Gaga, Can We Talk?! Haus Laboratories Review | Jackie Aina

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(moans) (sings) - Okay there we go. (laughs) Hi guys, welcome back to my channel. It's your girl, Jackie Aina. Oh, excuse me. ♪ Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie ♪ ♪ Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie ♪ Yeah I'm making a lot of noise today, just deal with it. I'm just trying to match the theme of today's make up review. But as you all know, unless you just really are not that cool and live under a rock, Lady Gaga (ding) just launched her first ever make up line. I think this is her first ever line in general. Like, has she ever come out with merch? Has she over done other products? I don't know. Haus Laboratories is the name of Lady Gaga's make up line and I've heard some pretty good... Well, there's been some good things, there's been some bad things. I haven't really watched any reviews on the line yet because we like to be untainted and unwavering. I did see Raw Beauty Kristi's video though, because it just sucked me in, I couldn't help it. I love her, I think she's really raw. That's the only review I've seen so far. It is a line that is unique. I definitely have some thoughts. Now, to be completely honest with you, I don't really listen to a lot of Gaga's music. - Electric chair. (gavel slams) - I think she seems like a really fun girl. She she seems like a girl's girl, very unpretentious, so I'm not doing this review in the place of a fan. Even though I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with being biased a little bit. Naturally as humans, when you like someone and when you're a fan of them, that's okay, that's human nature. We're all guilty of it, don't say you aren't either. And if you do say it, you're lying. I think Gaga's cool. I don't go out and buy all of her albums. I think that her, hold on. I do think that her starting a make up brand is very on brand for her. I was however, a little confused by the approach of this launch. This is actually a really nice launch. I like how this is mirrored, this is kind of cool. It is eye products and lip products, so we're gonna be testing them out, swatching and reviewing them. It is an Amazon exclusive beauty line. I think this is the first of Amazon's kind. I see what they're trying to do. Amazon is trying to come for the other retailers, honey. I see what they're doing. I know an exclusive when I see one, but you can also go onto the Haus Laboratories website and purchase the products on there as well, because I did confirm right before I started filming. Today we're gonna be doing some swatches. I did leave my make up partially completed because I wanted to create an eye look so let's go ahead and get started. Haus Laboratories has been a dream of mine for many years. Built on a foundation of love, I founded this artistic, creative collection to inspire kindness and self acceptance through beauty. I want you to love yourself and spread acceptance to others around the world. Together, we can do this. I like that. I do think, (cardboard crashes) I think that that brand messaging is very Gaga. She just seems like a do what you want, be who you want, no judgment, I see some of that reflective in the branding of the line. The first thing we're gonna jump right into are the Glam Attack liquid shimmer powders and these are basically the equivalent of a liquid cream shadow from what I've seen in demonstrations. Now the only thing that I will definitely say about the branding, I think visually, it's actually a really well put together collection but I am also in the pool of people who was a little bit underwhelmed when I saw the launch of this, and when I first saw it, I thought that for Gaga to be this extravagant, over the top persona that she has, I guess I was expecting like what Christian Louboutin does with his lipsticks. The spikes and the oblong shapes, and that is just to me what I think of when I think of Lady Gaga, but you know, maybe that's just not what she wants for her brand and that's okay, but if I look at this, I wouldn't necessarily visually connect this to Lady Gaga. Does that make sense? And also for her first launch to be the lip and the eye products, it wasn't really something that I felt had been done before. There was just nothing that wowed me. But at the same time, maybe she wants the product to speak for itself and the packaging to be secondary. That could be a thing too. I have six of these liquid shimmer shadows and I'm just gonna really quick swatch all of them for you. So this is Aphrodite, this is the first liquid, oh it's really liquidy. Okay, so more liquid and less cream. You're not gonna get the same thick, frothy, what you would expect from Stila. They're literally liquid, but I wonder do they blend out in a powder. How does that work? Okay, so it does go liquid to powder and it's very chunky, glittery. I think that they should call these liquid glitter not liquid shadow, because it is just chunk and just glit. The next color that I have is Chained Ballerina. By the way, these retail for $20, I think that's a cute amount. I would pay $20 for a liquid cream shadow. I feel like