Full Time Mining Nome Beach for Gold, Alex Interview

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okay we're going to meet alex today alex is a gnome beach miner alex alex what's going on good you good this is your little uh camp huh how long have you been here for uh like two months two months yeah and you come every year yes oh cool so uh what do you what do you do you take your your four-wheeler and go get some sand and yeah run it through your equipment and i wash it the high banker you wash it here yeah there's a old rusty yeah you know and i pump the water from there from the lake oh there's up above the berm there's a lake is it fresh water yeah oh fresh water nice and the snow you know and uh oh cool rain yeah it collected water and that's the the most uh better place to i need to go to another side you know dig over there yep take the material there the sand bring it here okay in this bucket i have like 10 buckets you know five in the back five on the front and i take my four-wheeler and bring it there and bring it back to here you bring it back and watch right here miles five miles yeah oh wow it's like uh you don't like the material right here half and two and a half yeah i have some gold but it's it's tough you know like uh driving a four-wheeler heavy oh and it's soft to sand it's too hard stock yeah yeah and the people have a hard time to bring the material from there to here they come and wash yeah yeah yeah the high banker have a true miracle mat two miracle mat miracle mat is made for cleaner you know it's like in a kinder box and a bikini box and uh put in here and they catch their very fine gold so there's only is there a lot of fine gold here on the beach that's very small very small gold not not big i don't have a uh gold right now but i can show you later okay yeah it shows later yeah for sure and uh you cannot see the gold in the box right now because it's only 10 bucket you know okay so right now they're like uh dirty bucket yeah that see like lime's uh fine gold after 30 buckets like a gold dust where do you see it right down in here yeah right in your miracle mat yeah oh nice and i cover with the sand for the people who come and see i don't see you gonna come over here right now yeah yeah so when you leave and get more sand you throw sand here so nobody sees yeah oh good idea yeah it's like i hide the gold from the curious people yeah yeah yeah exactly nice yeah how much gold do you think you caught with this uh some some days i catch like the one off one ounce yeah wow when it's like uh last year i have a big storm yeah you know and uh i go to like in the top of the sand you have lots of gold and it's easy you know it's like wow catch you there so some days you'll catch one ounce and then one day maybe three houses one day three ounces in one day yeah come on yeah you're not lying no i'm not lying you're not like wow ask that guy he's worked with me last year yeah yeah you know it's like i wait for a storm comes out okay straight you go all the way up yeah and concentrate the sand over here in the top and it never comes seven years until like last year okay it's the year when come you know the storm is like concentrate the gold and put the gold on the top it's like a sand like this yes no stones and uh it's like a pink scent no red and you shove on the top yeah and when you test to see like a bunch of colors and uh you bring it them bucket wash it here they come like a 10 grams 15 grams cheese 10 bucket every time you might go over there another one come and go in another one come and go another one so you don't have to dig down deep it's on top oh it's on the top it's on the top yeah wow and uh because the part of the beach over there is much narrower it's like it's not longer like here yeah over here i have like a 500 feet yeah over there only maybe 300 feet and the water goes to reach the tundra bring the gold from under you know and uh yeah leave the gold on the top of the sand but it's like a miracle last year oh nice nice place uh 200 2019 is their miracle year for me miracle here yeah come like you get a lot of goals 27 ounces 27 ounces wow just on the beach yeah geez you're rich yeah last year last year yeah this year is tough this year i i have like two months eight weeks i found uh six sauces six ounces in five weeks and uh so harder this year yeah but you need to still like work every day you know and looking for a better spot to yeah yeah like a digging you know yeah and when you find uh like uh some small spa have lots of gold and another one's not but you need to still keep a shovel right and you need to keep it like test it you know use your pen you know and test it keep testing and uh you see more colors you take it you see less color you take two yeah yeah you take everything you know from the top to the clay you know in the layer you know you just take everything do you shovel every day a chevron every day every day yeah all summer long uh-huh wow yeah a lot of hard work right saturday today is sunday today sunday yeah look at that yeah it was a working man with the gloves on even with the gloves yeah yeah it's a working hand yeah and uh you come and you come over here to camping you know you have your warm place to stay yeah you know you cook on food and uh you're fishing fishing hunting you know yeah a bunch of uh like a funny stuff yeah a lot of it's not just gold you know yeah and uh a lot of adventure yeah yeah and yeah go up and down go to the mountains you know do you mind showing us your your house oh no yeah let's see how a beach beach miner and gnome here uh lives i have three tents over here you have three yeah oh you have a mansion wow i have my small tent over here generator over there okay my fishing fishing yeah yeah i have this stand over here for a gold pan oh okay sleep don't want to have a stove on the the yellow one is where you sleep yeah this one is where you process your gold yeah and this one cook storage this is started storage over here wow this is cool and then uh what's this to block the wind yeah i take some pallets and there's some for a block the wind coming this