Full Service | Sunday, March 14, 2021

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well hey good morning everybody you made it daylight saving time hey we're so glad you're here would you stand and we get to spend this morning worshiping the lord our creator giving him glory and honor he is so worthy of our praise so let's sing together this morning to you oh lord we lift our voice and bring you [Music] in praise we found your hope and glory on display [Music] all blessings flow from [Music] give our weary hearts a hope what was lost is [Music] to you [Music] the king of god [Music] you are faithful to [Music] give our weary what was lost we give you praise forever [Music] what was lost [Music] we give is praise forever jesus christ [Music] jesus christ [Music] give our weary hearts a hope what was lost is now restored we give you praise forevermore [Music] what was lost is now restored we give you praise forever [Music] oh creatures of our god and king [Music] hallelujah with golden beams [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] a hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and worship him in humbleness [Music] praise praise the father praise the son and praise the spirit [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah all creatures of our god and king lift up your voice and with a seed oh praise him hallelujah all who are thirsty [Music] all who are wicked come to the fountain [Music] dip your heart in the streams of [Music] life washed away in the waves of his mercy [Music] as deep cries out come lord jesus lord jesus all who are weak just come to the fountain dip your heart in the streams [Music] in the waves of his mercy as deep cries [Music] come lord jesus come lord jesus [Music] as deep cries out [Music] holy spirit holy spirit [Music] holy [Music] holy spirit [Music] holy spirit [Music] oh [Music] we lift high [Music] we praise him as the children of god sing our great redeemer our great redeemer gloria's savior your name is higher than the rising sun forever your name is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] your name is [Music] [Applause] [Music] simply to speak your name is praise hallelujah now and always forever we lift your name in praise hallelujah i've got your brain simply to speak your name oh let's sing that again [Music] [Applause] [Music] your is [Music] [Applause] [Music] and lord this morning we are so thankful for that truth lord you are high above it all your ways are higher than our ways your thoughts are higher than our thoughts we're so thankful for that lord that you are steadfast you are true your word is true so as we open your word now i pray that you would give us ears to hear what your spirit would say to the church today we love you so much and it's in jesus name we pray amen go ahead and have a seat and at this time we've got a video announcement for you [Music] hey everybody joe and anne here with a few announcements for you including sunday night worship this weekend at 6 00 pm we've got tickets available on the web to attend in person or you can tune in live online just be sure to have your communion elements ready ladies we've got a couple of fun things coming up including devoted live this saturday march 20th at 9 00 am this monthly meeting is a great way to fellowship with like-minded women and to study the word together also our next weekly bible study will begin on april 6th we'll be going through the book of galatians using a beautiful study book that the team here at atheists put together be sure to register by april 2nd over on the website both of these events have online or in-person options available that sounds great and just a reminder we're here wednesday nights at 7 pm going in depth through the bible verse by verse chapter by chapter we'd love for you to join us then as well and that's all we've got for you so let's get ready to open the word all right good to see you guys good morning everybody and we're glad you're with us uh to get into the scriptures one quick thing that before i dive into lamentations um man we've got some good problems here at anthony creek lots of people lots of kids uh tons of children in our children's industry which we're really glad about um but you know we've added a service recently uh to our list now we have five services each weekend and um and uh we're just running a little thin on children's ministry workers so um a couple things that you might wonder because i noticed we've got a lot of new people at ac and that's awesome um and some of you are like man we were helping with kids ministry and our other threat now we're here uh let us in but here's the thing we do have kind of this weird thing at hc where we want people to come and just take it in and enjoy for a while like not feel like they have to dive right in to ministry uh and there's two reasons one that you can kind of get to know how we roll here at ac because we're a little weird sometimes about things compared to other churches and also we like to get to know you a little bit better too and um so we're not the church to just if you have a pulse we'll put you in a classroom we don't do that uh we like to give some time and uh have you kind of get to know us so with that said we are kind of urgently needing help you're like well brett that's us but this is where i'm asking uh anyone who wants to to sign up but uh don't be shocked if people say now let's wait a little bit and let you kind of acclimate at eighty but what i'm looking for some of the old school lady creakers have been here for a long time that maybe you haven't taught sunday school for a while or you want to get back in now's a good time we could use the help because we need it like next sunday you know so you know if you've already been kind of on that list i love by the way when we have grandmas there's something about grandmas in the nursery and the kids you know there's there's people feel really comfortable when grandma's there watching you guys would be shocked who's in our classrooms though um you know like last night we had we have a guy who was watching in the the little kid's classroom and i'm sure the parents are dropping off they don't know that he's a medical doctor and a navy seal all at the same time uh and he's watching your preschoolers like this that's who i want in my preschool classroom you know we have amazing caliber of guys and gals in our classrooms and it's just so cool um but all that to say um uh yeah if you wanna jump in we're gonna have a little sign up table to back a children's kids table in the foyer for more info about that and we'd love to have help um all that to say let's get to it let's turn to the book of lamentations as we continue going verse by verse through the bible we're gonna uh probably lord willing finish up lamentations maybe even this coming wednesday and then we got that the book of ezekiel wow our work's cut out for us there but it's a great book uh lamentations um the word lament