FUNNIEST KIDS That Went Too Far | SSSniperWolf

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Hello friends it's me your favorite Safari snack every time I wear this we're ready to go pet some giraffes So today we're going to be checking out some funny kids this little kid looks like Gordon Ramsay that's creepy throw the whole child away start over because first floor is gonna be like where's the lamb sauce [Applause] Claire put the Dutch dolls in clear clear oh my God she got a squirrel from outside like Mommy brought home a new pet can we keep him I mean it's fluffy it's a squirrel I was gonna feel like how the heck does she get a squirrel kids really are something else mom these Hot Cheetos they're just way too hot put some by a fan to cool them down maybe that'll work oh Billy if only you knew that's not how life works I wish I did though I wish you could just like cool down spicy food some way I give him an a for effort man I can't believe kids are this dumb y'all have no idea how this world Works do you you think you grown think again I did my six-year-old niece's makeup then let her do mine oh she looks so cute give her the smokey eye red lip and everything she even got the duck face now and then this is what her makeup look like I'm gonna make it look so pretty Auntie she'd even try I mean she got the lipstick on she was like oh lipstick you know what it probably goes on your lip but everything else future Beauty Guru here my five-year-old nephew asked how long my newborn needed to charge before he could go home it's a heart rate monitor and look like they charging the baby like he gotta be a hundred percent before he could go home just seen a little girl confidently walk up to a bath bomb and Lush and take a bite out of it kids are a class she already knew it's like she had a plan she went in she conquered she did it she took a bite out of a bath bomb I know it smells so good in there it's like you could eat them but you literally can't nasty don't worry she's just absorbing its powers Billy that's not real toilet we at the Home Depot but Mom I saw a toilet and I had to go not in there yo I always wondered when I was a kid what happens if somebody did this what if somebody actually sit down and took a dookie on one of the store display toilets who's cleaning that out I quit Billy I'm pretty sure that's not how you wear your diaper but go off when you ask the child to get dressed damn how many diapers we packing today we got one as a little vest two three four five six he got six diapers on today must have had Taco Bell you know gotta have that extra protection first time in a sushi restaurant okay Billy you have to eat everything with chopsticks okay okay gotcha mom even the soup he managed to hold the soup spoon with chopsticks oh this gotta take some pure skill I don't know about you guys but the average person can barely pick up sushi with chopsticks you guys know how to use chopsticks smash like if you have mastered the art of eating with chopsticks I feel like this is God who have ended badly it's a soup spoon that's gonna fall you're gonna spill your miso soup Billy but you gotta respect the skill I feel like my ponytail is not high enough what kind of school picture is this who let this boy take a picture like this look at like the Armored Titan from Attack on Titan okay Billy make the face that Grandma makes this is a whole mood right here if you're wondering what happens when you give third graders phones this is what happens we need to talk okay so I heard you went to the park with Natalie why would you cheat on me Joey I gave you two chances and I actually believed you when you said you loved me but I guess not I'm sorry I was just hanging with her whatever just don't talk to me in middle school I didn't even love you sounds good to me and well you are the one that bought my Starbucks drink so obviously you love me a little bit screw you Joey Ding-A-Ling oh what was that oh yeah the elevator because you're not on my level I won this fight we're over for real this time this ain't even third grade this is Middle School I can't believe a middle schooler said that Ding-A-Ling dig oh what was that oh yeah the elevator because you're not on my level I have never seen a roast hit so hard y'all roasted them harder than Costco roast their rotisserie chickens can we get a big fat F in the chat for Joey's demise your smile has arrived what's a kid gotta be so upset about Billy looking like somebody drank his apple juice just wait till you're older until you get bills till you have to pay taxes till you have to get a job and get your own place and furnish it and buy your own utensils and then you'll realize your existential crisis is something to really frown about I've heard him crying and what to investigate oh no Charlie fell in the toilet again but she thought I was gonna say Billy what do you even do in this situation do you flush first or would you get him out first comment below did he try to sit on the toilet and then just like fell in I want to do what Mommy and Daddy do I love when little kids when they're like three years old they're like I'm grown y'all tell me what to do this is what happens when you got an attitude problem you follow in the toilet why is me