Video Tip: Fusion 360 - Combine and Delete

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[Music] hello welcome back this is Dave rider from senators technologies just recently I had an it's an instance where I needed to generate a custom Butwell lateral pipe fitting sometimes commonly known as a y fitting so I looked around and I found a couple of things on the internet and here's a an a SME laid out chart so I needed a six inch fitting so and they gave me two different types whether it's going to be a fabricated or a form fitting so either way you know I'll probably try to go after the fabricating fitting since this is going to be a custom make but either way the processes are going to be the same so let's just start a new part and I'm going to create a new sketch alright so I'll bring up my toolbox and we'll just start with a circle and this circle will be the OD of this six-inch standard pipe and I will do another circle and this will be the ID and this will be six point zero six five all right and we'll stop the sketch come up by tool box and we'll extrude and I'll take the part that I want now I want to do this non symmetrical so what I'm going to do is go for a two-sided dimension here and you can see off to the side let me move this a little bit here's my shape and let's just start with this one I'll pull it a little bit and you'll see that my dimension starts coming out and from my chart this dimension is going to be 3.5 inches and the other side and let's just scroll that a little bit this one is going to be 14.5 and we'll say and it will be a new body and we'll say okay alright so there's there's the beginning of my lateral straight through pipes so to begin the lateral side of it let me turn on the origin your z the origin inside I'm gonna create an angle plane so let's just go up to the construct pulldown and here is a plane at an angle all right now I can select the line I can come over and either just select my x-axis or I can just come in and hover over it and you'll see right away that I'll it's kind of hard I'll zoom in a little bit you'll see I've got a plane in there and if I rotate it around you'll see I can get it to an angle that I want and I'm just gonna for now put in this standard which is 45 degrees and we'll say okay so I've got my plane in there what I want to do is now I'll go back to the offset I'm gonna put it offset plane I'm gonna select that plane and drag it out now this dimension is going to be the same as this back side length all right and that came out to 14 and a half inches so since I'm going in this direction I got to put a negative 14.5 let's zoom out make sure we got it and that looks correct so here's the plane that I'm gonna draw my next profile on so let's start another sketch I'll select that plane zoom in I just got to be careful here because there's the center of that plane but there's the center of the origin down there and that's the one I want to make sure that I get so let's let's start another circle and you're gonna see that I can latch on to both of them but I want to make sure that I've got the center of the origin all right and so what I need to do is this is going to be it's not going to be equal legs I'm gonna make this one unequal legs and this one's gonna be a four inch so the OD for this is gonna be 4.5 and let's do another circle and this is going to be the ID which is for 0.026 all right so I'll stop the sketch and I will bring up my tool box I'm going to extrude the pipe itself and I can go either a distance or I can come down to next liking I can choose this plane as as the next object but I'm gonna leave it a distance and I'm thinking about doing another video on this but for right now that distance is going to be the 14.5 just as the long side of the lateral straight pipe now I want to make sure that this is a new body I don't want to cut so let's do a new body all right and that looks correct I'll say okay all right so I can turn off my origin so you can see that I've got my horizontal lateral horizontal straight through pipe in my lateral going through so it's a six inch and a four inch pipe what I want to do now is I could have did it I could have done a join but I'm gonna do something different to make it a little bit easier to delete some of the things I don't want so I'm gonna come up to the modify pulldown and I'm gonna select combined and you're gonna see right here that it's gonna ask me for my target body and I'll say this one here and a tool body I'll say this one and I'll leave it as a joint operation and I'll say okay so what happened here well it ended up taking two bodies and made them into one so combine both of these in the one body but the nice thing about this is I can come in and I'm just gonna select this lower half because I don't need it I'm gonna say select elect not delete and I can look down inside here or I can come up and underneath and nowhere so this one doesn't work so well so I will go into the inside I'm gonna select that surface and st. delete so what I have now is a very nice lateral fitting that is all one body so this works pretty nice now I can continue to play with this a little bit I can certainly come in and let me add a fill it and I will select that outside and there's a number of selections you can do here we can do constant radius you can do a chord length they all have just a little bit different appearance so for this I'll just put a point to five like the walls only 0.26 or to eight so you can't go too much larger than that especially if this is going to be a weld fill it all right and you'll see that the difference of this is a chord length compared to a constant radius you'll see you know it's a little bit different here than in the back you know this this may be what you're looking for and that's fine I'll just do the chord length for right now and I'll say okay and I'll add one more and I'll put it on the inside I also make that a chord length and we'll go to let's put this point to five also and we'll say okay all right so we've got an internal external fillit if this happens to be a weld fill it for a fabricated piece what I like to do is and that's it that's the nice way to the quick way to create a fabricated but weld lateral pipe fitting what am i doing in my next video is we'll go into the parameters and we'll take a look at how we can adjust this part if we want to make custom lengths or custom angles on this lateral alright and so that's it I hope you enjoyed it like it if you did and thumbs down and don't like it if you didn't like it leave a comment always looking forward to some input so thank you very much for joining me and until next time this is debut have a great day
Channel: Synergis Engineering Design Solutions
Views: 48,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Combine, Delete, Fusion 360
Id: bxcqjvSYC2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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