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This shows once again that while it may have been a misstep to have that talk be the first thing released because it wasn't tailored for the consumers who were teeming with anticipation, it was an amazing dev talk.

You can see that everything Cerny says resonates with this guy: "Oh yeah that's a huge downer" "Oh if that's achievable that would make doing this so much easier" etc. Cerny isn't delivering some dumbed down talk with as many marketing terms as possible baked in, he's a dev talking to other devs.

And this guy is in for a treat when he watches the next parts of the talk, because it's about to get real.

👍︎︎ 350 👤︎︎ u/elmagio 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Yep,love this guy's honest,unbiased no bullshit opinions.

Subbed to his channel as well.

👍︎︎ 73 👤︎︎ u/RustyMechanoid 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

I think everyone should watch this honestly. It will clear up all the confusion.

👍︎︎ 85 👤︎︎ u/Cotrozan 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

The Cherno has excellent C++ videos! As a developer myself who is now starting to get deeper into C++, he has been a huge help!

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/STMaraj 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thats the thing, when introducing new tech too the general public - you need to educate them. Console gamers and even PC gamers (which generally have more knowledge of Hardware) - are not aware of the challenges of developers)

More over its hard to educate large groups of people with varying degrees of knowledge and interests.. this is amplified by the fact, The road to PS5 talk. Was mostly aimed at developers (not entirely... arguably they made it very accessible) - in a limited amount of time

Anyways I really like his breakdown. More and more people realise - why developers are excited and if developers are happy - we gamers benefit.

Can't wait for his part 2, im sure he'll be very excited :)

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/GRIEVEZ 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hi everyone, it isnt finished yet but found this really interesting in cutting through the bullshit. He breaks down the Cerny talk quite well, unfortunately it is only the first 15 minutes, but more should come tomorrow I imagine.

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/MoistMorsel1 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

In Cerny we Trust.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Rapturesjoy 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

I just finished watching it and came here to post it. Luckily it was already posted. Ready good stuff.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/FC2025 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

