Beauty Products That Are Going To Heaven (Donation/Trash 🗑)

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- You don't tell me what to do. - I can tell you what to do. - You do not tell me what to do! You do not tell me what to do! - This might get me dragged! I'm decluttering all of Fenty Skin, girl. (singing happy 'do do do's) Oh, God! Today's candle of the day: Skinny Dip. And which one is this one? They not labeled, so, this is Grown Folks Business. 'Cause you know we love ambience. Those are candles from my brand, FORVR Mood. If you're new here, hi, hi! I'm the candle lady. I get unlabeled candles sometimes because it's my brand, so sometimes I don't always fully package them the way that you guys receive them. But anyway, that's not why you're here. You're not here to talk about candles. First of all, you're here to see how good I look! And you can, pull up a chair, sit down, enjoy it. Love up on it. I've been a beauty guru since 2009. And there was a time where hoarding makeup was like really popular, very trendy. It was the big beauty room tours with the Ikea Alex drawers, stacked by the fours on top of each other. Insane amount of collection. And I feel like we're kind of moving away from that vibe. Like, is it just me, but I feel like most of us are just wearing what we like now, and not necessarily posting and hoarding what's trendy anymore. And I'm really good at decluttering, so I figured why not do this on camera for once and take a trip down memory lane, do some, visit some nostalgia. So, I got a lot of stuff. I'm gonna bring it in one by one and talk about why I'm getting rid of it. Most of it, spoiler alert, is like expired makeup, and I never, ever, ever, ever, ever throw away makeup unless it is expired. Like, it has to literally be turning colors, or it stanks! These products, it's a mix of both. We'll get into that later. Let me go get. Oh, before we get started though, I don't know if you think, you're gonna get past this part without subscribing, but you're not. Okay? You're not slick. Hit the subscribe button, join the Jackie Aina family. By the way, make sure you stay all the way until the end, because I will be doing a cash - Giveaway! - I'll explain how to enter at the end. Isn't my little picnic basket so cute? It's so cute. Look at it. It's so cute. So, let's start with eye shadows. I don't know what happened to this brand, they kinda came and went very quickly, like, crashed and burned. But I saw this brand being heavily promoted. It's called Shared Planet, and I guess they were inspired by different countries. See, girl, I don't know. I'm not gonna lie, the quality of this actually looked really good, but I think by the time they came around, and they were heavily palette influenced, palettes were kind of on the decline. Getting rid of that. And by the way, for those of you wondering what I do with all the makeup that I get that I don't use, first and foremost, we donate to The House of Ruth shelter here in Los Angeles, Pomona, to be exact. So, if you are looking for a place to donate to, I will leave a link down below. And there's also another local shelter. The name of the shelter escapes me right now at the moment. Apologies. I'll put that in the description box down below. We always, always, always recycle makeup. It's extremely important to me because I get so much product and I know it can be of use to someone locally. So that's what I do. The Sigma "Enchanted". - When I saw the outside of it, I was like, "Eh, it sounds like, fine or whatever. It looks fine." And then I opened it up, and I was like, "Oh, these colors do something to me." This is the Sigma "Enchanted" palette. Now, this side over here, eh, doesn't do much for me. - She was cute. Actually, why are these damn near the same palette? Hologram on makeup was a lot at one point. It was like, "Girl, we get it!" This is another Shared Planet palette that I actually use. Shared Planet, where you at? Temperature check. Let us know in the comments. Urban Decay! This one hurts. Okay, so I know that the Naked palettes get a lot of backlash, 'cause the girls were like, "Did we really love them, or were they just popular?" By the way, why do I feel like that would be a good video, right? Did we really like it, or was it popular? I see the headline already. I'm thinking about doing a video on that, so comment down below if you wanna see something like that. 