Unpopular Opinions: Beauty Brands That Fell OFF | Jackie Aina

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- ♪ Tell me why ♪ ♪ Ain't nothing but a has-been ♪ ♪ Tell me why ♪ ♪ Ain't nothing but a flop ♪ ♪ Tell me why ♪ ♪ I never wanna hear you say ♪ ♪ I fell off that way ♪ Hi guys, welcome back... (laughing) What is wrong with me? Hi guys, welcome back to my channel, it's your girl Jackie Aina. ♪ Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie ♪ ♪ Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie ♪ ♪ Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie ♪ I haven't done an "Unpopular Opinions" video in a long time. Let me piss some people off (cackling). I'm totally kidding. These videos are never aimed to actually be mean, whenever I do videos like this, it's usually... Why my titty itching all of a sudden? I wanna help brands that I love, some of the brands that I'm going to be talking about in today's video are actual brands that I have real ongoing relationships with. And they might not like what I wanna say. None of these brands are has-beens or flops, I was just kidding, I was just being my usual goofy self, I like making songs out of situations, and it definitely does not apply to any of the brands that I'm going to be talking about today, okay? I just want to reiterate... For the people in the back! This does not make all of the brands in today's video failures or flops or has-beens at all by any means. Today I definitely want to talk about some brands that I feel like aren't as innovative anymore, aren't as talked about anymore, maybe took a deep dive out of the social media world. I'll just be here sharing some of my unpopular opinions. That's why I call them "unpopular opinions", it says "unpopular" for a reason, meaning you may not like it though. I also want to reiterate the brands I'm going to be talking about in today's video are not canceled. I just want to repeat. These are not brands that we are canceling. These are not brands that I'm necessarily canceling. We just... Maybe wanna help them out a little bit? And while we do that, I'm gonna be doing my makeup. So I already applied a primer. But first though, can we... real quick. I know you get tips, I know you get looks, I know you get inspo, I know you even get some positive encouragement, why don't you subscribe and join the Jackie Aina family, okay? Join the Jackie Aina family and you can get more tea, tattle-tailing, and titties just like this (laughing)! (screaming) No, but for real though, let's go ahead and get... Let me stop, let me stop, let me go ahead and get started. (mysterious piano music) This is gonna be real awkward if a brand that I really love actually sees this, and gets mad, but my loyalty first and foremost will always be to my audience, no matter who is cutting the check. First brand that I wanna talk about is BECCA. (groaning) I've felt this way about BECCA for a long time, I was just watching Shanine's video on this very topic. Shanine is another black YouTuber here. While I talk about BECCA, I'm going to highlight my skin with this Nuban Beauty liquid highlighter in the shade Ecstasy, these are so freaking bomb, I am obsessed with these. This is a Nigerian-owned beauty brand, by the way so you should stan right now, basically. I still actively use and purchase their products, I'm still in their PR list, I still quite love the things that they launch, but I feel like BECCA has kind of lost its brand identity for quite some time now. BECCA got really big on the success of Champagne Pop, and collaborating with Jaclyn Hill, but since then, I feel like they've had a really... Look at that, look at that, look at that, look at that skin, look at it, look at this, look at this, look at the geniousness that is this highlighter, what you know about that highlighter, though? I mean, if you can't highlight underneath your foundation, then where the hell can you go, I just want to know? Bars! Before this dries down, I want to give my face a quick mist with my Fenty skin spray. (dramatic music) (coughing) BECCA, I feel like could have been and should have been the complexion authority, and that's kind of what they were when they first came out. For foundation, I'm going to use my Lancôme Teint Idole, and the shade that I wear is 500 Suede W. With that said, three main things that I've noticed stand out about BECCA in particular. One, like I said their brand identity has kind of been inconsistent. One minute you're the complexion authority, then the next you're the experts on highlighting, then you became really glam when you adopted the whole Champagne Pop montage, then you went back to "skin is in" and natural. Viciously spray my foundation brush with setting spray. With BECCA, I feel like their launches just stopped being exciting, I feel like their brand voice just kind of disappeared, I stopped knowing what that was, also, one thing that Shanine aka Too Much Mouth pointed out in her video on this same topic about BECCA is their collabs don't make sense. And I've felt like this for a long time. They came out with a collaboration with Chrissy Teigen, it was just a miss for me, I got the collab and I remember thinking it was really cute, but when have we ever gone to Chissy Teigen for beauty advice or beauty tips? The celebrity collabs do not hit the way that they used to, unless you really, really are in that world, with beauty, and if people are actively looking