as a child angrily flicking off my siblings on the day they were born you know I'm the oldest I rule this household you know I'm just asserting my dominance like you won't take away mother's love from me I don't care how goo goo gaga you are but I'll run this household I just wanted you to know that is that always like that is it always the oldest is the ruler of siblings most kids have a stuffed animal or a blankie my niece has one of those plastic owls you put outside to scare away Birds ew that is creepy that's like having a damn garden gnome like imagine a kid bringing that to the dining table like oh she sleeps with him too I would be terrified I would get that thing checked out next thing you know she's like owl's a little girl just like me she told me my baby it's a garden owl no she's a little girl just like me burn it welcome lollipop goes we don't want to use took it Mommy I want my lollipop well does he know is on the back of his scalp that's gonna be nasty to get out I love how kids would just like yank that out of their hair and start eating it again like nothing happens whoa there y'all kids have no chill these dudes ain't loyal he holding hands with his side thing while he got his main girl in pink with her arm around him wow so this is how it starts I can't believe she's okay with this she's just watching them she's like okay you know what as long as I get to hold his hand and he out here living the dream in kindergarten bro I can't with this 12 27 a.m you walk into your baby's room you see him like this whole y'all we gotta decided to sneak off and jump in another family's photo your family looking a little lonely y'all need a kid please adopt me this kid who knew exactly how to treat her sore throat oh man nothing fixes like a sore throat like a Band-Aid because Band-Aids fix all boo-boos even internal ones family life was that simple oh my boyfriend just broke up with me my heart hurts so bad put a Band-Aid on it my baby sister's bag she got a little bag and when you open it up she got Cheeto puffs in there so that's what girls have in their bags Cheeto puffs the perfect place to put them this is so bougie imagine seeing a child at the grocery store pull out her little purse I start eating some Cheeto puffs she living on life go off says oh speaking of living the life we got this child over here his mom walked in on him eating wings in the bathtub okay your girl loves some chicken wings it's hard seeing someone live out your dreams this this kid right here he got a tall glass of ice water some ranch some wings oh that sounds so bomb right now my daughter brings a checklist to stores now and just makes random checks it makes everyone uncomfortable walking through the aisle mother put Oreos in the car check this random dude is buying oranges check future manager right here CEO boss lady the kids have made me breakfast I don't know if they didn't realize that Legos and sharks are not edible or they try to kill mommy I like how they made hot tea and then put a straw in it it was Princess day at dance and one little girl came as a hot dog I have never admired someone more oh she looks so sad why did her parents dress up as a hot dog you a princess hot dog yo when Disney gonna come out with a princess hot dog though I'm sick of all these regular princesses when you could have a princess Weenie Hut JR this target loving kid through a birthday party at Target okay this is just weird what kind of kid likes Target this much I mean I can understand Ikea McDonald's but Target what's so cool there that y'all have to have a fondant wrap Target dog cake I'm sorry this was ridiculous this is Bully fuel what's so great about Target I mean I like Target but it stops there it's just like I like Target that's it we don't go any further than that this is like me having a birthday party at Costco because I love Costco so much you just don't you know the demon child we saw before well he grew up to eat pizzas like this you know I told you to call Exorcist while he was still young but now a monster has been born literally eats the best part of a pizza just the tip and then leaves the family the rest I mean I'm not complaining I like the crust my son keeps grabbing fists of air and screaming mine my daughter is crying saying TJ is stealing my air they are in my bedroom on a Saturday morning that's my air my air my air you have no more air to breathe you are going to die so wholesome cute man if I had kids I would mess with them like that all day I'd be like no more air for you if you be bad imma take away your air brought my nephew a cake to class for his birthday before I took the picture he said why I don't like these kids his face bro why are you spoiling this class I don't even like them they don't deserve this cake I'll just keep it all from myself ain't nobody gonna get some of this this mine stand up for what you believe in like this child he loves trains let him love trains why this woman look like she about to take his poster like oh no honey you can't protest that here you can't tell everybody how much you like trains it's illegal my six-year-old son has been asking me over and over do you need to go to the bathroom I'm like why I just found out why [Music] so I knew I knew you got