TikTok Foundation “Hacks”? Hell Nah Man 😭

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- Hey guys, welcome back to my channel, it's your girl Jackie Aina. If you are new here, welcome, have a seat, because you're going to like what you're about to watch. Today I'm going to be showing you guys how to get flawless, perfect foundation application, but with a twist, because you know your girl always has to do something a little bit more relevant. I'm going to be doing this Tik Tok style. So the Tik Tok makeup phenomenon is actually quite interesting, because I feel like YouTube is kind of the senior class that graduated and went on to do great things, and go on and go forth and sew their seeds. Whereas Tik Tok, this is shade, I'll just say it, I'm not even going to say it's no shade, it is a little shade. Tik Tok is like the junior class that after the seniors graduated, they were like, "Hey guys, let's act like nothing they did ever existed "and just take credit for it ourselves.". That's kind of the vibe I get from Tik Tok, because the girls on Tik Tok do love to copy. Nobody can deny that that's facts. A lot of us have laid the groundwork for these techniques and hacks on YouTube for years but they're just now going viral on Tik Tok. It's very fascinating. And straight up, some of these tips even come from me. So I'll be looking at stuff going viral and I'm like, "I like the way you presented this as something you discovered.". Yeah, it's cool. So now I'm going to be walking through some of those techniques, and we're going to also be doing this video in partnership with Nick's Cosmetics. This is actually a really good partnership for me and I'm very grateful because one, I'm grateful for all of my sponsorships, but Nick's cosmetics is also a brand I've been using and loving on my channel for years. They have bomb stuff, they actually just launched a new foundation that I think y'all, if you haven't already tried it, you are going to freaking love. So without further ado, let's jump right in. By the way, stay tuned until the end of the video, I have a special little surprise, I'll explain later. So the first Tik Tok makeup hack/tip is actually one that I've been doing for years. I did not invent this, I just want to make it very clear, I am not the originator of this. I think it just became something that everybody knew me for, and that is priming your skin and then putting a light layer of translucent powder right after. Let me just talk to y'all about the thought process behind this. I started realizing whenever I would put on liquid foundation right on top of my skin as is, I was like, I wonder if there is a way to minimize the shine. Because I noticed that the foundation would look really, really shiny right after application. So then I was like, wait, I saw Alyssa Forever doing this, and I was like, "Yeah, I need to try this.". Honestly, it's brilliant. Now I do prefer to use a translucent powder that is like my skin tone, because to me it basically provides. Oh, I need to prime first, dummy. I'm going to use the marshmallow primer. I like the primer, even though I have oily combination skin, that doesn't matter, because the steps that I do in my routine may not work for you. If you have desert Sahara dry skin, I cannot help you. I like using a primer that is a bit of like a lotion. It feels like a skin care. I've seen a lot of people talk about the marshmallow primer actually. The one thing about foundation, the more you try to dry everything out too, too much, in my opinion, the worse it looks. It don't last, it just don't last that long. I know that girls care about skin now, but some of us still are ugly, so I do like to give a little bit of glam. But it doesn't necessarily mean my skin has to have like five layers of dethroned shine. I am not trying to look like a doll off the rack, I'm just not. So do you see the way my skin looks hydrated, but not matte? For me right here, this tends to be my sweet spot when it comes to foundation. If it's too matte, it's too cakey after a while, and it actually does the opposite. After a few hours, it gets way more oily. And then if it's too dewy, it's disgusting, it doesn't last long. This to me is my happy medium. Now watch this. My light layer of translucent powder only in my T zone. Don't it look like I already have foundation on? Exactly, exactly! - [Woman] Keep on watching. How to prevent you foundation from creasing. Always hydrate your skin prior to makeup. Try using a smoothing primer to fill lines and pores. Use extra powder where you crease, and avoid caking on the foundation. - Okay, what's funny is this clip, this person actually used my picture in the video, because I'm like, "I know them lips, I remember that thumb nail "from my video, that's definitely me.". Now this application does not have to be perfect, y'all. Think less is more, don't load on the powder the way you would bake. It's okay to plop it on your sponge, blot off the first couple layers, and then go in. This is, I think, also a great tip for the person who gets a lot of separation on their nose. I don't like putting foundation on my nose, because I don't really feel like it's necessary. But the next best thing to not making your nose look naked compared to the rest of your face, is doing this tip right here. And if you have a problem with the separating all throughout the day, this is going to be your best friend, your