This guys vids are awesome

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/1kingo 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
I promise this is not turning into a reaction channel hey wassup guys my name is Shannon and today we are going to be talking about the PlayStation 5 specifically watching and reacting to the PlayStation 5 technical details deep dive video by Mike's Ernie so last week I put up my reaction to the new Unreal Engine 5 demo and so many of you requested that I make a reaction to the PlayStation 5 video and specifically this mark Sony deep dive video now unlike the Unreal Engine 5 video I have not seen a single second of this video whatsoever I have no idea what it's about you mean is about the PS 5 so far the other thing I know is that is called the road to PS 5 it's 52 minutes and 44 seconds long which is very long so we'll see what happens here we might end up splitting this into like multiple parts or I might end up skipping through this depending how much is here I don't know we'll see what happens I don't know how to react to this video how to deal with it because I haven't seen it yet and that will be a great joy to the number of you who suggested that I should retitle my video because it's not a reaction if I've seen it before first of all since when does the word react mean the first time you see something if I throw the same tennis ball at you twice are you just not gonna react the second time just gonna hit you in the face anyway consider this more of a purist reaction so let's dive in and take a look at this video first of all even before I hit play this has a lot of dislikes I wonder why probably just all of the Xbox fanboys or PC master-race fanboys it's interesting to me because like consoles in general seem to have so much hate attached to them especially from people who just you know always maintained that pcs as superior everyone should be gaming on PCs and I just don't understand all this hate and obviously I don't know why this dislike so here I haven't watched the video yet maybe it's complete trash but from what I've heard it's a very good video and the stuff that they're revealing is really really cool so I am actually really interested to dive in I don't think that consoles should just be completely disregarded I don't think that like this is this is a complex topic and this isn't really like sure knows thoughts on consoles but I did just want to say that as a game developer and as someone in the industry making a game for a console is a completely different experience to making a game for a PC people don't really consider this too much from the actual creators perspective they just kind of look at it from the user and and say that oh well you know my computer is more powerful than this console I can make I can do this I can do that I can customize it I can you know why would anyone play on a console it's just complete trash keyboard a mouse is better all that stuff and I get that and that's fine that's fine in fact that the few games that I do play I too mostly play on PC but I do want to say that consider this from the creators point of view if you're making a game making it work with a computer is a completely different experience and a completely different set of challenges to making it work with a console you see computers are all different they have completely different sets of hardware they might be super powerful they might be super not powerful than my face super weak right so when someone makes a game for a computer they need to spend a lot of time basically degrading their game so that it can work on a wide variety of hardware they have to come up with all these different tearing settings like you need to have like a low tier and mid tier a high tier an ultra tier you know a huge amount of graphic settings need to get exposed but when you're a creator working on your piece of art which is your game you're not working at it in like some kind of degraded lower quality you're working at it at the highest quality possible because it's your artwork it's your baby and then what happens is you need to make sure that you basically sacrifice the quality of your piece of art so that people with lower spec systems can actually play this game and that can be really that can be painful you know that can be painful for a game developer whereas if you're developing a game for a console you can basically guarantee that the exact same experience that you are designing will be had by the players who actually play your game the people who enjoy your art are going to see your art in the way that you made it that's special you know that is very special whereas with PC who knows what kind of system they're running maybe they'll hate the game because you can't deliver the same kind of atmosphere because their system just can't handle it so anyway don't hate on consoles hate on PC just let's just let's just enjoy all the amazing art that people are creating ok sorry about that let's get back into the video let's start the video hi unfortunately we had to cancel the the talk that we had planned for GDC but we do have yes 5 and I guess not I think what I might do with this video cuz again it is extremely long is I might just we'll see how it goes I don't know what to what to - yeah I don't know what to say yet at this point at this point in the video but I don't really want to skip any of it so I might just edit out me watching it um and I only kind of I guess include the interesting parts better to bring that to but either way let me know what you guys think in the comments below because like obviously like this is you know this is this is made for you guys to enjoy and if I'm just ruining everything then Knox Ernie without further ado over to you mark mics Ernie almost sounds like Cherney chatter thank you Jim there'll be lots of chances later on this year to look at the PlayStation 5 games today I want to talk a bit about our goals for the PlayStation 5 hardware and how they influenced the development of the console I just want to say like and again not nothing started yet but I'm not looking at this as some kind of PC elitist who knows that this platform is gonna be trash compared to a computer first of all just so that you guys are aware that even there like in general consoles are situated at a lower price bracket which is which doesn't sacrifice quality you know you can't like a 20 at 20 atti is what like $2000 or something like that like you obviously that kind of level of hardware cannot be in a console because