doing that yeah price that that haunted house game that you're playing it's uh it's not a good game i don't think so anyway [Music] so i'm back in this area to where it looks i don't think i can do anything i literally feel like i've got got this and i can't do a thing in this game okay i saw some notes up there which i know i can't assuming i can't get that until i get the shock jump pad to jump up there [Music] i've played some bad games before but this is this is up there this is probably one of the worst [Music] i can't i can't do anything this is ridiculous e king said if you beat this game it would be a great accomplishment to your game playing credibility levels i would rather have no credibility [Music] than suffer through this i'll stick with no credibility for one thing if i could see it would probably help [Music] i mean can't tell what the hell you're doing [Music] bcb said credibility is way overrated in my book yeah gary said it's been 45 minutes this game refuses to give you anything it nothing i mean literally the one ability i've gotten is the ability to climb to climb a freaking tree i mean that's got me nowhere [Music] the king said i prefer lack of credibility it's easier to maintain [Music] this is just i mean i see nothing i see nowhere to go nothing to do [Music] i don't know that i've ever been more frustrated by a game than i am with this one right now [Music] you know it's one thing to have difficulty that's that's one thing like i can handle getting frustrated by difficulty more so than this like the fact that there is nothing here i see nothing to do [Music] yeah yeah this is on nintendo 64. [Music] i mean there's nothing i see nothing to do this is ridiculous like i said i could i can deal with frustrations of a game being difficulty more so than this like just not finding anything [Music] i mean there's two areas i can go into and there's nothing here in either of them saw banjo on game pass today yeah all all three of the banjo-kazooie games should be on there i mean look you can't even make that jump right there that's insane you can't jump off the tree and make it [Music] if you can't stand this you're gonna love andy bcb said i could tell you're pissed beyond belief i wish i could buy you a shot or two hey i'm i've got one going right here but uh yeah it's not helping not a shot of course but got a little drink yeah it's not [Music] i mean i don't i don't see a freaking thing to do in this there's an outlet over there for some reason can i go over there [Music] are you kidding me you can't even jump up the [ __ ] leaf come on which one did i go up good grief bcb said i was i was i felt this way when i bought a game recently complete in box for pretty penny it sucked i sold and bought two other complete boxes i now love no need holding onto it if you don't like it ray i said this game looks hard as heck it's there's just no like direction of what to do or anything like what it gives you what little it gives you here is it gives you nothing it's i feel like it's pointless i said watch your mouth this is a family show i'm watching it all right so that's literally going to give me a mumbo token if i can make this [Music] and i say if i can make this because look at this i couldn't swing the camera [Music] so word to the wise kitties do not buy any kind of raw max so this one was cheap i think i gave like 13 bucks for this but still it's uh i wouldn't buy it here's a random door who who puts a random door here like there was another random door earlier i saw too what like what in the world [Music] yeah i got that oh my god now he's gonna come attack me get off of me okay i saw a little pathway oh my gosh really wow you have got to be kidding me so now i can finally attack that was in such a stupid position i've been in the area several times and missed that every single time that was ridiculous bcb said i remember trying to get all those red leaves back in 98 in college the second time now at the tail end of my fourth time he and agonizing over them pulling my hair out yeah those i don't even worry about those you really don't have to worry about just get enough of those to fly and that's all you need of those dcb said oh if this only costs 13 that's not too bad i bought a complete inbox recently for 50 and it sucked hard yeah i would be pretty disappointed over that too okay all right so yeah we've got the attack down harry said the game had mercy [Music] it's ridiculous as many times as i was in this area and never spotted this section back here [Music] okay so i've learned our two basic punch attacks basically he's teaching me all kinds of tricks that's great this is what i've been needing probably said it sounds like a burden heat or something oh here we go now i'm finally getting some of my most basic moves hey i got another honeycomb piece for that too okay that might help me get a little bit further than when i've been for like the last 45 minutes i mean that doorway that little archway there i mean that was almost impossible to see i said i've been right around here the only thing i had not done was run behind that there he said i think it is a burden heat okay so now i can get these guys off this platform very carefully as i try to navigate this dark path here okay i figured that was going to happen at some point at least i think all the answer off of there yeah i can finally get health now [Music] so there's a note up there there's a note over here [Music] how many notes do i have total eight of 25. so is that 25 