MOMS Who Beat The SYSTEM Ft. My Girlfriend

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our get along shirt dang who has the big and tall extra extra extra large shirt gosh this girl just looks miserable somebody's saver yeah it's okay girl you can get a new haircuts not that bad and the boy just looks like he just murdered somebody yeah he's about to murder his sister but today we're gonna be taking a look at moms who beat the system your mom beat my system Latin but before we keep going please click the subscribe button and give this video a like if you like games and comment down below your favorite game it can be a video game or night it could be a board game Monopoly let me know our mommy says if we get 1 million likes we won't get crap Wow dang Savage if we want something we have to work for it not beg for it on Facebook oh wait did they not read it probably not cuz they're smiling a little too much I don't think they can't read Oh some kids you know they're like hey mom if I get a million likes on Instagram can I get a car or you know something like that so no I think they can read but she told them not to look at it yet until after yeah probably or they can't breathe they don't know how to read and they think it says yeah give us 10 likes and we'll get candy or something so it's a little kid the boy or girl I can't tell on the very right like I'm going no you ain't little boy you ain't getting crap according to your mom man dang that sucks what's even worse is that they're forced to wear those collar shirts that girl on the left she's scary she looks like it that's her smile what's wrong with her smile she just pigtails looking like the Joker look at her she's just happy to be holding up that card saying that they won't get crap eyebrows eyebrows popping girl we interrupt our program to bring you this important message oh we have a huge sponsor for today's video it's audible with audible you get audiobooks that you can listen to and you can start listening now with the 30 day audible free trial your first audiobook and two audible originals are 100% free if you use my link / Dan Matt Smith it's the first link in the description below so please click it now or you can text dang Matt Smith - five zero zero five zero zero one of my favorite books right now is called living with the seal not the animal seal but a Navy SEAL it's by Jesse it's ler and it's amazing even LeBron James says it's hilarious so make sure to listen to the audiobook and it'll give you a whole new perspective again please click my link in the description below slash dang Matt Smith it'll be a huge help to the channel or you can text dang Matt Smith to five zero zero five zero zero I know you guys got your phones out right now so you might as well do it and you get the exclusive audiobooks all with my link and of course audible carries titles in any category you can think of from mysteries romance sci-fi fantasy and fiction so if you want to educate yourself then audible is definitely the best way to go and you can get the audible app to make the experience so much easier thank you audible for being such a proud sponsor and now let's get back into the video oh oh my gosh this is just ghetto no this is not me okay before you guys comment that ain't me nobody thought that racism yeah the good old-fashioned Bluetooth when you're you know the ear holder piece when that breaks all you do is just tape it up tear it's for a video games you know yet he's got a gaming Bluetooth peace you know for his video games but you know the earpiece broke off so now he had to tape it to get a new one the boy probably can't afford a new one right now you know Christmas is over so you know now the boy just has to rely on good old-fashioned scotch tape well then go get a job look the boy is like eight years old the job where is it gonna work I don't know the kid still looks happy though he's like hey it still works you know even though I got tape on my ear and I look goofy I still works it's falling off already yeah and I'll be sad if you like you know you're like hey guys I need some backup back oh yeah baby oh no then the earpiece falls and then you get you know you get shot you know so it's all good boy it's okay then chat rooms are scary mm-hmm listen mean people in those chat rooms so you got to be safe out there Baldy man's haircut new form of punishment for your misbehaving kids no this is the kind of punishment I'm talking about I would do this too much that's not funny that's not me is real y'all it's all real okay man this kid just looks like he's having the worst time of his life I feel bad like if you go to the barber I feel bad if I was the barber like give him the haircut the dad comes up he's like give muscle in the Baldomir haircut I'm just like are you sure sorry little man it's so much feel like it's fine it's for you think about it I said a little bit off the top okay you don't top off head shape boy it looks like an egg thing that got thrown away and cracked sorry bro your head looks like an expired egg it's okay could have been worse but I mean the haircut looks fresh though I mean it looks nice a little bit of fade what haircut it's a skull look he's got hair on the back they lined it up nicely it looks good man does it you're gonna be the freshest one at the swing set that's not wearing bandanas thank you going to wear full-on baseball caps yeah and I'm sorry it ain't gonna work I pooped in the shower and daddy had to clean it up I hereby sign this as permission to use in my yearbook senior year what yearbook quote quad day that's sad why who is that happy after pooping in the shower she doesn't know what she did she's like she better know what she did I mean I think three-year-olds know when they poop in the shower that's disgusting girl you're telling me when you were little you never pooped in the bath or the shower once who said anything about when I was little I did last week