[Full stream] - Co-op Binding of Isaac: Repentance w/Lark [Part 1]

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] howdy everyone welcome to bone town [Music] yahweh ah that's the true name of god oh before this too it's just a heavenly stream today well it's appropriate because we're going to be playing isaac true doing the co-ops today uh i've dittled around with this a little bit i don't think have you played any co-op at all nope i have no idea how actually maybe once i played it at pax with my brother but otherwise uh it's way better than it used to be it's no longer super mario galaxy 2. wow that's right because somebody oh yeah i never did the baby version right somebody got to be a little baby yeah that that version kind of sucks honestly it was super mario galaxy yeah somebody can collect starvats exactly oh uh [ __ ] i forgot to write down the name of the person who wrote this who made this art [ __ ] it's just a random ah well my apologies some very kind person on twitter sent this to me normally i try to write down the name but very lovely uh bone art it's even we noted it's even in the little shape of the fruit yeah which is cute incredible but thank you very much for that uh sorry i didn't take your name down uh anyway let's open up the game get this [ __ ] blue arm out of here [Music] that's so if you like we're cause i know that plays in hotline miami like on the loading screens if you let it like sit long enough to the vocals start oh yeah oh yeah totally yeah during the like when the chicken guy is talking to you the car [ __ ] binding of isaac so you've been uh relatively unspoiled on things yeah so i've played like an amount so i've seen the new floors and stuff i don't know how much more that i haven't seen yes but so uh there we're gonna probably see some spoilery stuff yeah there's a character i don't have and stuff so yeah uh and there's one spoiler band-aid that we're just gonna have to rip off straight away which is in the game there are double the amount of characters now because they're all they have the tape they all have an alternate tainted version so oh they all look horrible yeah you have alternate unlocks for these and a very kind a very kind viewer made a mod so that you can play as me and the tainted version of me is you with my face oh my god that's terrifying it's our twitter profile pictures of a bird edit in post that's the little picture of you standing next to like eye thing with your hands doing like you know i gotta do it to him oh that is incredible and this is my little skeleton guide so that's so fun actually we're gonna play as ourselves for the first run here okay that's great uh so i don't i actually oh god are we gonna be able to select let's find out so oh you're walking yeah i constantly walk and i think i can fly uh i think you hit start or select yeah and then oh so i get to choose yeah there you are yeah that's you yeah oh i can fly okay wait so i also something to note i'm on the uh controller and i haven't used the controller yeah it does it says here too so bomb is left bumper item is left trigger so that's like space bar that's the most important one okay items left trigger bomb is left bumper and then right bumper is like card or pill right do we share coins and bombs and keys and stuff i think we do but you can see there's actually what the [ __ ] kind of heart is that i have a weird heart on the end of my i haven't seen that yet a broken heart and then you've got your hearts over here for some reason my crooked penny is down in the corner i don't know exactly why and i don't know what your item does i have a tiny dice i can only assume mine is just normal crooked penny uh but let's [ __ ] go oh i'm stompy too nice oh boy oh boy you're shooting out little pokeballs i think they're peggle uh pegs that's actually so cute what it is it's a reskin of the like the eyeball popped item but they're peggle pegs which is pretty adorable that's actually very cute yeah this was this mod was made by uh okay i won't which i uh again i i have a poor memory for things but i remember okay i won't has made tons of like cool [ __ ] they've made like art or something in the past and then they made this that's fun so shout outs okay i won't i hate those guys oh yeah those guys suck there's like bone versions of them later on that are even worse i just made the actual like binding of isaac taking damage sound okay well this is not an amazing item oh and we have to share the items so well i guess i have more red hearts you go for it yeah but i also just took at seoul heart whatever okay this works out nice because i think we're both fairly like i'm i'm you definitely know everything about the game and i know a lot of things about the game this new version i am relatively uh unspoiled yeah i know there's going to be things do this we can vote you can't do we can both just walk right across that one uh try out your actually oh you probably should have tried your item on the oh the vampire thing because it's a here what about i'll do it here and see if it doesn't mean yeah so left bumper or left trigger damn all right that could be strong we have yet to i i feel we have yet to truly understand what that does but duplicated the bombs there's plenty of items that are just like random effects too so like fair chance it does like something else next time yeah um effects does that make us bigger is there two of us uh no that makes you like familiars also i do have an uh mod that makes it so that you can see the item description that's handy and there's even a little number here that is the item quality that's a new quality that's a new mechanic in this game is edmond rarity yeah or it was just basically like how how powerful an item is i should have used crooked penny on that [ __ ] too oh i skipped over the cool little heart to chubby guy saw this guy he like squirts and flies around right yeah and this boss we won't i guess we won't do it right now but uh if you don't attack this guy at all uh for like 20 seconds then he just flies away and he gives you a special item oh seriously yeah it's not an amazing item it's like it's kind of like monster's tooth you can like summon him you know fly away yeah but there's like a there's like a pacifist ending oh this is a great item always stack constantly i'll stay there mind if i grab this one yeah take it oh right we get two from bosses so you can get that if you want oh uh sure i have the vampire thing why not um oh yeah yeah fast travel yeah i i realized right as i did it i was like oh god this might be shocking to you all right answers okay well i gotta use my uh i keep forgetting that i have the crooked penny because it's like tucked away in the corner there penny duplicates 50 of the time then sometimes deletes right yeah something like that so let's try it on the shop just for shits and giggles um okay i have to like swap them that's kind of weird yeah [ __ ] nice so we can basically try that on like every shop okay what does that say i think it was like shot speed up uh lockdown or something like that oh and you can see we have our stats your stats are the red ones okay mine are the white ones um nice well we've got actually we've got both an ansa's rune and a uh the world ruin oh should we check for secret room yeah let's do it what does ansys do it's also basically the same as the world okay that's the thing is like i unlocked all the runes at one point in my playthrough i had some idiots up here sure uh oh yeah good practice okay okay okay let's let's try the i got one more place to try for the super secret um i gotta remember how to [ __ ] play the game too because i was just playing the character that like changes the controls a little bit oh yeah we just wasted all our bombs so well whatever we don't need bombs oh let's go down the alternate path let's do it this is really good for multiplayer because it gives you two items two items in each treasure room oh so we both press it at the same time you don't get it cute yeah that's such a cute sprite that's really nice i think it's just the forgotten sprite with some nice little shades added but well done extra large too two double item rooms that's good double double double double double shot actually what is this like weird heart i have it's like a it's like a broken heart container or something i literally just looked at chad and somebody said it's a broken heart container too [ __ ] okay i don't know what that is let's try world here oh my god this might as well do that i have not seen a little rolly guys little [ __ ] i can like try and tank some i like just got a better look at it on this floor with like the background though like oh it's shattered look at that laos i don't know what laos does um chance to spawn a spider while in a hostile room sure the mod description or the item description mod is so [ __ ] nice because there are many items that i also am just like i vaguely know what this does yeah but i'm not quite sure okay so i kind of want spectral tears so how do we do these at the same time uh so basically give me your control okay you do it i found the best way me and mitchell when we do this usually it's mitchell's responsibility but i'll take the helm now oh i got a good one infestation two hell yeah what is two is that when they die there's a thing comes out or is that something like i don't know unfortunately that's the one situation where we can't really read the item description because it had the uh because it was a question mark invisible item oh it's a good one that's the strat yeah nice and now that i have spectral tears my peggle shots will actually be lining up a little better um let's not do the boss quite yet because i want one do you want a bomb i'm gonna have some bombs we can bomb some of these soul cairns fires uh if it gets if it comes to that i have heard of the broken heart mechanic that's there's like an item that does that that makes it oh [ __ ] around yeah that was disorienting let's check this out let's do it oh wow terrible all right let's go let me use this pill hematosis nice actually uh oh we had a bunch of hearts okay well we can come back here if you're injured i do need a heart container um [Music] yeah the new enemies there's so many [ __ ] new enemy types it's kind of insane there's an item that erases an enemy from your entire like run and basically do you need to choose which enemy it is yeah you just point it at it and just select you yeah and uh but the thing is it's not even that good because there's so many enemies now so i say i take this one probably and you take the question mark okay uh let's do it again doing it next doing a little countdown is tricky okay sad whatever wow neither were particularly good oh well i guess uh maybe we should use your item on that i still don't know what yours does it looks like the d1 but it's not like a weird little thing do it again on this to heart and see what duplicates sure try that's weird or maybe oh is that the one that hd i get them all mixed up okay let me uh you should grab phd maybe grab it and then because that that one doesn't stack and then crooked penny the rest of this yeah ah well at least we got one coin yeah so i assume now you you it's not for both of us we both don't get good pills like so it's just you get good pills i think it actually yeah i i think only only the person who picked it up gets the good pills i think me and mitchell were playing and i was like i think we both get good pills but then we figured out is that okay that is not the case yeah um so do we want to do this we got to do a mirror thing right or do we want to go fight those oh yeah i don't exactly know i don't quite know what this does oh like i went through it once i became the last time i went through yeah let's let's go uh touch the little fire so i guess do you want to be the lost uh we both have to do it uh well no i don't i'm the only one to do it also chat calm the [ __ ] down uh we're just talking people are like read chat i'm like we're just i'm not just gonna cut off like andrew shut the [ __ ] up chat has something to say uh but you can toggle the item with your uh with your left or the right trigger uh with my right trigger yes so here yeah oh you can just switch it around any dice i want dice yes wait that's really strong yeah oh e6 is probably the best one yeah i don't know what the one like i don't even remember what d1 does uh but i guess duplicates items i guess i think it's specifically like room rewards that's so [ __ ] up to see the heart backwards that ruined my life right there oh the little looking right sprite all backwards yeah that's all wrong wait so it's an xl so we get double items again yeah well actually uh you'll see we go to the item room and uh we get something special i actually don't know what the second one will have admittedly it might this this will be a learning experience oh look at that it's a duane there's a tinted dwayne the rock johnson attempted doing i got a soul part thankfully these guys are kind of annoying even though i'm the lost i i get to collect health which is kind of nice oh this one just has nothing in it great it's like oh [ __ ] i died well will you come back i will baby now i will come back when you beat the boss so i'm this little shuck now can you do anything uh no well i can shoot but i have the most pathetic tears ever okay uh so you basically need to go over to the it's weird you're in the mirror world but you're not actually the lost because i was the lost and then i died so uh it's not normally how this works but uh i think you can still go to the treasure room and uh go grab actually hold on let me check here let me go down to the mirror room okay i want to see if i can go through the mirror as this little thing no okay i'm trapped in here yeah i guess so should i do this uh i think it won't actually have anything in it like even even if that room had previously had rewards in it i think that a lot of those don't have stuff in them on the mirror floor but uh you do get boss items and you do get uh something special yes that's infestation two is really putting in a lot of work yeah okay i'm going in look at that oh knife blade one okay so i did i did go in this and saw that knife piece yeah um oh god he's smiling i don't like that yeah i don't know uh actually can you touch that like fire i don't even know should i touch it actually uh is there a boss in here because i don't know how we get out of here without one of us being the lost to go through the mirror like i don't kill the bosses uh you don't have to kill the bosses that was one thing when you were streaming i think you assumed and rightfully so that you had to go and kill a boss but you don't actually have well i think i should i have a lot of health because i'm not the loss i feel like i should kill the bosses if you want to it won't make it so they're dead in the in the non-mirrored world oh and it doesn't like let us go down more oh it just gives us extra items that's all it does so i'd say go check and see if we can if either of us can go through the mirror and then yeah because i didn't try going through the mirror i guess i can use the fast travel eh there you go okay oh okay okay so and now you can go if you beat one of the bosses i think or it might be it might be one or both i i don't know how it works on xl floors then i come back yeah so sorry i i died oh good turd lit i don't know this one hello turtle just getting destroyed yes what's up but the spiders are putting in the [ __ ] work and i'm putting in zero work because my tears are so well you just put so good oh you spit it out he's going nuts a lot of the like poop enemies okay i guess you gotta beat the vloggers i'm pogging yep why am i vlogging we pog when good items show up now oh well is that real and i like it because you actually vocally pogged too oh my god wait that's so good a vlog another one that i haven't seen i was just about to say the uh all the poop themed bosses have like spinning like flushing themed moves like this guy he flushes the entire room oh but we can fly so it doesn't affect us oh i see so normally i'd be spinning around normally it would yeah force you to spin all right we got this under control i think yeah we got this we yes we are doing a lot of work together what do you mean man that cat of nine tails thank you yeah come on back let's get flushed nice get the [ __ ] out of here woke up divorce papers ooh boneheart you should get that that's appropriate for me and uh why don't you get that too yeah yeah sure you need health all right look how much health i have you did get the whip um all right and now let's go just poke around i can't pick that up what i was trying to say earlier is i think the broken heart uh is just a heart container that can no longer be filled oh sad so it's like a moon or a curse yeah kind of but i i really doubt it will be that much issue okay do you want to go and kill the bosses and i don't really uh feel a super hardcore need to honestly uh let's just hop on down i guess but yeah let's get it do this [ __ ] oh whoa oop sorry i think i i did that didn't i throw that [ __ ] into the next dimension okay i remember this world a little bit there's a lot of carts and stuff yeah these running over the mushrooms is a little risky because sometimes they can poop on you but oh well this is fun isaac multiplayer this is the dream yeah it is fun and uh there's there's all sorts of like we're kind of like you know the like silly mod characters uh and it but there's also so many like cool interactions and strats that you can do with the other characters in the game too oh i'm excited then unlock the secret room oh yeah there's a little rock thing there's rock spiders and they can come out of tainted rocks or tinted rocks rather so i can push this up here they can they can come out of tinted rocks and you have to like kill them to actually get the soul hearts oh right we can [ __ ] fly be careful of those spiky rocks though because you still get hurt by those okay all right we got some money oh there's a charge baby uh let's leave this right now for now i'll tell you guys this shop keeps you right down here all right it's gonna be convenient oh fart thing you can replace oh the thing that hurts you like terrible item not terrible necessarily oh that's not the spacebar one that's the that's the one where every once in a while when you're shooting a little like cloud comes out of isaac and like goes around the room i think yeah it's fine uh so i forgot i have the d6 right now too so yeah i mean we don't like we can kill it yeah and i've been sort of i keep forgetting that i have the crooked penny because it's like just tucked away in a corner there yeah well there's another character that makes it so that you have like a one of your items is on that corner of the screen as well and it just always screws me up anything like next to them i feel like yeah i think i