We're Definitely Going to Need More Power - Occupy Mars

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foreign foreign I'm cryptic Fox and welcome back to Mars continuing our adventures here in occupy Mars as we try to survive and build out our base and stop living in the tiny little Hubble we have been that has like almost no power I gotta get that all sorted we did build a bunch of solar panels last times new batteries set up and things hopefully that will help sort stuff out for us uh but we have more more items to unlock as we continue researching and exploring and hopefully uh we won't die too many times tonight welcome back news here in the chat so far tonight or is there if you're watching on the channel afterwards welcome as well as always a huge thanks to everyone who's click on that join button to become a channel member thank you so much for the support and a special thanks to all of our top tier mistakes are made members that were highlighted at the start of the Stream I did build I think something like six solar panels now um each one of them only provides like five kilowatts of power so we don't really have like a huge amount but if I can get some more resources I'd like to build more and or get something that's more power power efficient in terms of what it produces because the little base we have doesn't exactly have what I would call a good amount of power it's more like a minuscule amount of power all our plants have already withered in uh in my little uh little growth pods which kind of sucks because um I think once they once they Wilt or wither whatever they're just toast and then then you're out of luck uh what do we got though I've got a few resources here we should probably put away so I'm not carrying them around I'm Gonna Keep some free inventory space um I did construct a printer or I unlocked the ability to make a printer I think anyway in the uh maybe I think that's what it is I unlocked it but I haven't actually built it yet uh in our in our little base area but um that's uh that's not something we uh we can power just yet because again we're having power troubles okay things are problematic um I'm gonna swap out my O2 bottle we'll might as well get that refilled over here deal oxygen bottles hey Stills no how you doing happy Friday for you the end of the week congratulations I'm jealous oh yeah powered up too I also need to eat uh let's consume some of that [Music] there we go wanna fix this scrub that you totally cranked up to use power um what do you mean fix it [Music] confused it I turned it up so that it would actually produce more soaps uh I turned it up so it produced more oxygen for us but um you know whether that's working or not is another matter drop this thing here gonna get charged up this ethereum oh where's my UI hold on a second I don't see anything there we go Alma borders uh put that on always show Quest targets I don't worry about key binding tips that's fine there we go turn it down so it doesn't require so much power well the troubles in it doesn't build up enough oxygen which is kind of uh oh the music yeah sorry uh sounds music so what we need is I should check on the epidemic sound and see if there's like some more like Spacey kind of music we can use it's a little bit better background music something that makes it so we're not like sitting in in like dead silence but uh see Sci-Fi stuff is these things I have no idea what this is gonna sound like try to keep track of the Audio Level there see how it goes have I got any potatoes yet no I don't have any poop yet so we're actually that's not entirely true I do have one bag of waste but um I'm not at the point where we're actually producing enough of really anything to uh to survive even the power that I'm producing isn't enough oh whoa look at the train they had a patch and it looks like it's done something to the terrain because if look as I drive up you can see like this rolling oh no now it's not doing it there's this demarcation line like right here that I could see it like marching along as I moved it was like a hexagon shape around the uh around the Pod now that's so weird I swear that wasn't there before anyway Gloria let's see what we got going on over here so this is my little power setup it's obviously not it's not finished it's not optimal kind of thing it's audio just a tiny bit God get that survey out of the way I don't like would you like to take a survey yeah better uh all right so uh this is our battery setup here I know not I don't I don't want to do that go first person little username Petty storage control unit so we could hold 450 kilo to kilowatt hours but I'm looking at 18.7 I should theoretically be netting a positive difference here but yeah it's going up a little bit because I'm about putting 25 and pulling in 30. so theoretically that should be building up but it may not be building up quickly enough um what do I need for this solar cells I need two solar cells for that yeah it's it's getting drained overnight um I wish I wonder if there's like a like a day night cycle you can set on stuff so that it so it consumes different amounts of power at different times oh look the oxygen is building up in here it's still not uh it's still not optimal it's it's orange but it's uh better than it was uh I'm gonna turn these things off um since there's really no point in powering these things if they're not producing anything anyway all the crops are dead apparently you can't recover them all you can really do is um pull them out and I guess like later on there's like a recycling thing you can use to like get rid of them but these are all just withered potato seedlings can't we didn't do a very good job with our Mark Watney impression apparently we got in here that I can do uh uh repairing and upgrading so I don't think I have any upgrades yet so that's not I'm gonna use what do we got here pretty Tech Tree I have no available points right now I guess the thing will be we gotta go and learn some more points because I've got to get some more stuff upgraded um there's grinder one detector two apparently would let us find other other materials than just water so that might be something worth getting because I I said I bought the air compressor which is totally way more useful I swear what have I got in here uh fridge inventory so we got some potato seedling in here we got a few circuit boards sometimes I'll put these in here too aluminum plates yep steel plates glass plates or concrete all right let's go see if we can find some aluminum here's to see whether the uh the rocks that break up respawn and uh as if they no actually it doesn't look like they do the ones behind my base didn't good now research an inflatable bed we're gonna research a waterbed that's gotta work well in space right who wouldn't want a space waterbed I think last evening that's right I potatoed the potatoes it's not my fault I mean it's mostly my fault but only in the sense that it's like my fault know what I mean wish you could join me in the Misadventures to behead I think this is a single player game though right unless I'm mistaken so that crater not so good uh um see if we can find another crater it seems like the aluminum is either we either have to pick it up in like individual little rocks or find a crater that has one that we can mine in it now there was a patch or two that came out for the game so there's a possibility I guess they might have fixed the uh the harvesting of some of the aluminum because there were like those chunks of aluminum we can find them but when you try to like break it down you get like one piece of silicon and that's it no it looks like iron now there's loads now oh is there oh crap um well that's great I guess we'll have to look then my favorite video game that I play Paul I feel like you asked that question like literally every time we stream uh I don't know if I necessarily have a favorite I I enjoy playing survival games this is a whole bunch of them that I kind of check out but yeah this is silicon oops so before when I found the aluminum it was uh they were more like these rounded boulders but when I tried to harvest it it would say like it you'd break it down and all you would get is like uh like like one of these Boulders out here um you try to break it down all you guys one one piece of silicon out of it how's this game Fox I watched a bit of kj4a play but it didn't look very interesting well it's not exactly a high action game that's for sure um I like it so far but it's not a aluminum order yeah it's still doing the same thing apparently so they haven't fixed that yet that sucks uh I like it so far but it's definitely not a fast-paced game it's uh much more of like a slow leisury leisurely build up it takes a long time to get things unlocked um it could use a little bit of extra additional polish or whatever but graveyard keeper yeah I do like graveyard keeper I don't know if I'd say it's my favorite game but it's a fun game to play anyway I don't even know what I'm looking for anymore just a crater I guess where's all the craters at man what's a good question what's this now but what's your favorite game you like to play [Laughter] oh my God what kind of Crouch what's going on here there we go more silicon dang it so you guys are saying there's supposed to be tons of aluminum now I don't I don't know what I'm looking for anymore do they like this uh these big rocks here had like iron and stuff in them before gotta get that scanner upgrade I can actually maybe then when I scan these things they'll actually tell me what it is instead of just saying unknown or no there's no martians this is more of a science future sort of a game more silicon great spot with the 11 month member message Irish Irish wrist watch what's an Irish wrist watch confused um I got a war fan I've played God of War a little bit I didn't get super into it um it was fun but I I'm not like a huge uh God of War fan though I think I only played it like twice ah we found some take that aluminum so it's like these it was like a square rock kind of thing like that one over there that might be one too I have to go check that one Iris wish walk powered by potatoes okay that makes sense uh Houston we have aluminum another big rock contained one one chunk that's uh Good Times What's the upgrade it'll tell you what you get uh out of every rock yeah I've Got to Get It upgraded I I spent the points on getting the compressor thinking that it would help me clean off the solar panels and they would produce more power but I guess that only really becomes a problem when there's actually like a sandstorm absent a sandstorm it's just useless can't really use it unless maybe it accumulates dirt over time but there's definitely none to be had right now I don't get eight out of that at least it's something it's a horrible return rate yeah I'm not getting like eight out of it it's not one it's not a singular piece at least so it could be worse I guess that might be another one