in the whole game i wonder i was thinking 25 per world but maybe that's 25 for this whole game it only took you an hour bravo i said had i been playing the original banjo-kazooie i could have already beaten the first level i go through the first level in banjo-kazooie get everything in about 35 minutes every level on banjo-kazooie takes well the earlier ones are about 35 minutes after that they get up to about 45 minutes to an hour per stage i can 100 that game completely in about eight and a half to nine hours ray said be sure to hit that like button if you haven't thank you rey yeah those ghosts there's no hitting those i shouldn't have even tried that oh my god dude get off of me those ghosts are relentless it's okay now i can finally get some honey pieces get in the process all right so i don't think there's any point of getting the same notes i've already gotten because it does appear to be saving those bcb said it took me about three months to get really far in banjo if i recall of course i was high as a kite back then in college too and my real amarillo sucks so you drink i get that okay i'm going to go back to the other stage now and see if maybe i can do a little something hey look nice i can kill people now so nice [Music] be sure to donate a couple million so i can buy them in television you don't need that for an intellivision you can get an og and television with lots of games probably for like a hundred bucks all right nine notes now so i need 21 total [Music] and i know i should have watched some stuff on this but i really didn't want to like i wanted to experience this with you guys for the first time [Music] bcb said how about we pitching money for therapy for you for the mikko not coming out probably said he just wants to buy the intellivision brand why would you want to buy that brand i don't think that's a very reputable brand to be wanting to be out to buy at this point in time bcb said you accomplished that goal for sure yeah so now we can actually kill some people don't know what that's going to do for us i'm sure there's probably archways and crap like that in here that i've missed i can't see so i wouldn't know i kind of feel like maybe if i kill all these frogs maybe they might do something maybe [Music] if you'll actually roll into them that is froggies from bubble glue swamp [Music] it'd be nice to do something for me at least maybe give me a honeycomb piece or something to give me some extra help no didn't do a thing bcb said i still haven't played banjo-tooie like ever banjo-tooie is is good but banjo-tooie is very long game like look at this look at you guys seeing this right like i'm behind this wall for no reason can't go anywhere beyond there and come right back out yeah they they made the game too long they put too many pickups too many things to try to find in that game um [Music] it's not my favorite i would rather play the first one i mean it's not terrible it's not terrible at all but it's just way too long like if you want if you want just a good solid platformer to go through like i said if if you're not familiar with it i'd say you could probably 100 banjo kazooie maybe 13 14 hours you know for somebody new that's just trying to go through but now tui tui is a different story that's probably 25 to 30 hours for somebody who knows what they're doing it's a much longer game let's see aries that i like the frogs from ocarina of time better yeah the little sinking frogs where you play bcb said oh collectibles and stuff yeah it is loaded it's it's one of the platformers that has the highest number of collectibles the top one is banjo banjo the top one is donkey kong 64. it's actually in the guinness world records for having the most collectibles in a 3d platform game um trying to trying to think beyond i think the next one after that is maybe mario odyssey uh i think tui is tui is pretty close behind that let's see bcb said i remember collecting all the things for the zelda games that came later and that was a huge pain too yeah the last zelda game that i stopped playing all the way through and getting everything was wind waker after wind waker i never bothered to play them 100 anymore just because it wasn't really worth it you didn't need to um like to me if it actually impacted the ending you know had something to do with how you know with with how it went and how everything was at the end of the game i could see but basically you know the hearts of course they're going to help you beat the game much easier but it really doesn't do much for you majora's mask is the one that actually benefits you the most if you collect all the masks in that game if you guys have never played it if you collect all the masks in there you get one called the fierce deity mask and what that does is make your final boss battle so much easier um you kind of get you get the sword that shoots projectiles like like in zelda 2 and like i said it makes that final boss battle so much easier but that that is one that i actually played the zelda game that i did play that really paid off for collecting stuff in it bcb said i love diddy kong racing oh absolutely love diddy kong racing that is so good sonic racing games aren't bad they're not too bad i think the most i really played ever in the sonic racing game was sonic car but yeah they're not they're not too bad [Music] wow so now i feel like i'm at a standstill once again [Music] let's see grace i need to re-watch plan nine [Music] bcd said what here is a [ __ ] yeah wind lakers really well