Retribution Phase 3 TOGC Best-in-Slot & Gear Tier List

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you are now watching serve balance donate or subscribe for more sick twists all right well welcome to my phase three document video um this is actually a re-recording My First Recording had some audio issues some static and it was just a little bit too quiet um there's just some in some problem with my equalizer program when I dual boot into Linux it just stopped working so uh I just went ahead and fixed that and I decided to re-record this video so some of you guys have already seen a lot of what's in this video If you caught the first version that came out before I took it down um but I decided to fix a few things that were wrong in the first video and to fix the audio issues and just knock all that stuff out at the same time so with all that being said um let's go ahead and get started okay so um here's a table of contents that basically you can just click on these hyperlinks they'll take you to whatever section you want to see ahead of time I'm going to try to blast through this stuff really fast so the video doesn't end up being really really long so um here's our donate links by the way if you guys like what we do you want to donate to me or frostbitten you guys can hit those links right there and send us a tip um so let's go ahead and get started the first section is a briefing and talents it really talks about how we don't really need dsac anymore um except for maybe a little bit in progress your guild might want you to have it but it's really not necessary so we consider sticking to am in general throughout the whole phase as you guys know Divine Guardian is a DPS loss uh one percent per point you guys all know that stuff am is solid in a lot of different places in togc and the cooldowns themselves are just a lot less necessary so now you also don't need to change glyphs much in togc at all unless you want to change for faction Champions but that doesn't even count on logs so um also amspec can easily pick up the flavor talents like Vindication Divine Purpose Swift retribution Divine Purpose is going to be important layer on so keep that in mind um obviously you guys know what the specs already look like um don't need to go into that gemming so this is a chart that shows the DPS game per epic gem as you can see retribution is near the top so you definitely want to get your epic gems as soon as possible in your bisque gear how do we gym our Gear Well if we're under the hit cap we will Jim hit until the cap if we are at the cap then we will Jam pure strength if there is a decent socket bonus that requires a yellow gem you can use inscribe now because the tier IX two-piece bonus has given us improved crit scaling that means that we can use multiple inscribe gems in all of our best in slot sets and gain some DPS so um the also expertise is unfortunately still weaker as a gem than strength so we're probably not going to be using expertise gems at least until ICC now uh the math for inscribed gems in a single yellow slot is you want to have that socket bonus be worth at least four strength six crit seven agility eight haste or 10 AP slash ARP okay does that make sense so as long as the socket bonus is at least that that would be worth using an inscribe gem for a single yellow slot um tribute chest trophies and emblem gear explained so basically the tribute chest is what you get at the end of The Raid after you've killed everything and the amount of elite you get depends on how many wipes and attempts you you have um so the 10-man heroic actually I think this is it's not just a new Barack it's the whole raid I believe but uh but I will double check that I will double check that but I do believe that it is just an it is it's the whole raid that counts but I'll double check and I'll update the document if I'm wrong about that I'm not sure so um anyways so you get this chest at the very end of the raid and depending on you know how many attempts you have left as you can see here these are the rules and there's also mounts like the 10-man mount and the 25-man mount you can see the rules for those there um anyways so the regalias is what you use to get the 258 eye level gear and the trophies are for the 245 eye level gear and then the 232i level gear is just emblems so you can see that down here below we have all the currencies you're going to need for every different gear item uh the 232 and the 245 and then below that you can see that the 258 item level it just needs one regalia and nothing else so um we don't really recommend buying the 232 item level stuff unless you just don't get a trophy for a long time we recommend asking your guild to get two trophies ASAP so you can buy uh 245 and not waste your emblems um because if you buy a 232 you're still going to have to spend emblems on 245 and it's just kind of a waste of emblems to get both so now what do you want to buy first well probably liberal Valiants and then two-piece tier like it's just a no-brainer after that you could just get whatever you want um which tier item depends on your current gear most people are going to get gloves and shoulders but like if you're going for the ax setup which uses an off-pace chest you wouldn't want to buy the chess piece so if you get an ax you wouldn't want to buy that if you have current like best in slot for phase two which is zero piece then you probably just want to go gloves and shoulders you're not going to equip them until you have both of them anyway so the legs are also great early option because they're stacked with