liquid cream shadows go way longer than regular shadows, and they're a lot easier to use. So this one is a black shimmer, and let's see what she blends out. Oh yeah, this is just straight black. This one has blue glitter in it, purple. Very appropriate for Halloween, and very Gaga. I don't know why I keep acting like I know her. I don't. I don't even know really much about her music but I do know that "Telephone" is a banger, okay? (sings "Telephone) ♪ Stop telephoning me ♪ That's actually one of my favorite songs in general, let alone Gaga songs. So the next color that I have is Legend and Legend looks like a goldish green. Yeah, it's kind of olivey. It's like that goldish green. That is beautiful. Now the one thing that I will say, because these are so sheer and watery, I wouldn't necessarily, okay there's two approaches to this. If I want color payoff and I'm doing a full face of glam, beat, going to the club, I wouldn't use these alone. I would use this as a secondary step, I would use this with shadows. I would put this on top of something. It's almost like, in my opinion, like the equivalent of a highlight for your eyes, but you wouldn't wear this by itself. Unless you wanted a no makeup makeup look and you just wanted shine and a little bit of dew on the eyes, then you can do these because they're kind of transparent. It's not a thick coat of shadow, it's just like clear liquid with glitter in it, if that makes sense. And this actually reminds me a lot of Trophy Wife, because my Trophy Wife is over there and I see it, I see you. The next color that I have is Dynasty and Dynasty is a turquoise blue, gorgeous. Oh, that's really pretty. That's really pretty but I don't like the fact that this one is liquidy. So far, my favorite in this consistency, this consistency does not work for every color. I want to see color payoff, I want to see thickness. I don't want a sheer turquoise. I don't know girl, maybe I need to see how she dries down. I just think that this should be more. This should be more. I'm the least impressed with that one and I'm also the least impressed with the black one because the black one needs to give me black. Blackity black. The next color that I have is, what is this? Biker. (mimics bike revving) This one is like a gray. Mm-mm, oh no. (screams) - What the freak is that? - Okay, that one's not that bad. It's kind of gun metal. I see what they're doing. It's a really unique color though. We don't really see a lot of this, oh there, in society. And then, the last color that I have is Rose B*tch. Rose, B, star, TCH. That's literally what it's called. B, asterisk, TCH. Rose bi... Okay, Rose B is like a muted pink. Oh, it looks different on camera. I don't really see a color story here. The two dark ones are damn near the same color. Those are okay. I wish that they were more color payoff, I wish that they were thicker. I really only really liked the gold. That was the only one that looked really good blended out and matched the texture and consistency. I really feel like we've raised the bar for liquid shadows, ever since Stila came out and changed the game for everyone and we've seen different textures and different types but I like what I like and I tend to not go for this kind of texture and consistency. Will I use them? Yeah, it's not something that I necessarily dislike but something seems like it's missing, something seems off about the texture of these. Because this is just shimmer, I can do two things. I can either just do an eye using this and go really out of the box and avant garde, which is probably what Gaga had in mind. I, however, I'm not Cara Delevingne, okay? I'm not a model, I don't pull off those looks very well. So I need to give you guys a look. So I am gonna do some shadows and I'm gonna go grab, I don't know what I'm gonna grab. Let's go see what we've got. I definitely thought this palette was gonna be real ashy but then I swatched it and I was like okay, okay, okay, I'll fall back, I'll fall back. So I'm gonna use the Naked Honey palette. I do have to be honest, I have a dinner party tonight and it's a more professional setting, professional environment and I'm really someone else's plus one. I want to show up looking like "I Love New York" from Flavor of Love. - Look at the material. - You should be going home anyway. - You can be the judge of it. - I just don't want to do that to her. I'm gonna keep it really cute and match just like my style anyway and I definitely want to find a way to incorporate Legend. I thought this color was really pretty, the gold. Look at the material. First we're going to prime the eyes using some concealer from Too Faced. I did want to lay some powder down real quick in case I fall out though. Let me lay it down. So because it's a dinner party and I have to be somewhat professional, I'm gonna do something a little bit more on the glam side. I'm gonna start off with Drip. Drip right here, that was not supposed to happen. I went for Drip and accidentally dipped my shadow brush into something else. Anyway, Drip, came through dripping, I'm going to be applying into my crease. I typically start with the crease color. This look is gonna be very boring. So if