Missing Body Parts in Among Us

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and today and among us we got one of our weirder ones this is losing body parts to lose body parts we throw ourselves in a meat grinder what jump off of buildings and juggle chainsaws and of course stick around till the end we troll somebody and it gets kind of mean all right you guys know the rules there is an imposter among us if all the crewmates break all their bones before the Imposter we win I'm gonna press the meat I will call a meeting don't ever do it don't do it totally not me it's a a following sun it's not 100 leave me alone all right boys this is breaking both so what I have to do you can see on the map we have all these question marks this is how we break our bows wait no actually this is called losing body parts so their job is to lose all their body parts but I gotta hurry I gotta do a faster check this out look here's the grinder thank you oh and look at my leg it's all scraped up now and look my leg is at 50 and then first of all I didn't I didn't tell you this but look at this look give me oh I look terrible my job is to slow them down and as I lose more body parts I gain more abilities to slow them down because if they finish all of their stuff they win or they can vote me out so I gotta be very uh undercover okay let me lose more of my legs yeah here's the pressure washer help okay listen listen your leg is broken like mine right you see it yeah we got weird hairy legs okay here's the deal if you shoot me with this pressure washer I'll return the favor and shoot you with the pressure washer I want to blow my leg off all right get over there here I got you oh oh I don't know if I want that I don't know I don't know although my leg is a hundred percent now Biffle and 55. okay okay get on there before I'll get you okay yeah I don't know if I'm cool down I don't know if I want to go ahead all right do it are you stuck there now you can't move yeah I'm stuck here I can't move do it do it you promise you do it so that's stuck there waiting okay what do I need oh yeah I got another ability oh are you okay since I leveled up I'm gonna transform oh I look like look them now okay what abilities do I have let me go what no no no stop I have stitches leg surgery and casts right now oh gosh what wipe their hand in my leg wait no hold on no not this again not this again it's looking it's red it's looking it makes sense it's literally the stop it so it's just something that's me he thinks it's looking should I suss out what comes now is that are you okay I don't feel good so I'm gonna try to keep zud in that cast State the whole time I love doing this or number one I gotta keep transforming into uh into uh lookups go okay just remain looking I gotta keep sussing him out look at me guys okay I just got I'm fully here hey I better yay I gotta work hard yeah here's this this will break my other leg it's at 55 right now can you push these logs over on me I got you I got no handsome look at my leg my leg is all bleeding oh gosh hold on let me do this again I've lost both my legs um you need a cast here all right pick my cast no I don't want your cast I don't have anything to put the cast on it's literally gone I just don't want it anymore just take it away okay what's next um oh I got another ability since I lost my leg dismembered hand how did I do that when I lost my legs hold on I gotta become look em there we go I'm looking okay there's Biffle oh beautiful losing legs I gotta hurry up dismembered hand he's just someone dab someone hey hey hey big head monster give me a hand please let me out that just traps in there wait we're done so it's out of his cast no that's not alive [Music] this window stitches you're all fixed up and better and leg surgery oh gosh now she's crawling okay well and then uh let's give somebody else a hand who do we give a hand okay there's zud um there's Biffle still trapped should I trap Biffle again okay let's trap Biffle again all right cool all right what's next let's should I cut off my hand hey guys why are you always gonna be me again you're always in a cast I don't understand that's a great observation Sunday thanks for pointing that out okay I have a question do you should I cut off my hands or my head next [Music] oh I got it whoever you lose chainsaws wait where's chainsaws can you hurry up so this is literally taking forever can you hurry up please oh chainsaws oh here's the chainsaw oh gosh oh gosh was that good for you I just lost 50 of my hand look at it I asked you a question yeah wait can you even do anything when you're in that cast no I'm just I'm literally just following you for no reason does that help does that help I would love I would love to play this with you okay when I gotta transform and keep him in a cast I'm gonna transfer I gotta keep him in the cast first of all I'll do this cut off my hand and I'll get another ability oh gosh there goes my hand oh I don't have a hand but pigeon I'm gonna need you to attack me please bite off my hand more okay oh gosh oh gosh and now my body is bleeding okay hold on let me come look him okay I'm looking let's go let's go get it come here little bird take that window what else is new yeah you're funny I want to be just like you when I grow up I know you want to be just like me you literally always just like you see no it missed you know what I got the new ability from my hand being cut off called stomp what is this thing someone tickle the toes okay what do I need to do next um okay my hand and my legs are gone and my body is starting to bleed oh gosh that's weird Okay so other hand is that 30 and my head's at 15. all right so I'm gonna cut off my oh gosh are you okay I'm grinding myself up oh God you look terrible thank you wait I'm gonna do the butcher oh gosh [Music] hey Biffle wait no scissors I want to remit I want to redo a challenge okay we'll watch this okay easy huh easy yeah okay I'm not even gonna go in this are you having fun look um all right of well on this guy let me go ahead and stop sigils wait a