this big in a react face like I see you pee you know when I was a kid everybody would be like spell icup and I'd be like I see you pee and then they'd be like oh I made you say I see you pee but this was before the dab was invented oh no when you're a cat lady and decide to get a real baby all the cats are looking up the spilled milk and then the kid joins along that's gross I want to take a picture and make my kid like like go yeah you can't be drinking this that's the floors milk now I feel like every little kid did this not with a dog but just like anything oh I'm going to take all my little toys and put them on something this is such a child thing to do not childish but like child that dog is like and me this girl got her very first deodorant bottle and it said the spray has to be 15 centimeters away so she measured 15 centimeters and was like okay you know what perfect Spritz Spritz with a ruler I mean she probably grow up to be like good at math she's like very like precise but I know everybody gonna look at her and be like really Hello friends it's me and today I am here with me digital next So today we're going to be checking out some funny kids kids are naturally funny so mother allowed these children to take a bubble bath by themselves for the very first time and guess what they just done did do themselves a snow day did you ever do that as a kid what overflow the bubble bath yeah no I didn't as an adult one if I did this I would just get I would just hide in the bubbles yeah if you have a jet tub and then turn on the jet while you have bubbles in or like throw a Lush bath bomb in there this is how you get this it's like 10 Lush bath bombs no I did it with one really look I put one Lush bath bomb Oh my God and I turned on the Jet top and it went ham oh no this is what happened good thing it was in the hotel not my house jet tub plus bubbles equals big fat oopsie oh no he followed his shoes became a traffic cone all I wanted to do was stop the cars they kept going and I wanted to stop them but I ended up stopping myself did you leave him there yeah bye let him wallow in self-pity I became what I was always meant to become an accident to mom left me outside or I will break this family from Evan but this bloodline ends with me I'ma tear down this family tree when you go on search up the family you ain't gonna get nothing I'm the last one you say I'ma break this family wow I wonder what's outside that he wants so bad what's outside Evan blink if you need help just learn our nine-year-old didn't experiment on us lost tooth told no one for three days kept tooth under his pillow no money then he tells us he lost a tooth next night there's money under his pillow then confronted us with scientific evidence that the Tooth Fairy isn't real this kid just like Signs the heck out of his parents why did he get this idea who is he watching Bill Nye the Science Guy I bet the parents made up this story all that for a drop of clout yeah freaking MD dad this child's dollhouse in the bathtub we got a T-Rex taking a bite out of the dresser what is that the name is that a croissant I was wondering what that was that's a croissant and then a pony having dinner oh this is my kind of house maybe that's an oven he's not taking a bite maybe he was getting the croissant out of the oven to have it oh this is very cute this is adorable this is what happened before Jurassic Park they all used to live in peace under the same roof can you name a good majority of dinosaurs yeah okay let me hear it made me five stegosaurus bronchosaurus Velociraptor platypus I'm just kidding T-Rex pterodactyl indominus Rex indominus isn't that this one Chris Pratt so this child gave his grandpa a card that says I'm glad you're not dead I'm just a train because what else do kids know how to draw mom be like draw something nice for your grandpa he just got out of the hospital he's been having a really hard time know what Grandpa I'm glad you're not dead my three-year-old daughter said she needed raisins right where raisins belong well that's what raisins do they make you poop do they ruin yeah aren't they just dried up grapes yeah cause they got fiber I mean Barbie gotta do what she gotta do she just like the rest of us it looked like they had a wild party I know man I got him we got Ariel in there they must have had Taco Bell you know gotta keep it realistic Mattel don't make poop so this child is trying to get into his mom's iPad and every time he gets a code wrong it sends a photo of him trying to get in touch with your smug face yeah so as you can see exhibit a the child over here trying to get in nope he didn't get it third time nope he didn't get it a little more frustrated like oh what was the passcode you're telling me it's not one one one one what could it possibly be fifth attempt he's getting a little upset starting to break down now little upsetty spaghetti how about the last attack he's just done had it denial never be able to play a Roblox again I'll never be able to watch my favorite YouTuber singer [Laughter] she just uploaded the tears you got the notification on the screen it was like I can't lock the phone I need to hit that like button please y'all know what happens when you put Mentos in Coke but Mentos is a fresh