we've talked about this on wednesday night lamentation the the greek septuagint which is the greek translation of the old hebrew bible is translated in like 270 bc um interesting you know the word that's used in the septuagint is the word we would get for the word dirge what's a dirge well a dirge is like a depressing long poem or song that's kind of a a sad thing and that's what the septuagint calls this book instead of lamentations a dirge um we learned on ways tonight it's it's five chapters five poems and they're also acrostic interestingly enough which means in the hebrew alphabet which the hebrew alphabet has 22 letters unlike our alphabet um so chapter one and two of lamentation has 22 verses and each verse starts with a consecutive letter of the hebrew alphabet the the word alphabet is a hebrew term by the way uh aleph bet is the a and the b of the hebrew alphabet um so um so chapters 1 and 2 22 verses chapter 3 66 verses and chapter 4 and 5 22 verses what's the deal with that well each one of those chapters is a b c d in the hebrew except for the third chapter with the 66 it goes a a a b b b c c c you think what was jeremiah doing there now you'll notice it's not in our translation because ours is translated to english and letters don't work out in the english translation but if you were reading a hebrew bible there'd be the abcs and lamentations and we talked about how the hebrews would do that in some of the psalms but also in the lamentations to help people memorize why would anybody want to memorize the book of lamentations this dirge this depressing you know book well as it turns out this is one of the holy inspired scriptures of god and lamentations deals with people who are lamenting and especially jeremiah himself now up to this point in our story we've been studying in the book of jeremiah and jeremiah kind of holds his deck pretty close in that he's he is the weeping prophet we know that he's called the weeping prophet remember jeremiah in the book of jeremiah said my eyes are like fountains uh he's a cry guy you know and uh and yet you know so was jesus jesus was a guy who cried wept over jerusalem wept at lazarus tomb um i think that's kind of important to know that that's the way these guys rolled but you you knew jeremiah was sad because of people's sin he was sad because of the destruction of jerusalem but did you know that i think that jeremiah dealt with depression real depression and we only learned that like here in chapter three of lamentations it's where it kind of becomes personal no longer is it just jeremiah generally talking about jerusalem and israel and the jews he's pretty much saying man the lord's forsaken me i'm left in the dark i'm going through a really hard time i feel trapped i feel like the lord's shooting at me like he says all this stuff that you're kind of like no jeremiah no that's not what's happening now here's the thing this is where it gets a little interesting and some of you are not going to like what i'm going to say and i totally get that um and you can you can think what you want i guess but have you ever noticed there's a tension between we pastors and the world of psychology have you ever sensed that tension good because it's there why is that i'll tell you why there's tension between psychology and people in ministry and bible guys here's why psychology claims to be the authority on the human psyche like we are the people who've studied psychology the study of the psyche and so psychology comes up with its ideas of how to fix things and help people and and all that you say what does that have to do with the bible well as it turns out the bible claims to be the authority on the human soul you know the inner person and so here's what happens psychology says we know more about this than you christians or bible teachers or anything but when the bible says the soul the word soul or often in the hebrew old testament the whole word heart lev is the hebrew word that describes the inner man in fact by the way when the new testament says the word soul guess what the greek word for that is psyche so when the bible says you know that our soul is entrusted to the care of god that means your psyche the part of you that thinks and feels your emotions and and even the dysfunctions and the problems so it's funny because the psychological world kind of has its you know diagnosis and its remedies and and you know i've noticed that a lot of people in psychology we're into science and you christians are more into spiritual things well that's probably true too the problem is i think science is only barely catching up to the bible i think the bible has been way ahead of science from the very beginning uh you could we could we could talk about that for days uh while people were saying the world was flat and i'll admit even some christians who weren't reading their bibles by the way thought the world was flat science uh as it turns out found out that the world is actually the earth is is a sphere it's a round ball guess what thousands of years before we figured that out scientifically the bible says that the earth is a sphere and it's hung upon nothing like when the bible touches on science it's so amazing it's always accurate you'd think you know a several thousand year old book written by 40 different authors over a 1500 year period on three different continents in three different languages you'd think we'd have some some major problems with science and the bible but as it turns out nope not not at all but science continues to rewrite itself masks are scientifically not helpful a few weeks later masks are important and if you wear a mask you're you're saving lives and if you're not wearing a mascara remember science well which science are we supposed to leave the one that was three weeks ago or the one that's this week or like it's so funny how we claim science science science and and what i've noticed is on both sides of arguments in the secular world you'll hear all kinds of things that are you know given to science isn't it interesting that the bible says in the last days people will be you know committed to that which is science falsely so-called that's what the bible says about the last days now when it comes to psychology as it turns out and i've taken some i'm not a psychologist or anything like that but i have taken some psychology at the college level and and i've learned a lot about what psychology believes i remember reader i like to read about stuff and what you'll find is there are true things in psychology and some of the things have been helpful i'm not totally dismissing psychology altogether but you know when it's true in psychology you'll also find it's true in the bible but when the bible says something that sort of controverts or goes against psychology i would go with the bible the bible continues to prove itself correct now let me give you an example in psychology one of the problems people have when they're struggling is something that psychology