otherwise it would cost a lot of money I do realize that but I'm not I'm still not looking at this being like oh it's going to be so much worse than PC I'm actually really excited about this and theoretically speaking theoretically speaking this has every chance to be better and to kind of facilitate better games in both graphical fidelity and in I guess experience than a computer it has the potential and I have not heard anything about this platform yet I mean about like a couple of years ago I think we did get some back when I worked at a we did get some specs of the PlayStation 5 and I remember reading a little bit through them they were likes to be confidential and I'm sure the loved a lot has changed since then obviously I don't have a copy of that and obviously I did not like I don't remember that so we'll say that that's all I've heard I have not since then I have not heard anything about the PlayStation 5 or the new Xbox I think you all know I'm a big believer in console generations once every 5 or 6 or 7 years a console arrives with substantially new capabilities there's a lot of learning by the game developers hopefully not too overwhelming and soon there's games that could never have been created before now it used to be that as a console designer you'd somehow Intuit what would be the best set of capabilities for the new console and then build it in complete secrecy for the PlayStation consoles that period lasted through PlayStation 3 a powerful and groundbreaking console but also one that caused quite a lot of heartache as it was initially difficult to develop games for mmm-hmm so start yeah the PlayStation 3 like those we don't know like it had a slightly different architecture had like cell processors and stuff like that it just you know it has something called an SPU it was designed in us in a different way where it was just not as easy to program for as just a standard kind of like PC like architecture and because of that because it was kind of I guess a new hardware architecture it took people like some people like just did not know how to write good quality software for it but also just took the industry as a whole a little bit of time to get used to it but what's interesting is the games that did actually leverage that that that's that architecture properly they ended up really excelling because the architecture whilst unique and while special did provide kind of difficulties in the games industry for certain people and certain studios if used correctly which was a difficult thing to do then it it really did do it fighting with PlayStation 4 we've taken a different approach roughly centered around three principles the first of these is listening to the developers which is to say that a lot of what we put into a console derives directly from the needs and aspirations of the game creators we definitely do have some ideas of our own but at the core of our philosophy for designing consoles is that game players are here for the fantastic games which is to say that game creators matter anything we can do to make life easier for the game creators or help them realize their dreams we will do so that's really important obviously because the people making the content are not going to be necessarily the people making the platform it's like when you're making a game engine you want to listen to the people who are using your game engine to see what exactly you should put it to the game engine what kind of workflows they expect the difficulties that they're encountering so about once every two years I take a tour of the industry I go to the various developers and publishers sit down and discuss how they're doing with the current consoles and what they'd like to see in future consoles this requires weeks on the road as reaching the bulk of the game creators involves talking to well over a hundred people it's something like two dozen publishers and developers and it is incredibly valuable by the way the feature most requested by the developers that was an SSD which we were very happy to put in hardware but a lot of problem solving was required I'll be doing a deep dive on the SSD and surrounding systems yeah now I've heard a lot of things about the SSD and in fact without really knowing about the SSD have built or the PlayStation 5 in the Unreal Engine video I did kind of like suggest that an SSD is probably playing a huge role in what was able to be achieved in that demo I think the primarily the primary reason why developers asked for an SSD and why that's so important is because more more and more of the games assets are becoming extremely large developers are trying to develop higher quality assets and higher quality assets like simply put they just they take up more data they take up more bytes of data like they they are bigger and because they're bigger you can't really you have to be very careful about what you actually keep on the GPU Ram or you actually keep on the CPU Ram you have to be a little bit more specific about what it is that we need to actually have in our GPU memory for immediate rendering and what we can just not even keep in CPU RAM anymore like like it was kind of possible with lower resolution textures to just have the whole texture in memory all the time but now because of these extremely high quality assets and because that's being pushed further and further and you know not to mention like open worlds and the fact that we have just not even the quality of each asset is higher but the amount of assets is higher and we have all of this kind of data to deal with because of all of this we need to be able to actually stream the data straight from disk into like RAM and then eventually put it into like GPU Ram or something like that based on how it's required but the point is that that's becoming a real bottleneck because if the disk speed is just not fast enough for us to be able to immediately say oh I need that asset and I need it into my GPU Ram as soon as possible because I need to display it on the screen like now that's a huge limitation that's a huge bottleneck and that was stopping a lot of developers from being able to just simply use larger sets of data because well the disk just can't keep up Pacey's obviously like recently just the SSD space for PC with mws these days and all that stuff they're extremely fast and that's not so much a problem but with consoles that was later on in this talk that was a bit of an issue it's also key to make a generational leave while keeping the console sufficiently familiar to game developers I think