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Finally! I would recommend to watch it incl. the first part. It's definitely the best Road to PS5 analysis out there.

👍︎︎ 112 👤︎︎ u/Cyshox 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

This guy really does a fantastic job.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/Rain1dog 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

If anyone is looking to learn C++ coding this guy is a really good teacher. He has tutorial videos and everything.

👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/Popinpotions 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

He probably should put out all of it soon, the next parts would probably be get less traction once Sony shows off next gen games.

👍︎︎ 75 👤︎︎ u/blinkingm 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Nice. I thought he forgot about making part 2.

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/fileurcompla1nt 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Another sane mind debunking Tflops.

PS5 has atleast 20% higher clockspeed and that translates into to 20% faster rasterization, 20% higher cache bandwidth (add to that custom scrubbers that prevent cache penalty's) and 20% faster command buffer. Those added speeds arent reflected by Tflops because Tflops only factor in the clockspeed of the ALU's inside the CU's and ingore the other parts.

👍︎︎ 151 👤︎︎ u/kinger9119 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for sharing. Cherno is awesome.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/KabukiWOOKIE 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

These are really good. I love the Cerny talk and found it very interesting but it's also nice to have commentary from a guy who makes game engines for a living.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Ewaan 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Loved his tflops comments... hehe... definitely dig his insights. Can't wait for part 3!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/THX---1138 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
as of guys my name is Anna welcome to reaction Saturday today we're finally getting to part two of my review slash reaction of this road to PS 5 video which I still have never seen the remainder of just a quick recap if you guys haven't seen part 1 check that out because that was like the beginning of this video we're starting from 14 minutes and 6 seconds into this video which is exactly the same place as we left off to summarize last video the blazing fast SSD was like the biggest thing we kind of talked about make sure you check out that video so that you know everything that is going on ok let's jump in and take a look and as always the video will be in the description below and I mean we've still got like 38 minutes or so left so I don't know how much we'll get through so let's just get into it every little potential bottleneck needed to be addressed and there are a lot of them let's look at check-in and what happens when it's overhead gets a hundred times larger on apparently you guys said that I stopped it like a massive cliffhanger as soon as everything gets really interesting which of course I had no idea about because I've never seen the video before so I'm really excited for today's for today's video conceptually check-in is a pretty simple process data is loaded into system memory from the hard drive or SSD it's examined a few values are tweaked to check it in and then it's moved to its final location at the SSD speeds we're talking about that last part moving the data meaning copying it from one location to another takes roughly an entire next-gen CPU core and that's just the tip of the iceberg if all the overheads get a hundred times larger that will the frame rate as soon as the player moves and that massive stream of data starts coming off the SSD so to solve all of that we built a lot of custom hardware namely a custom flash controller and a number of custom units in our mainship I just want to say quickly that um yeah I mean if it's not already obvious the fact that graphics are getting more detailed it doesn't just mean that there's more processing that has to be done by the GPU or by the CPU it means that we have physically more data on disk that we need to somehow organize and deal with it's not just all about lighting calculations and like you know how many particles you have in the screen or anything like that it a lot of it has to do the actual source of all of this data unless it's like completely procedurally generated which I'm sure a large chunk of pretty much everything you see is there are still cases where data needs to obviously exist on the disk the flash controller in the SSD was designed for smooth and bottleneck free operation but also with games in mind for example there are six levels of priority when reading from the SSD priority is very important you can imagine the player heading into some new location in the world and the game requesting a few gigabytes of textures and while those textures are being loaded an enemy is shot and has to speak a few dying words having multiple priority levels like the audio for those dying words get loaded immediately on one side that flash controller connects to the attack yeah I mean what he's talking about is like when you have a complex game and you have so many things going on at any point in time something could happen that you didn't even expect because the game is a game is an interactive piece of software it's not just like a movie that you're watching and you know everything that's gonna happen what if some event were to occur that suddenly required so much other data to be loaded that was completely unexpected that is one of the things that was a really big problem with like the PlayStation 4 and below because as he's saying you know you have to make sure to preload a lot of a lot of what you're going to use into RAM from the disk