way okay you know it's called southwest southwest yeah yeah and it's very very very strong like 25 30 miles an hour yeah and i have this pollux over here to block a little bit of wind you know yeah and uh i have a bunch i have my water i have uh you know my radio my laptop oh movies you're living good yeah wow how about bears king any problem with the animals oh yeah man i have a markers of balls of bears everywhere bears everywhere and uh coming at nighttime looking for food you know yeah and you're still inside you know shaking you know oh jeez you can hear them sometimes yeah when you're sleeping yeah oh jeez no i awake you know is it scary yeah it's scary yeah and they leave food inside the bear coming and try to break it you know the the the zipper and go inside eat whatever you have you know fish is loving they love the fish yeah yeah and uh don't leave like nothing smell around what kind of bear the black one or the brown one the the grizzly the grizzly bear the big ones oh geez i have a bunch of pictures from there oh man that's scary it's scary you need to bring a gun you know yeah and uh you need to steal alert because he's come like sneaky from the tundra and come here straight to the food so it's quiet yeah yeah when the the the wind blew like uh south this way you know leave it take the smell to there yeah some bears over there so because the bear is blind and deaf you know yeah and uh it's easy to chew like the smell the food you know it smells very good yeah yeah and then you can like hide some some kind of another different smell like smoke burn some wood yeah you know this way you hide the smoke from i have my barbecue over there oh you got a barbecue oh yeah yes sometimes no i catch some fish this is more fun than living at home yeah it makes some like uh some smoke fish yeah nice yeah you need to have a fun you know oh yeah and and money yeah that's for sure yellow for you green yeah yellow for green yeah nice nice yeah so yeah we're gonna follow you down to the where you get your sand and you can show us how you shovel and okay and how you choose where you get yeah yeah okay the spot haven't been worked for like uh uh five years now five years you work same spot yeah i work it's not in the same spot it's like in the same area same areas like uh yes big reals you're gonna see over there okay and uh sometimes the gold is on the top sometimes uh on the close to the water or another time is like close to the you know the barge yeah over there yeah and you're gonna see where i work okay all right awesome okay let's take off [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] alex is on gold avenue [Music] no no it probably could but we can stop here that's where his digging area is cool all right we'll stop right here and let's go check out how he gets his gold what's this beach called west beach this is uh this is uh east beach oh this is east beach okay center beach center beach or east beach center or east beach and here he is there's alex and a bucket of water oh you bring your water with you yeah i don't want to walk all the way to the water your test pan right right you need to work smarter you know work smarter yeah definitely you know so when when you come over here you see the red sand over here okay yeah yeah you go like this all right you scrape the clay see okay little b yeah and uh you're gonna see red [Music] see yeah yeah and uh you come with this is red yeah is that garnet yes that's garnet sand yeah okay you you this amount no full shovel just a little b right putting your pan and you're gonna see colors let's see how many colors you have all right all right and uh you shake a little bit save your water right dump back because you don't want to walk to bring more water and go like this until you see the gold and then shake it tap it and bring the gold oh wow this is fine gold geez yeah there's some nice little chunkies right there yeah look at that hope you can see that just one little pin a little bit of sand in there yeah just one how many do you think that is maybe 30. that's more than that 50 yeah 50 colors 50 colors right there that one little tiny scoop yeah that's awesome but the co the colors still come down you see yeah the stars over here down there yeah oh right there yeah yeah some over there yeah wow and uh you take the gold don't throw away don't throw it away no no you don't throw away yourself oh you're gonna keep it okay here you're gonna put it in there yeah [Laughter] shake it and clean very well clean very well yeah yeah but sometimes this fool you you're you're not trust in one test pan you need like because you're gonna shovel this higher over here yeah right and uh you'll go like this right you see red sand yeah yeah all right and now you can put in your atv right okay your boxes look they go like this right right off the top yeah you see now you're going to scrape the clay we're going to put a bunch of stones one is too big you take it see go away throw away you don't want them get out of there and uh go like this again all right you can have like 50 colors yeah you know yeah when you scrape the clay you have a big ones get the big ones right on the clay do you get more gold when you see the big rocks in the sand yes you get more gold yeah you're going to see a pocket over here look yeah see that a pocket a gold see oh look at that right there there's a like really red stuff yeah that's good stuff yeah when you take this and test it you're gonna see a bunch more colors i'm gonna show you look just a little bit right yeah test again sometimes you know have lots of colors [Music] now you have that heavy stuff on the van all right yep there it is gold dust right yeah just a little bee there's a lot but it's it's really really fine all right there's all gold yeah there's a little nice little flake right there yeah what's the biggest piece you've ever found here uh four grams four gram yeah right on the beach yeah wow just like that just creep the clay you know just scraping the clay like that and you'll find uh yeah you'll find a nugget everyone knows that it's sticky on the clay right here