expertise but especially if you don't have FL legs however you might not end up using these in your best set if you get the mace so I would just recommend against getting the chest early and then taking a look at your gear and seeing what you what you might want so in the here is our phase three gear tier list I'm gonna go through this kind of fast not a whole lot to talk about here the 252 item level stuff from older is still going to be relevant none of them are best in slot unless you're a dwarf in which case the boots are but uh most of them are just barely worse let me fix this right right real quick all right so uh Helm it's really just the tier 9 Helm War Helm and boundless gaze that you want to be paying attention to um most of you guys probably have warholm already and if you don't tier 9 helmet is pretty easy to get so that's pretty much all that's important for Helm slot I mean judgment Hood is still decent if you uh are you don't get anything else but um it's not great so don't rely on it don't you don't want to stick with that for too long um but yeah also you're probably going to need to keep your Elm your like warholm equipped until you go for four piece because um you uh that's just how it's gonna work out for most people so um next slot there's two necks that are in the highest tier um pop one is a little bit better but the the charge of the Demon Lord allows you to drop some hit in some sets which can give you some DPS they're not massive upgrades to the three older wire necks which is these uh 252s here and the strength of the heavens those three aren't that far behind these next so it's not a huge deal but the hit neck here is really important for going for a four piece setup so shoulder slot um really just Intruder and tier nine most people are gonna get tier nine really early on probably for their two piece so it's going to get replaced early if you have Intruder um folkslot now these cloaks these 272 cloaks come from 50 attempts left on the tribute chest so that's going to be hard to get um and keep in mind these are a lot better than the older ones um you can also go with the there's 10 man cloaks like these these are 10 man cloaks um I don't know sorry this one 50 attempts 10 man and uh so you can go for those until you get the 272. you shouldn't really go for the agility one even though some of the sets use the agility one because other classes are going to want that way more it's going to be way better for them so don't even think about it um chest slot you have the the best chest is one that it's the best Standalone stat item but it's not going to be used in any of our major sets that are best um really what you want is either cruel intent or calamitous fate or tier IX which as you can see is all the way down here in a because it's an r pen item so the calamitous fate and cruel intent are basically the same um although cruel intent has intellect I believe so you're gonna want that one a little bit more although it doesn't really make a big difference obviously um it's it's just hard to make this chest work so it's just too much hit especially if you're in Alliance with a drain eye buff you're just gonna be way over the hit and you lose some DPS because of that so um wrist slot really just these top two bracers from phase three and your top two Racers from ulduar everything else is not super important so if you have armbands of bedlam you might just end up using these all the way to ICC because that makes a lot of sense these armbands are hard to get they are uh male I believe and they like hit and written AP on them so they're a little bit contested oh actually they might even be leather but I I'll have to double check on that um these ones might be a little bit easier for you to get but they're they're still a little bit of a tough ask so if you have armbands of bedlam I'd probably just stick with those um but uh but yeah so um love slot so tier 9 gloves Steady Hand and bitter reprisal these are pretty much your three main gloves tier nine a lot of people are gonna go with right out of the gate so better appraisal is used in the two piece sets and steady hand is still decent but it's hard to make that hit work for you so bitter appraisal is a tough ask for a paladin because it's our pen even though the item level is high it's still it's our pen so if you're going for the two-piece setup you're probably gonna have a tough time uh belt slot bloodbath girdle is pretty much the only thing to pay attention to here some set to use this which is merciless pitless killer but um those are not sets that we recommend going for but you'll see them later um and then these two belts are still great especially Soul devouring inch is only like 25 DPS behind bloodbath so if you have that you can stick with that it won't be a big loss um leg slot you have tier 9 legs and broken beasts and Ascension although you probably won't use broken Beast they are not used in any of our sets they're a really good Standalone item especially because they have hit but we just can't use that hit in any of our sets to make it work um most people are going to go with tier 9 or the leg plates of Ascension here um and then if you have FL legs you know those are still going to be pretty solid so also the uh the tier legs are a little bit easier when you go into ICC for itemization if you go with the ax setup and the tier leg setup it's a little bit more of a easier transition smoother transition into the ICC gear so um boot slot you have seventh Legion and Sarah Knight Citadel which is our best boost they're pretty easy to get because