[Full stream] - Tipsy Kirby Air Ride w/Lark

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[Music] [Music] hmm [Music] he just had a curb gasm i don't know what came over me welcome welcome one and all we are going to do another lovely drunk stream with kirby air ride another based game and uh we will not be getting as sloshed as last time we are going to be sensibly tipsy i tell you sensible but that being said we are going to start off with a little bit of mild heavy drinking with some vodka cranberry mixer cheers to my lad clink the monkey mug monkey mug is back and we got the webcam easy there she is we had to transfer it from the old house brilliant it's been so long since i've seen you my friend it actually has been i saw it on the counter and i was like yeah i saw him uh so let us know if you can see and hear us all right we got some lovely art uh hold on from probably forests here we had to show the little tag we got kirby with the drink kirby with the schwifty little lean or whatever that's called yelling purple drank andrew like a doofus said it was milk it is it's milky milk i'm gonna take a little so these these are quite uh these these are mixed at about the same rate as our drinks from last time but we're going to drink one of them because we're not crazy [ __ ] we are not i know people probably want us to get absolutely annihilated like we did last time i don't wanna i puked all night that was fun and i peed i just ascended this plane for the night and then the next morning i was back i like i was when i was editing that stream i was like oh he's still going i was always just like when i was like oh what is i doing our game play was [ __ ] i sucked ass yeah it's fun we were both well there was that one part i demanded you leave this in because it was incredible where i i thought that i was andrew for like the entire round and i realized like right at the end but i had the shine the entire time and i still won that was fun oh yeah fun that's so weird fun just like tonight there will be no anger no no betrayal uh get the art out of here thank you for that lovely art though we're gonna have to rp like i used to do when i played this game you just go to city trial and then you just play city trial isn't that what it's called i mean that's like a mode but that's like the dumbest mode not if you're rping i'm gonna believe in the volcano you'll never find me in the volcano i'm just messing with you city trial is the most based [ __ ] oh thank god i literally thought i thought i was gonna have to kill you yay kirby furby i don't play many kirby games this is the first kirby game we've streamed this is we're losing our curb jiminy oh seriously yeah dang that's impressive actually i guess yeah i forgot there's a vaporwave car it showed the vaporwave car for a second but like pink box with japanese writing on oh i always call that the ice cream truck the ice cream truck yeah that was my favorite even though it sucked i don't really remember the difference between the cars i think that one doesn't have charge at all oh look it's met at night at night he was so cool i was such a meta knight fan i was like he's cool i never i i don't i still don't know who he is did you ever watch uh right back at you that's my only my only knowledge of it and there was one part where he like took off the mask and it was just like a shitty little blue curve he just says yellow eyes and i was like hmm this does not explain in amazing mirror which was the game that i played a [ __ ] ton of i'm pretty sure he gets his mask like broken off a couple times like every time you beat him he goes i mean he has a little dumb face but he's like before he's yes it is but he had antonio banderas voice in that show which is i always thought of him as being like hispanic yeah was it literally antonio bandung no i don't think so but it was like kind of an imitation how to play actually this is kind of useful yeah yeah i guess they were maybe trying to make like mario kart for babies you know yeah that's kind of what this tutorial makes me think at least where it's like you gotta play you only need one button you gotta you can like fly around right there i like that one i'm glad we both have good taste but unfortunately this means only one of us is going to be able to get it [ __ ] i forgot all the powers and stuff uh and i think we're gonna do one city trial run and we're gonna finish our drinks before that and that's going to be the only drinking game element the rest of the time we're just going to sip these ciders like old grannies and i'm going to take my controller here oh no did i oh is it hold on hold on you plugged in exactly the way i told you not to plug it's fine give me that oh should i tie it a square knot okay we're fine we're fine that's all wow that was a really short tutorial nice the sounds it's melee very melee no it's literally the sounds from melee it is it is actually literally the same thing and like the menus are very melee too i don't know if i ever i mean i haven't played this game in years but i'm not oh that's that's me it's just melee i don't know if i ever made that connection yeah and i'm sure i like played them at about the same time yeah oh yeah city trial is based city trail's the way to go oh yeah uh do we need hey for any boxes you can find bust them up with a quick spin or a boost i forgot you could spin you like rotate the joystick back and forth i think okay items pop out is the i'm thinking the webcam maybe we could make it a little bit smaller reasonable just a tiny bit it's covering an awful lot of the game we want them to be able to see our charge or maybe we could put it in a different corner yeah which corner is less useful i guess because it's also going to have like the multiplayer hud true i don't know i'd love to see yeah yeah here we are okay i'm going to be pink kirby how do i get how you can change my colors oh yeah why an x i'll be blue like meta knight my hero cool oh god game grumps fans are crying right now why do they choose pink and blue yeah dan and aaron use pink and blue uh all right let's go oh boy i'm ready oh i need to i need to remember the music is is the thing i remember the most about this game oh man this is like my oh [ __ ] what did you do i don't know what i did i throw a bomb uh chat let us know if everything is working all right if the volume is at a good level and [ __ ] like that i am just absolutely getting zonked right now oh baby oh wait i know where to go i know where to go there's all the like secret [ __ ] maybe i don't know where to go i gotta go up here it really is just one button yeah yeah i think that's how you like attack enemies too [ __ ] there's no there's a weird like fisheye lens effect on this game i swear like everything looks a little whoa it is just i think yeah it's like that's how they make it like feel like you're going faster so yeah oh that's not a place to charge so i never owned this game me neither i i only ever played it at friends houses so i never never knew nearly as much about this one [ __ ] is just rendering in and out in the distance all over the place stop constantly well so this is the game that i never owned but loved it so much i went and bought it for my wii but i didn't have any gamecube controllers so i couldn't play it one of the most upsetting moments of my life i remember sitting there for a week because i could only go to gamestop after church on sundays so so i sat there for a week literally in front of my wee being like i'm such an idiot like why didn't i get a game i could play uh incidentally i got the cool vaporwave car while you were telling your beautiful story oh yeah well screw you how do i get out of my car oh i figured it out yeah it's like hold a and back there's the pro skater board there's one star that i just passed that is really i forget exactly what it's called i think it's swerve star where you can't turn at all uh well this i definitely go insanely fast this one you also cannot turn it all damn oh no the other one like literally you can only move in a straight line get off this oh that's the swerve star this is the sort of star thing oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] you got zonked [ __ ] i'm stuck on the rail wow [ __ ] is just rendering in and out all over the place i don't really mind though oh you got the best car yeah yeah best car that's the armor in the mandalorian oh he had his best scar armor okay ellen i need a better car than this car sucks massive donkey dick mine is like and that's the thing about the pink car is it's kind of bad oh i got a dragoon piece yeah i i mean the pink car is bad but that was the thing it was the coolest one so it looks nice uh what is this it's just so fun it's a fun game i i've never really indulged in other kirby titles but this one is just simply fun my mom was like kirby's good kirby's good kid game good kid game good baby game for kids and you know what it is a good baby game it is oh oh what is that one even called the evil dragoon [ __ ] uh it's called like oh it's right on the tip of my goddamn tongue i'm a wheel oh that's that's cool power i'm gonna run right into you as the wheel again you'll never catch me he'll literally never catch me [ __ ] he's gonna catch me oh i thought oh i got so many items pepe said pepe sage sag heavy hands okay not like worse i gotta go to the let's go this way i gotta go to the volcano i'm trying to like just remember my like way around here yeah yeah there's like the events that can happen too oh man yeah volcano that's what i'm talking about this is where i was like if you want to find me to fight me you gotta fight me in the volcano oh [ __ ] we're all crazy oh and i lost turn great i don't get off i'm gonna get off help me the ride never ends i want to get off mr bones wild ride shut him off i learned about mr toad's wild ride the other day the disneyland ride i didn't know that mr bones wild ride was based off of well first off it's just based it is based but it's based off of an actual disneyland ride yes and it's one of the worst disneyland rides out there damn you go to hell wow that's a fact damn that sucks the only disney red ride where you go to hell that's rough hold on i need to snipe the star watch this oh i didn't do it pathetic oh [ __ ] this means there's like a minute left i think oh [ __ ] i mean uh maybe 30 seconds something like that okay i'm gonna get all the items in the [ __ ] star come on no it went up what is that oh god oh i hope it's a flying related challenge i remember it always hints at like what the challenge is at the end did you lose a bunch of stuff right at the end no did you i didn't okay what somebody did evil dragon gregoon what is the evil dragoon grigoon i didn't oh [ __ ] what i didn't finish oh [ __ ] i didn't either you know what we're just gonna drink [ __ ] drinking games we're gonna do drinking and games how's that whoa that's the way of the future drinking games we're like drinking lames where i come from it's just about alcoholism oh what is mine what is my car it's so japanese i didn't have you have so many things you have a lot of power ups i didn't get that many actually oh well i was going to fly as far as you can [ __ ] okay hell yeah my little cube is going to be amazing [ __ ] i think i actually had okay gliding speed all right oh god this is this is a [ __ ] oh you're so fast yeah boy oh god i'm not gonna win though because i've got the cube the cube just sinks like a stone well well well how the mighty have [ __ ] their pants tonight fellas fellas i can walk around mama oh come on i'm gonna beat your ass get up over here [ __ ] yes yes i'm defeated already god damn oh he like absolutely trounced me oh yes i had a good car for it oh achievements nice yeah i played one like dry round just to make sure everything was working beforehand and we gotta we got a couple of cheapos from that okay that was fun city trial okay this time i'm ready i'm playing a win this time all right no more living in the volcano our peeing is meta knight all right it's character he is the queen okay i'm gonna steal all of these oh never mind wait no [ __ ] you don't want the gray ones right yeah the gray ones are bad oh i actually think i picked up so many gray ones last time nice i have not been screen cheating so i think i picked up a few a fool i was a fool and you pitied me you did pity me i put a bomb down imagine a worldwide don't get on the moped it's got like an eye right doesn't have an eye the gordos are like unreasonably huge they're massive i always was like whoa when i i hit my own mind this is the life it was mine mine no i'm gonna shoot you with a gun i'm running away i'm running away you're running towards me yeah damn it kirby with the gun oh a dense fog you're dense i got sword now i'm trying to remember how to use it sorry that was rude i'm actually very upset kirby's got a gun i also hit myself a found bomb i got lost and confused i said i wasn't going to rp in the volcano but if you want to fight me you know where to find me oh oh [ __ ] i just got a lot of goodies see this would be fine if i like remembered this map but i do not this map is pretty etched into my brain honestly as cool as this mode is it could have used a couple more maps i think yeah as like this one is big and there's a lot to do but maybe one or two more maps would have been cool yeah i'm always surprised like kirby arrives one that's like truly everybody i know is like a great game everybody loves kirby ride so i'm like why haven't they like made another one it'd be so easy for them i guess nintendo why am i even asking this literally in smash 3ds they had a mode that was similar to city trial and that's it and it's only in the 3ds right you like pick up the uh that's right i forgot it's dumb it should have been in different versions of it it's called like smash run or something like that smash trial maybe that's right i actually i actually played a lot of the 3ds smash oh god please shoot me gun oops a sign blew up that's gonna be you in two seconds [ __ ] one two can i suck no this sucks on ice my money dude my money uh i'm gonna i'm gonna have to find another star if you get power-ups and you switch to a different star does it like you lose all your power-ups i don't think that's how it works right i don't think so [ __ ] on wheel okay i'm bomb i don't want you stupid vaporwave gay-ass japan wagon get that [ __ ] at my sight i didn't want to go up here but now i'm up here and i'm scared and i'm lost and i'm confused and i'm crying and i'm scared you're going to be crying i really liked that edit that you did where you made like binding of isaac tears come down my face but for some reason that just really made me cackle okay this little moped is having some freaking trouble doing the quick spin attack yikes looks like i'm gonna have to bonk into you friend never will just simply gonna have that blow up the box you are gonna get hurt by that okay it kept coming and i'm going to take the reward you'll never take my hot dog i picked up the hot tub delicious all right i'm going to hit the star i'm going to hit the close whoa kirby just like janked out there for a hot second that was whack this is a roguelike true this is a roguelike kirby city