because you can't just rely on randomly requiring a disk read because it's too slow you're not gonna be able to make it in time whereas now especially because they'd not only go to blazing processes day but all these priority levels it's easy for something something that was completely unexpected to happen some event inside the game and then you could just transition to that news scene or new like you know audio dialogue as he was saying I mean audio audio isn't like particularly heavy to load usually but the point is more unexpected things can happen without requiring planning which is really cool because it just makes their game more dynamic actual flash dies that supplies their back a little bit on one side that flash controller connects to the actual flash dies that supply of the storage to reach our bandwidth target of 5 gigabytes a second we ended up with a 12 channel face make channels wouldn't be enough the resulting bandwidth we have achieved is actually five-and-a-half gigabytes a second with a 12 channel and that's this gigabytes not Giga bits so that is that's quite your face the most size that emerges for an SSD is 825 gigabytes the key question for us was is that enough it's tempting to add more but flash certainly doesn't come cheap and we have a responsibility to our gaming audience to be cost effective with regards to what we put in the console ultimately we resolve this question by looking at the play patterns of a broad range of gamers we examined the specific games that they were playing over the course of a weekend or week or a month and whether that set of games would fit properly on the SSD we were able to establish that the friction caused by reinstalled or read downloads would be quite low and so we locked in on that 825 gigabyte size while also preparing multiple strategies so that those who want more storage can add it I'll go through the details yeah that's good because it's interesting like designing a console is in many ways the way I see like real-time graphics and a game versus something like offline rendering and like maybe a movie or something like that when you're dealing with an offline renderer you have a lot more leeway because you don't necessarily have to make sure that your frames are being delivered in time like you can isn't matter if it's like you know five hours per frame or five-and-a-half hours per frame or an extra minute like here and they ultimately like of course you would want to reduce the frame time as much as possible still but it's not like a real-time game where you'd literally have to deliver if you're running at 60 frames per second you literally have to deliver a frame in 16 milliseconds otherwise it's gonna fall below that frame rate it's it's it's an it's a very interesting problem space and it's one that I'm most interested in and it results in a lot of kind of approximations and it's just it's just a challenging problem to solve and it seems like this is also very similar interestingly you know when you're trying to build a console you can't just get all the big components and then let the audience just decide what they want and do all of that like essentially they have to come up with some kind of package that is powerful but also cost-effective so that a wide audience can actually afford it and all have the same experience as everyone else on that particular platform which is it's it's quite a challenge the other thing that he said about the games kind of how much room do we need how big should the SSD be to accommodate all of the games that someone might play within a week handle so that's an interesting way of putting it because obviously you don't need to have your entire library of games always on your SSD you can always just uninstall games delete games that you're not currently playing you know your save files will probably be in the cloud or something and then you can you know download another game to play this weekend that can obviously put a lot of pressure on an internet connection Internet is something that is becoming more accessible and Ohio bandwidth with every year so it is of course a problem that is slowly kind of going downhill but of course if you do still live in an area that doesn't have particularly good internet that can be a problem but he did mention that you do have the option to expand that storage so if you live like far from a city and maybe have a not-so-great internet connection you probably opted into buying some more hard drive or something like that so that you can store your games and not have to download them if you suddenly decide oh I want to play that game that I haven't played in a couple months oh no it's gonna take a day to download I'm also interested with 825 gigabytes how many games that's gonna storm I guess is probably like around eight or so I feel like these games will probably be around a hundred gigabytes age for like a big triple-a title but I'm interested to see back to the flash controller on the other side it connects to our main custom chip via four lanes of Gen 4 PCIe and inside the main lanes is pretty hefty unit dedicated to i/o before we talk about what that does let's talk compression for a moment PlayStation 4 used Z live as it's compression formula we decided to use it again on PlayStation 5 but on my 2017 tour of developers I learned about a new format called Kraken from rad games yes that's Liv's smarter cousin simple similar types of algorithms but about 10% better compression which is pretty big that means 10% more game on the UHD blu-ray disk or on the SSD Kraken had only been out for a year that it was already becoming a de-facto industry standard half of the teams I talked to or either using it or getting to evaluate it so we hustled and built a custom decompressor into the i/o unit one capable of handling five gigabytes of crack and format input data a second Wow after decompression so see this is what I'm talking about this is this is the kind of advancement that