Fusion 360 for Woodworkers 01: Intro & Sketch Basics

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today in this video series we're going to look at our desks fusion 360 with a focus on using the program for woodworking if you don't know fusion 360 is a CAD program similar to Sketchup so in my opinion much more powerful it's available for Mac and PC it's also available free for students enthusiasm startups so long as you meet the terms and conditions which is less than $100,000 us in revenue per you it's a one-year license but at the end of that one year you can just select the same license again so long as you meet the conditions when you fire up fusion 360 the first time gonna look something like this so there might be a lot in this section and all of that on the left-hand side here we've got the project Explorer at the moment this is blank but I can navigate throughout my account and find a whole bunch of other projects I've worked on in the past for now we don't need this open so I can just close the data panel though anytime I need it back I can just click the 9 square things I'm not going to go into all the pros and cons of fusion versus say Sketchup or other software at this stage I'm primarily going to focus on the operation inside fusion and you can make up your own mind whether it's the right software for you to start off with it's best probably look at the interface so this is the toolbar at the top and the first option is the workspaces tab so we are going to work primarily in the model workspace but in future episodes we'll look at the render animation and Kim workspaces to the right of the workspace tab we have our basic tool commands and this is very similar to the ribbon in Microsoft Office where you've only got a few options available and the drop-down get us all the other options to be honest this works out pretty well because depending on what you're designing you're not going to use all of these options one thing we will use a lot of it is sketch dimensions and that's down the bottom of the sketch drop down menu thing however we can add that easily to the toolbar just by pressing that up arrow and if we decide we don't like it later on we can just press the get rid of them I'm going to live up there because as I said it is something we're going to be using below that we've got the kind of file browser object browser and that's easier to demonstrate when we add in a few primitives so you can see there there's that body that rectangular lost cube I just mood and I can hide that at the bottom center we've got our basic camera operation so we've got different views grid layouts visual styles I like to leave it on shaded with the visible edges I like my camera on orthographic rather than perspective now we've got our history here so we can roll back to when the files first created versus that rectangle and that'll become a little bit more apparent why you have that history later on in the top right hand corner the final thing that we need to look at is the basic camera operation so if I get that cube up again while you can pan and rotate using other tools I find that rotating with this camera control is a lot easier to keep your reference point for now we're going to leave that on the home in this video specifically we're going to look at creating a bookcase although I said I wouldn't do much in the way of comparison if we look at Sketchup and AutoCAD and the older style CAD they're known as a direct modeling whereas fusion 360 is a parametric modeling program so by that I mean that we have parameters that we can enter in and then do our modeling based off that forget to modify change parameters and again I'm going to add that to my toolbar I can start adding some parameters in now and there's nothing here and might be a little confusing to start off with but hopefully it highlights some of the power and I don't know how tall my bookcase is kind of big balloon that each shelf I want to have 300 millimeters I'm going to make this out of plywood so I'm going to make my material thickness 19 no letters and I know that I want 5 shelves so I'm going to go shelves units shelf count that's probably a better expression I'm going to just make that five now before we dive into it we can create things in one of two ways we can use primitives like this box here this is much more similar to Sketchup but I find it's quite limiting so instead we're going to use sketches so we go to create sketch I want to look at the front view of our bookcase and then we're going to do a 2d representation of what our bookcase is going to look like so I'm going to select a rectangle and I'm just gonna go for the overall dimensions so let's put in 800 and I don't know 500 seems like a good width now I actually don't know what these two values are going to be 500 I'm pretty happy with but but 800 is going to be a little bit impossible to get 5 shelves with thread and mill spacing so I'm going to create another value called good case that's going to be shelf height plus material things took by shelf count I'm going to change this parameter here to be equal to bookcase hot that FX there designates that this is a bound property or constrain property so if I change what the value of bookcase height is over here so let's say I add plus 100 it grows by 100 now our bookcase typically will have 2 long sides so let's add in our sides and I'm just dragging down a rectangle and I'm going to make thickness of that material thickness today we're going to stop the sketch clicking the home view gives us a good 3d representation of what we love you and then we can start extruding things but before we do again we're going to add another parameter okay step I want my book has to be threaded milled deep now I can either use this button here to extrude or can be for extrude and select the top of the bottle I'm going to extrude them both okay step this will automatically hide our sketch so we go into the object browser and turn that back on the little light globe on or off or show or hide things again I'm going to extrude this hum to long edges and before I hit okay I'm going to change that from join to new body if I was to choose join this would create one big body with a hole in the middle rather than for discrete objects this is looking like a basic bookcase or it's the case for the bookcase we don't have any shelves in another one so if we go to our sketch we can add our first shelf in it's going to go from one side to the other it's going to be material thickness in thickness and we want to put some constraints in we've already added a few constraints namely the length constraint so that's the distance between these two distances there but there are a variety of other constraints such as collinear for making two objects always well Tove lineal parallels and so on so forth in this case we're just going to add another dimension constraint and select the bottom of the shelf and the top of the base and then add that change that to show height now there's a few ways we can add in the rest of the shelves we could in the sketch create a rectangular pattern I'll briefly run you through that so we select two things we want to create a pattern oven we can drag-and-drop we could add more of them in so we've got a our 45 but that's not exactly what we need if we do it this way when we extrude it those will not create more shelves if we were to change the shelf parameter and I'll show you what I mean by that we're going to stop the sketch here go back to our home view we're going to extrude out our shelf so that was bookcase depth just going to work in them and again I'm going to change that to new body they're much like the rectangular pattern on a sketch would you create a rectangular pattern just on bodies so I'm going to select pattern bodies select