Siblings vs. Parents- Hilarious Family Challenges | SSSniperWolf

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Hello friends it's me and today we are checking out some funny parents on Tik Tok time to give her Taste of her own medicine she's sleeping soundly oh now you upset she looking at him like nothing when I sound like you know she's supposed to be the baby I'm going to do this to my dogs next time they want to bark me awake at 5:00 in the morning I'm going to wait till they're sound asleep pull up to their ear and just TBO come here I'm on the phone with your new second grade teacher they have to do it virtual meet meet your teacher say hi that a is teacher she's hot dad my God you are way too young to be calling your teacher hot bro fell in love right there he going to be real disappointed when he shows up on the first day of school and it's not her I'm trying to the not hungry Challenge on my grandma I'm not really hungry I'm not really hungry you can't tell Grandma you're not hungry she made you a whole plate of food brought it up to your room you going to hold on to it until you get hungry now you better take it back apologize give her a big old kiss on the forehead you know what sucks about growing up chances are nobody's ever going to do this for you again so grandma going to bring you food to your room cherish it dad's choosing how to ask for a snack in the car pass pass pass smash you know the only snack my dad wanted was a cigarette but I can tell you guys that I've grown up to be the dad who asks for the snacks you know I don't care who's in the car I don't care what you're eating I want to bite dad I got 110 on the two $10 bills yes they did look is that actually 100 that realized you messed up oh wait a second you weren't supposed to get that much I would know I'm the Tooth Fairy is that actually 100 the Tooth Fairy got scammed I think the Tooth Fairy was drinking last night that's a pretty good deal $110 you know how much I got one whole dollar are expensive these days she's taking some boxes going to put them together but wait a second you have to trust the process so she's taping the boxes together throwing in some markers oh and then you put the kids in there and cut them a little window so that they can talk to each each other it's a box of Gremlins you know who needs a babysitter when you got a box of Gremlins they will literally sit inside these boxes and entertain themselves for hours drawing on the walls you know you can draw all over the walls in here bedroom no no no this is actually a genius idea also this would be so fun as a kid children just love to be in boxes you know what I used to do I used to take one of these and just slide down the stairs my mom had me take off my wig for her Snowman the Snowman needs some hair she's just going to say here bald in the snow while mother takes her photo even dad wants the POS with it like oh our daughter turned into a little snowman we heard screaming so we came downstairs P did you break my salad bowl you know what son take the money and go deal with your mother bro's really bribing his son like yeah did you break my salad bowl you know what for a couple hundred I would take the blame too like yeah Dad okay whatever you say growing up my dad did this too you know anything but deal with the wrath of mother throwing things at my roommate until they figure out what it is part one where's your roommate no what she realized it's her you know technically your child is your roommate no you know I don't think that little hand is going to stop that table hey Mom do you have time to talk for a second I'm just feeling really lonely lately like nobody likes me that's why I don't talk to my mom I'm try to have a serious conversation here my crunchy mom cares more about her assai smoothie like nobody likes me like oh did you say something it can wait that's not going to kill it though put it in a py bag hey what is that that a cook AA you just casually picked them up with a spatula why is my dad holding hands with his [Music] foot holding hands with your foot is one thing but then caressing the big toe like that I don't know maybe he give himself a little toe massage the dogs need some love too you know if my boyfriend doesn't hold toes with me under the dining table then I don't want him sorry bro you are no longer the favorite you got the dog and a child in the background and you want some new airpods time to find a sugar mama if she's pretty her dad is bald time to go bald why because all pretty girls have bald dads no stay ugly I just hit different when you hear a straight from your dad you can stay ugly and I'mma keep my hair I guess I'm ugly cuz my dad got hair thanks to my oldest daughter thank you for doing the laundry a whole $100 for the laundry thanks to my youngest daughter thank you for washing the dishes my middle child you did seven chores out of eight here is a Carl Junior coupon the middle child guess no love I don't know what it is it's like the oldest was there the longest they were the first and then the youngest is like the shiny brand new toy like oh we have a middle child I feel like sometimes parents forget they even got a middle child scaring Mexican dad oh he got a magnet and he's going to make Fork move under the table okay this is actually terrifying when is he going to notice Bro Look up the fork jiggling what's wrong scared of a little Fork you a't ready for the real world my brother saying another one of mom's favorite lines are you bored yes why don't