maker yeah but not in soda or this will happen this kid was like okay you know what I want to get the full experience what happens but I want in my face into my eyeballs to really get a taste of how diet this really is when you can't even Splurge for actual Cola you didn't even get like a name brand burn his eyes burns his taste buds oh is that off brand hurt my sister just had a baby she brought her home today and my other niece was so mad that she packed up all her stuff and tried to leave four years old already leave it home like okay you know what there's a new baby in the house goodbye everybody apparently there's no more room for me in your heart anymore mom there ain't enough room for the two of us good I only wanted one child anymore make sure you lock it on your way out mama don't love me no more goodbye take stuffed animal is that Keith did she take the car keys to flee the country all because mama had another baby when your three-year-old tells the man at McDonald's his pants are falling down imagine a kid coming up to you like excuse me sir pull them up I see your chonies my brother is exactly like that would you want little homie you lost you want some my daughter's Christmas list oh it's cat and every freaking language took me a second what language do you want me to me to say it in mother here here now I better see a cat under that tree okay I would write no in 16 different languages Merry Christmas and that was dab on her now that's a victory right now yeah back to the orphan IA keep the earth clean it isn't Uranus keep it clean smash like if you get it if you don't you're too young hygiene is always good toddler was asked to feed the cat here you go a nice juicy orange for you isn't that what cats like oranges angle peel itself you got class I'm sure you can manage it goes up to it takes a bite like delicious peel on everything you think they're discussing people like that in this world that eat it with the peel yeah that just straight up take a bite out of an orange that's where all the flavor at the peel yeah all the aroma when I babysit my niece she makes me play Operation her favorite part is when she dies when we have a funeral for her look at all the people that didn't show up saying me living my best life like chilling on the dog but I like how like helps her by herself forever a loner and then the one brother like pretending to cry oh no we lost another one why does this keep happening does she tell him to just kneel down and pretend to cry I guess this is like a spa you got a blanket you laying down you got candles lit flowers maybe you got some soft music playing in the background this is the ultimate Spa experience just Gonzo she can't enjoy it oh rest in peace can I get a f in the chat for this little girl what is this oh no my mom said this is one of my favorite things to do as a child oh my God that looks so fun it took me a second I'm like wait wait wait where's the rest of her that's it that's all that's it she had half the kids there's no more so anytime she buys clothes it's all half off oh nice perks of having half a kid is this like that show of Two and a Half Men my friend's son struggling to pick up a book oh you know he's gonna grow up to be a smart one why doesn't this book pick up it's like it's so heavy it's like glued to the floor or something thing I wonder what's going on in this kid's head like why I cannot why you not do this book need Nap in a bottle after he figures this out so with all these half kids I'm so blessed that I was a full kid you know some of these kids come out just the pants maybe the rest of them grows you know I I don't think they had in mind when they said you'll grow into your pants but um I hope he's warm and cozy in there yeah you normally are must be nice I do that with my big enough oh no he's like Mom I'm ready to go back in oh my God tired of this life of suffering put me back fair use that what I read it so this child did a true and false quiz and for all the questions what does it say does it say false or does it say true smash like if you see true comment if you see false you know why he did that right because he doesn't know but the teacher marked everything wrong he didn't fool me that's like the worst case scenario you could have just did true for all of them and then had a 50 50 chance but now when you play yourself the teacher like nine playing this game she's trying to put makeup on just like her mommy oh mama suck at makeup I wonder why mommy Works going out like that she's probably a clown my daughter told me there was a monster outside the window of her dollhouse I know it's gonna eat the Barbies fee-fi-fo bomb I'm coming for your Barbie bum it's a lot of plastic when I grow up I want to be a dog I call men are dogs you know be like Billy follow your dreams do you want to be a dog it's a dog you could be an attack helicopter if you so very want to oh I work at a big chain bookstore somebody at another store found this while tidying up the children's Department oh no oh no no what were they trying to do dissect him isn't that what you do the Frog yeah have you ever done that so far did you do that in school oh I was absent that day anytime you stayed home from school did you play video games like when