Vanilla Fury Warrior Raid Consumable's and Rotation!

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Yodas going on everybody executives here coming at you with vanilla fury warrior consumables and rotation for rating I'm just gonna hop right in this first time I start out with the summary of all the consumables and then I'll go into a little bit more detail about why you should get each one so first one I'm gonna start out with are the sharpening stones so you're going to want to go with either elemental or dense sharpening stones so if your Alliance you're going to want to put elemental sharpening stones on your main hand and generally especially if you're rating and you have all these consumables you will be crit capped so there's no need to put one of these on each weapons should only put it on your main hand if your horde and you have wind fury then don't put any sort of sharpening stones poisons on your main hand because you won't benefit from Winfree so go ahead and put elemental sharpening stone on your offhand if your horde now if you can't afford elemental sharpening stones because they are pretty expensive I recommend dents start sharpening stones or dents weight stones it's the same thing you can also put this on your offhand it just adds eight more damage to your weapon just a little consumables the dense sharpening stones are very cheap so they're easy to obtain next I'm going to rage potions now you're going to want to have some sort of rage potion mighty rage pot great rage potion just even a rage potion because during execute phase you're going to want that extra rage to just dump it dump execute into the boss excuse me next I'm going to go onto a lick serve mongoose increase your agility by 25% or I'm sorry by 25 and it gives you 2% critical strike for one hour very good if I were to get to consumables out of this I'd get elixir mungus and elixir chance those are definitely your priorities it's just both of those just equal more damage more criticals more flurried procs which equals more damage same thing with strength one strength equals two attack power so that's 50 attack power from a pot right there very good next I'll go on to some sort of healing pot you guys need to have healing potions major healing pots even whipper root tubers are very very very crucial in molten core cuz you're gonna hit by it get you're going to get hit by a random fireball a cleave from the boss or something and you're gonna want that instant self healing so you don't die and lose all your buffs and stuff like that next I'm gonna go on to protection potions now you need it is a necessity to have greater fire protection potions in molten core especially during progression this it's the fresh start of a server or something you need those greater fire protection pots for dragon rose this will avoid a few of his mechanics that avoid the fireball to avoid the damage you take from melee attacking him and it's just very good to have it basically just allows you to stay in the fight longer same thing with greater arcane protection approaches so for Shastra in if i pronounced i right in molten core he does that a OE arcane explosion if you pop one of these at the start of a fight and then pop one of these in the middle of the fight you're able to stay in a lot longer which basically just equals more dps so yeah I recommend getting those and I also recommend getting limited invulnerability potions now these are super helpful I can't tell you the amount of times I've saved my raid from a wipe because I've popped one of these after I've pulled a grow on a boss basically what it does is it just makes you immune for six seconds so you can't attack and also the boss can't attack you so the boss will go back to the tank if he's second on threat now these this doesn't remove your threat it only temporarily drops it so once the pot ends and you still have the highest threat the boss will come back to you but it is very helpful if you pull aggro quickly on a trash mob or something and you don't want to lose your boss and you don't want you lose your buffs just pop one of these super quickly it'll give you invulnerability for six seconds very helpful all right now I'll go over attack power consumables so there's one or fall fire water and jujube might they do the same thing it just increases your attack power now I like the waterfall fire waters a lot more because they're pretty easy to farm and they last 20 minutes as opposed to 10 minutes mm-hmm now guys for a lot of you that don't know you cannot stack consumables that have the same tooltip so this this greens text that says increases your agility by 25% or by 25 this does not stack with a scroll so this increases your agility by 17 for 30 minutes they do not stack I have 141 agility if I pop this scroll it'll still show the tooltip but it won't actually give me the stat so keep that in mind don't pop scrolls don't pop a lesser agility potion in addition to a Mongoose they won't stack it's the same thing for a lick sort of giants elixir of giants and juju power they do not stack so don't use them both at the same time you're just wasting yourself money you'll still show it up here in on your actual buffs but you won't gain both of the strength from both of the buffs if