minute I'm gonna fix schedules stop it no I wanted to be a jelly bean you're mean I don't like you anybody else oh biffle's getting low too okay I'm gonna go show myself the Biffle just try it [Music] oh my God I'm Gonna Save Gary I'm gonna go save him Gary are you okay do you want me to do you want me to get you want me to save you yes please okay tell me a good foot pun I what you you foot me but did you know that you and me are two footsies what are you gonna do you literally can't press the button when you're when you're in a cast you know this exactly I'm waiting I'm calling a meeting I'm gonna vote myself out I'm getting myself out of here oh yeah you can't do any stations whenever you're in a cast too yeah no I just finished the AFK this whole game you know as I'd follow me I'm really mad for you follow me Zod I'm so mad thanks for being so bad for me I'm so mad that's how mad I am that was my mom's house I'm so mad I'm so mad Todd stop it you're gonna lose your other your last hand my hand is bleeding everywhere oh gosh are you gonna oh yeah go press the button in 50 seconds go ahead okay oh what do I need to do I got 80 hand what else do I need to do for that maybe the pigeon attack me pigeon cut off my hand oh that's weird please oh gosh oh I lost my hand what's the ability that I have I have no hands now there's no way upon a meeting I'm finally free all right man I'll see you I could call the meeting you just tell me who it was um summon what does summon do you know what I'm gonna summon sigils come here sigils [Music] oh what is that horrific thing um put me down oh I can control it with my mouse him oh gosh oh I have a killing button now hello oh that's okay this is stupid creamy oh gosh um okay Gary I think something happened to Sydney Gary oh yeah okay dude you're dead just face it I gotta go I didn't see nothing I didn't see nothing help me don't leave me don't fine dude that ability is sick oh you can also look at the leaderboard I can do this as the Imposter see who has a lot of body parts Biffle and Pat I need to go stitch them up where's Biffle I need to go stitch on Biffle where is he there he is oh are you kidding me or is that gosh I don't know what that is I'm gonna summon Pat thank you no not again they respawn I think with lower meter I'm not sure where's Zed this game is supposed to be fun hey Pat did you die yeah I worked hard to lose my parts not gonna lose him again all right let me cry in peace go away okay what is going on that's not how you run away that's actually the opposite of that I don't know anymore all right just 30 seconds stop just stop just stop literally stop I need to lose my head now what do I need to lose my head let's uh unvis untransform how do I lose my head what haven't I done I need to lose one more hand I need to lose my head I need to lose my head Gary oh you already lost your mind uh lost a hand oh this lady hey ma'am oh gosh [Music] oh Gary I just got hit in the face with a samurai sir Katana yeah that's nothing happened you gotta find a Samurai and you don't know how to fight with swords man yeah well you're stupid sorry I said sorry hey are you having fun huh is that having fun every time I see you you're in a cast I just don't know he's always around every time I'm sad and I think he likes seeing me sad you were sad like 99 of the time so okay okay you don't have to call me out like that listen I'm not having a fun time I'm in a cast you know what I'm gonna fix this fire hydrant my head is 50 dead now okay that's fun stop it what no no wait no no no we all the crewmates get their body parts dead we win that's how we win we all have to get done so you should be cheering me on Zod but I can't do anything how about you just get out of your cast you ever think of that yeah oh that's a great idea okay how do I break my head more but let me check the leaderboard oh Gary's at four I gotta become I'm looking okay where's Gary Gary where are you summon Gary go get him my weird hand thing where's Gary lead me right to Gary going this no not again we got everything [ __ ] up hey no you put me down hands so you can see there's a timer here if I let it go all the way down he doesn't die I got two more body parts let me down right now okay right now okay I'll let you down no my engagement [ __ ] what no no all of my hard work now the imposters need to do now to break my head wait I'm going up here get out of here leave me alone I'm doing it no I'm doing it oh gosh are you okay no wait so you're not in a cast go hurry up go go break your bone go lose your body parts I'm doing the crane oh oh gosh perfect [Music] wait Sandy no he's gonna go with me I gotta break my head I gotta break my head now I gotta break my head now hold on let's transform a transform and then uh interact break my head break my head Please Lady 90 that's it I'm gonna do the crane break my head a minute I lost all my body parts and this is what I've become do I have any other abilities I did leg surgery I did dismember the last thing is your body's here I'm literally I'm literally a rolling bolt that hey son uh uh look I'm rolling oh I'm a rolling body part look at me all right gosh okay guys listen you need to lose all your body parts fast so we can win if all turn into these little thingies we win her we could call a meeting and vote out the Imposter do we know who the Imposter is round everybody up let's call them 80 okay so are you guys are all saying lookham's right every single one of you even said is saying it's lucums right I don't think I'm saying that anymore do we call a meeting do we call a meeting and vote comes out red eating hey guys uh also remember holcombs didn't join this mod I just checked the leader oh wait no your body [Laughter] oh gosh a monster oh God I don't want this oh wow okay all right uh hit the like button hit the Subscribe button I think we won that one
Channel: SSundee
Views: 7,557,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S9rpZBloeBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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