you said you were sick did you just all the time you know our Kingdom Hearts came out I told my mom I was not feeling good oh no but the shoes and every time I said that my mom would always let me stay home like she would take it really seriously and then yeah I just oh no such a liar can't spell a liar without Leah I mean whatever makes you comfy whatever helps you sleep good thing it's the future now and we have a thing called eye masks back then they used tongue Crush I dream of trucks so in this kindergarten class they asked the children what would you do if you were a ruler of the world and this little girl named promise was like I would destroy it from outer space oh no why why child what's your plan after that what are you gonna do go home to my mommy and daddy oh wait they're gone teacher tabs on them I feel like if I was the teacher I would drop off the kids to assert my dominance so you dab on them so you'd be like Billy sit down I'd be like no hey Bill you better sit before I I dab on you I lay back you freak out he'd be like no not dab don't dab on me again me and my friend are talking about this because my friend is a teacher and I was telling you that I was like these kids like overreact like you gotta start your dominance by like doing the floss better than them or do you like the orange Justice better than they do it and then it's like they'll listen to you they'll respect you Hello friends it's me and today we're checking out some of the funniest kids on tick tock y'all my son where are you going thank you the cat looking at him like he'd done this before oh off to terrorized neighborhood kids excellent oh they are terrified like who is this he's a straight goonin y'all didn't see what house he came from y'all don't know who this is it'll grow up to be a future Tick Tock prankster ah thank you so Zoe wow that's what they do oh thank you first they're sweet give you some flowers they'll run you over with a Tonka truck it sounds pretty accurate to me she immediately knows when they're missing what is that a bag of penne pasta and she ain't never go to Super Dollar penne pasta yeah no put that down she needs that that's her emotional support pasta yeah I mean it's cheaper than a stuffed animal right I've never seen a baby snuggle with a bag of food I mean anything that'll shut them up right ballerina yeah no it's not what oh gosh oh is this what it's like having kids like look daddy on a ballerina next man a little Billy on the third floor pissed at himself oh honey that's not rain ing not yet the car we're going home wait no you're gonna have to dry off first before we go home it's like on a good day I want a kid and now I'll watch a video like this we're gonna push it back a few years whoa DIY slippers and my head hit the wall maybe waddle a little slower next time a good thing that wall was there it really absorbed the fall they put a mess down what did she say she said she definitely don't know what that means a version you know what a version is not to eat vegetables okay yeah makes perfect sense I'm not a virgin measure her going around school like I'm not a virgin I'm not a virgin girl what you mean I don't eat vegetables all right oh this is gonna be hilarious when you show her this video in 10 years [Music] foreign [Music] like you know what you did wrong you hear me hear me [Music] look at his face I already know he gonna do it again [Music] I feel like I was a child and my dog pooped in my bed having no common sense and a thirst for Revenge I would poop in the dog's bed what will the dog do tell me to never poop in their bed again I'll stop pooping in your bed when you stop pooping in my bed what is that don't tell me that makes a sound oh you know Mommy just stood there recording she let that happen my ear canal hurt just watching this open your mouth it's good it's good you be trusting your kid like that [Laughter] what is it Jesus at least you put food in your mouth personally I would not have trust a child like when they say close your eyes and open your mouth I feel like 90 of the time it's not gonna be food you've been spared today blessed even with a single cheese day hey look at this guy you gonna punch him oh we got a professional baby victim over here the second part you push it feels like you actually hurt me mother please she got you a car in 4k ain't nobody gonna believe you anymore [Music] you know these ice cream people that mess with you should give her a tissue she didn't understand she's like wait a sec I thought I was gonna get ice cream like too slow and these kids are way too easy to mess with Carla yeah mommy not again a real face what do you mean it's not her real face you don't want people to see that face stop making that face it is so easy to mess with them like they just be getting mad at everything you know that was my little sister I would just Gaslight her into thinking she was born with that face [Music] so there's a cockroach crawling on your official camera [Music] the other kid believed it like oh you got a little something on your face what that's real noodles where did the extra ink come from like she was doing great on a e and N is she reading invisible letters well that's real noodles that was real close read oh yeah do you