trial kirby ride city trial is a is a metroidvania roguelike i never thought of that it's a roguelike it literally is when you die you have to restart i see you flying into a crater and it looks hot oh you know what's hot me getting the star oh hot dogs went flying i'm eating hot dogs the seconds are just draining out of my life can i break this please oh i got a maxim tomato dude i don't know what the crater means i i had a friend my friend mitchell who we've seen on stream before he was the guy who owned this game when i played it when i used to play it and uh he knew what all the different hints meant oh like he sees that he gets all [ __ ] yeah he goes oh i know exactly what that means and i was like toby i need to know yeah i don't [ __ ] remember spike power is my favorite i just demolished a [ __ ] person's home just to get a power up that was on top of it screw your house what are the food what does food do it just heals you you got health on the right oh sure what oh i didn't realize we were almost done i didn't realize we had health hints have a five percent chance of being incorrect that's so [ __ ] up that's so low it does have eyes on it wow there was some [ __ ] i don't know probably nobody cares but in rhythm heaven today there was a thing where there was a mini game where you had to hit a button every on the eighth beat every eighth beat and then there was a remix that had it and it had it so it was seven over and over again and i kept [ __ ] up because it was seven seven seven and then for the last one it switched it back to eight that's correct and i was like that's the first like actual dick move that from rhythm heaven yeah guys it's just like radiohead's video tapes off in rainbows it's just like videotapes i don't know radiohead just like videotapes i'm out of the loop race for who's that oh bird it's a guy yeah you get power off i'll see you later [ __ ] oh let me fly you're way faster than me i should have got a star that wasn't my like starting compact star finally fly oh yes okay i'm wigging out of my i'm getting annihilated now oh is this going to be your revenge for getting annihilated at mario kart yes now's my chance to shine i'm up here i'm down here i don't know where i am i just simply do not go very fast this looks like a doom level we're in hell we are in hell this is mr toad's wild bride um can you not do this to me what is this what is going on why am i doing oh [ __ ] you gotta like wiggle the stick for this right yeah boy oh we're gliding on the wind oh [ __ ] you're catching up [Music] come on shoot the big thing okay not this way bad bad bad bad cool full bad i can't even i can't even go that high hmm okay i'm flying all the place good thing i didn't pick up contact star is awesome someone said i well maybe i just sucked dick then compared to the moped oh that is not the way to go [Applause] i'm gonna shoot you god damn you drinkies [Music] and you were like i'm open you can't lose with the moped you are crying that's the real trick should we put cpus on i can go in the same star as you what is this no oh i see you okay yeah give me a teammate can i choose to color my teammate i don't look away i don't think they're teammates i think they're just they're just on their daddy's oh never mind we have no no no mario party classic one that's really good at the game and one that really sucks at the game that's the way to go genius genius okay i'm scared who are they we have to figure out which one's good and which one's evil yeah which one's the dummy this is how whenever uh me and the boys played age of empires we'd always make bots and we'd always do the same thing well here's one smart and one stupid oh my little friend how i missed you so oh i am do i want that i have nothing i have nothing sure what's this oh what's a good one gotta get on this look i gotta be on this thing this thing sucks massive ass i don't know what these ones are but i'll try it i guess is this the one that sucks dick this is terrible this is terrible did we both get on really bad ones this is terrible give me back on my thing oh that one i remember that that one the charge time is like a million years but then it's so powerful so i'm not getting i'm getting my favorite baby in the world my mom my favorite little baby boy okay um this music is banger anyone else thinks this game's based like comment and subscribe if you think it's based leave your thoughts down below i don't want powers are you joking around because i'm a 100 serious man anyone looks like this game's [ __ ] bass it is one of the most based games that's ever been created that's just a damn fact give me the apple i need the apple i always oh i always like when this area when the uh when this thing opens up you know and there's a bunch of the same power up in there yeah one time i got that it was like all top speed and i was like yeah you go fast okay not bad i'm doing okay i think i don't know i'm not doing so hot i don't know just like what if i ate my cart bro that's what i look like what if you ate your cart what fight my little moped oh if you swallowed funky kong what would you do if you swallowed donkey kong [Music] i think mine like sputters out if you don't if you charge it for too long maybe that's the thing with everyone i don't actually know mine really sucks at turning mine's the best card in the game it doesn't like stop simply oh wait this one's good this one's good i think you keep your power-ups i think you do it'd be weird if you didn't yeah well i just dropped one there but i was able to pick it back up again don't mind if i [ __ ] do minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft oh you went through the dirt i see i was like i swapped to minecraft every episode of spongebob every time the color yellow it's every episode of shrek minecraft huh it perfect i have no idea what that bit was even trying to be it makes perfect sense i wanted that turn power up and now you're gonna get it oh delicious i'm going the opposite way as you i didn't want to see you i didn't want to look at you please take it back and i'm never taking it back i'm taking it back to brooklyn baby no nice brooklyn not brazil can't believe they made a kirby game in brazil that's really blowing my mind i'm [ __ ] believable oh [ __ ] i just saw one of those cpus oh should i actually have not seen we have yeah i feel like this game that's the thing about city trial is like it's good because you don't actually have to interact with the other [ __ ] players at all oh the lighthouse what does this even do again it like heals you or something right i don't even remember i think when you go in the light you get healed or some [ __ ] like that i don't know i do not know there's some sort of magic thing happening with me well that's pretty based bro one way right before my very eyes no please check the cpus cheat like do you think they're just like getting items no right they wouldn't make a game where the cpus cheat street fighter oh no not sleep blow myself up oh oh yeah free [ __ ] all right now i'm gonna kill you oh i got the coolest power got the best power got the pet power yeah oh did we both get hurt there because i'm spiking you ran right into my spikes bruh oh god oh god i know which one's the good cpu and the shitty one didn't even switch off his starting start oh he's probably gonna win ignorant i got the swag mobile yeah you do the ice cream truck oh this is not good versus king dedede are you all up against him defeat him quickly yes sir i gotta get my favorite pair up are there all these holes in the stage right something like that i really don't know how tornado works i guess i do yeah all these power ups i'm kind of like okay oh this music this is from the first kirby game which is the only other one that i've played the first game it's called kirby's dream land i think oh yeah it's so good really great music on that game for the for a [ __ ] game boy game so amazing so does whoever kills king ddd get like a bonus or something is that what we're doing oh no am i getting hurt yeah i don't know i [ __ ] idea i just ran over him in my wheel yeah boy oh i'm totally getting hurt i don't want that sound oh i am retired damn i'm retired damn i hope you live a nice life career [Music] say goodbye to tension say hello pension wait what i didn't swing my sword there you go does this mean i lose the most damage this means you're going to [ __ ] jail no i'm sorry i don't make the rules i don't want to go to florida all the other guys are dead i'm the only alive dude i think i'll enjoy maybe we'll all lose bringing you down with me well okay i don't know what we didn't kill him we lost everything i got hell yeah it's because i survived [ __ ] damn i hate retiring you retire and then you die that's how it goes i like the setup with the cpus me too i like okay this i didn't realize that you took them they were on hold on okay here we go oh there yeah you're right so now i did take them off i don't even know how i did that were you even on i hate alcohol oh thanks for those subs bro oh my god thanks mr sheep 97. that's pretty cool that's pretty pogrous i'd say do you want to bet he was born in 1997 i wouldn't bet on it well here's the thing i know the guy he was born in 1897. oh [ __ ] he's ever heard of dracula yeah by the immortal one it's true trust me the name is actually his real name is mr wolf 97 but he goes by sheep to disguise i don't want a stupid power up not taking that stupid car let me come over and throw a thing at you you wouldn't you don't even know where i am you don't know where i am bye you didn't even see me ow i don't have anything the gordos why are they so big okay i'm taking the dumb start [ __ ] it alcohol is influence influencing my judgment wow brave i'm taking the weird [ __ ] star brave and you know what noble i will say a noble man a wise man but fair a cruel man my baby came back to me my wife you know when you're flying you can actually turn as the star oh maybe that's the job what is that should i take that thing yeah whatever it is i don't i'm not looking at your screen [ __ ] i got candy oh i hate this one it is good though if there's just like a straight line race you just win you're gonna get [ __ ] but i i don't know if that's gonna happen oh bomb explosion okay i'll tell you what i'm gonna do go up here yeah we get some power-ups here we do a little bit of trolling where i come from not that though god this is a weird star there's a weird star and i'm getting all the [ __ ] power-ups in the world let's go to heat top it's got a heat top what do you mean that's what the volcano's real name is heath topic let's go to mount saint helens i've been there you've ever been to the ape caves pretty funny no i don't think i have you know why because i'm not a god damn chimpanzee dude i go to the human caves like a real guy oh my god i'm so [ __ ] [ __ ] in eight caves whoa whoa those are cool actually i lied i'm glad i went to the ape games oh [ __ ] it's impacting even to this day i knew it was dangerous go to the caves [Music] give me the money cpu and he took an item right from my own freaking brain sheep you oh what's going on here what's going on here what's the [ __ ] is going on here it's delicious [Music] if you had to [ __ ] robert de niro would you uh yeah because i have to the parameters of the question require it this is just the rules i don't make up the rules nor do i make up robert de niro sorry my wife no did it just instantly leave you you just left me i found a bigger badder wife and she said no did my wife instantly leave me the answer is yes we got married the next day divorced i'm gonna hit you you won't even find me you want to find me i'm gonna hit you i'm gonna hit you yeah i know my item um can't run from me you can't run from me oh yeah oh [ __ ] you're still here take these [ __ ] i picked them up [ __ ] okay well i thought i had lots of items but then it turns out there's a stinky little poo turd on my butt excuse you i'm sorry what having trouble parsing that one when it came out of my mouth like it's one of those ones where i started saying it i was like stop stop stop stop stop stop it abort but it didn't stop well and it came out and i was like that wasn't what i was trying to say at all stop giving me food i'm not hungry oh i just took a speed down pill that's not what you want in the binding of isaac no it is not no it is not i'm not god damn hungry dude i'm not hungry i'm gonna hit you i'm gonna shoot your ass i don't know where you are i don't know where you went i just got so many things with my gun no [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm gonna need to pee real soon oh my spine oh we sound so old i have to use the bathroom oh my spine my anus is green i don't think of any old people conditions spina bifida was the word but that's like a baby condition look how much the [ __ ] level 9 cpu is dominating actually nuts that's [ __ ] up oh god even my like best thing doesn't even hold a candle to his it's his worst thing defeat as many enemies as you can [ __ ] okay oh god why didn't i pick up the power this is gonna suck as the star constantly trying to do these hairpin turns i'm killing man i'm killing bro yes i hate this oh this is the easiest game my entire life what am i baby because i'm playing a baby game like a god i'm playing like a chad poggers do things wiggle stick shoot him can i shoot you please i think so i think i've been just killing everybody killing everybody in my dance site oh i cannot control this wheel i'm sorry if there's anybody who's just amazing at this game who is suffering watching us play you know who's amazing at this game me dude 44 holy [ __ ] what did i do i keep having the worst thing for these i had the [ __ ] stutter star i uh like i want to say that the ability to be good is in my thumbs but i know it's not i know that was just random [ __ ] chance wait oh i know how to change my cpu level to max there we go are you gonna level up now yes oh my god you dumbass you gave me so much power you turned me to level mine i was at level like four oh my god it's so easy being green oh he's drinking oh cp's got nothing to me i truly i don't know what i don't know what the [ __ ] i did i know which power i like and i just kept getting it okay let's see if he's going down you know what actually when i was uh in the war you know what they called me kirby john kirby john kirby joe kirby is thusly named because there was a guy named john kirby who helped with the trial to make sure that donkey kong got protected as an indiv independent intellectual property from king kong really it was like universal studios tried to sue nintendo so they named it after their damn so they named it after this guy i think that's the story i don't know if that's actually true but that's what i've heard do you want to know why mario's named mario uh yeah because there was he was named after a guy who worked at a warehouse at nintendo no it's cause he held sakurai hostage and said if you name your character after me i won't kill you and sakurai was like okay okay mario please i'll do anything anything just let me see my family again what's happening we haven't seen dragoon yet no but i have gotten some pieces oops i didn't mean to hurt