to you for beauty advice, beauty looks, for beauty inspiration, the way that people aren't really doing for celebrities anymore, you remember back in the day when it was like, "Jennifer Aniston reveals "her favorite red lipstick?" And then that was the red lipstick that would sell out for three years straight, on The New York Times bestseller. It's just not really like that for celebrities anymore, and thanks to influencers... ♪ Eh, everybody in the club getting tipsy ♪ in 4K! We know, we know it's Ruby Woo, we get it! Okay, we know it's Lady Balls from Too Faced, we know! We know! I feel like we're kind of desensitized to celebrities being the face of beauty brands now. Does anyone care, does anyone care? And I still don't dislike BECCA, I still love a lot of their products, I just feel like there's been some trouble replicating the majorly big success they had with Champagne Pop, I feel like that's what BECCA struggled with. We saw so many other launches that were Champagne Pop inspired or Champagne Pop related after and it was like, "Why do they keep trying to replicate "The same success?" You're supposed to end things on a high note. You're not supposed to keep riding that wave until the wave dies down and then the beach is closed 'cause nobody cares anymore, that's not what you're supposed to do, BECCA. I'm going to do something really crazy, and you guys are going to think I'm a weirdo, but I'm gonna take a really light concealer, and instead of this being my final concealing step, I'm actually going to put this on first. This is from Kevyn Aucoin, it's the shade #8. Very Caucasian, I'm well aware that this is very light for my complexion, okay? We're highlighting our highlight right now, but instead of putting it on top of our concealer color, we're actually going to do it underneath, so that we get kind of like an under-painted highlighted glow look from within. All you need is... That much. Yeah, that was actually a lot more than I wanted to use, but it's fine. While she dries down, let's talk a little bit more abour BECCA, and this is my mini handheld fan. I feel like they didn't know when to hang up the Champagne Pop empire. Has there ever been an attempt to replicate that, but with someone else? Why didn't we pass the torch Champagne Pop, "Praline Pop," I don't know. "Kombucha Pop," give me a different girl, and give me something different. You've gotta know when to like, "Let's pick up the momentum, let's keep the momentum from this, but let's do it through someone else." And that's absolutely not to say that the opportunity should be taken from someone else. Every influencer knows when it's time to move on and start working with different brands, like, "Okay, I'm moving on from this now. "Eventually I don't want to do collabs anymore." In fact, I may have possibly done my last beauty collab. I haven't decided if that will be my last beauty collab, my palette last year, but eventually I wanna do my own thing, and I'll know when that time is right, I'll just naturally know. And I feel like every influencer knows when that is. When the influencer who created Champagne Pop, Jaclyn Hill did that, I feel like BECCA should have known, like "Okay, well, instead of pushing "the Champagne Pop wheel further, "let's do something else with someone else." Do you get what I'm saying? Between all of that, the lack of inconsistency, I just don't know what they're doing, I don't necessarily think they're dead, Chocolate Geode is still a freaking banger to this day, Topaz, what? BECCA was the blueprint I feel like for bridal beauty products, like their highlighters, their skin, even some of their... Skincare hybrid, their primers and stuff like that, some of that stuff is really, really bomb and incredible, they just brought an elevated, classier look to some of the brands at that time where everything was really juvenile, really pink. I love the color pink, look. But BECCA just set the bar a little bit, you know what I mean? BECCA, I'm rooting for you, girl, I really am. I don't wanna see BECCA crumble, I really don't. I actively still use, purchase, and talk about their products, but that's just my opinion on them. Moving on, ooh, girl, you're not gonna like this one. But the next brand that I think (sighing) kind of fell off is MAC. (drum beating) Is anybody shocked at me saying this? Or are y'all throwing tomatoes? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Real quick, I'm gonna take a Maybelline foundation. This is their Super Stay Stick, it's so good. The shade that I'm going to be using is #370, and I'm going to be using this as a contour, does this look like contour? Yes. I actually used to work for MAC. A lot of you guys know, around the time when I started my YouTube channel, I actually started my YouTube channel at a time where I was on here trying to find ways on how to get hired for the brand, 'cause I don't know if y'all remember, 10 years ago, how to get hired at MAC was a huge, huge, huge, viral-worthy type of content. A lot of people used to make videos on how to get hired for working at MAC. Every makeup artist on the planet wanted to work for MAC. Damn near, not everyone, but like 80% of them. It was just a very highly sought after job, they paid really well, it was innovative, caliber of products was here, it was easy to sell MAC because they made stuff for everyone, versus when you worked for Chanel. Who's gonna buy Chanel? Ain't nobody