you came for theatrics, if you came for graphic liner, it's not moi. I've got carpal tunnel. I need to pick my looks wisely. I'm applying Drip into my crease because I'm going to be adding in that buffer softening things out. This look is going to be very wearable. Oh my god, I originally wanted to do this look by Orpha. Like, look how stunning that is. (groans) But I just feel like it's really rude to show up to someone's event as a plus one and look like that. And I was gonna wear a purple wig. My purple unicorn, purple and mint green wig. Doing the most. You're not getting promoted, sis. So I didn't want to do the absolute most. I'mma just stick to what I know and that's being basic. I'm basically taking this flesh toned shadow. I could have just used Ginger for this, but I'm actually gonna try and see what that shadow looks like by itself in the middle of my eye first and then if I really don't like it, I'm gonna put something on on top of it and shuzz. Here we go. Oh, does this spill out girl? Oh girl, it spills out of the packaging, girl. Make sure you don't store this upside down because it's so watery that it will spill. So we're taking Legend, that's going on the center of my lid. It looks pretty opaque on camera. Okay, I'm not mad. Okay, I'm mad at that though. The only thing with these liquid, because they don't stay put, if you have hooded eyelids or any type of fold on your lid, you could get transfer, which could be really annoying and I already feel like I'm resisting the urge to fight that and I don't even have hooded eyelids so I can imagine for someone who does, that would be pretty hard to work around. These aren't blending that great with my blending brush. I'm trying to add my shadow around it to soften it out. So I'm popping it onto my other eye and it actually looks really pretty. I like the color, I like that this is a greenish gold. It's giving me a really nice vibrant, fresh look. I am glad that I tried this on its own because it shows me that it does have potential to really show up on the eye and stand out. Watery but definitely not sheer, that's for damn sure. You know the applicator is quite nice because what you can do is the cut crease application, you can get a really nice, sharp application and really carve out that eyelid. You guys, that's actually really pretty. Unblended, I'm getting there. Now I'm taking a bit of Drip, you can use any flesh tone, eye base color that you like or crease color that you like, and I'm just blending out around the corners of it so I looks like we've got this natural cut crease look. I feel like I need something dark back here and I wouldn't normally do this but in the name of all that is Gaga, we're gonna switch it up and do something different. I'm going to take the black, which is in the shade Charmed Ballerina. Why do I feel like that's my first time reading this name? Did I not read this name earlier? The black one is called Charmed Ballerina and I'm gonna take a bit of Charmed Ballerina. Oh my god, I'm scared. What am I doing? I'm actually scared. We're gonna blend it out with a blending brush. I feel like this could either go really wrong or it could be revolutionary, let's just see. So first I'm gonna pat it in, kind of in a V shape. Oh, and that's turning green because of the gold. Cool, I can work with that. I'm just using this in place of black shadow because I thought it's shimmery so that could be fun, right? That is actually not blending out too bad but the only thing is, you've got to work quick because it's liquid shadow. Liquid dries. And I'm not necessarily mad at that. It's shimmery. I don't normally put shimmer back here but it's kind of cute. And then I'm gonna add a little bit more of that gold and our flesh tone crease color again around it to blend and soften everything out. Soften. This took an awkward turn, because at first I really liked it and then I put on shadow, and then I got really creative and now I'm not as, as wowed as I was and I'm almost, this is the second time, I can't believe I'm doing this, I want to take it off. (disappointing music) - Huh? - I never ever, ever, ever, I never wipe off makeup because I always feel like I can make it work, I can figure it out and now my eyelids are burning because I've been layering on this liquid shadow. ♪ Poor unfortunate soul ♪ Back to the drawing board. I'm just gonna take my crease color, which was Drip, and pop that onto our lid. (harsh breathing) (tense music) It's fine, fine, I'm not in a hurry or anything, it's cool. I'mma just put on my two layers of Legend and shut the hell up and whatever the hell I was trying to do with the black on the outer corner, that's canceled. - Period. - This looks much prettier now that I've toned it down and softened it and didn't layer on as much. This, I feel is a little bit more wearable and more me. There is a graphic liner, liquid Eye-Lie-Ner, literally, it's eye and then L-I-E-N-E-R. Eye-Lie-Ner. Now this eyeliner seems like it's being positioned as one of their stand out items. I don't really feel like there's anything revolutionary about liquid eyeliner. It is $20 and you know, some people love their liquid eyeliners, so if it's worth it for you