I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I'm just kidding but see this is why I don't want kids I mean kids it's nasty you know you got to take care of women when they poop you gotta clean it up disgusting it's not like a dog where you could take them back to the pound or something because you're babysitting resume promo hire me yeah pretty much hey hire me I'll babysit the kid might not be there when you get back but everybody I'll still babysit oh my gosh all right this mom wanted to get her kid out of the house and like you know being active and he didn't want to ride a skateboard so they gave him a leaf blower to have fun and like just ride around on the skateboard and you know propel them so forth that's not safe you need a helmet dang it don't you need a helmet if you're gonna be leaf blowing yourself down the street I mean you better get a helmet some elbow pads and some knee pads yeah seriously geez I bet you the leaf blower wasn't even for this she's like hey clean up the leaves he's like I got a better idea let me use it for my skateboard there's one lady that used to babysit me and my brother with her kids every summer she would tell us to go outside for like an hour and it's nothing but dirt and pasture and nowhere to go and she's like figure something out don't come back in till 5:00 well you should have got a leaf blower and then you would have been fine they didn't have anything we have to play tag Phil tag you're it lame Conan O'Brien just taught my kids about taxes by eating 38 percent of their ice cream that's a good lesson right there that's how you do it you know kids got to learn that you know the government likes to take your money you let them know early nice and early they won't be disappointed later in life you know what you do as you get your kids their first dollar for doing chores you say hey you want to learn what it's like to be an adult and be like yeah just rip the dollar in half dang you can't use half a dollar I mean if anything just like take away the dollar and give them like you know sixty cents or something something like that exactly but the good thing is he got like 16,000 retweets you know good for you I need my kids ice cream all the time I'm looking if they got like strawberry ice cream I mean the whole thing chocolate strawberry chocolate vanilla vanilla stop we're done my name is Haley I am a kind caring smart girl but I make poor choices with social media as punishment I am selling my ipod and will be donating the money to the charity beat bullying in hopes of changing misbehavior as well as bringing awareness to bullying because bullying is wrong ice tray yeah seriously stay in school otherwise you're gonna start reading like her hey girl why do you look like you're taking a mug shot she just laid she was probably a bully on social media that's why she has to donate to a bullying cause come on y'all y'all can't get bullied by her are you kidding me I'd roast her like no other girl I'd roast you like chicken that's why people act like they're bodybuilders online cuz they don't have a picture then they just say whatever they want I'd be like girl your face looking like numb scams gay I'm not gonna roast her because bullying is wrong so roaster I hate your hair your hair look like a wannabe Rapunzel girl instead of let down your hair let down your parents cuz you're a disappointment it's over I got him here could've been worse and hey the nail polish on your nails falling off so fix it don't be a bully yeah seriously don't you know unless have they bullied you first alright Munna oh when a mom uses chip clips for your hair are you this is so ghetto I mean do what you gotta do it's that important and it's windy outside and you ain't got nothing but a chip clip in your purse girl your hair gonna be smelling like Doritos like oh wait a minute smell like Cool Ranch and nacho cheese yeah well I shouldn't say that about this she's like listen I'll say that um we'll say you know like chips yes mom like chips girl God dang but at least it works chip clip is a clip you're for your hair this still works the same thing what would you think if someone told you yo girl you looking like a bag of chips if they called me girl then I'd have a problem with the dang looking like a bag of chips yeah that's what they used to say back in the day back in the day you know my uncle's they used to say this all the time they'd be like i'm oliver in the bergen troops I'm like okay what kind of chips though cuz if it's like Fritos then I'm like mmm but if there's like Funyuns then we got a ball game well Fritos with some bean dip mm-hmm know what my friend made his daughter wear to school for a week as punishment for coming home past curfew dead a shirt with his face on it oh he's not even wearing a shirt in the shirt gosh that's confusing try me yeah try me yeah no you do not want to try that dude this dude looks like he just got out of prison a boys about to come up door and be like I'm here what do I do you know no of this girl she look so embarrassed I feel bad you know it's just like dad personally what would you get for coming home past curfew yeah like what how late was couple hours it was a couple minutes I'd be like oh that's fine but no no in the shirt the dude looks mean but just like in the photo the dude looks so happy like did you just have a happy meal what's going on one of those people that looks like murder yeah there you go see girl could have been worse at least you didn't get grounded just wear the shirt my daughter is currently pulling a D in math this is her phone in case of a beep break glass oh that's not bad all you have to do is get a B dang that's easy well if she's constantly pulling DS then a B might be kind of hard yeah I'm not to rephrase that constantly pulling DS pulling B's in school like your grade is a D you know when you always get indeed she's getting a deed stop all right we're done I mean how much