Alabama Billion Dollar Gold Discovery

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this is sanding wardrobe and this dusty watchman today we have a special presentation for you this is very good news that will bless meaning yes sir this is a presentation we've been one gift for a long time you know but dusty we couldn't give the presentation until we achieved a certain level success right let's start with a word of Prayer okay father we come to you in the name of Jesus we ask that you help us make this presentation in a matter that pleases you we pray that this presentation reaches the ears and eyes of those that you want to learn about our discoveries we pray that this presentation does what you desire to be done amen amen I want to talk about a major discovery of gold that was made in Alabama dust team yes it started with a Bible study and a special work from God this discovery is so major it will start an Alabama go raiser and I know that's a bold statement but I'm gonna make a boater won a gold rush so substantial that Alabama top industry becomes gold mining whereas Alabama becomes the world's foremost producer of gold because a shocking discovery is made it made with the use of cutting-edge technology yes there's many people property owners in Alabama that are sitting on a sea of gold and they're unaware of it and that's what we're gonna do today we're going to tell them about it now first let's lay the groundwork for this presentation and we want to consider some past history you know unknown to most and we we've dealt with a lot of geologists and mining engineers and metallurgist correct and they don't understand but Alabama has already had its first gold rush correct and actually gold mining was a top industry in the state just this rush dated back to 1830 actually because of the rush two of the biggest towns in Alabama were gold mining towns and when I'm gonna name our to be Hickey and I hope I pronounced that right this go rush ended when greener grass was promised Alabama's miners with the discovery of California gold in 18-49 that Alabama miners were told in California the Nuggets were big you just pick them off the ground and any bad that cap and could be rich overnight you know with the news Alabama's two biggest towns the gold mining towns became ghost towns overnight and actually in go Vale there was a monument that tells about this event it's important to know that these miners they didn't leave because the gold ran out they left because of green grass dusty that's a good point you know Alabama's first state geologists a man named Michael Timmy he did a review of Alabama's gold fields and he agreed with that point yes you know January the 3rd 1855 to me published her his report and the Montgomery advertiser now he said something pretty important decision of his article he said when Capital directed by science and skill is invested into the minds of the state it's not too much to say that the results must he used the word must be profit to the stockholder and advantage to the country that's a powerful statement yeah you know but 37 years later another man entered the scene he was a professor of chemistry and metallurgist and worked with the University of Alabama he conducted a study for the Geological Survey of Alabama this man whose name was dr. William battle Phillips now he was a well known individual he was well respected in his field and later he played a major part in Texas oil boom and went on but to become the president of the Colorado School of Mines which is a really impressive school but in 1892 Phillips completed his study for the state a study was done on the area called Alabama's Gold District a part of that district he rewrote up a report it became bulletin number three the Geological Survey of Alabama the report was titled a plumie report on a part of the lower Goble of Alabama in the counties of Chilton Kusa and Tallapoosa with this study Phillips visited many prospecting sites and abandoned gold mine sites now he was a metallurgist and a chemist and he conducted assays and he performed metallurgical tests where he extracted gold from the ores all over the use of 1890 technology his work was very impressive he had a powerful conclusion of that report more powerful than what to me said yes sir he did here's what he said quote no notice has been taken of what I sincerely believed could be developed into one of the most successful enterprises in the state gold mining in quote that's a powerful conclusion two impressive study Phillips was a professional he did very good work and his work did convince him that Alabama's gold mining could become one of the most successful enterprises in the state but he was also conflicted he was the opinion that gold mining would greatly benefit a few Alabamians financially but developing Alabama's cold and iron ore would put much of the state to work much more of the state he expressed that opinion in bulletin number three he also suggested to the governor that the state should promote develop the coal and iron ore instead of promoting in development his gold deposits the governor did take his advice soon after that bulletin number three was forgotten and was buried in the Alabama's archives until we dug it out in 2009 dusty I want to change gears here and I want to bring out a major and very important point the type of go that started out Obama's first gold rush is what is known as free go some might call it simple go this is go that could be detected