there more than I was getting before I mean or I was getting it at all so you know it's already an improvement 10 aluminum per aluminum plate huh that's another eight there I'm Really Gonna bother harvesting the rest of this I don't think there's anything else in there seems like there's only one per oh no don't do that ATV battery level 32 oh uh that could be a problem I thought this thing was fully powered why did I drive I don't think I went that far we've got a lot more ones you upgrade and even more when you upgrade to level three yeah yeah I'm still using the jump tools right now it's all right we'll just keep mining oh you can get a mix of rocks in here [Applause] where's this aluminum also no that is also aluminum was it 44 what is it I wasn't I wasn't really paying attention I thought I had it up to 100 but well it's not the fastest Transportation anyway for the pipes I'm gonna even review things I also need for like microchips and solar panel things and oh that there is actually both iron and aluminum here oh no this is all Iron Oh I thought I was getting aluminum I wasn't even paying attention well crap I don't really need that so much I got a bunch of iron already believe that let's go by the color and it looked like it was a aluminum gray again just wait to get the large Rover you'll be able to mine all these rocks while you're sitting down yeah that'll be nice I'm still uh like I said I'm still working with the Primitive stuff right now so this is iron again I know it is Aluminum all right second yeah I know you can pick up rocks too and sometimes they'll have aluminum in them but you gotta be on foot for that can't really do it while you're riding on the Rover just kind of keep earning those points so I can get something along nothing speaking of points stuff is so much easier no man's sky with the rock lasers I guess it's weird that rock was inside the other Rock oh I got my water sorted out before nighttime Falls too I didn't refill my water Yeah tomorrow's Friday thank goodness need this week to be over been a long week I'm gonna head back towards my uh towards my base there I need to uh I need to get my water situation sorted get my ATV plugged in even though it's not gonna get time to actually charge up at all to any great degree I think we'll just mine rocks it now that I got a chunk of aluminum I think we'll just mine rocks that are close to the base certain points so we can keep unlocking things and then I won't worry about traveling too far out because we kind of wastes time don't go the right way Fox on Mars what could go wrong aside from everything oh not much I mean I'm definitely not the kind of person who would just randomly walk out of their base without their space helmet on and die in the lack of atmosphere I'd never do that that'd be silly I don't see my base hopefully it's up with his rise hopefully I'm not going completely the wrong directions I get more aluminum if you just recycle all your empty beer cans beer cans oh that reminds me I have beer around here somewhere oh there it is where is that it it's something over there there's definitely a building there I can't remember that's mine oh oh wow I'm way off course all right we're over there totally was on the right spot check the map I wish you could check the map while you're riding on the thing but you really can't you have to like stop and get off and I'm too lazy I think I'll be fine I'm sure because I'm downhill now I'm picking up speed no rover go Famous Last Words yeah you know if I take the blowtorch of this thing I wonder if it'll actually repair I never tried I don't think no advancement all right doesn't do that that's fine that's what solar panel is not gonna do a ton to charge this thing up but it's uh it's better than a kicking the pants I guess let's unload some materials in here uh inventories okay I gotta go to the water before the uh Power runs out over here when Fox drives his GPS craze instead of giving voice directions that sounds about right all right I've got uh actually both my water bottles are kind of hot mess right now the water bottle there we go not enough materials last plates I have some of those inside as well as screws Electronics I don't think I have a small circuit board though that'll be a problem because I can't craft the circuit boards yeah the Oxygen's slowly building up in here uh all right screws it was a glass plate that said it needed to get all this stuff for now products that it's really that small uh small uh circuit boards moving from repair that circuit board which circuit board checkerboards all over the ground well sometimes I gotta go find them and I don't really find them like just randomly sitting on the open I Think It's gotta be almost half damage oh yeah I haven't figured how to do that yet so apparently there's a soldering thing like on the table here um oh which one's damaged hold on that's in it's in here right uh that one's damaged so slap that in here like our soldering tool wait how did I do this before available Falls three I forget how to check them though oh what the okay bad components uh so resistor type two coil type six resistor type three hot air tool um so this board here oh there it is there so that one's toast how do I deal with this I don't even know how to do it use hot air at proper spots okay so I gotta get the hot air tool oh I see okay there we go oh my God this is awkward then I fix it still says available faults one um what else was there what else was toast in this thing I thought one of the I thought I had looked at this board before but you have three tries to fix the board oh well I don't know what I'm doing well type 6 resistor type three this is all just Mumbo my jumbos for me okay I don't understand I don't even know where the tool went where'd my tools go seriously where'd the the soldering thing and stuff is gone sleep deprivation warning alert ah crap no I'll deal with this after that does not seem terribly intuitive to me at all gonna flip to make the soldering easier well I gotta uh I gotta figure out how to manipulate oh oh it's dark out here uh I might have spent a little bit too much time in there back significant significant temperature drop in one hour yeah I had a flashlight well tools go poop I guess I gotta reboot the game I don't know I like a button I wonder if that put them in my inventory or something no I guess not because I don't I don't know I don't know I know nothing because solar cells I need a couple of these like a few of those uh I don't remember what else I needed for those solar panels hopefully the solar cells will suffice last plates might not hurt 75 don't oxygen 75 me just solar cells I need it all right that's cool all right sleep times uh uh 7 30 sure can't sleep in a chair more than eight hours oh they changed that uh okay oh that goes by 10 minutes at a time so I'm 241 so I can go to what 641 whatever sleep power 75 Andy turns the board all right all right all right all right what's it about hold on small circuit boards I missed one but that was you broke it oh oh that's probably true I probably did break it I don't know what I'm doing I'm the world's most incompetent space man come on this should not be a shock for anybody I don't think if it is I'm not sure if that says more about me or about you what time is it uh 650 I mean the Sun's Up we should be able to go outside right it's Fox never know what he's doing of course I do sometimes sometimes I just completely wing it and by sometimes I mean most of the time oh I didn't spend my point yet recharged wait a minute does it want to go on red am I gonna hurt because it's too cold in here mine is 46 maybe I should step inside for a minute man I don't want to freeze to death I've seen my health as a little uh little down already uh all right checkpoints Tech Tree I've got electricity points I can spend so we've got the battery pack upgrade already industrial energy converter I think I have that already more efficient DIY more effective soup battery and then I already have the workbench I already have more efficient panels modification increases the efficiency of solar panels yeah let's do that electricity technology access level increased that seems like a good thing to have for technological advancement uh we'll get the detector two going here mechanics assuming I'll have to upgrade that technological advancement hey Fox Tempest below safe levels between 10 pm and 8 AM oh yeah sure is still cold out there okay let me man yeah I know I've got to drag stuff into the but I don't have the repair bench here I've got it over the other place uh blueprints I want to build the bed that's the workshop there's a regular bed small pipes aluminum plates screws okay so I can make the bed over there trouble is uh like I don't have a good source of o2 and stuff it's not um it's not producing a bunch of oxygen over there yet even with the system all like cranked up to full robots radar oh this is the map noctis Fosse I don't even know what that is Casbah that's the base word he went to there was like nothing there this one's over in a crater like way over there if you see uh bases of the question argue them those have tablets oh really how would you even tell maybe you gotta like find it first because I don't I'm not seeing like a question mark here anywhere ah 733 come on temperature still minus 42. I'm sure it's fine oh then again maybe I'm getting hurt oh I'm getting hurt a little bit oh crap let's go on an overnight trip go and freeze our butt off I have to build one of those little uh little pods to take with me and then Supply it with power it was what the was that big tower of stuff are already there what is that oh whatever uh okay so uh where's my detector there it is here I'm gonna upgrade that it's not the fastest upgrade but uh Gotta Wait for time to pass anyway I guess yeah mine is 42 so New Year's week in Ottawa yeah pretty much I used to live out west and uh we get that to the minus 40 some odd weather windy of Manitoba flat and cold it's your like your nose hairs get crystallized with ice and such it's great uh so where did it go oh there it is okay so that's uh that's upgraded I think that was the only thing I upgraded right this water made a place found build a well how do I change it to something else now still looks like it's just detecting water Jackhammer let's get rid of the air compressor for now we'll stick the oh it's already there right click now when I right click it puts it away detector three is or so I all right so this isn't gonna do anything for me it's just gonna find water debated yeah uh if you're not just put into rocks when you're close it will tell you what they're made of all right oh we can try that anyway we'll see what happens uh it's after eight o'clock so we should be able to go outside hot oars in your area oh just just analyze it naturally as you get close oh that's cool all right so we got main components sub components a couple sub-components in it so wait so does