calls thought distortion what is thought distortion well it's when you have the just a wrong view it's a distorted way of thinking you know you know the psychology of of someone who has an eating disorder of some kind oftentimes it's a thought distortion that there's a like in the most radical sense and we talked about this a few weeks ago you know but like the uh the the person who feels like they're really fat but everybody else no no you need to you need to put on some weight you're you're unhealthily skinny but what is it that's in a person's mind that says no no i'm fat even though they're skinnier than anyone anybody knows that's called a thought distortion and it can be really dangerous now um there's also the person that's depressed because they think nobody likes them and that they always mess up and that they're always this you know these over generalizations that are really not true and and all the person's friends around them is like no no you're an amazing person and people like you and and that person's no no that's a thought distortion that's what psychology calls it the bible calls it lies from the enemy where satan is whispering in people's ears things that are just not true deception in fact satan is like the father of lies isn't that something and and the bible says that satan whispers in our ears day and night what accusation the the enemy accuses you day and night uh whether you're a christian or not the enemy will accuse in your brain and make you feel bad about yourself and all this stuff now uh world calls it thought distortion we call it you know spiritual deception from the enemy or even from yourself but but then what does the world do the world says we need to change the way we think about ourselves and and uh now i'm going to make this comical and we've gotten better at this but remember like the 80s i'm smart enough i'm good enough and people like me i'm a winner you know and you talk to yourself remember that that whole thing now we've we've honed in and it doesn't sound so stupid the way uh you know psychology tries to deal with these thought distortions and stuff this is where this is where i think we are going wrong perhaps when the world looks psychologically at a person who's got thought distortion i'm just giving you one example um they say look in yourself and and encourage yourself and and build up yourself and it's about your self-esteem and about correcting those wrong ways of thinking but as it turns out the bible teaches us very different forget about yourself stop thinking about yourself if you want to be miserable just keep thinking about yourself that's what the bible teaches the bible doesn't teach that self-esteem is the is the way to to build up your self-esteem the way to fix it the bible says your self-esteem is the problem so rather than thinking about yourselves the bible says don't think about yourself think about the things of other people and prefer other people over yourself and and as it turns out there's a bunch of interesting stories in the bible now you've got to remember as a non-scientist point of view but a biblical point of view the bible not only tells us what to do and how to do it but it gives us all these illustrations it's like a picture book and when it comes to psychology there's all kinds of pictures speaking about thought distortion and depression were there people in the bible that were depressed that really dealt with some troubling times and there was thought distortions involved remember remember uh elijah the prophet he you know he was this brave prophet who did all this amazing stuff and then all of a sudden he goes into a cave and one wicked lady yells at him and he runs for his life ah and he runs and he hides in a cave and he's like i'm the only prophet in all of israel that's left and he was really wowzy rosie whoa it's me that was that was elijah the prophet and you remember what the lord told him the lord said uh hello you're not the only prophet that's a thought distortion that's a lie from the enemy that you think you're the only prophet but there's still there's hundreds and hundreds of prophets left in all of israel you're just you're just thinking wrong about that that's what the lord you know and and the lord ended up ministering to him and bringing him back but but you know there's an example of i was depressed excuse me david himself uh was was a guy who had all kinds of disorders and dysfunction psychologically and david doesn't even try to hide it i mean right there in the middle of the psalms he's like why art thou cast down oh my soul that's just a king james way of saying why am i so depressed in my psyche why is why is why is my soul disquieted have you ever been disquieted the word disquiet is something we don't use as much anymore but have you ever had that troubling thought where you lay your head down at night and you want to go to sleep and you're really dead tired but because you're disquieted your soul it's your brain is stirring and you can't calm yourself down and go to sleep that's what it means to have a disquieted soul he says why aren't thou cast down on my soul why are thou disquieted within me and then david said but hope thou and god when did he say that it's actually an interesting story um david was out fighting battles he you know he david's such a unique guy you know because he was an artist he was a musician but he was a military hero like you don't see that combo very often like a guy who's a total stud but he's also an artist and he's always weeping and depressed but he's also like it's a he's an amazing guy i've noticed people by the way that tend to be more depressed and emotional are often some of those talented and creative people you'll meet historically that's true david was one of those guys but we also see the way david worked through that um let me give you an example he was out fighting battles with his 600 men when they got home there's their little village where they all lived was burnt to the ground and their wives and their children were taken hostage and the men were so bummed they're like david what were you doing you had us out fighting battles when we should have been protecting our own homes and so mad were they at david they started to pick up rocks and they thought to stone him their leader their captain stone him to death and we know that david's really bummed at this point that would be a depressing day you lost your family your cities burned to the ground and your men want to kill you that's a bad day so the bible says so david did what he encouraged himself in the lord that's what it says first samuel chapter 30 he encouraged himself in the lord what does that mean well as it turns out psalm 42 is the scripture he wrote at that moment in his life when you read psalm 42 under the superscription there it says the psalm when david was getting his family back at ziklag the the town where this was at and um and so what did david do in encouraging himself