with that day's technology and harvested with crude processes it shows up when I in a test pan and it can be easily seen with the naked eye free code was a type of go study by Phillips and to me it can be easily detected with standard fire essays and it can be harvested with the various type of gold plants on the market to that tree now in 2004 we were part of a team and we made a major discovery yes and it was a second form of NGO called complex code correct what shocked everybody was the magnitude of this discovery dusty in your experience and you've looked at a lot of Alabama properties I think we assayed about a hundred seven properties that show positive for complex go correct how much more complex code is there in Alabama's or body than there's free go in my experience it's about 50 times more it's a lot is a lot so you have a go rush could be could be taking place in Alabama today based on the harvest of frigo when you add complex go to the picture that's when Alabama becomes the world's foremost producer of go correct if you remember our 2004 discovery start with the 2003 Bible study did I remember very well we were on our ranch and I was near the pay road doing something when our uncle passed by and he stopped to visit and the conversation turned to be about the Word of God and the subject of wisdom dusty you remember my commercial yes sir it went something like this from my study of the word of God I've learned that he would tell you practical things God will even tell you where the gold and silver is located now that seems funny today but at the time we were not - no sir we had no vision of becoming - it was just a commercial and it was what I came up with - interest my fellow Christians in a Bible study but God has some other things on his mind well in that day my commercial worked my uncle wanted to have a Bible study he really desired to learn how to hear the voice of the Lord more clearly he invited us for a sit-down Bible study after the study you remember him getting out the mouse and the data he had on them on a mining project he was working on he was very interested in that project and he wanted to hear a voice the Lord concerning that project a little later on I was cutting my grass on my ranch and I liked him when I cut my grass pray in fellowship with God on this particular day I heard these words go tell your uncle that the land he's working on is loaded with minerals but it's going to take faith to get him out of the ground and when I heard that I spoke and I said this Lord I'm not gonna tell Michael this well he'll think I'm crazy and Lord done he said I heard the Lord he said what's the subject to your Bible study that's all how to hear the voice of the Lord realizing that this was the Lord and risking embarrassment I stopped my mower and I went to my uncle's house immediately and I told him what Lord said let's fast forward now to the spring of 2004 one morning Michael comes knocking on our door and says sandy I can't get the words that you told me out of my mind will you and dusty help me with the exploration work on this mine site he want us to help him look for the minerals Mike and tell him your mother Dina was the cause of us considered the project if you remember just before my uncle came Dina told us that she's been praying all night about some mental rights that we gave away she was telling the Lord that we were to a harvest from that gift when your mother targeted the subject any subject in prayer we paid attention yes sir because she got results he had a direct line to God remember one time out of the blue she decided we needed to produce an oil well from some mineral rights he inherited and she prayed one in it was a major producer knew him I brought some nice income in so we gladly took this exploration project and we assigned the number to this job project 111 our objective again was to test real parts of that project to locate the minerals Montana we did successfully locate an abundance of mica in a small amount of talent we gather samples from our test holes dusty what happened next Bob Drake of Oklahoma Dusty Bob was a good guy he was the first mining metallurgy Co consultant that we used on project 111 a large composite sample was sent to him of the mineral deposit what was named is firm international separation technology and Bob was to review that sample perform some tests within his lab and give his opinion as to the best process to harvest the minerals well Bob was looking at an ore sample under a microscope and he made a major discovery he saw the existence of some very fine gold but this goal was locked in the small grains of quartz he was impressed at the quantity of gold he saw but this was not frigo it was complex gold the good news was this go could be seen and if so there had to be a way to harvest it he prepared a sample for us and sent it off to a NASA lab to have his opinion verified but he didn't use just any asset lab he used one called advanced analytical LLC the founder of that lab was a doctor a Jordan he was a pioneer in the melodica world he we did some very impressive work for Phelps dodge major mining company he was able to locate platinum and he was able to provide them with processes to harvest apply and what was unique about that they were harvesting platinum for the city was no place where the expert said it couldn't exist at the time we became involved with advanced analytical doctor Donald Lee Jordan had passed away and the company had been passed