'Cause I have a list of super trendy, popular stuff that we raved and ranted about, that's crickets right now. Okay, but the Naked Heat though was heat though. Quite literally, the fire we needed to revive the Naked series, because this is, in my opinion, one of their best palettes. - A really good addition to the series, because it's kind of completely different from all of the other palettes. It's got a little bit more color, and you know, as brown girl, I was all about that. - To me, this was the perfect brown girl palette that really was needed to the Naked family. I don't know, I just don't really use this palette anymore, and also, I have a couple, so I'm gonna get rid of this one. This is the G Train palette from Urban Decay. I actually really like this palette. Urban Decay came out with this palette that was inspired by different places around the world. They came out with this palette, and it was like, on the run and inspired them. You know. (indistinct) That palette was bomb. It's still to this day, one of my favorite Urban Decay palettes in edition to Urban Decay Heat. And then they came out with minis inspired by the big master palette. But I was like, well I already have the big master palette so I don't need the small one. So I'm keeping the big one, because it's somewhat sentimental to me and I'm getting rid of the minis that they came out with because I don't really need them. Okay, this is from NARS. And I think, girl, you just got lost. This is just a little too small. So, I'm going to get rid of that. I also have some complexion stuff that I'm going to be getting rid of. Most of it is so heavily used that I probably would not be able to donate it. I'd have to throw it away because you really do have to carefully organize and sort through all the product when you're getting rid of it because girl, some of it is like, I don't think someone would appreciate your 3 year old concealer that's got about three and a half uses left. Trash it, okay? The first one is the Dreamskin Skin Perfect Skin Cushion from Dior. The cushion foundation was the way for a cute moment. And why do I feel like this is my color? Do I want to get rid of this? Girl, you might have been touched by an angel. I might try that this week. - â™Ș You lied. â™Ș - The next rounds of concealers that just I've never touched The MAC Studio Fix 24-hours Smooth Wear Concealer. These are definitely donatable because they're unused, but if you've tried them and if you've liked them, please let me know in the comments what your thoughts were. I don't even know if this product is still out. Because I've feel like I've had these for a year now? I'm donating my Summer shade of the Can't Stop Won't Stop Full Coverage from NYX Cosmetics. I still really like this foundation, I just don't end up using the Summer shade at all. And the shade that I have now is mocha. She's cute, she's really red. It just won't work for me all year round. And because I, like a lot of you stuck inside all the time, I just don't really need it. So imma just toss it. Did I use it though? Let me see if I actually used it. This foundation is bomb. I'm chucking the Clinique Beyond Perfecting Foundation for the simple fact that she gotta be expired. This is, if I have to guess, yeah it's probably like a four-year old foundation. Mmm, time to go. This is a really good full coverage concealer slash foundation product. I really actually love this foundation, I just think it's time for a replacement. Hourglass, arguably, has the best redemption arc when they came out with the Vanish stick foundation. This was not only a great formula, but the years up until they launched this product, the real OG Beauty Gurus remember Hourglass was like, two shades is all you're gonna get. Then they released Vanish stick and everybody loved this product. They definitely redeemed themselves and then, I don't honestly hear too much Hourglass now. They're also known for their bronzers and highlighters and stuff. I don't really-- (text message beeping) Who is texting me? Can I get anything done? Damn. (mumbles sadly) Leave me alone. Anyways, I was saying about Hourglass. This foundation was like the best thing that they ever came out and then must have been the win. No one talks about them anymore. Girl, what happened? Where's the same energy? Hourglass. - I mean we're trying everything we can. - I'm getting rid of some Colorpop concealers because quite frankly, these old. Time for you to go. Hit the freeway. Not all of these are trash. This was brand new, unused. Yeah, this is brand new, unused. I'm donating. â™Ș Hang it, up flat screen. â™Ș - I never got a chance to use this Cover FX Power Play Concealer. And now that I've remembered that I have it, I'm not interested. Cover FX is also another brand that I feel like just, must have been the win girl. Like, Cover FX, we need you. We love you. I really like their products, I feel like they were almost like a Becca two point oh. Like the complexion authority. I don't know what's goin' on with Cover FX at all. I'm getting rid of these Milani highlighters, these Strobe Moon Glow. Girl, still got the safety seal on. Oh my God, this candle smells amazing. Grown Folks Business is just right up under traveling over here. It smells so freaking good. I got a bunch of bronzers. This one is from Lancome. I just feel like in a sea of highlighters, baby, you are a diamond in the rough. I have a lot of them, okay? So, you gotta go. I'm getting rid of these jellybean highlighters from FARSÁLI. I don't even know if they still carry these products. Let me see. Let me see. Okay, so they still sell jellybeans. They're still on the website, you can still. Oh, sold