got Chanel money. MAC was literally the standard, it really was the standard. For a long time I loved everything that the brand stood for. While I talk about that, I'm going to conceal with my ColourPop No Filter Concealer in the shade dark 46. I will tell you, mainly as a former MAC employee, where MAC went wrong. Their egos. With MAC I feel like it was literally just an ego thing. I know that sometimes people tend to get in the comments like, "Well, I had a great experience working for MAC." I wish I had the same. I don't necessarily think this was the case everywhere, at every single MAC flagship store, or pro store, or counter, but where I worked, there was very little importance placed on customer service, being nice to people. So I don't know really what MAC employees, how they get paid nowadays, but back in the day, it was mainly based on commission, it was like a wage, and it was based on commission. And we make pretty good money, like I don't know where they are now. I lived in Hawaii, I worked for MAC, I made $15 an hour. Now 10 years ago, if you made $15 an hour, are you kidding me? Amazing, incredible. Granted, the freaking cost of living in Hawaii is insane, but I've never ever made that kind of money in my entire life. Now the only thing is that I wasn't full-time. I was was working about 20 hours a week, I wasn't making significantly more money than I was at normal jobs, I am being a little dramatic. But that's pretty good money, if I was full-time, child, I would have been independent woman, honey. Obviously they always wanted you to push a sale, the store that I worked at, management was for the most part really, really nice, really supportive, really encouraging. I got that job at MAC based simply off of the strength of the manager that worked there, truly believed in me, she knew I had no experience at a freelance store, with MAC, it's like you're supposed to work at a counter first, then you get promoted to a store, and then if you wanna go work at a pro store, you go from there, right? No clue if that's still the case now, but that's how it was when I started working for the brand. But when I started working for this brand, I quickly learned just how competitive it was to work there. Because of that unfortunately it definitely spilled over into the environment on the floor, working on the floor. Customers felt it was awkward, it felt competitive, it's like, when you're literally telling me that I can't smile at customers because you think that I'm going to steal a commission from someone else, 'cause God forbid you be friendly too, then they wouldn't wanna shop with you anyway, but whatever, that's where I'm kind of like, "Okay girl, I'm gonna give you the side eye." I feel like MAC overall as a company placed little to no importance on customer service. I mean, how many videos have we seen on YouTube of people talking about rude MAC employee, how they walked out of the MAC store crying, they felt ashamed, they feel judged when they walk into a MAC store. Don't get me wrong, MAC is not the only store doing that now, it just happened way too often to be ignored. It was like, that was our reputation, is that we were rude. MAC employees were just flat-out rude for no reason, unprovoked. That to me, caught up to them in a huge way, So right before I quit working for MAC, it was right around the time when social media really blew up. And more people started to have Instagram accounts, more people started to have YouTube channels. When I started working at MAC, this was in 2009, mind you, it just wasn't as common of a thing, and then the following year, I feel like that's really when people started becoming a little bit more prevalent on social media. They were so anti-social media, to the point where you'd have to pretty much choose your job or social media. Which... I mean, that's in my opinion, a little extreme. I think there was a level of, like, "We don't wanna be... "Boxed into that category." I feel like it was a little bit of like, "We don't wanna be known as our employees on those websites." It was a little bit of an arrogant, I don't think it was for professional reasons the way that they initially tried to make it seem like it was, and why should you, in any scenario, make someone choose between their job and a social media website, at a time when everybody was starting to get on social media. And these were not even people doing reckless things, it was like, "You just can't have social media. "You can't have a YouTube channel." I've even heard of some people being told, "You have to only use MAC products "if you have do a YouTube channel." Now, with employees and people that work for MAC, I hear about how much they're always trying to get their social media people to post about the brand, or host workshops. "Invite your fans, we'll have an Instagram workshop!" Oh, so it's literally by force now? You want my followers, but before you were too good, sis? What's tea now? - I wanna, I wanna know that, I really want to know... - Can we just take a moment for my skin though? Because when I use these Nuban Beauty highlighters, I really do feel like a new woman. And that Maybelline stick foundation is about to be my new favorite contour color. I'm gonna order some more before y'all buy the rest of them. One thing people also forget, is that the reason MAC was so heavily talked about 10 years ago is because that's all we had access to. It was the