I guess consoles can have that pcs might not generally be able to achieve because what we're talking about here as far as I can understand is custom hardware you know it is literally doing decompression in hardware it's not doing it on the CPU from the GPU there is literally a unit responsible for decompression of this kraken format which is like zed lib but a bit better inside the actual like ps5 like flash controller or whatever that is really cool that's basically the equivalent of buying like a red rocket card or something for your computer so that you can edit like red camera footage a lot faster because you literally have a PCIe card that is doing that it's made to do the decompression or whatever of that red footage that's very similar to what this is it's like a dedicated piece of hardware that does the decompression which is going to be faster than probably a CPU and GPU doing it but also it's in addition to that so the CPU and CPU can do other things which is really cool and again part of the reason why it's it might be possible if they play their cards right to do certain things on a PlayStation 5 that would be slower to do on a computer and I'm by no means saying that oh yeah everyone should buy PS 5 because they're better than pcs and you know that's not absolutely not that they're different pieces of hardware and I I appreciate both sets of hardware because they're both I think they're both cool just relaxed flame walk that typically becomes 8 or 9 gigabytes but the unit itself is capable of outputting as much as 22 gigabytes a second if the data happened to compress particularly well that's a lot by the way in terms of performance that custom decompressor equates to nine of ours and two cores that's what it would take to decompress the kraken stream with a conventional cpu in the custom guy that that's a huge that's that's a nice little unit that IO unit including a dedicated DMA controller the game can direct exactly where wants to send the data coming off of the SSD this equates to another Xen two core or two in terms of its copy performance its primary purpose is to remove check in as a bottleneck there's two dedicated i/o coprocessors in a large ramp pool these are tins in 2 cores there are there principally to direct the variety of custom hardware around them one of the co processors is dedicated to SSD i/o this lets us bypass traditional file i/o and it's bottlenecks when reading from the SSD the other is responsible for memory mapping which I know doesn't sound like anything related to the SSD but a lot of developers map and remap memory as part of file i/o and this - that's very common memory mapping there are memory mapping is basically treating your disk as if it were RAM so you know if you were like writing something in C++ or in C or something you could literally have like a pointer to a particular memory location but that was that memory location basically maps to a file so behind the scenes is basically just buffering the file in writing the parts of it that you that you need but it just simplifies kind of it simplifies programming a lot and it means that you don't have to deal with it means that you can literally treat your disk as RAM coherency engines to assist the coprocessors coherency comes up a lot in places probably the biggest coherency issue is stale data in the GPU caches flushing all of the GPU caches whenever the SSD is read is an unattractive option it could really hurt the GPU performance so we've implemented a gentler way of doing things where the coherency engines inform the GPU of the overwritten address ranges and custom scrubbers in several dozen GPU caches to pinpoint evictions of just those address range that's the best thing as a game developer when you read from the SSD you don't need to know any of this you don't even need to know so abstract is compressed you just indicate what data what you want to read from your original uncompressed file and where you'd like to put it and the whole process of loading it happens invisibly to you and at very high speed back to the dream thanks to all of that surrounds our dream our 5.5 gigabytes a second really should translate into something like a hundred times faster i/o than ps4 and allow the dream of no load screens and super fast streaming to become a reality having said that expandability of our SSD is going to be quite important flash is costly and you may very well want to add storage to whatever we put in the college I was just I was just thinking what happens though if you add an external hard drive if it's not if it doesn't have all these fancy features if it doesn't have like you know all these controllers and everything then it's novice it not gonna be able to perform as well now the kind of storage you need depends on how you're going to use if you have an extensive PlayStation 4 library and you'd like to take advantage of back I imagine you could just like swap the you could probably swap your games if you had enough free disk space probably just swap your games between external and PS 5 SSD especially if you had a game that really required the ssstay to be blazing fast its compatibility to play those games on PlayStation 5 than a large external hard drive is ideal you can leave your games on the hard drive and play them directly from there thus saving the pricier SSD storage for your PlayStation 5 titles or you can copy your active PlayStation 4 titles to the SSD if your purpose in adding more storage is to play playstation 5 titles though ideally you would add to your SSD storage we will be supporting certain m2 SSDs these are internal drives that you can get on the open market and install in a bay in the playstation 5 as for moments we do same and when I'll get to that in a moment they connect and well he's probably about explains the custom io unit just like it our SSD does so they can take full advantage of the decompression IO coprocessors okay all the other features that's all shared so