that mean if I break this down wait that was his iron ore I got me iron ore naturally okay scanning turns out it's a rock [Applause] I thought it just doesn't automatically when you get close main component iron so like it shows the sub components and stuff but it's not like you get those other things yeah I guess it like you're just getting the primary thing out of it it seems unless maybe later on when um when we have better refining tools maybe we get some of the sub components also hold on a second I've got this freaking space thing's been on I put on a track so I could hear some kind of music but it was uh apparently stuck at a loop it's been playing the same thing for like 30 minutes oops need more silicon for power lines and other stuff well I've got a pair I got a fair amount of silicon right now I'm sure I'll need it as well I kind of I'm going to need everything I'm sure but I'm gonna need more iron for blonde more silicon for whatever and more aluminum for this and calcium for that aluminum there we go they can get more minerals once you get the Rover and the ore grinder yeah that does make sense yeah I'm still using like I said I'm using basic tools it's a jackhammer I'm not really doing anything terribly efficient at all right now Just Gonna Keep jacking those points yeah this is the song that never ends exactly I had it on repeat we're Shockers and 70s than I were this client yeah it's just a little noisy it's still good it's still good check number two next yeah I want to be able to dig these faster digging equals faster points I have to mention the faster materials I guess good to get ear Defenders for this job 102 let's take apart those dirt uh they're like Wells and solar panels yeah I need that too all right so all right the music's changes like what happened but I remembered it's not in-game music [Music] sorry separate window I gotta click to adjust the music there two cuts through them like a hot knife you bought it like blah it's like a hot knife through whatever get this panel done so the panel what small engines ah don't even I craft small engines let's find out yeah hot knife through bladder yeah uh small engines there we go yeah we did it It's Not Butter it's Imperial I Can't Believe It's Not Butter swear to God two Electronics don't forget to upgrade the other solar panels wait how do I upgrade them is there anything I can do how does one upgraded do I actually have do I have to build them as upgraded solar panel production six they it seems like they just sort of did it on their own they were producing five before and now they're producing six each so I think we're all right that way externally your oxygen what was I looking for in here oh look there's small engines in here uh oh I need Electronics that's what it was um well crap I gotta go see if I can make some I guess or I could try to get the crafting thing in here uh blueprints so we need um electricity resources pump stations CO2 scrubber the well bad workbench plant incubator food processing unit refrigerator I thought I had unlocked the uh little crafting thing but maybe I didn't [Music] a couple battery packs nope I don't have it dang it well cons aren't in such shoot unlocked but not purchased yeah I think it prints Electronics yeah I'm gonna go I'm going to but I wanted to build one over here so I don't have to keep running back over to my little space pod in order to craft things actually what I should have done was built the base down here closer to my other pod and just ran a line from the the well with the water yeah well let it learn I don't specialize making smart decisions I just specialize in making decisions solar cells Electronics there we go oh look at some anyway oh it didn't work oh what'd I do what'd it do here did you really learn though did you no no I don't learn that's not how games work you're not supposed to learn you're supposed to just routinely fly by the seat of your pants until Things Fall Apart that's what gaming really is man what do we got here not rather than 36 power out 25. all right that's doing the thing uh I guess I could set this up for more power input do another solar panel or something Just for kicks I think we have the materials more blueprint electricity solar panel not enough materials are the small pipes on me oh I also didn't plug this one in yeah that's probably something I should also do uh uh battle lines I plugged it over here there we go 42 kilowatts that's good oh wait I think I'll have pipes inside I don't know who the Transformer 42 now I'm only sending 25 to the building so I'm letting other the remainder build up as uh battery power taking my good pressure we'll find every time I watch box I get a brain cell and lose one bye Joseph I can't lose what I don't have stop it there we go okay it's gonna be like 48 now 48 kilowatts nice and this thing here is consuming how many it's using 18.83 okay so we have uh we have Lenny for now just gotta worry about Electronics next can you build a battery on the solar panel by the Pod to help with the charge of the ATV um yeah I could build a battery over here I actually need um I'm gonna need a couple solar panels here is this one solar panel is really not charging the ATV very quickly not surprisingly this is charging 78 that's not that bad but I have been running around all day what do we got here I'm also you know what I have that never mind I'm gonna build a bed over in the other base probably don't even need this here let's uh let's unplug this thing I think this first spin over here upgraded solar panel probably charging better yeah well it goes from five kilowatts to six so you know it's an improvement it's not like an insane Improvement but it was like 20 percent could be worse could be worse well housing pressure okay let's uh let's build a bed in here bed oh it's not the most glorious bed but it'll work foreign so I've been sleeping sitting up in that horrible chair now we've got a literal bed we can sleep on um it'll be better when we actually I can move it to like some proper quarters but it'll have to do for now that's good tree materials is not exactly going quickly is it body's not moving at all because I killed the plants off in my infinite brilliance okay I'm gonna let that do its thing uh in the meantime we can put stuff away here equalizing pressure maybe you can sleep more than eight hours that bit it probably it should say specifically you can't sleep more than eight hours in the chair so I guess that's the thing air compressor cleans dust off yeah I do have it um but I haven't had a dust storm yet so it hasn't really been a problem but yes I did make the air compressor we got that covered grow new plants well I'm reluctant to grow the plants until I get that water pump going I have the well but I don't know how effective it is it delivering what I need you know uh for hi Ron do you don't think I have a green thumb plants were green ones I think Maybe not when I have them but the hydration how am I dehydrated I still have water in the bottle don't even start with me more like a brown thumb well of course it's a brown thumb because dirt is brown and things grow in dirt so therefore having a brown thumb is good thing trying to plug the ATV into the main battery bank I could do that too now that I got the Excess power I could I just was trying to store up the battery first the bottles of my stomach I mean I guess it's weird though just keep digging we have to move over to the water tank uh if you do you can build it and then start storing water to use for the plants uh I don't think I do just yet no hey Richard head gaming box load 16 dots what does he get all the big older and deeper and dead it's just two Wells because you can make oxygen into methane later well I'll get to building a second one but I I'm my primary limitation right now is the um the small electronics panels I have to go look for some so I can't craft them on my own all right I better go get uh look at my water sorted before the sun gets too low on the sky and I can't get enough power to run my my water granted I guess I could plug it into the uh the battery at this point but uh bloop killing water bottle how's that how's that doing for me all right good good shape good good I'm gonna plug this thing on over on the other side over here so it's 70 battery charge so not too bad but I'll plug it in here uh using the battery output here oh wait a minute is there only a single outfit for this thing I can't be right there's literally one in and one out for this thing come on oh I can do an output from here I don't have to worry about that okay that's fine um let's do oh hop on here first Park this little closer apparently I can't drive through my own wires oh let's go with Super Chat here's cryptic Fox not uh the mark Whitney we need the mark Whitney we got that's right learn to appreciate the idiot that's before you instead of the idiot you wish you had good old Mark Watney um slap this into here into there that didn't work where'd my cable go okay then I'm sure I'm gonna have to adjust this probably right foreign with the remainder into the building so that's fine or into the battery and then into the building so that's good I've got water should have evoked oxygen inside I could take my helmet off now I think gonna be wrong but I think I can equalizing pressure it's not high but it's there I'm going to the top here plus 25 minus 23.83 so am I really consuming 23.83 kilowatts six water incoming I might actually have enough water well I don't know if the Wither overnight when the water is not flowing don't say even take the helmet off let's just save the game you must like watching me repeat the same activities over and again all right surface says there is oxygen in here it's just not a lot there we go hopefully it doesn't go down precipitously but it looks like it's going up it's got the triple arrows on the the next to the bar down there hopefully that means what I think it means can I not see the time when I turn my helmet on that's weird it's too early to sleep only 1950. yeah Fox passes out wouldn't that be wouldn't that be my luck I have water storage well so I have the water well and I'm working on getting the pump build and then this thing this thing's showing that has nothing on the waterfront or nothing can come I guess there's no more power so there's no more water I don't think there is water storage in here I think it's just like is it is it feeding the power or the feeding the water in or is it not anytime it's not then it's oh yeah let's not go there that's Taco thing equalizing pressure all right let's leave it like a daytime we'll see how long we can sleep in this thing oxygen source external where does it show that though does it show it on here oh I see that's what that is 236.59 okay that yeah all right that makes sense sleep deprivation warning then 150 158.8 for the power so I've got plenty of that stuff now at least time to sleep uh uh sleep until 7 30. see if it'll let me