only brand that was diverse, it was the only brand that had actual pigmented eyeshadows. It had extensive lip products, it had cheek products, it was one of the only accessible, full line makeup brands that had a full face of everything. MAC was the original full face. You can only be the original for so long, until someone else starts replicating what you're doing, and replicating what you're doing, and bettering what you're doing. That's why they always say, it's not about who invented the wheel, it's who made the better version of it. Because I feel like MAC just got a little bit too comfortable and a little bit too complacent, which also brings me to their collections. Their collections are, first of all, there's too many of them in general, there's way too many of them. More setting spray. Ah. I just think that they forgot. Everybody's spot can get knocked off, and when they stop innovating and they just start hiding behind dozens of new collections every week, consumers get overwhelmed, and they get distracted, they're like, "I gotta go." I feel like that's what started happening. There are other brands that are now doing what I feel like MAC could have been doing and should have been doing a long time ago, but right now they're doing it better, dare I say? I still check for some of their products, definitely not as frequently as I used to, but that's just because we have so much more access now. Way more. I am setting my under eye. The last thing that I wanna say, with MAC, I just wanna see less collections, but more innovative collections, does that make sense? I could have lived without Aladdin Collection last year. I mean, you know my thoughts about that, I did a whole review on that. Now that I think of it, I don't think I've gotten any PR since then. I don't remember the last time I got a MAC PR box. Well, there's that, maybe they were sick of me, too. - Well. PRs are a dime a dozen now. When you're up-and-coming, yeah, that's a little salty, when that's the few accounts that you have access to, and you're kind of relying on that, but I shouldn't have to walk on pins and needles just for stuff, it's just stuff. If anything, I can buy stuff all the time. When that thing happened and y'all tried to say I canceled so-and-so because they weren't sending me PR, that's got to be the most... Really, makeup? I care more about the honesty to my audience, then I do getting free stuff. Makeup is way too accessible that I can buy it, I buy products all the time, to care too much about not getting something for free, or not... It's never about that to me. In 2020 you'll never catch me, ever catch me getting mad about someone not sending me something for free. Not where I'm at now, absolutely not. If somebody, moving forward, even after this video wants to take me off of their PR list, that's fine, that's on them, that's what they have the right to do. And like I said, I could totally be wrong, it could be that they're just not launching anything but I just don't remember... Now that I think about it, I really don't remember the last time I've got something from them. I guess influencers really are replaceable to them, I mean I guess that's what time it is. I wanna bronze using my Prime Beauty Brownzer, the shade that I use is Bronzeville. Bronzing! (tense violin music) So the next brand I wanna talk about is probably going to be a little shocking to y'all, but... It's ColourPop. - Ooh. - I'm gonna do my brows real quick, but I'mma pause, because I can't drag people and make sure these are even at the same time, so I'll be right back. Okay, brows are done, I used my UOMA Beauty pencils, and a little bit of my ABH brow powder. My reasons for feeling like ColourPop is kind of slipping, are very similar to the same reasons that I feel the same way as MAC. One, they're launching too much stuff. I mean, people are always calling them the Fashion Nova of makeup now, and when people say you're the Fashion Nova of makeup, that's not... Bro, that's not a good thing. Do y'all like how I'm using ColourPop in this video? I used their concealer earlier, but I'm still roasting them a little bit. That's because I wanna prove a point that these are still brands that make stuff that I like and I still actively use... I wanna see these brands win, but, what are you doing, baby? ColourPop, we don't need new palettes every week, I feel like I see new palettes every week from them. - Stop. - I'm gonna use my ABH eye primer, and a little bit of my No Filter concealer... Is this No Filter? Yeah, No Filter Concealer to prime my lids for eyeshadow, because this color is really, really light, I like to mix it in with my concealer so it doesn't look too standoutish. But anyway, going back to ColourPop girl, when I first tried ColourPop, when I first, first got familiarized with the brand I knew they were gonna take off. I just knew they were gonna take off, because they have this look that nobody was doing at the time, the quality of the products were freaking phenomenal, they just really filled a void at the time that really not exist at all in beauty, I mean, it was real good quality products, that looked incredible, the quality was phenomenal, and they had so many options. I remember being like, "You know what? "The math is math in here, let me keep my eye on this brand, "'cause they're about to blow up. "I already see this coming, watch. "I called it first, they're gonna blow up, "I just