bridesmaid, your sister in law, and your RA. It just does it for me. I also find that I tend to put less foundation on my forehead. So the next best thing is the light layer of translucent powder. Does it not look like I have foundation on my skin right now? It does, don't lie and say it don't. It do, stop lying. So the next tip is going around a lot, and this is actually one of my favorites, is applying blush underneath the foundation. Underpainting is definitely making it's rounds on Tik Tok, and this is something that a lot of professional makeup artists have been doing for years, y'all. I've seen Scott Barnes do this, I've seen, I want to say I've seen Ernesto Casillas so this. Samuel Rauda doing this, all of the makeup artists that I look up to and admire professionally that ar also kind of influential, do this technique. You start off with blush, and because the mix, I know a lot of the Tik Tok hack videos that you've probably seen here on YouTube are more like testing Tik Tok hacks. But it actually for me makes more sense to just walk you through the routine, because these are all tips that a lot of us as makeup artists have been doing for years. And there's nothing wrong with that. I'm loving that these are becoming more mainstream anyway. Okay, so I have my blush placed, I'm going to blend this out. It is a cream product. I'll be honest and say this does take some practicing, it's not for everybody. I don't even necessarily know if I would recommend this for, I don't even necessarily know if I would recommend this for somebody who's just starting out in makeup. But once you get it, girl! It's just so pretty. I feel like this in itself is the look. But I got someplace to go, so I'm putting on way more makeup. If you don't mind, if that's okay with you. Shout out to the girls who are still glam underneath the mask. Because I admire the commitment, I really do. One thing I know you guys have also probably seen a lot of, which is, okay I put a lot on this cheek, but it's actually okay because we are still going to put product on top. Now with this hack, I know you guys have seen a lot of people doing bright red lipstick for this hack. Or sometimes they use color corrector, I have thoughts about that. The thing is, when you load on as much product as some of these girls are doing, you actually start changing the color of the foundation. And if you're a cool tone, that's fine, and if you want your foundation to look a little bit more flushed and more red, that's totally fine. I just feel like it's a little too flushed for some of us that are melanated. No, I'm just saying. I just feel like red is a very jarring color, and I personally don't think you need that much product. Unless that's, of course, the look that you're going for. One thing I see a lot is people carrying on over their nose, and I remember doing my makeup one day and I was doing this technique. I wasn't putting the blush on my nose, and someone commented, "Put it on your nose.". And I was like, "What the hell are they talking about, "and why are they telling me to do this?". But I guess the trend had been making its round on Tik Tok, and yeah, it is a thing, you can do it, but it's not necessary. But it is cute, it almost kind of has like that flushed, like sickly, like you had been wiping your nose look all day. And some people like that look. You know faux freckle hide, this is their whole spiel. Is this like the E girl look? I've been trying to figure out what the hell E girl means still, to this day. That is the aunti-est thing I've ever said, wow, no shame. All right, so now that I look like James and the Giant Peach, we now need to contour. I do like to contour under my foundation, because I'm more of a bronzer girl. So the contour is really just here now so that the foundation don't look like one flat color. Bronzer is what I want you to see when I'm done with my makeup. I contour under the foundation just so that the foundation itself doesn't look all monotone. Does that make sense? Are y'all following me, do we see each other? Something that's slightly different that I've been doing with contouring is I don't use contours as dark as I used to. I actually use something that's a little bit closer to my skin tone so it doesn't stand out as much. I came, I blushed, I contoured. The girls love using setting spray in steps, and I've been doing this for a minute. I don't recall actually seeing anybody else do it, I just throw my hands to this one. Ha, I didn't shave! I'm gonna take a bit of matte finish, and I'm going to actually do setting spray now. Most people use setting spray as a last step, but I've been telling y'all for years that when you actually do it throughout the makeup, it actually benefits you and lasts way longer and I actually remember learning this from a cosmetic chemist, who told me that's how setting spray works. It's not just for finishing as a last step. When you actually mix it in with your complexion products, including what I'm about to just do, it lasts so much longer. It just also feels good when it's hot. You always get hot here in LA, like what in the devil's butt is going on? What did I do? I just bought a bunch of sweaters, and I'm mad. Now it's hot, I'm mad. It's cool, because I'm going to New York next week, so I get to definitely use them sweaters. I'm going to need some nose plugs as well, because New York be stinking. We're going to conceal, we're