I don't have enough I don't have food and water for that really I don't believe you my water tank is almost full how do definitely food is a thing let's consume that I'm able to let me I don't understand this whole like I can't let you sleep until 7 30 kind of thing because you don't have enough food and water I don't have enough food and water to sleep so many hours come on I can do it in Parts if I got a 340 and sleep and then wake up then I can do it the rest of the time and that's perfectly normal it's fine I'm just doing anything for you at least not that I've been able to tell uh I think it's only neat if you have a lot of distance between the well and your base oh okay 21. oh it's got to be a temperature warning external pressure dropping why is it dark in here why is it dark in here the heck man I had plenty of power in the battery what's going on sealed how was that possible I had plenty of power for the amount of stuff that's being drawn in here 3.92 where did it all go I guess because it's drawing 23.83 but I don't know how these are turned off literally supplying them no power guess the building is a base Uh crap yeah I can't win more power is used when the temperature drops yeah well it's definitely not ideal someone left their bike plugged in but it's not plugged into the battery it's only plugged into the solar panels um well can I sleep with the with no power on I got my helmet on Elise that's something I have the extended battery and everything it's just not filling up enough I guess all right we have power again all right let me swap out my oxygen will refill Phil oxygen model hey TV do the power we needed for the battery well I was already I was still producing more power than the ATV was wrong so the ATF was drawing head centered around 12. uh yeah it's drawing 12. and then 36 is going to the battery and then leaving the battery was 25. with 36 incoming so I guess I just not building up enough of a net gain how's our ATV doing it should be charged now right 86. well it'll have to do I guess let's unplug this for now only 150 kilowatt hours won't even sleep yeah so I guess it's drawing almost almost 25 an hour so it's using 100 every four hours so I got through like basically like six hours roughly uh uh let's put 100 to here again we'll get that thing charged up a little better let's go hunting for uh small boards but first I gotta get I gotta get more water and Bob how you doing Mars is okay although I'm sort of scraping by a living I'm not really thriving yet Stakes may have been made glass TV with Super Chat gotta upgrade those batteries to energize here that's right all we've got is like the duracells or something right now uh oops okay so that's taken care of um you know I'm gonna check this little building over here first so I didn't uh I didn't have the the the UI thing turned on that highlights the stuff you can interact with earlier when we went to this little building so there may actually be small circuit boards lying on the ground it didn't pick up because I just didn't see them so we'll see what what the deal is here if I don't get what I need here we'll move on and check out another base kind of actually I don't know if I should be doing this or just focusing on getting points to upgrade my tools so I could turn to grinding this stuff down I'm indecisive horribly horribly indecisive stuff inside they're gonna interact with at least I decided to be in to say yeah well I didn't decide it it just sort of happened in there huh what are those things out there I actually don't need to I turn it on so it highlights them all the time oh that's what this is these are the old solar panels that are not exactly in Tip-Top shape all you can do with these is scrap them but I don't have the I don't have the right uh grinder level to scrap this stuff yet medium circuit board I got the small ones though don't need mediums I need I need Smalls yeah oh there we go oh got the door closed on me you're killing me Smalls you're killing me foreign killed my first crop of potatoes We're not gonna get anything useful under that this thing I think is toast all right so I got like two of them anyway S I could make that pump if it was actually worth making well somebody already said that the pump didn't really seem to do anything so that food's gonna stick out radiation for years it's an MRE I'm sure it's fine you can survive anything Martian atmosphere nuclear Holocaust your mother-in-law's cooking really anything stop up the pipes or there's a tutorial on how to grow plants well you just sort of plant them but I guess you have to have enough water and power to keep the thing maintained pressure so like I do have uh I guess I should probably pull pull up all the plants that are in here because I don't really need these now these are all toast I could try planting again and just try one planter worth this time instead of two uh all those can go away I've got my seed magazine and I think my plan for things still on me yeah planting tools number five we'll try this again I don't wanna I don't want to go too Hog Wild because I need to make sure they're gonna grow properly but we'll fill up like half of it for now oh these poor withered plants zero percent all right put that down power is going to be the uh the minor the minor challenge here probably oh my fridge is full San Diego's the first vegetable grown in space back in 1995 the first seedlings were grown aboard the space shuttle Columbia you can Harvest two potatoes from blah blah blah girl cereal grain bonus seed bonus seeds bonus nothing nothing no I don't even know what to do with these things I guess later on we can like mulch them up or something but do you have a planting tray that lets you transfer them for the incubator thing to the Hydroponics uh uh is this pardon this is the Hydroponics I don't know what you're talking about literally no idea what you're talking about if I can turn the pound of the water yeah thank you that's probably worth doing with that fully powered and then fully watered there see what happens hopefully uh I don't kill them all again I think you can print one of the 3D printer oh the thing for transferring seeds I should actually he's out of here we'll put those in the printer bloop I tried contacting Earth and asking for supplies please send alcohol and coffee that is all oh he says pardon I'm joking right meteor shower that's not a thing right guys say it ain't so plant's crate small plants crate I mean I'm not clear on what those are for uh uh remote control Detonator planting tool uranium rod in Rod We Trust leave the trays on the floor of the capsule what are you talking about I don't see nothing nothing I see nothing power cables take those meteor shower expected how dangerous are the meteor showers I wonder available point for technological advancement I was gonna barely touched it one of the odds of my stuff is going to get wrecked by that meteor shower no I've never been hurt by meteor oh yeah probably not right I'm sure it's fine uh uh bigger inventory oh that's a that's a work of progress that sucks Jackhammer two that's what we need mechanics for technological advancement all right we can do that let's not smoke me with a meteor while I'm going on my base here please but also don't smoke my bass I take a side note meteor shower is only dangerously hit you yeah I mean I wonder if I'd be able to see them like is it is it really a thing it's got the symbol flashing in the lower right there but it's not like I see them [Music] available more electricity electricity electricity Tech Tree electricity more effective battery suit power would be a good one more efficient DIY it's just the user one using the workbench I mean I guess that's the thing we could do large accumulator upgrade what's that require large replacement accumulator one blueprint needed small accumulator upgrade [Music] what is this large accumulator replacement one a small building accumulator one blueprint required for that [Music] is that in materials or something [Music] well extension well tanks uh all right for now maybe I'll slap it on them if more efficient DIY electricity yeah I came in here to upgrade my grinder don't worry we'll do it or not my grinder I don't I don't have the I don't have the grinder upgraded yet I had I just got the one for Jackhammer the grinder is next um but at least with the Jackhammer upgrade we can uh we can mine a little quicker which hopefully we'll both um let's get some materials faster and then also let us earn more points faster no we haven't fed Ashley yet today no deaths yet zero deaths zero deaths this run grinder wouldn't that be a downgrade laughs okay that's upgraded nice look at that sucker new item improved Jackhammer it's been jackhammered pressure it's fine we won't get hit by meteors progress stops for no meteors we gotta go and uh dig some stuff up and hopefully not die she's gonna die this stream yeah and kind of I think Ashley's here today right now so that's all right she's not missing out or anything a little bit of in here that's a little quicker we likey upgrades so I feel like if I were to play this game again from the beginning rather than like building the workshop when I did it would have been better just to like live out of the pod and focus on Gathering Gathering materials from rocks to boost up points to get the better tools and stuff early on [Applause] I mean maybe it's worth it to build something that consumes like produces and consumes power because um you get points for that also but probably didn't need to worry about building the workshop and everything as soon as they did yeah I don't need help dying I'm a pro [Applause] the bajillion solar panels yeah more solar panels the better man that was unknown or scan that sucker oh this one's calcium [Applause] oh you need the workshop to upgrade yeah that's true but you can still rack up the points [Applause] like any of the up the workshop to actually apply the upgrades I guess but it took a little while before I even got to the point of being able to buy the upgrades I wanted though so I I sort of I spent some time early on exploring because I was curious what was on the planet and building things I didn't need quite yet saying like if you wanted to be more efficient about it you probably don't need to do those things and you could just focus on drilling rocks as soon as possible warning weather alert meteor shower expected over the next three hours eh [Applause] look at all this wonderful calcium [Applause] [Applause] probably gonna kill myself by dropping one of these rocks on myself [Applause] run towards the meter you know you have to do it it's like I can see them coming I don't think okay those are cleared out like a Chuck resource for points but you can they light up in the sky well I don't see any right now aside from the sun over there and that's not a meteor it's not the last time I checked it was it anyway what have I got on my uh inventory all right well we can see