that they managed to separate the actual storage component of it and he's saying that m2 SSDs can be used which are pretty popular a lot of people use them now in the net PC builds because they're just that they're extremely fast acestes that connect right into the motherboard via Lex PCIe and the cool thing here is that all of the like the big compression you and all of that that's not actually part of like it's not enclosed inside their custom SSD it seems to be separated which means that the actual backing storage for all of that fanciness that is that can be like swapped to anything else which is obviously ideal because it means that you can expand your storage and you don't need to do what I just said which was like copying your game into like from your external hard drive or I mean if you have an SSD external as the state into the PS 5 as the state because that you really requires that speed it should just work which is pretty cool here's the catch though that drive has to be at least as fast as ours well your games that rely on the speed of our SSD need to make synonymously with nem to drive when I gave the Wired interview last year I said that the PlayStation 5 SSD was faster than anything available on PC at the time commercial em 2 drives used pcie 3.0 and four lanes of that cap out at 3.5 gigabytes a second yeah in other words no PCIe I I didn't I didn't remember these numbers off the top of my head but five and a half oh five and a half gigabytes a second did seem very high to me 3.0 Drive can hit the required spec M two drives with PCI u 4.0 or now out in the market we're getting our in samples and seeing four or five gigabytes a second from them five years and I expect there will be drives that saturate 4.0 and support seven gigabytes a second having said that we are comparing apples and oranges though because that commercial m2 Drive will happen bet that photo on the right is an m2 Drive and finest SSD being on the left o flash controller and so on for example the nvme specification lays out a priority scheme for requests that the m2 drives can use and that scheme is pretty nice but it only has two true priority levels our drive support 6 yeah ok so do look up the drive with only two priority levels definitely but our custom i/o unit has to arbitrate the extra priorities rather than the m2 drives flash controller and so the m2 Drive needs a little extra speed to take care of issues arising no different approach that Commercial Drive also needs to physically the PS 5s is days specifically specialized with custom things and so I guess it is a bit of a hybrid it's not just plug and play with an external SSD it still does have certain things that are built into it like those priority levels that you can't really achieve with some kind of just a random like third-party m2 SSD so to counter the fact that it doesn't have those priority levels and that their controllers need to basically emulate those priority levels it has to be even faster to kind of accommodate that inside of the bay we created in PlayStation 5 for m2 drives unlike internal hard drives there's unfortunately no standard for the height of an m2 drive and some M true drives have giant heat sinks in fact some of them even have their own fans Wow right now we're getting em to drive samples and benchmarking them in various ways when games hit beta as they get ready for the PlayStation 5 launch at year-end we'll also be doing some compatibility testing to make sure that the architecture of particular M 2 drives isn't too foreign for the games to handle once we've done that compatibility testing we should be able to start letting you know which drives will physically fit and which drive samples have benchmark appropriately high in our testing it would be great if that happened by launch but it's likely to be a bit past it so please hold off on getting that M to drive until you hear from us ok back to our principles balancing evolution and revolution is the second of them this was definitely a recurring theme with the GPU we need new GPU features and capabilities if if we only have more performance it's not really a new generation of console of course many of these capabilities result in more performance that's part of why a Playstation 5 teraflop is more powerful than a PlayStation 4 teraflop but we aren't just looking for the performance we also need the ability to do something with the GPU that could not have been done before and we need higher performance per watt every time we double the performance of some GPU component we don't want to find out we've doubled the power consumed and the heat produced but at the same time we have to make sure the GPU can run ps4 games and we have to ensure that the Oh texture is easy for the developers to adopt now backwards-compatibility the simple master of deleting sensitive they treated it as a key need throughout the design process as our solution to adding new features without blindsiding developers we made sure that if there were new significant features it would be optional to use them the GPU supports ray tracing but you don't have to use ray tracing to make your game the GPU supports primitive shaders but you can release your first game on PlayStation 5 without making any use of them before I get into the capabilities of the GPU I'd like to that's always good giving developers flexibility into how they actually make their games instead of forcing them into a particular pipeline is always a good thing and they clear two points that can be quite confusing first we have a custom AMD GPU based on there are DNA 2 technology what does that mean AMD is continuously improving and revising their tech for our DNA to their goals were roughly speaking to reduce power of consumption by we architecting the GPU to put data close to where it's needed to optimize the GPU for performance and to adding new more advanced feature set but that feature set is malleable which is to say that we have our own