think the reason it's down there is because like i can hold two space bar items basically i see because i also have the little blood that's right also hitting buttons there's some buttons in rooms that just kill all the enemies in the room it's incredible it's just the murderer it's actually like worth pushing now uh yeah oh they've always i mean i always push them anyway but i feel like it's like always bad half the time [ __ ] enemies or like a boss spawns in uh yeah let's okay well what does that this thing do again this is a uh it kills everything yeah no one kills you three seconds to kill basically any boss i think oh i didn't do it right oh yeah i think why don't i d6 this i think you need to use yeah oh way better this is actually i think that is a different i didn't get a super good glimpse at the description but that was that's a different options that was options question mark not there's options oh seriously so i think that one uh oh oops if i recall correctly it makes pedestal items just flicker back and forth between actually i'm going to try some good pennies still good it makes them flicker back and forth between two different options okay or something like that or maybe it's just people are saying it's just boss items because one is because i know there's one is boss items one is trophy items third one that flickers ship three shells oh there it is it's the room rewards we get to pick one it spawns two room rewards seriously we choose one and it makes the other disappear that's what just happened there oh okay nice guys i got hurt i also got hurt because i mixed up which one i was uh oh [ __ ] i just just automatically done that yeah yeah it's gonna take a little while to get you [ __ ] options these guys yeah and then they explode all right get the chest things left over yeah let me get that i'm sorry okay well oh he's fine oh i found your lingerie i didn't want those bones anyway [ __ ] don't die don't die here oh we should have got the chest whatever okay you're piercing uh or should i roll the d6 uh piercing tears is it's pretty good uh kind of nine tails damage that's i guess you have spectral though yeah that's what i'm going to say for everything and plus yours also like floats in the air yeah that's nice okay take them give it in malfoy give it here and you got the worst item i got a terrible one i accidentally tapped way too [ __ ] hard well well i could d 100 myself if you want to oh this time sucks oh it might be that's what you did the reason i never wanted to do it when i was playing with mitchell because i i knew i'd [ __ ] it up but uh yeah you can just tap a button to fire those basically the same as usual um let me go over here and grab a little hurt also we've got secret rooms it showed on the map for a second here we are oh nice chance to apply burn effect okay you might as well or i have the pestilence hmm i like this one yeah better than the paper paper [ __ ] sucks paper socks okay and this is temperance uh what do i even answer this is what i have i guess i guess i should use that i don't even know what uh like d100 these like mod characters would really do like would it get rude rid of our get rid of our uh our like items baked into our character i have no idea oh no um sorry i'm gonna be a lazy this is the best thing about the teleport mod is you can literally just go down to the room and be like yep that's what saves time one half a heart yeah let's check this out oh meconium black poops yeah it's not great i don't care about black boobs i almost never even use them when they're in the room anyway yeah they're like technically beneficial but whatever not really they're not multi-beneficial yeah that was a god-like joke that wasn't that was a good joke quality no i don't want that i have to toot my own horn here all right nice lucky penny all right let's get the hell out of here um and i think with the oh it's nice that your stuff like [ __ ] covers the map uh i think with the the the ending that we're going for i think we're currently on track okay i think we're in mines yeah okay oh horn oh full hornful this guy's great kind of tricky but great i can lay a trap yeah you can and he'll just run into him like a dingus danger on the track that was a europe song the the band that made the final countdown yeah i remember that danger on the track or something like that oh i don't know that they also had a song called share a key and they went walking on the trail oh he got away oh he escapes oh [ __ ] you got a word uh shall i take this yeah because i have that one damage on item already if we're splitting it all right and then that's a little bit of health and nice yeah good idea i don't want that give me something good to eat all right what do we got all right you guys good i got damaged plus damage yeah that's that's what you want to see and plus luck okay wow that was a really good uh yeah good reroll um all right now uh just for shits and giggles we don't have to do this and this is something that will make no sense to you right now but will make sense later i'm going to drop this trinket in here uh just in case i have this trinket yet yeah i know it i know it really doesn't all will become clear oh wait let's uh before we leave let's juice this a little bit oh yeah how about you juice it because i got the bone heart i don't know if i i don't know if it goes away when you juice it past a certain point i also have vampirism so i can like blood stuff there's so many things where it's like all right let's stop it i think we got plenty of hearts lying around here for you though we don't want you get too low nice there's so many things in this game where it's like oh technically you could have done this more optimally but it's like yeah do we want to give money the bigger guy doesn't have so much money does it matter uh like shell beggar scotol i don't i don't like shell beggar personally i think you've got full heart containers right but you have one more i think you had i just looked and it looked like you had only three but i could have sworn you had four in my memory oh right because it's like the little truncated thing yeah this is cool there's like ash yeah it's ash pit oh [ __ ] phone guys yeah there's so many [ __ ] alternate floors it's crazy damn there's so yeah actually that's wild what the that was gonna buy something yeah bone guy actually what the [ __ ] was that i have no idea what that was excuse me all right uh maybe it was like we destroyed something anyway uh we can actually cheese this part we can do this one get get away from it cause i'm gonna bomb it uh normally this part we have to go around and press these buttons throughout the floor this is similar to the card shopkins the mirror just showed up like yeah but actually uh let's let's wait until we do more of the floor wait should i use that [ __ ] i'm using that okay uh actually let's do this right now we're flying and i if it we'll just see let's just see oh wait no i have a mod for this part it took away a lot of our items that's part of this segment oh i'm naked now yep you're just isaac what so i have a mod on this part that is going to make it considerably more like silly than it's supposed to be i just realized but i will fill you in on what is supposed to be happening here and it really does look like we're just cheating in like god mode because we just look like normal characters just flying over everything oh my god wait so i should pick this up you should pick that up all right knife familiar enemies can open a certain flesh door yeah uh oh there it is mario it's why oh god holy [ __ ] so normally this is supposed to be it's like a demonic version of isaac's mom and it goes our shirt and it charges at you and you're supposed to solve these little like puzzles with the bombs and [ __ ] right but while he's chasing you since we can fly this is the the same thing happens if you play as like azazel and [ __ ] you can just cheese that entire segment oh my god that was scary actually so we're blessed that we got to fly for that first so yeah now you not only do you have the knife projectile but uh we will be able to open a certain flesh door i see so i assume that it takes away your items so you can't fly through that normally yes i but again unless it's if it's like baked into the character then it does keep it dang it i see so in theory we should have been like okay here's probably how we have to do this part yeah throw this bomb here exactly in theory we should have been panicking the [ __ ] out that entire time that was scary uh let's go ahead and mommify that i throw the knife in the wall yeah it sticks in it makes that sound the music the new music is great too there's there's some songs that have like vocals on them too you were saying i love the vocals the hotline miami song at the beginning you were like this has words yeah and uh some of the isaac oh [ __ ] telepaths let's just use it whatever uh yes we could also cheese that part with the fast travel mod i think that actually may have gotten patched out though they patched out uh other sort of stuff that breaks the game nice uh oh i like the fogging yeah the plugging is great i'm gonna do it just click more often yeah i'm sorry i feel so bad that i got you that stupid [ __ ] anti-gravity tears like in theory i would have gotten it anyway yeah i guess so well those are some scary things there [ __ ] i keep doing it i keep doing it oh good i can you should re-roll that yeah um let's go get some charge and re-roll it again i don't want to risk doing cricket penny shenanigans there but if we get another shitty spacebar item we could quickly penny it i guess oh great oh man the knife does a lot of damage yeah the knife's good i don't know if it's exactly mom's knife levels of dimage but oh poison bomb uh i think that'll probably give us actually it'll probably only give the person who picks it up poison bombs go ahead okay remember what bob does like does his boys make your tooth poison i can get the bomb bob transformation uh something like that yeah i don't remember all the transformations honestly we're almost to 99 freaking coins yeah pretty impressive okay ass pit two let's uh bam this and grind some more charge places oh you should take all these uh tears up wait i want that how do i use this [ __ ] again uh there you go tears oh we gotta lock up uh which one of us i guess that's fine i got seven luck something's wrong just pop it bad yes pop it experimental shot speed up alone wow that's pretty cool i guess maybe because you have freaking uh phd oh yeah oh right that's why you said take them all i was like why am i doing uh myself to do the boss i guess okay oh it's this guy oh my god so yeah this guy you have to let him do it right like just let him go yeah you just have to kill all the little waves of enemies it's basically greed mode okay oh i see two out of six yeah i just didn't even look at that before and you're like this time look at that i don't like health but i didn't see a health bar yeah well you don't notice what ain't there i guess yeah you can't hit what ain't there yeah yeah yeah nice hustle tons of fun maybe next time i need a salad the scout voice actor said that was his favorite scout line ever was his like domination line for the heavy it's a good one apparently uh if you use the chaos card to kill this guy because normally you can't actually kill the stone dude at all yeah he just like sits there at the end of the fight too if you kill him with chaos card there's like a special secret trap door underneath him i think it takes you it gives you like an item or a shop or something cool yeah it's pretty neat dang that's so cool there's a lot of like neat little new stuff like that yeah yeah this is like i think in terms of amount of content added this is like one of the most expansive of the expansions yes yeah i think so okay all right uh we got a luck thing i don't know you might as well take it i guess if we get enough charge i could it's range up so i'll take the range up and then you take the lucky penny that it spawns because you get less luck uh all right i'll take it okay let's go uh get some charge yeah let's peek around here uh you might as well grab that little harder dude uh let's go kneecaps chucklehead all the way up here just just for shits and giggles i've i've noticed that the fast travel mod makes me go through the levels more like uh inefficiently like i just go wherever the [ __ ] i want i can just teleport wherever i want i don't have to care uh let's go down here and bomb our way up into this room oh wait we can't do that that sucks oh okay i don't know why it filled with rubble there uh i'm gonna try to crooked penny but just for shits and giggles yeah we just take one one for each wow delicious delicious pills oh and we got actual pills from it too yeah this is the full health that could be useful we'll look up again oh she's shooting phones this guy [ __ ] sucks this is god i already hate i hate the red one of this guy like just normally the one that shoots everywhere yeah i might pop this that's annoying oh yeah oh god yeah he's a tricky guy get him knife get him knife ah keep going oh god this guy too it's another boss man there's so many bosses there's so many new bosses just sprayed a [ __ ] like sharp at us what the hell and there's like boulders on the ground i'm gonna die i'm gonna get a hole in the ground okay i i do not have a lot of experience fighting this guy so i don't know what's happening all right that knife [ __ ] them up okay okay you grab that i guess we got plenty of hearts okay okay so i got charged now so why don't we go to the yes yes indeed okay here we go boom all right milk that's like fine uh i can take that if you want the squeak grit item okay and then all right all right let's be very careful here being very careful very careful let me just hold this in my actual gamer hand very careful nice tooth and nail that's a good one or actually i think i gave us 14 uh shoot your tears oh never mind it's a different one that's nine inch nails i don't remember actually oh wait i think this is the one that makes it so that you turn invincible yeah every six seconds you turn invincible what the heck and so you can use that to like getting into curse rooms and [ __ ] so when you're when your character like flashes for a couple seconds and then seconds and then turns uh look at that oh [ __ ] i forgot again oh that item keeps [ __ ] me up i'm gonna bomb it yeah bomb thing oh that's a good one hey you take it okay see whatever i had before yeah that was the one that like burns enemies entering a room all right i said we're doing pretty okay yeah he said the knife is gonna work our health is the one thing we're sort of scraping by in that regard i don't have any oh my god i need a little rock there's so many enemies that i just am not used to like registering as enemies yeah i'm sad that didn't make the troll bomb disappear uh okay all right hop on down i guess we can come out here left over hearts temperance yeah let's let's fill fish here [ __ ] dope let's go all right uh yeah we got the secret rooms and we got the knife so we're doing good cool great gideon more like he [ __ ] sucks and he will sleep there forever his bones will rest in the chamber for all eternity until he stops thinking that's a jojo reference mmm he stopped thinking nice what is that look at that special door we can't open it flush door oh no it's not flesh we there is we'll worry about that later that special door is actually a different thing every freaking door has like a there's every floor has a new door oh so much content let's see here little tiny baby room oh man this isn't just a normal floor damn it feels weird man yeah i know these enemies yeah these are just normal isaac enemies and the music's so much quieter uh yeah sure that sound oh it's the pin room yeah oh they're all like champion variant too weird or maybe it's just because it's dark maybe no i think they are champions they're doing a weird attack yeah the spiral yeah they're just everywhere yeah yeah get [ __ ] you die this pen's got a lot of [ __ ] health or we're not doing a lot all right i'll take it oh temperance baby bender is actually kind of fun it makes your familiars have homing shots i do have a familiar you might as well sure [ __ ] it baby bender hey it's me baby bender futurama hey fry hey um that's what i'm saying pestilence oh baby bender i'm a baby bender it's fine the pestilence it activates when you enter a room so technically we did good baby okay um there was a long period of time where i played this game without any audio same i was just thinking so i got used to like recognizing room layouts that had those hands or like just getting the vibe of like there's not enough enemies in this room to constitute a real challenge a hand is about to fall from the sky or like why hasn't the door opened yet yeah chess if we need to shop we need to shop i need new clothes emperors new cults and guts cool let's see what this is yeah okay yeah let's yeah charge ooh uh that's that's actually a mini battery so okay not gonna be a full charge [Music] i suppose we could pinch a few pennies loaves i mean we have also a lot of bombs and a lot of keys too yes sweet oh that's another thing okay we don't want to get our speed too disparate too because uh we want to be able to grab i guess i guess i could take speed up slow and throughout the rest of the run uh no we're probably we're probably not gonna get any double rooms too so oh well this is this is brilliant so far stonks just pure stonks in action giving us more coins i do have the swallowed penny so if i if any of us are going to use this uh donation machine it should be me oh this makes a lot of sense pretty much this is a lot of money yeah this is it's not even worth doing this let's just check out the shop wherever it is okay oh that's freaking don't get the key oh god [ __ ] what the hell is that so this is another thing that is part of the uh ending or it's it's it's the the thing that i dropped the trinket for actually actually if i duplicate it with the crooked penny so when we kill that by the way it gives us the fool we don't want to use it uh heck we're probably not going to actually end up using it anyway um i'm going to try using crooked penny on this oh okay well we'll never know okay black candle is basically useless because i have the curse disabler mod um oh watch out uh i don't think so immunity to curses plus one black heart hired devil in angel rooms totally worth it all right i'll just grab it and you know what so much money i'm gonna grab this uh bad gas i don't want let's check out what this is the sun hey that is really good i wonder if that'll full heal both of us and then we could probably donate yeah does anyone even get a little bit more charge to roll the item room again uh yeah everybody's freaking out i don't know what i did wrong but apparently i have screwed us