and you really love the eyeliner that much, then I would say go out and get it. I'm not mad at that $20 price tag. Oh my god, look, this is what I was talking about. This is what I was talking about. It transferred up here just a little bit but it's okay, it's not the end of the world. I think I can just buff that out a little bit. This is a black felt-tip liquid eyeliner. That's pretty thick. I don't really feel like black liner would look good with this look because it's very light, bright and all that. I think that black liquid liner would be a little harsh for this look but should we try it? Okay, sure, why not? If anything, I can always smoke and smudge it out if I need too. We are gonna wear falsies. Now I would definitely say, that's a good tip. The tip really, really lets you get super close to the lash line. Sometimes felt-tipped liners can be too thick, which I think is the reason why I'm just not into them but I got really close to that lash line and yes, I am going to smudge it out. The vibe that I'm getting from most of these products so far is really avant garde, and you guys probably are gonna be like your eye make up sucks! Yeah, it's not my best work, that's okay. I'm just trying to make do with what I have and I'm making it work the best way that I know how and I want this look to be pretty wearable. It looks like there's jewels on my eyes, like wow. This is pretty. I'm also gonna dab on over, on my bottom lash line, just a little sparkle glow. See what I did, right there, in the middle, down here? Yeah. And then I'm gonna add some Drip along the bottom lash line as well. Again, this is just a crease color. You don't have to use this whole entire palette because I really ended up using one eyeshadow anyway. The eyes are pretty much done. I threw on lashes. These are So Extra Mykonos from Lily Lash. Of course we have to add our inner corner highlight. So I ran over to, oh I didn't physically run but I grabbed it, it was right here. I grabbed Aphrodite and I'm gonna be splashing that in my tear duct for a little extra sparkle and shimmer. We're done with the eyes. Let's go over to the lips. In addition to the liner and the liquid shadows, we also have lip glosses. There are six glosses in the Haus Laboratories launch. I do think it's kind of weird that they gave us lip glosses and lip liner instead of lip pencils and lip sticks, or liquid matte lippies. So there's some glosses that have shimmer, there's some glosses that have no shimmer in them at all. They retail for $18. It's a little up there in price for a gloss as opposed to the liquid shimmer shadow. I would pay more for shadow because shadow's gonna last me way longer. I don't have to apply it as often, you get what I'm saying? There's no smell, and that makes me sad but it's not a deal breaker for me. I don't have to have a scent in my lip products but it is a bonus. The first color that I'm gonna be swatching is the shade Corset, and this is a pretty... From the swatch alone, it's pretty sticky and it's pretty goopy. It's also very sheer. I almost feel like it's a waste of time. Swatching glosses, these types of glosses, you're really not gonna get a ton of color payoff but we're just gonna do it anyway. This is a cool toned pink, the shade is Blaze and it kind of matches my nails, it's really cute. I have Venus. It's kind of pink, I would say this is a nude pink. It's pretty sheer, they're all very sheer. I have Entranced, which looks like a really, I just want to shake it up, just in case it's watery because you never know. It looked a little oily at first. Entranced is a glitter gloss. These do not swatch that great, I'm not gonna lie. They feel really sticky and really goopy. The next color that I have is attitude. Attitude is, okay, this is a pretty color. I actually have a color from Pat McGrath that reminds me a lot of that. It's almost like a reddish orange and there is shimmer in it. (lid shuts) Oh god, did you hear that? That was from the gloss. And the last color that I have is Scream and it's a purple. I feel like I fumbled the bag with this because I don't even know what I'm wearing yet and I'm already doing yellow and gold on my eyes. It's fine, I'm sure I can make it work. The struggles of being a YouTuber, I just pray that it works out. I feel like lipstick is really missing, like it's an obvious empty presence that I yearn for. Oh, these look like liners that match the color of the lipsticks, sort of, kind of, except for Enchanted. But there's six of them. We have Slayer, which is a deep plum. By the way, the pencil liners are $16. This is Myth, and Myth is a cool toned pink. I don't know if you can see that, that's a cool toned pink. This is Drag and this one is more of a purple. That's a really unique liner color, I kind of like that. Very cool toned. This is On Point. It's a nude, but we all know what that really means. It's not nude for me, Kathleen. Okay, nude for you but not me. This is a color that I wouldn't, like I would probably use this on my lips but I would still need to definitely line my lips with something else because this is way too light. I think it would make a pretty cute color though, like a lipstick color. Then I