that's when he said why art thou cast down o my soul he asked himself now i can give him an answer because your men want to kill you your kids kids and your wives are all taken captive you have a reason to be depressed david that's what i would say but david says why aren't thou cast down he says hope thou in god he tells himself this he's talking to himself about where where his hope lies and it's not in his ability to defend himself or to not get stoned by his guys for those of you from portland getting stoned in the bible means rocks uh thrown at you um just a little point of clarification um and so david his life's on the line you know and he encourages himself in the lord and says hope in god why art thou cast down why am i so disquiet hope thou and god that's what he says um so brett you're saying that we should just pull ourselves up by our bootstraps when we're depressed well that's ridiculous and psychology doesn't support that well actually i'm not saying just pull yourself up by your bootstraps there's actually biblical examples of a little more of a nuance of what that's all about and we find that in david but we also maybe find it even better here in lamentations with jeremiah where jeremiah is depressed but let's review remember the verses we left off on last week i want to pick those up this will be our text for today and we'll kind of think through and pray through and meditate on this because it's worth worth our time these are glorious verses some of my favorite in the bible it's uh you know lamentations chapter 3. verse 21 lamentations 3 21 it says there this i recall to my mind therefore i have hope it is of the lord's mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not they are new every morning great is thy faithfulness and he goes on with some great stuff we'll look at that on wednesday night the rest of his talking about what the lord does but these these three verses here are profound how jeremiah does this now now many of you have heard this hymns have been written about these words that jeremiah writes because they're so glorious and they're smack dab here in the middle of the book of lamentations and jeremiah man he he he says this but but if you read the verses before you're like what just happened it's almost a little disorienting when you read the whole chapter because verses 1 through 20 might just be some of the most miserable words i've ever read jeremiah chapter your lamentations chapter 3 verses 1. jeremiah in these let's let's read these 20 verses because i want you to see the context of what jeremiah is going through here he's about as depressed as it gets and he paints this very depressing picture are you ready hold on to your hat it says here in lamentations 3 1 jeremiah says i am the man that have seen affliction by the rod of his wrath the rod of whose wrath the lord's remember the lord says i'm spanking israel with my rod and they're they're getting disciplined and jeremiah says i've seen the affliction verse two he hath led me and brought me into darkness but not into light surely verse 3 against me as he turned he turneth his hand against me all the day question is that a thought distortion where jeremiah said the lord's turned against me and he's led me to the darkness is that what really happened i think that's deception the enemy i think is working on old jeremiah saying man look at the lord's failed you he's mad at you jeremiah and it gets worse verse three surely against me as he turned he's turned his hand against me all the day my flesh and my skin has to be made old he has broken my bones he hath build it against me and compass me with gall and travail he has set me in dark places as they that be dead of old he has hedged me about that i cannot get out he has made my chain heavy now this is pretty brutal um he's saying i feel boxed in i have nowhere to go have you ever been in that place where you feel like you have zero options that's where jeremiah remember where is jeremiah when he's writing this if you recall he has been in literal heavy chains remember um after 42 years of preaching and no one else no one listening to jeremiah that's tough enough then the babylonians crushed jerusalem wiped out the city and then what happened to jeremiah jeremiah gets chained up by the babylonians they start to walk him toward babylon when remember the commanding officer of the babylonian army um debut is our addend he comes up and says jeremiah you know you guys are going through this because you guys have forsaken the lord and you're a bunch of sinners remember jeremiah saying he must be thinking no duh that's what i've been preaching for 40 42 years this guy's like jeremiah you guys are guilty and he's like yeah okay and the guy says well you can go to babylon and hang out with me or you can stay here what do you want to do and and jeremy said i'd like to stay here so they drop all the chains and they they leave him in a pile of garbage in jerusalem what could be worse well then these ammonites came and they attacked jeremiah and baruch and just a small group that's there and left in jerusalem and they chained them up again and start taking them to amman jordan but then a guy you know johannan comes and rescues jeremiah and beirut and they take the chains off again and they come back to jerusalem remember the story and then they're like okay jeremiah we're in trouble get elia got murdered who's the leader the babylonians left in charge now he's dead the babylon's gonna kill us what do we do do we run to egypt or should we stay here and hide like what should we do jeremiah said i'll go and pray we'll do whatever you tell us jeremiah so jeremiah goes for 10 days and prays comes back and says okay you guys the lord says do not go to egypt stay here and i'll protect you and they said jeremiah you're a liar we hate you and so they made jeremiah go with them to egypt when was lamentations written right before they left to go to egypt when they made jeremiah and beeru go with them i mean jeremiah has been through the mill he has had a tough ministry to say the least and and now he's saying there's no place for me to go i'm boxed in i'm out of out of options and the lord has left me in darkness and my chains are heavy that's what he says let's read on he says verse 8 also when i cry and shout he shutteth out my prayer was the lord shutting out jeremiah's prayer nope that's a deception that's one of the things the enemy will whisper in your thought distortion that the lord doesn't hear your prayers verse nine he hath enclosed my ways with hewn stone he hath made my paths crooked he was unto me as a bear lying in weight as a lion in secret places he hath turned aside my ways and pulled me in pieces you have made me desolate if bent his bow and set me as a mark for the arrow i'm a bull's-eye have you ever felt like you're a target for trouble people are shooting at you jeremiah the lord's shooting at me and i'm the bullseye i've got a mark on my back in verse 13 