still in the underpainting phase of this flawless foundation routine. We need to conceal under our makeup. So the old school way of applying concealer was triangles. It was triangles, it was squares, it was heart shapes, people was drawing the white house under their eyes, maps of Georgia. It was a lot of filibustering going on underneath the eyes. We don't do that no more. So now the girls on Tik Tok have adopted this kind of face lift technique with concealant under the eyes. And I'm actually kind of here for it. However, the thing they don't tell you is this tip does not necessarily work for everyone. So the tip to... (stutters) (laughs) ♪ Do it on the tip, do it on the tip, do it, do it ♪ Let me stop, stop! I've already labeled this video not for children, anyway, so it doesn't matter. (laughs) So typically what you see on Tik Tok is people concealing inner most part of their eye and then the outer most part of the eye, and leaving this alone. Which is cute, sure, works for some of us, it's all right. What they don't tell you is when you have dark circles or like me, I have like really deep set under eye lines, so a lot of times I really need the coverage to go there. I've seen people trying this technique and have walked away feeling like this part of the community is underserved. What are we going to do here, what's gonna happen? So what you can actually do is just go back to color corrected and you can color correct these areas if you have dark circles or if you just need a little bit more coverage. So immediately under my eyes, this is where I really could use the most brightness. I'm gonna take a red concealer and just, if you know anything about me, I'm going to do stuff in steps. Going in with just one product, although, yes, you probably think, why do I need all this product, it's so expensive. But this stuff serves a purpose. I color corrected so then I could do the less is more technique on top of it. But really I kind of cheated. I've kind of cheated because I've corrected this area, and it already looks brightened and even. By the way, this is the can't stop won't stop concealer from Nick's cosmetics. Let me show you the difference between what this side is about to look like versus this side. And also, you don't have to just stop with the concealer here and here. I actually like highlighting in these areas of my under eye. But for the middle, I will take a concealer that's literally like my skin tone or just slightly lighter. I don't highlight as light as I used to anymore. I'm going to take a little bit of cappuccino in there, and there you go, you have a sandwich. Put your skin tone shade or something a little bit darker in the middle, and your highlights in the inner corner and the outer corner. And it does give the face lift effect, but you still get coverage, because some of us are still ugly. Goddamn, these are Tik Tok pros, like girl. I'm ugly! Nah, I'm just playing. I've never claimed ugly, like what does that even mean? Have y'all heard of that word, I've never heard that before. Now when you're blending this out, this is your chance to work around where you apply your cream blush, just to kind of soften it out and even it out. I know it seems counter productive because you're putting product on top, but that's the point, it's supposed to kind of look like it's flushed from within. Whereas blush five, six years ago was literally sitting on top of our faces, and I'll be the first person to put my hand up and say I'm guilty your honor, I'm guilty. But that was a look and that was popular. I don't know if you can visually see the differences between this side, which is less coverage, didn't color correct, also did not add like a skin tone color to kind of mediate, versus this eye. It's still medium-ish coverage, I didn't fully, fully cover the under eye. But as you can see, to me, this looks a little more makeup ready, it looks a little bit more glam. This would also be the step where you could add another couple of sprays with your setting spray, because it really honestly does not hurt to. Also a great tip for people who tend to kind of move slow, because the setting spray will kind of reactivate the products again, so when they set, you can actually blend them out. - Here's a makeup hack that you need to add to your routine right now. Your foundation will turn out better if you correct your spots before you apply foundation with concealer. - This is actually a great tip for somebody who wants coverage without actually slathering the whole bit of coverage all over their face. This is a very effective way to kind of save foundation in a way. And also you get to take advantage of the products that you otherwise wouldn't use because you know the coverage isn't there. So as you can see I have a spot there on my cheek. And also there and there. So what we just did is we added a quick little veil of coverage so that now we don't have to cover our whole entire faces just to care about that one spot, just for that one spot. Like think of how much product we really be putting on our faces just to sometimes really address super small, microscopic areas that really are the only problem. I've always loved my skin, I've just been like yeah, I love my skin around the spots, and around the acne. And if you can just look at your skin that way, I think you also can be a lot more optimistic and you can worry a little bit less about the