that's not really it's not really so tough it's just a lot of stuff to collect a lot to do on there what about banjo pilot on gba i've never played banjo well let me take that back i have tried it but i never played it beyond just trying basically to see what it was bcb said plan on rocks i think i'm gonna watch some cheap cheesy dollar tree horror movies on dvd will see lol sometimes they're hit or miss i've never bothered to pick up any of those cheaper movies from dollar tree like that i know they're going to be bad reyes had a dollar 25 tree in my region now yeah saint same here e king said what about atari carts on jaguar is that good i've never played that one i know bcb has that one so he could definitely tell you whether that was a good one or not what's going on panda sub how you doing sir aries said you'll actually find some hidden gems on the dollar dollar store stuff bcb said sometimes they're good it's only a dollar 25 yeah it's not a huge loss i i think i'm about done in this game i don't see anything more that i can do [Music] even now that i have ability to attack stuff it's not doing anything for me here it doesn't help and it's so flipping dark that you can't see like i don't know what this is for i'm assuming [Music] you could break that or something at some point maybe i wonder if i can do that on the doors let's see where the doors were maybe i can do the little rat attack thing there on the doors and get in those bcb said my completing box copy of mario calls carts cost me a kidney oh i i imagine i can only imagine i'm just going to grab this note real quick before i go out of here even though i don't need to there's really no reason to it's not going to help me do anything [Music] yeah i knew what you meant bcb i knew you meant atari cards [Music] okay so i'm going to try to remember where this one door was there was one up here i thought maybe around this side yeah good okay so i could rat attack that door got a little mumbo token that's it [Music] okay so there was the bigger door in this first area go check that one out see if i can break it maybe i'll get lucky and break that one open too bcb said well if anything this is cool for your collection yeah i wouldn't recommend it to anybody though [Music] okay so there was one big door here so i'm going to check that one out and see if i can get in it good did get in there and it was literally for one note so yay i got one note that i didn't have how many do i have now [Music] total of eight eight out of 25. yay so enthused about about that [Music] [Music] [Music] there so there is a door up there if i could get in there oh okay [Music] now what [Music] [Music] i mean this is one of the darkest games i've ever seen in my life well i got up that tiny little ledge there ain't got nowhere [Music] so now now i know i can do that little rattata thing i'm gonna see if there's some other little platforms that i've missed somewhere well okay great is there anything back in this corner any little hidden archways that i can't see because it's too dark [Music] so yar's recharged is coming out next tuesday bcb said i'm not even gonna get that i won't play it there's just no reason for me to get it [Music] okay yeah so there's absolutely nothing here at the very start of this section [Music] bcb said i figured you wouldn't yeah i'm just i wouldn't play it now if here in about a month or two when it goes on clearance or on cell and like steam or something like that i might get it then [Music] or maybe i'll get lucky and they'll give it away on epic games like they did centipede and black widow that would be nice [Music] found one more token and didn't have [Music] okay don't want to go back to the gardens i feel like there's nothing more i can do in there [Music] bcb said it's an instant buy for me e king said i like the bcs leaderboards [Music] i don't know yeah i'm getting pacman world repack next week when it comes out so i'm looking forward to that one wow i totally walked right off that [Music] nine yay [Music] i guess they're trying to make him like gruntilda with the rhyming stuff [Music] yeah i think i think pac i think pacworld re repack is gonna be a lot of fun i'm gonna check in this area one last time that i think i'm gonna call it quits [Music] okay that's how you do that okay oh no i did it too late oh gosh do not do not blow up i was gonna say [Music] see how this makes you use that rat attack move just to try to make those jumps [Music] not a not a good way of making those jumps to be honest with you [Music] at least i've figured out a little bit more [Music] there finally another another bottles bcb said i feel bad about this tunnel maybe you shouldn't is banjo dreamy better than pond quest conquest is amazing [Music] now i can double jump nice okay so now i can do the backflip jump too all right that's finally going to get me a little further there now i'm starting to actually get some moves [Music] it just took an hour and a half [Music] can i butt slam yet nope still can't do the butt slam whoa [Music] okay is there some more areas in here that i can backflip up on [Music] is playing tic-tac-toe on the sidewalk with chalk more fun than banjo dreamy i'm guessing yes maybe maybe oh god [Music] okay so let's see i can backflip up here now what does that do for me nothing that i see i don't see okay here we go okay if i could do the shock move i could do it off of there wow i get to learn some more moves now already that's nice bcb so i can do the butt slam he wants to see christ said tie the tasmanian tiger i didn't like that one i've got that on playstation 4 the the remastered remake of it whatever i didn't really care for that [Music] there he's gonna fill my health up good deal needed that [Music] okay hmm i don't think just doing that jump is gonna get me over there could be wrong maybe oh i made it oh no oh so close i said i might get four it's 5.99 on steam i didn't know that was a side scroller you can get a lot of good deals on steam i really haven't looked on there in a while though to be honest with you [Music] okay now i finally have some move sets [Music] oh no oh i thought he was gonna hit me all right now we're where is this gonna let me bounce down uh really okay what's the point of this being here it does nothing you see because i've been playing my amber neck handheld today mostly gba games i never owned so far i know you hate handhelds but for those that don't the amber nick has a great value there's four tie games i thought there were only two [Music] okay so you gotta be you gotta be quick on this one overshot it again wow it's kind of hard to tell if you're gonna make it or not right there at that point [Music] trying to see if there's anything in that little cove over there it almost looks like there's something on the other side after this note okay i got it that time whoa camera went crazy on me [Music] so as far as rom hacks i will say that waluigi's taco stand is a much better much better raw mac [Music] the cbcb said you can even play vectrex games on the amberneck it's insane i've never even seen a vectrix in person never even heard of one until recently you play ses games roms on amber nick too probably said i sent you pics to your messenger when you get done i'll have to check that out coleco and television atari 800 2600 gaming watch game boy gba links nes it's like 100 on ebay it's not bad [Music] i wonder now if i've done everything here [Music] i think there was a shock pad up here there was okay really literally just flipped right off the side there okay so what is this going to allow me to do oh it looks like there's something over there what 100 is new huh wow all right i've got to watch this just to see what this is [Music] that's much how the original logo was but it's like they've darkened it up there so what did that do what where am i at [Music] what is this this is like a whole new world what the heck [Music] bcb said i'm curious to see what other reviewers say about this game what is this is like a whole new [Music] where am i at this is like a whole new world here if everyone agrees it sucks or does it get better a warp zone i mean this is weird it's like i you guys have seen me for like almost an hour and a half now i've been in that one area and now all of a sudden i die and get a game over and now we're like okay here we go here's a whole new section of worlds for you to go through what i mean really [Music] i don't get how getting a game over unlocked all this bcb said maybe it's supposed to be like a dream with warp zones to different levels of banjo i have no idea okay so now i got a game over again and it took me here and now i'm back at the very beginning of the game that made no sense what's the shock pad here dude oh just a mumbo token yeah i don't know i'm done with this one for now bcb said i'm playing ghostbusters 2 on the gameboy now on the amber nick pretty basic i imagine it probably would be let me just get to a good point here all right i think that's like i said i'm i'm done there it says i've played an hour and 20 minutes it's been it's been longer than that [Music] yeah thanks to everybody who stopped in and checked this out so yeah that's been banjo dreamy rom hack of banjo-kazooie for nintendo 64. it's not good it's not good at all as you guys could see the game was very dark it was really hard to navigate around and tell where you're going um and like i said earlier i don't mind frustration from being challenging but this was just a little a little ridiculous [Music] it was a nice drive um you know i will give kudos to whoever made this rom hack um they did put a lot of work in it so like i said i'll give them kudos for that but it's to me it's not a good one i'm sure there may be people who like this one just not me so that would be uh that would be a pass hard pass on this one for me yeah thanks to everybody who stopped by i appreciate you guys checking this out so now tomorrow night jen and i will be doing the remaster of ducktales so that will be a lot of fun that will actually be a fun one to play can't wait for that one and then next friday i'm going to set up a stream and i'll be doing dinosaur planet for nintendo 64. so that will be a lot of fun i've played through star fox dinosaur star fox adventures dinosaur planet so i'm really curious to see how the original was how it was intended to be should be really fun hopefully hopefully it will be hopefully you guys will enjoy that one as well but anyway i hope everyone has a great night like i said thanks to everyone to stop by if you haven't give this video a like if you guys are watching this later if you're not subscribed subscribe as well i appreciate everyone have a great night guys until next time you
Channel: Luke's Awakening
Views: 831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Nintendo64, #BanjoKazooie
Id: vLdb7N-xn9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 26sec (5786 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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