you i didn't get hurt don't worry let's talk in my car check out my wife well it's turning dark dyna blade mystery bird dyna blade oh right go fight it hell yeah i don't remember where it is [ __ ] is it up top maybe this car sucks oh i see it oh [ __ ] he's zooming around oh he's huge damn he is mystery bird dynablade um the one cpu is just stuck in the corner like he's just down there having the time of his life that must be the level one he's just chilling i don't have anything to attack this guy with so yeah when i got win [ __ ] out of luck i guess where is he where's dyna blade you've got wind you've got wind you ate beans funny yeah uh beans beans the magical fruit the more you eat the more you toot you eat beans with every meal damn it did you [ __ ] it up i don't remember it i don't know what the rest is nope [Music] i still have not even attacked mystery bird dynamite it's gone it's right now right bye [ __ ] i don't like it don't like stop when you're drifting yeah yeah that is a bit annoying isn't it am i supposed to pick up items if i'm going i'll take this oh this car is not okay i can use this car i can use this car i can't i can't you have dominated me in every single one in every single round so far because when i was in the war they called me kirby i had to pee after this round that's actually why your bladder's holding you down [Music] oh what is that mystery box i forgot that shit's up there mystery box mystery box i gotta go up there binding of isaac i think of isaac is there a mystery box fighting isaac yeah it's like the gift the present oh right i don't know that one's good because it you it spawns an item just a random item and it's whatever item pool of the room that you're in so you just go to a secret room or an angel room or something what is this oh yeah secret room has a good item set right yeah generally some of them are kind of stinker but you know what can you do bastinka even a poop of stinky is right twice a day yeah but i was trying to give like a good alternative for poopa stinka is based even if pooper stinks smell it good twice a day that's just how you say italian words damn that is the best thing i've ever seen in my entire life i do you have to pee now do you have to pee now yeah waterfalls like dripping waterfalls [ __ ] slosh yeah i am god don't worry about me just flying over the entire game i want that i just don't even need to worry about earthly matters anymore your desire to pee quenched oh god uh give me power-ups oh when you swap your cars it does drop a power from you yeah this is a car right there [Music] um all right what's the game oh i'm not looking too hot fly as far as you can i hope i can do this oh no how embarrassing if i can oh god oh that's oh no can i knock him off i mean how did the cpu do that he was going slow and she eaten himself dude did you do a speed run strap he did oh no oh no i'm gonna snap off my arm and feed him i got the baby car and i won all right i'm gonna pee get me out of here 2 000. i had to pee when i started the stream and i'm sorry i should have done it i was like maybe i need to pee it was one of those things where i wasn't certain if i needed to pee you're gonna have to dodge the lamp oh yeah sorry i put a lamp andrew entertain the crowd okay now i can talk to everybody hi everybody um hmm i'm gonna drink a giraffe beer andrew giraffe beer is not real yeah it is i harvested myself this morning idiots what you don't know how you harvest giraffe beer oh my god come on guys you know how to harvest you come you know what i come on you know what i need to do everyone knows about harvest giraffe beer when i was 12 years old my dad said son it is time you learn how to harvest giraffe beer and i said dad we don't have any giraffes and he said son there's a reason why i've never let you in the basement and i said holy [ __ ] and we went down there sure enough two giraffes ripe as rain ready to be harvested and i said dad what do i do and he said son you know in your heart of hearts what to do and so then i did i harvested oh my god probably one of the best i know i don't know this i don't want to brag i know it takes a lot of people a long time to harvest like a good batch of giraffe beer but honestly my first batch is probably one of the best ones i've ever harvested holy moly delicious fruity ripe tasteful it hit the spot [Music] probably wouldn't even they're being really mean to me oh are they yeah are you being rude to my friends i want names yeah it was palpable 0.93 okay it was gilgord and uh they are banned i can't believe you hit it with the fan message i brought some cookies those like what even are these they're they're insanity they're like they're like falling out from their bottoms yeah like butts falling off i don't know what's up with that their butt is falling oh my god look at this the butt is like coming right off the butt's coming off oh oh [Music] whoa oh yeah they're really good that's good they're like pure [ __ ] sugar they're literally like those of you who don't know these cookies are like marshmallowy [Music] oh that's good we haven't even i was thinking about it when i was peeing i haven't even cracked into one of those yet my first giraffe beer oh wait let me not forget to put on my mic again uh somebody said something about zephora do you ever watch that movie especially i thought about this thor in like 20 years yo dude when the kid pees into open space was that not the dream actually no i think he spits into open space never mind well that's why jeff bezos went to space he said i want to pee into open space like sister i should have done but they were too cowardly i thought he was like i'm gonna get that spit give me the beer i want to get that spit what would you do if you met jeff bezos i'd pee on him [Music] he'd be like yes like if you're the richest man in the world if somebody comes up to you like hi jeff i'm sorry i'd be like of course i understand i understand it's the price you pay for being a rich [ __ ] i just remember in zithera that kristen stewart froze and i was like ah froze she got frozen oh well she just like got stage fright she froze up and my dad worked it honeywell and the freaking thermostat was a honeywell thermostat i remember i was like dad dad like in the theater and he's like and i was like oh man it was such an exciting day for me oh is it thera the cheese to zathera hmm [Music] simply um i got the one with the higher alcohol content that's good stuff we both got the same brand of cider yeah we both separately we both separately bought the same brand it was really weird he showed me he was like hey look at the beer i got and i was like that's weird because i got beer from the same brand or like cider [Music] it's stuck oh i love how it was damn you that was so many feet yeah it was because dragoons [ __ ] overpowered man now let's go oh i'mma shoot now that i've peed never gonna lose that honestly we don't know it was weighing me down [ __ ] you know how many bullets i shot at you and literally none hit i didn't even notice 70. you were like minding your own business and i was fighting for my life i'm gonna hit you you can't what no you're spinning that's cause you can't hit me [Music] [ __ ] the evasive maneuvers it's so hard to hit somebody in this it game hitting someone in real life no i was ready were you ready for me to actually punch you like you were dead yeah well so here's remember how houdini got killed because somebody punched him and he wasn't ready i was ready you would not have killed me wow you would have not given me appendicitis if you gave me a dead arm yeah i actually i i had to write a report on houdini and how he died that's just really interesting it was like yeah he was just insanely strong to anybody who doesn't know he was just insanely [ __ ] strong in his like gut muscles in his like diaphragm and [ __ ] he could just tighten that up and he was like i can withstand any punch to the gut and there was a guy who he like demonstrated this and he was like aha you can't harm me with your punch to my gut and the guy got like pissed off and then attacked him while he was not flexing his stomach muscles and it gave him like an ulcer or something i think it was appendicitis yeah and he just like one of his organs burst and he [ __ ] died because it was like in whatever the old in time so yeah i guess i just think that's another one too we were just houdini facts like his wife was really relevant like his wife did all like all the shows with him she really helped him out that's just interesting that she was like yeah yeah i'm married to houdini we're gonna do magic tricks together also sorry we were all going so fast or were you going fast i was minding my own business no i think i got a battery i thought the event was making us go fast that was just a random scream i truly was like um oh wait big mama don't oh you big vomit i'm ready oh [ __ ] i'll see you later god damn it you got big momma big bubba [ __ ] you [ __ ] you damn life oh [ __ ] wait actually i'm i'm gonna zap you i gotta go out of here oh okay can i stop no no no i'm scared i don't wanna okay wait [ __ ] i missed it yeah [ __ ] okay i gotta get out of here i'm gonna hit you way too scared monkey look up where'd i go break this for me oh you break it you break it you break it there is something that i need rather badly unfortunately health no not quite that tender love and care that is true the answer is food water shelter and then self-actualization i was trying to think i was like what the hell is the last one oh no yeah pick up all this [ __ ] oh i needed that yeah oh that blew up me oh you had what i needed what the [ __ ] oh it was you why did i die from that you forgot about big mama's house three time to die i'm gonna get the evil wing star god dang it [ __ ] concern it con sarnit can i get this please can i get this not have a [ __ ] stroke please no stop stop it oh my god you a huge unidentified pillar oh right i remember this one this one has a bunch of items in it right something like that pillar yeah it's over here nobody else is attacking it because everybody here is stupid [ __ ] over here you say well it is also indicated on our mini map who is it there's a mini map oh it's up on your screen that's cheating i don't have a mini map this is stupid oh i already beat it and got all the power i'm sorry it also is like a beam of light in the sky oh i didn't get your dude i was so close to getting dragoon [Music] wow we suck compared to the [ __ ] level nine guy honestly even like the level zero one had some good items number board oh this one sucks like darts right yeah basically [Applause] i can't believe you got big mama i got big mama's house oh sh oh man i hit a bad one [Music] yeah let me have my other try let me get my other try too late to apologize oh you're flailing around are we good we get another try okay okay i'm going for big points big points big boy you're lined up perfectly for it okay here we go oh god i'm sorry little one if i had gotten that i would have won god it was close oh oh [ __ ] you actually were you would have won if you've gotten that yeah absolutely damn i was close break the huge pillar wow you're getting the achievements though i will say that shivo man cheapo man it's it's coochie man it's too big i'll do it again mmm hey there you go you got it yum i don't know if i can handle another one yeah they'll probably extreme fudge marshmallow cookies [Applause] mama oops i just destroyed a car come here [ __ ] oh i killed him i rounds to him dude i destroyed the poor guy oh my god i just aimed and fired damn simply a gun you hate it you hate to see it hey what sorry one of the cpus took his power up from me yeah we'll punish him punished venom curb punished venom curb do the power-ups affect you your car in city trial too yeah i think i don't i realize i actually don't know i'm gonna get the cave of a thousand childs oh good it was a bunch of down that's suck they suck that's suck [ __ ] hey there delilah what's it like in kirby air ride cave the power ups are down and my girl you are so pretty well i'm gonna snipe the star snipe the star right now yeah damn did i actually get it i don't even oh the power-ups are there i did get it poggers snipe it you sniped it quaggas [Music] this pokemon i was actually impressed i was like literally in my head i was like no way he knows that he trans a pokemon i caught him all even he tried yep damn even he tran even michael [Music] uh i'm scared damn stop it you're scaring me well with getting the references yeah sorry i'm cultured i'm gonna tell my mom that you know about both heatran and don't hug me i'm scared like episode five and she's gonna be like we almost had a head-on collision there oh you got [ __ ] busted up on there what the hell got busted up what was the special event did that happen yet no i don't think so it should be happening any second now now spaghetti really so i was thinking uh mark and i were talking about this but i'll tell it to you stream guys too oh i found a little room look at that uh next lark and i stream might also be a little bit of rhythm heaven co-op or uh some you know multiplayer and we might also do some mario new super mario bros co-op as well true a little bit of mario versus luige action maybe both of those in the same stream we'll see i'm hiccuping a bunch like a joke drunk person i hit you on complete [ __ ] accidents i'm like take an item away from me yep it did excuse me i'm gonna do it again oh you won't do it again simply dodged [ __ ] [Laughter] i'm going to murder you yeah get me out of here ice climbers yeah [ __ ] i don't even know how this ability works give me the top speed damn you keep picking them up yeah boy i'm gone i'm long gone though i'm fine i only lost like eight items to your reign of terror i'm gonna bomb from above death from above oh [ __ ] do you know like the freaking cut like what green boxes red boxes uh red boxes i think can have dragoon parts i think green boxes are typically green boxes are typically power-ups and you smell like one two [ __ ] squeeze let me out of here why am i flashing red is my car gonna explode you're gonna die bro cause i'm gonna shoot you no no no squeak [ __ ] [Applause] well i lost a lot of stuff [Applause] people love red vox huh it's like the vine sauce band yeah i love that band yeah i've been uh the the drummer for that band mike i've been listening to his streams lately he's a screamer he screams like games a game no in games yeah it's funny though oh god race for victory machine passage [ __ ] oh god we're gonna have to play actual kirby air ride here for a second i have no items this time damn bruh all right taking a little drink of do you end up flying out of my mind because i didn't have my fingers on the controller i was like tony soprano oh [ __ ] so i went to the blades no problem the questions asked wow what what is that what's happening no wait i got your power up i don't know what's happening i truly don't know what's happening oh there's conveyor belts god i never played actual kirby air ride with like the race tracks and [ __ ] [ __ ] that right yeah actually i don't think i ever did i mean i'm sure i like did but oh there's like [ __ ] didgeridoo in the background