about this in terms of balancing evolution and revolution now with Playstation one two and three the target was a revolution each time with a brand new feature set that was great in many ways but time for the developers to get up and running got longer with each console in the past I've called this time to triangle here's what I had for those three consoles to be clear I'm not talking time time to triangle is quite a popular kind of metric about time to make it you can mean a lot of things game but in this case in this case he's basically just saying that like okay let's just say this you'd like you have a new new platform right I have here's a PlayStation 3 right I want you to get a triangle in the screen like from scratch how long is that gonna take you and obviously like the the lower that time to triangle is the easier it is to do things with that platform for example in OpenGL at time - like if you're writing an OpenGL program times triangle is very fast it's not like particularly difficult to do that especially with like legacy up in jail or DirectX 9 for example really fast time to triangle because everything is fixed function everything is really simple modern versions of OpenGL a little bit longer and then if you look at something like Vulcan your time to triangle is gonna be a long time because you have to set up everything it's gonna be very long so that's another reason fellow first country ambitious and it may take them six years or so to realize their vision what I'm talking about is that dead time before graphics and other aspects of game development are up and running and trying to minimize that on the other hand if we're trying to reduce that dead time to 0 that means the hardware architecture can't change at all we're handcuffed we need to judge for each feature what value it adds and whether it's worth the increase in developer time needed to support it so with PlayStation 4 we were able to strike a pretty good balance I really like this guy's like talk by the way he's like very good at presenting which is like refreshing to see response rate and familiarity we got required learning back to PlayStation 1 levels with PS 5 the GPU was definitely the area we felt the most tension between adding new features and keeping a familiar programming model ultimately I think we've ended up with something under a month of getting up to speed that feels like we're striking about the right balance I'll go into a bit more detail later today about our philosophy with the GPU and the specific feature set that resulted from it it's also very important for us as the hardware team to find new dreams by which I mean something other than CPU performance GPU performance and the amount of RAM the increase in graphics performance over the past two decades has been astonishing but there are other areas in which we can innovate and provide significant value to the game creators and through them the players that's why the SSD was very much on our list of directions to explore regardless of what came out of the conversations with game developers and publishers the biggest feature in this category is the custom engine for audio that's today's final topic the push for vastly and audio and in particular 3d audio isn't something that came out of the developer meetings it's much more the case that we had a dream of what might be possible five years from now and then worked out a number of steps we could take to set us on that path so here again are the three principles the first being enabling the desires of developers to drive the hardware design to me the SSD really is the key to them by the way I'm definitely gonna watch this whole video normally five minutes in and I I'll probably end up splitting this up into multiple videos like in terms of my reaction because I'm sure there's a lot I'm gonna want to say about this but I'm definitely watching this whole thing it's really interesting solution and I do want to I do want to know everything about this visit a game changer and it was the number one ask from developers for PlayStation 5 as in we know it's probably impossible but can you put an SSD in it that was a discussion we were also having internally it was clear that the presence of a hard drive in every PlayStation 4 was having a positive impact a lot of things that would simply have been impossible at blu-ray disc speeds were now possible at the same time yeah I wasn't actually even considering disc space I was thinking about more or less games that were quite an install because that was a lot of games were kind of doing that bleuer I did yeah that's even more so yes in 2016 when we were having these coffee but but that's also kind of to be expected because a lot of this stuff is moving to a digital marketplace lots of games while still kind of sold on blu-ray discs and you know we're talking about like 50 gigabytes of data there probably if not more you know that kind of I still feel like as the industry as a whole obviously is is more or less gravitating towards like streaming services for games meaning that you can like you can purchase like a subscription and then you get like a like kind of like a play I guess you get like a set amount of games that you can kind of use in your library and all of that is like a digital marketplace where you can also purchase games and a lot of games are only distributed digitally so it obviously makes sense that like discs are kind of gonna be coming out of phase and so a physical game stores and I guess game copies right and then it's more or less moving towards something like Steam for PC conversations developers were already banging up against the limits of the hard drive and a lot of developer time was being spent designing around slow load speeds mm-hmm I want to focus in on just one number here which is how long it takes to load a gigabyte of data from a hard drive the difficulty being that hard drives are neither particularly fast nor flexible if all your data is in one block which is frankly not very likely you can load 50 to 100 megabytes a second depending on where the data is located on the hard drive let's assume it's on the outer edge which means loading a gigabyte takes 10 seconds if you compress your game packages you can fit more data on the blu-ray disk and also effectively boost your hard drive read speed by the compression ratio we support Z Lib decompression on PlayStation 4 that gets you something like 50% more data on the disk and 50% higher effective speed unfortunately yeah so this is the thing that people didn't