needs for PlayStation and that can factor into what the AMD roadmap becomes so collaboration is born if we bring concepts to AMD that are felt to be widely useful then they can be adopted into our DNA too and used broadly including in PC GPUs if the ideas are sufficiently specific to what we're trying to accomplish like the GPU cache scrubbers I was talking about then they end up being just for us if you see a similar discrete GPU available as a PC card at roughly the same time as we release our console that means our collaboration with AMD succeeded in producing technology useful in both worlds it doesn't mean that we as sony simply incorporated the pc part into our console this continuous improvement in AMD technology means it's dangerous to rely on teraflops as an absolute indicator it that's never a good indicator I really hate it when people get obsessed with teraflops what on earth that's like being like oh my my CPU is three and a half gigahertz that means nothing CPUs 20 years ago 15 years ago a Pentium 4 can be three and a half Giga don't tell me that's as good as like an i7 or something in 2020 a performance and see you count should be avoided as well in the case of CPU as we all in it's like being like my camera is 20 megapixels yeah men rock on Stan this the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 each have eight CPUs but we never think that meant the capabilities and performance are equal it's the same for C use for one thing they've been getting much larger over time adding new features means adding lots of transistors in fact the transistor count for a Playstation 5cu is 62% larger than the transistor count for a Playstation 4 CU second the playstation 5 and GPU is backwards compatible with playstation 4 what does that mean one way you can achieve backwards compatibility I'm glad they stopped keeping the relatives at in the new console like we did with some PlayStation 3s but that's of course extremely expensive yeah a better way is appropriate any differences in the previous consoles logic into the new consoles custom chips meaning that even as the technology evolves the logic and feature set that PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro titles rely on is still available in backwards compatibility modes one advantage of this strategy is that once backwards compatibility is in the console it's in if not as if a cost down will remove backwards compatibility like it did on PlayStation 3 achieving this unification of functionality took years of efforts by AMD as any roadmap advancement creates a potential divergence in logic I just want to point out that this is this is like one of the most frustrating things that developers and engineers have to deal with if this whole backwards compatibility thing because obviously when you discover when you do research and you discover ways to drastically improve existing technologies you want to adopt that as soon as possible and just basically move the world forward but but instead of doing that you have to make sure that your backwards compatible you have to make sure that everything that used to work still works and there are certain companies that are excellent and maintaining backwards compatibility instead of companies that might not be as good and I just wanted to share that like this is frustrating and it honestly makes everything I would say like twice as hard because not that they they can't focus on this new exciting technology they can just use they have to make sure they make it work in a way with the old stuff and on one hand obviously I feel like that is holding them back maybe not in final result but definitely in development time and where they actually need to spend that time but it's unfortunately necessary to make sure that players can play older titles so running yeah ps4 and PS 4 titles at boosted frequencies has also added complexity the boost is truly massive this time around and some game code just can't handle it testing has on the title by title basis results are excellent though we recently took a look at the top hundred PlayStation 4 titles as ranked by play time and we're expecting almost all of them to be playable at launch on PlayStation 5 hmm with regards to new features as I said our strategy was to try to break new ground but at the same time not to require use of the new GPU capabilities for more than a decade GPUs have imposed a restriction on game engines software handles vertex processing but for the most part dedicated hardware is responsible for the triangles and other geometry that the vertices form that means it's not possible to do even basic optimizations such as aborting processing of a vertex if all geometry that uses it is off screen PlayStation 5 has a new unit called the geometry engine which brings handling of triangles and other primitives under full programmatic control you know as a game developer your this is probably similar like a mesh shader in DirectX 12 ultimate you ignore its existence and use the PlayStation 5 and GPU as if it were no more capable than the ps4 GPU or you can use this new intelligence in various ways simple usage could be performance optimizations such as removing back faced or off-screen vertices and triangles more complex usage involves something called primitive shaders which allow the game to synthesize geometry on the fly as it's being rendered it's abuse this is probably what Unreal Engine 5 was using to do all of that like triangle decimation stuff new capability using primitive shaders on PlayStation 5 will allow for a broad variety of techniques including smoothly varying level of detail addition of procedural detail to close up objects and improvements to particle effects and other visual special effects this is great these new shaders I know a little bit about like DirectX 12 ultimate like the stuff that they've kind of added in the form of mesh shaders and all that kind of stuff but this this stuff is to me very exciting the fact