that makes any sense so winter fall firewater and juju mite are awesome those drop from winter spring I was gonna make it in more in depth guide on how to get this stuff but it's very easy just go on google and search up how to obtain this stuff it's very very easy the juju mites drop from these elites down here will the the winter fall version of it drops down here and then the winter fall firewater jumps from these guys up here as well as the Jutra power from those guys as well next I'm gonna go on to like some sort of food buff so there the smoked desert dumplings increases your strength for 20 15 minutes very awesome you have to remain seating for 10 seconds to get the buff voicecrack and then there's also these blessed Sun fruits from argent dawn revered if the smoke desert dumplings aren't in the game yet you basically just need revered and then the second you start eating this you'll get the tent strength for 10 minutes buff very useful if you don't have any money to afford the smoked desert dumplings next I got juju flurries now I pop these like candy same thing with mighty rage pots during execute phase I popped you do flurries like candy they're very very helpful it's just an awesome DPS flat DPS increase that increases your attack speed by three percent for 20 seconds those drop from the Tigers up here by frost saver brach yeah really awesome I highly recommend getting juju flurries it'll give you that extra little DPS to give you an advantage over some of the other people in your rate X I'm gonna go on to Boyd's now I said earlier that stuff with the same tooltip does not stack but there are there is an exception there's this one item called roids has the same exact tool tip but it does stack it will give you that extra strength and it lasts for an hour you can only carry one of these in the bag and I think it's a quest line in blasted lands yeah just another consumable you can use to do more DPS now also if you guys are have engineering I highly recommend you bring at least ten gallon sapper charges so many bosses in molten core have ads and so if you goblin sapper charge in the middle of a fight or right at the starter right at the end of a fight it'll just increase your DPS that much more they do a lot ton of damage and I mean a lot of damage especially in molten core there's a few bosses with like four or five ads sulfur on has like five ads if you pop a goblin sapper charge you'll do 2k dps in the opener and then drop down but yeah it's very very good so yeah I'll just uh it's a summary you need rage pots you need some sort of sharpening stone you need Mongoose you need agility you need strength you need healing you need some sort of protection pot you also need some sort of I would recommend limited vulnerability they're not necessarily necessity but they are very helpful you need some sort of food consumable smoke desert dumplings bless some fruit and then you need some sort of attack power so juju might or juju or one or fall fire water anything along those lines and then if you want to go that extra mile juju flurry roids free action pots and then even gortak green dog stuff like that will just give you more buffs which allows you stay in the fight longer which makes you do more damage and it's very very helpful yeah and then I'll explain so we also have Nagin foggers here now the reason why Naga factors are so good is because um gar he will do an offensive dispel about every 20 seconds so if you don't have or if you have like fortitude or blessing of might or something he will remove that but if you pop your noggin frog race he can also has a chance to randomly remove that as well so I recommend popping 3 Nagin Froggers before fight so you can get the slow fall the skeleton thing and then a small version of it so yeah now I'm gonna move on to rotation I'm not gonna go too in depth about how to get all these pretty much you just buy him off the auction house everything here you can buy off the auction house if you have the gold 4 alright so here we are right before a boss fight you're just gonna start popping you consume because you can pop your consumables during the trash but I'd recommend saving it for at least the first boss so then you don't have to pop multiple consumables later so we're gonna pop an elixir of Mongoose we're also gonna pop an elixir of giants now depending on how long the fight is or depending on if you have it or not you're gonna pop winter fall fire water or a juju might and then depending on which boss fight it is if it's Ragnaros or Gahanna or gar or anything then that's where Nagin farters great fire protection pots for reaction pots free action pots are really good against get haniss because he does that a OE stun and you can avoid it by free action potting then you're also going to want to use your food consumable whether it's a smoke desert dumpling a bless some fruit or something like that and then you're also going to want to bind your rage pot to some sort of key bind you're going to be using a lot of these especially in molten core BWL a q40 you're gonna be using rage pots and juju flurries like candy so i recommend that you guys ki bind your your consumables as well as limited in phones just keep on you eliminated invulnerability pots super helpful