get [ __ ] it's like throat singing that was a real close one oh no neither of us even won because the freaking cpu the gamer cpu was there yeah he beat us by like 45 minutes i keep he like literally finished the race like an hour ago is that it is delay llama have you seen delay llama oh it's so good llama it's a stupid thing oh god chat you're not even gonna be able to see this what oh i was laughing at them what what is this [Music] it's like this weird like program that people make sing and it goes and [ __ ] like that and people make all sorts of remixes out of it weird yeah sorry yeah that's a yakuza mean yuck is a song all right the delay llama sure hmm i actually thought about streaming delay llama for a bit but i don't know if it would really work that well there's like other like google did like an ai one with little blobs where you can make harmonies yeah you could do that and like the cat and obama the cat and obama i know what you're talking about there's a meme and it's like babies on the plane and it's like obama and he goes i still don't know what you're talking about that made sorry what did they ever do to you they said i wasn't based today i was getting a bunch of okay rankings and everybody was like oh he's just okay streamer you just cringe because i was doing not so good in rhythm 10 goku it was lag my controller didn't work it wasn't plugged in the tv was too sweaty my brother was at the helm my grandma blindfolded me exactly but i think the red boxes are the only chance to get dragoon parts but they might also just have a little power up in them like the green ones often do okay that makes sense and then the blue ones have what you need a little uh that's good no items [ __ ] me yeah i got what i need i don't even know if that's the right song come on marshmallow only you're right rest in [ __ ] peace for real oh [ __ ] dyna bird's here who are you talking about i was talking about biggie cheese oh it's hurting me sorry that's disrespectful to this marquee it's the struggle of picky cheese [Laughter] there was a gun here the whole time i could have just shot the damn bird and i just wasn't where's the bird am i blue there he is there he is i remember my friend mitchell would always say oh don't touch the dilapidated houses or whatever you would always call them the dilapidated houses and i was like man what the [ __ ] does dilapidated mean but i think that's what they're called in the manual or something like that also i hit dinah bird with like 10 [ __ ] gordos thanks i should get the [ __ ] things yeah oh i need that get [ __ ] bye i hate you i literally hate you i hate your guts and stinky babies oh what just happened i flung you away with my mind powers picked you up with my powers and i shook you like a dog [Music] what's that a monsters inc i beat my pants yes this [ __ ] marshmallow only that sucks somebody's sticking my hand now it's not even the real song i love this marquee man his music is so [ __ ] like that it really is this is terrible and like everybody knew it everybody knew it was bad and that's the magic and that's why it was so great and i truly loved him for it but it was bad i need to use a different star i've been using compact star the whole time [ __ ] just freaking suck my own dick off no my star just flew away it was like bye bruh air ride machine formation approaching is there one that's closer by i hate this i'm just walking around like an [ __ ] here oh you really did it did fly away wow that is sad yeah this one's gonna fly away too murray i'm gonna come and smash you bro damn it i have no health hey that's mine bye come back you're too [ __ ] fast bye [ __ ] or should i say bye [ __ ] to you i literally don't even what did you do i don't know spun maybe i have a lot of power ups i don't know i'm just smashing to these rocks i must be a big boy i got the [ __ ] insane oh one oh i hate that one i truly don't even know how it works remember like that was what i think that was the one that i used to like disrespect my homies yeah because it sucks so i'll be like yeah look at me using this one damn you're a cruel man oh it's got so much power though i'm just wrecking these houses people's homes destroyed people are in tears do you ever here's a sort of weird question you read the bible uh i had like a little kid's version of it do you ever read how much health jesus had like he had probably about 750. i have 1 000 health right now oh my god more health than jesus this is just like the beatles just like the beatles oh baby seven boost defeat your rivals i can't not hear thriller when he goes oh [ __ ] we're just right in the ring of destruction i really should have gotten that [ __ ] it's a fight to the death [ __ ] i literally was just going too fast man this car is so shitty but it's so powerful yeah [ __ ] get my balls you got so much help you have to see a [ __ ] i got more help than jesus we covered this oh this sucks i'm gonna get dead i mean i haven't even done anything but i just have let's not get it by that no no let's not hit get by that it's not i'm really low on health damn that sucks i'm so sad for you this is my sad face oh look at that i don't have any powers i haven't done anything you need a big battery yeah oh no no no let's go yeah boy oh i died how did i die before you oh god purely because i had so much help i haven't done jack [ __ ] i blew myself up i killed myself i had the worst you're alive wait how am i alive why am i alive i was too busy shaking my head you're going yeah okay i was too busy shaking my damn head to realize i was alive i don't know what the hell happened i truly don't know what happened did i do it yeah i think you won oh [Music] i didn't do anything i didn't do anything i don't understand what's up with that [Music] the [ __ ] i didn't do anything i didn't get any powers or anything that's how i knew it was rand no skill there's no there's no skill game maybe maybe game do you have any games planned specifically for spooky month i have a whole folder on my steam like i have them sorted there's a spooky oh my god oh yeah we got some good [ __ ] here i might do the walking dead uh i never actually oxen free oxen free school it's like not even really a horror game no this is cool this is kind of spooky uh little inferno i'm probably gonna do little inferno that's a cool spooky game i played little inferno uh i did five nights at freddy's one and two last year oh my god you did you actually yeah i don't know alien isolation or something i don't know i don't have anything specifically planned but i got a bunch of spooky games i'm gonna play the new amnesia that's what i want to do nice i heard it was forgettable i also heard that but like you know what i'm gonna do it anyway a a kind man a man who gives second chances did you ever like like i think i smashed my knee against something right because it like hurts now but i have i don't remember ever smashing it you ever had that happen you're just like i know this is like the feel of like a bruise on my damn bone but like i have no recollection of this i'm gonna be honest no are you sure you're not being possessed by tom marvelo riddles diary honestly that could be it i didn't really come with a bunch of cat blood on my hands the other day i'm gonna bomb you you won't even find me i'm on fire i'm just spinning around [Music] i don't know where i am i can't look yay it's gonna hit you it's gonna hit you yeah yeah did it take away my only power up oh [ __ ] god damn it that sucked that sucked so much whoa i was on top of the gordo there for a second living your best life that was whack i got comboed all this [ __ ] god damn it oh [ __ ] i'm gonna break myself i didn't i got a gun do you think we should play any actual kirby air ride today or we're just gonna do all city trucks great question i think we've gotta play maybe one i'm fine with almost all city trucks but i feel like i have to like at least touch it but i don't know if i want to play a lot of it because city trials the game it's like sonic adventure 2 like it's chow gardens everybody knows that oh my car sucks it's the big wheel that's big mama and it's the best and you take it back and watch your mouth hello i'm trying to destroy the dapple lapidated house the baby i'm trying to destroy your baby i'm trying to ravage the baby's [ __ ] i wish with my [ __ ] fingers with a knife oh there's a question mark thing in that room i don't know what's up with that i vaguely remember you can do like a gta san andreas jump through there oh did you lose [ __ ] did you get [ __ ] i had a very deadly encounter with the level 9 cpu and he destroyed me excuse me sir can i have your car please can you get off i'll be picking those up oh that's my money that's my juice that's my money that's my juice that's my baby that's my money that's my juice are you kidding me it's mom no oh you got the [ __ ] you you know what you got that's old bessie from cars one that's the thing he has to like drag behind yeah exactly there's like eight boxes here and then the second i got here they're like bye no i don't i didn't count that in the slightest okay i want to play as old bessie from cars one did lightning queen die oh he's [ __ ] dead yeah he went to jail he went to jail i don't have any items i have old bessie there's gonna be a i gotta get something i gotta get something i'm gonna run into you yeah i ran into a different guy i'm fine with that actually no i think he ran into me i think i lost power-ups from that god damn it oh that was bad it's very bad it doesn't move too fast well bessie can't handle this yeah oh the sun is imploding what i don't have any power-ups to lose you idiot ever mess with a man who has nothing to lose [Laughter] what is this event what happened i didn't see the clock it said the sun is imploded and you all have eight minutes to live oh so find a friend for the end of the universe it's brutal kirby air ride you know that's what the game's all about yeah i bounced into it yeah boy i don't like old bessie i think oh look it's this i'm just however there i'm not gonna get on the default car i'd rather live in pain look it's healing me nice it's cool hey get [ __ ] oh wait why do i keep getting [ __ ] from those situations i'm old bessie [ __ ] well plus he has to be good at something and it's [ __ ] other people wow bessie from cars canonically [ __ ] absolutely that's why lightning queen was like ciao i could shiga he's like you ever see that like your son was chick hicks for halloween i'm gonna kick him in the ribs was that english high jump this one sucks with the wheel well i'm old bessie who can't jump already canonically cannot jump [Applause] wheel bruh you got further than i did no i didn't did i really yeah you did how because you went faster i think just straight up faster i also have like no jump but you have even less snow jump literally the wheel yeah does not catch it oh my god man i wish i had a real car me too i just hate you old bessie [Music] well you're breaking one in half yeah wow goober because i'm respectful i love pointing it feels like a jojo thing yeah that is definitely a jojo thing you did it i hate it you did the wrong jojo everything from me there's nothing left the world is a barren jojo wasteland there's nothing for the rest of us i am alone on this barren earth thanks to jojo every damn thing i do is jojo everything's amazing underwear among us get me out of here before the explosion catches up yeah did you read the new chapter of jojolian the new stand is called among us no that's not real is it not no because uh jojolian stopped happening a while ago [ __ ] i just read the secret chapter let me on this bike [ __ ] me oh [ __ ] look at all this [ __ ] just lying around oh man there's stuff as far as the eye can see you're not even in the same place as i am but i got stuff there's stuff fake gamer gamer gamer game gay olamar what's that feel oh yeah everybody who likes pikmin is a [ __ ] homosexual and that's not even like a joke that's not even i'm trying to be rude it's just true unfortunately that is the rules numerous enemies okay well i better gear up better move that gear up move that [ __ ] gun up to your ass to shoot you i'm a [ __ ] homosexual i just always think that tyler the creator song is that a thing he says he goes i'm a [ __ ] homosexual oh yeah oh i didn't know he had like a homophobic album and he's like sorry i'm actually incredibly gay and then his next album was a homosexual album he came out with i always like i always like to keep track of my like favorite line like my favorite lyrics from the year and he had dracula dracula suck me first i might get back it yet and that was like probably one of my favorite lyrics of the year dracula dracula suddenly first i'm looking back at you oh i'm flying my favorite lyric of the year before that was i have gone insano i lust for volcano no i'm at the volcano oh my god you've gone insano [Music] i suck at this apparently though yeah boy eat my little rice cakes when i was a kid like you know like little rice treat things like it's in every japanese game ever i was like i have no idea what this could possibly be i'd see him and i go it's those have you ever seen the pokemon anime where they call them jelly donuts seriously yeah in the english translation of the pokemon anime they go man ash these jelly donuts are delicious and it's literally just a little rice roll thing it's so funny i feel like i saw some video that was like showcasing oh bye that was me that's my bomb oh man i really hit you hard bruh some stuff down there i should come and get huh i literally am just like without anything now [Applause] when you get when your car gets destroyed in this game you're just like done for you're just screwed it's like there's two more cars left on the map and they're all like all the way across the map it's just done it's over that's when you gotta find freaking old bessie it's like these guys are gonna they're gonna fly away you know that's right because they do just fly away after a while yeah hey you got old bessie wait so these things right here that i are dilapidated houses yes they are they're the worst looking houses it is a gamecube game this is before they invented graphics in my mind that's canon people lived in those there's no there's no graphics here they just lived in cubes wow what is this can i go in this what heals me oh yeah some lighthouse juice it's just a little bit of schmidgem i have nothing oh i'm like 90 sure i just did like not [ __ ] touch a boost pad and it just boosted me anyway and i'm fine with that but like bruh could you put old bessie let's buy the volcano what do you want old bessie no no are you trying to disrespect [ __ ] i can get game time not today not today oh bruh let's just say i read the hint defeat as many enemies as you can [ __ ] bruh i wanted that one [ __ ] what even does the wing ability even [ __ ] do i don't think it has any offensive abilities like it's just like purely defense like it to fly around that's so [ __ ] i wanted the spike one at the very [ __ ] start likes where it's at yeah oh i don't want that fire man not like this [ __ ] this bro let me just swap it oh oh good i lost my power up the instant i was in front of a sleep guy it