out. (dramatic sad music) No. (sad whine) Everything's sold out. Oh my god. I'm on the FARSÁLI website and apparently Far and her husband just recently had a child. They posted this Instagram post that basically said, "We're really happy, we're content with family. They just had a baby after wanting to have children for years and due to the pandemic it kind of forced them to slow down. And they're basically saying, "They don't know if they can sustain." Everything on the website, I just checked right now, everything on the website says it's out of stock. And basically on the Instagram post says, "We don't know if we comin' back, honey." That makes me so sad. Their last post before that was November of 2020. Oh my god. Like, I'm so confused. And conflicted. The jellybean highlighters were like this liquid creamy highlighter. And I loved these but you can definitely tell this is not a product that sustains after awhile. Like, after years and these are probably like two years old. I just really don't like using these because they're wet, creamy, and disgusting. That to me was actually one of my favorite products from them for awhile. FARSÁLI, what? No, FARSÁLI! Far and Sal, I'm so happy for you guys. What a weird way to find out about the brand, oh my god. Glad I checked though. If and when you bring FARSÁLI back, you do it when you're ready and when the time is right. And I'll still be here to support you. Okay, so the next thing that I'm gonna get rid of and this was so pretty and I kept thinking, Imma use it one day (x6 times). And then I just never got around to using it and that is the Chocolate Diamond from Two Faced. A for presentation. I do like how this matches my outfit. Maybe I should keep it. Let me stop, let me stop. It was definitely a chocolatey-rose gold. Can you see it? You can see it right? That can definitely be loved somewhere else. Okay, so that's palettes, that's complexion, let's moved onto the next categories. Oops, just kidding (laughs) I have a couple more complexion products that I overlooked. Again, another Hourglass product. This is the Immaculate Liquid Powder Foundation Mattifying Oil-Free. Wow, first of all, why do we get the whole 20 word names? Just keep it short. And simple. And cute. Okay? It was not a bad foundation. Oh, girl, not you 'bout to drip all over my white rug. (nervous scream) Loved these from NARS but I know they're expired. They're actually a little crusty. These are the Sculpting Multiple Duo. This is the bronzing shade like an actual skin tone bronzing shade. And then there was a highlighter shade on the other. Like, I loved these. NARS, I don't even know if these are still out. I would love to see these rebranded. Maybe even expanded. Now hold on, now I'm confused. So this is the Velvet Matte-- (blinking ping noise) Oh, this is the foundation stick. (blinking ping noise) I just forgot this product even existed. So apparently I also while was at it, grabbed the Velvet Matte Foundation Sticks. I feel like this launch just kind of came and went. No one really talked about this. We're going to move on to... Eye products! Did I tell y'all I was done with shadows earlier? I lied, sorry. I didn't realize I had them like separated. So when I grabbed the other first ones I was like, "This is all I'm donating? That can't be right." (laughs) And I just moved on, didn't even think anything of it. Turns out I got a lot more, 'kay? These minis from ABH were so cute, but I'm struggling to find use for them now. Girl, these are not even labeled. I'm confused. The Charlotte Tilbury minis, their shadows are just good for high-end standard. But I don't think they're good for where are as a collective society with eye shadows now. We live in a Pat McGrath world. The Ignited palette was so cute and I loved the packaging. And the colors were actually super wearable, and as you can see, I got a lot of use out of it, girl. But, times up. You gotta go. I'm also getting rid of the Wanted palette. This one only looks unused because I have multiple. So if you're wondering, girl, how did you do the campaign if you didn't even use it? I did. To be fair, I'm still keeping the one that I'm currently using, I'm just getting rid of that one. I, to this day, still highly regard this NARS palette as one of my top favorites. This palette is definitely in the top 3 from NARS for me and this is the Atomic Blonde, and I don't know what it was about this damned palette, but I could stop using it. So the bottom part is relatively useless to me... It was the top row for me. This just created the most beautiful, sun-kissed, spent the month in Hawaii bronze tan looking eye. That I just don't know what it was about these gold shades, specifically. But I just really could not stop using this palette. It was a great Summer palette. Nudes of New York from Maybelline. - Girl. (laughs) - Nudes of New York was, if I remember correctly, one of the better palettes from Maybelline. I'm just not keeping this because with the rat race of what she's competing with, Nudes of New