have Rule, ooh, that's nice. It is a orangey terracotta, coral terracotta I should say. Close to terracotta than it is orange. And then the last color that I have is Ride and Ride is a pink. A cool toned pink. Unlike how I felt about the eye products, I do feel like the lipsticks and the eyeliners all correspond together. I feel like the eyes, there's a mismatch there. There's no color story here. This is a color story. I feel like I could definitely use all of these liners. Like none of them, except for this one of course, these are all pretty. I'm glad that they didn't do too many nude shades that wouldn't have been flattering universally. I'm glad that there's some color and some depth in these liners. Nowadays, lip pencils have really stepped it up and I'm not used to this old school wooden, like I'm used to using the ones from Colourpop or I'm used to using the ones from, is it LA? Yeah, LA Girl I think is the twist up. I'm not really a fan of the old school, wooden, sharpen up pencils because you just don't get that creamy application. Like, if I really like the color, I'm still gonna use it. So I think the color that I'm gonna use today, because we do want nude is, no, can't use that one, can't use that one. I almost fell for it though. I'm gonna go in with the shade Rule. This almost looks like the only nude that I could use. That glided on really nicely. Definitely better than I expected. I expected a little bit of tug, I expected this to be really dry. It's actually not. So I line my lips pretty heavily, like almost halfway through and I know the rest of my lips look gray but stop disrespecting me. It's been a long week, okay? I can't find my lip balm. For a gloss, I definitely want to go nude, duh. Like you guys know me so well. I'm so basic. I'm gonna take the shade Corset. Corset seems like, well. Actually, Corset looks a little light. Let me go for Venus and let's just see how much color payoff we actually get, which I don't think, okay there's a little bit of color. Girl this applicator is not it. It's not soft at all. Cute color, don't know if I'm wowed, but I'm not against it. I actually like the lip color. I think it was a cute combo. Even without lipstick, I'm kind of into it, it looks nice. Now the last thing that you do get, I didn't realize you can buy this but you get these, well you don't get them, you purchase them. There's a collection of two eye masks and the one that I have here is this big, I thought people were drawing these on with the liner. I was like, where's everybody getting this idea from? Did I miss the stencil or something? Excuse me. No, you can actually buy this which, I mean, cute but why though? You know, why? Is it supposed to be a Halloween thing? What's the tea with this? Are these supposed to be eye flicks? Is this supposed to be eyeliner in a stencil? Yeah, these are wing tips. I mean, they're fine, but, I respect it but it's not me. Is this a safe space? I don't know if I like this make up line, you guys. I just, here's what I'll say. Right now we all know celebrities are trying to cash in on the extra lucrative business of beauty, we all see it. And whenever I would hear people say celebrities are always putting their name on make up lines and blah, blah, blah, and they're just coming out just with products just for the sake of it, just because they're famous, I genuinely low key always felt like that was a little bit of shade. People were just hating, and I always felt like, you're just hating. If you were in the same position that they were, you'd probably be doing the same thing. But honestly, when it comes to this line, I kind of see what people were talking about. I do kind of see what people were talking about. - I don't even know why you here. Security, can you please escort this lady over here out? - I will just say, I think that the products were likable. I think that the products are usable. I don't dislike them. However, when you step into the world of beauty, it's not one of those things where you can just wave transluscent powder over our eyes and we won't be able to see through the products for what it is. When you step into beauty, you gotta be ready to bring it because there's so many different beauty brands and everybody is constantly churning out launches and coming up with new revolutionary things and girl, I'm not getting revolutionary the way that this was hyped up to be. I did get invited to the launch party, but I didn't go because it was at a time where I had just got done with a lot of travel and that night, I was just extremely exhausted so I opted not to go and I only mention that because people did ask me. I think people sometimes feel a way when I don't get invited to things, so I don't want you guys to feel like I am only saying this because I was snubbed. I wasn't snubbed, I was invited but I did see people's Insta Stories and I saw when Lady Gaga was giving her speech about the brand and why she started it and don't get me wrong, you're supposed to go hard for your brand. That's what I would expect. I don't expect you to stand on stage and burp and be like, I started this because I was bored one day, in my closet, that's it, bye. No, that's not