you go clean your room then got him I don't think she's ever going to use that line again oh you're bored why don't you go clean your room who cleans their room when they're bored not even mother wants to do that hey Mom yeah I like your hair today it look really pretty a thank you can I touch it yeah my is really soft never at least she's honest I like your hair can I touch it oh your mustache is real soft you can't blame me Scott told me to say it now Scott in trouble hello hi mom um guess what some I got partner on Twitch who is your partner what do you mean you got a partner now a a whole boyfriend girlfriend that's not what that means it's like I get a badge oh a badge aren't you proud of me uh yeah yeah she got partnered on Twitch s a little more excited she acting like it's a bad thing when I first told my parents I make videos on the internet get out of my house right now I'm like not those videos I asked my dad to not throw away my straw and he sent me this oh no noty naughty he's going to throw it away just kidding dad learned how to use the camera oh you naughty naughty mom acts like her kid coming home from work [Applause] up yeah just throw everything on the floor dog is number one [Applause] priority how are you going to leave the fridge like that you know don't forget to stare at the fridge for a whole minute before realizing we ain't got nothing to eat mother can we get my Donald's these kids are so messy no no not going to lie her cuz they're kind of funny I caught them caught them [Music] hugging um yeah mhm yeah yeah get out of there run oh he's snuck in a little kiss on the cheek that's what Dad was recording yeah that wasn't too bad feel like some parents would have done way worse you know my household you wouldn't have made it out the door the cops would have been called that's why I didn't bring anyone over how did it [Music] happen what the hell happened at least is going to laugh about it probably only laughing cuz he knows he's not the one that's going to clean it oh yeah huge mess in the kitchen hilarious D what are you doing on a rainy day okay well I guess now they're going to get extra water y'all got an entire rainforest in the backyard Mommy look Mommy look you look like a walking catfish turn the what does she mean by that how does she know what a catfish is ain't never too young to grab your phone press record and expose you like this someone's dad put some double-sided tape on the Crocs outside so when he stuck his feet in oh not the [Music] iPad okay Daddy Ming is funny but you go buy him a new iPad I made my dad believe that I was possessed yeah my parents would personally not tolerate the shenanigans what are you all right are all they were just think me oh for I've always known that this boy I'm calling the pastor surpris smack them Hello friends it's me today we are watching some siblings Tik toks I'm going to wreck I want to do it oh no he wanted to do it well she wanted to do it too hey thanks for setting all these cups up I hope you don't mind if I I'm going to wreck I wanted to do a look at this PO you want to sleep and bro keeps on talking when we say good night it is good night no more talking after the a good night take your phone open up the notepad write what you going to tell me in the morning thank you let just have food aggression look I thought you were reaching for my food my food that I prepared I put in the microwave I heated it up you want your own you go to the kitchen and get it pretending to die after my brother hits me gone wrong wait for it oh I see people do this with their dogs oh what he started hitting him even more like he was already dead yeah if this is my dog they would at least like started sniffing me now he went straight for the baby maker now's my chance he been waiting to do that making my sister do my chores for money she motivated oh she going to clean the house for a dollar and she is that excited it she basically cleaned the whole entire house for a dollar girl you just scammed her no I thought that would have been worth at least five she put away the dishes clean the floors for a dollar deal of the century wait until she finds out she could be getting way more look at look at this what that's me oh she made a scarecrow of him what she doing she going to set him on fire I a never seen somebody hate that brother that much they literally both of them sacrificing you just casually practicing witchcraft in the backyard they look like they about to set them on fire you know we can't legally get rid of you but we we can't do this you better start acting right the benefits of shopping with your identical twin one of us could just try on all the outfits I never thought about it that way you know I feel like identical twids most of the time you can still tell which one is which unless you eat the same exact thing every day are you going to have the same exact body but also how lit would it be to just instead of looking in a mirror you see your ident iCal twin wearing the outfit okay I guess I'll look like that perfect I don't have a twin but I have a sister and we always go shopping together and it's like whatever she grabs I'll also grab you do this better than I do POV trying to study to at least pass and this is your little brother he's going to break the window with that that's a tennis ball he throwing it hard it's cuz he has nobody to play with nobody passed the ball too outside this what happens when you want to sit in your room and study po I asked my brother to turn the