was that all the Clapping noise like I said the collected Wizards that died there's gotta make what are you guys celebrating so late what do you mean like in the middle of the light yeah what did you hear maybe it's somebody's birthday like midnight that was that you trying to smack the Frog smack a frog yeah those frogs be wild in at night definitely the Frog mommy was smacking them too foreign thought it was a cool gift like oh there's butterflies that are gonna pop out of this box more like a lifetime of trauma like that was so cool I got one of those for my birthday ones but even the baby girl cry shut up it's not even your birthday why are you crying baby's such a pick me who's this poor puppy helping my son with his Valentines who is this for oh my God that's Isabella yeah Mom how dare you have you ever even taken an English class before it's my only friend what about this one whoa that's got me someone you don't like actually actually yeah okay actually do you not like Ashley is she an [ __ ] oh you know what if you read it actually that's an inch spelling Ashley no I think he honors something he got an A for effort till Ashley's mom sees this my baby got Ops who's that who's that guy that baby's first word was Batman no Mama no Dada who's that guy just straight to Batman bro was raised in Gotham City say Merry Christmas Santa Merry Christmas Merry Christmas like he's right there at your door good I think if you should leave him cookies tonight I love cookies could you leave Santa cookies and milk santa wants chocolate milk I never seen Santa asked for chocolate milk what's up with that already have the cookies out yes Merry Christmas see you tomorrow whoa whoa whoa are we coming back tomorrow I think that was five no way she way too young how does she know I have never seen a child so woke how she gonna know that's Bob look his face is covered that's Santa she just spoiled Christmas you know I thought it was devastating when kids found out Santa wasn't real she knew all along like oh there's that Santa guy wait it's not even Santa's bomb wait that was Bob I'm gonna stop feeding you toasted Nutella no then eat it all together that's not how I live my life British kids are so funny for no reason it should be just one day this is the last time I'm doing it like this okay oh now she's talking normally is she even British where did the accent come from my life mommy daddy can I have a pony oh they played this game with a slap hand oh no no oh somebody's a sore loser like that's not even a real game I don't want to see what happens when he gets his first L on fortnite what are you doing I told her no more chocolate what are you doing oh she got caught what are you doing what are you doing you ain't seen nothing let me just disappear real quick you cannot punish me if you cannot see me perfect logic hey what are you doing you're busted oh the kid is fine what are you doing you're busted they take a tumble they never take fall damage though come on cause you got to pay for that with your money no no you have to pay for that with your money the rich baby yeah so who gonna pay for it I'm gonna pay for it I thought I was a rich baby she'd be watching too many YouTube videos like all this baby Rich why can't I be rich yeah I wish life worked that way wait until she found out about taxes Hello friends it's me today we're checking out some funny kids on Tick Tock m-u-t-e-l-l-a Nutella let's see what peanut peanut that was a great guess yeah I had such high hopes for him u t e l l a what's your word [Music] peanut butter great job Billy kids are just funny for no reason like oh why are you playing with that it's like a little bald gummy worm [Music] hey what do you get a gun for way what do you want babe you want a bottle or something this is what happens when you don't tell your kids no they're like there's a hold up what you want cocoa melon on the iPad yes sir sorry I don't negotiate with toddlers do not call me handsome if you're not gonna give me some that badonkadonk I cannot believe kids just be saying things like this where he learned to speak like that oh you better give me some of that but donkey donk does he even know what he's saying because it ain't a Robux card would you divorce me if I got fat No Cap they all raise the brutally honest kid personally I would not take that you gonna let her boss you around girl you know you got a perfectly good ponytail that I could just sometimes this would be a little too windy keep your kids inside before they fly away you know our jacket making her a little too aerodynamic this is how I found my one-year-old she's stuck she's really close to the ground just let it let go oh hey you're fine she was holding on for dear life oh no how do I get down she lived one inch off the ground letting go don't worry you won't take any fall damage girl you better hold my baby he want to eat worse he hungry [Laughter] hey you ain't got no poop to feed him I got somebody anybody everybody [Music] a screaming child pull the back up put him away you know if I had any kids I'd show them this Tick Tock like this is what happens when you're bad you got to sense it's a little hand clam prison so I decide to release you [Applause] hmm why are you letting this little