York does not stand a chance. I hope y'all don't take offense by me saying this but Melt comes out with a lot of smoking inspired products, which doesn't really bother me. But like, after awhile, it's like, girl we get it. We get it, you smoke. Like, we get it. We know. We know! (hoarse coughing) - Because I actually do really like the quality of Melt's products, but like, I don't really know if Melt speaks to me anymore. Like, she was cool, she was edgy for a moment. She was the super trendy brand. These palettes are incredible quality and they're mattes are top tier. All of them. My general rule of thumb, if I haven't used it or worn it for the last two seasons. It's time to go. That also includes my Stack. This feels a little nostalgic because when these first came out, these little stackable shadows, it was definitely a cultural reset. Like, the girls were fightin'. Okay, this is only the Dose of Colors product that I'm getting rid of. And don't you ever think, this is my way of admitting I don't like this brand anymore. Because it's not at all! For sure, I would say in the top ten. And this is a lot 'cause I like a lot of different brands. When they launched these cream matte eye colors, and I saw Ofra's Nally wearing these and I was like, "What is on your eyes?" And she put me on. Unfortunately, because they're so old, they're dried out now. So it really is time to replace them. Lee, lee, lee, lee, lee, lee. I don't know if you've noticed, but I don't really wear, I mean I do but I don't. But I don't really wear shimmer shadows anymore. So, I'm getting rid of the Crystal Whips from Two Faced. Y'all remember Stila putting these on the map, right? Every brand had their own shimmer shadow equivalent. There's actually a lot of these, but I just have so many that I never really got to use them. Which brings me to (coughs) another thing. I'm getting rid of the Stila ones because I don't even use them anymore. I feel like every brand that hit this, they just brought it. I really liked the ones from Violet Voss. MAC even came out with them and guys, you know if MAC joins a trend, it must be really big because MAC thinks they're the only make up brand in the world that can just march to the beat of their own drum. - You don't tell me what to do. - I can tell you what to do. - You do not tell me what to do. - My husband (indistinct) - You do not tell me what to do. Not because I don't like these products, but I'm getting rid of the majority of my glosses from most brands. But not just most brand, I'm getting rid lot of them from NARS. First of all, I just have too many of them. Like, I have every color you can think of. NARS, I appreciate the diversity, but it was the Lip Glides for me. The Velvet Lip Glides, for me was life changing. I can't mess with gloss right now. I can only really wear gloss when I'm filming for y'all. And when I'm filming for y'all, I'm gonna give the girls my signature look. I'm not gonna wear purple, I'm not gonna wear fuchsia. Maybe I will. I'll keep that. But next brand that I really like for glosses but I just have to get rid of all these freaking colors are from Buxom. They make one of my favorite, favorite, gloss formula and the reason why I like these so much is you can wear these without makeup and with makeup. A lot of these colors, I would not even wear on a normal day. I'm just gonna get rid of them but they smell so good. It's like watermelon mint. Girl, (sniffing) it smells like a mojito. Oh my god, now I want to go to the bar. I'm the biggest fan of the vanilla, why is this so hard to open? I love a vanilla cake. I love a vanilla cupcake, but Buxom does something different. Like, their glosses smell a little bit more fruity and I just love the way that they smell. Jouer, I fell in love with this brand when I got to know the owner, Christina, who's really really sweet. They were one of the earliest brands that started to taking me on brand trips and supporting me. So, I really really loved loved loved when they launched these lip toppers. Shout out to everybody that's been here long enough to remember the lip topper. Everybody had a lip topper, after Jouer launched them. I don't know how to describe the smell but it has a really pillowy, cushiony, super hydrating effect. They formulated these to work specifically on top of liquid lipsticks so that's why they call 'em lip topper 'cause you top them with, oh wait, doesn't that that means something else, okay sorry. - Now I'm gonna top. - 'Cause you put them on top of liquid lipstick. These look really good on red lipstick, by the way. But then, after they did this, everybody came out with different colors. And I know that these are not expired because these smell, these have the best smell. I love the way these lip toppers smell. They literally smell like cup cakes. These are the lacquer plumps from Dior and I really like these. These are another of those gloss lip color hybrid products. I did a whole entire try on review on these. They're fire. But I feel like it's time to let go. Because this