over because for the past 20 minutes people have been screaming in chat some weird ending flesh door i thought we just went to the womb but apparently not i it's been a while since i've done this ending so apparently i've screwed us over i don't know how to do this specific ending so whatever another son oh i see that was just your son that's mine maybe oh people are saying i ruined the ending that we're literally not going for okay cool and it's fine or wait i we have to go mausoleum to get flesh door i had no idea that was a thing oh well that sucks okay well next time yeah uh oh well we got plenty of runs um actually we roll that even worse actually that one is not terrible it's not bad it's a good boss killer um let me see well we could also do the like boss rush room is my thought and then there's also these because there we could still uh we deleted the full card but there's other ways to do what we need to do basically so we did the full card for something yes it's a special thing so it's a it's supposed to be a tinted skull but because of the mod that i have for the twin tinted duanes it puts a little hat on it puts a little jester hat on it instead uh and that scripted always has the fool in it but basically we just need any card or anything that teleports us out of the room okay uh because i i guess we're getting around to it i forgot that the two paths are kind of like intertwined i guess but uh to get in that little door at the top there we need to beat mom and then teleport out of the boss room because the key to that door is the polaroid picture basically oh interesting so we need that item to open that how do we delete the pool key the cool card oh but with the with the crooked penny yes um so but here i have we have plenty of hearts lying around we've got these blood donation machines we can roll another card i don't know if we can get cards from that i keep breaking off my mic sorry everybody that's loud i don't know what i'm doing hmm sorry i kept knocking off my mic somehow sorry oh sorry if that means i don't think we can actually get cards from this now that i'm really thinking of it though um and then what do we got down here temperance put it up put it with the rest slap it up there i'll put it with the others i'm gonna sit in this fight corner oh god i'm in the blood corner so i've got a penny item oh man rich rich reigning in the money yeah oh my god all about the cash all about the base about that base but i don't think we should spend it on that or maybe can we get cards because we can get pills we could get patella pills again hematemesis okay good we could we could get telepills so that's that's our that's really our uh might as well use human tendencies yeah right blood think for the slaughter okay nice all right so we got to hold on to that the real strat hold on to those yeah you don't give me that drop back oh [ __ ] sorry it was just automatic like two blood [ __ ] vials come on i swear if this one doesn't give me the iv bag i'm gonna be sad [Music] you're dying should we i mean that thing could give us oh my god let's uh i'm just gonna go grab hearts here let's go clean up oh that was two hearts yeah clean up me i guess we can roll for more hearts in this thing too and a lot of money just trying to make sure we don't like accidentally go over 99 and i'm like collecting them for no reason all right i guess i might as well just pick up one of these because those those folks oh that's teleport oh my god hell yeah all right your mic fell off i keep oh i'm gonna attach he got so excited his mic fell off and touch it better nobody panic here nobody panic here all right well i think uh we have we have figured our way out of this um telephones that was that's what we just did so uh let's go fly a kite i guess uh let's see what is this something's wrong okay use [ __ ] black on the ground [ __ ] some poop just [ __ ] some poop yeah we could crooked penny this pill that would be a good idea um all right let's go fly a kite let's do it yeah there there is a possibility that we could still get [ __ ] over by the error room or other uh we could teleport to it whatever a couple of things that would screw us over but oh i might as well use the head thing nice you just stuck a knife right in her [ __ ] eye dude i just have her like step on that mom step on this yeah bye all right so it doesn't actually matter which one we pick up oh i guess we could have gone we probably could have got both whatever uh you grab it tears up shot speed up good [ __ ] uh so oh great i wish we could reroll this uh i'm gonna be careful not to stomp on that angel uh and that's like fine it's whatever oh wait let's just uh all right do it okay oh there's one good all right now let's get out of here and don't go down the hole pills come on yeah all right now we gotta go to wherever that door is i think it's right here yeah okay nice absolutely saved well i am glad that chat freaked out to a certain degree because it meant that we could go back and fix our horrible error uh let's i don't know what this room is why don't you go uh just heal up there too yeah might as well don't put us back in them yeah i don't want to go back into the boss room of course oh and let's grab that too let's uh i'm gonna melt this a little more actually sure spawn the poop too oh my god so much money okay we got the iv bag um all right i don't even want the iv bag we got plenty of money i think we're fine with that much money yeah let's just go i think we do have uh or no cricket pennying that wouldn't even really make sense all right uh yeah let's get the [ __ ] out the grave into the grave nice okay i don't know what this is oh yeah have you seen that little cut scene before the voice from above was the loss the whole time what is the voice from bub the one that said isaac's mother heard a voice from above it was the loss your son has become corrupted by that yeah oh god these guys have a big tongue oh yeah these guys are psychic too oh the rocks from across you can be the powerhouse guys nice oh yeah there was a half soul half uh normal heart there those are also now a thing okay i think i remember those things yeah even with the options question mark item it doesn't go away sad you don't know what that was glad he died i am glad too they spew out fire in every direction that is a really good trinket okay i'm damaged i'm damaged boy do it that is like the best trinket broken baby whatever i had before broken baby baby bender baby bender oh yeah oh yeah this music goes shaw it's got vocals in it awesome yeah ooh i just said no they're familiar something's wrong i gotta say that pill strat was pretty clutch though i i goofed us and then i we un-goofed pretty hardcore and i'm happy um but every time it comes to that part in the song i'm always like like really enthusiastically you're like freaking uh the turtles and new super mario bros when they go and look at the screen except every time but yeah we gotta kill those little bishops guys classic enemy classic chess enemy i remember chess suddenly alive that song always was like whoa come on relax hello where do i begin i think that was one of the enemies oh why am i picking these up hey let's check out that shop greed fight no oh wooden nickel we can get more money we don't want more money we should re-roll that and uh oops let's see if i can crooked penny ah nice deep pockets so we can hold more money more money it increases your coin cap to 999 now seriously yep what's up we just got the freaking two diamonds an extra digit oh [ __ ] two diamonds really yeah i have it in my thing am i or the double ace of diamonds i can double it nice i think two of diamonds is the one that doubled it i think i have the one that died so so we can uh let's just grab these coins and then do that oh tricked well we got more coin from that because i got hurt all right um yeah go ahead and pop it okay the bomb uh right bumper yeah 136 coins where are the money eyes baby give me the money guys i want to like shoot bombs that's always the feel whenever you get a bunch of money you're like all right where's money equals power come on oh well that's good more money we keep getting like two exactly two no okay wait hold on no i don't think that means i don't think anything can come through there uh wait to re-roll this because anarchist cookbook is not good it's not terrible also somebody said it's kiss suddenly alive and not touch suddenly alive and i feel like a dingus oh we just destroyed all these guys rocks before they could pick them up did one of them just leave one of them just left he was like no rocks what am i doing here no rocks no point um all right let's do the rest of this first oh [ __ ] i keep trying to get okay hmm okay easy floor easy room oh it was a smaller chest i love that when it's when you open a normal chest and it's just got another normaler chest inside of it his brain is like big it fell out of his head brains flopping about mechanics missing this and full health uh suppose we have a blood donation machine here we get more money more money should have kept that iv bank i am our worst enemy the bosses no me yes um yeah we can't do that like we can do the boss [Music] here we go oh my god there's so many buttons uh boom all right i'll take leopards yeah sure do this do a single all right so i'm considerably you're faster than me i'm like almost double the speed i'll put you just a little bit closer here nice fruity plum it's a little friend version of the uh plum boss oh cute yeah you say whatever that's better than leprosy i pose it's better than leprosy uh i'm going to take the full heal rather than hemophthemosis i forget if this one locks us out or not like i said i'm i'm not too familiar with these endings and such let's do it all right dad nothing here wait there's no boss oh [ __ ] you take that take that yeah dad's note so just get over it this makes it so that we go into the ascent sequence how can you have spent in fact we just i don't even know how we get to the other ending because we just did the other ending but i guess we're doing this this is fine too they were i could hear dad and mom so you get to hear them basically having a divorce in the background of this and like arguing yeah it's we're not gonna be able to hear it super well but basically the dad spent all of their like savings and then left them but basically this whole sequence is we're going back through the floors that we've been through and ascending back up to where we started from oh and the music's backwards yeah so uh ascending back up yeah so this is the way to one of the endings oh my god this is an extreme ending and how did we do this we went to mausoleum it was yeah so it was by going to the mausoleum doing the full thing yeah we used to telepill and uh oh great and so basically that trinket that i left in one of the boss rooms is actually going to come into play here because when we go back through one of the things that that note that we picked up does we'll be removing our items it'll be it will have changed no it won't be removing our items it will have changed that trinket into something that we need actually what we don't even really need it now that i think of it but it's just something it's just a thing complicated i yeah it's a thing that you need to unlock the tainted character but i just realized i've unlocked all the tainted characters so it won't even give us anything oh this is good for me to know there's not like item rooms when you go back up right now no if you missed an item room on the way up though you can uh you can get it while or on the way down then you can get it on the way up okay which is pretty cool there's no shops yeah so uh wait we missed it huh no it's just locked because of uh oh i see oh that's the razor that wait wait wait oh you can re-roll it hell yeah oh good experimental pill let's just try it shot speed up i guess it's the same throughout the run because that's what it was before i that i really don't mean to it's like it's just it's always a key it's always a key too it's that was just i happened to be on top of it too oh well just instinct um yeah let's just get the hell out of here all right all right let's crush these skulls i can't crush oh hey all right so yeah interesting interesting hey [ __ ] remember us he's like wait you're back ignoring me again please i've been sitting here for all eternity yes it was i have a mod there's one part of the dialogue where he goes shut up just shut up and i have a mod that replaces it with the smosh shut up that's so funny how do you already have this shut up also i so i got the item cracked key so if you leave a trinket in an item room or a boss room it picking up that note turns it into the cracked key and so we we need that to get through a door that unlocks the tainted character in the in the final zone okay yeah i've unlocked all the tainted characters so i think characters just harder versions of the characters they are alternate versions of the characters that are like extreme or exaggerated they're like some of them are definitely harder but they they usually have like an upside and a downside huh okay they're just like it's like taking the concept of the character like for instance eden who normally is just random items at the start uh is great uh tainted eden is every time you take a hit it d 100s your entire build and rerolls all your items yeah so it's it's goofy [ __ ] like that that's fine or like isaac instead of having the d6 uh every single pedestal item rotates between two items uh constantly cool yeah [ __ ] like that oh this is a really good trinket i'm gonna take that 90 degrees it's basically homing tears it's like it's like poor man's homing tears cool so i'm going to do i still have the i don't have the key wait a cracked key pick that up is that an oh instead of the type before you go good rule of thumb is that before you go once again we have two of them yeah there's the other one i dropped uh before you go into the beam of light always check to see that you have the crooked key if you're going for tainted unlocks and that's why i just like caught it there how do you get every tainted character yeah you have to do it individually it's like when you play as you know i play as lazarus on long painted lashes you get it i haven't been using this [ __ ] thing at all we'll use it on the boss yeah on the way up there's like some omega enemies that are like just huge versions of uh the other ones also you may notice the cracked key this is there's so much to like dump on you at once but the cracked key basically makes it so you can create secret rooms uh it's also it's a one use version of a space bar item called the red key uh and the first time you actually do this whole like unlock process you won't need to do the cracked key thing it'll give you the red key at the end of like this whole sequence yeah and so uh what the hell's put secret rooms in every place yeah basically but there's one specific room at the end that if you use it on it has the tainted unlock yeah okay oh look at these guys round and round and round they go ah that is complicated grab this oh yeah okay yeah there's a [ __ ] lot to know let's just get out of here damn this is cool so we're going up yeah oh man it yeah when i first saw this [ __ ] i was like i wonder where we go whoa we go out of the box out of the box well we're in the basement right so do we go out to the upper floors is there another floor that's off well we'll just have to see if you can you can only have outside it's like the end of portal we get to go outside spoilers for the end of portal it kicks us out and then the companion cube thumps out of the door after us like portals [Music] these floors where there's like a lot of visual [ __ ] going on like all the [ __ ] dripping from the ceiling uh it kind of confuses me yeah the the dripping ones with the reflection is ooh careful for the spiky chest well yeah it's good early on but yeah not right yeah that got me a few times going back up too because i was like oh free items oh yeah look at our spiders just going ham too look at all this eff at some point that's something different than these spiders big i think uh yeah i don't we did get all the big guys they're all big and weird looking now yeah they look really freaking re-skinned every enemy twice so it could be big in the end i don't like every enemy but a lot of them yeah uh something's wrong great let me be the pill guy oh grab that don't mind if i frickin do mate i did uh have to give up my full heal for this and there's not even really a reason for me to keep the cracked key anyway but whatever you know whatever we might as well show it off if we've been going through all the [ __ ] effort to do this i'm gonna have to do it on my own i genuinely don't even know like i do not know how we get to the meat door it's been a while since i've done that i really figured it was in the womb oh that's something the flush door so we have this key for nothing essentially yes supplies it was very helpful for a couple bosses yes range up oh it's different weird and there's not you don't have to of course just like any floor you don't have to explore the entirety of this but i tend to because they're relatively easy enemies we're getting some stats yeah we're getting stuck why not same reason you'd explore any floor yeah like these guys just spin around yeah they're like they seem very helpless they're like i can't control it okay more money and you don't need an urgent weight will find money equals power you never know special door is in the mines two boss room i don't think that's true i i don't want to make a call here yeah we're going up we have our oh we're almost there yeah basement oh the losses the last room that you find is the one that has the instructions on how to play the game dude that's funny that's actually second yeah the knife has been good and i've had some kit yeah the knife is good to me and we got to see funny wario yeah we can hear dialogue yeah it's been going on it's whenever you enter the room oh my god what is with all these rewards what did we get the best huh i love nose goblin oh okay i'll take it i'll take your damage because the brain worm is is fine but it doesn't really i've been noticing it doesn't it's kind of weird with the peggle tears because when they're you know when they're just sitting there idly they can't really turn oh goblin is my favorite oh yeah i love yeah the flush door is in mausoleum too but how do we how do we get some mausoleums too how do we get tomorrow we were in mausoleum too that was a weird i think it was mausoleum one and muslim one but then at the end of that in the boss room was the item that makes it so you get out of there i genuinely just have zero [ __ ] clues like i genuinely don't know how to get to the mausoleum ii if that's the case nice spiders go war we haven't found a single one yet oh look at that my own