dks don't want them dks want the lifeless night boots from algalon um and if you have lifeless night already those are still solid if you're a dwarf those will be biss because you can't use the expertise from their night Citadel 7th Legion so uh lifeless night are still solid though uh ring slot you have these top three this syllabus trade King from ulduar um although although this is still really good it's hard to fit it into your ring slot especially in like a Biz set so um you might end up doing something like this where you have like a violet temperament and then your other ring would be cows aggression but that's a tough ask so until you get it you might use something like brand Signet ring or if you can use the hit then you'd use betrayed King but if you can't use the hit probably stick with Brands if you have it so um Health aggression is tough ask once again and uh and yeah it's still the trade King will probably last you to ICC if you already have it so trinket slot now this is all about death's verdict obviously these three trinkets you guys can use whichever one you want it doesn't really matter they're all great um they're all about the same now if you want the best parsing like the best parsing RNG potential you want comments Trail if you want the most consistent uh you want dark matter that has the highest floor so it's it's going to uh it doesn't parse very low very often but it also doesn't like go very high so it doesn't have much RNG to it dark moon hard greatness is right in the middle and it's very consistent it's just I kind of don't like it because sometimes you can get a proc from a sacred Shield or a flash of light at a time when you don't want it so I don't like that I'll probably use dark matter myself but you guys can go with whatever you want Market Supremacy is all right if you can use the hit but that's going to be probably never happen and rap stone is okay here's our deaths chart um that's verdict chart this shows you the DPS gain between every class and as you can see red is near the top for pretty much everything so you guys can check that out also Retton and holy are likely to use the trinket the entire game because our phase five trinket is only like barely better um and also Dark Matter falls off for ferals in phase three because they get kept don't um here's a realistic trinket progression for us phase three to phase five as you can see we're going to start with that's choice and greatness and then we'll swap greatness to Tiny abomination in a jar in phase four and keep that the rest of the game now in Phase five you could use sharp and Twilight scale instead of death's Choice here but you're only going to get a minor gain out of that and another class probably get way more out of it so weapon slot um top two weapons you're gonna use one of these the ax or the maze um now the mace is strictly a little bit better because it has a little bit more favorable stats for us however the ax allows you to use tier legs which are better than the tier chest which is what the mace set uses so they these two sets are gonna end up being pretty similar within five DPS or so um you're gonna either use the ax and a chest off piece or a grievance mace with the legs off piece the mace is uncontested so you'll probably get it early on but uh the ax will make a smoother transition to Shadow's Edge and ICC so you might want to get one of those regardless now there's no reason to do a cleave ranking here because all the weapons that are important are the same speed so it doesn't matter it's just going to mirror this ranking exactly also take your racial expertise bonuses into account if you have a racial expertise bonus on a certain weapon move it up one sub tier so like a to a plus Etc however um be warned that in a number of different possible sets you're gonna end up with this phase the racial expertise bonus will be wasted without a way to gain any DPS from dropping expertise so watch out for that um libram slot Librium of valiance is huge it's like 300 DPS gain alien works with seal of engine so you're going to want a PVP Librium for Cleveland counters um however on a fight like a noob you know you can still run Valley in full time because it proc from the sov dots so when you switch into command to leave the ads you can still have the buff get refreshed by your still ticking dot um and then for like a pure cleave encounter which there are none of in phase three except for faction Champions and that doesn't even count on the logs you're going to want your best PVP liberum um but that being said we're still probably going to be running liberalience on every fight in phase three except for maybe faction Champs let me just fix that real quick so uh you're you're deadly um you're I'm sorry you're Furious no longer has a requirement and you're Relentless now will be coming out with uh with an 1800 requirement so you can get either one of those depending on if you PVP or not um Delta's just the Delta unvalience is just way over the one on Furious so you're always going to want to use Valiants um when you're able to now our tier set bonuses um tier two is way bigger than tier four or I'm sorry two set is way bigger than four set you have 290 250 DPS ish from RV being able to tick and crit while it ticks um compared to just five percent chance on judgment so this is a single Target boss 180 seconds also in early ICC the two-piece two-piece will be really good using both tier nine and two tier 10. so um that'll be solid uh the two piece is really important the four piece is not um so now we have our best in