light off but I didn't leave a tip what is this a local coffee shop little bro asking for tips to turn off the light no tip what did you even do you know back in my day when I was growing up I make my siblings give me a glass of water turn off my lights I'll be chilling in bed I'll call them across the house make it sound like an emergency and be like can you shut my door and me being the oldest they can't do nothing about it they simply must obey but now they asking for tips I don't see no large mocha Frappuccino and a chocolate chip cookie like of course you getting no tip he bought himself a chain with all that tip money when your sibling makes a Your mom joke but y'all literally have the same mom you can't be using your mom jokes on your siblings you literally just roasted your own mom when kids bully my little brother and his friends oh she going after them they only I'm allowed to do that no one else allowed to bully them but me trying to take my prey she going after them with a golf club you could literally end them with that now I'll be running too I ain't fighting against somebody with a golf club never letting my brothers come to my meet again back sign you running too damn slow beat up long head you know nothing going to make you run faster then someone roasting you from the bleachers he's sitting down shoveling popcorn into his mouth y'all are slow bro can do nothing but run his mouth when your brother comes to your room to annoy you see this is what I'm saying at this point you got to learn to get used to it you know I'm going to tell you now the youngest child needs to deal with this they put up with the most but also your parents let you get away with the most it builds character in the long run you'll end up being funnier how to piss off my twin that ain't your twin up I she going to beat you with her Barbie oo that's all it take I you stink now you know how to really mess with kids tell them them they're still a baby you know since they want to act grown all the time she thought she was Stronger okay yeah so strong de big body boy you're not that strong oo show you how it's done she said you ain't that strong show you how it's donee those are like what 10 lb each nah he's pretty strong I can barely do that with those I really wanted to see her lifted no problem maybe with a single finger nah she couldn't even lift one you know sometimes you got to learn the lesson the hard way me eating all the foods before my siblings find out there are some oh you are the absolute worst kind of person but also it do be a free-for-all I found it first some people just never learned how to share and I was one of those people I ate the last ice cream why are you stomping like that you at the last ice cream oh those are actual tears she had melt I mean somebody had to eat it she had a full mental breakdown tears included over the last ice cream why are you stoping like that you made the last ice [Music] cream I can't say nothing because I was that child that threw a little fit my siblings were always stealing my food I was in high school I came home so excited to eat my leftover spaghetti I cried actual tears when I saw the orange container in the sink nobody wanted to admit that they ate it well there's not enough milk in the morning for everybody I got to put me first I got to put me first understand that I promise you what do you mean you guys don't just like add water and then water down the milk honestly being the oldest my bowl of cereal takes priority I don't know we got some orange juice in the fridge y'all could use that or eat your cereal dry my big sister did this over some drinks that was mine it gu way she BR the door [Music] down it's like you made a cardboard just straight up cardboard in there you mad over some pop with honestly shouldn't have had taken her drinks but now you got a little hole and you could crawl into your cave y'all going to be a big trouble when mother gets home the feminine urge to smack your siblings across the head when they're just sitting there minding their own business I mean yeah because you literally can what are they going to do especially if your parents aren't there I have the sun ofers to smack you I will and get out of your system now before they grow up and want to fight back that one sibling that will eat the rest of your food when you're full back I got back oh they're the best for this I cannot stand wasting food so I appreciate anybody that wants to eat my leftovers my unfinished food anything that I don't want to finish eating here you go help yourself when you ask your brother to take a photo of you oh there you are you look gorgeous H monkey oh gorgeous photo of you I see no difference first time hearing your sibling cry like this after a butt whooping it's like you want to feel bad but you try so hard not to laugh like I'm sorry little bro but you kind of deserved it though I'm just glad it wasn't me wow you two look exactly the same us literally me and my sister all the time time everywhere we go at least once a day people will look at us and be like are you guys twins I we'll look at each other like bro we don't even look alike like I don't even see it but everybody will think we look alike it's weird but it's like when you look at your sibling I don't look like that when I accidentally dropped my sibling's toothbrush while grabbing my own how will they know also y'all just put your toothbrushes together together I know you guys all have different colors but still the fact that they could