[Full stream] - Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie's Double Trouble [Part 1]

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome everyone to monkey game triple this one's a bit of a nostalgia hit for me this was my first in the series i'll be playing the gba version which has a different soundtrack and that's the one i have specific nostalgia for although there's some cool dogs going ape [ __ ] outside my house that's great let me get rid of the oh wait that's not how you no hold on just tried to mute the music yeah rhythm heaven fans are going to get baited today this is the day i bait all the rhythm heaven fans i i considered going even harder but at a certain point i do want people to know what game i'm streaming uh there's a nintendo direct tomorrow for future historians and hopefully we can manifest just please nintendo can we get kitty kong as the final dlc character come on guys everybody everybody start praying we can do it guys we can do it i have no idea what this picture is get it out of my face it looks cool okay uh what's a good volume for this game i think i think i had it negative 30. i almost just closed the stream window that's cool sorry i'm getting everything ready i'm not just sitting here singing monkey watch forgetting that i am live all right here we are i this is this is one of my first real video games ever this is like alongside mario galaxy this is before mario galaxy so i i got some i got some good memories of this game yeah oh and it's got a cool remix of uh aquatic ambience in the title screen which i never even understood the reference because i hadn't played the first two games here we are this game's burst some people say this game's not very good uh they're literally just like wrong they're literally just incorrect this is like as good as dkc2 in my opinion right up there and the music rocks yo sakurai the thing he's gonna do he's been building up this meticulous house of cards it's all like held together with like highly flammable glue and he [ __ ] as he's walking away from the franchise he just tosses a match and that match is master hand playable playable master hand it's gonna happen not really playable tournament legal master hand look at how unguard's nose just fits right into that little nook in the wood right there uh i always used to go like b or uh like b e e i think c r k like cranky kong oh look there's an n with a tilde above it i never realized that [Music] why have i done this yeah here we are i tried for so long as a kid to get back up that path that you jumped down and i was like you go there in the end game or something nope that's where the file boss is i think that cave actually is something though here the hell we are this is so nostalgic the music and everything so the gba version i've never played this nest version but to my understanding it's basically the same game but just uh david wise only did part of the soundtrack for the original in this one he did the entire soundtrack i believe oh i forgot about this song all the bears there's like a bunch of bear npcs this like stupid adventure game side quest and uh they all have the most swaggy theme ever unfortunately swaggy kong does not make an appearance hello there young dixie my name's bizarre okay i don't think i can buy anything because i don't have any bear coins everything's bears in this game bears bananas battlestar galactica there's even like dialogue trees i kind of forgot about this uh god i remember all of these to the point where i don't even care about reading them i remember all of those not really i mean we'll come back to that when i have coin wrinklies retreat this is like a mini game right god what a weird house you have i think originally in this nest version this is one of the major changes is she used to save your game but now you can just save at any time so there's just a weird mini game here [Applause] yeah she tells you how to save interesting that's just a little something for the people who are going wait i thought this was different because they played the snes original this is like an aesthetic ass like liminal ass grim fandango ass room right here yeah she has an n64 i think i've seen a speed run of dkc3 and when i saw this nest version of this i was like yo this gamer references [Music] okay i guess we're gonna do the mini game later though here's the main monkey right here oh yeah those little banana birds that's a big side quest throughout the game you gotta play [ __ ] simon says to get them some of them this one i think you get for doing one of his things oh look it's kitty kong everybody's least favorite playable kong but whatever he's only here for one game he's kind of annoying but he's basically just dk again yeah and you can do some like secret or not secret but you can do some unique stuff with each character i think in dkc2 they were i guess uh no they were a little different then uh do i want to do this right now no let's just go play the [ __ ] game these boat mini games i remember these being kind of frustrating actually not sure if that was just because i was a little gay-ass baby or whatever nice look at this we got the ride and i think there's a secret right here easy bounty beach this is the simon says so you found it i never got why cranky was here he just teleports here [Music] why can't these game developers come up with something more interesting sometimes cranky gets a little too real i don't know how this controls okay easy oh yeah [Applause] yeah [Applause] and i think we need a different boat to hop over these rocks which even if you just just swim you can't get between those rocks which is stupid you could clearly fit through them but whatever all right [Music] lake of rangatanga [Music] hell yeah here we are this is the good [ __ ] the this is one of those levels where they start off with like ambient sound and then they and then they just hit you with the jams also secrets secrets oh forgot about that i was just trying to get the k letter hell yeah this song is so good [Music] people who only played the snes version let me know if this is like the biggest glow up [ __ ] ever oh [ __ ] [Music] and we're going to stop the music cool [Music] baby [Music] good god oh nice it actually paused the music and just dropped us right back into it okay so these guys are in every level you have to hit him from behind [Music] like wiz khalif what do they say hit the dab from behind like wiz khalifa have i made a rap reference or is it a vine reference oh yeah kitty kong he can uh he can skip on the water i was kind of sucked at it though you can like chain them together and get absurd height [Music] secret are we getting like slight frame drop frame drops every once in a while or is that just how it be i kind of seem to remember that happening on the original hardware actually [Music] some of the easy ones but some of these get quite uh devilish by the end iirc [Music] nice we no longer have ops rambi we have to pick up barrels to actually do a frontal attack now but still pretty cool this guy can like suck up droplets of water i think [Music] and shoot them as though he were mega man secret is this the gamer that gets all the secrets only if he gets this one too nice [Music] nice yeah i'm 100 of that level this is the world i talked about this in dark souls 3 there are some enemies that have this stock burping sound effect and uh this is the game i was like that's in donkey kong country 3 this is the world that has that boss that makes that burping sound effect oh yeah this music and the switch is i remember this god the background looks real crusty though real dusty and crusty i should have just rolled through those fat [ __ ] look at that look at that you can bump off of those it's all coming back to me i remember all of this [Music] you need to like land from a high distance on those to actually activate them barely made it so i don't know if the like snes soundtrack just like blew massive [ __ ] chunks or what because people seem to have a lowered opinion of this game compared to the others hold on swap him flop him hit him up there yahoo secret man is that a good volume for you guys i know i say that exact sentence a lot but uh and sometimes these old games be a little weird with the volume they can be like piercing you know you want to be able to hear the music though look at these just floating ropes just just simply not connected to anything i think i used to think the tops of them were burnt actually are they no that is definitely just floating well it was charred and it blended with the background oh is that a little bit of stylish moves there i remember this level in particular taking me like it was one of the first platformer levels i ever played so it took me ages to actually beat this level [Music] the zingers they have like weird motors on the sides of them hold on okay oh just want to make absolutely sure i don't have frame skip on or anything like that does it seem like it's coming across smooth for you guys no complaints oh did i just i think this is the way to the secret maybe no um grab my hat no let's go down here again there was something down here [ __ ] [Music] yeah there we go [Music] that was close i was making real monkey sounds when kitty kong dies it's the worst sound ever he like screams and it's terrible almost got japed hey we're in crisis mode we need dixie didn't need to roll there just felt appropriate these barrels are quite loud [Music] i heard the mice and i was scared this music is just so good though like banger chet okay i see what i gotta do [Music] okay that one at least pulls very fast oh i remember this oh [ __ ] oh okay i clearly didn't remember it quite well enough oh [ __ ] couldn't didn't get the banan coin cranky's dojo oh this is this is the mini game i think there's only one wrinkly but cranky's the one that has the minigame sorry got these yeah these stupid little porcupine enemies and those are normal enemies sometimes too here they're just sonic king [Music] welcome to my training area i'm fed up with you young whippersnappers having all the fun cranky kong country that's what they're gonna announce tomorrow new direct cranky kong country [Music] right the ones that those freaky bears heads on that's one of those sentences i always remembered how like weirdly phrased that was and in retrospect that's totally because rareware is uh based in britain such a british phrasing and when i was younger i was always like why do you say it like that but now i understand help me deflect these spiky critters with my trusty shield use the control pad to move my shield in the correct blocking position this is like a rhythm heaven game this little mini game yeah hell yeah he's in his ghee nice this is it you just shield the things [Music] it's kind of stupid in retrospect yeah boy [Music] let's [ __ ] go [Music] this really does feel like i'm playing rhythm heaven even though it's not actually to the beat it's just such a rhythm heaven-esque concept couldn't you have like some sort of not alive thing to throw at you hey verb you managed to deflect all those spiky critters you have completed the masters challenge take this bird just in his hand take this bird kitty kong's like eats it [Music] cool i don't know if there's a bird for every i don't know if there's a bird for every uh single dojo or not this part kind of blew my mind when the path just goes into the water and i was like where do i go where did i go and i think i actually like could not figure out to just go over to the next trail of bananas and i like went up here god it's all coming flooding back a little bit of snow there hell yeah there's a secret here [Music] simple