down to his daughter and her husband Gary and Kathleen Smith so our dealings were with the Smiths and they became a big part of our dealings what did a lot of work for us yes sir spent a lot of money with that firm over the years my uncle he wanted a second opinion and so he took eight samples on his own without anybody knowing about it and he took that too of all places Alabama power country laboratory now I didn't know the had a laboratory but they did and they provided services to their customers for feet so this lab also used modern technology yes it was very much different than what was used by advanced analytical we got results back from Alabama Power Company quicker than we did a vast analytical now there were eight samples sent to them all eight came back positive for gold yeah when we looked at percent Byways and saw that we didn't know how to calculate it we didn't know what that meant and so we at the time we didn't even know feels good or not good we just didn't understand that but now we have the skills to to reduce that down spurt time test number one 7.39 ounce per tonne gold 6.11 ounce per ton go for number two three five point fourteen ounce per ton go for 7.30 not thirty nine ounce per ton go five four point eighty two ounce per ton go six six point 11 ounce per ton go seven six point 75 pounds per tonne gold and eight was done in the creek and it came back fourteen point forty seven ounce per ton go wow that's what shocked yeah they were not throwing one shocked on that same day we had a meeting scheduled with a geologist and a metallurgist and we showed them the XR elf assays and they didn't say a word about that goal they just kind of looked funny and started talking about the mica if you remember I spoke up and said gentlemen something's not right y'all are acting like this is the first day so what is the problem I mean is the problem in your opinion the assays are too good to be true yes they both spoke up the same time they said yes those reports can't be true and I said gentlemen you going to have to rethink that position because my wife's been praying about this project and when she prays something's up now we had a meeting later with a with the mining engineer and at that meeting we were talking to him about the value of the project cause we were considering purchasing the project my uncle wanted to sell the project to us with ten million dollars now we didn't have ten million dollars but we had some assets and we did have the ability to raise the money the port of a meeting was is this project worth him in ours so the mine engineer sort yes but it's gonna take a long time get out that Myka he kept talking about Myka Myka Myka Myka and I said hey man what about the gold boom he slammed his hand down on the table hard and to get my attention and then he said sandy if those assays our report then you just discovered the largest gold mine in the world at that point that's just funny but I was shocked and I said excuse me a few minutes I got to go to the bathroom with you well I didn't know you went with me I walked in the door to the bathroom and I said Lord what am I gonna do with that and that you were right behind me now we might take some heat for adding the Lord so much in this presentation I noticed a lot of times you'll say praise the Lord and in your comments and amen and stuff like that but the Lord is very much a part of our business and in truth there is no presentation to give today without no sir what he taught us and showed us without the wisdom he provided us he really did show us where the gold and where the silver was located after this a few weeks later a vast and lyrical came up with their assays and it showed 3.4 ounce per ton go 12 point 43 ounce per tonne silver and five point 42 ounce per ton platinum and it also showed other precious metals and as well from their dusty we visit a bobbed ray yes one of the things we wanted to know from mr. drake we wanted to know is this project worth 10 million dollars what do you say it's worth every bit of it but only if you have a process the harvest that go going on right now he was sure a process could be attained he said it's nobody no problem we will obtain the process but he also said it could take up to 10 years to do that yes he was going to involve some serious work so then he he passed on a little bit more advice he said why don't you look for your own property of course my opinion was well this is one who got the gold on it he said Santa the way that ore body is if there's gold on that property there's gold and other properties like it yes sir because of the mineral makeup and he said if y'all going prospect you can locate your own property and you won't have to spend ten million dollars for your property well we took his advice and we involved a lot of professionals over the years how many properties we locate now Obama undone and all hundred and nine of those properties tested positive for for complex scope a lot of time had free gold on it too but they tested positive for a complex gold we what we had for proof that the gold was there was high-tech assays it was what Bob saw in the microscope and there was a word given by the Lord now we needed some metal in hand to produce prove our work threat I remember one time I think you were there daddy was telling me saying you know son I'm gonna believe your reports about gold if you would just do one thing if you just can take a small sample and put it through a process and put some