them I want to stand out here so I can see these things as long as it doesn't land in my face I guess not entirely sold that we're gonna see very many but you know they did warn us I guess power up my suit while I'm at it more power man up and run around in it not sure how that's manly but all right what were you doing I was running around in the shower got me real hard the rock that is totally manly external oxygen detector we try this thing again see if we can repair this sucker well I can rotate it but oh there there's the flip over long tool where is my tool anyway I would love to know where those things go like did I throw it on the floor or something I don't understand come on it's a bug they gotta fix I guess I'd have to reload the game to get them back right hold on a second same game yes we'll try and uh we'll try and load the game and see if uh the tools are back did you guys see ah good old Mortal Kombat would suck if they didn't like come back you mean yeah that could be a nuisance kind of solar panels give a lot of energy than yesterday check out their dirty if so use a compressor to clean the solar panels we don't have access to the compressor or a necessary CO2 bottle for it do not panic the panels will return to efficiency full efficiency after some time really they get better on their own oh treatment unlocked electrician and that work there's my tools back so weird uh okay oops oh don't do that how do I flip these over again there we go weather alert meteor shower expected maybe you can't see where the points are you're supposed to work on here where are you oh see I can see this one's toast now coil type 2 that requires hot air at the proper spots uh so we got the hot air tool that fix it available salts three um okay then we got resistor type two which is uh see oh there's actually a whole thing missing right here looks like there's supposed to be three of them I've only got two there how's that work you have to replace the component how do I do oh electronic replacement parts okay there we go uh uh should we grab this one coil type two warning incoming I don't know when it's placed right on the spot okay and then I gotta do the same thing with this other one I want to pick do I just pick it up prepares to relocate part how do I take it off of there hmm oh wait do I have to [Music] so now they put the other party in I gotta I gotta solder it right soldering completed if I fix the thing I think I fixed the thing I think I did a thing okay so how do I put this back down so we can ah this game is a better tutorial yeah it's really this this aspect of it is not terribly intuitive um it seems like I still have this one's still toast um but I don't know what to do with it I can't put this tool oh there it goes uh okay relocate part there we go so that's done take this out slap that on there on the spot flip that over get the solder in here hope that didn't work why not no I seem to go to the wrong spot oh fail ah come on trying to turn this thing advancement oh okay I did a thing actually this is kind of cool I like that you have to get this specific it just it would be nice if uh it'd be nice if there was a bitter like a little bit of a guide to like how you were supposed to do these things I've got the one the one transistor out of here so I gotta grab one of these resistor type three that's what it is anyway hold on yeah resistor type three that's gotta go into here oh I rotate it on the spot use the solder at the proper spot so we flip that over grab the solder I can't see where other we are boom I fixed the thing oh my God I did something right Small Miracles I got an achievement for it too and my tools went back they didn't disappear this time that's awesome I fixed a thing let's go that's actually really cool I like that it's that detailed that's like I said though I just it would be nice if there was like some sort of a better indication of what you're supposed to do but uh now that I see how it works that's really really cool I like that uh how are we doing for oxygen and such actually air in here is good I can take my helmet off uh let's swap out the water there's a big bald spot with a 43 month better message and there was much rejoicing yay can't believe I did something right I can go work for Tesla now because clearly I'm I'm an engine maneer all right let's sleep until like I don't know six o'clock or something if it'll let me check the electricity well it's not much I can do with the electricity now if there's not enough we'll just we'll see what happens much rejoicing except for Ashley yeah she's like how dare you do something right I'm Stark again so we definitely don't have enough power we're just not we're not producing enough power to carry it all the way through the night it's a shame the plants are withering and then my Oxygen's going down let's slap this back on time is it 6 18. so I did sleep the whole time through at least I'm gonna have it sleep for like another hour because there's gonna be no no gains in like not sleeping two more panels would fix that yeah maybe maybe there we go we have power again too somebody stole my battery yeah that's what it is there are those thieves oops oh Crouch there we go uh yeah it's just tapping through the whole Supply um all right what do we got here low temperature what time is it oh it's only 7 30 I guess I gotta wait till 8 to come outside don't I yeah I'm definitely definitely definitely taking damage go inside it's too cold what the my stuff is damaged I wonder if I got damaged from the uh meteors or something that's funny a fixed part of it anyway thanks cops aren't it and such yeah I missed it when I was fixing stuff but we did something more important I fixed a thing I did I did stuff oh I got materials actually available too hold on ah Tech Tree materials available because I did something on the workshop I earned points for it I think so repair kit Workshop printer okay so that was the thing I wanted to unlock um so I don't have to run all the way over to the other place all the time materials technology access level increased materials oh wait I need the blueprints uh airlocks living no main HQ workshopreneur there we go left that over here I guess not enough materials Luna Blake glass plate Small Engine screws and electronics I should have most of that uh uh electronics screws small motors aluminum plates oh not enough materials oh glass plate I'm gonna grab one of those I love that I'm storing all my stuff in the refrigerator torch also I believe it oh uh that was a bad idea oh I'm drawing 29 now okay so I just I gotta crank up the supply oh man oh my good pressure I'm only sending 25 and it's using 29 now I gotta Crank It Up then we'll need more solar panels of course too uh turn this up to 30. okay so we're still still storing some up but obviously not very quickly more solar panels blueprints electricity solar panel slap this sucker down here not enough materials pipes solar cells Electronics with one solar panel by the Pod yeah I probably should oh let's get the ramp fixed here too before it breaks on me the fastest preparing uh torch your first house with that 3D printer make more stuff yeah why aren't some shadows in front and others behind what are you talking about the solar panels over there I didn't notice fixing with the torch gives materials XP oh does it that's handy okay I need uh well I gotta put stuff in here first I guess uh inventory this can go in here ding I need more solar cells I need the Silicon silicon silicon silic whatever I need that stuff uh let's take the pipes we'll take the solar cell take those they're just taking a broom anyway I gotta go get the stuff from the other pod pressure oh my quad is a little damaged maybe I can fix this thing foreign it's just really slow do I have any left in the rescue pod I do yeah I got that's I'm gonna go over there and grab it that's uh why I went out the door just figure if I can if I could actually repair the ATV and I earn points for it maybe I'll get a double win out of this maybe the ATV will go faster because I fixed it wouldn't that be a novelty it doesn't look any better it's still very cracked I'm like another thing I literally can't get on my oh come on wait a minute why won't you let me on ugh it's dead Jim I have to fix the board is that small circuit board one oh it is dead oh man all right circuit board's broken yeah I never would have even guess that so thanks here that sucker oh all right we got uh we have multiple problems here so let's see okay we got a component missing it looks like I don't know how that happened but somehow we got now that piece they're missing so those are coil type ones there we go I gotta solder that now okay first piece is fixed now the other one is right there how do I fix that it's not telling me doesn't seem anything obvious on the back side of it okay let's uh grab this I guess see what happens oh I see wait there we go wrong Tool uh Boop I have this thing available point for technological that is cool man okay I I totally appreciate that setup that's really cool maybe we've got tedious if you had to do it a lot but that's that's a really neat way of handling things okay uh right ATV golden repair like that before nice what's that QR code scannable and is it safe I have no idea okay I guess while I'm just picking up my stuff we'll quickly get a tiny little bit of extra power in this thing open sesame Victoria grab all this let's get out of here like one quarter of one percent I got there now she's here no more excuses oh oh we got does that mean we gotta die we don't want to die though we've been we've been actually surviving I'm learning things my brain's doing stuff it's actually acquiring knowledge this is not this is not normal this is this is wrong but still working like a inventory and all this in here so now oops now I can craft those um solar cells I need add those that I needed here I don't probably more Electronics right more Electronics it probably should make a helper repair kit since I may or may not have destroyed the one I had or used it up anyway there we go so bad there's no alien wolf spiders on Mars you take that back I don't need no stinking spiders aliens wolves or otherwise I forgot the small motors inside not enough materials not enough material I'm short of solar cell too I need those small motors and the solar cells oh I guess I used up all the small motors I have dang okay I gotta make more uh Small Engine and then solar cells oh no oh that's a problem [Music] it's also gets you experience I believe oh yeah oh Tech Tree I have one material point to spend so CO2 scrubber small quarter I can start getting some other digital building pieces I guess or we could go with some well tanks methane tank or water tank to store the excess storage cabinet for more storage would that be novel small Corners doesn't give me additional rooms though but I can get access to living capsules I'm gonna go with this I'm gonna start getting access to wait