Fusion 360 — Align vs Joint — Ask LarsLive

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hey Lars I want to thank you for your excellent videos thank you so much for watching Chuck so this one here is I have a large assembly drawing of a small lathe now when you say small assembly drawing I makes it thinking a pot file not a 2d drawing I hope I hope that's right we're gonna assume that it's allowed 275 and I'm bringing it in from another another program like SolidWorks and I'm finding that when I bring in the different files in they're not aligned with each other so the question is it's very difficult to align or it's the best way to do this so let's talk a little bit about aligning here I think this is a good good good tip it's my microphone picking up the crazy rain leave it up whatever I'm gonna create two components we're gonna make this little symbol and you took all different components right click so we think we have a memory with all different kinds of components in here let's make the first one active let's sketch something let's get see the circle on this one here get q and just extrude something out there is component number one let's make component number two active let's get something completely different over here to the side like this extrude that up like that's so we have two different components coming in here now remember that components are just floating around so if you're bringing in a file from another soften this is one of the things as important to understand is that if you're bringing in a SolidWorks final exam into fusion 360 which you absolutely can do in your tree here you can just go and say upload and and you if you select the file you can select all these different forms including SolidWorks and all the file formats but when you're doing that Fusion actually don't get all the fusion don't get all the mates that is inside the Sonics fine so let's don't let that go with it Sonic's holds on sir that to themselves it's not really fusions fault it's just that's not brought over um there's a couple of tools you should know about oh there's thunder if you lose if we're done then we're done right but one thing I like to do is you should always fix one and I like to right-click and ground one of them so I'm just gonna do continue here that gives it that little thumb tag right there so you can see that that one is locked down the first component is locked down that's locked out in space now that one will not move I can track it on this one will move and then when we drag things around that's when we get these two things up here kept the position are not kept the position if you save revert it goes back to wherever you was so to move over here revert back but you can't actually move over here and you can capture the position now we'll stay give you that little icon down there but they are still moving around so you could actually catch the positions but this can actually be kind of handy because now if I move back it remembers this where we were I'm just saying that can't be helpful and delete them all there's two ways you can align these components when they in there if you just want to align them from it from a stand point that is actually an align tool inside of fusion that many people don't know I don't use it very often because what it will do is will just really align them if I selected and we hit the component we want to do you will see that it kind of picks up some aligning points see that it picks up the lining points if you're not control it will be locked to that face I'm holding down control right now if I don't hold down control it will actually try to figure out what I'm aligning against but what I can do is I can say I want to lie this let's do this corner here with this Center yeah boo and they get a light now you can flip the direction you can change the angle on over here on the menu but that will actually make them go Illini hit okay but you will see that nothing happened in my history tree the line tool is just that is to align some components but you guessed it it hasn't fixed anything it's just aligning them so this is a good way if you get your lathe in there's multiple paws and you kinda like want them just line them up like so they look right a line is perfect but it's not attaching them follow that we will use the joint tool in that and I remember if I just if we just go backwards original original position that the joint tool up here is I like it better that I like mates in SolidWorks maybe you saw Louis users out there I'll get with you all day long I use SolidWorks for for many many many years but the joint tool is a little different in the sense that it kind of does the same thing right see how it's picking up different areas over here so if we hold on control again we lock it into that face and I select this face and then I go and select this face now this is where we're sorry users get a little confused but what is happening here is in SolidWorks we do refrigerator magnets we do we align things by doing two faces together then they can rotate then we select an automate to put two edges together now it can only rotate can you can go up and down and then we had a third made and then it's finally locked down we're removing the six degrees of freedom by doing that refrigerator magnets so here then we lock it down to all I want are two right fusion that's different fusion removes all six degrees and freedom first first and then when it have done that then that's Richard but now we could actually start playing around with releasing some of those degrees of freedom okay so if you're not familiar with this perfuses you as a new fusion user coming from an AutoCAD software I've done a few videos on the joint command go and switch those out so to answer your question again Chuck their line tool is great to align everything up the joint tool that's the way to place it in place so on your mini lathe when you bring it in get the chart located with the joint command and then release the rotation and get the rotation on it so then you can kind of release everything off there hope that was useful thumbs up you liked it thumbs down if you don't it's okay if you don't love the comments put the comments in this Thunder is hammering around here in upstate well western New York I should say here outside Buffalo what that was useful next one next one is from Michael [Music]
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 44,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Manufacturing, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, Best Practice, Modeling, cam, cad, tutorial, How to, 3d printing, free software, software, Product design, Mechanical engineering, fusion 360 tutorial, fusion, inventor, design, autocad
Id: fr-9-ux9r24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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