metal and put in my well he was right though that's what needed to be done next dead since then we produced a lot of melon hands from complex or simple wars in our laboratory we produced gold and silver beads and then our pot plant released nice little bars ago now let me ask you a question of the mining projects that we were don't how many of those projects have we successfully harvested go from either a lab process or a potted plant setup you know that I I don't know that number after 160 projects I quit counting but I know it's more than an honor sister projects we produce medal in hand from Alabama ORS from one Montana project I've been working on and Mexico Wars the very first time we produced go from a complex or was an Alabama and it was on a project we called the Rosa project dusty is one thing to locate a complex or body but it's another thing altogether the harvest gold and other precious metals from an old body like that yes it takes a lot of work it takes a lot of time yes let's talk about the Rosa price okay with the help of some very good consultants we did some prospecting work and over a period of time we located you said a hundred and nine alibi my site yes sir those sites had complex gold on them correct and this was a major accomplishment took his Waldo yes from that we decided that we liked two of these sites the best and one of these sites was the Rosa project now we call this the Rosa project because the mineral rights are owned by a Steve and Susan Rosa what made us like the Rosa project we like the ore and it had a really cool gold mine on it and a gold mine was from the 1800s sister now we made a contract to mine this property under the company name 10:16 Mining Corporation after that contract we did a historical review of Alabama's go district looking at the archives and whatever else we could locate in that review we learned that the 1830 Gold Rush discovery that started Alabama's Gold Rush was made in a small creek that ties into chestnut Creek located in what was a target county yes now the roser projects northern border is chestnut Creek for about a mile and a quarter yes sir and it one time that was located in a tog accountant Agra County until the lines were we treat wrong now there's only was there was only eight miles of chestnut Creek located in a target county cut had the small Creek that matched the description this first discovery was located on the Rose or Proctor very near the mouth of that Creek is two mining tunnels that we found on both sides the creek the location of an open pit mine yes sir and the runs of what was a processing plant which was a major plus processing plant by lady hunters it was a stamp mill and up the creek about 60 feet more in elevation they dammed it up and had a water pipe to run the stamp mill from my historical review we learned that the rose our site is the location of the discovery that started Alabama's 1830 go rush yes sir that's pretty cool dusty it was your prospecting skills that located and decided on this project out of all that we review then we couldn't located these ruins if it wasn't for Steven Susan's help because it was in a jungle I didn't know know where it was yeah it was quite grown up you know on that pit mine there was even a slide where they they just slid the or down the banks straight to the plant yes sir that's pretty cool no we did a lot of tests over I saying samples from each hole we had these samples verified with Gary Smith taking his own samples from bears of these holes right we had an engineer to map the work yep at the end of the day we located an ore body containing how many times 3 million 95 thousand times dusty what is the average assay value of these 3 million times most of these assays are the complex precious metals it is six point 36 ounces of gold per ton 4.27 ounces Platinum per ton 2.83 ounces of rhodium per ton and 1.91 ounces of palladium per ton okay I was good point now these are very high yes sir but a lot of that the complex precious mammoth correct at today's precious metal prices August the twenty-eighth 2018 the or value is a little over $19,000 per ton that would mean that the SI value of the project is over fifty eight million dollars that's a lot a lot of people get excited about that number but is the rose of project worth fifty eight billion no sir not without a process well that's what Bob told us we had to have a process to harvest these medals before the project's gonna be worth anything correct okay what were they harvested in 1900s the free gold and the free silver to prove the roads of project you and I targeted the free gold server which we knew could be harvested and then we went after the complex go some of the consultants involved with theorists of their lab studies have had some success harvesting platinum and rhodium but that is not our first focus in this next picture a video clip you're seeing Gary cement of advanced analytical and he's showing us two small pieces of metal now the first is gold and the second is platinum that was a major accomplishment yes there was it cost us a lot of money to get our first or development work was done by others in their labs as of 2010 we staffed and operated our own labs first in Alabama and then in Mexico yes how many professionals have been involved in our work it's over 50 how many of these have had success harvesting precious metals from the rover project 27 so we've advanced past that first medal that was harvested yes we have it was a major