really consider as well compression right so obviously storing raw assets is probably almost never done especially because discs obviously both hard drives like both hard drive installations and like blu-ray discs have a finite amount of space and it's it might not be enough everything is pretty much always compressed now when you compress things you're you're basically playing with like a little bit of a trade-off here you can trade your CPU time or your decompression kind of time for less disk space so in other words instead of occupying like a hundred megabytes the data may be this kind of texture asset or something occupies 50 megabytes of data however it's not ready for me to send to the GPU immediately as is I can't just read the data off the disk and immediately give it to my GPU I mean obviously GPUs have like the texture is probably not the crater not the greatest example because obviously there are compression formats for textures they actually are decoded like on the GPU at sample time and all of that stuff so we'll just ignore that analogy but the point is you know you have an asset you can't just immediately send it to the GPU or process it on the CPU or do whatever you need with that asset before you decompress it however it's less data to read so the point is if you have a fast CPU and a slow disk it's a lot better to kind of compress stuff and then kind of read it in and then have the CPU do the work on it if you read less dadah than it is to read double the data and do nothing on the cpu tour because it's already in the right format you don't need to transform it so that's kind of what he's talking about here that it and he mentions ad lib as a decompression library like zedla Zed Lib is a fairly heavy decompression mic library it's not for example like lz4 is something that is a lot faster to decompress but the file size is larger Zed live actually compresses like quite well it's it's fairly like the decompression times going to be slower but obviously in this case the disk is is reinforcing the fact that the disk is so slower that they're actually they're actually using rather heavy compression to kind of get around that gently though it's highly likely that your data is scattered around in various files on the hard drive as well as sourced from multiple locations within those files so lots of sikhs are needed at 2 to 50 ish milliseconds each my rule of thumb is that the hard drive is spending two-thirds of its time seeking and only a third of its time actually loading data putting all of that together a gigabyte isn't very rough why it's so important to keep your daughter together doesn't matter if it's in RAM or on disk you know 20 seconds to load from a hard drive now a gigabyte is not much data games are using 5 or 6 gigabytes of RAM on PlayStation 4 so boot times and load times can get pretty grim or to put that differently as a player you wait for the game to boot wait for the game to load wait for the level to reload every time you die and you wait for what is euphemistically called fast travel and all of that leads to the dream what if we could have not just an SSD but a blindingly fast SSD if we could load 5 gigabytes a second from it what would change now SSDs are completely different from hard drives they don't have sikhs as such if you have a 5 gigabyte a second SSD you can read data from a thousand different locations in that second pretty much at speed as for time to load a gigabyte this is next-gen we're talking about so memory is bigger instead we should be asking how long to load 2 gigabytes and the answer is about a quarter of a second that's amazing we're talking two orders of magnitude meaning very roughly 100 times faster which means at five gigabytes a second for the SSD the potential now this is a huge chump obviously you guys don't need me to tell you that you can see that from the numbers but I do want to point out that the hard drive on the PlayStation liked it not the best so yes it's a huge jump and this is really good that this is a thing now don't get me wrong I'm not at all saying that it's not that good it's it's brilliant but it's even more brilliant because of how bad it used to be was that the game boots in a second there are no load screens the game just fades down while loading a half-dozen gigabytes and fades back up again same for a reload you're immediately back in the action after you die and fast travel becomes so fast it's blinking you miss it as game creators we go from trying to distract it's gonna happen to old tips that are displayed during loading screen the moment gonna know how to play this how long fast travel is taking like those Spiderman subway rides to being so blindingly fast that we might even have to slow that transition down yeah pretty cool right but for me this is not the primary reason to change from a hard drive to an SSD the primary reason for an ultra-fast SSD is that it gives the game designer freedom what a put what he said by the way about slowing down that reminds me of like when I first started making games and I was still in high school and all of that I like my games were obviously so simple and so dumbed down and like that they had like no loading straights everything was pretty much instantaneous but I actually wanted to have a loading screen a little progress bar because I was like well all games have that I want to have that as well and so I added like some threats leaps in there just to make the loading screen like longer so that I could display something and so ya can sabotage differently with a hard drive the twenty seconds that it takes to load a gigabyte can sabotage the game that the developer is trying to create exactly I think almost all of us in the room have experienced this maybe in different ways say we're making an adventure game and we have two rich environments where we each want enough text and models to fill memory what you can do as long as you have a long staircase or elevator ride or a windy corridor where you can ditch the old assets and then take 30 seconds or so to load the new assets yes that's really really common it's you're basically forcing the player into some kind of limited area of the map where there aren't too many assets actually needed to interact with or to render and then meanwhile asynchronously you're streaming in assets from disk and that might take a while but that's fine because some other threads doing that in the background as long as the player manages to get to where the new assets are required in a longer time than it takes