blemishes. It's something that I always have to deal with, so I don't know, maybe that helps you guys. - Waiting for the concealer to dry for a few seconds and then blending it out with the brush actually makes it more coverage. - Okay, there's a lot to unpack here. I've seen this tip a lot on Tik Tok specifically. Yes, applying concealer and then letting it dry down for a bit is definitely a game changer. The problem is, y'all definitely stole that from me. I mean, it's not a problem, I don't mind, I really don't mind people using the tips that I share because that's why they're there. That's literally why I post them, I post them so you guys can benefit. But it would be nice to be credited, you know? And I'm sure other artists probably feel the same way. Anyway, I've been taking about this for quite some time. I learned this tip out of laziness. I would put on my makeup in between doing stuff or I would be running late. So what I would do is a would put my concealer on first, and then I would do something else, and I don't know why I was letting my concealer sit, but that's what I was doing. And I started realizing, wait a minute, something shifted. Most of us use a sponge to buff out our concealers. I mean< you're my kind of people, if you're using the sponge, if you're using the brush, I aint speaking to you. I'm totally kidding. If you use a sponge like I do, I noticed that if the product was a little bit more wet, it was literally just getting soaked up from the sponge, and I wasn't really getting the true product. I felt like I had to keep layering it on and layering it on. It was actually taking me longer. So what I started doing, whenever I was running late or in the middle of doing something, was letting my concealer dry down for a bit, and then I was going in to blend. And then I started realizing it kind of stays in place. All you have to do is just kind of blend the edges, and it looks so much nicer. So that's exactly how I discovered that and how I started doing that. I never not let my concealer dry down, it really does work. It definitely works for somebody who, once again, maybe doesn't want to use a ton of product. And y'all, I never use to highlight my mustache. Yes, I do have mustache, it's time for me to shave in the next couple of days. Maintenance Mondays. If you aren't already following your girl on Tik Tok, why aren't you, why aren't you? Serious question though, like let me know in the comments. I never used to like take a highlighting concealer to my upper lip. Then I tried it one day because I was trying a Scott Barnes makeup tutorial, and I'm not going to lie, it changed my life. First I was like this seems counter productive, all right. I want a refund, I haven't paid for anything yet, but I want a refund. I started actually doing it and I was like, wait, this actually kind of dispels the look of the mustache, the look and the feel. And it also helps because the bottom half of my face is darker, so it kind of adds a really nice balance. Now the thing that I love, I love that these tips are going viral on TIK Tok. I don't like the way that they're presented, because people literally be like, "Guys, let me tell you about this hack I just discovered. "I have been using powder, it's amazing. "Have you ever heard of it?". It's like girl, yeah, yeah, I've been doing that for like decades, okay? Fall in line. So anyway, this tip really does work, it's super effective. It's also great for people like me, who a lot of times are running late and have to do like 50 things at once. It really does work. So now this will be another layer of setting spray. It honestly really does not hurt to layer that much setting spray, it's not going to kill you. But then again, don't go overboard, because you probably don't want to run out of this in like to business days. This is going to not be intended to shade the people who use this technique, because I feel like this is obviously a very click baity, attention grabbing technique. But I do have to be honest, because that's why y'all come here. Don't shoot the messenger. The layering of like five pumps of foundation, there is no scenario, no scenario at all where you have to do that. It does not matter how much acne scarring you have. It doesn't even matter how much coverage you require. There's really no need to dispel 50% of the foundation bottle onto your face in one bout. There is like a group on Tik Tok that calls themselves the Trust the Process crew. But it's like even the after does not really work for the average person. So unfortunately what probably looks really cool on Tik Tok and on the phone, in real life I've seen what happens when people wear a ton of foundation, and in my opinion, it just does not look flattering. And it's not necessary. But again, I really feel like these people kind of know that and they're just having fun with it and they do it because it's very click baity. And that's what you have to do on these apps, girl, to stand out you have to stand out somehow, some way. So I get it, but today we're not going to do that. And if you thought we were, you came to the wrong place, or I mislead you from my thumb nails, sorry. I had to click bait you as well. So we're skipping that, and we're going to try the new Nick's cosmetics total control pro drops. So this foundation is not actually new, this is a relaunch of this foundation. And it's vegan and it's cruelty free. And the