sis okay we're nailing the secrets [Music] oh yeah oh this guy yo this guy's a sigma male dude this guy's literally like the most sigma of all males check this out it's his bachelor pad his name is bachelor literally the ultimate sigma male holy [ __ ] totally forgot about this guy [Music] [Applause] actually he's chasing [ __ ] so he's not a real sigma male [Music] okay i need chocolates for him okay but he gave me a flower see this is total like adventure game [ __ ] but it's so simple that there's no there's no puzzles involved it's just get the thing that they ask for basically sugma bear squidward mail sure those two i should be reading the titles of the levels are i can't i don't have dixie [ __ ] i tried i tried to skip on the water i remember this level too so many of these early levels just took me [ __ ] forever to actually beat when i was first playing this and now looking back on it's like ah [Music] nice 2 out of 46 pretty daunting the skipping on top of the water is like so difficult at least i always felt it was these [ __ ] guys you knew that [ __ ] in mario but not in donkey kong so there's an animal transformation barrel back there oh look at the surface of the water there's nothing for me here look at the surface of the water is that glitching out a little bit [Music] great sound [Music] i think i could just do a big charge through all of these but i wanted to be meticulous now this part of the song doesn't that go so hard oh and the worst thing you can't collect this banana as on guard oh that used to push me off [Music] oh yeah when i first played this i thought this guy was invincible but uh now i know that he's easily killed very easily no those guys have they exposed their weak spot i [ __ ] it up though [Music] i think actually let me go check i'm not sure if i can go back and retry i don't think i can the barrel is gone but yep [Music] wow that guy not only sank like a stone but also like [Music] he went through the earth [Music] there's a current here oh wait uh if i just sneak my way into there does that work will i turn into on guard oh hell yeah that works [Music] okay now i'm gonna be a wise man and avoid this guy there's other ones there's enemies like that later in the game but they expose their weak spot for longer [Music] i don't know if i'll be 100 in this one because i did as a kid and i have no huge desire to do it again uh but we will see i did 100 dkc2 but this one has a little more to it than that and that one does [Music] [ __ ] i really sucked [Music] keep my monkey feet dry [Music] all these buggages i remember these [ __ ] i remember these [ __ ] and i couldn't get up there and then i tried to bounce up there as kitty kong for like years and couldn't do it god damn it [Music] hold on hold on hold on it can be done it can be done [ __ ] let's just ignore the coin i feel like this game kind of showers you with coins not sure if that's actually a thing or what but there you go and now oh wait oh we have to get this guy to kill the bird i'll just get the n [ __ ] oh no this is the thing god and you can you can come so close to actually jumping up onto it i don't think you can it's so it's always so hard in platformers wow i just keep doing the same thing it's always hard to get like the perfect out of water jump there you go it's always like weirdly tricky you actually can get up there [Music] nice knows me slapping my knee let's just stop with skipping on the water i feel like the skipping on the water thing was like a weird gimmick and then they like barely used it throughout the game but this one level they kind of encourage you to use it [Music] don't grab the flag there you go oh okay now grab the flag yeah yeah okay skitters row right oh my god the yodeling i kind of forgot about the yodeling also is that a banjo and kazooie reference this snowman this [ __ ] music [Applause] it's so weird this [ __ ] is just ingrained into my memory i haven't listened to these songs in like probably actually a decade and i can actually just sing along with them [Music] insanity that one's easy [Music] well the n64 was out i don't know if banjo-kazooie was out by the time this nest version of this came out but oh [ __ ] [Music] banjo-kazooie specifically has a snowman with a red and yellow striped scarf too that's that's what i was thinking it's not just the fact that it's a snowman [ __ ] wind nice and atmospheric winter level oh this is a bad idea [Music] some of the houses you can run past some of them you can't i think this one actually has a little bonus thing above it though yep yeah he remembers everything he remembers all the secrets [Music] i didn't even i just needed to get there okay oh nice [Music] nice he went for it and he got it because he's a god gamer um you know what this one's just for you folks at home who can't [ __ ] stand it when i do that i have i have lost the love of my life no kitty and kitty and uh dixie i don't think have any sort of kitty kong is such a nothing character like i think dk 64 came after this and they were just like kitty kong who's that nah we got chunky kong [ __ ] any secrets there oh right up and i think like there's definitely some recurring level themes and [ __ ] in this game and recurring concepts but uh it's just it's just very fun and i think they mix it up a sufficient amount i remember this level i was like i was thinking there when i was bouncing on those why is he not scared of him and i'm like right because of the light this level's supposed to be so dark that he can't see the mice but if you see them in the light the elephant gets freaked out because elephants mice lol [Music] these little like tigger-ass enemies [Music] this was another level that took ages to be i think you can sneak in yeah bouncing on them even if they're even if they're near the light oh right doesn't this level have no there's one level that has one of these that like cuts right through the entire level where you fall down like a million layers this one's easy i think hopefully nice get [ __ ] bees the metal barrels they're boosts they roll around okay well i didn't even let go of it it just kind of left because i clipped the wall oh i see what i gotta do here [Music] nice [Music] that one i think took me a while to figure out as a child when i came back in 100 of this [ __ ] [Music] oh [ __ ] gotta watch it over that red bee dash dance dash dance get this character in smash brothers i am now a rhythm heaven truther i i was thinking even just a port on the switch would be really cool like if we could get mega mix because mega mix from what i can tell it kind of has a vibe of like this might be the last one in the series so let's have every game i don't know it's not actually every mini game but it's like a lot of them and uh just a port of that to switch would be cool so i could play it so i could stream it easily without having to be a filthy pirate oh really oh that one was cool i kind of got around the puzzle accidentally but you're supposed to suck the barrel past the thing because you can actually uh do that and uh yeah i did not understand that when i was younger and that that took me ages to figure out sorry that's gonna be a sentence you're gonna hear a lot cause man i [ __ ] sucked at this as a [Music] kid oh [ __ ] this one's kind of hard [Music] yahoo uh is gloria's theater a bad level i'm hesitant to play it because people said it was bad uh it's it's one of those situations where it is probably the worst level in the game but that doesn't really mean it's terrible it's just kind of annoying it's a good level it's it's got a lot of good moments just a little annoying compared to the other ones yeah also people have been saying it's the dark souls anniversary i think 10th anniversary today i was seeing that on twitter shit's pretty cool shout outs to dark souls i really don't have much else to say that hasn't already been said this mini game i remember this being weird this is like some 3d [ __ ] he used to do this dumb ass quiz in the old ones but uh they're in the previous entries now it's like a weird tunnel of hell this tunnel mini game actually probably factored into the ball changer story into my imagination when i was younger if anybody remembers that i was like 13 or some [ __ ] it's like a little old to be having like such flights of imagination [Music] like playing pretend you know oh right kitty kong just can [ __ ] right off [Music] dixie kong's the only one that can do this actually now that i'm thinking of it this is a lot like uh the mini game in sonic 2 that is of a very similar ilk oh god oh it looks weird oh god oh this music i i remember this but i don't remember it looking this [ __ ] nasty i think you can jump too but i haven't needed to yet oh it's all coming back all the patterns hell yeah okay well doesn't mean i'm not gonna suck at it a little bit [Music] okay now ye no okay cat jam cat jam [Music] that is a hokey minigame that's not good enough [ __ ] all right [Music] i'll come back for that maybe honestly 100 in this game is kind of a pain in the ass yo this is the boss that burps belcher's barn i remember this he has the stock burp sound effect that's the one that is the one oh [ __ ] i remember what i gotta do so he approaches and you gotta throw the beetle into his mouth and it gives him indigestion and then he burps a lot and it slides him into the other side of the arena and there's a little hole that he slots into nice get [ __ ] teabagging teabag teabag him oh oh kitty kong's dancing he's dancing i wasn't even inputting that that overgrown barrel make good firewood i almost said fireworks you can probably tell you need to head for kremwood forest and at this point as a kid i was like there's more and i oh god this is okay i swear this entire stream is not just going to be stories of me being a dumbass as a little kid but i remember this level in particular swinging spiders i like couldn't figure out i was i thought i was just like locked into this room i didn't see the little door there or actually i think i think i got into this room and i thought it was something to do with like jumping up onto that branch up there no i think that's what it was and i i didn't notice the door on the other side to like get to that other room and i just thought i can't get up there i just suck at this why can't i do it and then no i think i actually asked my sister and she was like jacob there's there's a door right there and she had never like touched a video game in her life probably and i was like oh right there is a door right there but delightful music in this level must say oh yeah [Music] hell yeah i might at some point go back and play this nest version but i i have no super immediate desire to do that [Music] look at this secret also these tree levels this is like a recurring thing in this game that i believe was not in the other games this is kind of a unique type of level this game has going for it [Music] yeah the saw level the big hacksaw level i remember that that one was [ __ ] oh god damn it [Music] oh i [ __ ] up big time let's see if i can go do it again i kind of think you only get one shot oh um hold on i was higher up than i thought i was no we can just try it again i think i can spit eggs as this guy too i just haven't had any need to yeah okay well we will do this i will do it [Music] i think i remember struggling with that exact like flying upward into enemies and and here's the strat hold the down key you hold down direction and that that helps a lot helps you do tentative flaps of one's wings also are these rng or like how does the task for this work can you task this game do you have to manipulate rng these bees are [ __ ] loud i feel like i'm yelling over the bees all right get me out of here [Music] oh okay no birds uh hold on i think there's actually one more secret here to get with the bird all right no hold on i could have killed this guy from above too i guess [Music] i don't know why i'm going here okay [ __ ] this [Music] oh [ __ ] oh normally you need to kill that guy but i somehow just managed to clip into the bananas banana clip successful first successful banana clip of all time [Music] nice that one goes extra high man i thought we were kind of close to the end of the level no siree [Music] also the jumping spiders kind of fun get it because jumping spiders exist oh i think in this game you can actually do the strat where you carry a dk's barrel oh it might immediately get it eated though oh god and it's like if one of your characters dies you just immediately have a backup okay well they are dead the unborn donkey kong sibling will never see the light of day [Applause] [Music] oh right i remember this tnt barrel to break that wall to get the metal barrel to be able to jape this guy i think i have to go around i don't think i can throw it up there oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] um i still don't trust come on there you go i was worried it was gonna catch on the above platform see these are the guys that cranky was getting thrown at him [Music] it's gonna be definitely like faster to get a lot of the secrets in this game because i just like remember them you know whereas in dkc2 i don't think i ever 100 of that game when i was younger so a lot of the secrets were new to me okay wow [ __ ] explosion [Music] [Music] i cannot imitate that sound for the life of me [Music] well get [ __ ] i guess guy that i didn't even see anything over here [Music] i'm sure there's some secrets i'm missing oh wait this thing i remember this this guy's a platform it's like a unique enemy i think you only see him once or twice easy there's also secret items off to the side there well i remember this just get two columns at once with your fat chunk sorry kitty ass chunky's in a different game all right we're absolutely snailing it right now oh i think i missed a kong letter whatever those are the least necessary of the uh collectibles and i don't even want to get those things i missed before all right get me out of here it's a kind of a long level [Applause] cranky's dojo i don't even really want to do that right now oh [ __ ] brash's record i remember this one this one is like it's like a hold right level and oh yeah and the water changes in the music yo that's something that kind of brought back in returns i just realized that actually originated from this game [ __ ] this level's really cool honestly and it's like you it's like a speedrun level you gotta like get a good time on it to pass oh [ __ ] [Music] i love the way that the music changes when you're underwater that that really like kind of blew my mind when i was a kid [Music] okay there's a secret up there i think there you go nice got at least one skipping like a stone the music's really cool too oh my god yeah i'm jamming didn't know you could just roll into those guys oh yeah and the little flies they hurt you if you slow down okay i think i passed the level at least [Applause] cool squeals on wheels oh god i remember this one too there's like a gimmick there's little mice in the wheel and you have to hit them to destroy the power i think this is the level that has one of those trap doors where you just fall all the way to the bottom at the very end it's like that door we go through or something so it's just a series of puzzles where you have to destroy these [Music] something i never knew you could do is roll into those guys but they would hurt you thankfully there's a nothing spawning barrels here [Music] all right oh see it's locked so that's that's the one that we fall down at the very end um where do we want to go here you can also like walk on the barrel it's pretty useless but it's funny [Music] one of the saddest things i always lament this oh this is the way to go [ __ ] uh i always lament that vinnie seems just resigned to not play this cause he likes dkc one and two so much but he just doesn't want to play the third he's just like ah no it's like it's literally as good as the second one whatever i might be biased i'm almost certainly a little bit biased but it's fun it's just fun it's just as good as the other ones [Music] okay hey can you guys like top stop talking about breakfast food and making me insanely hungry i don't want to like make texas toast i want to play donkey kong country 3. [Music] i actually like feel my i feel hunger pangs i should not be panging i wonder if you could just get like good rng so you just literally just sit there and absorb bananas for the entire level you know like they all just spawn directly on top of your child eight body i actually can't make texas toast i haven't had a functioning kitchen for the last like two or three months because the house i moved into is being remop remodeled so yeah that's a thing [Music] [ __ ] [Music] so i actually cannot prepare texas toast unless i want to make some cool like egg microwave garbage got a chucker up there i think [Music] but i am really looking forward to be able to being able to actually cook real food wow that one was nothing the real puzzle was actually getting up there that note right there that's so cool i just like that [Music] nice can still do the classic strat of like rolling off the ledge and then jumping in midair too that was always really satisfying [Music] i think we're close to our moment of ecstasy sheer joy dance dixie dance [Music] [Music] it was fun while it lasted oh hell yeah okay i'm gonna do the wombo combo through the whole level okay nope [Music] yeah here we go here we go here we go you do it for the style do it for the grace do it to absolutely annihilate an innocent rat oh my god this animal the most forgotten of the of the kong animal friends i think it's called perry the parallel bird and it just stays above you god what a trash animal companion but i love it [Applause] barrel shield bust up oh right the monkeys this is monkeys throwing poop at you the level this is a monkey poop level i think they're like actually supposed to be nuts or something okay look at this little little monkeys chucking their nuts slow ass rat [Music] but there's a barrel shield here [Music] i wonder if they literally just like cut the sprite of the barrel in half oh [ __ ] if you're facing the wrong way it doesn't work [Music] wow why did i go for that ready for the worst sound there it is he just screams it's terrible [Music] first death rip the perfect run [Music] i used to get like annoyed at kitty kong when i died a lot in this game because i hated the sound that he made just never stopped climbing literally never stopped climbing okay [Music] you can hear the cogs turning in my brain is there a little bit of sound crust going on here oh also this barrel takes you to the [ __ ] end of the level oops skip the level [Music] there was a little bit of uh sound crust there i don't know if it was because of that barrel or what brash's stadium this is the guy that set the record hey it's the banana brand dixie hey dicks i think classically in the uh animated tv series dixie kong is referred to as dicks by her friends which is amazing is great played any warioware game i played rhythm heaven just the other day see that riverbank race i ran that in 115. you couldn't do it in double that time wow suck my [ __ ] dick [ __ ] the only way you'd ever win one is if they gave them away in cereal boxes [Applause] just to spite this man we gotta go gotta go fast oh already suboptimal [ __ ] i should have sliced into those rats too all right maybe i should switch to kitty kong hold on so we can skip on the water [Music] [ __ ] okay [Music] that music that's so cool like the ones that aren't even bouncing they're just idle okay it looked like i was able to bounce off the water there but i don't think i actually could have you need to do it from a roll specifically [Music] come on yeah okay i don't think you actually want to do it on that one because there's a bunch of red bees i think you have to access it from the other side or something i forget actually or act no no no i remember there's an invincibility barrel that makes it so you can bounce on them or something oh god come on no oh bruh din omega choke omega choke oh mega choke oh what okay that that's weird i would have been fine with having to restart the level frankly but that's fine oh look at that yeah slick yeah [Music] it is monkey time all right roll yeah you get [ __ ] brush okay [Applause] so now i think i get something from him maybe just coins i don't know the way it's spelled it sounds like professor farnsworth said it [Music] you made me so angry oh right he like eats something he eats a piece of trash down the river oh right so you can progress that's what i was thinking of earlier [Applause] wow what what a [ __ ] moment he goes like and then just a piece of wood just like shittily floats down the river i was expecting to like bash the bridge or something but no it's like what did he even do to cause that did he just like make a shock wave with his anger oh i remember this level too this level it like doesn't it oh no this is the uh never mind this is this level there's another level later where it's like during a lightning storm but i think this one is different okay so i need to do r and down i did not figure this out for so long when i was a kid and then there's a boss later in the game that requires you to do it and i just didn't know i just simply did not know [Applause] how does that work that bird just had tnt in it [Music] okay got it anyway it's fine i did it oh i need to suck nice [Music] uh wait i suppose there's anything to do back here with that just a green man oh wow really screwed the pooch there i think you can just drop it straight down too nice [Music] oh right i forgot we're doing that the music thing still happens oh i didn't realize uh give me suck let me suck let me suck why will it not let me suck for a long time is it because i'm on two barrels okay well whatever i have ammo anyway um oh this is a bonus right no there's one where since your guy automatically floats in the water you need to like get up high and like bounce down into the water with a certain velocity suck oh [ __ ] i didn't actually shoot i pressed the wrong button now what oh i can shoot up okay uh is this safe oh this is the bonus barrel this is what i need to do i think there's a thing to stomp on right now uh oh here we go these [ __ ] look at these [ __ ] okay come on yeah that's so cool what a fun puzzle [Music] easiest game of my entire life yeah my binding of isaac brain was sort of screaming out in fear when i had that tnt barrel just exploding just directly next to my head but also all that ends well i suppose [Music] i could have made that without it okay [Music] why is one of them metal and the other ones aren't what is the significance okay whatever yeah this is a charming game it's fun it's a cute game oh this was just to get a secret eric's horde eric right the final boss of this world is a big ass spider called arik actually wait i hate to go back and forth a bunch of times that's qui lag's domain [Applause] actually did it even say domain oh my god [Music] no rx ambush let's see this guy this [ __ ] guy i remember this guy wow wow wow i also remember how his fight theme goes i think this is a fight theme for a lot of bosses okay so you gotta bonk him in the face and he goes makes disgusting [ __ ] like phlegm noise is this guy