Funny Vines March 2020 (Part 1) TBT Clean Vine

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my man it's alright there never want to focus pay more attention are you on your phone that's a detention don't say the answer you better raise your hand too can I use the bathroom I don't know can you story time it was common law that a flower be presented to the loveliest laugh are you ready to meet him your man she's so perfect I just love her no cuz I'm not a quitter so you're graduating college in May how do you feel you know my liver says thank God but my heart says least not yet yeah [Music] hey no problem kids don't have toys like we had when we so many get this man on my face I don't care what yeah yeah ready yeah [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] nobody's here hey mom do it for the vine I okay oh right did you get new shoes Oh [Music] they shot the RoboCup you got a car - Evelyn Carling amber hey can I have some chips never mind you sure yeah I'm sure I'm Barry B Oh doc PD I'm chillin on the couch and I've got nothing to eat no I hate looking at old pictures what my hair's really long because I'm like why did I cut my hair why did I cut my hair now go back outside and play boy you guys are back yet I am putting my foot down dad do I make myself clear I'm sorry hi sorry I'm dad oh I love bacon Oh what do you want now every time you ask me for something at what oh my god yeah how much is that ring right there oh that's $19,000 hey what up brah who are you Chantal you Sean John hello my face next Piper act excited but be sad what up hold this a mama thug and her baby you see how cute yeah listen up guys Christian's gonna be taking care of you tonight so I don't want any funny business at all out what should be serious because this is my god what is it daddy daddy no you're my kid get up what's up I never understood this we have Forks then Asia's belie you dishonor the family we go you miss chopstick girls be like he's so cute how cute super cow that cow Zack yeah if there are any spirits in here making noise yeah keep talking like that I'm gonna knock you back in the last week you mean next week [Applause] you just know the spiders up in the corner like yeah dude she's not just my girlfriend alright she's my best friend the Bell doesn't dismiss you I do okay why are you late I'll bail don't tell me to go to class I do hey you all you been don't know you been cat a mellow man in my house just made some fries you know what's better than making fries knowledge oh yeah she's such a snake babe going out okay just go down sunset detective what do you think happened you'll take some fries some fries well the fake girls be like you need to chill out with that [ __ ] what is he doing I'm crunching my thirst get about no worry about me Meech never did do his homework ever no Matt you're wrong sleepover is when you're ten do we really stay up all night and play Halo video games when you're a teenager I wouldn't prank someone let's individually wrap each M&M in a packet and give it to someone the effort of that pisses me off not really Jim she won't let me love it love you Dan with the weather Dan oh it's just I thought this was a picture television yo you know a lot I wish you was great could you please do a vine doing funny vine you know actually just took yeah she didn't tell us you don't double tap water birds believe so nice to meet you yo gimme day don't keep a cast up off the ground you know miss Jang Cisco have all wrong with you yo Chris Chris Chris what story - come on do it do it do it cool Tina I can see your bra strap what oh no we don't want people to find out that I'm a woman and women have breasts are you kidding me I love vaginas and I'm not a picky eater so I will eat that thing as soon everything cold hot cold I will eat that later gob well you got I can't get a salad but people don't tell me burger with cheese you want a cheeseburger yeah when you give it to me can you just say here's a shallot wait [Music] the only thing I fish for is compliments we the slate sex compliments hey I really didn't want to tell you this but I think we need some space we'll move some stuff around who are we women what do we tell men that we're fine are we really fine No let down your hair yes I'm sure this story Bloody Mary Bloody Mary Bloody Mary okay that's airplane more so just believe it nope okay don't do that again okay oh no it's the cop oh that's a beautiful baby man what's his name oh he's a xxxx 425 sniper xxxx well your mother makes over eight dollars a year so we can only give you a hug this semester so bring it in hey thanks hey twin can I have your number yes I'm just not ready for marriage right now I look terrible don't tag me oh don't tag me don't tag me untag me from that picture Melanie oh the gummy bears gluten-free I hate when you're about to sneeze and that just goes away like where are you going come back I was ready I was like I'm gonna sneeze I got Matt this coffee but I really want to try it hey Matt here's your coffee where's Chico Chico someone's here listen little buddy you gotta expect the unexpected you expect that bit here are these free samples yeah laughing in front of your crush laughing in front of your friends put the money in the bag leave them alone are those glasses Jared food's ready man what the hell did you feed me kitchens in the bathroom I've ever wished or you came back a mistake Jasmine you now see about tilapia hi hi layer oh well she's hot she only likes guys with six-packs no gum in my class spit it out bank in your hand what do you think okay I know the hell you did hey I love your dinosaur sandals oh those are just your feet my bad burn don't you think my friends pretty yeah I think your friends hot she's not hot she's tell me everything I guess I've just been feeling kind of sad like oh my how girls snapchat I'll just be ugly oh my god you guys are brothers that's so cute so cute son would you like the aux cord no mom the umbilical cord was enough huh gross hey buddy you want to go yeah I want to go let's go all right let's go out what about a date yeah come on let's go on a date you want kids [Music] why make one phone you can just have one delivers pizza no a friend I'm sorry Cinderella you can't go to the ball but I love balls oh oh I got Tiffany so I'm probably meeting up with that older guy I met online hey Ashley you won't get in my van oh my god you have a car always recycle your water bottles hey you guys talking here no we're talking trash get out I really think we have a connection you're just not like other guys boo like I in revine form or prank videos been friend I'll let you in I'll bite some Chipotle I am secona service it was Jimmy Bill Russell oh hello nine-one-one this is now mine what you doing I'm dying Oh without me good night need anything I love a decent suit nice before going to the gym well you got after going to the gym I didn't go to the gym cuz couch dude we don't have a scrape for how we gonna see I have an idea ok everybody sticks in air this is the hands up damn what is that [Music] [Laughter] Donald Trump is gonna make America great again notice that peanut butter bit if the babies that's my bad mitt miss day yes Eric you you got a sign yeah I guess that means it's Sunday and what's your passcode oh yeah it's six six six six yeah when I'm sad I cut myself a piece of cake Cosmo wanted to think their steak I'm gonna tell you a secret okay these pictures of the paparazzi I'm so fat I won't bigger lips so you want like split half her better respect me out here I'm a chrome I see how it is I'm out losers Matt we drove you here maybe begin about my fee lowered semi yeah it's always a Mia mod Oh spring break soon are you dieting I just thought a Crocker yesterday was it gluten free well if it isn't Captain America but it is me no it's an expression your Nazi tricks will work on me I brought me are we gonna watch that and we're yeah just tell you monitoring DVDs I'm Mike I'm 24 I love the gym is unpro teen hey babe what are they doing sir how did it feel when you saved the world Buie I saw you playing with my girl Jimmy at ten minutes we push him in the pool that's not it without floaties Quincy please come back please please just come please lay thank you I don't know if I like that color I spent ten hours on this Cindy get away from me Steven Steven Steven I can see you I am so lonely I'm seeing one I need it too Hey Girl how you doing you know not you [Music]
Channel: CooL Vines
Views: 421,471
Rating: 4.8438439 out of 5
Keywords: Funny Vines, Vine, Vines, best vines, new vines, march vines, vines march 2020, tbt vines, clean vines
Id: Bhl198XSj_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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