to actually stream in the assets onto the GPU and the CPU for interaction rendering all that stuff then you're fine but obviously designing your game around that can be problematic it works for a lot of games like there's you know that they're just kind of you know again the developers design around that they make these corridors not necessarily because it adds to the story or the experience of their you know artwork of their game but because like it's necessary so yeah let's make a corridor here it can be helpful having a 30-second elevator ride is a little extreme more realistically we'd probably chop the world into a number of smaller pieces and then do some calculations with sightlines and runs beans like we did for Haven City when we were making jak 2 the game is 20 years old but not much has changed since then all those twisty passages are there for a reason there's a whole subset of level design dedicated to this sort of work yet still it's a giant distraction for a team that just wants to make their game it is and the thing is like you're seeing the industry like moving towards this kind of like just works mentality and it's that's really good obviously it's really good when the person who says it just works actually means it but the point is that having to deal with limitations can be not only disheartening and annoying but it can really take the fun out of making a game and when you're dealing with a creative industry taking fun out of thing keeping people not at not in like a good kind of happy positive attitude that can hurt that resulting creativity and that's that's a bad thing you can keep your developers your artists everyone happy because instead of again worrying about how like how they're gonna add another corner into this level because like they just really can't they've already added like five of them they're sick of this they can't do this like it's just not gonna it's gonna this is gonna be ridiculous people gonna play my game and be like why there's so many corners but they have to because otherwise it's not gonna work or they just they can't well they have to reduce the quality of their assets in their game like that's very very very bad all right my camera just overheated so hopefully that happened again otherwise we really will have to split up this video anyway my point is if if developers can just focus on making the actual game and you know using their creativity and the tools are not getting in the way of the job that's just gonna result in better games people people miss this all the time people think that oh why do they make this game like this why didn't they make like you know battlefield used to ship with 20 maps now it ships with eight or battlefront you just ship with like you know battlefront true the original had like a billion maps and so many playable characters and now this battlefield has like eight maps or four maps or whatever it is Battlefront sorry people say these things but they don't realize how much harder it is to make content at this quality bar not just because of the fact that they have to spend more time putting more details into their environments into their characters everywhere but because the hardware net-like the hardware is also getting in the way and being able to kind of put that aside and make this really easy and make everyone be able to express their ideas in a super super good way that's that is I think the single most important part of this industry to make tools and platforms that did not get in the way of humans and their ideas and their creativity so when I talked about the dream of an SSD part of the reason for that five gigabyte a second target still recording eliminate loads but also part of the reason for that target was streaming as in what if the SSD is so fast that as the player is turning around it's possible to load textures for everything behind the player in that split-second if you figure that it takes half a second to turn that's four by the way if that would possible that that means that again you don't have to split your world up into chunks you don't have to worry about like oh I need this I need that because every every single asset like visual asset visual only asset so like obviously if you still need AI running in the background colliding with things and pathfinding and all of that you still need the basic mesh for the world geometry and all that loaded and you'll need other assets like always for example present in RAM but luckily those assets are generally a lot smaller than really high detailed models and textures and all that stuff so if that were possible you wouldn't need to worry about like corridors or even worry about splitting up the world into anything the world could literally be pretty much infinite in complexity and detail because it's only showing what you're looking at and unless you can look unless there's a section where you can overlook the entire world and everything has to be in like max detail which it probably wouldn't because certain things would be so far away that you wouldn't really need to kind of you'd have like some kind of proxy for them like a lower LOD mesh or you know some kind of you know with Unreal Engine 5 I guess some kind of you know triangle culling thing that just figures out what you actually need all of that stuff if you can have that stuff like unless you have that huge kind of overlooking thing you know the actual like view of the player usually is rather small and that's that's really cool obviously if you're dealing with like a level editor where you're trying to design the world and like you know the the developers are using this tool to create this world and they would want to see a lot of it at once a lot more than the player usually but gigabytes in general this is really good that sounds about right for next gen anyway back to the hard drive another strategy for increasing effective read speed is to make big sequential chunks of data for example we might group all the data together for each city block that removes most of the seeks and the streaming gets faster but there's a downside to which is that frequently used data is included in many chunks and therefore is on the hard drive many many times marvel spiderman uses this strategy and though it works very well for increasing the streaming speed there's a massive duplication as a result some of the objects like mailboxes or newsracks are on the hard drive 400 times Wow what I'm describing here are things that cramp a creative director style either level design gets a little