gonna be like joke easy this guy gave me so much trouble as a kid no right he like bounces around for a bit and spits things i remember this oh what that hurt me normally you bounce off his legs i know that seemed like i just hit like a volatile part of his body but that was actually jank from what i remember oh [ __ ] okay that was real that was an actual that was the pointy part [Music] ouchy like how the first barrel is on his back like did that barrel have any special significance to him why was he why okay never mind okay i guess that's just a thing i thought you bounced harmlessly off the tops of his legs but i guess you don't i just got hurt there again dixie is of course better for this oh god okay hopefully just one more nice wow he went flying oh yeah and we got the bandage i remember this this is so we can patch up a hole we're gonna give that to funky so you can patch up a hole in the airboat for that freak okay oh right this guy's house this guy's a piece of [ __ ] because that gives you hints i think oh he's got a flower [Applause] i've been watching your progress a while dixie the name's blunder but you can call me mr blunder [Music] you don't even know there's a lost world do you yeah i know i played this when i was a baby [Music] lost world is like right above him too maybe oh this is lore his his office is right there so that he can study it [Music] a patch oh yeah sorry oh yeah rub-a-dub-dub wow just zoomed right onto his dick dixie no you should be wearing eye protection [Music] i don't want to do the little mini game just give me the other boat and now you just hop right over those oh and we get some of the best worlds now now if i recall correctly you just need to swim in like a weird figure you need to like intersect this oh god i don't know if i can actually do this right now this might not even be the right way to do it if it is i might have just [ __ ] it up this is so stupid maybe you need a later boat to do this or something or maybe you need to have beaten the game i don't remember i think this is the way you do it [ __ ] whatever okay that's where the like secret last world is though uh so do we go to waterfall land the like based ass world or we do i think take our medicine first and do the machinery world fireball frenzy oh yeah this one's got owls that shoot at you prick [ __ ] owls shoot guns oh but the music is so good the long awaited sequel to cows with guns owls with guns [Music] messing up the music and the game this oh also took me [ __ ] ages man yeah this music slaps might have been a secret down there huh there's like lots of uh lots more pseudo 3d gameplay you know like i know the graphics are all rendered in 3d but [Music] get up there dicks it has a particular feel for that in this one with all the all the weird 3d [ __ ] like the tunnel and there's even more later on i think there's a boss fight that's kind of pseudo 3d and i think when they ported dkc2 to the gameboy advance they also added a weird 3d boss in that one level where you just where nothing happens basically reach rescue donkey kong and get out of there you get like a coin and k rool takes dk away [Music] sorry i sound like the [ __ ] spider boss now oh [ __ ] oh and that was a thing to chuck my friend up to oh oh yes the drip spider is in this one there's a secret coin over there but i don't even i don't even care i think you can hover for an indefinite period of time which is nice that feels like i'm being spoiled after psychonauts 2 would not let me hover indefinitely sound effects are pretty loud that's one thing i think on game boy advanced games in general they kind of had to make the sound effects loud like they did that in metroid too so time to get some boring ass nintendo direct talk out of the way people watching this vod in the future when you already know what happened during the nintendo direct or it was such an insignificant nintendo direct that nobody even cares or remembers i oh god yo pretty good rng right there i think uh you know we gotta be realistic we'll probably see a bunch of [ __ ] that is not really what we're there for and we'll probably see a bunch of splatoon 3 news because lord knows splatoon fans aren't spoiled enough uh there is of course there is of course the everlasting possibility that we could see metroid prime 4 or pikmin 4 information pikmin 4 i think i am increasingly believing that it just doesn't even exist like genuinely but i i would love to be wrong and then a lot of people are saying that there will be a new smash reveal as well oh that sucked which uh yes probably there will probably be another the last of the current dlc lineup but uh maybe not and in terms of that i mean i was saying i'd like to see karate man uh as a dlc character but you know what he would be like if they made another installment of smash he would be like the duck hunt dog that they add in to you know [Music] where he doesn't even like get a trailer but he's just in the game for like mr game and watch in melee whatever they didn't even have trailers for specific specific characters in the melee but oh god that part's scary [Applause] i think it is sadly really likely that we'll get sora [Applause] and i i would not be super happy with that but whatever and like there's a bunch of other picks that i would just not give a [ __ ] about either but you gotta imagine they're holding on to a pretty good one for the finale so either they're holding on to one that like japan will be really excited about and will be like oh or it'll possibly be just really hype you know i think a lot of us westerners are hoping for a crash bandicoot but i don't know how likely that is that doesn't feel like japanese nintendo would have that be their big final one but they did make a big deal about banjo and kazooie anyway morning kongs all present and correct i see marvelous i fought in the crimean war oh my god lore this is what we're all here for you know jumping around collecting bananas that's all window dressing to the lore big bessie that's the big gun yeah [Applause] he fires it when you do the right thing spike lee [Music] [Music] right we need to get something for him to shoot out of it and i think we don't get a cannonball we get like some goofy ass [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah these tunnel levels these are cool too oh yeah yeah this level's lit this is the new vehicle level it's this weird thing that like attaches to the ceiling i don't even know what to call this it's like a sled but they're just on solid metal i remember these levels being hard just like the uh missed a thing there clearly just like the cart levels in the other games is where they always kind of bump up the difficulty god the sound effects are so loud that is one thing that's kind of unfortunate [Music] there might have been a secret down there too maybe not now you just get hurt actually there's one that has a banana in it i think that has a secret see see if i'm right [Music] huh oh hell yeah this music also it wasn't a banana it was just a barrel oh oh nice see that one required a little bit of precision fun [ __ ] well that was i didn't see the other one [Music] i think i remember there was a way to play this level i discovered this as a kid and it was the hypest [ __ ] there was a way to play through this level without the cart you could like skip the cart it was something to do with like floating down slowly as dixie i want to try that now it was in one of these levels [Music] i think there's one where you get launched into the thing by a cannon and if you avoid the cannon then you can do it something like that [Music] oh it's getting tricky it's getting tricky oh no i think it's at the end here and go back down but i don't have dixie so i don't think we can do it oh nope oh no the screen no it must be at the beginning okay my first slick trick of all time it might that might have been the very very first one i don't know doing like unintended [ __ ] yeah it's possible oh [ __ ] when you shoot the cannon i think this like island falls down right and it's just another uh mini game [Music] [Applause] i don't even care about you swanky rip saw rage oh [ __ ] we're already here oh this one this level was like cbt at least to a kid you know this [ __ ] level what a pain in my side i remember it getting to the point where i played it so many times that uh i kind of memorized the layout of the level and i would just run way ahead of it [Music] because i don't think it locks you at the top of the screen it might it might actually it might block you but i wonder actually if you're like a pro speed runner can you just like totally just like be off the screen and just rush to the end as fast as you want [Music] yep just a relaxing monkey game nothing [ __ ] awful happening i think there was a little there's little bonus things in all those little nooks and crannies but oh well [Music] bruh [Applause] like the happy nice music it's like no this is not happy or nice i do not approve oh [ __ ] there wasn't actually a secret thing in there [Music] okay there was a not so secret thing there that got absolutely [ __ ] annihilated by the razor the razor's edge [Music] why did i do that oh because i can make it easily [Music] oh there was another bonus there [ __ ] okay whatever missed it [Music] uh okay uh oh i'm invincible nice i remember this music barely music cool yeah that was a hitless run we are blasting through this i think here's my current idea is i think i don't want the donkey kong country game streams to just become endlessly long because these games just get longer and longer and i think i'm going to not 100 this game and i think it'll take just one or two streams rather than uh rather than three streams like dkc2 did i think it was three [ __ ] oh look it's the evolution of the like big beefy pirate guy that shoots barrels in the second game it's a little scrawny dude [Music] want to like rush [Applause] maybe that's a bad idea so i'll just try to get i'll try to get some secrets along the way that i remember but i don't think i can uh [Music] i don't think i have the time or energy to go 100 this again already had my fill as a youngin i think this one you need the tnt barrel for something nope maybe not oh i tell a frank that guy no i think the tnt got him here we are spider with the drip spider with drip spider wit [ __ ] drip [Music] oh [ __ ] oh i'm sad that doesn't just insta kill him [Music] sad look i'm gonna die here oh s oh [ __ ] yo yo mr white yo i forgot about the switch barrels i think there's a later level that focuses on that quite heavily maybe this is that level [ __ ] i can shoot them yeah i can god damn it i should have just gone a little bit up [Applause] whatever this is always very satisfying to do i don't know why it feels like you're being cheeky that one banana [ __ ] that banana [Music] wait is there a thing down here no [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice okay i was gonna say don't instantly murder kitty kong please oh this one [Applause] i think we gotta do one of these situations here nice [Music] uh yeah so the soundtrack in the original game in the snes version was i think partially dave david wise and i think a lot of the like development team on dkc3 was changed it was like a lot of different people including there was i forget i forget the lady's name but uh there was someone else who did most of the soundtrack for the snes original and then in this one they were like not made no offense but we're bringing in we're doing 100 wise and he came in and uh did 100 of the soundtrack i believe this is just to my knowledge though might be wrong oh evelyn fisher thank you that sounds