turns you into sleep that's a great power sleep damn there's no way i'm getting over 44 was literally god huh you beat me the cpu beat me oh i was gonna say i i didn't well the [ __ ] guy is insane the red kirby is the one that sucks he's lusting volcano let the water wheel carry you ten times or more wow that's a [ __ ] dumb one that is such a dumb one i'm sure that's like so many of those like you go to fred meyer you go to the electronic section you pick up the kirby air ride book and you quickly look at it while your mom's looking for an ipod nano you say okay what are the achievements you go i gotta let the water wheel carry me ten times i can't say i've had that exact experience yeah [ __ ] me neither all right i'll take you what are you [Music] sure son of a [ __ ] my darkwing duck car twirkling duck fly on evil wings that's what it says on the box art or some [ __ ] like that evil wings fly on evil wings i want that [ __ ] i'm burger i can't believe you got dragoon you know what i was trying to say can't believe i got laid i didn't wait yeah i was lying sorry we're getting power-ups like the goddamn dickens here charles dickens no the dickens classic line from santa sleigh christmas scares the dickens out of people and then he throws that book at somebody and knocks him out wow probably the best movie ever made i hate i watched that movie with you actually and it was not good you're wrong there's a part where they walk upstairs and one of them just farts and that was the entire joke that's all i remember about that movie there was a part where it's literally just a character farts and another character goes like oh and that was you and that was the entire joke and i was like yep that's this movie in the first five minutes he kicks a chihuahua into a ceiling fan now that's how you know the movie's good to be honest on stream the other day i had one of those situations where i like came within probably a molecule of letting just a fat one rip just like right during like a quiet moment too molecule and then i was like oh god and sans is dying in your arms what did you think of the most emotional i was trying the most emotional moment i could think of for like the worst time to let a fat one rip and my answer was [ __ ] dead sans dies in your arms i truly had no idea what you were saying oh you just haven't played undertale the whatever mode that is that you kill everybody i feel like uh at a certain point you're gonna be ahead of me in terms of undertale stuff because i'm not gonna play deltarune soon why not because everybody's going to go hippity jibbity in my chat about it oh and like spoil eating yeah nobody's going to let me play the game oh interesting just literally set it to emojis only yeah i might do that or i might just record it i'll play delta rim probably but i'm you know i'm not even close to finishing undertale i also want to kill everybody in undertale wow i want to do a kill run no you don't is it miserable it's miserable isn't it really yeah it's just hard to do look at this [ __ ] guy wow oh my fight [ __ ] i missed it what did you jump in my money my money my money look at this [ __ ] cpu this is cruel this is cruel and unusual oh i need juice oh we got the juice we got our juice oh my god i do i broke a box it's like a million miles away from me i'm never gonna be able to get there inside holy [ __ ] look at all these red boxes [Music] you know what drinky time where am i where's the map i'm in hell i'm in hell i can't even move in it literally what can i even do oh my god oh you have to charge my charge is insanely long it's only worth it god this will be worth it bro what the [ __ ] now you're unstoppable power yeah power let's go i would just like car alarms go off sometimes bro i don't have a lot going for me i don't think well i love when powers disappear right before i touch him oh man i love that i can just zoom around [ __ ] bananas oh my i have nothing we both don't have much i got boost at least not boost you got boost power race for victory stock park your car's so big but i have no boost i have literally no boost i can't move yet i actually have a good car dark green tux wow this is like in it's a disaster it's an unmitigated disaster wow that sucks ass are you fast though yeah but i just had to charge for so long to get literally anything wow that sucked that really sucked no now i'm slow again i don't even know how this works oh no how does this [ __ ] one work oh my god no i'm like unbelievably [ __ ] fast now like my one friend oh my god you just sit there wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i don't know i don't know how this works it's working though i'm zooming i'm zooming please come back wow okay well ding ding ding ding dong i still got second place though i can you could die yeah you died wow f-zero wipe out fall off on a race and retire wow man bye we'll be seeing you i had to retire this is one of the games so i played this game with my like oldest friend who was a massive liar and he would tell me like oh yeah like the broom guys there if you do it just right you can get the broom power up from them but it's like really hard and the broom power up you can go it just takes you to the end it's so fast and i was like really you're so impressionable all these games that we used to play uh freaking um animal crossing he was like yeah sometimes there's a whale in the water and you can catch the war when i was like that's a popular myth a popular gaming myth is catching a whale in animal crossing right chat can we corroborate this it sounds accurate i thought it was a classic adam mega lie adam oh my god the atom that i knew the atom who is a professional opera singer in canada nice [Music] he always told me he had a freaking yeah i i got another respect for that guy but he did love his tall tales as a kid he did love his doll tales his tall tales and he loved his knives and he loved his the worst haircut i've ever seen in my entire life he had a little butterfly knife right oh he had like 50 000 knives yeah he was a knife guy you know what some guys are knife guys he's a nice guy he was a nice guy you can't choose if you're a knife guy you're just born a knife guy you know it is ordained onto you one time we were walking in the middle of night yeah and you know he's apparently he grabs all his knives it's 200 000 knives walking out he put on his trench coats because yeah he had trench coats i know yeah i know what the picture of him you have is and you're right he grabs his trench coats he grabs his knives we're walking through the trails in the middle of night it's pitch dark and he goes i heard somebody and his knife start coming up the knights are coming out of his boots and [ __ ] and i'm like adam it's like two way out there's nobody here like nobody's following us in the trail we're in like white people upper middle class neighborhood he goes now they're 75 that's why sure maybe about 15 minutes pass he's just putting his knives away because nobody's falling you guys are right we're like yeah we're right you dumb [ __ ] we leave the trail and we walk down the road a little bit and then here behind us and somebody sprints out of the trail behind us gets halfway across the road and goes on to all fours and then runs into the woods and is gone and we go oh [ __ ] damn that was the story of how you saw bigfoot that was the story of how i saw bigfoot and adam almost stabbed him it's [ __ ] up glad he didn't would have lost an urban legend i know i wish he did think about that we could have bigfoot's belt implying that adam would have also skinned him on the [ __ ] spot immediately yo what the [ __ ] why can't i hit you [ __ ] bro stink ass crank ass [ __ ] the only times i've won is when i got the [ __ ] like dragoon or whatever which means i gotta focus on getting dragoon [Music] i'm pumping bro oh i'm gonna go in the hole oh [ __ ] it spits you out i must hold the golf holes oh the kirby golf course kirby's dream course that's where your dreams this is there's a kirby golf game yeah it's called kirby's dream course no i know that's a lie i know you're lying it's real it's on like the super nintendo adam adam wow i know you're lying no it's real i know the games i know there's like a mario look pinball game yeah there's a metroid pinball game and there's a kirby pinball game this is messed up kirby pinball game at least like kind of makes sense because he's already kind of pinball shaped and metroid it makes sense because you got the morph ball true oh can i just fly all right i'll see you later bye where am i going oh my god wow get [ __ ] no no no i'm ready yeah yeah boy why did i go up so high nice i'm gonna eat you again i'm going in the lava i'm going to fly man the dark wing duck car is probably the best car in this game yeah it's it's a good one i remember it being like if i couldn't get the ones that i really like then i'd get that one you just fly wherever you want you like fly on evil wings plug and you go it must be meta knight's car you go through the rings anything you can really fly on this you can go wherever you want well that's what i want that's what i want to go up again [Music] oh just gives me a power this is so incredibly oh [ __ ] i'm dying here hey poor i've buried oh my god i think somebody's like hey poorly default card and he was like okay roll it okay did you see that picture of the grandpa who ate all the paint who kind of looks like paul mccartney no [Music] what put it on screen oh we're flying god oh maybe i'm okay for this you're on ebay oh yes yes dude oh so easy dude bro moment and the good cpus on the freaking chanco car bra moment i'm sleeping literal bra moment i can literally just fly i can go as long as i want that's so sad i'm so sad i'm gonna chase after you i'm gonna die did i make it did i beat the dude i don't know hey [Applause] [Music] wow had to eat one animal like any animal you wanted and there would be a newspaper article it said like jacob yeats animal a chihuahua that's a good choice i wanna didn't like santa sleigh i want to drop kick a chihuahua not like santa's lady where he literally dropped kicks at chihuahua if the world is gonna end tomorrow i'm drop kicking a chihuahua damn i'm sorry you're just gotta find one on the street and be like a hamster i want to get a peru so bad so i can eat a guinea pig so bad man i would give anything to eat a guinea pig why do you want to eat exotic meats so much why is this such your thing i don't know it's about dominion over everything else i think are you a serial killer by any chance i don't know it's about dominion over all things that walketh up on the earth also i instantly got fly on evil wings star [ __ ] it's called darkwing dick dark wing cuck the water's moving i don't know where i am i'm doing this thing 10 times oh my health is so miniscule [Laughter] there's a bunch of items up here if i just like stay up here while i get infinite items no you could get destroyed by me now you wouldn't do that no um cry baby cry make your mother sad make you more sad old enough to know better surprise but you could cry i really liked that at the end of private because yeah that little like diddy they sing where it's came from can you take me back i was like man i wish that was a real song yeah i'm sorry and what's my favorite beatles song is can i throw this behind me no i can't now i can get bombed by my the baby i learned a baby said a homophobic thing and now nobody gives a [ __ ] about him good times uh wait isn't that the guy that pointed at his mouth once he wanted his hat that's literally like all jokes aside i know he said something homophobic apparently but that is literally all i know about the man there's that he pointed at his mouth so there's a really great video and it's so there's a song by roddy rich called the box like the most streamed song of last year and somebody saw the baby like in real life and they're like debated baby baby please like if he's in a car like and they're like i really love your music and he's like fine because he doesn't want to talk to the guy he's like fine what's your favorite song and that guy goes the box and then he goes [ __ ] you it like rolls out the window and drives away it is great and like imagine like you meet the baby and you're like i'm gonna throw it away for a [ __ ] post wow what do you mean throw it away that's treasuring the moment true it is like really doing the max scooping the max that's really min-maxing it's really mid-maxing your encounter with the baby [Applause] speed runners are like really mid-maxing their encounters with the baby look i'm gonna shoot booty i'm gonna shoot you i'm running away i'm all over the entire map you can't run away from me [ __ ] where are you i'm everywhere just like god um oh my god i can't stop moving the gun is really the best power up yeah it's good someone stole all the items is hiding somewhere i don't know what's up with this i'm trying to like figure out how to use them [Applause] boy i love traditional no theater no what the hell where am i supposed to go noh yo no theaters a japanese style traditional theater platformed from where basketball i thought the yo was a kabuki thing through and through oh [ __ ] it actually might have been a kabuki thing but honestly maybe no theater and kabuki are interchangeable i'm not traditional japanese history expert what if i do why don't my [ __ ] come off why am i not health yeah boy why does red come out when i poop don't laugh it's not funny i might have cancer i got a lot of power ups that round i'm feeling good damn you got a lot i don't know what we're doing i think this is when we have to work together this is one where you're gonna [ __ ] die i'm gonna work together you're gonna be crying i'm bleeding from my damn ears my ass is raw stop i need a power not this one but yes also i need a p i retired i was hitting him like a champ like a pug champ dude how am i seeing kimmy's health kirby's just twitching on the ground look at him spinning around slowly oh i retired too look you can spin and twitch on the ground what is this just an absolute seizure on the floor come on the bots should have been able to beat it for us we both died they both both of the bots won and we lost pick up a total of over a thousand items that's what i'm talking about we are in the thousand item club jesus christ upgrade this guy make him five why because he's lit he deserves a raise workers rights [Music] oh yeah i think i just got a boost you got boost power juicy juice you're watching arthur 100 juice no yeah i used to say juicy juice actually what am i saying no i totally used to there was one time i was at a wedding and they had this like circular light projected on the ground and i walked around it and i pretended that i was arthur walking on the world in the intro credits that's based now that is based and i remember everyone else was having [ __ ] wedding shenanigans and i was just walking you're walking damn that's that's the way to live right there that's gonna be my inspiration for the next like four to five days what if i told you that i knew a song from one of the lyrics was watching arthur with a [ __ ] in my ass i know you know a song called fermented anal nectar like sperm swamp you