what I expect but I feel like I was watching a political rally speech, the way that sis was going in about her brand. It was going to just change the world. I just don't know if lip liners and lip pencils and liquid shadows change the world. I don't think that changes beauty, I don't think that changes the game or moves the needle. Maybe she got a little excited, maybe she got a little ahead of herself. I'm just paraphrasing, please do not quote this directly or drag me in the comments if you're a Gaga stan. I'm separating the art from the artist, I'm not talking about Gaga as a person. She seems like a very nice lady and I think she's super talented. If I remember correctly, hearing her speech, she made references to this being the game changer for diversity, and inclusion in beauty. - Hmm. (man laughs) - I was like really, like what? Like I said, maybe she got excited, maybe she got a little ahead of herself and maybe she just couldn't stop at that point. I'm not gonna fault her for that. Sometimes we say things and we don't really understand the depth of what we're saying. I'm not gonna hold this to her, but I felt like it was a little tone deaf, to discount all of the work that's been done before Haus Labs and that was a little bit like, oh girl, oh girl. Hold on, let's settle down now, let's settle down. She wants everybody to feel accepted and welcome when they try her products. I love that, I think that that's great, but don't claim to be the one who's breaking the barrier because you're not. Had these products maybe been complexion, then maybe you can say that, but not through lip and eye products, you know what I mean? The products themselves, like I said, I think that they are just okay. I can't comfortably say I would go out and purchase these. I have them, so I'll use them. I don't know if I would necessarily go out and buy these. I already have liquid eyeshadows that I absolutely love that I keep going back to and these for me were just probably the least favorite from the launch. If anything, the lip products were the better part of the launch and I honestly wasn't that wowed from the lip products either, so that says a lot. All in all, it's just me sharing my opinion and thoughts. If you want to support this line because you genuinely like Gaga, that's okay. I see a lot of people shame others for saying you only bought this because you like so and so or you only bought this because you like the person who created it. There's literally nothing wrong with that. People are allowed to spend their money the way that they want. I'm not gonna shame or fault anyone for that. If you just want to go out and buy the collection because you want to support her, that's cool. I'm not gonna judge you. I don't necessarily think that this competes with where we are in beauty. This gives me 2012 make up tease. Like we've advanced with lip products sis. We have been there with liquid shadows. We need something else now. I will definitely say this isn't going to completely rule out the brand for me. Like, do I think she can redeem herself? Sure. We've seen it with Kim. Kim K came out, she tried it, she definitely tried it, but since then she's redeemed her, I mean I don't use her brand, side note, but she has definitely stepped it up and I think that for me, I'm gonna need to see the step uppage of it with this because it's not really there yet. I don't think this should have been the first launch. I think that this should have been, get a strong presence of other products first and then throw this in for kicks, for fun, for a little cute holiday collection. I'm not shook, I'm just being completely honest. The girls will eat you alive if you don't bring it for the next launch. I'm really excited to see what she gives us for the next round. This isn't the end, this is just the beginning. People definitely ask me thoughts on the whole Amazon thing. I think that Amazon is doing this to compete with other retailers. Like I definitely can see them probably bringing in other brands to try to do this thing. I'm not opposed to it being available on Amazon. It would be nice, however, like with the glosses for example, to be able to touch, feel, try, swatch. You can't do that obviously when you're buying something online. Girl, you better just order them online and pray for the return policy and the best, okay? That's all I got guys. Other than that, thank you so much for watching and hanging out on today's video. What you gonna do is enjoy my side profile and my straight backs, okay. I'm giving you set it off tease, Prison Patty. No but seriously though, this is just how I have my hair braided for under my wigs but it's kind of a look, right? I had to give you a little edge for Gags, just a little bit of edge. And I don't mean baby hairs, I mean like edgy, like edge, edge. I mean like edgy glam, honey. Edgy glam. Okay, watch the next video. Hurry up, so I can wipe off this damn lip gloss.
Channel: Jackie Aina
Views: 1,301,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: haus laboratories, lady gaga makeup line, haus labs
Id: VaQgls2SGfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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