room you need some hearts yeah i took you fast for your own good yes something we've seen a lot of something's wrong yes yes we have [Music] i had i think you somehow picked up the bomb there because i was like i definitely touched the chest that time oh yeah i was open i don't think anything came out or oh something that was a heart okay until it feels it was definitely on the ground to open um i do remember the door that hurts you but i just straight up if it was there i just like did not [ __ ] see it at all i don't think we saw it i well i don't know if you would have recognized it i think i have been in there by accident because i think i've gone to the door that hurts hearts i need those actually good ones [Music] okay uh yeah let's go up the [ __ ] final thing all right wait no no no no no no no i want the cracked key for it we're bringing it this far might as well take it all the way up where the [ __ ] is it it's in the one that your [ __ ] thing is covering okay um holy [ __ ] guys i myself check for the cracked key every time please cool it please [ __ ] relax you did not do it gamers i did it gamers plume home here we are a bed if you bomb underneath this there's nothing oh whoa it's doing go down it's just real what the f wait like a little closet with a bomb in it yeah that's just a nothing room that just always has like one little pickup in it a bomb i don't know if that ever changes look at this a couch this is where she watches the christian broadcast on the television do you want to sit down and check out a flick oh yeah let's do it let's watch click starring adam sandler yeah this is so cool it's like this is the house there's like pictures of the family on the wall and [ __ ] wow yeah imagine having this gaudy carpet oh yeah oh you know that's that's a final boss carpet right there absolutely what is going to happen in that room so here's like the real mom you may notice here's the little red outline of the door this is the only spot in this entire area where this happens so for future reference it's only got a shopkeeper in here now oh because we already did it but if you want to unlock the tainted character but the first time you do this instead going into this room and opening this chest will have the red key in it and then you can use the red key to do that so you don't need to do the trinket okay got it but then every time after that you have to do the trinket thing i'm picking this up let's do it oh yeah spiders i already have spiders so might as well make some more and look around there's all these mom items mom's bag the bible right next to the bed there's her lipstick her mascara her eye shadow pretty cool this is mom's room yeah cool so now we rest in the bed um okay she's gonna get mad that we're in her bed what the [ __ ] oh i'm gonna turn up the volume for this well that was kind of scary just a little so now it's oh that's loud night time i'm just this is kind of scary oh man oh my god is the freaking poltergeist in here crawling out of the television oh my oh it's like static it's dogma dogma it was all a prank it was awesome please but this is like this is like god this is we're fighting christian broadcasts on the television right now we're fighting that one dude what one dude just that one weird looking god come out of them i've come with you for coving like an evangelist yeah evangelist take a listen there's a voice of its evangelist in the background going like run a blast for me against the holy spirit of that oh [ __ ] oh it looks awesome this is such a sick boss oh that is awesome there it is blasphemy against the holy spirit that's so cool dog mug yeah and it's matthias bossy i think do i come back for this actually whoa that was awesome there's more oh i'm naked there's oh piss on the ground a cross it's a justice album cover it literally ends he got caesar good boy he knows the jojo reference he literally got caesar let's [ __ ] go [Music] so uh i'll be curious to see if i come back for this uh the house is deteriorating we're in hell something like that yeah and he's cycling through all of his dead forms here blue baby the forgotten and the lost i don't know exactly oh it's pell all right he's uh he's ascending i guess oh my god the hell is that big sick we've already fought so many state versions which one is this well it's the dead meat boys we've left behind believe it or not this is uh another version of mom not satan if you look closely she has like a tattered mom dress but yeah you got to fight these guys first oh and you're in like 3d space yeah it's so weird it actually gives you an item called dogma at the beginning that like gives you the ability to fly if you don't have it okay yeah it's pretty weird but yeah this is such a crazy fight let's see let's see how far you can get it yeah you do have good tears you're doing well so far oh yeah and of course watch out for the lava oh and you're healing with the charm of the vampire vampire i like the little guy flying around so so this wasn't really the ending we were going for i basically i totally screwed up i really thought that i knew the route to the other ending but we accidentally got to this ending instead so whatever uh yeah their patterns are hard i would not blame you at all for dying here look at your spiders in the lava they're just having like a rainbow they're just chilling down there man oh my god they're doing all sorts of weird attacks whoa don't do it yeah if you stay in that gas for too long you get like damage oh i noticed that the dogma was doing like yeah this thing is data in it so i assume you got injured if you're in it or something it lets a little holy beam of light down but i like that i i like it when people [ __ ] roast to evangelists yeah that is funny i gotta get the picture the [ __ ] out of them like a chance yeah the booger tears are actually doing really well i mean i i never knew the power but apparently that's the power of sleep on booger well oh okay that was a bomb this is fine though so you can get a you can get a little sneak peek of this box you are trapped my friend oh never mind um i don't have good high hopes for this next part okay program what is he doing oh okay damn well wow that was cool yeah gg well that was i i can fully say i i take some of the credit for stumbling up that run i think we probably could have done better if i had uh known what the hell i was doing but that was awesome cool [ __ ] boss oh look at my little ghost i didn't even notice i was there the whole time and some it could have been helping in some cold place yeah this is obviously a hot place i don't know is that referring to the home perhaps maybe that does seem like a bit of a uh misnomer maybe you know in the old like dante's inferno depictions of hell like isn't satan waist deep in ice and he's like a frozen but i mean this is a lava this is a lava cave so i thought i would have to fight the four horsemen again and then i fight this weird new mom version yeah my god and actually uh this isn't really spoilery the actual like monster itself is not that bad it's a little gimmicky it feels like a cuphead boss it like chases you but uh it's not as bad as the horsemen like the horsemen are almost the actual boss dang that was cool yeah so now we're gonna do so much happening now i actually want to do that other because i do want to show you the other route too all right let's so let's do that and let's choose like actual characters we'll have to fight the wario thing seriously yeah the mod was uh the mod was very fun thank you but we're gonna check out the uh some other guys characters uh who do i wanna be i kind of want to be boneman who do you want to be i don't know probably a polynom or uh maybe samus whatever his name is samson apollon and samus of course uh bowman uh yeah i'm gonna be uh that's him yeah we're two grey boys hey boys yahoo oh look a dwayne a dwayne a fresh joy a fresh tasty dwayne so yeah tainted forgotten is really [ __ ] fun i don't know if we'll be showing off the tainted characters today but tainted forgotten is like you play as the little soul guy and you can throw your bone body at things that's fun yeah that's not a great one i always get the bloods confused i'm glad there's yeah range up and leave creep yeah you might as well absorb that oh true nice sick it gave me range up and look up so literally better [Music] but yeah i think in dante's inferno isn't it like people are saying that actually many depictions of hell are cold but at the same time uh that was clearly lava that was clearly very obviously llama unless it was cold lava some cold places oh my there's plenty of mods though you were saying like uh how do you have a mod for this already there's a mod for the uh ascent sequence that makes it so that all the like divorce talk has a laugh track behind it terrible so funny yeah i also can go bomb that dwayne bomb the dwayne was kind of slow oh good i don't even know what it was yeah what a terrible item oh he's so sad uh yeah you do it we both moved in such a sink thing what is that that's a rotten heart you can pick that up it gives you a fly every time you clear a room and i think when it pops and it but it it goes away a little faster ooh let's move this it uh it goes away the full heart goes away in one hit rather than uh okay two sorry i can talk don't talk words sometimes there's like when there's things happening on the screen talking about also trying to explain things i can grab these with my bone oh my god the bone yeah the bone is good there's a new sword item there's already like a couple of sword items but there's one that makes it like just straight up link to the past that's cool oh also the item description mod makes it so you see what the payout is that's really nice yeah that's that's one thing that like i used to i never [ __ ] knew i used to kind of know it but i never know what i don't know you know that song i never know oh no dave matthews band i only know that because my dad wasn't a dave matthews feels like a dad band younger yeah because yeah there's the knife there's mom's knife there's like the other knife there's the sword that's just in front of you there's the sword that just you hold in front of you there's the uh there's one that's like a spear and then there's the one that's the length of past sword and that one's the best because you can like charge it up and do the spin move and [ __ ] okay and then there's of course the bone that i can wield uh yeah yeah yeah oh good the hell is it it's granddad oh no my worst nightmare come true what it says little devil i said it's freaking caveats yeah is this a vine sauce yeah it's a joel reference it's some like bootleg mario game called seven grand dad and uh it just uses mario assets and it's like a flintstone it uses a flintstones song too wow so when he first saw it he was like flintstones and that's become a meme that's funny i like they like re-sprited a lot of the bosses to look good they look good i like all of these sprites yeah did they do it for this one oh yeah he has a little bit he looks a little different oh yeah his little head thing he's got a little funky mouth he's got a scar he's changed it a little bit huh i didn't even realize that yeah and he breathed a little differently like i just weird they all look like i guess nice good double room even though we had low chance or did we have 100 oh because we had soul hearts maybe planetarium chance oh yeah planetariums are a new thing it's like if you skip a uh oh great you might as well avoid that i already avoided oh um let's take a peek in here this giraffe look interesting a deal with giraffe um look interesting a terrible [ __ ] item yeah not a good one it's not terrible but i don't want it what was i talking about uh planetarium oh yeah basically if you uh if you ignore it you always have like a one percent chance for it to happen but if you ignore a treasure room completely without even like going into it then oh i should use my ghost there whatever uh then it adds 10 chance for a planetarium to show up and it's basically just a room that has really good items in it and you you unlock it by that's a bad idea too whatever you unlock it by getting three like uh what do they call it the [ __ ] thing astrology items in a in a run oh i see so yeah this one and the yeah or the crystal ball and uh no actually oh like libra oh that's what you mean by the full thing the blue outline ones yeah that's what you mean yeah okay got it yeah what's that thing that's just total [ __ ] horse [ __ ] that's yeah uh let me just bomb this i guess with my thing oh does it go oh oh weird because it's decoy i guess okay two coins that's probably like the second time i've ever used that item yeah i mean if you have it i guess might as well use it um that's such a scorpio attitude well that's a goddamn shame because i'm taurus that sucks oh well you didn't say it maybe i'm oh no let's do the thing your aura is transferring over to me of course obviously i can still make money off literally scamming people and uh lying to them about contacting their loved ones yeah the dead loved ones yeah now we can do this yeah okay i love money i do love money and lying to horrible sad like like vulnerable people not horrible i'm just miserable i love preying on people's [ __ ] fears oh well i love praying so we're quite prepared hey whatever uh this got into a weird like [ __ ] tangent let's check this out see you at the teleport mod you did this on a whim i'm gonna sit inside this rock i hate these flies i hate this guy why am i able to kill them yeah those flies [ __ ] suck i think i can actually just go through this mirror as my little ghost no never mind you should be able to i think you can do it as the lost oops nice you touch the death button i didn't realize there's a death button well it's good it kills all the enemies and not us well i don't want to absorb that because yes i will grab it and you can take the other thing okay because i have a spacebar item dude or i guess we both have space mario is just switching out [ __ ] yeah here it's giving me that give it to your mouth boy give it in now boy nice bomber boy bomber boy well we have terrible items right now yeah but uh that's fine i'm not going for us and i haven't absorbed him that gave me damage unfortunately yeah we got emperor oh all the fires went out for some reason is it because it's downpour oh funny uh and then i kind of want to just use emperor just get us out of here yeah how about you yeah yeah i'm doing it oh it's this [ __ ] gob he's got the jowls he's got jowls for [ __ ] days man so many gals this guy kind of sucks i hate this boss in fact uh i don't have my little guy to like lay down i guess we can just sort of keep him in the other side of the room though it seems yeah the little it's the witches how they get [ __ ] oh yeah he starts doing that move and i think he doesn't stop doing that move no i think it's just like in his second phase he does it a lot really get the worms yes okay that's good that is good [ __ ] we're not pogging though why is that that's that's a total pog item whatever i'm gonna get it yeah take it because i get the actual harmony all right and demon's tail human's tail evil up hmm oh right we didn't like do the rest of this oh yeah get away yeah those flies are the worst oh okay yeah the new music's good too wow good i just got hit i just like speed ran losing that new bone heart it was like literally where is the next damage i can take i need it [Music] oh what did you what are you doing i used every item i had eraser that's the one that uh gets rid of an enemy for the rest of the runs once per floor dang guys i know how the pog mod works i'm just saying the meat should be a three it should be a three or above like come on that's like how the [ __ ] anti-grav tears are a three and it's like yeah um well i'm gonna debate this i'm going to eat one handful of nuts because i think my stomach grumbled and i don't know if it'll pick up on a mic i'll be right back don't move it's like right outside the door to your [ __ ] tummy i'm going in here i love to eat my nuts i gotta avoid my nuts i've noticed that my chair ever since i moved it over here can lean back slightly further now shit's weird um i don't know if we're gonna take this eraser guys even voiding it is probably like not super worth it i don't even know how that works honestly it might not because the eraser is it specifically you use it once per floor and if the rest of the balance of this game is any indication uh they probably made it so there's a like safeguard so you can't cheese it with void but maybe not but at the same time eraser is not even really that good um there's just too many enemies yeah it's like you get rid of like the basic flies and spiders and then otherwise not a whole lot um i'm gonna check out see if we got a secret room here i guess we need we need a run changer i'm i'm not going to sugarcoat this we need something good yeah we don't have anything right now okay pills pretty fly relax pretty fly is good not a run changer by any means great okay well better than nothing got a black cart uh and we could bomb into that room and get that empress card if we really wanted to which i do nice okay um oh right oh you picked that up yeah i have a card slide slot flat have you played as you haven't unlocked jacob and esau yet right no [ __ ] dumb character people at once yeah it is cool but it's very tricky to use it's very like oh oh god oh [ __ ] because like one guy will get like stuck on like a rock or like the little like spider webs on the ground and then they get separated and then you're like oh god how do i get them back together um yeah apparently i've clearly already [ __ ] it up again get ready for the next 100 messages in chat to be explaining this but oh we needed to do the mirror well we might as well reset this [ __ ] dog i'm not doing very well we have no good items oh you need to oh [ __ ] you ruined it you need to remember i'm a terrible little [ __ ] on the first room or else you turn into a little baby um i'll just play a pollen on again that time i was just in like full autopilot going to the because recently i've been going to that uh hell ending dogma and all that like just over and over and over and over again which characters are yeah so so that time i was just on autopilot for that um great but i think that does like bad that's like that didn't give you anything right it gave me the unicorns yeah in it so now when i use it i also am briefly invincible and can't shoot and i think don't actually do contact damage right oh seriously it's just some something like that i forget exactly how stump works this is bad um oh steam sale that's good do you know steam sale is also i heard that like only half it just it doesn't make it half and half it's half and then a quarter and then huh like you can't break it break runs the steam sale anymore uh yeah or at least it's