know what that genre is called what porn gore it literally really just keeps going oh that's they have another song called ass ring lollipop yes i've listened to a lot of sperm swamp songs okay please but you hate them yeah because they're [ __ ] but there's an art there's something about [ __ ] music makes me so happy actually you want to know you want to know a real dark truth the darkest truth you'll ever hear and you'll be like of course you don't know who i learned about sperm spot from you don't need you don't need you already know in your heart of hearts who it is that i learned swamp from adam no no no i don't know it's true you should have known wow my only hope is to kill you this round what the [ __ ] damn bro holy [ __ ] the big trees here jimmy big i am a wheel hey you know the actual voice actor for you neutron new neutron has been doing like meme quotes and it's it's nice but it's sad because he's so old that he doesn't sound like you neutral anymore yeah i liked it like i watched him go from like 2 000 twitter followers to like 200 000 in the course of like a week because like everybody's like yay but it is a little sad it's like incredibles 2 where you're like damn they're old they're all so old they should have aged up the characters and not made a bad movie no offense to all the incredibles 2 fans out there jimmy neutron needs something man no just like things you should die just let things know i don't want ghostbusters i want jimmy neutron i guess there was planet sheen yeah i've never heard about that like i i don't know anything about planet sheen carl weezer's an alien i think i heard it was terrible i think i heard an alien he's like a weird little worm thing oh yeah it's like i mean it's i think it's like an alien it's not carl but just same voice actor looks like him hi he always gets stuck button idiot you shoot your dog i'll put you out of your misery right now i'm gone you didn't know where i am [Applause] bob oh god you have a bomb in your hands no no oh thank god i was like you can't find me oh [ __ ] you were like up there you can't scare me you're the gingerbread man i get so high up in the air i don't even know what this game is i don't even know what a caveman is i just realized oh i'm about to [ __ ] up this guy okay i have orpheus for the win on steam do you think if i harassed him he'd make another scoops you might harass me make other scoops with us you thought you could get us into killer bean i tried i tried and i don't see us in killer bean anywhere it's true i was hoping that was because nobody followed him on twitter and he's like yeah i want people to come and join us but he never responded to me that was so sad imagine can you imagine if we were reading killer bean i can imagine and uh it's unfortunate it would have been the time of my life oh you haven't you are i love your life about to die my friend hey what squeak dude why is everything on fire uh that's one of the events all the train stations are on fire damn no more trains the roof is on fire damn i want like real cooked food we don't have a kitchen and like i haven't had like andrew was saying like oh man i cooked some chicken at the other house the other day and it was the most divine chicken i've ever cooked and i was like i think you just had cooking for a little while i got to taste joy you know and that was nice rumor has it in two weeks but we'll see why are you freaking out actually what is this why does it say drag race what do you mean drag race you know that drag racing is an actual racing thing and was not invented by rupaul is that what this bit is rupaul's drag race no you know drag racing is cars show kirby and drag show kirby toilet wait do i have a power show kirby toilet again where am i i'm on fire yeah boy drag racing is cars are you an idiot yeah you know better than that it is oh there's a bomb that we cannot help but run into god damn it i'm gonna slice you oh [ __ ] that was really short that sucked i so often i feel like there's nothing i can do in these it's just like you can try your best it's just right i mean that's like i mean it because it has that like random where it's like true like who knows what you're gonna get you either got the right car for it you didn't open up the pitfalls oh that was me i killed the tree i got that i killed the tree that's you know what like messed me up big time when lil nast x said rata rada that's what i was like it's from chowder oh but he was referencing chowder it means he's like seven years old crazy cringe cbt cringe but true cringe but true that's what i've been telling everybody i'm actually taught i love cbt bro just like the yellow eminem break this tree again come on break for me i'm in the boxcar i don't even care anymore i'm losing so much oh god it's the twin towers yeah i went down there before there's a little diorama there's something gonna break the twin towers [Music] do you think the new kirby game is going to be in a bit a baby game let's be truthfully i don't know i played the last kirby game you know what you could do like just straight up like no questions asked fly over the entire level fly over the entire level that's every kirby game that's true i guess that's true was like that since dream land yeah [ __ ] swept through and stole all my goodies and it left me crying why is somebody here go away everybody this is my land oh i mean curvy if you land on top of one of the dilapidated homes it just instantly gets destroyed because i guess they didn't want to program collision for the top of them or something i guess they just get [ __ ] that checks out look it's wispy woods he's crying that's cause i broke his freaking ass wow i did i literally did i beat his ass until he cried i said if you tell your mom i'm gonna beat you and he said i'm gonna tell i'll beat your mom i'm a simple man i beat mom's wow i really like yeah this is [ __ ] up stop it i love having the power to stop it [Music] some people are born without that buff which is messed up [Music] i'm outrageously sore i like literally cannot believe that sleeping on a shitty couch made me this sore it feels like i was like worked out way too hard except i didn't yeah i slept think that's messed up i hate being 76 years old oh [ __ ] i just revealed my age uh oh now they can dox you from your age i can make it so i can see games on steam what what even were you trying to say there yeah i don't you can see games on steam yeah because you can't see games on steam if you're less than 18. obviously so if i'm less than 76 years old of course it really makes perfect sense checks out i'm going to the dumbass gay baby star yeah boy you got that gay baby star [Applause] so there's one tick tock where this lady's like yes this is my baby and yes my baby is gay and that one's funny however there's another tick tock where it says girl or boy names but for girl babies and it has this incredibly like effeminate baby and it just it's just richard and so i'm just in my mind i've combined those two and right here gay baby i'm like oh yes richard it's richard weird there's fire on the ground i don't know how i dodged your fire but i did and for that i'm proud i'm going so [ __ ] fast yeah i just heated my bike in oblivion no yeah did i get the big mama big mom's house yeah i kind of think [Applause] what are we doing defeat [ __ ] [Applause] i'm just spammin [Music] oh it's you that's you but i'm alive you're alive idiot when i died i died i died i died i thought i died i thought i died i think it's just like the ddd one [ __ ] literally every one of us fell into the place bruh we both just died hardcore what's happening nope sleep bump wheel [ __ ] oh no that sucks wow well done he's so confused i'm like 90 000 miles an hour i was a wheel there was a goal that is it how many stars you have look how many i have i have none i have none i have none i have none i have none i have none i have any stars yeah boy yeah kirby's got a gun okay this is it i'm gonna get started gonna shoot some [ __ ] how do i have that many stars that's [ __ ] up wow wow and both the cpu's got one bruh that's [ __ ] up [Music] nice quick cats or dogs cats i don't know what are you searching what is it oh he's speed folks you should have seen this he clicked on the explorer folder this this this means a lot he clicked on windows explorer and before it loaded his mouse was hovering over the memes version it showed up on the side and he hadn't even it didn't even load in yet this man knows exactly where his [ __ ] meme folder is that's how many times he clicks this put it on the screen whatever you're gonna put dummy he's a dummy dummy box dummy dumb baby this is probably the dumbest baby i've ever seen some of that dumb baby box so cute i love kitties i love kitties i got a little light headed from yelling there oh i'm gonna choose a meme and put it on the screen what oh god nice renaissance baby it's a renaissance baby oh that's good look this is a meme you made i did pick this one we are going to beat you to death there it is that should have been the album the album should have been called if the village people had a speck of intelligence oh this one's good this one's good this one's good my name's starbone i have advanced to a stage in my evolution which does not require me to eat i survived by imagining fractals i was living in a drainage ditch in oregon 1993 when a friend turned me on to wasp me it's the one vice i can't kick i'm making jerky to last me through the winter please help i need wasp meat i'm overloaded with garbage man there he is there he is oh the man of the hour but all five and a half pixels of him i gotta take a piss okay do it we're probably not too far off from being just done but do it are we gonna play any actual kirby error i don't know i originally i was like yeah and i'm like i don't really even chat does anyone care if we don't do the other modes does anybody give a [ __ ] about anything but city trial play top ride i care [Music] i kind of have to pee too this music goes hard he brought his beer into the bathroom we what have you brought [Music] what does it mean what the [ __ ] very short and there's no time for my fussing and fighting my friend oh it's a beatles lyric there's one of those things where it's like you like you have some beetle stuff yeah the beetles fan the biggest beautiful planet but then people go man you love the beatles do you want this and i go i i guess and they give it to me and i'm like it's a big fist with beatles lyrics on it i thanks my cousin but i haven't decided where to put it yet that was how i got all this nick cage [ __ ] that's why i sleep on a nic cage pillow oh god you mash your face into his every night let's look we're gonna hang that bad boy up somewhere wow we gotta do let's do uh let's do normal game normal kirby air ride for a second let's be crazy deal we're gonna do the thing that nobody ever does should we watch the instructions bruh you skipped it i didn't do it i didn't have my control on my hand i didn't press anything what the [ __ ] okay what do we got celestia from my little pony friendship is magic frozen hillside and that's like what are these red things like ships so then otherwise it must be like the map magma balls random there's also a locked stage that we'll never see what no real flaws warp star sure oh like halftime handicap none nuh uh [ __ ] uh let's put on some cpus sure sky sands sky sands oh there's bones well i'm on the bottom [Music] like how kirby slap other kirby's when they get new yeah what is the kirby species what is it i don't know i have no idea is that a crab on the ground yeah that was a little crabby boy i don't know what's up with that can i suck you i never played this mode so i don't know what's [ __ ] happening i don't know what's going on there's a little crab on the ground there's spinny things i'm going around i'm crazy i'm gamer i'm joker i don't know i'm gamer i'm joker i'm a midnight toker and i'm leaving my belly in the sun i thought you're gonna say i'm already tracer i'm not damn i should have been tracer i don't know what's happening am i winning oh totally winning nice oh the final lap oh multiple laps that's what they would say in have you played f-zero no fun games but they're for grown-ups and i'm a little stinky gugu gaga baby if you fall off the track or if you crash you just [ __ ] die in f-zero it's just it's just like the race is over for you yeah and i'm like i need mario kart where i can like live through this [ __ ] yeah what the hell i can't do that but it is fun we gotta play f0x at some point maybe not i've never i've never even smelt an f-zero game i've been like glanced at it never even got a fat whiff of an f-zero game not even a single whiff still ahead of me you're making me i'm making you giggle you're making me very cross i'm going to go mental i keep thinking i see you but it's just like a random homie on the floor yeah oh nice the bones are like falling down behind you now i'm going to sit here and i'm going to camp and i'm going to wait for you yeah what oh replay oh let's watch the whole thing here's when i was [ __ ] suck because i was flying around i was looking here i'm gonna hold on i was looking look what's that over there i tried to inhale him it didn't work it didn't work oh it didn't work you like harry potter in the harry potter games we gotta play harry potter eight no i don't wanna play any of the evidence i wanna skip to the dead meat of fps well somebody offered to send us deathly hallows part two on wii and that is harry potter oh yeah that's it that's the basically so on the wii yeah that's the one we gotta do all right let's go come on why can't i go i can't hit hey i can't do it you go wait we're just swapping between camera angles really fast [ __ ] nice i want it sans land i wonder if lark knows tally hall bro do you think if i if i walked out in this hallway do you want a banana do you think if i walk down this damn hoe and open my closet i wouldn't be able to pull out hawaii part two on final you you peace do you know what i did learn the other day that rob cantor of the shia labeouf like actual cannibal shia labeouf is like from tally hall oh wow i have no idea random oh we got cars damn oh i don't think i realized what was happening beforehand no real flaws wait so this one's [ __ ] immaculate then and the rest of them suck ass i guess i love my flaws you know flaws are what makes the world [ __ ] we are racing against just each other god damn you i woke your ass god damn you yeah ouch jerk you're so fast because i got a good car i'm like you i didn't realize it would just be the two of us snort some piss there's like no hope for me there's nothing i can do here i got a good car i got swerve star i now have a sword i'm living my best life yo kirby air ride sucks ass i want to play city trial good version of the game that's like i truly i don't know i'm sure i've played like the actual race mode before like i have to i don't know if i ever had before this maybe i haven't why am i killing so many things why did so many things die because you did the music barf really yeah there's just there's just simply nothing to for me to do here i almost went backwards i think even if i had been racing completely optimally