he has caused the arrows of his quiver to enter into my reigns i was a derision to all my people and their song and all their day the word derision and the king jimmy here it means laughing stock i've become a laughingstock everybody's laughing at me verse 15. you have filled me with bitterness you have made me drunken with wormwood wormwood is a word in the bible that sort of the equivalent of poison verse 16 he has broken my teeth with gravel stones he hath covered me with ashes and thou hast removed my soul far off from peace i forgot prosperity and i said my strength and my hope is perished from the lord remembering mine affliction and my misery the wormwood and the gall my soul hath them until still in remembrance and is humbled in me i told you it was depressing like jeremiah's wouldn't you say he's a little blue he he's feeling like man life is over i'm in the darkness god is forsaking me he doesn't hear my prayers i'm boxed in even lord's shooting arrows at me i mean he's got all this stuff and and by the way none of this is true but this is the classic example of someone who's really really depressed and is just not seeing things clearly that's jeremiah how does he pull up out of that does he look in the mirror and say i'm a prophet of the lord and i'm good enough and i'm smart enough and jesus one day will quote me is that what he is that what he said is that what he did no actually what he does is he totally shifts gears instantly and that's why this is such a shocker he goes from this horrible depression to suddenly verse 21 this i recall to mind therefore i have hope because everything he said earlier was hopeless but he says something has come to mind now and this is why i have hope verse 21 and here it is verse 22 it is of the lord's mercies that were not consumed because his compassions fail not they are new every morning great is thy faithfulness do you see how the context of these three verses it's like he just totally does a 180 going from misery and despair to suddenly but i remember something and i recall the hope that i have and the hope is this that man his mercies are new every morning great is his faithfulness his compassions fail not you see i think we can learn from jeremiah and there's great lessons to be learned you know it's the same thing david did when david encouraged himself in the lord instead of encouraging yourself and yourself that's what psychology tends to want you to do either you do that or you medicate and there's a place for medication for sure but but i worry that christians we so quickly turn to medications and stuff and it's not me saying this the world even secular medicine is saying yeah way too many take drugs that are altering serotonin levels and there's a lot of people that really shouldn't be on these drugs but they are um some people do need them i'm convinced that they can be used and as long as it's first seeking first the lord's praying not just going right to i kind of feel a little depressed and suddenly the doctor will take these and people just do this so quickly um i i'm worried that we're doing that it's not just me it's it's legitimate medical science is saying yeah too many people are on drugs um so what's the alternative then brett just pull yourself up by your bootstraps no let's learn from jeremiah notice number one with me as you're jotting down your notes number one jeremiah's recollection this is where his you know thought distortion if you want to call it that or his you know deception from the enemy this is where it comes to a halt is when he recalls it's it says in verse 29 then this i recall to mind therefore i have hope he recalls the things which give him hope and it's not that he's smart enough and that he's good enough and people like him because none of that really is true he recalls to hope the lord he sets his eyes on the lord he gets his eyes off of himself and says but i recall that which gives me hope the lord man i love that that's the secret to remember who the lord is and what he does jeremiah was coming up with a bunch of harebrained ideas of what was going on the lord's forsaken me he doesn't hear my prayers he's led me to darkness he's shooting arrows at me he's like a bear in the in the thicket waiting to pounce on me like all of that was really not true but finally he recalls that which is true that which gives him hope i love that question do you know the good things that you can recall that the lord has done for you personally but also what the scripture says practically about who the lord really is man we all are tempted to think with those same lies and deceptions that the lord's mad at you and hates you that you're a sinner and god's really disappointed in you um i still maintain i've i say this and once in a while somebody will say oh the lord can be disappointed in people nope can't he can be grieved by someone's behavior but the lord cannot be disappointed and i'll tell you why disappointment means you didn't expect it to happen i'm so disappointed brett is such a disappointment nope that's not what the lord says the lord looks at brett and says i knew he was going to do that i totally knew he was a loser already there's no shock there no disappointment um the lord's not disappointed in you that's a lie from the enemy he can be grieved by our actions but the disappointment is a human characteristic i don't think the lord can have because nothing surprises the lord but um but the enemy will whisper that one oh the lord's gonna he's mad at you or disappointed in you and or your sins are just too bad for the lord to forgive you've done that sin one too many times and the lord he sees that you're not really repentant and this and that and we start remembering you know things that are just not even really true but it's when jeremiah recalls things that were true now now you and i are blessed even more than jeremiah because jeremiah didn't have the new testament we do and we can remind ourselves that the truth of scripture that the lord man if you confess your sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness like the lies about us feel like god's not going to forgive us for our sins the bible makes it clear that's just thought distortion some people give up i just i'm done being a christian i just can't be good enough well wait a minute the bible says no one is good enough the best news is he was good enough and that's what jeremiah's recollection does he recalls what the lord did for him who the lord is not who jeremiah himself is you see there's there's a difference psychology says dig into yourself and figure out your own thoughts about yourself the bible says forget about yourself and remember the lord isaiah the prophet said thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on what ourselves no whose mind is stayed on him when you keep your mind stayed upon the lord the lord will then keep you in perfect peace that's what people need is peace for their soul that's what jeremiah needs