harder to do so well that was a bad swing we might even reset a couple more times here before we actually get the thing good but yeah sorry folks i really uh i just got completely [ __ ] thrown off by by not remembering where the other ending was i've only gone to that one like once or twice so you'll have to forgive but at the same time back seating is so obnoxious that i kind of almost want to like unapologize you know you know it's like how do i apologize while still like making sure we establish that i i i don't like this that almost got me is that another mod no i don't know like what sound that is i'm gonna take this if you don't mind take it up it's usually good if you have a blood donation machine around but we don't it's one of the ones that uh healing items that heal you a bunch of eyes and you can eat yourself down to zero health yeah exactly it's great we also get a cool ball of bandages as one of our boss items which is a good one really mario nope stay away from my friend oh he's gonna come over here stay away from my guy he's gonna come over here stay here stay here quack oh we got a pony from it oh cause it's headless horseman that's something i guess you might have an active item that sucks all right tears up is probably better than me yeah better than um god this still ain't a great run though no let's try this out i don't know maybe we'll get enough money today nope well we got jack [ __ ] from that keeper um and there's no keys here i'm gonna actually risk okay well that was just purely not worth it in the [ __ ] slightest and we can't go to the alt floor god damn wow not doing great got [ __ ] damn look eight on our side oh okay oh [ __ ] item and listen i don't i don't want to gripe the whole stream someone said i i don't think we're really back seating oh good oh i got crushed by it someone said i don't think we're really backseating and uh you do know there are multiple people in the chat room though that this is a commonly unknown fact there there are multiple people there there are some people who even give helpful advice sometimes but 99 of the time are like incredibly [ __ ] annoying backseaters and yes some of those are people who previously today said oh i'm not backseating i'm like well not right now you aren't fine let's not split hairs here i i always don't like to you know gripe of course but let's let's make it perfectly clear here there is back seating and it is annoying as [ __ ] and if you became a streamer you would get annoyed too and yes even you person who has 6 000 hours in isaac you would also have things you don't know about isaac and people would [ __ ] scream at you about it or you would like momentarily forget and then you'd be like oh right i'm sad as a little like dead baby i don't even get like oh you're getting mario galaxy it's like the co-op babies you just it's like you don't you can't screw it up for your older brother oh that's a cool item isn't it it makes it so that a a secondary shop appears basically whoa let's check it out it's good member card whoa so now a little hole opens up here and i think it can have literally any item in it but they're like reasonably priced to how good this is 41. oh yeah so uh i see yeah it's pretty cool though it's a neat item that's awesome you're too bad we didn't get the steam sale then uh yeah unfortunate i wonder why you saw your money should i even go through doors i can't grief you oh yeah nope you can't ruin the game for your older brother it's the mario galaxy i am about to die uh that's a pretty cool one i don't know if it'll work with my guy so you might as well urge no you can't take it [ __ ] can't even take it go beat the boss and then take careful i don't die here um yeah okay i don't have much health either i think it works with you probably i think most things work with your thumb sorry bones i don't know wow oh good i didn't even see that fire because of the map good guy that runs sucked anyway that was a bad run too okay hold on hold on i'm gonna play uh as hazel nice oh what the hell is that at least it's a thing of ring of ten tears when getting hit tears up for first hit i'm gonna take neither of us really have anything that super benefits from tears up i guess i'll take it yeah sure uh i think it might be just for the room sad but i i could be wrong the item description mod sometimes neglects to mention certain aspects of things like that but oh well it's still very helpful what is the sound effect what do you mean what are you talking about that's the brimstone sound sound that's the sound it normally makes is it really yeah that's what it always sounds like oh yeah gaslight is this trolling oh you can just get all that [ __ ] it's from smallish stars i guess i have this one over the edge here you can have one of grab it oh there you these okay look at that nice teamwork makes the dream work oh i didn't have a challenge sad no it's it's it's not it's something i almost have it i almost have it it's on the tip of your brain it's the brimstone with no brim oh my god no grill that's what it is i knew he said something else i was like wait a second there's more to this quote my brain is piecing it together every time i hear it so yeah basically it changes it so that uh brimstone is the yankee with no brim with the brimstone logo on it but it also incidentally makes it so that every time an enemy has a brimstone attack it also makes the sound another thing worth noting is those little black ball projectiles go as a flingstones of the grand dad mod uh so we can get that if we want later but what were we knocking out at that room i was pogging i think the school bag once he carried two spacebar items yes that's pretty good it's cool [ __ ] and also edmond mcmillan is crazy and doesn't know what item quality means so that is our other uh that is our other explanation that is crazy um [ __ ] it's a damn shame pog i love the pog mod yeah the pog mod is pretty good my guy's like mouth is sealed shut though so you can't pause it's so sad imagine having your elbows shut and trying to hog yeah [Laughter] you're like trying to stay poggers it's gonna get real annoying over the course of the run i haven't played as a zazel since i like got that there's this rattly breath coming out of your mouth i'll take that because then i get the this little heart and you have that sure okay well at least it didn't [ __ ] with my damage you look horrible i yeah i look like i'm diseased you look terrible do we want to go down let's go down yeah might as well that's that's scary there's a little lad it's just isaac he's like hello i'm in here now it's so weird seeing this without the little glasses yeah it's all wrong uh you might as well uh just check out that squeaker room or the curse room when we get a chance it's no biggie oh [ __ ] my tears happened yeah oh you're crying oh it ripped open your mouth oh it did well now i can pog oh i accidentally picked that up use that okay well anna picked that up too i don't know about that one but i'm gonna just hop out and instantly lose it oh sad wait i should have hopped out i didn't really want it because i draw i want to keep the bone heart okay yeah there's a straw do you like a little bit of damage and like heals you it's okay a chance to drop half hearts when it deals damage i actually didn't know that was part of it uh do you want it sure i'll take straw okay dean me kane's other eye i actually have a real eyeball now wow it's here what it's like to have an eye a clouded milky eye that's a bad item i hate yeah you got to see the reflection in the ground water okay i still want health i should be using that straw to get the the hearts uh there we go nice yeah you always gotta like switching to especially just switching to controller for the first time you just gotta think every time you use an item what is this i hate thinking um the worst trinket not really but it's up there what is this alabaster box i've never seen this spawns three soul hearts and two [ __ ] and two angel room items must be charged by picking up soul hearts wait that's good i don't know how many soul hearts we need to charge it though i want it uh yeah well maybe uh maybe if you're a good boy santa will bring it to you okay i'm gonna buy this i don't know what card that is uh sure really a lot of soul hearts [ __ ] ton but it gives you some back because it drops yeah um oh my god that is yeah i don't know if that's like oh god they jump fast if it's like one soul heart is one bar uh that does anything darn darvit darvit um prepare for not taking any soul heart yeah i thought i shall yeah yeah be prepared yeah yeah mate yeah oh this [ __ ] that is gonna get so annoying i know i'm actually gonna watch i wanna take the thing is i've had i've had so many mods that i've downloaded and haven't like there's there's one mod in particular that i downloaded ages ago and we haven't seen it at all in all the times i've streamed this game since then and it shocks me every time i do a stream and we don't encounter it and i i really want to show up this stream but maybe it won't what is it but one of the things is the brim the yankee with no brain we haven't actually found the actual item itself and then uh well you'll just have to see what the other thing is whoa colostomia it's a colostomy bag yeah oh my god that was red letter media's best fit i don't even know what a colostomy bag really is like what it's like when you get a colostomy they drain your your poop or something anymore i don't actually really know either i don't know pop oh [ __ ] on the ground i think he just like dissolves at the end of the fight if i recall correctly which is pretty funny there we go oh sorry changed the world oh and he pooped up the water step everything okay that's good for you um yeah and polish polish but i don't know okay cool take that dimash good for me let's take a peek in here that's not it's not actually good for either of us though chad i love those that yeah death touch is such a good item uh got these heads his head exists i don't think you can take it will it kill me if i take it i don't think you could even touch it at all honestly oh what the hell because you only have black cards sad yeah i think it goes to the player one i'm gonna hang on to this though i like my item unless you want guppy's head and i'll swap it out for like i'll keep my current spacebar item you get guppy's head we leave the straw in here sure yeah like the straw all right i'll use it i guess will that give you no that you were you jerk i just like you took my flies sorry bro what the hell is wrong with you sorry oh right there what's wrong with me i knew i knew you kind hearted gem see what this is oh okay okay uh duplicate our zero yeah how about you switch it out for the fool we won't need it this time i will remember to get the [ __ ] key piece this time i saw i was just on autopilot i do feel like a dunce it's worth no that run was bad anyway so it's very true that run was very bad but it is worth noting as much as i gripe at chat i do feel like a big [ __ ] stupid dumbass sometimes ding ding dodo drops drops like like lost leaders dross leaders that was a very very failed zero punctuation reference or very like [ __ ] niche what just hurt me i think it was like the heads flying around i don't know weird i genuinely did not see whatever it was um use your head every time we die no i have kane's other eyes i haven't really gotten a good glimpse of this music god damn it i lost another boneheart i should be using my soul guy but i my soul bad guy that's a guilty gear reference the main character of guilty gear is called soul bad guy seriously yeah what the hell i don't know oh damn it this is freaking warm in there so much it seems like uh and uh this is not a bad thing of course guilty gear strive insanely popular right like it's good like i've never seen any other guilty gear game get this much like profile but here it is everybody's talking about guilty gear strive that's good too yeah we'll play a guilty gear game at some point i don't know if we'll play strive necessarily i already have like excerd or whatever the [ __ ] it's called uh i'll take the creep guy if you want the other one yeah sure i just barfed in my face oh nice libra is that balanced yeah it like evens out your stats it used to i think it got nerfed somehow i forget exactly it used to it used to do some jank [ __ ] where it would give you i don't it used to be a lot better but i don't really remember how actually this room is uh oh the water is so hard nice can you get it huh me fill up your thing oh god oh yeah break that please i'm just gonna say that's that's not a cool all right hello it feels too um right now oh oh wait oh this is just the challenge room that's not bad it's plus one black cart you might as well all right let's do it i have the stars as well if we need to teleport out it's a [ __ ] that [ __ ] sucks when you get in a corner playing as jacob and esau the like double character that [ __ ] whenever you're in one of those situations where you're just like it's like there's no escape sometimes okay we also have the mirror on this level yes do you think i forget that i like that item so much do you think i would forget that oh potato peeler uh yeah if we i mean at the end of a run at the end of like a really good run potato peeler can be the thing that makes it go from like broken to like god-like nuts yeah uh this is actually pretty dece not really with what we currently have but i've guppy it's only seven cents yeah just go for it i like battery baby battery baby is like [ __ ] amazing on some characters like lilith in greed mode that shit's legendary okay what what what hit me huh i didn't see jack [ __ ] there must have been a tiny little [ __ ] worm god damn it dang it uh okay i will walk back through here so brave uh oh yeah uh you should go for it because it gives you a holy mantle too cool uh no just when you're the lost so we just need to oh it's right here wow we just need to get to the treasure room convenient oh i see oh cool you want to pick up this time sure and uh for the record you will be able to cheese i just realized that's the segment yeah is that that same instant you did okay so uh wait do you want you have a trinket go grab that trinket you might as well i don't want this well we can drop it in the [ __ ] thing i don't want to do the rest of this super risk mode um okay yeah let's just try to get the [ __ ] out of here i guess let's check for mommy rooms oh nice synchronized okay that's a full heal so don't break that oh gave me a little wiggle worm [Music] the only time i've ever heard that song is with the cat you know cat a cat after a while people were like true if it was the final swap and i spent so long really swapping who the [ __ ] told you it's it was like back in the day and then people got mad now people are like it's gift yeah wrong i was gonna say i've i've only ever known the uh the gif to be the minority um so that's your increases your lowest stat that is but with libra that's basically a small all stats up for you oh so i guess i should cool boom i'm going to take this if you oh spawn's good well it just counts towards the train the transformation um let's go for this oh synthol is what i meant simple yeah um i'm gonna grab another heart here yeah people always say peanut butter and i'm like that's that's interesting yeah it is it does sound like the peanut butter yeah i i will say uh the reason i do say jiff still to this day is because there's like no [ __ ] reason not to it's literally just like who [ __ ] cares yeah i almost say it just to like not even almost just to be like insolent and just like just so people can like get used to the idea that people pronounce words differently it's like it's like regional dialect on the internet you know if anything oh you get a tiny brimstone as your little baby might be not bad holy [ __ ] the brim with no stones i keep actually letting it go on the controller oh yeah yeah andrew's planted a bit of a disadvantage today folks because he's usually a keyboard fella are they oh okay freezer baby that that one's pretty good actually see for me this is a pog item but according to edmund this is merely level two yeah well i don't want to wait until you see me yeah so that's that's the real strat make sure you don't touch any fire sir i'll put out any fires uh so piggy bank is good um i think i'll hold off on it for now though in case we need to like buy hearts later and [ __ ] bone flies yeah let's go the ghost mode for this okay like i need to remember that i can use this guy and in fact you know our team comp is not amazing you know why because we don't have anybody that like had real hearts or yeah and also we have no normal tears we have two guys that where their big advantage is that they can fly too so like ideally you would want maybe like somebody plays isaac so you can reroll [ __ ] and then somebody plays a flying character so you can get the flying stuff you know yeah or something like that the freaking uh scythe tears too yeah exactly so we we got to think about that a little better later on oh wait that was our room didn't even notice yeah okay well well okay great it's over that one is a good one uh wait oh in fact should i change my character because actually i can fly so if you want to do yeah i'll do isaac how about i'll just do default isaac cool that works for all things you got somebody with normal tears yeah i think this is a better comp and we don't have to hear yeah exactly that's the main benefit so this guy blows up when he yeah there we go those dark green guys you may already know this but they uh you gotta be careful killing them stop it oh he's taking your charge stuff away they took my stuff too i wanted to all right um mystery egg sparta shawned charmed sparring stronger friends the more rooms are clear without taking care of nuts yeah but neither of these are particularly amazing yes but those flies took all my juice i don't know where to stand for this so i'm gonna go over here what are you doing there we go oh easy uh yes you can do tainted characters in co-op so we could have done that i guess i don't know nice brilliant okay we've had some good luck so far the fragrance the fly's sucking my juice yeah the blood sprite has changed too it's more like visceral looking hmm you have so many bombs there we go thank you in that situation you might as well bomb the donation machine too i guess that makes sense because i got plenty of change in there yeah i guess you've already unlocked everything you have to do with it so something i remember very vividly for some reason is ages ago we played saints row like three or four or something and there was this mini game where you were going through this like little obstacle course like head shotting all these like mascot costume guys that sounds like saints row and there was one part where you said something about you gotta get