really cool thing about this is actually it's a catch 22, because they've made this foundation in a way that it's adjustable. So there are color correctors. I don't know if you've ever seen these before, but yellow is when you want to add warmth to a foundation. And you add the orange when you want to add more cool or you want to make a formula look more red. This is what makes this launch really unique and really cool. The irony, though, is that the shades are spot on. This is actually a really unique launch in that, as a darker skinned woman, I typically struggle with finding good matches, let alone multiple good matches. There's like three colors in the relaunch of this foundation that I can actually comfortably use. So I don't really needs droplets and adjustments at all, at least not right now. But it's great, because in the summer, let's say I need to cool something down to make me look a little more bronzed, make me look a little more flushed, I can use the cool adjuster drops. Warmth is, I think, great all year round for those of us who have olive and golden complexions. They also even have a liquid highlighter that comes in warm and cool. I can't find cool for some reason, but warm is an actual liquid highlighter, it has shimmer. This is a very popular technique that some people like to add to their foundations. And there's also a dark and a light. So if you need to lighten a foundation you have the pure white. And you have a dark shade that's pretty deep and heavily concentrated, so it'll add more richness to a foundation. And the great thing is you don't have to necessarily use this with the mix total control pro drops. Take these with you on vacation and use them with any of your favorites so that if you're on the go. Sometimes we go on a trip and arrive one color and then leave another because we're in the sun or we're tanning or whatever. It's great to have these on stand by, because that has literally happened to me so many times. And vacation pictures, sometimes it's where you have to do the most face tuning, just saying. Just for demonstrational purposes, I already know my color, I'm just going to show you the three that I like to use, because I want y'all to see how good these matches are and just potential options in case you want to shade match to me and one shade isn't available, you can also use these as a reference. So the color that I prefer is deep sable, it is a really beautifully medium dark golden olive shade. Damn near what foundation? Like if I blend this out, you're literally not going to see it at all. Not another potential contender, just in case deep sable wasn't available or was sold out. You know, the girls be snatching up my color. The next shade that have is mocha. Mocha is a little bit darker, though. And one thing that I want to emphasize is I really appreciate the fact that Nick's cosmetics really hit on the different varying undertones. This one, mocha, I think is a little bit more golden neutral. Whereas deep sable is definitely more golden olive. And one thing that a lot of brands really neglect the dark and rich categories in complexion are olive undertones. I think people assume olive automatically means light and medium. No, you can have dark skin and deep skin and have an olive undertone. It's the underlying pigment under your skin tone. Don't forget that. Cappuccino I haven't tried, but if I had to eyeball it, I feel like it's a little light, and I could probably use some of it in the center of my face. But I wanted to show y'all that as a potential contender, if you're like a hair. Cappuccino really is a highlight shade, I just wanted to show y'all you got options. So what we're not going to do is we're not about to do the droplets with 50. We've already had that talk, we're not doing that today. What I'm actually going to do is take deep sable, I'm going to shake up deep sable. Not only are the colors phenomenal in this new launch, the actual foundation itself, the formula, is incredible. I remember doing a video, a review on this product years ago when it first came out. I remember it being more velvet-y, but this, I don't know what they put in this new formula, but I have been loving this foundation and wearing it a lot. Even though it's been a little bit on the colder side, well it was cold, now it's damn near the apocalypse outside. What I like doing, I like putting a drop or two on my brush, and then I take my setting spray, and spray the brush. Ain;t that the most, you lying if you say this color is not a phenomenal freaking match, you lying, you lying. I concentrate most of my foundation coverage around my mouth, and to me, this is kind of how I get, not only the best coverage, but I save product this way. I don't have to load on as much as I used to. I work around the concealer. Do you see how little I used? And look at how good that spread out. Now we cheated, because we spot concealed with concealer earlier, therefore we didn't need as much coverage in the first place. And the coverage and the total control pro drop foundation alone makes it so that you don't really need to load on foundation as much as you probably used to. I really, really, really like the finish of this foundation. I think it is, I don't know how to describe it. It almost has like that velvet-y finish that it used to have, but I almost kind of think they peeled back a little bit more and focused a little bit more on the skin