competition so we've gone way past it okay can we take the lab results obtained from these 27 consultants and come up with a value for the roles of project no sir not yet we have to have a pilot plant work study on it many times lab processes use pre treatments and processes that only can be used in a controlled environment of a laboratory sometimes the pre treatments in various processes are costly which is not so much a factor whenever you're in a lab setting using small samples just a few grams but it becomes a major factor when you're in a processing operation using you know process and many many tons so the purpose of a lab extraction work is to learn about the ore and what it takes to harvest the reported values yes after the lab we take what's learned and locate the right processing circuit to harvest as much of the precious metals as possible in a plant setting this work is done in a pilot plant correct this is very costly work it's time-consuming and because this meaning want to skip the steps yeah generally those that do fail from the learned data in a power plant sitting you can properly establish the cost of the plant the cost of operation and the yield per ton now add to that the current market prices of the recovered metal and you can establish the value of your project yes sir as an example the asset value of the roser project is over 58 billion dollars just the current lab extraction value of that project could be around 10 billion depending on which lab process were use correct the profits that we estimate can be earned based on pilot plant work around seven hundred fifty million seven hundred fifty million dollars that is a big number for this project that's very good news for the it's good news for whoever's involved in the project however with some breakthroughs that we've had of late that number could substantially increase taking another bite out of that 58 billion dollar Apple yes sir our intention is to keep biting at that Apple until we're satisfied now I'll add that these numbers are based on harvesting gold silver and graphite at today's spot prices our main cash product here is gold when we started on the roser project we knew the values were in the oil we just did not know how to harvest those values now after a lot of effort time and money we have the technology to harvest a major profit from this project here's the best part of that the same technology can be used on hundreds of other projects located within Alabama School District yes sir I have a question how can we help Alabama property owners who have precious metals on the properties and they're unaware of it well education and good training designed to develop needed skills our background is in the construction business and we learned that technology and skill needed yes we can teach what we learned to others our plan is to finish our work demonstrate that work on the roads our project and then train license and equip business men and women without technology and equipment and let them help these Alabama property owners with phat royalty payments yes sir we are working to design inexpensive plants relative speaking that are able to harvest means in profits per year each year we will support the team and provide key services such as refining and whatever else is needed and our success will be measured in how many people we help succeed yes dad before we close can you tell them about spent on top and how that relates Alabama in 1901 Anthony if Lucas drilled an oil well to the depth of 1139 feet in Beaumont Texas and brought in a major gusher in the name of this whale was Spindletop some say Spindletop changed the old industry forever and established Texas as the oil capital of the world dusty wouldn't Spindletop and accomplished this it was the new technology employed that allowed for the successful drilling of the well to this depth through some rocky and sandy materials but most don't know is that others drilled in Spindletop area before Lucas they knew that there was all within this field the problem was nobody could drill deep enough they get to about 800 feet and the Wells walls would collapse and cease the drill around that DEP and they could go deeper now the key to Lucas's victory was the drillers he hired they were very skilled and the drilling secret passed on to them when their drill pipes were showing signs of season 9 one of these drillers saw some cows and he had what I call a God inspired out there now acting on idea he ran these cows back and forth through a pond now this was a pond that stored their processing water with this action he created mud and instead of pumping water into the well to cool the drill and shore up the whales balls he pumped him what became known as drilling mud it was the discovery of drilling mud that enabled Lucas's drillers to push past 8 on the feet to the depth of 1139 feet dusty it was this new and simple technology that changed Texas and created some very wealthy people in this and that state and within the world without the drilling mud that would not have been a spindle top in Texas would be a very different place today is Alabama's turn now and the rows of project is Alabama's Spindletop yes sir you
Channel: Mexico Gold Rush
Views: 140,282
Rating: 4.3049545 out of 5
Keywords: alabama, gold, propery, owners, discovery
Id: gEVvrUcNBUo
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Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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