bit for it yes so again sometimes it's necessary to have a duplication of assets because they're part of a different chunk and if you always have them in one location on the hard drive and you always have to again fetch from everywhere it that can actually be a lot slower than being able to say okay I need all of this streamed in at once and obviously that's resulting in replication or the data is duplicated so many times that it no longer fits on the blu-ray disk and you end up with hard limits on the players run speed or driving speed the player can't go faster than the load speed from the hard drive yeah and finally I'm sure many of you have noticed that after a patch download the PlayStation 4 will sometimes take a long time to install the patch that's because when just part of a file has been changed the new data can be downloaded pretty quickly but before the game boots up a brand new file has to be constructed that includes the changed portion otherwise every change would add a seek or two even so you can occasionally see this happening on game titles they start to hitch once they get patched enough with an SSS interesting I haven't had too much experience with like developing for consoles and all that so I've never really noticed this but this is really interesting no seeks so no need to make brand new files with the changes incorporated into them which means no installs as you know them today there's yet one more benefit which is that system memory can be used much more efficiently on PlayStation 4 game data on the hard drive feels very distant and difficult to use by the time you realize you need a piece of data it's much too late to go out and load it so system memory has to contain all of the data that could be used in the next 30 seconds or so of gameplay that means a lot of the 8ya because the the disk is too slower Ram is obviously a lot faster so you have to make sure that you don't don't literally pause your game because you're relying on disk load space bytes of system memory is idle it's just waiting there to be potentially used on playstation 5 though the SST because if you if the player suddenly makes a sharp left turn and then you you just need that asset then it better be in RAM because if it's not then you know prepare for like a second of just either no textures on that model because they're still being asynchronously loaded or just like a pause see is very close to being like more RAM typically it's fast enough that when you realize you need a piece of data you can just load it from the SSD and use it there's no need to have lots of data parked in system memory waiting to potentially be used mm-hmm a different way of saying that is that most of Ram is working on the game's behalf this is one of the reasons that 16 gigabytes of gddr5 a station 5 the presence of the SSD reduces the need for a massive intergenerational increase in size so yeah but they don't need to have a hundred and twenty eight gigabytes of RAM or anything like that because the SSD is so fast that they just you know I'm actually it really interested interested to see the difference in speed between RAM and the SSD I'm sure it's still it's still quite large and obviously like this is a different like architectural II speaking it you know you need RAM because Ram is what the CPU actually communicates with the CPU does not immediately get data from disk and then start processing it it has to go through the RAM to actually be you know so the safety instructions actually do anything not to mention that's where the CPU instructions are there in the RAM but I'm still interested I'm still interested to see what the actual speed difference would be between RAM and and SSD which again like doesn't make too much sense because the SSD speed is only going to be as fast as the RAM speed because for the as I just mentioned you know for the daughter to get to the CPU has to go through Ram anyway but I'm stood back to the dream of the SSD here's the set of targets with the game in a second no load screens design freedom meaning no twisty passages or long corridors more game on the disk and more game on the SSD yeah and the deduplication of game daughter is relevant because of the of the 0 is seek time that finally those patch installs go away the reality though is that the SSD is just one piece of the puzzle there's a lot surfaces where bottlenecks can occur in between the SSD and the game code that uses the data you can see this on PlayStation 4 if I use an SSD with 10 times the speed of a standard hard drive I probably see only double the loading speed if that for PlayStation 5 our goal was not just that the SSD itself be a hundred times faster it was that game loads and streaming would be a hundred times faster so that's a hot that's a hard goal to hear every single potential bottleneck needed to be addressed and there are a lot of them let's look I'm I'm very impressed by the way so far like I mean I haven't I don't know the technical details of how they achieved this and I don't know how real it is obviously like I assume it's it's accurate but what is saying so far like this is a big technical achievement and I think with that we'll probably pause there for today's video hope you guys enjoyed this little preliminary look at the PlayStation 5 we're about 14 minutes and 6 seconds in I'm not gonna watch any of the video until the next time I sit down and do this I'm actually gonna go away do something else for a while and let his daughter kind of process in my brain and see if I'd come up with anything else to say but I hope you guys did enjoy this if you did please hit that like button if you're new here then don't forget to subscribe to the channel as well please let me know what you thought of this particular video and if you think that I should do anything else for the remainder of this video because it is very long and obviously I have a lot of thoughts to say if you're happy with me to keep it kind of just putting up chunks like this then obviously let me know and I'll be fine thank you guys for watching I will see you next time goodbye [Music] you
Channel: The Cherno
Views: 597,053
Rating: 4.8421831 out of 5
Keywords: cherno, ue5, unreal engine v, unreal engine 5, epic, unreal engine, reaction, demo, game engine, game engine dev, rendering, graphics, amazing, ps5, playstation 5, mark cerny, ssd
Id: erxUR9SI4F0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 15sec (2235 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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