Fusion 360 Tutorial For Beginners (QUICK & EASY) + Exporting for 3D Printing

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in this video i'll teach you everything you need to know to learn how to use fusion 360 to create your own really cool things and to start to create a new design go to file click new design and now a new thing that fusion 360 has for 2021 is you could only have 10 editable documents so you can see i've reached the max capacity here and it says it's read only so all i have to do is go to here and click read only and i'll make that file read only so now i have an open slot here for my new file this panel over here is called the data panel and that's basically where all your projects are stored if i click home you can see there's different folders essentially so i have 3d printer academy is here and i have other folders and things like that so these are all the projects and these are only read only at the moment some of them are actually editable because of the recent projects that i've been working on but the older projects are read only so if we go back to this home button i can click on my editable documents and here's all of my editable documents okay so the first thing you need to know in fusion 360 is when you create an object it's called a body so i could create a box by clicking the box tool basically give it its shape like that so that is considered a body so if i open this drop down panel here you can see that's body one and you can rename it i'll just rename it cube okay you can create all different types of bodies you create box cylinder sphere taurus coil pipe these are very common so if i create a cylinder you want to select which plane it creates the cylinder on so you can see how the plane is changing and there's these three planes here the three origin planes i can also create the cylinder on top of another part of the cube that i just created so i could create a cylinder on top of this cube here and you can choose if you want to join it cut it intersect or make it a new body i'll click join so it'll actually join these two things here so now my cube is no longer a cube it is a let's call it weird shape so that's my weird shape right there and you can turn it off and on just like this and you can create different types of bodies like that and combine them in different ways another very common thing to do is to use the subtraction tool so let's say i want to subtract a piece of like a pie shape out of that cylinder i can just create a cube or a rectangular prism on the top face of that cylinder and i could use the cut operation and that will actually cut that cylinder so now i have a modified shape and you could do all different types of modifications like that where you could basically add shapes and remove shapes and with that alone you could create tons of different things so the next way you could create an object or a body is you could create a sketch so i'm going to create a sketch on the bottom plane here i had to rotate around to see it i'm actually going to rotate back to the top view this is the view cube if i click top it'll face the top view just like this and here you can see i could create what's called a sketch and a sketch is basically a 2d drawing that i can make 3d after i finish the sketch so i'll show you how that works i could create just a random shape like this okay and if i click finish sketch i can now take this sketch here and use what's called extrude and i'll take the 2d shape and turn it into a 3d shape and that is a very powerful tool as well you could create basically any custom shape you could think of with a sketch and an extrude another important thing is in a sketch there's a thing called a constraint so let me go back into my sketch here and let's say i want to create a circle you can see it has a dimension that pops up there if i type in 40 it limits that circle to or it sets the circle's diameter to 40 millimeters and this is called a constraint and basically what i could do is i could change the constraint and it'll change what diameter that circle has to be so now i could take that and i can extrude it up just like this let's say i want to go 100 and now i have a tall cylinder that is exactly 30 millimeters in diameter you can also see down here it says radius 15 millimeters if you want to create gears go to tools add-ins and go down to spur gear and click run it's kind of a weird way to get to the gears but that's how you have to do it and i'm just going to leave the default settings the module is the most important actually i usually use one that way basically the number of teeth will correlate to the pitch diameter which is basically the diameter of the gear so let's say i want a 30 millimeter diameter gear all i need to do is that saying i need to change the root fillet i'll just make it smaller and click ok it'll load for a little bit and my new gear is hidden and i'll move it so you could right click on an object and click move and that way you can move and drag it around just like this okay so now it's a good time to mention components if you don't have any moving parts in your design you don't really need to worry about components but if you if you start having joints and things that move around each other then you want to create a component so automatically a gear is a component and basically a component has bodies inside of it so there's the gear body inside of this component here you can make any body a component by right clicking on it and say create components from bodies so now the weird shape is now its own separate component also my gear disappeared because i turned it off i guess yep so there's the gear and that is the difference between a body and a component so if i want bodies to interact with each other i have to make at least one of them a separate component okay now a cool thing about fusion 360 is you have this thing called the timeline on the bottom this allows you to go back in time to any spot in history so i could go back to here and let's say i wanted to change the shape i could right click and click move copy and i can move the shape just like that so that's a way you could modify things in the past and if i just click on this arrow here it'll move forward to the future and now you can see my gear popped back here so let me go back to my spur gear i could right click on the component and click move copy i'll drag it over here and because that's a component it doesn't know if i just moved it temporarily if i want to keep it there so i need to say capture position that's this button up here now that position of the component is captured and now i can modify anything i want just by right clicking i could even rotate it like this or do anything like that modify the shapes and with those tools alone you could do a lot of really cool things in fusion 360. next we have the display settings display settings are found down here you can change the visual style right now i have shaded with visible edges only and this is my favorite visual style to use occasionally i'll use shaded with hidden edges that way i can see through the objects and rarely i'll use wireframe or shaded you can change the appearance of an object by right clicking go to appearance i could choose a material and these are realistic materials so if you render out your design it'll actually look like the actual material so i have an abs plastic material here i'll change the color maybe this i don't know light blue color just like that so i have a light blue abs plastic component here and now in real life shapes usually don't have perfectly sharp edges so what you want to do is you could use what's called a fill it if i click on this face i could add a fillet and basically what that does is it rounds the corners and that makes it a lot more realistic another thing in the display settings is you could change the environment so right now i have photo booth it's just the brightest and easiest to see you could have more of a moody dark sky look and there is a really ugly i think personally bright blue tranquility blue not sure why they have that setting but i usually just stick with photo you could also change the camera between orthographic which means there's no perspective so objects far away look just as big as objects that are close up by changes perspective mode you can see it's more realistic but it's harder to see the dimensions and everything is skewed because of the perspective so i usually design everything in orthographic mode so now if you want to 3d print one of the bodies or components all you have to do is right click on the body and click save as stl i usually use medium refinement it doesn't really matter too much and i click ok and then you can just save your stl file and with the stl file you'll send it to your slicer and then to your 3d printer if you want to render your object go to design click render now you can see i have a basic low quality sample rendering here and then all you have to do is click this render button up here you have to save it first so i'll just click save i don't really want to save it but you would just click save and then render and then it'll render out a really nice looking render so that is fusion 360 in a nutshell you could do a lot of super cool things it's a great program and it is very powerful so that's a very quick overview of everything you need to know to make your own things in fusion 360.
Channel: 3D Printer Academy
Views: 29,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, tutorial, beginners, how to use fusion 360, 3d printing, fusion 360 tutorial, best, easy, quick, fusion360, f360, 3d prints, tutorials, how to
Id: 9Jgty4QDtss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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