right what is down here oh we're all the way back oh god [Music] okay i think i need to go hit the s barrel [Music] [Applause] in fact are those s barrels on a timer or did i just like actually fail to hit it as the spider earlier i just realized eric arrick is like a big version of the drip spider squitter i believe is his name [Music] which squit is also the sound that it makes uh fun fact when a vagina squirts out a bunch of water from sexual stimulus water that's right folks water [Music] i deserve that [Music] [Music] wow i was right [ __ ] there that was right there oh [ __ ] low g labyrinth even just like seeing the overworld for this i'm like oh yeah this is the floaty level where you go slow oh yeah it's got cool music [Music] you gotta like calculate your jumps a little better in this if my younger self could see how well i'm playing this game he'd be pogging he'd be pogging needless to say look how slow you float in this but speaking of nintendo direct [ __ ] i don't suppose this would probably be during an indie showcase but uh what's the news on what's uh the deal with repentance coming to switch i personally probably will not buy it unless there is a way frankly if there is a way to transfer your save data over from your pc one to your switch one then yes i probably would actually buy it but uh otherwise no but i'm still kind of curious if they're gonna like you know do it [ __ ] bruh crap rock rope rub rub rub rub rub rub no what's some other nintendo related stuff i mean we'll probably see probably we'll probably get some kind of uh we haven't gotten a release date for breath of the wild 2 yet have we i don't think we have so i would expect maybe we will get a release date seeing as they're finally willing to release some [ __ ] footage of the game and honestly in terms of a new rhythm heaven game i really doubt that they have one like ready to show you know at the very best best case scenario they're like working on it you know but that very same team just got done working on warioware get it together so if there is another rhythm having game it's either probably going to be a port of one of the old ones which a port of mega mix to the switch would be so [ __ ] cool would save me a lot of hassle at least and uh god damn it i made the exact same mistake i really thought i could fall slowly enough to avoid that there [Music] uh but i of course i would be absolutely thrilled if there was just a new title in the series but i kind of doubt it so that's all i'm all i'm willing to get my hopes up for is a port of megamix and yeah we're probably gonna get some metroid dread news as well but i don't honestly like i might i might even just not look because i don't know i already know i want to play and buy the game you know so i don't need any more convincing and they're probably going to spoil a bunch of [ __ ] in the trailer seems like a rather a comparatively kind of plot heavy one so maybe not yeah this bird [ __ ] sucks someone said this bird worst bird uh it's it can't spit eggs but it can grab barrels guys how fun is that piece of [ __ ] bird oh i can't even get another barrel there's also actually i hate to say it but there might be a worse bird in dkc2 not only is there the evil bird that you have to race against but there's also the bird that you have to uh that can only fly slowly down and and nothing else that one [ __ ] sucks oh and then let's not forget perry the parallel bird lest we [ __ ] forget i think there's many contenders for worst bird actually that one that that one down below [ __ ] that right i mean die nice okay never mind i seem to remember trying to squeeze through that little gap and i don't even know if it's possible [Music] oh we have flashlight bird actually wasn't it fish i thought it was a fish glimmer right or is there also a flashlight bird oh [ __ ] i should have been killing him this whole time oh [ __ ] i can't fly further down any faster than this wow what a nightmare i just like realized i was like oh [ __ ] these are all invincible enemies wow i totally failed this you can't fly down any faster than this how what a miserable thing egg i literally i can't [Music] i don't know if i even killed all of them but of course you have to also grab the coin oh that sucks [Music] huh oh get [ __ ] i was trying to dodge the bee and accidentally ended up hitting him oh wait i think i can try it again [Music] [Music] like they poise you perfectly to go between those red beetles or those red bees but then if you go do the bonus game thing then you have to uh actually line yourself up that time [ __ ] you in the ace oh i'm going for it again i mean that's that's a relatively easy mini game i just have to actually get in there and i've failed okay time for the worst thing ever i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i'm gonna wreck it [Applause] [Music] oh look at this oh never mind stop watching i don't remember the big ass chunky bird you talking about like the enemy there's a big ass chunky bird enemy i don't think there's one you play as as far as i remember i can just get there uh okay well brilliant i was just gonna say if i can just get there with both lives then i'll be fine this was of course an omen okay i'll tell you why i wasn't shooting these guys it's because i didn't even realize they turned me into uh the bird that shoots eggs i just now realize there was just a transition there between different curves nice i really wish the ricochet egg could also hit them but i don't think it can oh you really can't fly downward very fast at all in this game not very cool not pogba i must be like there must be a way to go down faster right this is obnoxiously slow let's avoid avoid uh let's not even okay nevermind let's even let's do that [Applause] i think the end of the level is close at hand near at hand i don't know what this is i don't know what i'm doing set the barrel down okay i see there's another barrel up there though in case you schmuck that up i guess oh maybe i should have killed the bees with it oh [ __ ] me should use that metal barrel to kill the bees and get the other metal barrel from up there whatever oh okay well there were bananas down there but oh well too late now yes far too late it is impossible for me to get them [Music] oh look at this we looped uh but i can't get up there don't think uh i feel like this is not the purpose of this barrel no no okay good god all right get me out of here that level's hard i actually got all the bonuses and [ __ ] though cool i don't know what was up that other path there must have been some cool one-ups and [ __ ] oh chaos carnage this is the robot there was a thing in psychonauts 2 that i said looked exactly like this i'm pretty sure or some recent game this boss is i feel like its patterns are burnt into my brain where it just floats back and forth and spews fire on the ground a little bit and then little blades come out of the side of it and you jump up and you bonk the head like so standing on the blades was always the thing that i really struggled at but yeah and there's little fists that knock you off [ __ ] oh i screwed up big time i died to this boss so many times because i was so scared of him i didn't really realize what a pattern was in a game you know so i i just thought he was like spewing fire randomly and i was so scared to run underneath him like that but now of course it's easy i mean maybe maybe it'll get harder see this is the head is like under head that's what that's the thing where i was in some ass game i was like oh yeah that's the boss that's the robot from donkey kong country three [ __ ] i got hit am i about to die i always liked how his head went [Music] oh [ __ ] so that thing wasn't even doing anything i thought it was gonna shoot these little lightning bolts weird attack weird [ __ ] sound for that attack i thought he was gonna be shooting that while this guy was puttering around but no he doesn't even have a hitbox guy doesn't even have a [ __ ] hitbox oh [ __ ] [Music] i think that's it right nope one more [Music] okay please be over i don't want to die kong's win does not compute okay yeah i think we fight this guy again later what a loser he never gets this head part back though that turns into a singular ski of course obviously and why wouldn't it we get the other ski from the other world that we could have gone to they sure don't make boss battles like they used to one attack patterns enough for any gamer while he literally says the word attack pattern damn and gamer mechanos all right this is one of my favorite worlds cotton top cove blues beach hut right he's actually blue wow look at this [ __ ] guy hello there dixie how are you my name's blue oh goodbye well we will be seeing you think uh secret here yeah i remember all of them i remember all of them [Music] [Applause] i don't actually remember all of them i just remember some of them oh the underwater levels they look so good look at this oh and the music hell yeah we're getting a little bit a taste of the menu music here the drums god this music is burnt into my brain embedded deep in long term memory [Music] it's a lot like aquatic ambience [Music] these are like barracudas i think [Music] for real wow what was with that one little spiky shell enemy there what are you doing there huh yeah this is on the [ __ ] super nintendo insanity i guess it's not like that crazy but it's just good it just looks good i'm playing this with a snes controller by the way and i also for the record i do own this game i i know you could probably infer that from what i've been saying this whole time but uh god the music is actually just like a remix of aquatic ambience and i never like realized that until just now like straight up it's just got it doesn't even just resemble it it just straight up is it instruments like cutting out actually [Music] i always seem to remember like didn't david wise have to like do some crazy tech shenanigans to actually get aquatic ambience to work on snes hardware because it was like too advanced really made a new kind of sound card or some [ __ ] like that to preserve his original vision [ __ ] i am about to die nope oh look at dixie no i'll never forget you dixie [Music] look they live in there those are their homes that's cute these are normally the things that the just the cosmetic thing that the barracudas come out of but here it's their home [Music] am i gonna go through that door there's an exit up exit door there that is just cosmetic i guess i think that's in a lot of bonus stages [Music] already fish i am [Music] what if they have like nintendo themed rhythm heaven you know where like you know we have like nintendo music nintendo characters from all over in like rhythm heaven setting oh my god yo are you [ __ ] frying chicken in there what is that does this not just sound like king k rool is over in the other room oh never mind the music started right as i turned it up just taking a big leak oh look at this guy cheeky sneaky [Applause] the point of that i guess to be an obstacle for the thing david wise couldn't convert this nest tracks in time so he created instruments that work with the gba sound chip and then made some bangers instead i don't know if that's true but it's cool if so big if true i remember this level this is the multi this is the red and blue right no wait this is the rocket barrels that go up the name of the level hinted me at it there's another one that has like red and blue like arm climby guys i think something like that all this music [Music] and there's like layers you can be in the front layer in front of the waterfall or behind it a little more like pseudo 3d [ __ ] [Music] i'm just gonna rush the