head shots to get more she said something like that and it just like whenever i think of the word cash i think of you shooting dudes in mascot costumes talking about getting cash all right let's go fight the boss i guess let's get more cash also uh we could have used the high priestess to kill that uh shopkeeper too i just realized because when you use the likes foot stompy attack it targets those guys first and that bone does a lot of damage that bone he's home alone she didn't really have a good line there it's a great wine who's line well on a recent lark souls we talked about karen culkin and mccully culkin and i didn't know they were related i didn't i had no idea that this is a thing uh we might as well go re-roll that treasure right like the treasure room's better come on please be good here we go okay that's bombs and what is this one turns me into lazarus or yeah fast bombs probably the best one yeah sure wait should we take them both yeah what do you mean about that i forgot i was like i was kind of wondering what you were talking about there you go hey i'm so glad i get an extra life uh it's it's not bad when you come back you get more blood in fact i probably should have taken the rags because i have the bone hearts and it responds with one heart anyway whatever whatever um and then let's go i'll grab this because i think this does increase the range of my bone oh it increases the range of your bone i think so bro yeah i think so i always wanted to increase the range of my bone i thought all those email i keep getting emails saying increase the range of your bone would this have gotten oh we might as well we got fastball yeah you got the shoes on now you're looking hot drip um i don't want to [ __ ] around with this guy i don't trust him after what he did to me he they don't that wasn't even like some terrible luck anyway that was like they they just don't pay out very often uh sure same time yeah jack sorry is the sound quality all right for you guys by the way i'm kind of i've been tugging on my mic cable a lot we gotta i gotta organize my cables get my extended valve on the top these guys put the fire fashion they're probably my most favorite anime yeah oh there's and you fought the boss that like spawns those two guys the worst boss oh yeah i hate that dude oh that one is bad there's big ones i've never seen these yeah they circle around the enemies and then they circle around just generally just circle get the [ __ ] out of it and i'd like you to get the [ __ ] out of here that was another thing we talked about on the recent lark souls that's a pretty good deep cut too every time i edit a lark souls i have like my head is full of references of things that we referenced like two years ago a year or two ago yeah so i'm currently thinking about the giant kid that says get the [ __ ] up in i don't even know what movie that is it's like some old like 70s b movie oh my god three chess for one moment uh give me a second here i'm actually gonna just tug this cable a little bit i'm sorry you guys probably heard a rustling there we go oh you don't have any use for the battery yet but it could be a good investment yeah i think like essentially did you ever like remember like i can has a cheeseburger yeah i there was there's one called like everything's awful or something like that and that's where i think i found that video in similar ones were just because of just old movies that was uh you're the man now dog yeah you're the man now dog um we don't have a key but we could go in here probably a key in here yes wow little god-like intuition you might as well let me hit these guys because i want him killing him yeah don't these guys look like ding-dong they look like ding-dong chris oni ng's friend you know oni ng yeah i know oni ng he one of his friends that he plays games with has a little like avatar that looks like those guys yeah i know chris he's an animator too i think yeah that's how i know him i know oni plays is really big now but i know him from animating well i'm saying ding dong is too oh oh i see um well i re-raw mini mush is good pretty much is good it's uh in fact do you want it sure i'll take the mini thing take us away take it away dead bird all right oh a [ __ ] item whatever garbage it's something um no i guess let's just do the boss did we right this is downpour one so we haven't got the opportunity to get the uh knife piece yet dude high priestess this guy oh yeah sure actually it might okay i'm i'm glad it didn't focus on one of his worms let's check out the double room before we okay i also because i have re-rolled too yeah great a diamond that's the uh shadow oh that sucks should i remove the devil room uh do it yeah yeah good items baby good oh god i forget exactly how this one works this one replaces all your red hearts so i should get this and then i should get this yes i do both i'm doing them both all right watch this so there there is a specific order oh nice nice oh my god oh my god that was like the best [ __ ] double deal we're gonna have that i can set both of them sure oh and you can get you can have one of the soul hearts from this there you go nice okay all right wow i'm powerful now that's good [ __ ] now i'm gonna milk this dude sorry that was gross the hell sorry i just love milk and dude it's just letting me do you ever tried dude milk it's actually really good it's heat milk what it's great for your bones bones bear milk kind of nasty milk that i'm trying to think of it's like chimps milk or something oh pyramid cool uh chips milk no i'm the there's bat milk bat milk and cookies for everyone that's what i'm thinking of have a snack we'll all have a snack fat milk bat milk and cookies for everyone he does he really just sucks a bat's teeth okay wow you're the worst guy should i blow him up if you want to i'm gonna kill him all right anyway i wanted fires to go um okay uh now let's let's hang on to the hierophant until next floor i'm crazy man and then uh you might as well buy that soul heart honestly unless unless you want the battery ah it could be good yeah sure yeah and then you know what get out of the way whoa oh [ __ ] oh the brim was open blue broom with little brit um do you want that or should i get it uh you take it you only have one soul heart in here yeah on your fellow there oh right it doesn't even protect my other bone heart no it doesn't oh well uh and then actually sorry i hate to be indecisive here this is this is the thing about the fast travel mod is it makes me go like oh maybe i'll go over here oh maybe i'll go over here and it takes so long to do anything what okay one more try nice confined sure all right actually uh yeah i should probably have that right yeah let's go ahead you can take both of these [ __ ] really for you for me you're so sweet all right there's no door here let's get the hell out cool i keep [ __ ] i keep [ __ ] pushing the cable here oh it is getting a little warm in here but uh recently there's been a heat wave that uh nearly [ __ ] killed us you should know it was like the hottest our city has literally ever been in yeah just ever i i was when i heard that i was like oh in like recent years nope ever ever just of all time global warming is fake by the way yes i'm glad we did talk on that because we do want to say this oh this sucks we got to be terrible yeah that's one of those items that's like almost a detriment yeah you know i think it is there's a few the one that also makes your head come off guillotine [ __ ] guillotine every time i'm like i can do it this time i'm like no i can't yeah i have the same exact thing free time it's like going back to an abuser you know yeah where it's like oh you know maybe oh it'll fix me this time nope guillotine won't fix your run guillotine will ruin you jack can i get a [ __ ] guillotine [Music] oh god but there's a bunch of these guys show up huh what determines those guys show up don't know actually i think it's just when all the other enemies in the room are dead maybe what were you going to say whoa big batter oh yeah that's like an old mega battery well i have the hang on right yeah oh yeah so we should i know that thing actually over charges your item even if you don't have the battery item like the space or the pedestal item i think let's let's go for a couple more rooms and just get yeah we should normally charge it we should go re-roll the item ship yeah yeah and then we can get that one our house uh people have been asking oh do a house tour because lark and i are living together now that's right uh i don't know if we'll oh i kind of wasted that whatever uh i don't know if we'll do a house tour but you know probably you guys check it out a little bit uh it is currently in no state to be displayed though we're still packed even we haven't unpacked very much and the place is still being like remodeled so i don't want to see it we will show you at a certain point though okay let's go fly a kite you guys got to see my red robin painting yes okay well bad one uh but it's not a detriment no literally it's not a detriment i'll grab it very noble very novel i'm taking the underwear for the team oh yeah again again all right sure all right i honestly don't even know just thinking about it now and i'm not trying to say that either of us have been off our game or anything i mean i've been making stupid mistakes but uh yeah a little spider came out and landed on you dang it i don't even know if this is particularly going to be a main channel video but uh maybe but maybe we'll do this again and that can be if we get something real exciting going on we can combine them true that first run was good the first run we did was really good yeah it was uh should i do it oh uh you want to do that right now i mean i guess we were right there we might as well yeah or i guess we gotta go down to the mirror room and then go back up oh you can tp i can t oh no you can't it's unexplored sad i was like can i gotta be careful i gotta be extra careful yeah but like i said you got holy mantle i could bring us in there you could uh yeah let's do that right cool oh and i did that great well that was just a [ __ ] shining well great shining i need that [ __ ] item that gives you seven empty bone hearts that item is great food yeah or something like that it gives you a bunch got these little wormy goos they you don't think they're going to be trouble but then they are they are just too small and hard to see yeah that's how you cluttered his own all right grab it i guess i don't know if we like screw it over if uh one of us grabs one piece and the other grabs the other that would suck though i don't know i'll make sure not to do it um okay yeah let's get the [ __ ] out of dodge oh look the teleport mini map is not reversed but the normal map is i didn't account for that yeah guillotine someone said guillotine has good niche synergies the one thing it works with is tiny planet because then you're already not aiming basically you know you need to like know where your head is yeah like that's that is true but uh for the most part it's like don't get hurt again by guillotine um nice nice now we might as well just conk oh okay how's this this [ __ ] i gotta stop skipping the little intro cut scenes so you can see their names i've never seen this guy yeah he's kind of a piece of [ __ ] honestly he has the annoying like floaty bullets which are always kind of hard i should have used the hierophant oh i haven't i saw it i forgot uh i forgot we had that all right this isn't the run we had synthol right cynthia no okay um i'm just gonna grab this [ __ ] it and then like that uh sure yeah you take that that'll give me a bunch of incubus yeah okay well i can't get it though yeah we can what if i get it it'll give me the black cards right the two black cards um i don't think you can grab it though at all because you don't have a red heart to pick oh dang it yeah so we can't do that i'm so sad they made because it used to be used to be able to scam the devil deals yeah unfortunately unfortunate um well let's go do this i'm just going to fly in there oh there's pits in the ground i couldn't even see them yeah there's a pit right here that's an obstacle that sucks can i use higher fat things yeah pop it do you want one of them sure oh great i verbs the worst villain lovely what is does something wrong even actually do anything oh oh back here double room uh no it uh well no it puts creep on the ground that like slow slow it's okay but no it basically does not do anything no um all right i'm gonna type got an idea let's [ __ ] leave yeah uh you might as well oh oh right you gotta vomit you're sick oh my um i'm gonna give a couple keys to this guy okay well he's just [ __ ] out these red chests what the [ __ ] he's fine payout rate is crazy oh okay well bye wow thank you my friend thank you it was everything we wanted and more it didn't really give us much of anything at all but you know i tried so there is uh i wanna i wanna check out this other ending and then uh there is a challenge that i think would be kind of fun for us to do or at least check out that's fun i like challenges yeah oh my god that is legendarily bad wow that wow oh you died wow and that's oh i have a little ghost bone legendarily bad man that was terrible oh [ __ ] i'm not walking this world yeah this might be rip run rip run rip run rip run oh man i might be an egotist because sometimes i'll just like just do a sick [ __ ] joke and i'll be like yeah that was a shining reference i was saying rip run but red rum okay well what is going on you are lazarus you died oh is he invincible what is going on we gotta press the buttons let's get rid of oh and they're like taking a while that was confusing i was so confused actually dang it i killed myself for that i don't see this going much further my little guy is like hard to control too he's a little slow floaty okay show me any [Music] i feel like i have a little bit more like health agency here there's a lot of damage it's like it's doing some damage to enemies at the very least when you're a [ __ ] oh baby you know what i'm a [ __ ] oh baby pooper stinker oh damn i wonder if i can pick shut up with my phone oh i can't my god you're more useful than anybody literally more useful wow that's dumb also i think you might be able to teleport as well if you hold select no never mind but i can't see the actual map now yeah okay cheeseburgers beer yeah wendy's did you see my twitter dissertation on how the line about that beer i owe you could not possibly be true in half-life 2 no because the barney that like barney calhoun never actually because the line about that beer i owe you is a reference to the thing that the barneys can say in half-life one where they're like catch you later i'll buy you a beer uh yeah that's pretty good um but in blue shift where you play as barney escaping black mesa uh you uh you never actually interact with gordon at all oh interesting so the line doesn't really make much sense because he never actually said it to gordon nice look at that wow you're doing it all i can't believe i can actually do things barney never owes you beer that's so sad but so wait so in the original half-life he does say beer he does but it's uh it's there's like it's kind of weird because there's not just one barney there's like a bunch of barney's you know because yeah it's like every security guard is just like their npc name is barney and so uh they're like in the eyes of valve i feel like they're just interchangeable you know yeah but uh so that line in half-life 2 of course is actually just a cute little reference to the thing that like the npcs can say sometimes but uh it's not it's just not anything like barney calhoun ever actually said yeah all right so when at a certain point this guy gets out of his cart and like starts to run away and we have to kill him before he gets out of the door to get like a good item all right something i don't even announce what the hell is this yeah i guess you just give us some pickups should i recycle that no that's good okay it's it's better than you would think yeah two diamonds straight away um take this justice oh i guess you did get a bunch of stuff yeah okay so we should also go to the item room oh and we got ancient recall which gives us just more cards god man uh hermit we've already visited the shop the moon let's do this nice nice [ __ ] i'm a big [ __ ] i use the two of the two heart diamonds uh not quite yet where's the shop actually well we don't want to spend our kern yet no we don't uh the the minecraft axe actually got a significant buff it's like totally different now oh really it actually makes it so when you activate it you basically get the bone club uh that the forgotten has except it destroys blocks that's cool and like it sort of slowly ticks down i'm gonna bomb that it slowly ticks down the uh the time like the amount of charge you have cool um i think it's for like every rock destroyed too so it's basically like you just get to destroy all the rocks that's cool um so let's use this a little bit okay we also still can use my charge in the item yeah um sorry it's it must be kind of annoying just having me like fly around with the [ __ ] teleport all right for the ride yeah oh okay well let me get this before i [ __ ] do i can also recycle the blood bank yeah and do a different item oh man well uh well we want to get these are good actually yeah so do you want the thing that you probably want the thing that has a chance to block sure just because you're a squishier boy than i oh well time to reroll again three roll here we go here we go oh no what does that do for me though would that just chat would that just give me a tears up for forgotten but it would also ruin your loss oh that's true oh yeah screw that um well the thing is we can get a battery probably no oh sad dang it hmm curiouser and curious sir let's go through here all right that was just worth it simply simply birth we have these air conditioning units by the way in our windows and i keep having to take mine out of my window every time i want to stream because uh it is kind of loud the road outside oh can you actually hear it interesting just a little bit tiny tiny bit that's why i was asking if you've been streaming with your air conditioner just there yeah i haven't taken it out um so we can't get batteries from any of these unfortunately so we're gonna have to just abandon that other item maybe this could be a 48 hour energy [ __ ] up you know it's something uh all right and there's already a trinket in the boss room just in case oh it's the shitty worm uh empress i'm just gonna use this might as well duplicate our bombs too the empress oh yeah we have two clubs yeah do it i'm gonna hang on to the sun i think yeah out of all these yeah now we can leave those cards in there if we happen to do the ascent then yeah cool uh but we have god what floor is this i keep like losing track of like what run