is fuchsia pink, but I see a little green at the bottom. So, I did the Dior Lip Lacquer Plump review in 2018. It's been that long ago? Oh my god. Okay, well, yeah, it's definitely time to go. So the last category of products that I have are skin. And then I got a couple of honorary mentions after skin that I forgot to include earlier, so just bear with me. All of the minis of the Urban Decay setting sprays because I feel like, I have Ben Nye Final Seal. It's my tried and true and it's not to say that these aren't great. They absolutely are but like, I just don't need every single type of setting spray there is. Make Up For Ever, I don't even know what this does. I had every flavor of Smash Box Primer Water. This was, and still is, a good product. Let me see if they still smell as good as they used to. (cat gagging loudly) - I have the Rare Beauty one and this looks like it has oil in it. So I definitely cannot keep this one 'cause I'm not using it. I probably would still use the primer water but I don't really want to hold onto these. I have a bunch of primers from e.l.f. I have another setting mist. They send me like their whole entire primer collection, the hydrating face primer never used it. I just feel like this definitely serve someone else. I feel like this brand existed super quick and then it just all of a sudden I never heard from them again. Zoella, fellow YouTuber, launched a body care line. And why was that stuff fire? This body cream smelled so friggen edible and it still smells incredible. It really does. But this has to be four years old. It really is vintage. It's for the archives. This belongs in the Smithsonian, it's that legendary. (applause) - Another thing that's gotta be expired are my tony-- - Moley, moley, moley, moley, moley! - peach hand creams, these when they are in their prime but most certainly not right now, smells so good. But y'all, look at how disgusting that I wish y'all could see how disgusting this looks. (laughs) Looks so disgusting. (gagging) Don't know if they still sell Tony-- - Moley! - On the site, and they're so cute. They literally look like a little peach. Speaking of K Beauty, the J.One Jellypack, every body was using this as a primer and I probably pumped it once and then never used it again. So I'm getting rid of this because it's probably a really good primer but I never really used it and I have primers that I like. Why do I buy everything? Oh, because I'm a freakin' Beauty Guru, duh. I have a big jumbo of the Brazilian Nude Cream. Sol de Janeiro came out a fragrance-free body cream. Personally for me, I just have no use whatsoever for this cream not having fragrance in it. I don't love the formula of this cream enough to keep fragrance-free. I can do fragrance-free creams, just not in this formula. The packaging was just very odd. I just don't get why. It's just weird. This might get me dragged. I'm decluttering all of Fenty Skin, girl. I don't really have use for it. None of it. I've heard very very mixed conflicting reviews about Fenty Skin. I just have so much skincare that I already love, that I don't feel like this is worth the risk. I just love this packaging, it's really pretty. I just don't need the cleanser and then I think this is the SPF. I have so many SPFs that I already love and if you ask me which ones they are, you not following me. And imma need you to pay attention. I talk about my SPFs I feel like in every other Instagram post. Not every Instagram post, but I have posted a lot about SPFs that I previously used or loved and I still use them. I'm getting rid of all of the florence by mills stuff because I just don't really need it. I did a first impressions review on this line and girl, the twelve-year olds dragged me under this saying, "You not even that good at make up, child." They was like, "You're ancestors will suffer, child." I was like, "Baby, I'm from the US, they already did. Thank you, though." Girl, they was cussing me out because I did not like this brand. And, I'm exaggerating. There was things that I liked and things that I could have lived without. The skincare I'm not going to lie was probably the better part of that launch when this brand first came out. And I think they're still doing good because I was at Ulta like 2 weeks ago, and girl, miss florence by mills was thriving, honey. She was front and center, big ol' gondola in cab display. You know, I'm good. I'm good. Another facial spray, this one is the glittery one from Iconic London. This was on explorer page. What year was that? Everybody used this damned spray. I don't need it anymore. The last thing in my skincare category that I'm decluttering is the EstĂ©e Lauder Advanced Night Eye Repair. I liked this product. I actually do like this product and I use this product. I'm going to donate this simply because I just have so many eye creams that I need to catch up on. Okay, so that's it with skin care. The last couple of things are honorable mentions that I forgot to mention earlier. The majority of the Match Stix from Fenty girl because