i could not have won this hopeless i gotta pee you go pee no i'll put on city trial and i won't set your handicap to no i put more memes on the screen tie breaker because we both won one that's true oh is this a whole different like achievement thing the first finish first of the needle ability oh the box the box is here boxed by roddy rich wow the best to baby song eat my [ __ ] in a box put a little baby in a box close that box drown the baby in the box [Applause] the baby in the box put the baby in the box bruh how are you faster than me you're in the gay ass vaporwave car [Laughter] don't worry the cpu is munching my pants he's munching my pee pee you're so [ __ ] dehydrated that you have to munch your pee it's like crystalline i was eating uh what go ahead say what you're gonna say i was eating candied pineapple the other day and i was like my insides are going to dry up just like this with sugar and it's going to be like i'm going to be all dry inside exactly hair grills i better drink my own piss i want to be funny oh my god i should heat with that one of the best i hate you again one of the best memes of all time one of the classics bye probably the best meme ever made whoa those why did i break through that whatever yeah i want the wheel why was the wheel so slow there that sucked golden guys i don't get what those are extra lives in super smash brothers brawl subspace emissary good game now that was a good game oh i stopped completely if i do that i gotta not do that i'm getting annihilated i'm getting absolutely it's over it's over i mean you went out of the dark truth i'm not even in first yeah no i'm i know this reminds me of well aware god go glow goo goo race goo man portal 2 goo boy goo races the goo races mmm slime challenge slime challenge the cinnamon challenge what were they called [ __ ] gelosity flamberger said gelosity dynasty god damn it he won [ __ ] now you gotta play top-down ride [ __ ] we're gonna play top-down ride stop everything top-down ride what is this what is this this little google baby mode oh no yeah i've never played this this is uh so my dennis ted game boy gamecubes a lot of these i would like play like they would you know you wait you're in the desk like 30 minutes i'd like to play 30 minutes of games oh this sucks i hate i hate i hate car games like this i hate them when everything's like immediately little sticker cards i'm like no [Applause] how do i not be no yeah i'm gonna win me oh no i'm in the sarlacc i'm in the sarlacc baby oh no how do you what it really is just oh god the controls are all different this sucks ass i did so badly right at the beginning and now i'm never gonna make it up again oh my god there is a sarlacc pit yeah well there's a golem i got sucked into it there's a golem smeagle look a golem yeah i cunted them up oh yeah there is a column wow how many laps [ __ ] this is seven laps wow this is like baby park i won the sarlacc pit you beat the golem you beat the cactuars from final fantasy you even said yo guys yo guys anybody know this one [Music] i'm doing a cactar okay well that was stupid we did it me yeah i want to be yellow oh wait how do i beat how do i win hi bruh i don't know what's happening this is like some weird [ __ ] man this really just feels like a mario party mini game i don't even know what i meant last but it's the entire video game why did i go that word what is on the ground i don't know why am i turning this way it's not city trial it's weird how do you jump up that way everyone else jumps up that way but i can't jump up that way wait the controls are messed up they're literally messed up sometimes it turns me and they swap it's like shut up glasses all over again they're changing the controls the controls change wow that's such a shame that's such a shame such a shame such a shame you just point you just point the stick where you want to go no you don't oh wait you point that did you just figure it [Music] [Applause] you point the stick where you come on you put the stick where you want to go man i gotta finish it no i don't whoa i didn't mean to slide it over point the sticker you want to go yeah not like this not like this yeah boys suck some freaking donkey dick dude this why would you fly this point where you no just make the whole game city trial and put like 10 city trial is the best mode it's the only one that only has one map we realize this why am i on foot crown man what is going on where am i what is happening we're all on the ground we'll all have a snack oh snack fat milk that milk and cookies i'm just gonna eat you know what i'm just gonna sacrifice my life to kill this guy yeah how do you go up there yeah come on no no no no no no no no come here [ __ ] my power went away wait come here no oh my god something from smash from smash hmm where's this fish what was it which one confetti ball confetti ball oh you're controlling more i can whip your ass for free the party ball can't even control anymore i call up your ass for free that's a japanese thing it's like not from this necessarily what are we doing are we just waiting oh we were just waiting for that one shitty cpu to finish i see yeah that one should be for you ah good good you're waiting for the [ __ ] we did it you you that one should you see to finish wow wow [Music] yeah we got all these top ride achievements we're doing so good at top ride probably top rides like when i think of kirby a ride let me be another color why are you [ __ ] up all the other settings speed help weak what did you just do what did you do wait you changed me i'm different i just made you blue what the [ __ ] that's all i changed i just made you blue rude i wanted you to be blue what did he do what did you blue i literally made you blue what did you do besides that that's all i did i see you looking at scants i don't know you're supposed to be looking at turn the handicap on or something not screen peeking bruh night wait how is it we've already done a couple laps and it's still at 99. this is the song that never ends did you like overload the amount of lack oh so on hand on my friends well all right but you're gonna get [ __ ] your ass whooped here wait a second wait a second you are going to get annihilated at top race i think i've made a terrible terrible baby choice unfortunate that we have to live with our choices i don't like living with my choices we are so in sync we have just been moving around the stage in complete [ __ ] sync the entire time that that's actually really sad why did all the gears slow down are they going the other way now we gotta like we've is that is it infinite lapse is that what this is it's not an angry just to get to 99. oh but we have so much time we haven't even done a tenth of it we'll win we're both in sync you can tell your life story right now and you'll still be able to finish it before ah where's this forever oh there's a hammer oh bruh take off oh cool new insult cool i just discovered a new strat [ __ ] ah what was that [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] six bruh sweet where am i i'm lost i'm lost i'm lost [ __ ] i got lost no no oh slog a dog a dog a dick suck a gooey dick suck [Applause] how do you know if i know that song really we do know [ __ ] my life stories i can tell you what do we do in this night and then laughs you still got you're only a tenth of the way there we got a long way to go are there cpus ahead of us no no we've just lapped them twice we're living we're all alive 15 15 14 40. no no 14 14. that's the secret we've left him once how do i use power i literally have never used to power i'm assuming the a button has something to do with it i can make colors come out of me andrew i'm in hell is this what it's like like imagine like at this point my like i don't even need to look like my like fingers have figured it out just [ __ ] up i inhaled donkey kong what does that do [ __ ] a little oh wow really what is that you got a wheel behind you it was like the opposite of a power up it was a power down it's like a slow down yeah oh damn it now i got it can you take this no can you have this remember the lightning cloud in some mario kart games yeah like goes above your head makes you small yeah and but you can like pass it on to other people it was introduced in mario kart wii that was my best one oh i'm big bye that was your best game that you made i i was a god at mario kart wii oh i thought you meant that you developed the game i did actually you might have heard of me i'm mario i used to be a janitor martio i'm he was a warehouse manager i'm a mario you come on consider yourself at home come see yourself part of the furniture i've never had more fun in my entire life i've neither have i i'm like this is meditation this is yoga this is heaven i really thought this was health put on delay llama this is heaven i'm at peace for the first time my life i'm experiencing euphoria my chakras are aligned and coming out my ass i'm coming out your ass too i'm like breathing bruh oh that was stupid that sucks i hated that i'm big i had a cake agreed juice it smells it up i smell peas i smell at home you said you smell pee i smell you and yeah that's me the stale smell of pure urea i love you all frank that's from the movie frank that's from michael fassbender frank what are you shooting out here come oh it it did freeze me though so now i understand that it has not come a long sack of [ __ ] but ice move move move i'm moving not in the way i want you to i'm actually shocked right here that is how little variability is in this damn ass dumbass punky punky bunky dunky game no matter how many things we go wrong no i kicked it away somehow i gave it to our little friend in the diamond business jared i'm with jared i gave it to jerry jarrod you know we're a third of the way there i thought you were going to say i'm shocked that we are continuing to play this no this is not so that we are not that we are neck and neck now why did he suck because he sucked have you ever considered that you might suck a lot of dick at curvy air ride that's not true that's not true that's not true please tell me that's not true look at this i'm going really going faster you got a bad you got a bad bruh rock it yeah boy this map's so good i really like what's your favorite part about this man i think mine's probably the the cogs the cogs wait you're [ __ ] hogs like i took all their powers i don't care where it be bro 100 miles ahead of them what is going on with these gears why are they swapping back and forth it's just random what's going on you think after going around the same exact map for 35 times i'd be like yes i understand how it works now you wanna know the truth i don't i don't ow there's an eye no it's cracko no he's [ __ ] me it's cracko oh cracker why is he why is he why we why are we wow i give krakow away remember how uncertain yeah certain what [ __ ] mario kart you can give the lightning to other people yeah i gave crack out of you [ __ ] yeah i squished everyone that's not fair this isn't not fair not fun this is not fair enough not fair enough for fun come here [Applause] it went away your power up ran out right at the right time that is so dumb that is so dunky wonky monkey oh you dropped your battery hi everybody whatever the hell that means i just want to say bye bye my favorite word i'm share bye bye i i'm at peace like my fingers are at home i feel reflective yeah i bombed you or something i don't even know what happened there frankly why do i have this we're almost halfway there andrew we're almost halfway there that has gotta be a joke that is not a joke we are almost halfway there that's gotta be wrong no no give me the wild card is that a wild card oh why did i get that what the [ __ ] i don't even know give me the hammer okay all right you know don't that's fine i don't care i'm not mad you're going to buca de beppo you know what booger to beppo means this is real this is huge do you know what buccaneer peppa means no my buddy's basement that's fine that's fun i like that you know if the sopranos are made a day every day instead of going to sartu cheese meat they'd be like let's go to bukit abella it's such realists that's going to book the pepper to get together i also will say it's like everyone says yeah watch sopranos it's good it won't [ __ ] up your entire life the amount of times that i've said gabba ghoul to people and then had to explain to them what gabagool is and pretend that it isn't just from sopranos probably five or six times i'm dead [ __ ] serious it's ruining my life [Applause] it's capicola fire bomb at you i think i don't know scock hunter a little scock hunter i'll hunt your skunk don't do it please i'm really scared please jess [ __ ] you you hit it you literally hit it give me the candy what happens when you eat candy go no [ __ ] oh bye i guess wow here's nothing you would think after playing 49 laps at the same map i know what the power ups kind of do i kind of don't god though the only spot to make any difference is those gears at the bottom yeah i'm supposed to screw you over by pressing this one bro [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's my given noise that was really actually really loud yeah that was really loud our neighbors are concerned if you had to come back as any animal like after you die what would it be a horse a horse sure you ever want to wear her shoes no you don't wear them no no they get pounded into you you can't feel it like you're a horse pretty sure they got nerve endings in those sons of a bit no it's like it's like fingernails sure they have no idea they got no idea you can sneak up on them and do it you can literally sneak up and smash a hoof into their feet you know like they're like they're like i'm horns [ __ ] i just see myself with my own bomb bye bye bye bye [Applause] squash i'm just watching live against purposely stopped to squash you bro all right okay it worked is it gonna make any difference no do you as it's gonna be random who wins it's literally going to be your skill yeah i mean skill it's going to be truly random like one of us is going to happen to be in the front never mind it's going to be me you pathetic neanderthal you [Applause] [Music] look at this dude cpus how many laps there are still only one lap behind us yeah it's like that's how little variation is in that's how much this mode sucks at like truly there is that little like we've been playing this for 60 laps and we're only a lap ahead of them yeah yeah no i understand i understand what kind of hell we're in can you get squashed that was stupid literally my sprite was overlapping with yours and i had the squish ability and you just didn't get squished just straight up i was just living my endless last life i didn't like get confused as to which one i was for a second but my brain didn't it just kept going it kept pushing the right buttons you and your brain are different people it's true my brain's name is john carl pilkington he he believes this is he really yeah he's like you feed your brain information and that's how your brain works interesting you feed it information yeah and ricky and steve are always like but who is you in that situation if not your brain and he's like uh uh i i don't know so you can hear the gears