that the GPU can do all of this stuff now and you can essentially leave the GPU things up to the GPU and kind of relax the CPU a little bit I think this is really cool and I think this is gonna make a big difference in the next generation another major new feature of our custom our DNA - based GPU is ray tracing using the same strategy as AMD's upcoming PC GPUs the ciues contain a new specialized unit called the intersection engine which can calculate the intersection of rays with boxes and triangles to use the intersection engine first you build what is called an acceleration structure this is this is very this is this is just the standard right tracing and pretty much it's been in it's been supported by dart x12 and welcome for quite some time with like then video on TX stuff and everything's data in RAM pretty much the same all of your geometry there's a specific set of formats you can use there variations on the same BVH concept then in your shader program you use a new instruction that asks the intersection engine to check array against the BVH yeah well the intersection is regular ray tracing the requested ray triangle or ray box intersections the shaders are free to do other work having said that the ray tracing instruction is pretty memory intensive so it's a good mix with logic heavy code there's of course no need to use ray tracing ps4 graphics engines will run just fine on PlayStation 5 but it presents an opportunity for those interested I'm thinking it'll take less than a million rays a second to have a big impact on audio that should be enough for audio occlusion and some reverb calculations with a bit more of the GPU invested in ray-tracing it should be possible to do some very nice global illumination having said that adding ray-traced shadows and reflections to a traditional graphics engine could easily take hundreds of millions of rays a second and full ray tracing could take billions how far can we go I'm starting to get quite bullish I've already seen a PlayStation 5 title that's successfully using ray tracing based reflections in complex animated scenes with only modest costs another set of issues and and obviously like the denoising algorithms at play yeah I haven't looked into them probably in the last year or so but if denoising algorithms get better than that can drastically reduce how many Ray's you actually have to shoot and it basically just means that everything will be cheaper meaning it will take less performance to actually achieve Depew so this is something that will likely evolved over the course of the ps5 lifecycle as well alt size and frequency how big do we make the GPU and what frequency do we run it at this is a balancing act the chip has a cost and there's a cost for whatever we use to supply that chip with power and to cool it in general I like running the GPU at a higher frequency let me show you why here's two possible configurations for a GPU roughly of the level of the PlayStation 4 Pro this is a thought experiment don't take these configurations too seriously if you just calculate teraflops you get the same number but actually the performance is noticeably different because teraflops is defined as the computational capability of the vector ALU that's just one part of the GPU there are a lot of other units and those other units all run faster when the GPU frequency is higher at 33% higher frequency rasterization goes 33% faster processing the command buffer goes that much faster the l2 and other caches have that much higher bandwidth and about the only downside is that system memory is 33% further away in terms of cycles but the large number of benefits more than counterbalance then as a friend of mine says a rising tide lifts all boats also it's easier to fully use 36c use in parallel than it is to fully use 48c use when triangles are small it's much harder to fill although see use with useful work so it's the same as like getting if you buy like a thread ripper like a cpu that has I don't know like 36 or 64 or whatever on earth they're up to cause it's very different it's quite difficult for software to leverage all of those cores like maybe if you have like some kind of offline renderer and it literally is just doing all of that stuff on the CPU which you might you might do then maybe you can fill that but in general you know just because you add more and more like parallel processing it doesn't necessarily mean that you'll be able to use all of that now GPUs a massive parallel processing units and that's for a specific reason but in general it in a lot of cases it can really help to actually improve your base kind of per core clock speed and and all of that kind of technology rather than just trying to you know add more and more cause there's a lot to be said for faster assuming you can handle the resulting power and heat issues which frankly we haven't always done the best job part of the reason for that is historic ok we're gonna get into power consumption next time gonna pause it here we're at 33 minutes and 20 seconds there's gonna be one final part to me kind of reacting to this I'm just gonna try and finish it next time I hope you guys enjoyed this video please hit a like button if you did and if you're new don't forget to subscribe don't worry I'm not gonna make you wait a week for the next part I'll try and put it up in the next couple days or so until then though I will see you next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: The Cherno
Views: 304,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cherno, ue5, unreal engine v, unreal engine 5, epic, unreal engine, reaction, demo, game engine, game engine dev, rendering, graphics, amazing, ps5, playstation 5, mark cerny, ssd, geometry engine, ray tracing, decompression, mesh shader, primitive shader
Id: v1SRHrCa4XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 5sec (1985 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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