know, baby girl, I just know." - And see I'm telling you, I have the mind of a master... Master, I have the mind of a master... - Call me a psychic. And it's actually funny, because right around the time I started using ColourPop, I didn't even realize at the time that they had done a whole collab with Ellarie the year prior, so I was like, "Wait, and they're for the culture?" This is at a time where no black girls were getting beauty collabs at all. Now, mind you, ColourPop was not as popular is it is now, but I knew that they had the potential to be so, and that was a big deal, Ellarie's collection was fire. This brand, I'm almost positive is Nigerian owned, OPV Beauty. I'm tired of people not admitting that a lot of their shadows are ashy. I have to work really hard to make some of them work. When I say "some of them," I mean the mattes, if a palette has brown colors that are similar to my skin tone, and I can't get them to show up on my skin tone, then I know that the pigment is not good. So with that, is what I get from ColourPop. When it comes to their Super Shock formula, which, I don't know what happened, I feel like it just disappeared. If they would have just stuck to that, if they would have found a way to channel that in their pressed shadow formula, I'd have no complaints. Now I get it, it's like that Wet Dry Technology, they have to be sealed shut. I'mma go into my Tropical Dreams palette. We're gonna go into Phi-phi, and this is a really unique matte green, but it's the way that this green is green, though. So with... Whoa, oh boy, that's a lot of pigment, okay, all right, let me, let me, let me, let me regroup, hold on. ColourPop just lost its uniqueness, the shadows are ashy, and before anybody hops in the comments and says, "I know how to make them work," that's the point that I'm making. When it comes to ColourPop, when it comes to Morphe, I have to make those palettes work. And everybody who's bold enough to say that ColourPop compares to brands like Pat McGrath, I've heard that before, I've heard that comparison before, and I just shake my head, I just shake my head. Look, everybody should have access to affordable makeup, I'll never deny that, but don't lie, though. Don't lie, let me not have the bar so high that I'm expecting Mothership V, when I get Physicians Formula. Don't do that, please don't do that. I'm just saying, nobody that's my complexion ever says that, ever. And they have good stuff, I'm not gonna front, ColourPop? They put the girls on. What I think they're really good at, is I think they're incredible at color placement. They're really good at selecting really good palettes. I feel like they're incredible at selecting color combinations, and they know how to build a good palette. That's something I'm not complaining about. What I'm complaining about is the quality of the products, specifically their pressed shadow formula. It's just really, really hard to work with. I was not expecting this pigment from this palette, wow. I feel like they've gotten kind of complacent, they know the girlies are going to eat the palettes up, they know how much palettes are doing numbers right now, and that's all we keep getting is palettes, and palettes, and palettes, and palettes, and palettes, and palettes. The collaborations for a long time have been redundant, and when I say redundant, it's not because, obviously they work with Kathleen a lot, I'm really happy for Kathleen, I'm in no way at all, at all shading her, this is not about her. Sometimes I've seen them launch collections, and I'm like, "How did this make sense for the brand? "Did they not know who their brand voice is?" I'm confused, over the years I've seen them literally collab with the most random people. Sometimes I truly, truly feel like when I look at a brand's Instagram, and when I look at the people that a brand have worked with, I feel like I'm seeing the person who runs their social media, I'm just seeing who they're a fan of. ThatGirlShae, I love her, she's incredible, I feel like that girl would live for a collection. She posts about ColourPop faithfully, honey. She eats, sleeps, and breathes ColourPop. She lives for ColourPop, honey. I just feel like they kind of be paying her duds. They have the right to collab with who they want to, I'm just saying! But I do feel like some brands are just not good at maintaining influencer relationships. I feel like ColourPop's one of them. That's just been my experience though. This is turning really dark. I thought we were going to go for green, green girl. Like, bright green, but it's okay, I'm just going to keep in Ginger from my palette. Blending Ginger around it, to kind of soften it up a bit, let's go into Maui from the Tropical Dreams palette. This is Maui. Basically NeonMUA, a fellow influencer here that I follow and support actively, started a hashtag with his friend killerkingggg I will drop both of their @s here on the screen. So Neon and Killer basically started this hashtag called #ColourpopMeBLACK, they noticed the lack of visible black creators on ColourPop's socials, and they started this hashtag as a way to get ColourPop's attention, and get them to wake up. Apparently they've been self-isolating a little too long. A lot of people would not have the guts to go for a big brand like ColourPop, especially because ColourPop has so much reach, and they're so accessible, and everybody aspires to be in their PR list. Their