possibly touch grosses me out I ain't sharing a tooth brush holder with nobody also if I drop it whether it's the floor the sink the toilet I'mma to pop it right back what you don't know can't hurt you me calling my little sister out of school early days so we can hang out you see the way she just picked her up popped her on her back like a backpack equip my back bling like that was too smooth I don't know why I did this oh I didn't have a car that's fine Hello friends it's me and today we are watching some sibling Tik toks tell me you have a younger sibling without telling me you have a younger sibling Mom Z you got to play with me I'm Sor she locked the door how did she open it just like that like it was nothing you going to play with me I'm s she's strong she probably eats her spinach if I push this door open and make it into this room that means you got to play with her that's the rules what the heck oh you see you can't do that I bet I know who the youngest is it's like sometimes we do that because we can it's like look at all my fries over here but uh I'm going to eat some of your fries why not I want to watch the world burn tell me you have a brother without telling me you have a brother please leave my room you are ugly I bet he's going to keep my door open all checking himself out what was the reason no reason just woke up and chose violence also why my guy look like the ape titan does he not though as older brothers it's a every night thing we just have to do oh my God Leila oh my God we just got to like come in and check on you making sure you still breathing smack the phone out of your hand we just making sure your reflex is still work what is like having two older brothers bro I can't even imagine just drag her out of bed unplug [Music] everything hurry causes much Mayhem before mother gets home me being stronger than my brother and going to beat him up him doing this no this is all they could do and honestly this was me at a point whenever somebody would like pick me up put me somewhere I'd like to see you try to defend against this ow I kick my own foot [Music] wow bro W Mattress versus baby brother who will win not today mattress he really kicked it out of the way about to sacrific his baby brother for a Tik Tok and was like no Nobody messes with my brother sibling relationships are weird like you'll stab them for stealing one of your fries but like also give them a kidney if they needed it it's weird me getting bored and remembering I have a sister oh good old go to their room stare at them oh and of course the necessary leaving the door open on your way out excellent work you know it is an older siblings responsibility to check up on the young at least three times a day Starbucks for the youngest Starbucks for the oldest oh they got a venty for the middle child close enough right they ain't going to know the difference why y'all not care about the middle child cuz they're not the oldest they ain't special they got the youngest they not the baby Justin yes uh-oh and it was at that moment Billy knew he messed up my guy with a perfect head shot uhoh he ain't going to remember his childood I swear the youngest child always gets better things growing up that is very true here's my 13th birthday cute right well anyways here's my little sister's 13th 13th birthday bro she 13 got the whole Instagram wedding ceremony I didn't even get a cell phone until I was like in eighth grade until my friends started making fun of me like how do you not have a phone and I'm like I don't know my parents didn't buy me one an accurate representation of what it's like to be home alone with your siblings and you hear the doorbell ring did Mom say anybody was coming while she's gone no you hit the deck blinds got the lights here thanks no not the blinds like they're right outside when we were home alone we always used to hide like as a murderer they come in we're going to die today close the blinds I don't care who you are and I don't care if you're the mailman I was taught to never open the door visual nothing damn it what are you morons doing get down you idiot somebody's other door so awkward for the person outside like standing there like why did the blinds close the lights just turned off right in front of me what is it it's Jacob's stupid friend oh yeah I forgot about that wow Jacob's stupid friend like somebody at the door quick time to close up shop close the blinds turn the lights off meanwhile a person standing at the door like clearly there's somebody home and they don't want to let me in but like this was terrifying post a picture of your sister and then the reason she is single is that what I think it is mayonnaise straight out of the jar oh at this point you don't even need to worry about a boyfriend when you going straight to jail why yall got to watch the same thing I hate being the one that has to like hold the phone while we're watching something like put it down somewhere and then y'all could just like y'all I think my sister is a [Music] psychopath just what the hell she just fil on a Tik Tok bro leave her alone how you go humiliate like that this is why you got to lock the door if I was doing this at my parents house and I didn't have a lock on my door I would have just like take my dresser press it against the door you know you got to make sure nobody's going to bust in when you're humiliating yourself on the internet everyone got that crazy sibling that plays video games all day eats the entire house out of food makes weird noises and