alright so now we're pretty much fully buffed you've got your weights tones on as well and we're about to pull the fight now if you have edge masters this is where you would switch to edge masters for boss fights only enough for trash and yes or pretty much ready to pull we're gonna try and open up with the charge now a lot of boss fights you're gonna wait for the tank to get a little bit of aggro but if you can get a charge off that's awesome you're gonna charge in an immediately battle shout then you're gonna immediately switch to beserker stance and then start your rotation from here which is you're gonna pop blood rage then you're gonna Blood first once you have enough rage maybe pop a juju flurry if you wanted to blood rage there I'm sorry whirlwind then wait for enough rage to have blood thirst come up again then you're just gonna wait wait wait wait okay blood thirst now also notice one thing is that first thing it just went to the behind the target now pretty sure bosses can't do this but for any mob besides a boss they cannot dodge if you're behind the target so you always want to you always want to going to go behind the target before you start attacking yeah so you've got your battle shout up now we're just waiting for rage and then you just pretty much bloodthirst your whirlwind off of cooldown so blood thirst world when you prioritize blood thirst over pretty much everything blood thirst scales off attack power so the more attack power it basically is your hardest hitting ability besides your auto attack so now the boss fight is starting to get a little bit lower let's say he's starting to get around 30% now this is where you're gonna want a pop death which you're going to want to time Deathwish to where it lasts 30 seconds you're going to want to time it to where if there's one second left on death wish the boss is dead if that makes sense so you want to time it perfectly with the boss death you don't want to pop it just solo eat or just singly doing execute phase you don't really want to pop it at the start of a fight because no fight besides like patchwork is really longer than three minutes you want to try and save it for execute phase and you want to get the most out of it so you want to get the full 20 or the full 30 seconds of use out of it and out of those 30 seconds you want to try and have all 30 seconds be used for execute so the boss is starting to get low I'm gonna go ahead and pop Deathwish once it gets into execute I'm gonna spend my rage with an or once he gets in to execute range I'm gonna spend my rage on an execute and then I'm gonna mighty rage pot and then it's just spam execute this is all you're going to want to do spam execute now same thing with recklessness recklessness lasts 15 seconds and so you're going to want to time it to where you will get the full duration out of recklessness so the boss dies and you have one second or zero seconds left on recklessness you don't want to have a try and end before reckless you'll want to have you don't want to have the boss died before recklessness fades and you don't want to have the boss died while recklessness is up that makes any sense now if you have 2,000 attack power which you will eventually get during excuse you're going to want to blood thirst blood thirst does above 2,000 attack power does more damage or does on the same level as execute so you're going to want to throw in blood thirsts in if you have 2,000 attack power so yeah that's pretty much it also for Rage dumping you're going to want to heroic strike and if you see the target dodged and you're at about and so target dodged and I'm at about 25 rage I'll switch to battle stance throw out an over power yeah so I know that's a little bit confusing so I'll go over it again blood thirst prioritized over whirlwind and then if you if both blood thirst and whirlwind are off of cooldown and you have enough rage to spend I'm going to want to heroic strike also pop dude you flurries off of cooldown pop mighty rage pots in execute phase maybe pop you're limited in vallata if you pull aggro you're greater fire protection pots during veil straws or Ragnaros or like that excuse me so yeah I tried to explain it as best as I could I know that a lot of this stuff is self-explanatory and there's also a thousand guides out online for this stuff but the most important things are just keeping up time on battle shout you never want battle shelf to fade as a free free 232 attack prior to putting on if you respect into improved battle shell so you want to keep uptime on bow shot as best as you can so yeah you guys have any questions leave them in the comment section below if you need to copy my inventory this is the amount I'd recommend to bring for each read about 10 Mongoose 10 Giants 20 rage pots about 10 of each sharpening stones five reactions 20 desert dumplings and then just replace them yeah I'm not gonna go through all of it thank you so much for watching if you have any comments leave them in the comment section below and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: Executus Gaming
Views: 101,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WA9ICp5_eNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 03 2018
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