Fury Warrior Talents 101: Two builds & New Glyph

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hey guys it's Min so today I wanted to talk about a little bit when it comes to Fury Warrior talent and glyphs and kind of the options that you have play around with go right into it kind of go Point by point which ones you should take no matter what and which ones you can kind of play around with so we'll just start right off and start building this out here arm into the teeth we always want this maxed out there's no question to that cruelty as well gives us increased crit this is always maxed out now the next point is going to be where we're going to have a Crossroads between the two builds the first build I'm gonna show is gonna be more of a progression style build uh with less DPS so in that build we're going to be using booming voice which is going to increase the duration of our shouts by 50 so those are going to be our two points improved cleave we will always take three points into that and in the build where we're using uh booming voice we're going going to be doing Five Points into commanding presence what this is gonna do is if we don't have a paladin with the improved might our battle shout will give the same amount which is the maximum or if we have a paladin with might we will be using commanding shout and it's going to give more Health which is going to be very very beneficial for progression because everybody will have more Health quick note on this due to the last boss in phase three and being a noob and him actually healing based on your current health it might actually be beneficial to not use this because the less Health you have the less he leeches because he does percentage-based damage but it's it's a minor thing dual wheel specialization we always have full Five Points into this improved execute on this build we skip it enrage on paper this looks like a very easy pick gives you a 30 chance to receive a two percent damage bonus for 12 seconds after being the victim of a damaging attack this does not stack with Wrecking Crew so you have to take damage which you will any AOE damage can practice and it scales up to 10 percent with five points but the problem with this is this is considered an enrage but so is your death wish essentially what it means is if you have enrage available and active and you proc Death Wish It is going to cancel and rage so long story short it is a waste because it gets canceled by any enraged same as Berserker age this will cancel and rage and you will want to use Berserker rage sometimes it's it's not worth it at all at all so it always skip this completely Precision you always take three points here if you have some crazy build where you have a lot of hit for some reason which is very rare you might want to take a point though off and put it somewhere else but usually we're going to be chasing that biss and if we have a a bad setup of gear currently it's usually not worth talenting out and then once we get that upgrade Talent back into this if you really want to do that you can but I really if I'm overhead cap because of gear I'll just keep this in because if you put it into somewhere else it's it's literally five DPS so it's not that big of a deal Death Wish obviously this is our main cooldown improved intercept we skipped this improved the circuit rage we skipped this as well but we really do not need extra rage flurry this is pretty important we always take full full uh points into this uh bloodthirst obviously or main ability uh intensified rage this is a must it reduces our main cooldowns uh cool down improved Whirlwind increases our Whirlwind damage by 20 that's pretty self-explanatory here this is our healing reduction I mean sometimes I've played around with this in 10 minutes when we needed healing reduction if we didn't have a rogue or something on some of the bosses but we obviously don't need this uh improved Berserker stance full points into this increases our strength by 20 and it reduces the threat caused by 10 while at Berserker stance which is kind of nice but our heroic strikes have improved threat just by default and it's so easy to pull threat even with this so it's mainly because of the strength obviously Rampage if you're comfortable and and confident you will always have a feral Druid you can skip this point but if even if you have a feral Druid if he messes up if he dies if something happens I just don't feel like it's worth not taking it because any other point you put it in is gonna be such a small DPS increase that the odds of somebody else dying and you're not having five percent crit is just gonna be worse overall so I always take this point here uh blood search your extract bloodthirst and Whirlwind hits have 37 chance of making your next slam instant which is very important to our main proc uh heroic Fury we just that's a PVP Talent we don't care about this we take full points into unending Fury increases the Damage Done of your slam Whirlwind and bloodthirst abilities by 10 which is pretty big and obviously our main thing at the end Titan script we all know what this does protection we completely Skip and then we go to improve heroic strike to make our heroic strike cost only 12 rage and we take improved rent to do more rent damage once we do our rent stance dancing on Single Target bosses tactical Mastery we want to have this in three points because when we do a standstance we do retain an additional 15 Rage which is very important so that when we come back from Battle to back to Berserker stance we we have at least some rage to play with so we can at least queue up a heroic strike or something you could take improved charge I personally never charge in because the rage that you're gonna get with the charge you're just gonna lose by going back into Berserker stance so I really never use it I always either Intercept in or rocket boots in Iron Will so that's why I take two points into here just produces done so if there is a stun you get out of it faster you have more up time I feel like it's a better DPS increase than getting 10 extra rage on pole better to get out of a stun 14 faster are bread and butter and Palin increases our Critical Strike bonus damage by 20 percent and deep wounds which is very very important it's our