that shelf we select a direction and then we just drag this up to give us a bit of idea what we're doing so we want to add a certain amount of shelves so we want shelf can- one because we've already got this one here the base if we hit okay then well we've got how five shelves but they're not spaced correctly so down in our history here we can double click on this our pattern here and we can modify that so we want distance to be shelf point by shelf count - two already got these the base shelf we're creating a pattern author and the one below hit OK and then that's giving us the correct spacing for our shelves and this is where fusion comes into its own I think and that's getting back to the parameters so let's say you're designing something and someone comes along and changes their mind so a good example in my situation is my wife constantly changes how many shows or dimensions of something another example would be say you've got a standard sort of design of a bookcase but a client wants you to make one and they want more shelves so we could get seven shells that's made our entire bookcase grow and it's added in the extra shelves and we can also go the other way we can go three so we've got one two three shells change that back to files I think that's in number if you were to build this bookcase you'd find pretty quickly but it's not overly stable we don't have any real joinery so we should probably add that in let's make it a little bit easier I'm going to mirror the two sides so I left to do the John area once I'm just going to remove this for them and I am going to hide all but the first shelf you create a new sketch on the inside of this bookcase I'm just going to trace that shelf in stop the sketch I can hide that shelf show my sketches again and then I can extrude in that data so I want that to go negative so into the workpiece I'm going to do a cut material thickness divided over to this sort of your average dado strength thingy then just like before we want to be able to have this go all the way up and again adjustable if we change any parameters so we can do another rectangular pattern this time we've got the faces selected so we want to repeat three faces of the data so I just have to change our camera angle our direction we're going up and always going to hit enter for now obviously these are in the wrong spots however what I can do is change those parameters now I showed you before you can open up the dialog again or we can go into the change parameters dialog and drill down to that second pattern extrusion so I'm going to expand both my pattern extrusions so that I can easy easily copy and paste all the values in and if we look at that we've got all of our data in the right position turn our show's back on and while they're not entirely lined up correctly they're still lined up vertically which is what we want so I can they'll select my side I'm going to give that a better name so it's easier to follow along a good practice is to get in tune the naming all of your bodies and components so that it's just easier to reference them later on so we've only got one size 12 okay so it's going to be even more wobbly than it was before so instead of redrawing that on the other side and all and having to then do laundering in it again then any changes that may need to be mirrored I'm going to create a component so right clicked on my side correct point from bodies I'm going to create another copy of it and the important thing to note that this is an instance or a copy of the site so if I make a change to one component it will affect the other for some things things like rotation when I'm rotating the entire component do not affect it so if I move this out here it hasn't affected the other component however if I drill down into the body then rotate that they'll both rotate so a component is a grouping or a collection of bodies and other features and if you move that overall it treats it individually however you drill down into the individual properties and they are murdered now currently our other side is floating around in no man's land and does no good to anybody in terms of strength and stability so I could move this using the EM command for move wherever I like but it can be very time-consuming to drag that in exactly where I need it so our second book a solid is out of no man's land and offers nothing for stability so we need to move that into position press M for move select move components not bodies as I explained that would move both of them and I'm going to select a pivot point of the top front corner on the inside also going to select a direction I want to go in exit direction first I'm going to snap that to where I wanted to mate up with which is this point here as I moved it in one direction so we then select the other direction and click twice sometimes I can be a little bit fiddly and that's moved it where we want so hit okay that's all good we're going to capture those positions as you can see looking at the front view none of our shelves actually fit into those dedos they're just a little bit too short now we could move the sides in all we could widen out the shelves what I'm going to do is widen out the shelves and one select the shelves we've already got and I'm actually going to remove those and turn our base shelf into a component give that a good name I know I can make that fit so first I'm going to turn off the second side Aoife extrude and I'm going to screw that out material thickness and then move the whole shelf back negative material thickness but in half that will fit into the groove problem then I can repeat that rectangular pattern and now we have a component that will be rectangular patent and the advantage of doing it as a pap as a component when we're paddling it rather than a body's that know what I manipulate one of them they'll all change so for example we won't find that these edges are a little bit too sharp and people cutting themselves or injuring themselves in the crisps corners so we're going to modify Phil it doesn't really matter which one we're selecting as we're selecting that on a body and you can see as I adjust that all of them change so we might just give that a five millimeter round over five millimeter radius and over and then they all look correct so while we're doing that we may as well put the Phil it on all the external surfaces just like you normally would when you're rounding over a piece of furniture so I've gone down to modify fill it and I'm now just selecting all of my edges probably don't need the bottom there and I'm going to put in 15 millimeters now that is far too much so just like before we can go into our history double-click that at any stage and change that to 5 or as before we can go into parameters and change it from there probably the last thing that this bookcase needs other than perhaps some edge banding those sort of things is a back on it a back on a bookcase adds significant strength I'm just going to create a sketch then I want that based on this plane here so it's going to give me a little rectangle there so I'll just extend my rectangle house from the rounded over edge all the way up stop sketch select my backer key for extrude and probably a six mil pile or quarter-inch would be fine so a six mil again we need to drop that down to you body this time I'm just going to select new component rename that component better and we're pretty much done in this episode this is all we're going to cover in the subsequent episodes we will look at texturing so that we can make this a lot prettier you
Channel: The Wood Knight
Views: 136,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, fusion360, tutorial, software
Id: IGsAAB9S_g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2016
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