we're on we do have one of the knife pieces and mines two is the thing that has okay mine's that's mine's two minus two yeah we could have we could have gone for i guess we could have done that like a slot machine and looked for a 48 hour energy but that's too that's so there is such a thing as being too hopeful in the binding of isaac unfortunately yeah the whipworm crazy ass nonsense worm crazy ass um i wonder if the bomb pierced through here nice nice oh my god um this one you could probably take that okay i have libra right so this just makes me mad yeah cool that is a huge guy big boy [Music] yo big guy for you [ __ ] bird man i want to bring back bain impressions how is this oh that one's uh isaac's oh i think i actually got that one in one of mine it's kind of cool is it good should we take it oh you do it when you take damn damage i could re-roll that's also true uh i say we take him which one do you want i should probably take this one because i think i take more damage than you yeah i thought i was squishy but you don't want to take damage ooh eden's blessing that sounds really good what did it say giant cell macro sale or something what was that that was a different item that was the one i got are you sure oh i guess it was sorry i'm just tripping oh wait ethan's blessing is the one for the next run right yeah okay it's not that one that gives you like a huge damage up and until you get hit no that one's good no that's like the crown of purity or whatever i don't even remember yeah and that's those types of rooms it's just best to just leave that's some coinage right there good [ __ ] good [ __ ] uh wooden nickel is not bad it could be a good investment for me to take it sure we got money i have the two of diamonds too like i could just give us yes 99 at any moment yes uh yeah we should be careful to not go super far below our current amount of kern before using that well that's a different guy i got the guys mixed up am i any year now there you go when you're ready heart or poop foot or poop the choices that we make in life are the things that define who we are also this is the floor that has the hurting door right this is the one chat people were saying that this is the floor that has the hurt door which i don't remember that being or no people said that was there's the door to the mausoleum here ah [ __ ] mate one more switch um so yeah uh we oh right you're not a zazel so we're gonna have to actually do that oh no um quack quack all right take one of these yeah do it and then you've got a pill when you turned into lazarus too if you don't try that out just realize oh [ __ ] whatever [ __ ] that's you oh that's me oh i'm a silly [ __ ] oh god damn it i'm just tricked i forgot right your pills are up in your [ __ ] a little bit yeah they're in the corner well whatever we didn't i love how we're acting like we wasted that two of diamonds when we literally got like 90. we got plenty of money on it whatever uh it just could have been better it's so dark uh i don't know i think that's just a specific thing about this room maybe eh pranked hey you stole my thing hey we could also go for the palm beggar we actually have a lot of bombs we do that we're probably not gonna end up using sure let's do it neat oh yeah and did you know that if you bomb this guy he gets mad and he does the like curse of the tower yeah he's immune to bombs oh man he's not he's not putting out whoa yeah careful with that okay oh sticky bombs uh don't you already have another bomb item no no no there's been so many runs today yeah let's take it um all right and then where's the shop we gotta buy something yeah let's get a sack cool does that show i forget if this one shows us the secret room yes it does that is a wow i would never have [ __ ] guessed that that would be the place for the secret room oh oh the fast travel mod just put us in here welp okay uh can we leave yes let's oh oh we can go back in though okay i wanted to grab the sun okay so that we could full heal oh smart okay this is gonna be intense for a second i thought i like screwed us over well i can still fly with my little ghost so we can cheese some of the rooms with the really small ones [Music] and stuff [Music] let's see if i can just do that preemptively oh well there's coins in here how little did it place the [ __ ] mario 64 castle thief it's not even the wario isn't even in that game oh and you know about the little one you know about the little red bomb dispensers right [Music] me damage god damn it made me take damage there you go there we go oh [ __ ] i'm he puts you back whoa yep he charges okay you go through the door thank you all right this one we gotta be wow he only chases one of us okay so i think i can distract him while you do [ __ ] yeah exactly yeah boy all right i'm just gonna go through the door yeah nice nice oh oh god i'm gonna go up here oh god don't chase me [ __ ] i need to use my soul to do this there we go all right you can probably i killed myself with a ball oh okay well no [ __ ] yes it's up to me [ __ ] uh oh god oh my god okay i'll clean up clear oh it's the flies the flies yes they take a billion what is this did you see that fly take one trillion hits what was it i guess a lot of them were my baby heads a lot of them were mine we're just saying that was very strange oh god the mario sound effects i don't know what the [ __ ] was up with that fly i swear i hit it with like 10 of my tears although whatever it was probably just your tears okay the the the explanation of i misinterpreted something is a little more likely than the game just completely started functioning like totally differently than it normally does okay well we could use the hanged man for one of those rooms darn it's not really that much of a bummer though i'm gonna since we still got the boss to kill i think your guy has creep i'm peeing wait that's probably good yes peeing actually yes that way i can excrete uh of course and why wouldn't you why wouldn't i excrete oh man i kill myself with a bong yeah oh well it happens like like i said that section is uh panic inducing yeah um okay i'm gonna fight the boss before i start throwing away any more hearts and let's just go with this it'll be something on the ground god i think my tears actually just kind of suck too maybe look at my [ __ ] yeah oh god damn it still touched me this guy is kind of like a boss in fury his face switches when he goes to a different phase yeah it's pretty cool the knife stick it in the wall there just killed whenever he tried to shoot yep that's good just let it do damage [ __ ] it actually is he targeting you no oh [ __ ] that see that shenanigan damage i just oh that did a full heart of damage that was so sad i think he had a mix he had like a shotgun blast of tears that do and that hit multiple heart no i think it was because i get you get iframes after you get hit one of those did a full soul heart of damage that [ __ ] sucked very sad god damn it well uh do you want to do one more i mean we have been going for two and a half hours we should let's do the challenge yeah okay let's check out the challenge maybe we'll come back then we'll come back and do some more this another time too because like i said we've had a lot of fun today but i don't know if this is exactly main channel material we could play we can dance if we want to what the hell so this one is below all the other ones this is one uh that you unlock by i think beating delirium with eden or something like that uh so yeah we'll we'll just take a little peek here go ahead and join in we're both isaac and we both have one very strange item and look at the floor everything's weird oh god dude what have you done ga eternals scissors lose you oh it's an active yeah i wonder what it does try it out i heard well eternal scissors is really strong poggers i don't know why we didn't pog for that item augers [ __ ] chucky cheese it's kind of hard to tell us apart yes as we are identical it is in fact nyon impossible to tell us apart if we weren't controlling ourselves we have gotten probably like 20 luck up pills today really we have not had any unlucky pills we have not won a single run but we've gotten a bunch of lock up try it with enemies in the room wow it just does [ __ ] nothing i guess what an excellent item look at this [ __ ] dwayne he looks like a vulcan yeah that's a weird looking dwayne it's right here what the hell is uh that's mama mega it got reskinned it turned fire into these guys oh oh good it gives us more enemies to kill well it smells like 26 cents 30 73 cents it's got like serpents kiss lipstick though just kind of funny yeah they can be 99 cents it [ __ ] sucks they're any random amount wow your item just responds to those guys that's brilliant that sucks so the main channel did you watch the main channel i think i saw some of it at least video that i put up because that was this challenge just absolutely gibberish yeah is it just randomizes literally everything yeah and it's like i think it's it's not like there are pre-baked like open quotes random items it's like it's actually generating these just absolutely which items yeah and so you can get insanely overpowered [ __ ] though that way oh nice yeah unlike the one i have which is just bad yes which is literally just a thing deficit it does anything then if it can just spawn through spider spawners well i had the one that uh that i won this challenge from is uh i got an item that was like infinite use like guppy's paw and uh so i could just use it over and over again and it made every enemy in the room turn into one of my tears and it also spawned a friendly red plum familiar every time i did it so uh i could spawn like just a billion of them and also just turn the enemies yeah on your side but bosses i could destroy with the red plum uh and then there's also in this uh challenge when you beat a challenge you get a little trophy that you pick up you can just spawn the trophy oh that just looks like dad's lost coin it's robo robo new friendly oh it's a space bar item that looks so cursed because it's just a passive item in my space bar inventory all right um i was trying to spawn some spiders to kill you let's try it wow let's try it on the boss i guess i don't know i mean and it farted so many of the moves just fart oh it gave me a familiar though ooh spewer familiar yeah it's not bad water damage right now probably yeah it's all in him totally that's not that is it right there let's [ __ ] go i wonder if i'll keep this wow you just had to do it just that's what it does every time isn't it you're just hoping for it to do something different okay i'm taking this summon moe knee power okay you wanted money equals power glenn's daddy what's daddy oh your eyes have shut oh good old glenn's daddy's daddy the names are like one of the best part parts of this i got one that said and i keep thinking of uh funk the boogie what's that song the electric slide where the guy says up funk the boogie whenever i think of ee bang dibuem i have it in that exact same like tone also we opened portals what on the ground what i'm a big boy now oh [ __ ] you want to be a big boy yeah answer bombs okay um uh do we dare try your item do we go through a portal my item's still the same it's the thing that spawns there oh okay oh we just got a bunch of passive items i see oh you got spider bombs did it make the wait hold on hold on okay i thought it made the like the bit like the fart reverb fart sound effect and i was like sometimes it it does play random sound effects and one time during the on the like main channel video it played because it can slow them down and speed them up too it played one of the voice lines when you're going up to the home floor and so it was just this incredibly long [Applause] shave rings you know it was incredible oh wait what the [ __ ] yo when i pick up a card two cards appear what is happening what the [ __ ] game broken game broke game broken game oh my god what is this that this is why this is the best challenge what is happening [ __ ] incredible we just got to do this forever wow i'm going to respond there's somebody who's sending me a chair and so i'm going to make sure that do you chair stuff we're completely [ __ ] weird set right now a chaos card there's a chaos card great we're gonna do this until this entire room is full black rune oh god we gotta black ruin all of these would that give me like an insane stat up i don't even remember exactly what black rune does i i think it would just turn all of these into flies right so i think it just gives you stats up for the i'm asking chat oh it voids everything right yeah i don't know if it's exactly the same but i think for pickups it gives you flies and for pedestal items it gives you actual stand-ups this is insanity this is actually freaking nuts i mean we might as well start well so we should hire you yeah if you find any good ones just use them where's my card yeah wait yeah probably it's just cards i was like what if you pick up uh oh jarrah don't you dare i'll do it i'll do it yeah oh my god okay it never ends yeah oh [ __ ] i don't know which one's yours and which one's mine i oh it's so hard to even i can't even use them anymore there's like i'm constantly picking them up i have a i have a safe spot i have a safe spot i'm just going to mash it oh god you do have a safe spot how oh you spawned an enemy oh god get me out of here let's leave the room leave the room leave the room okay okay go out here oh there's [ __ ] bombs here too oh gosh i'm going here i'm gonna use the cherry on this all right the devil oh god this is going to be very hard to get rid of them i think it's partially because i'm like duplicating them constantly oh true you are duplicating them this could take years to take literally literally years but i think once we get to a point where there's there's so few in the room that there's a place to actually stand you you feel me then i go you go in and look around and use them yeah okay got it so you just go and pick one up go out yeah oh boom oh every time i pick up anything it gives me a card okay let's just do it in this show where there's more absolutely we will oh my god i don't need you it's that big a pooper room cart against humanity all right full wheel of fortune wheel of fortune is this one doing again mom's contract or whatever that one like a mom hand comes in and like takes an enemy out of the room uh we could just go black ruin the other one uh but it's hard to even get in i'm gonna have to like go in there and get it so now we have stuff out here let's go in there and black ruin that all right do it do it okay okay i'm going in on a mission i'm waiting sitting here generating cards against my will yeah nice [Music] oh man this is so stupid didn't i say it was a good challenge this is a good challenge we want those red ones yeah yeah those are the those are the nice ones um of course joshua of course the tower yeah destroy them all wheel of fortune the lovers i'm gonna give you some of that lover juice do it i'm gonna kill these guys do it it's not like we're at any shortage oh [ __ ] i got a weird item let's see what it is portal spawn to key expo oh god oh good be careful about that i don't know where that leads i think it just leads to the other portal that you made oh it's like literally like the game well how i did that empress did you know that's a reference to uh yeah i always say what a horrible nighttime occurs that's a funny quote what are these i own that game simon's quest it's terrible it's a miserable [ __ ] video game oh is it really yeah it's not good oh wait a credit card i like this may be a controversial statement i happen to think the first castlevania game just in general castlevania 1 and 2 are pretty kind of like not good i hate to say it i know castlevania is a beloved classic but uh who we going back and playing those now mama kind of like all right this is a game uh how what this goes forever god this goes forever oh i dropped a little battery when i got hurt two clubs don't mind if i freaking do two clubs don't mind if i freaking do oh there's somebody in here okay there's a guy yeah i think your item does that or something oh my god look at the flies flies they can't even reach him though they're just chasing too fast don't let the flies do the work is that a friendly guy no no he's just pooping away why did did you spawn a million flies i don't know oh my god basically i'm gonna everything yeah just get rid of all that oh god troll bombs golden troll bombs have made a d6 game breaking uh a lot more difficult because oh you know all right yara let's air it up and we can do another void rune after this too ace of clubs yep sure oh god give me the bombs oh oh my oh my balls this is just this is really just something it's really just something all right now i'm going to black ruin it again oh there's still cards just lying around the cards okay yeah how come yours is like you get items and mine is like occasionally spawn dude to whoop your ass that's the way it do be it's legit random this is so nuts [Music] i need to turn off giant book animations too that's like whenever whenever you use something and it goes like right up in the screen that's yeah how did i just use that without losing my eternal heart what i guess it doesn't do it is that a change chat what the that must be a change that's pretty neat that's pretty neat you didn't used to be able to do that huh or maybe that's a like a glitch thing with this particular run i don't know that's that's pretty awesome though [Music] sorry i'm getting all the fun items and you're sitting over here with your two spider items i'm taking your item all right do it and then what is this dude it's a space bar item too i didn't even realize who knows what it but it also it also gives you the freaking i think we're done goofing around here i got max soul hearts let's just take the sun and get them yeah let's go out of here wait i should take something too the [ __ ] out of here in fact is there another two of diamonds that i could use at the very least oh god no it keeps going there's more red cards two spades yeah thanks man give me a good card oh my god stars for sure i got devil again i don't care anymore get me out of here oh wait what is that there's like an alternate oh is that a reversed tarot card this has got to be temperance question mark yeah so there's there's reversed oh look at all our flies we look great uh there's reversed uh cards so this one gave me five pill effects randomly in a row got pretty good out of there yeah okay all right uh let's go check this out i mean there's not really much of a point to doing it we got 99 bombs and a golden bomb and great oh my god did you know that with these rooms actually i learned this very recently um the pandora's box and i was wondering because it looks like a woman pandora's box has some weird interaction oh no it's uh whenever you have in fact if