yeah there we go start getting access to some actual rooms or whatever increased available advancement there you go one of the Giants show up that was last night not tonight that was fun to play I don't know like I said last night when I was playing it I don't know what the longevity of the game will be like but um it was entertaining I didn't have fun with that all right uh six it's plugged in there so many wires I replenish my suit here with power but this isn't working that's weird oh it's only green if the wires plugged in there that's weird I couldn't charge out that thing it's fine we got it okay uh I should probably go gather more resources because I did use up most of my aluminum and we're gonna do the points anyway put our fancy new drill to work upgraded drill anyway could look like a server stack soon yeah we got quite a few panels there we're stocking up a little bit and component iron more interested in aluminum like right right here what's a green dookie something not built yeah it's partially built it needs a small um small circuit board I actually have a small circuit board inside so I could finish it but it's the pump that for Distributing water uh I don't know if I need it or not but I started to build one [Applause] yeah that's just a blueprint that I put down that I haven't finished yet all right so dropping a rock in your head doesn't kill you for the record [Applause] [Applause] that upgrade was good this is definitely quicker [Applause] fake rocks yeah they're paper mache welcome to the paper mache Mars [Applause] you know that sweet sweet aluminum baby all right good good or aluminum nice achievement progress detective 10 of 50. I guess for scanning things [Applause] more aluminum yes [Applause] and more more did anyone do all four of the tutorials at the start of the game I because I was streaming I didn't want to spend too much time was like reading boring instructions on stream so I only did two of the four but did the other two include stuff like how to use that scanner to detect rocks and how to repair circuit boards and that kind of stuff or did you just learn that through trial and error mining machine the body should attract bears the Bears on bars are the worst there are six of them uh no they're all meaningless okay good so I'm glad I didn't waste my time on them [Applause] you founded the FAQ oh okay that's cool if only I had read the you [Applause] all right look at all the sweet aluminum now man damn how much is that enemy so far 132 aluminum that's that's a good chunk right there that's a good chunk okay we got more uh more points we can spend on tank another electricity one uh uh so the more Vision DIY already more effective suit battery I guess would be the next thing electricity technology uh then a mechanics I think I have access to grinder too now it's a dupe mechanics technology access level increased nice available point for technological advancement okay I'm gonna give you that upgraded so we can go grind some stuff don't forget you're out of silicon uh I was was it a silicon I thought it was out of aluminum huh all right looks gonna get more silicone let's hear about those outside items other bases yeah I'm gonna go do that I want to see how it uh grinds those things down [Music] first we'll uh just offload my inventory here out of everything yeah uh inventory well not of everything I have a little bit of silicon I got a bunch of calcium a bunch of irons yeah so it's silicon's the limiting factor right now for sure our system I'll stash in here for now oh you know what I just realized too um so I built those additional solar panels oh wait I gotta upgrade my thing uh I built those additional solar panels but then I don't think I increased the power output of the Grid in order to charge the battery more than that well that will that upgrade well yeah it's doing this thing okay so it's gonna upgrade well I'm gonna go into water can't do basic structures till level three grinder oh like breaking them apart I mean that's all right if I can at least do something that's an improvement over what I could do before building my water bottle baby oh I gotta swap it first okay that's taken care of let's get this sort the power thing sorted out oh no it actually it it was already set to 100 so that's fine 60 watts there how much if I got stored here now 269 poor capacity storage so I'm setting 50 of what I'm producing into the building the other half is going into storage so that's that's something at least I don't know what the hell it goes yeah it's already 100 I thought for some reason that it wasn't going to have the additional power but I forgot it was like a percentage not a not a wattage number new item new item all right let's go grind something baby oh it's already 5 49 I don't have time we got some silicon instead I don't have uh I don't have enough time to uh I don't have time to drive over there and grind just yet eight hours of power steering so far if it's consuming a 30 an hour yeah it's about the what the region we're in [Applause] that sweet sweet silicon [Applause] yeah this upgraded Jackhammer is way better [Applause] foreign [Applause] not bad not bad let's uh let's head back to our little sleepy base over here 's something we'll have enough power tonight that'd be novel inventory get that sorted oxygen source external it's good it's good all right sleep time oh it's actually not that late uh um what are seeds doing here tell how stuff's growing here I know it said they were starting to weather but did they actually whether or are they working oh they're growing yeah baby I gotta have to get that uh a food production thing um so do I have to transfer them from the the this thing what is this like the seed incubator or whatever do I have to transfer them from the incubator to the Hydroponics tray is that how that works I do huh wasn't there something I'm inventory they need to repair uh uh no it doesn't look like I could check over here I repaired the chip that was in here already I don't think I have anything else left to repair I mean this is just potato seeds they're almost done they grow quicker in the Hydroponics tray okay made her to Hydroponics Bay yes once they reach 50 okay but somebody was saying I have to have a tray or something to transfer them right is that something I craft here is that what the plant's crate is for which I apparently can't add anyway because I don't have the research unlocked for that oh decorations what totally didn't even notice there was a decorations button there because I'm super observant that way you don't need it okay all right uh uh let's sleep until six or whatever come on oh yeah I'm hungry that might be an issue I'm gonna run out of food soon this is gonna be a problem Houston we may have trouble there we go that was something when you're at the soldering station saw something um well I had fixed um two chips so far the one that was in the Rover and then one that I had in my inventory thing gonna go to the other Bayside soon yeah so I did visit a couple already um the other day um you know but I didn't really get everything I needed I don't think the plants are withering I mean they've got water right we've got water they've got the uh they got the UV lamps going there in stock we have an hour Supply it's kind of got a little close I got I can't build anything else in here until I get a better power situation I woke up with power isn't that a thing literally one hour of power left fans could be messing up for when the power goes up yeah but it didn't go out last night so we're we're in a little better position that way Crow stage one of two I need more power took the panel for the Pod yeah we could grab that I guess all right we'll move it over I didn't know the power to work the door wait what's going on oh I got my helmet on [Laughter] yay the game won't let me kill myself by accident now sorry Ashley I guess you're out of luck how many pressure I totally would have died right there how do I pick up this route there we go only because I had power yeah yeah I guess if I didn't they would have just opened the door right now take that uh how do I move these things again now wait I have to I have to break this down don't I do I get all I don't do I get all the materials back if I break it down wow that grinds quick I do get it all back okay that's good excellent I won't complain too loudly then uh uh let's see nope not that back it up back it up back it up the wrong button again another solar panel that's not right should have used the manual over I did pull the manual override I was like why is the door not opening and I cranked it uh unfortunately it kept me alive didn't let me off myself okay so this thing is now fully plugged in I can't fit any more power things in there let's go find another base so that I can uh oh I need suit oxygen uh all right hey Brian how you doing I'm gonna swap out my oxygen tank here we'll uh refill the other one we'll fill up in water and then we'll go find a base so we can do some choppy chopping choppity chop I have one more what oh what is there one more spot there to plug into okay I thought I had them all full now oh you're right there's one left there nice uh yeah I got the new I got the the grinder off the table we're good Let's uh as long as I've got this thing I might as well plug it in now if I have enough materials to build this anyway there we go all right I don't uh pipes solar cells engines screws and electronics oh I didn't grab my own two bottles for the filler I probably should grab that huh a number of times I keep forgetting that it um doesn't go right back to my inventory thank you uh okay let's see Electronics solar cells I'm gonna need more solar cells pipe screws Motors any Electronics as well oh let me now let me see let's get a little thin the stream oh what Ashley yeah I'm not dying enough I'm sorry Ashley it's not my fault Chad's fault let me keep me alive we got plenty of scrapping though yeah I'm sure I will yeah foreign there we go plug that in plug this in and now we should hopefully finally now have a decent amount of power flowing into this sucker producing 72 consuming 30 so if every hour we're getting another 42 kilowatts in here which is more than an hour's worth of uh utilization afterwards so that's good now I gotta eat or some food I gotta get my water sorted then we can go I thought I gotta get 2500 repair bill for your car right in the middle of moving oh that's brutal sorry to hear that yikes actually with a super chat a little bribery then give us what we want we believe in you please don't let us down under like but thanks Ashley I think oh the airlock's a little damaged still going yay another half an hour or so all right rolling rolling rolling get that puppy rolling gotta find food that's gonna be a probably a major concern um which reminds me I need to look on my map and find out what are the Bassy base type things are that I can visit that I haven't been to I think in this one here