hashtag has been picking up traction. They've basically been trying to put more pressure on ColourPop to, like I said, post more black creators, because ColourPop is one of the few brands that a lot of black creators who don't make a ton of money have access to. It's one of the brands that are giving them the most stuff to work with, so I feel like there's no other brand that the culture loves more than ColourPop right now. It's accessible, it's colorful, they've got everything now, they're pretty much a full-fledged brand now, I'm just not seeing that same love reciprocated to the culture, so where do we go from here? - Jail. - I've said I was gonna talk about it in my video, because they have been doing this campaign for a couple of weeks new, maybe even longer than that, I'm not sure. When you go out for a big brand and you don't have somebody big backing you up it can be kind of hard to get support, it can kind of get hard to be noticed, because in their eyes, they're like, "Well, it's easy to ignore, so we're just gonna do that." And even though there have been some improvements and they have been posting more black creators, it really hasn't changed. You can get way more info directly from them, about this hashtag, this campaign they've started, and they also have a podcast, and they're going to be doing an episode specific, pacifically, on this topic, you guys should definitely check them out, ColourPop is starting to become a Tarte 2.0. It's like, "You can't sit with us," but say in in a nicer way. They're a little more secretive with their exclusivity with things. That's just what I've observed, and it's kind of disappointing because it's a brand that most people from my community have access to, and they go the most hard for, I would love to see them collaborate with more black creators, they also did a collab with ItsMyRayeRaye which was huge, that collab was everything, I just wanna see more people that pour into these companies getting that love reciprocated, and so far not even just from ColourPop, you don't. It sucks, because I feel like black people always get the crappy end of the stick. Can I just say, for people who are on the opposite end of the shade spectrum, literally ice will show up on your complexion, stop telling me what will work for my complexion, everything shows up on you when you have light and medium skin. I get really tired of people being like, "Just use this, just use that." Girl... - Girl. (woman laughing) - That's all I'mma say. Now this is what the hell I call quality, baby, okay. When I say "Mattes that aren't chalky when I put them on," I'm talking about this. I'm going to go back to Phi-Phi, Phy-Phy, Ficky-Fy-Fo-Fum. And we're going to blend her along our bottom lash line, just a little bit though, don't get carried away, keep it cute. Just going to take a little bit of that color and introduce the next brand. It might come as a surprise, and there may be some ramifications for what I'm gonna say, but, Lancôme. (sucking teeth) I can't believe I said that out loud! It's Lancôme, guys, Lancôme kind of fell off. - Ooh. But I've felt like they've been real quiet, I feel like they've been suspiciously quiet, the launches, I don't know where they are, I don't know what they're launching, and when they're launching it at all. They came for influencers hard. All of a sudden it was like every influencer was either working with them or on their PR list or something, and then, I don't know what happened. There seems to be a disconnect between what they were trying to do in 2017, 2018, to where they are now, I'll even go back and say 2016, the latter half of 2016, 2017, 2018 was when they really were working with influencers. I'm not even talking about them working with influencers. It was just a very obvious attempt at meeting a different demographic, which in influencer terms, is a younger audience, that's kind of what I felt like they were doing, and then they stopped. Maybe they don't care about us anymore. (laughing) Maybe they don't like us. I don't know what happened. - (laughing) - Lancôme, I'm like, I don't know, I just feel like they were doing so well. First of all their social posts dried up a lot. It went from decently diverse, not like overly diverse, they've never really been that diverse on their Instagram. We started seeing different faces, and then now, I just went to their page yesterday, and it was like, "Girl, do y'all even still not wear makeup? "You know black people still exist, right?" I don't know, girl, Lancôme is giving me Becca right now, like I said earlier, they were trying to meet a different demographic, it was painfully obvious, and then they just stopped, out of nowhere they just completely stopped. I'mma take a little bit of my Prime Beauty Brownzer, and just do my little signature bronzing mechanism right in between my nose bridge. That green was so pigmented! It's stained my cheek a little bit, but it's okay, once I put on blush and highlighter, ain't nobody going to be checking for that. It's just become a thing where it's like, we have so many brands now, that now I have time to nitpick. And maybe some of this isn't nitpicking, maybe this comes from a valid place, I'm gonna take... (screaming) This freaking Cover FX blush highlighter duo, the highlighters are so soft, that sometimes they literally completely flip out of the pan! But anyway, I'm gonna use Mojave Mauve, the pink one, and I'm gonna