Video Statistics and Information
Channel: The Cherno
Views: 1,342,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cherno, ue5, unreal engine v, unreal engine 5, epic, unreal engine, reaction, demo, game engine, game engine dev, rendering, graphics, amazing
Id: 9PmjQvowfAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Best explanation!
Around the 10.15 mins mark he breaks down the billion triangles statement, quite interesting as even if number of triangles = number of pixels, 1080p is circa 2 millions pixels and 4k circa 8 million, by that calculation, 1440p is around 3.6 million triangles. Interesting.
You can really see that he is passionate about it.
By far the video with some sort of "insider" perspective so far.
(BTW, if you have a better one, please send me the link that I want to see it. This was a real treat)
So the part that sticks out to me the most is when they walk into the room with the 100’s of statues; He talks about how amazing it is but how the demo must be HUNDREDS of GB for the demo’s file size. So what I’m getting from that is that a full fledged game using the entirety of the technology brought into this demo is just not feasible. I get that there’s compression blah blah blah, but that would of also been used in this tech demo to a certain degree. But probably very little to full show off the tech.
Ok, so then now the “XBot” in me starts to consider the advancements in compression technology that Xbox has strived for for this gen, and not just gone for raw throughput and I/O speeds like the PS5 seemingly has gone for. So if a game of this fidelity requires that much of a hardrive footprint, and Xbox focused more on compression tech (like BCpack), then wouldn’t the Xbox be more capable at running an ACTUAL game with the tech running on UE5? I’m sure the PS5 probably would fair better in a head to head comparison on the demo (especially that flight scene) with just a straight up download of the entire demo and running with its uncompressed data. But In an ACTUAL real world application; where assets are heavily compressed to fit within a game file size, then perhaps the Xbox will perform better?
Two scenarios here:
1- Load the 500GB (just a guess) tech demo on the two consoles and run it. PS5 runs it better??
2- compress that same demo into a 50GB file and then run it. Xbox runs it better??
Just a thought...