main dot that Stacks up every time we create with anything melee hits or special abilities then obviously we have we want two hand uh weapon specialization which increases our damage with two-handed weapons by six percent and that wraps up the build it's 1853-0 this is our progression style build and that build is if you like for example algalon does a lot of damage we want to improve commanding shot stuff like that once you have it on Farm you have a lot of gear you don't care about the extra help from commanding shout you can switch to this build for extra damage we'll just do that build variation now and then we'll do the glyphs because the glyphs are the same for both builds so what we will want to do everything will stay the same except you will take out points from commanding presence you will put two points into improved execute execute is whatever but it's the best two points we can can spend here I have to increase our damage we're going to take out the rest of the points and we're gonna put four points into unbridled wrath so we're going to take one point each here okay three points in brittle wrath we're gonna take out one point from boomi voice again take it out from Blue voice so we have four points here and our last point is gonna go to anger management generates one rage per three seconds it's a toss-up between the fifth point and brittle wrath or anger management they're pretty much identical so I just kind of do this and this is our more damage build with the full best tier uh phase three gear that I've done some testing on in my previous videos which you can check out down below it's been 50 DPS difference so it was like eleven thousand four hundred eighty something DPS with this and it was like 11 430 ish with the commanding shop build so it's not a big deal uh if obviously if everybody stays alive there's more DPS so in the first couple of weeks I'll probably be running the command shop build and then I'm going to swap over to this one once we kind of get comfortable with the runs so glyphs uh major glyphs you have two static choices uh your first static choice is glyphophoric Strike this is a must you gain 10 range when you critically strike with your heroic strike ability and because it costs only it costs 15 minus 3 is 12. so if heroic strike crits it effectively costs 2 Rage which is ridiculous plus our four set bonus increases our crit chance with Rogue strike bet additional five percent it's gonna be insane our second a must glyph is Glyph of Whirlwind reduces the cooldown of Roland by two seconds you always take this no matter what now this is our Flex pal uh glyph I'm sorry our first single Target option is glue foot rending which increases the duration of ram by six seconds so this is a no-brainer if you're not gonna cleave more than one target you will always take rendering because cleave by default hits the main target and the target next to it so if if you have two Targets on the fight or one you will always take a look of ending so when you do rent weaving if there's three or more Targets in the fight you will want to swap that glyph with Glyph of cleaving which makes cleave hit three targets instead of two that's very important minor glyphs here I usually took Glyph of bloodrage obviously it reduces the health cost of blood rage just makes it not do damage it usually does maybe like a couple hundred Health it's not a big deal but I will be swapping this in phase three for this Glyph of shadowing throw it's a new one that's going to be uh added in and they have it here in Wild head so I'll be swapping this instead of blood rage so I'll be using it here you can do one thing that I'm going to show you in a second but this is what I will do because I just I'm a bit lazy so I kind of go this route Glyph of battle increases the duration of battle shout and Glyph of command increases the duration of command show so I kind of like to run both of these in case I ever have to switch either or mid raid I don't have to worry about glyphs because they only last two minutes by default they last four minutes with the glyph and six minutes if you have booming voice two minutes is just not enough and you're gonna have to use like if you have to use shouts mid fight during your rotation it's going to be DPS loss A it costs rage and B it uses up a gcd unless it's a two minute fight which is unlikely you at least most of them are four minutes and if it's longer there's phases so you can reapply at Mid 5 without losing DPS like on a noob you can reapply it in the phase two so four minutes is gonna be fine but two minutes it's just not gonna cut it plus you're gonna forget about it and you're gonna not apply it and it's just gonna be a bad time for everybody if you really want to try hard you can keep a lot of these glyphs in your bags and you can have a permanent slot for Glyph of blood rage so you take a little bit less damage it's up to you if you're you're really not gonna die from using blood rage so it's it's like a warlock life tab like a warlock is not going to die from Lifetime you're not gonna die from blood rage so you're gonna be absolutely fine just running both of these glyphs so this is going to be the glyph setup again cleaving and rending is which you're going to be kind of swapping around with those are the main two two ones and both of them play exactly the same and uh it's all pretty straightforward so it's it's very simple to remember with just literally replacing these two with these three and that makes it very very simple so if you have any suggestion and a different build which I'll try out and do some testing let me know other than that I mean thank you for watching and if you want any help with some macros to help you stand stance or if you're looking for that phase three Biz check out the videos at the end appreciate you watching and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Mintastical
Views: 3,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fury warrior, warrior, world of warcraft, wrath of the lich king, wow, wotlk, classic, phase 3, trial of the crusader, trial of the grand crusader, toc, togc, phase 2, ulduar, talents, glyphs, buff
Id: xY9obOSN5L0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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