Fusion 360 Tutorials - Surface Texturing

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howdy everyone my name is avron plager and welcome back to my cat design tutorials in fusion 360. so today we're going to be going over a fairly advanced uh tool in fusion 360 but one that you can easily learn and that's called surface texturing surface dock spring does use pretty much a free form method but it does have a lot of standard ideologies behind it so as you saw in my previous tutorial on threads and um on threads and knurlings knurling is one of the surface texturing formats you also have different ways of doing that um and different ways to even do knurling so in today's tutorial i'll go over uh just a few variations of ways to do surface texturing um if you haven't watched my video on lofts and sweeping please go do so now in the info box um either the beginning of the video or now um and that'll help you with one of the pieces that we're doing later in the tutorial so to begin we'll go over one of the knurling versions and to do that we'll start with the cylinder we'll go to our xz plane and we'll draw out a 30 millimeter cylinder and then we'll extend this upward 50 millimeters and we'll say new component and we'll say okay now i'll take a coil and we'll set it on this top face here we'll go to the center and 30 millimeters on the edge now we need to make some immediate changes the first one is that we need to set the section size to one millimeter and the revolutions to 0.5 now we need to do is we need to drag this down and drag it until it hits the bottom of that edge and that'll be the um that'll be the first knurling uh vertice and the section that we are going to use is a square and we'll set the section position on center the operation to cut and don't change anything else now i'll say okay and now we need to set a mirror with the mirror the object we want to do is this coil and the mirror plane is uh this x this y z plane here and then we can say okay when you're doing this you either want the two um the two crossings here to cross at their center point or you want them to touch at either the top or the bottom tips now with that we'll create a circular pattern the objects we want are our coil and the mirror of that coil and the axis is going to be the y-axis and now with that we'll set a quantity of 20. and now we can say okay make sure that when you're doing this you don't have any other um complex applications open like make sure you don't have a youtube video open when you don't have any video games running in the background because this type of operation is very strenuous on fusion 360. if you do have a powerful laptop this may take much less time and it may even be instant but if you're on like a surface pro 4 like i am i may take a little bit longer like you saw there and as you can see this is a very nice surface texture that we made it's a bunch of little squares that cover that now we'll do is we'll add some more um texturing to another type of process so the way we're gonna do that is we're gonna again create another cylinder we're going to create this again on the x z plane and then we're going to create a cylinder a little bit farther out somewhere over here and the diameter of the circle again is going to be 30 millimeters and we'll say enter then we'll again drag this up to 50 millimeters [Music] i will set a new component and i'll say okay all right so now what we want to do is uh we want to create a sketch on the top of this face so we'll click create sketch and we'll go to this top face here and now we'll do is we'll create a an ellipse we want the ellipse to be centered and i want this to extend uh about 60 millimeters out so we'll set that to 60 and then we want the secondary radius to be 29 and then we'll press enter and then we'll say finish sketch now we want to do is we want to create a pipe along this so we'll select our create tab and we'll select type the path that we want is the circular path here and you can see now it's going to pull up a a cylinder there now we want is a triangular section size uh sorry it's a triangular section i want the section size to be two millimeters [Music] and then we'll say okay now we'll do is we'll create a rectangular pattern again and then we'll select the pipe that we made and again the direction that we want is the y-axis so it looks like the y-axis there [Music] and again just like our first one we want the quantity on the uh on the secondary axis to be one and then we'll drag this one all the way to the bottom to 50. and then we'll set this quantity to 15 or even 20 if we really want to we want to not change anything else and i'll say okay now once that computes which again it may take a while these surface patterns do tend to tax any computer because they're computing a lot of different edges and vertices uh and there we go we have our sections created this is good if you want to create a friction fit pillar or something of that sort that needs to stay in place you can use this type of surface pattern to create ribbing on just certain edges that you want you can see that ribbing is almost like an assassin's triangle um and it's fairly regular and this creates a very nice pattern uh also good for helping you to hold on to certain objects and this was just two two ways to do surface texturing there's a lot of different ways to do it and i would say almost infinite ways to make a surface texture so it's really up to you but here's a good intro into how you would go about making surface textures it really is a very creative process and it's not exactly limited like most of cad design is but i hope you'll like this video um i have to say my viewership and all you all's comments and likes on my videos has gone way up i'm getting far more interaction with my audience than i ever could have hoped and it really does mean a lot to me so uh continue to like comment and watch my videos and make sure you like and subscribe and share this channel with your family and friends
Channel: Avram Plager
Views: 12,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, autodesk fusion 360, autodesk, fusion 360 tutorials, fusion 360 tutorial, autodesk fusion 360 tutorial, in-depth tutorial, surface, surfaces, texture, textures, surface texture, surface textures, surface texturing, surface texturing CAD, CAD surface texturing, fusion 360 surface texturing, fusion 360 surface texturing tutorial
Id: Lfd38ISZcHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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