hell through this level so many of these levels i just remember taking ages to the point where like do you ever get that feeling as a kid playing a game where you get to like a different part of the game and you're like wow i'm like a different person now you know i've gone through so much i've learned so much in my life leading up to this point of going to world three [Music] did you wish germa a happy birthday uh is it his birthday today that's that's pretty cool uh hey germa no you're watching uh big fat shout out [ __ ] me do i need to throw these throwing for content [Music] okay happy birthday germa if it's your birthday i don't know uh is it there something up here yeah oh oh literally not a [ __ ] peel of a banana is gonna sneak past me [Music] he remembers everything is this perfect memory gamer okay and instantly i've lost myself i've lost all credibility i'm dying i'm dying [Applause] apparently i am the monkey watch guy now that's like you know sometimes after a stream there will be people having like a a stream meme that lasted one singular stream but uh it seems like monkey watch guy is just a thing now i guess that was like a day ago hey it was a few days ago finished with him heaven fever a day ago oh yo yo the best guy [Music] nice nice you collected kitty kong for me imagine if kitty kong he thinks the bird is his mother and he follows it forever um okay kitty kong almost just like got dropped from the plot [Music] wow i really [ __ ] up big time there now i got to do all this without float it's hard to do oh god nice give me that man like i missed something over that way but whatever i like the pseudo 3dness works well actually i don't know i don't know again this might just be my nostalgia but i think it works well uh is that a wall to bounce off of okay kind of just bounced off of the edge of the screen but whatever oh combo [Music] combo okay [Applause] uh why does this look graphically worse than the last two because the hardware that the last two ran on was i think five or six times bigger than the hardware this one ran on this is the game boy advance port [Music] in case anybody just joined us oh i wanted a big cunk no i can't do it from up here [Music] yeah and you can also uh tell from the aspect ratio of course but that's not not something you immediately notice [ __ ] wii games are in a weird ass aspect ratio that is like almost perfectly 16x9 but not actually and so uh some of you i don't know if anybody noticed this but during rhythm heaven fever part of the screen was slightly cut off at the sides because rather than stretch out the image i just basically cut off a tiny bit of information that i think nobody would notice unless you you know do a side-by-side comparison but it's easy to tell uh when the game grumps do it because they always have that they always have that orange overlay in the background whenever they have a game that isn't 16x9 and so uh it sticks out like a sore thumb when they're playing punch out on the wii for instance punch out only what does um we mean in france in france i feel like that means something is that like the piss [Music] this level gave me a lot of trouble when i was younger too but now it's just a [ __ ] breeze because of course it is [Music] at night [Music] did you ever play the gba spyro games i actually think i played one just a little bit because i had a friend who had a playstation stefan shout outs to my boy stefan who literally disappeared from my life at a certain point oh [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] and he had spyro on the playstation and i was like whoa this is the best thing ever can i play this and i was like i i like discovered at a certain point that there was a game boy version and uh i was like oh there's game boy spyro i gotta play that and then i played it and i was like this isn't like the one that i saw on the playstation this is poopoo but it might not have actually been poo poo it just wasn't what i was expecting and i barely played any of it there was a similar affair with banjo and kazooie i believe or there was a banjo-kazooie gba game i already did this one that is nothing like other banjo-kazooie games and just kind of sucks ass oh for a second i thought they were going to die in the like little victory screen [Music] okay [Music] do i need oh no it's just right there it's like do i need to get on top of the little hut at the end for this [Music] don't think there's any other bonuses i think i got everything yeah sick sick there was a banjo racing game on gba what uh but i actually have the spyro or wait did i just redo a level [ __ ] me uh i have the spyro reignited trilogy on steam and i also have crash bandicoot uh that remastered trilogy actually so someday i'm just gonna go on like a straight people games marathon and just play all of those and tony hawk oh i remember this these are fun [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] kremlins kremlings kremlins is a whole different thing there was a death sound effect on i i should like download the rom of this just so i can show you or i guess i could just get out my game boy but when toad dies in super mario advance which is a remake of super mario bros 2. uh he lets out this scream that goes on for like an hour it's insanity he goes like it's like that's like not an exaggeration it goes on for that long but it like gets really quiet at towards the end so you like can't hear it super well but uh oh wow uh it is insane and i remember freaking out when i like when i first like really cranked up the volume on my game boy to hear just how long he screams for it's pretty intense [Music] um i think yeah there's a thing over here what is diaper monkey called he's kitty kong they should have just called him diaper con poop your own goddamn self kong he's bonky kong [Music] you know i just realized i have not saved at all not even a single time while playing this maybe i should save oh god damn it i really thought it would move faster [Applause] [ __ ] okay god this menu screen even this is nostalgic classic [ __ ] it's like when i paused in new super mario brothers and it made the little sound and i was like [Applause] [Music] um [Music] kind of sent us back a ways so this is a trick that i did not realize you could do for the longest period of time but you can suck the waterfall i didn't know you could do that [ __ ] and this is the world that has the boss that requires that you do that and i learned that the hard way i think i actually no i think i googled it because i was having such difficulty with the boss i was like i literally cannot figure out how to hurt it now that water hitting a b makes a metal sound effect [Music] [Applause] [Music] this elephant i forget its name it's like ellie or some [ __ ] like that it's basically nerfed rambi i did not see that bug at all before i touched it i just did not process i thought the coin was going to spawn there [Music] [ __ ] me more water and they made custom animations for if it's facing towards or away from the waterfall let's get attention to detail [Music] because rambi was just insane rambi was just like almost invincible so the sections with rambi and donkey kong country one were ridiculous to make up for that and here they're less ridiculous you just play as soft elephante don't touch it or what the [ __ ] where is the elephant what was that one game that i played it was called where is the elephant can you find him [Music] i remember that donde style or whatever [Applause] [Applause] okay good honestly good i was gonna say this is like a part of the level where i wasn't even playing as the elephant i'm at the very beginning that was the k guys oh this is [ __ ] uh suck water up okay [ __ ] well that will literally put me further in this in the level [Music] okay and i instantly jumped to my death i just i just thought that was the way to go the second i jumped i realized my error it's like a very lark-esque noise when he falls off the edge anything over here [Music] it's also optional the elephant is like optional to actually use just realized one droplet of water instantly [ __ ] just kills one of those guys one of the big beefy dudes so yeah i hope someday that vinnie will play hold on just shoot these guys i hope that he will play this game particularly this version that'd be pretty based [Applause] [Music] they're actually trying to teach me to do it here but i'm sure when i first played this i did not realize that's what they were doing [Music] [Applause] i think i just dodged these instead which is also viable viable strat okay close i think it's always a metal barrel to kill that guy there's never any like variation besides what you have to do to actually kill him [Applause] i need a certain number of those coins for something not sure what [Applause] anything up here just curious cool god we are blasting through this [ __ ] game just absolutely annihilating it uh i think there is a secret around here too right no no i think we have found our first grapefruit incorrect moment wrong fruit [Music] yeah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this level i remember this you have to feed this guy fish to keep him from getting all pissed off oh this one's stressful as hell oh yeah and he doesn't like those right right right okay don't feed him the spiky things feed him the clown fish or else he'll take a big freaking chomp out of you [Music] oh [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] real whale noises i think didn't i hear that the original plan for this game was to have both soundtracks accessible but then they were like yeah uh it's the [ __ ] game boy advance we're not gonna be able to do that [Music] nice oh god no don't eat it don't eat it don't go over there don't be tempted [Music] nice [Music] is there a secret down there no maybe there's a bear coin or something there's a bear coin in the woods [Music] oh wow i'm really butchering this [ __ ] aren't i come on nope i don't even care this level's miserable i don't even want to go for all the bonus [ __ ] i remember this being really difficult and frustrating god this music though it's so good he's like what a bang-up job he did all this and you know props to uh the lady whose name i've already forgotten i'm so sorry you probably probably are sick of getting overshadowed by david wise but i'm sure you did great work too monkey please give me a check part checkpoint check mark barrel [ __ ] you [ __ ] you nope come down here come down here and eat these guys thank you nice that was like right on beat crunch crunch crunch crunch two three go [Music] pose for the fans [Music] look at kitty kong no the worst companion dead [ __ ] dead okay why did i do this i thought i could sneak up behind it above [Music] i think i needed to get the guy to munch it [Music] i didn't think that was a place with the clown fish [Music] pose for the fans [Music] wow you go big guy feed him feed him eat it this is why this level sucks i knew this level sucked [Music] someone just pointed out that kitty kong is constantly swallowing sea water because he's just opening his mouth he's like filter feeding he's like just drinking that [ __ ] he's drinking water and peeing it out at the exact same rate thus creating a perfect state of equilibrium oh my god speaking of which any you see the artemis fowl movie where the dude the dude i don't know anything about artemis fowl except in the shitty movie there's a dude who he like stretches out his mouth and he goes it's feeding time and he bends down in the dirt and like eats a bunch of dirt so forcefully that it just flies out of his ass and that's how he like burrows through the ground apparently this is