he even said man i have no peace the peace is gone he says there in this little rant you know in verses 1-20 jeremiah's recollection and by recalling and remembering man how do you also recall there's another way not just the scriptures and the promises of god's word but also uh to write down the good things the lord has done i would recommend that you know you grab a good journal or you know if you're if you're more of a digital person get into your notes and and record the great things the lord has done in your life because i've noticed that when i'm in my thought distortion or my deception mode when i'm thinking things are really bad and blue the last thing i'm very good at is remembering all the good things the lord has done for me and so there's there's journals that i have in my office that i wrote 10 years ago even and i can flip through and see wow look what the lord did during those things that i was all depressed about back then look how the lord brought me through that and the things that i worried about had nothing to do with reality and you can remember you can recall just like jeremiah the things that the lord has done for you so you've got the word and the promises of the word but do you have things written down of all the great things laura's done for you i would recommend that you start recording some of that stuff especially we're in a peppy mood write it down because you might need that on a rainy day what are the things the lord has done for me again look at your list and oh yeah jeremiah's recollection it reminds me of psalm 111 because the lord says that's why he even does wonderful things that they are meant to be remembered it says this he hath made his wonderful works to be remembered the lord is gracious and full of compassion what did the lord want us to do to remember his wondrous works that's why he made his wonderful works they were meant to be remembered paul told young timothy as a young minister in training paul said a good minister will keep the brethren in remembrance of these things now i got to tell you one of the things about going through the bible like we do here at the creek um some of you might think well bret he's already talked about this once before get used to it repetition is the mother of all learning and when you go verse by verse chapter 8 chapter the bible as it turns out the bible can be in some ways repetitive similar themes come up over and over again and guess what you and i whether you know it or not we can't get enough of it because the lord wants us to remember his wondrous works his he has made his wonderful works to be remembered the lord is gracious and full of compassion isn't that funny remember i told you about the uh the the alphabet and the whole book of lamentations why would god want the jews to memorize that book um i think it's because this is a great thing to remember that when you're in the dumps like the israelites were at that time like jeremiah was man you got to remember you've got to remember that you you know the lord's wondrous works to get you through that time so jeremiah's recollection is the first thing that kind of starts to change gears here for him number two on our list of observations jeremiah's reality suddenly has a moment of great clarity and this is one of those things that might seem a little masochistic at first but i think it's really healthy and that is jeremiah knew what the reality was of what he really deserved as jeremiah was a good guy but he was still a sinner and jeremiah's reality is when he pops out of his stupor one of the first things he says is he says in in verse 22 it is of the lord's mercies that we are not consumed in other words he's recognizing we all deserve to be consumed dead history toast curtains that's what we deserve and it's only because the lord is merciful that we're not consumed he's remembering that he's doing better than he deserves have you ever talked to somebody how are you doing they say better than i deserve that's a person who usually gets that you know what what we deserve is death and hell eternally everything starts looking pretty good after that you know it's not such a bad day because i'm not in hell spurgeon used to preach that that preacher from the old days who by the way dealt with depression all the time great preacher from the 1800s in london but one of the things he was famous for saying he says you know as long as you're alive and not in hell that's a good day it's true i'm a little depressed hey but you're alive and you're not in hell that's good that's kind of what jeremiah's doing he's he's really bummed out and he's really blue and then suddenly says but i remember the glorious things the lord has done but i also remember that it's of the lord's mercies that i'm not consumed i deserve to be consumed but the lord has not consumed me in the same way that's something when you're depressed to remind yourself that man i'm doing better than i deserve even though i'm a little blue or depressed or bummed that man at least i'm not in hell and i have the hope of heaven see this is where you're not thinking about yourself you're thinking about the glorious things the lord has done it's in the lord that we find real lasting legitimate encouragement and so jeremiah's reality is men i deserve much worse but the lord has been good to me um you know i think a lot of us think that we deserve good stuff because we're we're a culture of people that are very entitled you know as americans we believe we deserve freedom and we deserve life liberty in the pursuit of happiness now i'm thankful that that's been our mantra over the years as americans but but we don't deserve that by the way we deserve death in hell so anything after that is pretty good actually the lord could have just said i'm going to give you what you deserve but he doesn't do that that's why he's merciful he's merciful to sinners like us i was thinking about this when i was a kid do you guys remember back in the 80s um the bug zapper lights i remember i was in the backyard and my dad comes carrying the biggest bugs it was kind of a new invention back then and you know they have that black light and kind of this blue light and this little weird thing and and we had huge bugs in southern oregon you know what this little different climate down there and man we had mosquitoes that could pick up and fly away with you i mean they were huge big bugs and you know and i get eaten alive in the backyard so you know it was kind of a bummer but i was so excited because he was bringing home this huge bug zapper and we'd sit there eating our hamburgers off the barbecue and but right there you guys remember this bugs would be oh the light and they'd fly toward the light and as they come in once in a while you'd be eating a burger or whatever else and a bug would get kind of stuck in the element there you know what i'm saying and it starts to smoke a little bit you smell this roasted bug aroma and then the little wings would