that centers on me that's not helpful track Boop no that didn't work hold on track red oh it does work nice okay good that's better might have to eat an arm here soon that's all right that's why they gave me two we got two Ops uh I could go over to that little thing over there and do some scrapping but I think my primary concern is gonna be to go find food since I've only got like one food thing left see if we can find that at another base yeah you're probably Gonna Die Another YouTuber I watched had the nursery thing then Hydroponics thing to convert four potatoes to MREs yeah I've only got my potatoes half grown right now I wouldn't be surprised if I starved enough but at least I've learned a lot along the way towards my ultimate demise I wish this thing went faster I guess that's what happens when you're working with the busted one I think later on you can make a new one it goes past downhill but otherwise not find plenty of food packets over here oh that's good potatoes aren't Complete Nutrition no just carbohydrates and potassium really The Arc build is faster I'm looking forward to getting that jet pack thing we can fly around on too that should be fun wait a minute oh wow super sensitive Mouse there it's where I could see another building off in the distance there maybe I don't know if it's like a building or like a downed rocket or something we're just a rounded rock formation Maybe off of the very top left corner there I think that is actually another building there something I think I might have been to this one already this problematic yeah we'll get some scurvy ooh good old-fashioned scary oh God oh God I actually almost got her wish jetpack equals cracked helmets Yeah I believe you but at least you're cracking helmets the fun way that's all Maps giant yeah does seem to be yeah that's definitely another base over there whether I have time to get over there now it's another man I'm pretty sure I've been to this one I might have to go to the other one even though it's oh you can see these two over there and how many people lived on this planet it's ridiculous I swear I've been here empty box I think I am Think We're Alone Now doesn't be anyone around nothing in the canisters yeah okay I've been here uh I probably shouldn't waste my time on this place yep cut all this stuff down before okay let's get out of here we'll find the other one live none that's why they're all abandoned well there was somebody here though we can grind apparently I can't buy I can't grind the building pieces but grind these things up for the fastest process but I can do it uh I think I can grind these things up now yep and then I wonder if this will give me like chips for the solar panel that's on it solar cells yeah nice the invisible thing gives me a small chip oh does it okay we should grind that thing up I was looking for the the uh uh the small chips for something I think it might have been for that water pump solar cell aluminum plates steel plate I don't see any small chips under that one oh well uh if you can find the former occupant you'll have a source of food freeze-dried meat it's like beef jerky it's Cherry jerky picking up speed go buddy go don't roll it quad power's low oh I kind of wasn't paying attention 30 percent we're gradually slowing down too as I'm uh no longer going downhill anymore some PVE Gamers and multiplayer PVP it's uh strictly PVE single player broke your car broken your monitors such a grieving oh that sucks blue tomorrow sorry to hear that man when stuff goes wrong it just all goes wrong huh all right what do we got here it's a different data switch oh yeah there we go there's the food we were looking for that's the ticket couple food anyway so it's a small chip smells like a board sweet stuff with the locker here for once medium circuit board literally have no use for medium circuit boards yet but I'm sure they'll come in handy eventually and not that way looks like this was just a little this is a little structure this one oh wait never mind what's going on still there we go what's this seed magazine more potatoes I bet processed food we got abandoned tablet lockers are empty so that's fine I'll get off this tablet here [Music] efficient photovoltaics a simple construction plan for medium-sized solar panel does that mean like a male I can make another solar panel now [Music] what did that do for me did it just give me more efficient power knowledge there of knowledge is power doesn't tell me what the effect was 30 kilowatt per medium panel when you get to the when you get the point oh I see it unlocked the medium panel okay so but but did it so when I go to my solar panels light pole Transformer oh wait in the tech tree you mean under electricity energy saver medium solar panel there okay all right cool so get me this here the efficient photovoltaics okay so for these other things I've got to find the the missing blueprints for those we're gonna do them all right cool cool cool I I get it now took me a half a second but whoa themselves the panels right there baby I bet you I can't shop these ones though oh I can apparently never efficiently though Steve points now yeah wow we got all kinds of supplies once you can start scrapping this stuff I got a good move it's already 15 25 here Victory okay uh what the look I got that big solar range I mean that's weird I gotta set my no no I did that wrong track there we go so I can find my way home easy okay this is definitely worth coming over to got food and a few other things 23 power left on this thing I may not have enough to get home I might end up a minute I'm hooking it two feet in a heartbeat one of the circles I found the Lesser tank NASA put there pick your word for it I go downhill so I can actually get a little bit of speed going here might be a crash site power 75 I'm not worried about my suit power and computer thing I'm worried about those stupid Rover power of which I have 16 left but still a thousand meters to go I think we're gonna run out of power build a solar panel have a remote charging station for when you're out collecting things yeah this is true I don't know if I'm gonna go back to that point again though that's just the thing these foot pedals like I can slap a panel out here right now and just hook the thing up to it and then run for it but 10 left I need another Hill to roll down opportunity is one of many objects to be located on Mars I did see there was some other stuff back there I kind of want to go and look at it but it's really far out there there's the only problem if you have to dump it leave a marker yeah I'm gonna uh if I do I'll try to quickly build a solar panel next to it and plug it in so that um even if I'm not right here hopefully it'll still charge we'll see what happens it got close at least speaking of computers just replace your graphics card with a 69 50. I'm at battery charge zero oh okay that's it figures you're like you just might make it well guess what we definitely didn't uh let's slap one of these things down so at least um at least it'll charge when the sun comes up in the morning it's sitting out here uh slap one of these in here plug that sucker in there you go now it's two feet in a heartbeat oh I gotta put a marker on this thing map actually I can see the structure there so it's not like it's uh uh I'll put a yellow marker on it yeah there we go missing one screw yeah yeah well I broke down those um those four other panels so it was pretty sure it'd be fun but put this down on the way by [Applause] [Applause] there's kind of a different sort of Survival game because you're not like you don't get that mix of different elements uh Elemental things to try to survive against now there's no no storms or anything there's no wild Critters to deal with it's really just exploration Gathering and building I guess there's there are like sandstorms I guess a meteor showers but they don't seem to be super impactful they're just more like random flavor events just a rattle yeah just a rival exploration like because you got to go out and find the plans right in order to unlock stuff in your tree I think I might as well finish the pump station since I've had the stuff for it equalizing pressure all right everything in here that I have that I don't need you can hopefully go in here that I got too many of check out my seeds what are we doing here wait 50 so I pick it up and I stick it in here might grow 50 okay so hold on um do I have to do these one at a time or like can I do a bunch at once plants are weathering oh no I gotta get this this needs uh uh uh water water and power whoa wait whoa what that that unpossible oh wait I know I know what the issue is hold on I gotta go fix it oh my God what'd I do I forgot I had maxed I had Maxi output at 30. I just uh I tapped it out I pulled put too much power against the the amount that was being supplied if I killed my plants I'm gonna be really upset let's do 34 I guess there we go sleep deprivation yourself I could deal with my plans before they all die on me I am so smarty foreign let's shut this down to save the power save the water too since there's nothing growing in there now uh and so this needs supply of three water and 1.3 power so we'll give it just enough in stock our supply when it says hour supplies this thing I have 34 hours is that is that what that is oh all right got 10 hours maybe 12. all right should be fine sleep time oh wait I want to take my helmet off so I'm not using my own oxymorgins swap my water out 2300 we're gonna go to uh 7 30. foreign I probably should do that he's like ah much better we did it I did a thing and it didn't didn't do the dying thing uh these are 72 wow they went they grew a lot overnight 20 overnight that's insane all right nice uh okay so I do need where's the thing that makes the food that does the thing that puts it in my mouth food processing unit I'm gonna need that which is probably going to tap out my power it's just wonderful a little bit of blades glass blades small engines and electronics uh uh glass plates aluminum plates no electronics I guess oh God no wait I've got electron assembly okay the plot thickens small engine and screws screw you game screws I have a small engine I don't want to make one of those I guess uh Lulu Small Engine oh I got silicon again they're gonna take power away on me too now that's so funny I guess there's only certain structures you can turn the power on and off for and the rest of them are just like a constant demand I guess huh foreign but Ashley people don't really want me to die do they wouldn't hurt my feelings like that would you gotta have some taters need taters and we need some of them their ketchups ketchups and taters can you snack together why can't you stack together come on I don't want to be murdered into seed magazine apply oh there we go okay here we go there you go I stack these no electronics that stuff this thing it's meant for some reason we're doing food wise it's a good amount of o2 in here now too all