slot sets now disclaimer While submitting the sets there's a bug keep yourself below 360 spell haste or you'll end up with this bug we're investigating it uh we don't know anything about it yet but stay under that and you should be good so it doesn't really affect our DPS anyway so it should be fine now um here is a screen cap of the sheet and you can also click this link and it'll take you to the sheet itself but um actually need to fix that to a publish link but anyways um you can see all the steps all the different sets there see all the different sets there and then as you can see um which I think I need to update this refresh this once there we go so now that this is updated you can see um accent May set are about the same for everything like even for Alliance X and mace or about the same mace pulling ahead just a little bit here for Alliance but they're mostly the same you could pretty much go with whichever one you want it's not going to make a big difference and then down here you know there's a little bit more descriptions on each of the sets but uh nothing that's too important for you guys to know and then as you can see dwarf has their own set which uses the algalon boots and uh and yeah but the draenei in humans will use the same sets there's no human set it's just dwarf set Alliance set horde set that's all so um yeah so you guys can pick those sets if you guys want link to that will be in the description as well as the link to this document so single Target stat priority hit strength expertise crit edgy haste AP equals rpn so I'm pretty straightforward you want to get hit capped first and then strength everything strength after that um for cleave there's not really a cleave set this here because all the fights are either purely single Target or like single Target with periodic limited ads like a noob with the exception of faction Champions which does not count on logs once again so single Target set is most likely to be expertise and hit capped or close to it because like there's so much expertise floating around so you probably won't be making any swaps on on a noob um or even like when you go back to older and do cologarn you probably still won't make a swap because your single Target set will probably already be optimal um and so I don't have like cleave stat weights for you guys or a cleave set because there is none but I will give you guys the cleave stat priority in which you can see hit expertise strength so expertise has gotten more important than strength for cleaving um and then the only other difference is AP is now better than rpen instead of being equal to our pen so that's pretty much uh that's pretty much most of the document now there's the togc boss guide we're not going to cover this yet that's going to be in a later video later this week um I'm gonna make a video or it's going to be a live stream but it'll be with Taryn and frostbitten and we will talk ogc boss guide and talk all the bosses but that'll be coming later however you guys can already go ahead and read through it um see what we already have set up for you guys but this is all subject to change and with new information or whatever although I'm pretty confident with it so far so let me know if you guys have any better strategies we can employ here but I think it's pretty solid but anyways there will be a new video later this week that will uh have the boss guide so the only only other thing I want to talk to you guys about is the spell priority famous before famous phase two and then there's a cleave priority here if you guys didn't see that this came out not super long ago you haven't seen it yet you can check that out it keeps judged pretty low so if you get low on Mana you're gonna have to start prioritizing judge more and then here is a screen cap of the week Aura so that you can enter the priorities into the week Aura just by typing in the same numbers so we're gonna update that at the beginning of every phase but it's staying the same for now so um and then down here at the bottom we have all of our external links to different you know extra information so I think that just covers pretty much about everything um now we haven't figured out where to use avenging rascliffe yet but once you know that'll come with the boss guide so I'll let you guys know if we figure anything out about that um but yeah that's pretty much everything so I don't want to get this video too much longer if you guys have any questions go ahead and let me know down in the description um and yeah that's pretty much it so I hope you guys enjoyed the video um sorry for having to release this video twice and re-record and all that stuff I wanted to make sure the audio didn't sound terrible and I wanted to fix a few things like the May set had a few gems that somebody brought to my attention were wrong and I fixed that and everything so um anyways hope you guys have a good one enjoy rating this phase uh stay tuned for my new video next week I'm thinking Monday but it might be a little bit later than that um and that's pretty much it if you guys want to support the channel you can check us out down below in the description or you guys can check out the download or the Donate links in the document and donate to me or frostbitten um so thanks you guys for supporting the channel and we'll see you guys next time brought to you by light glove where monkeys go to church
Channel: Surveillant
Views: 5,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oHEUdT5Z_cE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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