flutter to the ground and there'd be a pile of bugs at the bottom and it was working i guess but i remember as a kid looking at i thought you know i'm so glad that's not what the lord does to us the lord says i am the light of the world oh lord thank you that's what we deserve we deserve that but the lord says no i'm going to be merciful and compassion you deserve death in hell but i'm i'm going to be merciful i love it it's of the lord's mercies that were not consumed jeremiah this is the one of the first steps really in him realizing that all of the stuff that he was saying is actually wrong he's not done he's not consumed he's not totally desolate like he said jeremiah is reality so you got jeremiah's recollection that his hope lies in the lord his reality of what he really deserves is death and hell but his reality is the lord's been merciful to him and that brings us number three jeremiah's reason you might say reasoning what was his reasoning see he was depressed but he sort of talked himself out of it not by looking at his inner self and thinking about his past and and you know saying you're a good person and people like you none of that his reasoning he had legitimate logical reasoning as to why he wasn't supposed to continue in this mode of depression and the reasons were absolutely true for not being dressed there's four main elements that we've already talked about really here that's listed he says it's of the lord's mercies that we're not consumed so has mercy number one that's one reason you don't need to be depressed lord's mercy number two that his compassions fail not we haven't really talked about that one aren't you thankful the lord is compassionate man jesus looked over jerusalem and wept over jerusalem because he was compassionate um you know jesus was all these little kids wanted to run up to jesus because i was like get these kids out of here and she said oh suffer the little children to come unto me why because he was compassionate you know jesus looked at the woman caught in adultery they were ready to stone her to death and jesus was compassionate upon moved with compassion we see that phrase associated with jesus all the time he's compassionate and it says here his compassions fail not you and my compassions fail all the time are you a compassionate person oh it's easy to be compassion when you see you have compassion you see a little puppy that's abused oh the poor little puppy i wonder sometimes people are more compassionate about things that are kind of goofy when we really should be passionate compassionate about real things you know what's interesting is i believe that if you knew the story the full story every detail of a person's life you would probably be more compassionate toward that person even the person that drives you nuts at work if you knew their upbringing and what happened to them at home and if you knew the things they have struggled with and you'd start to see why they behave the way they do at work instead of just being angry and think what a jerk i bet you'd be compassionate how do i know that there's there's evidence because jesus is compassionate to you and me god has a compassion for all of humanity that's amazing for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever anybody would believe in him will have everlasting life that's compassion for the whole world how can god have compassion for the world the answer he knows the whole story he knows everything about you and yet he's got a compassion for you i wonder if you're driving down the freeway and somebody cut you off you don't know who they are you don't even know if it's a man or a woman but what a jerk and you think that person's a jerk but what if you knew their whole story i'm convinced if suddenly god flashed that person who just cut you off on the freeway flash that person's life before you and you saw the reason why they're in such a hurry today and why they weren't looking when they changed lanes if you could see the whole story i bet you'd be compassionate because that's what the lord he knows how much of a sinner you are the mistakes you're going to make and the ones you've yet to even make he knows all that and yet he still has compassion on you um it was uh henry wadsworth longfellow who said this and i think he put this eloquently he said if we could only read the secret history of our enemies we would find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility i think that's true if we can only read the secret history of our enemies we would find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility that's really what the lord does he knows all of our hurts and pains and suffering we have a high priest hebrews says that has felt every suffering and thing we've felt he understands he gets it and he shows compassion and good news reason number two for jeremiah is the lord's compassions fail not they never fail so his mercy number one his compassion number two and then the new start daily they're new every morning every morning his mercies are new this is where the old hymn comes morning by morning new mercies we see that's the lord jeremiah's reasoning is logical and accurate and while he's sitting around moping and depressed he starts saying okay wait my hope is in the lord i deserve death and hell but the lord is compassionate and merciful and also every single day i get a new start with the lord that's what he's saying and then he finishes it off topping it off icing on the cake great is the faithfulness of the lord the lord is faithful see when the world says you need to get your thought distortions in order and think through yourself you're you're thinking i'm a champion and i have i have the wherewithal to fix my problem and help myself and and the problem is the deeper you dig in yourself the more disappointed you're going to be you won't like what you find there but when you look deeper in the lord you'll find that his compassions feel not his mercies are new but also his faithfulness is great he's the faithful one and his faithfulness is the only one that matters you might have faithlessness you might be weak in your faith but the lord says i gotcha my faithfulness great now when the bible says great you know we use that word great oh that's really great isn't it funny how we overstate oh man that little you know that little thing is awesome we use the word awesome way too often i think hey man do you see that pizza it's awesome i wouldn't agree with you about pizza but but it's funny what we call awesome but isn't it something when the bible says something's great do you understand it's legitimately great great is the faithfulness of god jeremiah's reason for not being depressed was legitimate logical and that's kind of how he pulls himself back out of this stupor is he says i'm going to put my hope in the lord not of myself i'm going to remember that i deserve death in hell but look at the lord what he's done for me those four things mercy newness each day