add some blush, how about that. Cause we have so many options, with these brands we're kind of at a point where, I mean, you're gonna have to bring it, baby, because, if you not, I'll go to somebody else that will. I think about where we are in beauty, where we are in cosmetics, where we are as a society, I think that right now more than ever people want to support brands with a conscience, with a backbone, with something to stand for, and maybe that's what it is, I don't know what these brands' stance is on anything. Like, at all. It doesn't have to be political, but, it's like, what is your thing, what drives the motor... What's the motivating force for the brand now? And if I don't see it, then I might move on to something else and get distracted. That's just how I operate with beauty. Some of the more more direct things, like not being diverse enough, not supporting up-and-coming talent, those are also things that I could pinpoint with certain brands, for example ColourPop, but some of these other brands, it's just like, "You're confusing me, bro, and "I don't know who you are anymore, "and I'm confused, I'm just gonna find someone else who has a little bit more of a brand identity right now." I'm going to put some liner in my waterline, I'm going to take this color from Urban Decay, it's in the shade Freak, oh! I was not expecting that, excuse me, I was not trying to go in that direction for this video, excuse me. Freak-a-leak, we're gonna pop into our waterline for this beautiful monochrome look. It's me, I've gotta switch it up a little bit, otherwise people are gonna say, "Your looks are all the same!" So do your freaking faves, and some of them make three times more money than I do. Who's really the problem? Pink. Like, that's the pink that I want. I'm gonna pop that right in my inner tear ducts. Okay, all right, okay, I see what we're doing there, whoa. These mattes are insanely pigmented! The Grandiôse liner from Lancôme is actually my favorite one. I'mma just (whizzing sound) with these eyes. Moral of the story is, I just feel like when brands stay true to themselves, and this is something that's relatively easy to do, so I'm trying not to be overly critical, I don't have a brand, yet, so who am I to say how to successfully have one, maintain one, start one, I don't have those answers. I'm just, as a consumer, outside looking in, those are just my opinions, I have a right to them. Thank you. This needs a sister. So how can we give her the sister that she deserves? Do we do it through a bright, fuchsia pink lip? Do we do it through highlighter? Or do we just shut up and grab a soft pink lip? Okay, I'mma do that. This is Kay, liner from none other than ColourPop, what a coincidence. By the way, I think a lot of times, people don't realize that I don't film my videos in real time. If I put up a video and I have an opinion today, and somebody gets dragged or gets canceled by the time this video goes live, and maybe the timing may not be the best. People always want to outsmart me when they watch my content, it's the weirdest thing. I remember I did this video, couple of weeks ago I put it up, and I was like, "Yeah, I'm going out tonight, "blah, blah," cause I had filmed this right before quarantine got cut off and there were so many comments, people were like, "You're going out tonight? "Where are you going?" I'm like, "Do you really think "I upload these videos in real time? "Like, you really think I'm going out tonight, "as in the day I uploaded this? "Oh my goodness." This is Christy lipstick from Pat McGrath, one of my favorite, favorite matte pinks. And there we go. That's it, I gotta go. This is a lot of color, it's a lot of color, but it's okay. Shout out to OPV, these were actually really fire, you guys should definitely check them out. The last thing I really wanna say on today's video, is opinions are like you-know-whats... (clearing throat) You-know-whats. Everybody has one, some are a little more clean than others. I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding. But for real though, it's just an opinion, you do not have to take this video as something biblical, and something final, opinions change, brands evolve, in a year, I may feel completely differently, okay, I may feel completely differently, and I'm allowed to do that. Sometimes people will literally watch videos from 10 years, and will try and clock me on opinions that I had 10 years, that was 10 years ago, bro, move on! And this is definitely not to say that everything that I said in this video is something that you have to believe, it's just my opinion. Please, I invite you and I welcome you to still have your own. Let me know what you think in the comments below, was I right on the money, were you already feeling this way about some of these brands, and this confirms it? I would love to hear your thoughts. After you leave your thoughts, why don't you go ahead and watch more videos? I will put them right here, but this lighting, though? This cheek? This be, girl... Girl, you know what time it is. Definitely not time to leave the house, but still. Bye, I gotta go, my Uber Eats is here.
Channel: Jackie Aina
Views: 1,365,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unpopular opinions
Id: LUw6rXGn8fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 52sec (1972 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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