just looking like skin. It doesn't look or feel like the product is just sitting on my face when I wear this foundation. I've been wearing it for weeks, I've been wearing it for weeks. Definitely long wearing, does not cake all throughout the day. And what you want to do is move around the concealer. Don't forget to hit that chin. And then I don't even actually add more product when I get to my forehead, when I get to my forehead, whatever's left on my brush, I just kind of do a light veil of coverage, just to say we put something there and even it out. Now I told y'all, I don't believe in putting foundation on my nose, right? So this is also the step where, whatever is leftover on your brush, you're just going to do a light veil of that on the sides of your nose. Don't put foundation on your nose, let her breathe. You already got her underneath a mask, why you going to disturb her even more, you feel me? Just let whatever is left over on your brush kind of do the work for you. Nothing is going to break up if there's really nothing there. So just keep it light, keep it minimal, and then you won't have to worry about foundation being all caked up and separating throughout the day. But what we're left with is not only damn near. Let me just peel back, look at how perfect that match is. We're not only left with the perfect foundation, we're not only left with the perfect mask, but girl, she's giving you coverage, she's giving you I am photograph-able, she's giving you I can wear this to school, I can wear this for picture day. I can wear this for a bride, for the bridesmaids. The coverage is really good. Like I said, didn't even need to use the adjusters, because the match was perfect. What more could I even ask for? If you want to, maybe, it's starting to get into the spring months, so the girls are definitely going to do a little bit more with highlighting. I'm going to take some of the warm drops, I do love a liquid highlight. Gonna add some shine to the skin. I'm all about products now and glow that mimics the reality of what our actual skin looks like. But I don't want it to look like I didn't put on, I want you to see the product, because I paid for it. It's not cheap, you're going to see it, but I want it to kind of look like from within. And I feel like when you use liquid products, it just looks a little bit more believable. So I'm using a hugging brush because it's going to adhere to the curves of my cheek bones and really let me pat that hollow and hug my face shape. And notice I still have not touched translucent powder since before we did our primer. Let the cream do it's thing first, and then the powder is just like the final touch. Even though highlighter has kind of taken a backseat this year, it's still very popular. I think we're just highlighting in completely different ways. I honestly don't think glow is going anywhere, we're just going to see it placed differently and we're also going to see different types of glow products. Get with the times, girl, because everybody's going liquid. It's like if you're still using a Blackberry and not an iPhone, I don't what to tell you, we're all going liquid, get on the winning team. So I'm just going to blend this out so that when you turn, my side profile, you see that I'm glowing, but you're not really like, "Is she wearing makeup, is she not, what is that?". Girl it's DNA, stop playing with me, it's DNA, stop. Now we're going to et everything with powder, and let's be honest, baking is kind of dead. We still do it, but we just do it in a different way. So the old school way of baking is just kind of like powdering every immediate under eye part, well not even immediate, just damn near. Some of us are just baking our whole face, pretty much. I don't really like that much heavy powder all over my face anymore. Instead what I'm actually going to do is concentrate most of the powder really right under the immediate eye area, because basically this technique actually reflects the under eye a little bit more effectively. Versus when you just put powder along this entire area, and a lot of powder on this entire area, you don't really know what you're looking at and I think it makes it look more like made up and done up. So I'm going to do it again, I'm going to take a little bit of my translucent powder and I'm just going to really focus on the immediate under eye area, and also don't be shy, to sue tricks and angled sponges to get pinpointed applications of the powder. You can almost kind of mimic the same routine we did with our concealer earlier, and that you can see I'm drawing a super sharp line on the outer corner of my eye. Yeah! That adds a little lift. So I just have powder under the immediate eye area. I eventually will stamp it in little bit more, but I'm going to let it just simmer just a little bit. Baking, kitchen's closed, just let it simmer, a little marination. I'm also going to hit my T zone areas. I didn't even actually add more powder, I'm just using what's left over from the under eye, because I still get shiny. Here's the thing, just because trends change, it doesn't necessarily mean you can't take and learn from what used to be, if it works for your skin tone and if it works for your complexion or your skin type. So for me, I know I still have to powder, I can't go back down natural, because I'll be oily and greasy as hell. Then y'all will be talking about me, and we're not going