kid pressure wash the floor oh wait a second it's okay he and little shirt clearly says big I think he can handle it he really mad because I stopped because we're not gonna do that all because no more kiss like you already got one okay you got like three of them because we're not gonna do that kids really be out here crying for no reason mommy only gave me three kisses she is not constantly kissing me to refill my kiss meter my son is six years old and constantly playing jokes on us this time he recorded on his iPad oh he hiding behind the door [Music] oh yeah that will do it that's why you gotta check your Corners check your surroundings hey I know six-year-old bamboozle me you should be bamboozling them while they're still gullible no no she bathed in Vaseline she gonna be moisturized for months toss them in the sink and just give them a good squirrel down it's like one of my dogs accidentally step in their poop surprise bath time what's the girl's name in Monster Ink bro you scared me she kind of asked me for it she said boo said he was gonna run away so I told him to back his stuff and go didn't think he would actually do it they always do this they pack their stuff they go outside they'll start walking oh he coming back you know it's only a matter of time before you get back in the house because you realize like where am I gonna go I'm six years old no money no job can't drive he don't even know how to write in cursive yet you know he'll never make it in the real world without learning how to write in cursive oh my God oh my God what is that slide or mac and cheese I think slime would be worse literally why do kids do anything all I do know is that we're gonna have to shave it off actually moose exists I tested this hack out you got something stuck in your hair you got gum stuck in your hair and you put mousse slips right out so I'm pretty sure it works on slime I babysit for 30 seconds and already lost her where did the child go where is the child how do you just lose a very small child can you lose kids like in your house like if you just let them like go off and just do whatever they're so small they end up in an air vent or something oh bro he's literally holding a basketball I just went for it [ __ ] those balls Billy you gotta be kidding get it open the door this is why you don't leave your kids smash the button over there open the door I mean you shouldn't leave your kid in the car anyway smash that button over there please sir yeah over there good boy go ahead the other one Diddy smash the button okay the unlocked you know what I don't think aren't you an adult you can figure it out yourself noticing my son notices Shadow for the first time oh I've seen my dogs do this they started barking at their shadow but what's the kid gonna do oh he's scared of it hey who is that there's somebody in the ground what a wonderful moment to capture on camera like imagine growing up and be like hey I got a video of me seeing my shadow for the first time and getting scared [Music] you know if nobody told me what a shadow was I'd be screaming too literally no one kids using tablets [Music] so y'all just let them do that with their cheetah press their fingers scrolling through Coco Melon videos you know if I had a kid they wouldn't be allowed to have an iPad they're gonna be real bored and to wash the baby's hair okay okay that is a demon spawn of Satan yeah I love how angry they get when you call them a baby also y'all don't need your hair washed y'all need an exorcist huh scaring me I thought it was something else that looked like a diaper with dookie on it I really thought that kid was about okay all right oh I don't know if I want to vomit or have a heart attack [Music] Daddy want a carpet walk are you not gonna smell it I feel like Nutella has a distinct smell [Music] let's give it to the mom let her take care of this I don't know if somebody tried this on me I don't care what it is I'm going to smell it whether I like it or not and I would just know that it's Nutella unless you decided it wasn't a prank and it was a diaper full of dookie confusing my two-year-old son with my twin sister how Brandon give Mommy the book who is my mommy oh brother give Mommy the ball oh Mommy has a twin I don't even know who it is wait which one is it I can't believe he doesn't know even though they're twins they look exactly the same like the kid literally does not know I don't know who is my mommy give Mommy a kiss or did I give it to her [Laughter] to like like my mother nah he was confused he doesn't understand I'm taking his bike with us I'm not leaving it all right let's go what son what seriously yeah I'm taking your bike with us oh my Lord so you take the child with the bike are you serious yeah oh Lord and this is how you get trusted my dad's like I'm taking the bike with us and then ends up taking the bike back inside he'd been learning from his mistakes foreign [Applause]
Channel: SSSniperWolf Top Videos
Views: 1,268,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, reactions, reactor, SSSniperWolf, sniperwolf
Id: VyslUeQLLI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 46sec (2746 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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