work did it take to put her phones behind glass like good dang they'll offer that service at Walgreens how'd you do this girl you gotta catch up like the rest of us and just hack into the system change your grade and break some laws and you're fine know what you got to do you got to get a prop phone get a dummy phone and then be like oh my and then she puts the dummy phone behind the glass and you get to keep your real phone okay she'll notice today's Wi-Fi password can be unlocked by texting a photo of a clean kitchen to mom set photograph must contain one box of crackers on the counter by the stove to prevent reusing any previous photos thank you for playing may the odds be ever in your favor dang that was us the Hunger Games love mom oh it's suck that's a good idea and they have to do this all the time she's like no previous photos man that sucks just to get the Wi-Fi password you better clean that kitchen I mean you better clean it quick honestly all these tours if it's a lot it will take you more than an hour two tops just get it over with yeah and then get the Wi-Fi but she said today's Wi-Fi this she changed the Wi-Fi password like every dang day that's annoying man I mean can you imagine the neighbors trying to like hack into their Wi-Fi though I can't she changed it again I got do the chores well your kid is constantly playing games as soon as you open the blinds he's like a vampire and yeah you have a problem use somebody else's hotspot or something on your phone like you know try to get some internet some other way please do not eat unless you get permission from me okay Chella but we took $3.00 from your piggy bank this cereal is now yours to control mama and dad why did you take $3 from her piggy bank cuz they took from the cereal when it wasn't snack time okay honey nut oils are only three dollars that's Trader Joe's hmm is it though that sounds like some no-name brand I need me some honey nut cheerios not honey nut holes it's Trader Joe's so it's healthier man forget Trader Joe's yeah you forget me like my parents did Geneo was caught pretending to be 18 years old online what her dad made her a special t-shirt and made sure they circulated the Internet it says I am ten years old oh are you gonna pretend to be 18 years old when you're ten girl you crazy don't do that seriously you have no idea how dangerous the Internet can be don't pretend to be someone you're not you ever seen that show to catch a predator why use but be locked up in the house until you're 18 I swear if I have a daughter I'm taking her phone every weekend and I'm checking everything I know all the secrets I know where to look charger jail get them back when you have no DS why is everybody getting DS today dang these kids in school and they don't care yeah it's okay like literally you could find a charger from like a friend or something just borrow the charger you'll be fine once you live in the country there's no one day or you better get some electricity from like a potato or something I'm like you know figure that out how about that and y'all get your grades up they at least get C's not DS dang just study for like 30 minutes d4 dang math Smith yeah put dirty clothes in me oh that's the hamper okay the low light laundry basket okay I'm watching you look at the angry face that's scary is there mom like a serial killer or something I'm watching you you don't do your laundry Oh fine dang I'll do my laundry like where did they put their dirty clothes just on the floor in their room it's not like she's telling them to do their own laundry she's saying just put it in this basket it's so hard yeah I ain't doing nobody else laundry but my own yeah I know disgusting my sister lost her phone at a bar this is what my mom sent her when she asked for a replacement oh no old LG Verizon phone God dang whip cracks on it dang that must have been her phone God press five buttons just to say hello [Music] otherwise you're an embarrassment to the rest of your school and all your friends yeah lame dang we're about closing in on the iPhone 14 almost don't worry I'll come out in like a month this place was a mess and I found these on the floor to earn it back you'll have to do it shore I mean pick up another to earn some extra - if it's still there on Tuesday it's going in the trash dang so you got to pick something from the chore bucket man I bet you this was a white parent who did this I mean a chore bucket come on they're just lame my parents didn't pay me to do chores they grounded me if I didn't do them yeah yeah that's the good thing I mean you got at least earn some extra cash you know I mean just by doing some chores you get some money and you're good you can go ahead and you know buy what you want you could buy an iPhone 4 or ice cream yeah I scream sound kind of good comment down below your favorite ice cream McDonald's strawberry what man all these kids getting in trouble getting straight DS and having to do chores you already know yeah but that's gonna do it for moms who beat the system featuring the girlfriend make sure to click the link in the description below check out the video we did on Sarah's Channel show us some love and support and subscribe to Sarah cuz all the cool kids doing it yeah and please go ahead give this video a like subscribe to the channel thank you guys for watching the video really hope you enjoyed it and we're gonna see you guys in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Dang Matt Smith
Views: 7,065,749
Rating: 4.9146657 out of 5
Keywords: infinite, lists, azzyland, sssniperwolf, reaction, reacting, crazy, girlfriend, ex girlfriend, beat the system, beat, system, moms, mom, who, kids, kids who beat the system, genius kids, people, people who beat the system, sssniperwolf riddles, 24 hours, cheating, prank, gold digger, tiktok, tik tok
Id: sjcpCp-2lDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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