right 100 that answers the poll said yes uh this is true Ashley this is true I gotta I have to go get my Rover um I want to charge up my suit though grab this over here plants are making 0.26 per hour but that's a plus needs more plants okay I got my Rover back don't have tomatoes or corn seeds uh no just potatoes so far as I've seen anyway it's maybe a little less than optimal needs prime rib seeds yes yes that's what we need prime rib oh it's got like those astronauts like freeze-dried things or something we'll just like reconstitute it might be palatable 27 charge okay well take all this back yoink 10 different seeds in the game yeah so far I've only gotten potatoes kind of been uh not having a whole lot of luck that way I guess all right plug this sucker in uh it's numbered panel two is it yeah three there hello it sucks and power out there well let's do that I'm just gonna run over here on foot we'll do some grinding grind some more of these solar panels down to get those parts out of them all those 2 000 parts those are mostly on far out bases groovy man that sounds trippy what about The Gardens of your first base um when I went there it uh there wasn't really much of anything to be picked up there was some scrap that I could grind up but um not much I could really actually pick up unfortunately it's all Frozen when we grab it yeah exactly yeah it's working and grinding that's what we're all about it's working and grinding foreign panel I can't get it yet what if it's the deal here inside solar panel I got this blueprint it seems like I've got I've got the stuff unlocked that leads to it why can't I unlock you now do some of these things take more than one point unlock the top part of the tree oh oh I see it's gonna have both sides of the branch feeding it okay I guess that makes sense uh I do know oh wait do I have that I do have it nice electricity technology access upgrade to increase battery capacity in vehicles ATV and Motocross okay now the next point will let me unlock that Medium luck tier one oh boy okay well I was looking forward to getting that medium-sized panel but closer anyway it's closer yeah back to the Grind God is this this game is really grindy man achievement in progress zero waste how about the solar cells and stuff at least sometimes the grind simply leaves the circuit board floating in midair oh really grind my gears hey Lois you know what other grinds Mikey is this guy this grinder shut up Meg uh I actually have it set up so that um it automatically uh highlights the things that I can interact with I just turned it on and left it on all the time instead of uh requiring the button press have a good night Ashley couldn't be bothered hitting the button all the time I just turned it on choppity choppity practically the materials points by doing all the grinding man this is great now that actually's gone he can die yeah just watch that's what'll happen now I'll get myself killed like a hip in the head by a meteorite or something anybody can laugh at Ashley for missing it Factory electricity I already spent that one materials so we got the survival capsule not sure how it's a beta but it's apparently a beta uh um I guess that would let me build a capsule when I travel long distance technology access level increased available point for technological advancement available point of technological advancement you okay so that lets me build the survival capsule which takes a lot of stuff wow like carry a ton of materials on me they like take up like half my inventory and stuff like that uh I need to take off that yellow marker now this one here remove since I already picked up my Rover I'd never laugh it actually she's never the big wrench just smack someone upside the head with that wrench maybe get more silicon it was pretty much out so I might as well might as well drill some rocks while we're over here I guess iron come on iron I guess I'm not running those that noise is that the detector making that noise yeah I guess it was so cool it gets harder to find the fruit loop in the game doesn't it hmm I feel like when I started playing like I was getting crazy amounts of it and I had no use for it at the time and now that I want it I don't know what it is to get the new blowtorch uh I don't think so what do I got here tree mechanics so I unlocked the grinder air compressor detector there's the all-terrain vehicle but I don't know if I've gotten the blueprints for that yet regular blowtorch flying drone Jackhammer detonator oh God the blowtorch 2 is way up here I've still got a whole bunch of stuff to unlock before I get there I think Roxbury going are you growing no man's Sky somehow look at all respawning rocks Perfectly Natural geez now I don't want the aluminum but I got all kinds of it let's go get ready for work have a good night happy night Gloria thanks for dropping in great last time it was I can't get any aluminum now there's all kinds of it since we have the scanner telling me where it is and now I can't find silicon uh uh what if I have to go to like a different rock pile maybe that's the thing you would take the aluminum you will be happy about it hey Brian yeah family's good you know just doing the thing everybody working doing school and all that such it's terribly exciting yeah that's right there's just no pleasing this man I am unpleasable Jack that up to 100 again how's our bike doing what do we got 54 all right we'll have to do I'm not gonna go that far I'm just gonna go over the Rocks over there tease it silicon in the valley uh it must be if uh you know it's got to be Silicon Valley right Ted two strokes and several mini strokes in the plaster oh wow sorry to hear that right wow I hope you're doing all right that's brutal activate jet booster I got no jet booster the best I can do is roll downhill I don't even do that very well look your water pump you just built well I I did I don't even know if I need the water pump doesn't so much right now I built it because I thought I might but um it seems like there's a decent water supply already being provided to the base so I'm just sort of saving the power right now I feel good yeah freaking time [Applause] and roll down until you shout usually not gracefully [Applause] so the rocks that have silicon in them they have a lot more than the ones that contain oars the entire rock is made up of it seems it's probably a good thing is they need a bunch on them Electronics use it all up on me I've been at the episode past six days so yeah well hopefully uh hopefully that continues and you don't uh we'll continue to have a hard time with it [Applause] comedy-choppity [Applause] foreign over 100 silicon now 256 yeah that's over 100. definitely over 100. it's got grounded and start developing your Xbox one through Game Pass you quite enjoy both games yeah they're both really good I would crowded is definitely one of my favorite games I think in Silicon Valley you just it's so easy to burn through just hours and hours playing that game [Applause] wait who's serving Hors d'oes I want to hors d'oeuvres [Applause] no I'm Silicon Valley you know what I mean stardew Valley I have brains I'm drilling silicon it's not my fault [Applause] this stuff's flying him in here man okay let's take this thing back we'll get our ATV plugged in again or do I just vanished on me I do mechanics nice uh uh let's see I really don't care about the fire extinguisher like I just need I gotta go on this bottom Branch because that's what I need to expand up to this tier two stuff uh Jackhammer three I need a blueprint for it so I can't do anything about that yet a radio and don't know what to do with that but it's all right um altering vehicle I can open this thing mechanics technology access level increased available point for technology there's going to be a motocross bike but it's in it's a work in progress right now all right I'm from vehicle adapted to Mars I should see if I can make the new vehicle might go faster than this busted one I've been using we would play a frog game like Silicon Valley it's a good show though maybe not a good game but it was a good show PTV can make is definitely worth the upgrade faster and bigger battery Okay so that definitely sounds like something I want faster equals crash better I would imagine okay uh do I just build it out of here blueprints for these there it is I think I have everything I need for it too not necessarily on me but I have all the parts oh I got those materials don't you worry need the radio to jam some sweet Tunes what did I need I just walked in here and oh glass glass plates screws solar cell I don't need the solar cells but we'll take all this stuff uh I need a small circuit board there we go I guess I could probably just take the small circuit board out of the um the other quad too I guess oh yeah look at that it's in way better shape please tell me it comes fully charged oh it does Jesus oh yeah that's much faster We Roll It Roll that puppy nope Papa wheelie not going fast enough to catch air off of that but it's uh it's definitely faster than the other one so that's good that's a nice upgrade right there that's what we needed that'll be better for exploring because I can uh get where I'm going and back faster who gave me a faster vehicle I did I built it myself in your face dondalinger nice all right well it's just after midnight my time and I have to work in the morning sadly so I am going to crash for tonight looks like going plants are already here too close 92 percent change uh and then when I go into here and I make things can I just put like a whole bunch of the same thing in there doesn't have to be different types of foods to make the rations I feel like I should just be able to pile a whole bunch of the same thing anyway I'm gonna crash for tonight but uh thanks so much everyone for coming hang out I really appreciate it thank you for the super chats and everything this evening as well uh tomorrow night I think I'm gonna play some Red fall I'm really curious to see what that game is like lots of bad press and stuff about it but I have seen some people online playing it and it really didn't look as bad as what I was hearing but the experience when actually playing the game who knows um the uh the developer of the game was kind of to send me a code to play it so I thought I would check it out anyway uh at least for a chance to see what it's like but uh thanks so much everyone I was always cryptic Fox I'll see all of you next time foreign
Channel: CrypticFox
Views: 38,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrypticFox, Gameplay, occupy mars, occupy mars game, lets play occupy mars, occupy mars gameplay, occupy mars part 1, mars survival game, occupy mars survival game, occupy mars ep 1, occupy mars first look, occupy mars live stream, occupymarsgame
Id: JeSSQZv7sD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 0sec (10620 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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