accurate artemis fowl lore that blew my mind [Music] it was one of those things that just like i could not stop like looking at it it was like a car crash and i had to show it to lark it seemed like it was right up his [ __ ] alley something that would just make his eyes bug out [Music] oh this is an interesting one okay too bad this fish [ __ ] sucks dick did you see that i had it like perfectly aligned but he just kind of like swooped around it he's an [ __ ] [Music] i'm not going to be able to get back to the coin in time center by the door okay [Music] i just keep thinking about especially just the phrase it's feeding time i don't know it sounds like one of those shrek memes it comes across the same as shrek is love shrek is life if that makes any [ __ ] sense at all that was a really bad imitation of that there's some cool cave levels later on too we'll get to those [Music] i always imagined that yeah at the end of that music yeah you know doesn't it just feel yeah worthy okay this is the boss this is the boss that i got stuck on because i didn't realize you could suck you have to shoot his [ __ ] eyes and they make a sound like a literal [ __ ] like clown through a custard pie in someone's face i guess it's a weird [ __ ] thing too it's like what even am i looking at it's like a weird this is you know what this is this is a yokai this is a [ __ ] like japanese waterfall spirit it's like i really don't even know what i'm looking at okay suck damn it so that just pushes you one of the things that makes this boss a little frustrating is that the way that you die is by not getting hit it's just by getting shoved [ __ ] you that was perfect and it didn't hit it [ __ ] you that [ __ ] a hit god damn it i really thought i could just push it sucks [Music] i didn't have any juice okay wow i literally uh i just i just i just didn't stay on the platform there it's like if you jump you can get around it for sure bruh all right yeah that's easy okay suck bro okay that should have hit what was with that shenanigans that was pure shenanigans [Music] come on i'm sure you can one cycle this [ __ ] this is the one you gotta watch out for it's like twice as powerful you can tell it just looks looks visually powerful come on no oh i think i did it actually this is the clock formation yeah oh he pogged he went like nice oh and the waterfall dried up bye [ __ ] whatever like spirit that was i just killed it this area is gonna wither away and die what on earth was that i don't think i really want to know still it's another step closer to rescuing diddy it's like we literally just killed a deity that is necessary for the universe to exist that was like the spirit of all water we're all gonna [ __ ] starve now i once just said drown we're gonna die of thirst all right boom uh i don't think we can actually go into the water behind cottontop cove's flag no [Music] all right yeah [Music] how long i've been going i'm gonna call it quits pretty soon here hey he actually says what hey that's another britishism you found two skis [Music] cool bonkers right okay this boat is [ __ ] nuts this boat is insanity it can go up waterfalls [Music] hold on i think we can uh no i i swear we go here at some point it's like i think that's like the banana bird cave or something like the final one it's like when you get all the rest of them hold on let's get this first because that's another secret [Music] that was like bizarro universe [Music] close encounters so here it is wait what is this not the one that goes up waterfalls yeah it is there you go and another secret here [Music] easy so far i might need your guys help on some of those later on though because they get more of course extensive to the point where i think as a kid i started writing them down oh yeah when you swim in the water here you're swimming in the flag i always noticed that as a kid and i was like what's happening there homie oh look this is the waterfall that runs into this the waterfall with the guy that we drained pacifica pacifica northwest gay ass reference sitting here playing a nintendo game talking about the nintendo direct talking about gravity falls could it get more homosexual yo going speedy um is this nice [Music] oh look at this [Music] get [ __ ] oh ouchie oh rip that one banana right this is flooded flooded tube level and i think we uh the water level changes throughout the level too kind of similar to the uh flooded pirate ship levels from the first or from the second game the first sequel is what i meant to say that's what i was going to say the first sequel like the final boss of this area is one of those little clam guys except huge and it has a [ __ ] disgusting you know how vinny says terse neck meat when describing those enemies in the binding of isaac that uh that opened their necks feed it hurt [ __ ] it's like that god damn it it's exactly the terse neck meat enemy where it exposes its weak spot [Music] okay please [Music] okay i just need to shut my fat [ __ ] mouth turns out she just stopped talking donkey kong eta on blarkborn hopefully first episode of that should be coming out right after the next twitch scraps which will be within the week so do the math uh i am working on oh here we go i'm working on that twitch scraps it's coming coming right along actually uh even though i had a long period of time where i was not editing anything frankly um it's down here oh literally just good things see what i mean about how they shower you with bear coins this whole game wow that was i missed out big time there i think there was just a kong letter up there i don't really care about that look at all these [ __ ] fish who gave them the right okay well i missed out on on guard but i feel like i don't need to 100 this one because i played this so much when i was younger and now it's like all i need to do is get just a little taste of it and i'm happy like i've already spent so much time in this game that i i don't necessarily need to go super hard nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [ __ ] no okay thank god donkey kong no jank this time i don't know any glitches in this game besides like that one thing that i was talking about in the other tunnel level where you get to skip the the cart but i don't think that's even a glitch that's just a thing you can do maybe an exploit [ __ ] well i think i missed oh no i got both the bonuses there i just didn't get the or no i got everything there damn really felt like i missed [ __ ] barnacles island oh [ __ ] the shark just bursting through the wall holy [ __ ] barnacles me name swaggishmegame i used to do a bit of scuba diving but now i take it easy at home have you seen the shell collection no i haven't seen your snow globe collection you sick [ __ ] [Music] i don't think there's anything that would persuade me to get rid of this bird joke i remember this level this is like the dark pier level very atmospheric and i think there is this one it's not even that it starts out slow this one like actually doesn't have any music i i rc maybe it does nope it's got the exact same music never mind what a fool i am nice i don't need donkey kong to get up here oh [Music] [Music] oh the slick skip the strats [Music] [Music] doing how are you supposed to do that without dixie oh [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] i hate when you find an animal barrel that you did not find the animal for [Music] let's investigate i am with my people kitty kong gives up on being a monkey decides to be a clown fish it's more suitable to his uh brain [Music] are we really going back this far all right there he is man of the hour [Music] where are kitty kong's legs at this moment would you say whoa he's automatically trying to attack the thing but he can't that's kind of funny finally did it it was pop just like the big birds nice i love how this song like just fades back into like ocean sounds at the end too i think that's a really nice touch it's a great track it's on the some of the songs from this particular version of the game are on the grapefruits jams playlist and i think with good reason [Music] [ __ ] you that guy's that guy's a jape that guy's meant to be japes oh oh barely made it nice [Music] i almost accidentally comboed to like roll on the barrel there all right swanky's dash right oh god we'll save that for next time oh this is the like sunken tree level i remember this too okay oh he's right here come on [Music] what kidding me really can't do that wow that sucks i can't even restart the level because i haven't beaten it yet sag hey can i get a [ __ ] sag [Music] hmm [Music] i hear monkey i think monkey was above i think our goal is down from what i can tell this is a clever reuse of some assets honestly it's like yeah make a flooded tree level and the background looks like some [ __ ] sonic 2 marble zone [ __ ] like yeah [ __ ] it do it oh [Music] what is the point of going up here [Music] what have i done oh [Music] bruh [Music] i'm glad getting hurt underwater stops all your momentum you know [Music] close [Music] they're trying to eat healthier i i got into the nasty habit of getting pizza bites or pizza rolls or whatever they're just not even good they're like there's nothing about the experience of eating a pizza bite or a pizza roll that that i enjoy not pooping afterwards not tasting it not how it feels to eat it in terms of like health so i need to i used to eat a lot of blueberries i'm thinking new snack food it's gonna be blueberries again i just need to find a place to get some high quality ones you know yeah i guess it's aquatic ruin zone in sonic 2 not marble zone [ __ ] they i you know they thought i was crazy for trying to go in that little hole there and they were right they were indeed correct [Music] you can go on the edges there but if you go to the middle get a bit of banana for your troubles [Music] that's a sega genesis-s sound is this just an alternate path what am i doing where am i going i'm donkey kong nice i was gonna say there's gotta be something in the center there oh wait you just pause like a million times there be [Music] [Applause] no hurt please you should eat blackberries they taste a bit like chips no they don't and also i'm uh i'm not really a chip guy i don't really eat like a lot of junk food it's just i eat a lot of food full stop you know [Music] like a lot of carbs i'm a very carb guy [Music] oh [ __ ] now there's poo flinging monkeys as well nice i think i 100 at that level nope didn't get the oh didn't get the guy with the coin actually [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yo this is one of the best songs [Music] i used to think they were saying that it was a voice saying yum banana yum banana yum banana yum banana yum banana yum banana you know cause they're monkeys i don't know you think stupid things when you're a kid but this is genuinely one of the biggest bangers on the soundtrack [Music] sounds like mythbusters music does anyone else hear the mythbusters-ness [Music] oh these guys these guys were in two as well right seem to recall maybe not might be mixing some memories there [Music] [Music] oh this brings me back [ __ ] [Music] oh [Music] bro [Music] nice gotta go up here [Music] yeah oh why did they make such a banger for the like stupid cliff level [Music] so good that [ __ ] mythbusters harmonica is so good [Music] [ __ ] [Music] i thought there was a secret up here it's just bonanz just yum banana [ __ ] [Music] it does sound tropical freeze-esque tropical freeze has got a god-like soundtrack too you know what's my favorite song off tropical freeze [Music] [Music] never actually played tropical freeze by the way i watched vinnie stream it live ages ago uh