has issues oh that was me though um yeah don't look at me like that siblings fat loser what you see me I'm the oldest I own this house I own you oh is this yours mine now what are you going to do what are you going to do what you're stupid 7 years later can I help you do you want to like go to Target with me no I'm I'm good I'll buy you McDonald's fine yes wait wait what is it sad that you're my best friend yeah it kind of is a n that ain't sad I feel like my two youngest siblings we did not get along we didn't even talk I barely even knew them it just be like constant bullying I was mad I wasn't the favorite and like now me and my sister we like best friends so it's like you grow up and you realize like hey I kind of want to be friends with them and it's not just me like all my friends that have a younger sister they're like really close now youngest daughter chores go feed the dog easy peasy is that $100 for feeding the dogs old this go wash some dishes oh $100 wait y'all getting paid to do chores middle child go the lawn you get lunch instant Ramen meanwhile everybody else get hundred imagine feeding the dog and getting $100 instead of paying me my parents be like y'all lucky to live here you get paid for the privilege of having a roof over your head and like we feed you too y'all acting like I asked to be here you had me I'm baby a scene from a movie that this describes you and your siblings relationship get out get out okay but on my way I'm going to be doing this if you get hit it's your own fault okay then I'm going to start kicking air like this and if any part of you should fill that air it's your own fault so petty for no reason oldest child right come on get up you're going to be late for school yeah I don't buy it get up get dressed and I'll be waiting in the car can confirm as the oldest child I was not allowed to have any sick days uh I got into a fight I can't show up tomorrow that the principal's going to talk to me and they're going to suspend me and then my mom was like all right and let me tell you it worked every time you get into a fight on a Thursday you don't show up on a Friday by Monday the faculty has forgotten about it oh my you're the middle child sick I can't go to school today Mom I nobody care about heck is she mom I said I'm sick and what am I supposed to do about it walk to school stay in bed I don't care my baby I'm coming my child honey honey are are you all right listen you don't have to worry about going to school today just stay home and relax in fact you don't have to go to school for the rest of the year I'll call the principal and I'll uh pull a Caren on them you want some McDonald's KFC Wendy's Chick-fil-A Crispy Cream Dunkin Donuts I'll just get it all for you the youngest child they really get whatever they want like oh you want Starbucks before school you want to go to McDonald's grab some breakfast you want to go out at night stay out until 3:00 in the morning that's fine like the youngest gets away with anything and they all spoiled Rihanna yes uh can you bring me water okay thanks you're welcome you say sibling I say servant that was a real thing like me and my brother we made bets and we were like if you don't do this you have to be my servant for a whole week and then when I lost the bet I'll be like I'm the oldest I ain't no servant I ain't doing nothing like it does not apply to me I did not play by the rules 10 normal people watch how twins watch I can't see we agreed to put it in the middle then get your own phone as a big brother this is mandatory at least once a day what do you want that kid was doing nothing but minding their own business eating snacks playing on their iPad and then just I'm here for your daily dose of bullying so they started fighting right behind their mom and their mom's like what do you guys doing stop it and then they just we ain't fighting we dancing what are you talking about you knew she threw the shoe right after two types of siblings straight A student jumps in fountains while in intoxicated W's a lot of tournaments bro you weren't kidding big Flex toxicated again has a job doesn't remember how he got his money my dude doing something illegal on the side college volleyball spends free time clubbing let me guess is he the youngest mommy and daddy giving him that money or it's illegal money also how you going to do your brother like that like what you want people to comment like oh what a useless member of society look at you doing so good so she tried to do a Tik Tok with her little brother right and do Bonk oh did he get hurt in the teeth oh no that's the worst that's the worst When It Go Bonk not like some good old head to teeth can I have your room when you move out I'm not moving out well you have you have a younger sibling can I have your room when you move out I'm not moving out well you have to move out why it's cuz you need a husband I mean that's how it be sometimes I can already already knows what's up not my brother taking my bedroom when I moved out I had the good room too annoying brothers for no reason be like you can clearly tell who's the attractive sibling [Laughter] here hit her like a dang spatula that was crispy [Applause] a
Channel: SSSniperWolf Top Videos
Views: 283,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, reactions, reactor, SSSniperWolf, sniperwolf
Id: CSCKUehiK8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 38sec (2018 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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