to do that around here. I'm adding a light veil of a skin tone translucent powder all over the rest of my face. Don't set in this step, because it's a setting powder, and you don't want to set the powder as it is right here. Wait until you're completely done to actually do a final mist or veil over everything. And when I'm ready to dust off the powder under my eye, which I already did, so don't judge me. I'm about to show you again, I'm about to show you what I did. Instead of just taking an empty brush and doing da, da, da, da, da, brushing it off, I actually go back to my skin tone powder. Great tip for those of you guys that deal with flash back or maybe you're worried that the powder was maybe a hair too light. Take your skin tone powder and just go right over it, and I'm kind of brushing it off while also stamping it in at the same time. It's almost like two things at once. It is really the using your skin tone powder that makes everything look a little bit more seamless and less standout-ish, versus the typical way we used the bake. I always say used to because makeup and skin is really kind of like a journey, a non-linear journey for a lot of us. And you see us talk about tips and techniques that we really love, and then maybe we don't love them so much. So we start to kind of share and go on that journey with all of you, because I don't want y'all to think I'm keeping the T, because I'm not keeping the T. I'm trying to keep y'all cute and up to date. Now that I've applied my lashes, this will be the time to do the last layer of setting spray. Don't do mascara and then do this, because it will be all over your cheek, by the way. Do this before you do mascara. Finish it off with the sponge. Sponge will get you right and tight, it'll just soak all of that spray into your foundation. So it'll actually be effective and will actually work. And on my skin days where I really want the foundation to be the focus, aka, the everyday makeup look. Didn't put on eye shadow, didn't care, gotta go, I only had 20 minutes to do this face. Ill usually take like a brown eye liner and either a gold pencil or like a tope, and my water line, just to kind of brighten up the eye a bit. I've definitely seen this done on Tik Tok, not with gold, but everybody is definitely using white and cream liner. But the gold does the same thing, it just adds a little bit of glow, a little bit of highlight and brightening to the eye. Sometimes I literally just smudge the eye liner out with my finger. It's really just meant to focus on the foundation, which, let's be honest, looks phenomenal right now. Shout out to Nick's cosmetics. I wanna finish this off, this look, with a gloss, because I'm going to be honest, I'll be very candid. Andrea Renee, fellow YouTuber and brown girl, really got me wanting to try these glosses from Nick's cosmetics. It's called This is Milky gloss, that's literally what it's called. The color that I'm going to use is milk and cocoa. Oh wait a minute, I was not expecting that coverage. Hold on! Oh, I thought this was going to be super sheer. I guess I was wrong. Only wear gloss at home, y'all, because you know how I feel about gloss. Me and gloss have this love affair, but I can't wear it out in public because of these damn masks. But since we're here showing y'all how to get a flawless face, I'm going to gloss on out. So that is pretty much how you get a flawless foundation routine, a la Tik Tok, what the girls are doing, what is trendy, what is very hackable. I really hope you guys learned something from this technique, I hope you gyus enjoyed this video. Shout out again to Nick's cosmetics for being a partner and sponsor of today's video. Oh and the surprise, how could I forget? It's a surprise. If you are a micro influencer or creator, you will have the opportunity to win a one on one mentoring session with me, your girl, via Nick's cosmetics, who's going to be partnering this opportunity. Not only will you get the chance to chat with me, but I will also be boosting and shouting you out as well, so stay tuned for more details on how you can enter this competition soon. So keep an eye out make sure you're following me here, Tik Tok, the gram, the Twitter. Hell, I'm even on Pinterest now, I became a pinner. What is going on with me, I'm a Britney! So follow me everywhere at Jackie Aina so that you can be in the know of how you can get this opportunity, and good luck everybody. Thank you again for watching, check out all of the products that I use down in the description box below. This foundation, though, probably high, definitely so far, this year, in my top five, and that says a lot considering I try a lot of complexion products. I hope you guys get a chance to check it out. The reformulation is definitely worth the try alone, and I really hope you guys enjoyed today's video. And if you did, let's be honest, you're working on your fifth video right? You can watch one more, you can watch one more, I'm going to just link it right here. I'm actually going to try to remember to link it. If I don't, mind your business. No, I'm just kidding, but seriously, though, watch another video, thank you.
Channel: Jackie Aina
Views: 598,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -dMgIa6sZv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 52sec (1912 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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