and i actually even submitted art for the stream fun fact uh and it was a it was a romp of a time but i played donkey kong country returns and that was god-like and i heard tropical freeze was just even better so very much looking forward to checking that one out [ __ ] these guys just were too fast oh what the [ __ ] [Music] [Music] i just need to be careful stop like freaking out in this level [Music] um oh scary [Music] are those guys in the second game i feel like they are [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] well that was a weird bounce [Music] nice i wouldn't say this is my favorite uh in the in the whole series i don't know it's hard it's really hard to choose i would say as much as i like dkc1 it's definitely not dkc1 but like all the rest of the ones that i've played are contenders i guess donkey kong land is the other one that i need to play and that one is that one's weird it's a game boy remake of donkey kong country one and unlike donkey kong land two and three donkey kong land one actually varies quite a bit from the original game so i'm gonna play that too i've heard it's weird maybe bad we'll see this level uh i remember this being quite frustrating as well [Music] because as beautiful as the water levels are it can be a little frustrating especially when there's [ __ ] wind this is basically the wind levels from dkc2 and water levels combined [Music] i'm so afraid the water's just gonna whip me into something i don't even care about the o i don't think i got the k [ __ ] [Music] [Music] also these guys these are like special green versions of these goobers i bet they just changed the palette on it though [ __ ] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is that bonus bonus don't dick me around like this stop stop stop it bonus [Music] okay no wind just a brief respite jesus these are getting a little tricky now [Music] [ __ ] god damn it [Music] his face and that music oh [ __ ] you just get to try it again okay [Music] let's try this again [ __ ] oh oh look that bottom one's the hardest maybe let's see [Music] come on just be careful you got plenty of time i didn't notice the one at the very top there until it was almost too late okay that one actually showed up in the center that was like the exact same arena as that other one in the in the nom nom fish level okay now just a simple just a simple simple simple simple matter of getting back up here [Music] [Music] stop [Music] it it's really hard to actually swim against the wind like there's always a small period of time where you just simply can't okay we're not going that way this time [ __ ] that just follow the bananas go to the end of the level i don't want to get the secrets in this one [Music] show me what's about to be on the screen bro show me what's about to be on the screen bro that sucked i think it was because i was faced away it was like no you don't want to see what's about to happen dude right in a platformer no [ __ ] stop i'm holding out this is as fast as i can [ __ ] swim stop that is such a dick move that is that is just an outright dick move that is just a penis maneuver stop stop stop [Music] stop [Music] hmm [Music] ng newgrounds pony ng [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [Music] let me move what is this like lack the monkey power to even swim this fast are you joking this is as fast as i can swim in this condition wow [Music] this level is an [ __ ] this is as fast as i can swim [Music] thank god i've never been so relieved to hear the sound of sizzling frying chicken also this is the same layout as that other room except this one actually has a little goober down there die goober i'm so glad that's done okay oh we get another one of the uh cart ride levels i think is this the one where you can skip it i think it is hold on gotta try yeah or no wait yeah i skipped the barrel that launches [Music] oh oh mega laugh dying of ruffle [Music] bruh bruh that's a death that's uh one of the few ways you can die while you're in iframes okay [Music] [Music] let's do this gamers okay i'm gonna die the exact literal frame perfect way again [Music] literally like the uh my inputs were the exact same frames [Music] so when you jump up here jump a short jump there you go just hooking onto the railing that always [ __ ] me up there are we done is that it okay i assume the coin guys close at hand you have to carry the barrel through this whole trek [Music] jesus this is quite the trek wow is that is that true oh double dub is that true i don't think this is true actually hold on no i think i was supposed to maybe oh wait wait i could have rolled on the barrel like a goofy man that could have been the one time to use that ability [Music] easy uh yeah this game it's the same as uh dkc1 diaper kong does in fact damage the big fat guys whereas dixie does not dicks and diaper these are their names i don't make the rules [Music] why did i do that there was no reason to do that that was like getting the top of the flagpole in a mario level except there's no reason to [Applause] all right here's the big this this boss always made me uncomfortable it's got like big stretchy meat that you gotta hit look at its face um do i need to kill one of these to make it actually progress oh right yeah and then it goes right it's a [ __ ] nauseating sound [ __ ] yeah that's like physics oh [ __ ] yeah that was a uh i just pressed the wrong button there i was like i'm locked into death but i could have actually just held on to the charge and survived this is gonna sound so weird but i had a friend named larry who had a mouth shaped like that okay look at like the squish sound effect and then the way it bends oh i remember this it shoots like homing shells at you right yeah this is a lot like actually this is so similar to the dummy fight in undertale i'm just now realizing [ __ ] oh it chased me even in death okay oh i remember this boss being a little tricky you must strike when the moment is right without thinking [Music] all right it shoots it out of the top of its head nice i wonder if you can hit this thing without uh killing its little goons nailed it does make me wonder how different some of the later some of the bosses were in this nest version rather oh god i remember this i think you just need to go hit him [ __ ] maybe i don't know i don't even know i don't know what we have to do there frankly just a lovely sound sorry you guys are probably getting so annoyed with me humming the music all the time but it's so hard not to especially with this game in particular [ __ ] still hit it nice [Music] nice janky hitbox oh hell no squidward got the janky ass hitbox all right then dodge okay good simply well done magnificent [ __ ] job dude i think i need to just go up and hit it oh god is it gonna shoot more the second i start moving it's gonna shoot more i was like yeah okay that is just a safe spot simply get [ __ ] please let that be the end nope it wasn't okay i need to hit him multiple times there oh i need to like relearn how to do this boss is this gonna hurt me yes it will but not for the reasons i expected okay well good oh [ __ ] just go over there you don't want to have to calculate for distance you know just want to be able to go up and whack the [ __ ] this phase at the very least hasn't given me too much grief pretty simple once you know what you're doing it is so the dummy fight from undertale though andrew just did that on stream the other day so he would he would know by the way people have been asking about deltarune my plan currently is to play it when all chapters are out and from what i can tell chapter 2 was not the final chapter so i may even go so far as to do more like no i may even go so far as to just record playing that game rather than actually stream it because i kind of have a feeling either i'm gonna need to wait like a full year for people to be over it i killed him he's dead cranky kong what are you doing underwater you can't breathe actually i can't breathe but uh yeah deltarune i feel like i'm gonna need to wait a while for people to calm down on it because that is just one of those games that like people will not be able to not aggressively and angrily backseat you know it is just going to be [ __ ] impossible for people so i don't know about that on to the next world will this game ever end but i do want to play it it's just difficult as a streamer with a game such as that [Music] uh okay chapters three to five are coming as one then there's at least two more now didn't i hear that uh [Music] also look at that i think that's the cave we go to at the end of the game when you get like 100 [ __ ] [Music] didn't i hear that the first there was like chapter one of deltarune and then it was like chapter two is just gonna be the entire rest of the video game wasn't that originally the plan or am i crazy also that's going to be it for today i think let me try doing this one more time let's just see if i can activate this [ __ ] this [ __ ] boat noise is so obnoxious but i think i should be able to do this now maybe i need to like beat the game first yeah i think so i think so okay [Music] um he did say he was going to wait until all the chapters were done but scrapped it okay weird but next time we will do we'll do some stupid bear adventure game puzzles we'll do k3 which i i still that's like there's a mountain called like m3 or some [ __ ] like that razor ridge that's a fun world too but we've got like three or four we got one two three worlds left in the main game and then the lost world as well and like i said i don't think i will be 100 in this i'll just be getting stuff along the way as i see fit oh it's just k2 okay uh but yeah this is fun i'm having a blast it's a great game and uh simply just good platformers you can totally see the seam where this water texture repeats actually it's not even a repeating texture there's just a weird seam every once in a while weird you can definitely see like a rectangle rectangle grid but uh yeah so deltarune i don't know if you can expect that anytime soon whatsoever i'm probably gonna wait for people to calm down on it either that or just record it on my own time and publish the uh them as vods except they're not actually streams oh wait uh let me save before i forget to do so oh people were saying why does it say oo up there and uh i don't know it was just a really weird really weird decision it's like how street fighter 2 says poo at the top they just felt like putting some weird meme from the future in there i swear we go to that cave at a certain point actually no no no no no when you beat the game and you respawn into the world i think you hop from that little ledge maybe actually no it might be this ledge here that you started the game from [ __ ] okay whatever i'm an [ __ ] look at this the water texture there's like a shadow on us but the shadow doesn't apply when we're out here there's a little shadow on our sprites when we go here oh okay fun game really cool like i love nostalgia tripping and this is this is a game where it is particularly severe although at a certain point it's like the nostalgia hits you at first and then for the rest of it it's kind of like oh yeah i'm just kind of playing the game now because it is just a fun game too it's not like doing pajama sam where it's like all nostalgia uh thanks for watching folks take it easy i have no idea what the next stream will be you'll just have to wait and see
Channel: fruit salad
Views: 4,940
Rating: 4.96875 out of 5
Id: MdCQmJ7uFvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 6sec (10506 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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