turning in his mind never like thought about this before yeah it's a whole new equation for him you ever seen like that dude who uh for like a seizure therapy in like the 70s they like severed the two sides of his brain no one of the most fascinating things i've ever seen in my entire life you have an argument with himself he can it's like he it's like they'll block half his vision it's like he can write two different things with his hands but he doesn't know because the speaking part is one half of his brain so he doesn't know the other side so if you block it from him he doesn't know what he wrote it's nuts it's like truly he has two different people inside of him bruh sorry i'm not talking about him i'm talking about the game i'm talking about perez there's two brothers having fun playing 69 69 69 69 it really just keeps the walls you're pretty far ahead of me but it doesn't matter because it's maps yeah like literally do you see what just happened just sucked oh boy oh boy 70. i've had dreams of this moment like like when i was like five i had a really great dream and it was about finishing a 99 lap kirby top-down top mode top for me we're both big i don't know what that was it's a confirmation that kirby's at top sure the wind really sucks dick the wind really sucks oh you want to know you want to know real truth want to read the real truth what i didn't know that wind existed until right i had no idea i literally have no idea doesn't mean it doesn't suck it just means i the mechanics are so [ __ ] i would love to get crushed crush me daddy crush me again how did he how did he get that power i don't know the hit boxes are [ __ ] frozen frozone where is my super suit cod i really wish they had said the word [ __ ] in the incredibles i really wish like that movie could have done with a lot more [ __ ] usage cut where is my super suit oh mr incredible you have gotten so fat you fat [ __ ] edna mode [ __ ] what do i have is a battery can i use it i don't know what that will happen yeah there was this like the pixar twitter posted this thing like happy fourth of july from our favorite family to you or is there something like that right but it was like the incredibles but they were sitting around a fire but the fire was jack jack and i thought i was like man that baby is on fire yeah something that i almost mean but i didn't swear you i was big man it was big big man big man i forgive you i give it to you i give it to you yeah okay i'm gonna stop did we not establish that was a thing bye oh sorry was i just gonna stop moving there it's still advantageous for me to move forward i squashed you you should have stopped you should have stopped that literally just would have what lasted me more time rude i'm gonna say if you were like dining with the queen she'd be like what a rude bastard what a real piece of ass i'm sorry queen sorry queen you dropped this damn queen you live like this damn the queen of england you live like this [ __ ] oh oh so easy you were ahead of me but then i just did my cheap move wait you're really far ahead of me she got a trick no no i made one mistake i made one cheap trick uh what is that cheap trick song he goes mommy's alright daddy's alright they just seem a little weird forever forever is that the one it is the same one but that is not the word but you know what i'm going to give it to you wow i don't know cheap trick they're just a jojo reference to me my simeon mind that's so that's i'm slowly catching up i'm catching up at the pace of an abysmal baby what was that see you later shmee later i'm schmee from from from pirates of the caribbean the answer is no to both of what we said however we both knew what we were trying to say which is impressive yeah bro you're fine please help i've started to lose grasp of reality of words of meaning of consciousness [ __ ] i know that word are birds i need to scratch my eye off which sense if you had to lose one of your senses which would you smell that's the best idea i've ever heard and then taste i didn't lose one of the good senses which would taste and smell are like linked that's not really how this works like it's all smell mostly i think i would take i would lose my sense of temperature [ __ ] you can have a sixth sense yeah [ __ ] oh damn it oh [ __ ] okay now it's down slime set dude i'm on that slug my mail slime set oh my god this is like my mail slime set oh [Applause] this is unbelievable let me go let me go no the cpu screwed me bruh i'm getting screwed too i'm just getting cp screwed where am i why am i here bruh bruh literally bro yes it's over that's why it sounds like you know i thought it was the last smile i literally i just thought i was the pink one that's just it i just thought i was the pink one for a second and that's just it i can do it here's the problem though this map like truly this game mode and this map sucks so much bongo dongo donkey congo dunk [Music] okay i i'm done with jokes i never i'm literally never gonna make another joke in my entire life you know that that's how dead serious this is this is how much [Applause] i'll drink to that bro my dad told me i would win what a truly shitty ass mode let's watch the entire replay oh no no no are you guys paying attention oh man i wasn't pushing the right button surrender surrender someone chat said it don't give yourself away they have that song and they have one about like i think i like you you think you like me or something i want you to want me i remembered it that's how i say the beginning any song that starts with the way that there's two songs one pete yorn he goes this is a song called closet the song is called closet too a cheap trick they go i want you to want me those songs bottom of the list if you say the name of the song before the song starts bottom bottom sperm swamp frank i want you to want me dude closet i beat you orn roasted except for sperm swamp sperm swamp man do you want to do even any more of this or are we done we just play 99 damn tracks with the worst one i've ever seen in my entire life get me out of here man we did it metal yay let's see the name of the map metal yeah wait what oh oh show some memes let's look at memes all right what do we have here oh do you want to see this look at this image [Music] but look at the thumbnail for the image and look at the image wait yeah yeah you say yeah i'm so confused i'm so confused i wonder what will happen if we put it in obs so true image the thumbnail for this image doesn't have the little dragon on it it's so weird yeah show that video that i always send you every time i find it no we got mario in the tub with bounce why does he have like detailed backs why is he drinking from the [ __ ] chalice [Music] i did not expect that i don't know what i was like waiting for but it was not that uh oh god what are the options here pontiff james p sullivan yeah boy oh my god we got caw in order we got everything holy sh you really have every meme on here don't you well here's one you don't have you don't have yo look it's paul mccartney and john lennon [Music] i like how there's the amount of to have skeleton day of the dab oh yo in my old pokemon snap save file this was the best picture that i ever took according to the professor oh shot this was the best photograph i've ever taken in my [ __ ] life sailing into okay wait so first first why is he sailing into the sun too you named yourself gay spotted accurate that being said i spent an entire sleepover once at my friend trevor's house restarting twilight princess and naming ourselves stuff like gaylord and they go hey gay lord we were like i can't even com like that i'm not gonna read this it's like seven pixels wide oh no oh oh my god there's a picture this weekend here's a real picture i took this weekend hold on get the saxophone picture out of here what is that oh man smelling i photographed that wow yo somebody somebody sent me this picture and they said it looked like me it does it does but what could this possibly be from like an episode of star trek where they meet plastic people some what's happening some old [ __ ] thunder thunder force thunder force yeah i was gonna say some old thunderbird thunderbird or something like that thunderbird search thunderboard thunderbirds tv show not a tv show hold on hold on what the hell hold on i'll find more memes to look at i don't have any names on my damn phone this is the saddest day of my entire [Music] life i can't believe it what am i doing with my life what am i doing in my life we also got somebody did some [ __ ] where they put the faces in dark souls through an ai to make them look more like real faces and apparently black iron tarcus is also just me that's good yeah ain't black yes too much of a chin maybe dang we should put our like characters through that i want to see what freaking like shark tale looks like through like an ai it's a fun game i had a great time on even if you even if you don't do 99 laps it was fun i had fun 99 laps made it fun if it weren't for 99 laps i'd be like i'd be like [Applause] you did look like marshall from how i met your mother that's [ __ ] up here's a is it lanky kong do i see what the [ __ ] is that it's it's four it's like five children bowing literally bowing down to a giant animatronic of paul bunyan now that is potent paul bunyan is a kaiju [Music] kirby air ride is a roguelike and paul bunyan is a kaiju holy [ __ ] that that is some that's like a bible verse man genesis 5 10 kirby air ride is a roguelike and paul bunyan is a kaiju i want to see him next movie with king kong should be paul bunyan versus king kong that would be great because i can like communicate with paul bunyan too they're like paul we need help and he's like i don't help with the needs of men i chop and then [ __ ] the jolly green giant steps in and he starts fighting too [ __ ] mr clean we need food fight but we need it to be good damn charlie sheen is paul bunyan somebody said he has an ax and i'm just imagining paul bunyan beheading godzilla with an axe freaking well you know so here's the thing the fight has to be even until his like big buffalo like blue or whatever like king kong snaps it like rips it in two and he goes and then that's when he gets the axe out uh oh god yeah we're out of memes we're memes we're out of dreams we had a fun time playing kirby airline air ride but it's it's over now every air land i don't know if we'll ever play this again it's a fun game i had my fun with it it's cool but we don't need to investigate any further i feel like it just feels like we barely touched the other modes is all but now do we even no no no yeah we barely touched top down mode i you know here you want to actually a dark truth about this game i feel confident in saying this nobody who has ever played kirby air ride has played 99 laps of top down mode we're the first people ever nobody's ever played that many laps that somebody's done no although top down top ride nah nope nobody nobody ever has true dad says i already did that as a kid on every map actually never mind we have a psychopath on our hands [ __ ] up absolute psychopath for people to stream it that's the one that's the one right there there we go that's it that's the truth but uh in terms of and this is gonna be some stupid boring serious talk but in terms of kirby games in the future on the channel uh if if you're a kirby fan too [ __ ] bad we'll never play one again why are you laughing i looked over and it says dab garfield [Laughter] oh that's my recommended twitter follow uh but kirby game again we might do a kirby game again uh no we won't we won't actually we didn't kill kirby uh there's a possibility that you know we'll play tons of kirby games or at least that i will rather personally but like kirby's epic yarn i don't know about you kirby's epic yarn that's pretty cool that's right dreamland that's the one i have nostalgia for that's the one i played when i was younger uh well if you get kirby amazing mirror i played 100 occurred to me amazing mirror good you can give me all the hot tips and then there's superstar ultra or whatever kirby's superstars squad squeak squad you got the drawing one where you draw them kirby's mass attack kevin's massive dick yeah i can't believe you said that kirby's massive [ __ ] [ __ ] massive attack nice cup nice cut kirby kirby your sucking is great but it doesn't prove any tactical advantage [Music] nice [ __ ] i'm just like the actually i am very holy moly i there is he's going through his vehicle and i have had multiple stages of grief all right are you ready for the final stage of grief acceptance i'm going to right click on my memes folder i'm going to do properties no no no it's still going up it is still going up when does it stop nobody knows like 50 gigabytes literally 50 gigabytes of memes 50 big boys 48.0 gigabytes this is that [ __ ] that i was telling you about where the creator of the atoms family made some like weird [ __ ] up cartoons about like forcing people to watch hentai oh yeah you did say that look at that there's a little octopus with a lady on a screen and then there's people sitting there squeezing the balls and then there's dudes downstairs reading the data from it this is the guy by the guy that made the addams family because that looks like uncle fester yeah he does i don't know if it is but it's just it looks like christopher lloyd fun stuff wow he the i'm i i don't have like memes saved on my computer like the fact the fact that you clicked a folder called face and there was like hundreds if not thousands of faces click jimmy crouton is that pickled doofenshmirtz okay petty flip over that pickle oh my god he's lily crouton it's jimmy crouton you have jimmy like you have jimmy crouton saved onto your computer you have it saved [Music] and the annoying orange actually truth [Music] we're running low we're running low on steam oh yo what is this that's the face he makes who poggers poggers [Music] who is this like strange child i don't know warface [Music] that kim kardashian and she's got a little baby hand i didn't even notice that i was like looking at this like weird little like face in the back and i was like warface i used this to start off the vvvv vvv speed run whoa there it is folks i love jerry seinfeld we did it oh yo this is no never mind wait this is the beetle this is all of the all four of the beetles composited into one picture whose eyes are those it's the beetle i don't know if it's actually true it might not i think i feel like it's like the beetle hairstyle but that face has got to be somebody else it can't be always oh you got the nintendo switch yo what is it [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] is this one what the [ __ ] is this it's a straw man you have it saved in face bruh he ain't got one what is this hold on what do we have what is this man doing he's a monster that's from the jungle cruise before they de-racist it literally not even a lie what in the i like okay now okay there's a l okay oh boy thanks for watching everybody
Channel: fruit salad
Views: 11,869
Rating: 4.9816933 out of 5
Id: 0rCuXBfVfYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 27sec (10587 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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