when Fenty first launched, everybody wanted every ounce of this collection because, of course, we wanted to do the review. We wanted to give the tea on every product. And now that I have the loves that I keep from Fenty that I keep on using. The Match Stix, at least these colors, are just really not products that I get much use out of anymore. It's mostly like the super super dramatic colors and these are definitely like a my skin but better product that I think are great on your no makeup days but the problem is these they're so dry, stiff, and mattifying that sometimes, they're a little tricky to work with and I have a lot of other cream and liquid products that I think do the same thing, or better, that I really like that I'm going to keep using. These for me? Eh. It's not really worth the elbow rubbing you gotta do to get them to work effectively. These are Charlotte Tilbury's Skin Gilding Highlighter, I think I used to call this the bar of gold, where did the bar of gold come from? Oh, it is gold. I'm from Holland, isn't that weird? Yeah, it's called the bar of gold. I kept these for sentimental value. Back in the day, these were all of the blogger girls were talking about the Charlotte Tilbury bar o' gold! And if you don't have one, you can't sit with us. So I really kept this more as a collector item 'cause it's really pretty to look at. It really is a beautiful highlighter and it has a similar texture to the Two Faced one that I swatched earlier that kind of dry, super glittery loose feel. I just don't use this anymore. And I don't really feel like I need to keep this for sentimental value anymore because there is none. I'm not emotionally attached to this product at all anymore. Orgasm. (audience gasping) - What? - You need to leave! - That's disgusting. - No. Not the act of, it's the product from NARS. I just have so many. NARS does like an anniversary Orgasm collection typically every year. And so because of that, I really do have a lot of this highlighter. So I'm getting rid of this one. The Natasha Denona Tan Bronzing Glow palette and then the Bloom Blush and Glow palette. I think the Blush and Glow came out last year? The year before that? Quote me if I'm wrong. Really beautiful as a blush. I definitely used this in a video, I know that for a fact. It's really pretty but I just... I kept this because the packaging. I don't know who that's supposed to bronze, but it won't be me. Not in this lifetime. (high pitch laugh) - I'm gonna finish with a strong contender that arguably had the most potential. Gleam by Melanie Mills was a brand that all of these super luscious body make up products. They call them the Gleam Body Radiance Before Fenty Body Lava came out, there was Gleam by Melanie Mills. They have a sealing spray, this is definitely like all oil now. Rose gold, I have bronze gold, I have deep gold. Melanie Mills thought about the brown girls, she really did. Back when y'alls were not paying us dust, Melanie Mills was there. She cared! She listened. I really like the fact that she came out with a sealant to make it transfer-proof and water-proof. These products were really good, I just don't even know if this brand exists anymore. So I just checked, and this brand not only still exists, but the owner, she just recently won a Guild Award for Best Makeup For Children/Teen Programming for All That. Girl, she's still being booked. Okay, Miss Mills, I aint mad at it. That's how many products I got. I can't believe I got through this. I thought this video was going to take me so much longer than it did, but this was really fun. If you guys enjoyed this video, please let me know in the comments. Give this video once again, a thumbs up, it definitely supports me. Out of all these products, what do you think I should keep? Even though by the time you see this, all these products gonna be gone, so it won't make a difference. But lemme know if you had any favorites and if you want to enter my giveaway for today's video, I'm going to be giving away $500 cash app, baby. All you need to do is have cash app. Leave me a comment, and comment your cash app. Leave it together, okay? So don't spam with cash app, 'cause it will probably get marked as spam. Leave an actual comment, let me know what you thought of the video, and then at the end leave your cash app and I'm going to pick a subscriber at random, I will be checking if you're subscribed, I'll be giving away the $500 to a subscriber at random and yeah, maybe we can do mini giveaways like this more frequently. But thank you guys for watching, I really hope you guys enjoy today's video. If you want to watch another one, you do, imma leave it right here. And you can enjoy my flower decor in the meantime. 'Cause I worked hard for it. I didn't make it, but that's not the point. By the way, I lied. I'm not keeping this. (laughs)
Channel: Jackie Aina
Views: 515,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aW1fYBFACuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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