you have any item like if you had the hierophant in there if you used it it would spawn the soul hearts as red hearts specifically yeah and if you do if you have like the jar item for instance well i guess whatever we're not gonna demonstrate it but like if you have the jar item that lets you drop hearts in there you can pick up red hearts and then drop them in a chapel a chapel room like the church secret room and that makes them into eternal hearts for instance so those secret rooms have that like quality to them interesting i did not know that i didn't know that for the longest time apparently that's always been a thing huh fun i mean that's like a pretty like obscure interaction yes but i learned that because i took dark bum into that into one of those rooms that has all those hearts and he literally just ate all of them and like [ __ ] like spewed out more oh i lost my homing tears sad oh sorry holy shield oh that was a massive fart every time i pick up a card a fart the size of the screen happens i pick up anything actually that happens what is going on that's insane let's use the dice shard [ __ ] it yeah what is that that's fake yeah it's a trinket it gives you a wisp at the start of the floor i think one of bethany's little things joker i got the joker i'm the [ __ ] joker baby get me out of this room before we just get consumed by this again you're already good oh god someone's stopping another oh [ __ ] my my space bar item turned ah we're back it turns all enemies into little tiny spider enemies okay 24. oh did you oh i just killed mom oh [ __ ] oh it just gave me uh the shoot the whoop one time god damn it it's sad and then this is a chaos card that is a chaos there's another chaos wait we gotta go back is it just spawning just cards forever i don't know it might be a different it might be like ancient recall or something yeah it is ancient recall i'm a god of guessing okay well let's get out of here oh i'd make a shockwave now too oh my god jesus christ what's happening oh all right my bad i took teleporters do it take literally all of them okay oh no there was a copyright d-up plus you try it oh good more enemies all the items you get spawn enemies oh god knit friendly oh mine you can use infinitely oh what is that even just like a tiny little baby fart tiny little fart discover yourself and poop yeah what you are harry potter you are squelching and poop squelching remember that oh things keep spawning behind me when i shoot sad oh god oh my god okay get me out of here chaos oh god these little enemies way later keep showing up it's literally when i get hurt uh those enemies and also when i shoot i put the portals i like lost track of where i was incredibly hardcore there for like a solid three seconds all right oops hop oops nine poops what did you even what did that do oh oh pink fart i think parts are happening i noticed when i was playing this challenge that so many items just make isaac fart for some reason i don't know weird he's just simply got gas oh well sorry can't help it i keep pooping out portals judgment yeah yeah arrow walk oh my god oh my god i've been thrown around there's i'm gonna kill you harry potter you stole fizzy lifting drinks and now you're squelching in poop classic harry potter code i can't believe they said that nerdcon okay who could forget when lupin said that lupin said to his son oh what the [ __ ] was that that i've never seen that before it was like i pressed this a bunch and then i launched it out of me that's probably some item of course you're doing the poop thing too wait wait wait when you pick things up wait come back drop uh uh how do i drop i'll drop this and pick up your bender okay just makes cards i was like what if it makes trinkets oh i know yeah i think it's when i pick up absolutely anything and give me a card okay cool uh absolutely absolute hell chaos do we want to hold on let's do this let's do this this is fun we like doing this do it let's do it justice every time i get a justice card that that's another hurt we're blessed every time i get into this car that's another hurt there's so many justice cards it's only spawning black hearts too for some reason racist racist temperance i'm gonna like accidentally kill myself here uh judgment oh god i summoned the dude again oh good my shots are terrible what is wrong with my shots they're like fast and tiny it's chaos it's pure chaos oh god and more chaos whoa okay oh there's a card against humanity that's the pupanka room item my shots are so tiny they aren't doing anything they're like a soy shot this sucks you're a soy boy that's it that's him what oh god i'm stopping this right now no oh no stopping this right now if i can get it i can get it [Music] okay well a little peace and quiet damn back into the fray once more into the breach i gotta get the where's the void where's the boy you're like actively like working against me oh here's another temperance question mark i know that's what it is because it's the only inverted card that i've unlocked oh i see oh [ __ ] oh we're screwing but i'm going to get more balls i can pick them off oh our shock waves are actually like thrown around like crazy high priestess teleporting us out here all right well you know where i'm teleporting us oh wait right here i'm teleporting us to the dark room we're going oh [ __ ] wait did we miss our chance [ __ ] oh because like i think it was out by accident no i think we got it's a 50 50 chance to go to the dark room oh and item showed up what d tears a little cha-ching sound played fart let's change this one re-roll it into mon monstro mon mothma mom mothra oh my god my favorite star wars character mon mothmob no it's mom mothra oh my favorite mother character got all right let's get these well i guess we can't let's make poop poo yeah oh no oh no it's chaos it's chaos i'm gonna spam okay oh you just let us out is it 50 chance after that point just forever [ __ ] i don't know it might be after you i think it's like after the last one that you can't do it anymore because i've hurt myself on this so many more times than there are yeah i don't think that's a thing or maybe we just got insanely unlucky okay okay let's go to the super secret room there might be some goodies in here oh we got a 99 of everything of course so much stuff you can't go to dark room on sacrifice spikes in challenges i did not know that good to know oh okay um what is dark room that's the like last floor after she'll go up there yeah the last step of the sacrifice room you can do that um all right let's keep this yara you never know when you'll need that i've got a lot of flies you do have a lot of [ __ ] flies we've got basically normal tears though all right oh my god what killed him so fast oh blue holy water go for it try it he jumped for joy i jumped for julian my pants wow uh which one do you want what did this one do i don't know just the tiny farts yeah it wasn't even really that good i'll use this one the infinite use items are like the ones that can get the most broken yeah because like i said that was the one that like let me turn the enemies into tears and [ __ ] this is fun this is more fun than trying to get the actual thing yeah oh a card how do i shoot again i remember now do you ever have that where you play a game for like [ __ ] like a thousand hours and then at one point you're just like what's the jump button yeah you know because then you're thinking about it like you just memory but like actively thinking about it you've got it oh my god that is true it was a messy scary noise and it literally said messy messy oh tried it's got so much charge oh it spawned a big troll bomb and it farted great great all right well we sure are playing the game this is real the card thing is really carrying us every time i get hit that is a passive item every time i get hit it spawns this miserable dude that's just going to be the way of things forever oh [ __ ] look at this oh you instantly gave me an idea empathy 4. i'm floating now i'm ahead okay sure do it just do it just simply do it oh i'm no longer ahead though so many things so many effects just come and go just seemingly for no reason it's very strange also this guy always takes so [ __ ] long to kill because he's like a way later floor enemy you know god using my items good that makes a little noise yep it's cute that's what it does mine goes whoa i i don't i think that was just from me using my item hold on oh no that's uh mine's the one that does the cha-ching no we do have wolf's tooth okay or dog tooth so this room i think things would respawn as soul hearts for instance holy holy god i don't mind if i do don't mind if i do don't mind if i do pick that [ __ ] up [Laughter] just up just simply up disney pixar it's a world of hell it's a world of blood fire fire i don't like fire i don't like fire uh god we can kind of like speed run this [ __ ] honestly because we have things that like what i didn't realize it was the boss room so i was shocked this guy they changed this right up a ton we have [ __ ] that uh kills bosses although it's not really happening right now i guess no maybe she get hit yeah maybe see what happens i really uh the sprite differences this is news to me actually i oh god [ __ ] normally normally i feel like i'm sort of in tune to that sort of thing too okay um here we go okay don't get that identity yes great love spawning this oh [ __ ] he threw a granddad oh my god clean stones stones why did he say it like that because he's got a funny voice he's he's swedish i think oh really yeah or something like that he's from up there grand dad the the clip of him saying it is actually it's a very visceral granddad granddad i think that guy does hurt enemies or something he did a bunch of damage to the boss i'll let him go no i made it oh god she's the credit card on double deal although we already did this one target okay well god damn we might we may as well just kind of rush let's finish just like sticking around we're just it's just gonna be us in a room going like put eight million items i actually here's a confession i've literally never seen whatever the origin is of like yankee with no brim i've only heard that sound effect through here oh i don't even know the context just some like weird tick tock okay no brim he's wearing a yankees hat yeah without dubbed myself for some reason who wants it don't be [ __ ] the like just something about the way that some of those tick tocks look where they like speed it up and dub over themselves i i can't describe how much i dislike how it looks yeah like it's so crappy and it feels like you know what energy it has like elsa spider-man energy if that makes any sense at all the sped up tick-tocks feel like elsa spiderman because that's all dubbed and sped up and [ __ ] well it just has that like lowest common denominator entertainment vibe to it it's just like it's a weird holdover from musically oh yeah which tick tock is the same as it used to be musically and then it was right and that was literally just an app for people to lip sync songs which is you speed it up and so it's like a weird hold over from that did you say slice but no lol or some [ __ ] like that i wasn't even looking at him i yeah musically always confused me because surely you can just record a video of yourself lip syncing to something why would you want to do it when you can make it faster so it automatically did that on musically i think it was just one of the choices you could do or something oh yeah oh weird is that like i i always felt like a [ __ ] grandpa whenever i learned about when i heard about musically because i was like can't you just lip sync like that's already a thing there's only one good thing to come out of musically and it's that one of the dudes singing oh damn it singing to his like grandma's giant corpse in the hospital what he's like never give up nah nah nah i won't give up and he's like just some like poppy justin bieber looking kid and he keeps pointing behind him and his grandma's like like that's terrible oh it's so funny oh and i bet that guy knew exactly what he was doing oh totally and he looks he has like the justin bieber haircut too awful like 14 or something at least that his grandma has a sense of humor and she's like in on the joke and then he wasn't actually like oh i'll do this funny tick tock at the expense of my dying grandmother i bet she's i don't know maybe she was like sure it's a good one and that's how i know that song too let me love you thanks musically for that and nothing else i don't know if i want to thank musically for this oh oh great i got hurt and it spawns a bed underneath me yo just immediately went to sleep literal frame perfect sleeping oh and now i have good wow well we gotta get that cube garfield garfield well i'm sure that'll do something um that's that's pretty cool cool all right let's just go down this is whack [Music] that was funny just like i'm brimstone now the simplest little moment yeah you are what the [ __ ] the simplest little moment but pure essence of comedy contained within we just bumped through the wall it's literally it's like if we dropped if you like dropped something and we both bent down to pick it up and our heads cooked together that's what that was the stars sure oh god this is that beyblade thing that you don't know what that does well yeah we don't know what it does it's random oh i got a glass cannon tear but i didn't shoot it so it didn't take away all my help thank god okay well folks why are you having an eraser so you can throw that at an enemy maybe okay i don't know how i got that i don't know either just came into my hand step on yeah do you know when you shrink enemies you can step on them to insta kill them yeah i didn't know that for the longest time i always i didn't even really get what shrinking was like four [Music] yeah i think uh there's there's this item called birthright that does a specific thing for each character and uh basically it does for zazel i think it makes his brimstone wide like that i don't know if we're tapping into that or what but that's the only thing i can think of that makes it wide i mean there's like mega laser but that's even more mega i love how we're going for this as though this is going to be anything we have like all pickups i'm spawning these little blue flies everywhere too that was happening in another run nice i think when we complete a room i get an eraser so it's like absolutely useless oh and when we started whoa glass i got a glass cannon shot but it didn't actually do anything also both of these are exactly 52 cents wow of course piercing oh [ __ ] when i laid a bomb it turned every else every other thing into a bomb okay all right well folks final folks at home we uh how did we lose all our money though no we must have picked up something expensive this is very expensive what the [ __ ] like shopkeeper says in zelda at one of the shops where he's like boy this is expensive it's like you're commenting on your own prices yeah this is not good for business look at your isaac oh he was happy for a second i would never be happy i'm afraid no sleep oh just right back to it oh god what i think when we lay a bomb everything in the room turns into bombs so theoretically actually yep we could just insta-clear every room by laying a bomb because my eraser shows up yeah boy this is very similar to my old ones let's see nope that's not the way it worked with the other one too so it makes sense checks out sometimes i turn into him and sometimes my laser is big there it's big again weird [ __ ] i don't think you're azel because you got the full brimstone brim with no brain broom okay um i don't remember what these do i'm gonna take this [ __ ] it cool uh [Music] club shirt i just want to get a little bit of help oh you know what [ __ ] it get me out of here charge it oh look at that boom i didn't know that holding that above your head didn't let you go down the thing you're dangerous you could pop the bubble hmm all right you've got soul hearts for fizzy days yeah unfortunately that's not it's not our bosses oh i think it's because bosses yeah i mean i shouldn't use my big ass thing oh nice i turned into him i also made a thing now you're also doing it i think it's every time i pick up a card it gives me the uh i shoot the woof laser once sure of course hot spit on a tuesday see these guys have faster animations that's one of my mods that's nice [ __ ] bab the biggest fab in the north wab god damn it it's also a fart move oh farting great great i think like one of us picked up an item so it like did the thing black oh okay well we're out of here oh my god what these are some very late enemies that dude was horrifying showing up for some reason that was awful why were the eyes out i think we're technically on a later floor even though it looks like an earlier floor i think that's kind of what's going on range down bunch of pills show up hang on i keep wanting to use the eraser i'm about to die so i guess yeah you could be a hard carry and just my health is not going down um strength oh so many moons so many moons they're all moons you're in the moon secret room ace of hearts let's get [ __ ] joker baby oh look at that that looks cool um i'm the only one who can take it delirious friend all right oh did we just beat the challenge g incredible we did it did it just spawn it the trophy just showed up on top of me well done truly well played oh my [ __ ] god we did it gamers wow was that first try on that channel oh maybe that was it wow now that's a challenge holy moly how challenging that looks great nice well i think that's a good place to end it yeah my chair is going to arrive soon it's fun oh you're nice chair co-chair well i had a good time it's a little hot in here i'm gonna have a long time but we had fun uh and i think there were no internet uh disruptions that entire time nope which is [ __ ] awesome hopefully that continues to be the trend but yeah i think uh you could probably expect maybe one more stream of this me and mark i would say yeah yeah that was fun okay and again i don't even know if this will be a main channel video we'll see maybe honestly not like a [ __ ] heaven that last that challenge was very entertaining but i don't know if we that challenge seems like just hey youtubers enjoy it yeah take this you know you can just have that for you for free so uh yeah but thank you for watching thanks for putting up with me literally screwing up the [ __ ] paths probably as hard as a person probably can screw up the pads but next time we'll check out that knife path we'll stab that fleshy door i'm excited to see what's already in the fleshy door hell yeah take it easy guys
Channel: fruit salad
Views: 21,971
Rating: 4.9377165 out of 5
Id: RyOFSIWlej0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 19sec (11659 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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