the good stuff yeah yeah you see that red over here purple yep yeah that's good yeah and this one no much gold right not much gold in the side look at this yeah you can see the stripe right here it's like a different color right there yeah that's where the gold is yeah so this is a the special way you pan yeah your hand is special your tomb over here your rifle's over there in this direction and you're gonna dump the lighting material out go back and forth yeah the material come out yeah now i have only the heavy the heavy is over there right yep right in the back yeah and now you're gonna bring the the light material down right i have a big stone on the way you can use your fingers and tap it when you tap it you know the gold going up and the lights come down that should be a good pan there's a lot of red sand in that one yeah wow whenever this black sand and red yeah lots of colors you see you cannot see color yet because it's heavy heavy heavy yeah when i tap it you know the gold going up because it's heavy right yeah yeah wow look at all that geez that's loaded do you see that take a while you know but yeah yeah wow that's a lot of gold for one little tiny bit one little scoop man cheese it's like a one handful one handful yeah they're killing it yeah i hope you're buying lunch today alex good job alex look at that yeah once one handful one handful that's only one handful yeah that's awesome good job man yeah and sometimes you're just like a dump to get like this way okay you know this way you see colors over here yeah and see colors over here put a little bit of water just a little bit like one tablespoon of water and bring out the golden this way all right like make it clean and uh now you dump over here on the top of the sand because you're gonna shovel in the high banker right yeah yeah look no gold no gold nope right not at all yeah all right that's awesome i don't know how's the fan and the rain too and the cold tune and the sun too you know hot days cold days you know so every day every day heavy jacket no jacket yeah so alex when you get enough gold uh how do you get the money for it for your gold go to the gold buyer here in town yeah and what how much gold do you usually bring to him uh depends it's like uh now i wait for the price going up because it's like almost 2 000 yeah all right i want to sell my gold for like 20 2100 2100 you wait okay and uh i hope this week you know reach 2100 because like last week or two weeks ago is like you know seventeen hundred and i come to thousands yeah you know they come way up yeah so when you go what do you do you give him one ounce of gold and how much does he give you ninety percent of spot 80 yeah so you get 80 of spot price for the day and no questions asked does it have to be all pure gold or can there be a little black sand yeah so he don't complain he don't complain if there's a little black sand no no okay because the black sand is much much smaller and uh yeah in the gold but it has to look like you do a good job cleaning right yeah yeah and then so you give him the gold he give you money and deuce cash sign paper dude no nothing he just give you cash and you walk out yeah oh nice that's a good deal the first time you go does he check the gold yeah how always if you're a stranger no he's always no he knows okay he's no i'm here every time yeah you know he's nowhere ways i'm work on the beach my gold look like you know have a little bit of land a little bit uh black sand you know that's normal that's okay nobody's perfect yeah the gold is not perfect you know that's good code is so you take that money and then you buy your food and yeah put it in the bag put in the bank and uh go and uh save the money fraud uh next winter oh next week i see buy food pay the bills you know you go vacation you must make a lot of gold you must do pretty well dude do you want one of them a bunch of people over here you know it's just me just me just just alex yeah there's no only some people down there there's nobody else beach is empty no it's uh beach miners with uh of alex's caliber they're a rare breed yeah yeah he works that's a lot of work out here working every day every day yeah so i mean even even you know i mean like i said he's a rare breed i mean not very many people work as hard as he does no no no that's for sure most of the divers over here think you're going to make a lots of gold no you cannot dive right now look at the fog over here yeah you can't see barely and the wind is not fog too rough when there's no fog no rough you cannot see underwater so with digging you can get gold every single day no matter what any time you can come over here with a flashlight in the head you know yeah but if you dive you can't get gold every day no and sometimes you dive is a perfect everything is okay but your hose is clogged when your hose is not clogged you know yeah you cannot find the place where however the gold when it's perfect everything's perfect you know yeah you're right you're right and uh i don't like to deal with certain things so you like the slow and steady gold i want to steady gold every day gold every day every day i think he might got us on this one like every hour he's got the right idea i can start over here four o'clock in the morning going to like 10 o'clock 11 o'clock in the night you know in case i don't want to sleep i come over here with a flashlight [Laughter] i wouldn't doubt it i see you over here at the flashlight yeah this guy's a hard worker every day well alex was great talking to you thank you very much for showing us how you get your gold and uh-huh and how you how you mine the beach it's yeah it's really cool have fun have fun
Channel: American Gold Prospectors
Views: 98,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dredging, dredging for gold, sniping, sluiceing, keene, proline, prospecting, gold, nuggets, pickers, flower gold, american gold prospectors, gold show, gold rush, panning, big nuggets, Gold prospecting, chunky gold, bedrock gold, nome, nome beach
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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