compassions of fail not great faithfulness that's that's what he you know reasons in his thinking but then there's a final thought here that i want to bring in that's really important and you might think that it's a little disconnected but it's not and it has to do with once the lord has done this for you and you realize what jeremiah has realized and you're out of that depression then you and i are held to something that's kind of important because uh you know when we have thought distortions and thinking you know lies from the enemy about how the lord has forsaken us a lot once you realize the lord is good and he's done all this merciful kindness compassion for you the problem the next thing i see people depressed about is when they're unforgiving themselves when they forget to forgive other people when they're bitter in their own heart and and and the bible teaches us when you have been the recipient like jeremiah like us of god's compassion and his mercy new mourning mercies and that his faithfulness is great guess what you then once you've been lifted up in that way you've got to start reciprocating that behavior of the lord to other people you and i are called to that and that brings to the the fourth and final point our responsibility what is our responsibility as people well it's just to be like the lord to be like christ who forgives and is compassionate and his mercies are new every morning this is a serious thing by the way because the bible teaches you and me um some scary stuff like if you're unwilling to forgive everybody else then the lord won't forgive you the quickest way to stop what jeremiah was relishing loving that man the lord's merciful and compassionate and faithful guess what the biggest way to stop that and make that not work is for you to be forgiven happy receiving the lord's mercy but then being begrudging you know keeping a record of sin holding grudges that's going to destroy you the second group of people i see depressed in this world are a lot a lot of times people that are unforgiving if you want to be messed up harbor unforgiveness in your heart towards someone and this is so sad i i i've seen this far too much and i'm not arguing that people haven't done horrible things i mean how many people have been abused molested beaten in their childhood i mean like the numbers are alarming and i don't even know if we really know uh because half the time this stuff never even comes out but what i've noticed is about this and i've been in ministry long enough to know that yeah that the deeds are horrible that people have done abuse and stuff like that but the the problem is the abuser goes on and with their merry way and i trust that the lord's gonna you know vengeance's mind say the lord i will repay so the lord's gonna deal with that but i've noticed how much the person who's been abused or the victim which we're a victim culture we celebrate victimhood but we're the ones who actually lose when we hold unforgiveness and bitterness so the lord is forgiving you and hearted towards you and his compassion and you can be happy about that but when you're the one who's been the recipient of you know ill treatment and sin man you've got to be the person to be like the lord and forgive otherwise you'll end up right back in that place of misery and despair um flip on over to matthew chapter 18 real quick with me um now this cracks me up peter i love peter because i can relate to him he's always saying stupid stuff and he thinks he's doing good things but he's just kind of it seems like the lord's like no no no no peter uh just sit down be quiet but peter's like oh i got it i loaded but this is one of those moments i think you think this is the time i'm gonna get it right so he's so excited to ask jesus a question because i think as i know you know the first century there was a teaching going around with the pharisees and i think peter stole his material from the pharisees and so this is what happens in matthew 18. that's great it says in matthew 18 verse 21 then peter came to jesus and said lord how oft shall i shall my brother sin against me and i forgive him till seven times now this repeats like ah this is great i'm being so magnanimous forgiving i mean a guy sins against me and seven times that's a lot of forgiveness seven times now in the hebrew culture seven is the number of completion and perfection so and and by the way the pharisees did teach this the pharisee says yeah you forgive someone up to seven times but on the eighth time they're toast you don't have to forgive them anymore that was what the pharisees taught so peter's like okay i'm going to try this out i heard them say this and this jesus is going to be so impressed with my knowledge so jesus if my brother stands against me how many times should i forgive seven times and i'm sure he's thinking jesus is gonna say oh peter well done though good and faithful servant you're amazing you're gonna be the next pope um that's not that's not what jesus said as it turns out what he says here is verse 22 jesus said unto him i say not unto thee until seven times but until seventy times seven now i know some of you are already thinking the math people listen carry the one 490 times you're going to forget but 491 that's when they're toast that's still a lot of forgiveness but that's not the point that jesus was making you know jesus took peter's little seven and said no no 70 times seven like you don't even have a clue how many times you're supposed to forgive somebody and by the way the pharisees and peter and all those guys should have known what forgiveness really should look like because how long does the lord's forgiveness last we know his mercy endures for how long forever that's how long the lord's mercy endures so you know peter had he known you know the psalms and what the bible says about mercy he should have said yeah i guess you got to keep forgiving kind of in infinity but peter kind of was listening to the pharisees now now here's where it gets a little sketchy jesus then tells a little story after this little conversation peter not seven times 70 times seven and then he tells the story and this one makes me a little uneasy check it out verse 23 goes on in matthew 18. therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened to a certain king which would take account of his servants and you know some financial accounting and verse 24 when he had begun to reckon one of the servants was brought unto him which owed him 10 000 talents now it's interesting because scholarship doesn't know exactly what 10 000 talents would look like how much money was that we don't know but they they'd make guesses the most conservative lowest number that scholarship believes that 10 000 talents would would be 58 pounds of gold this guy owed some money big bucks he the servant owed the master so verse 25 it says but for as much as he had not to pay his lord commanded him to be sold and his wife and his children and all that he had as payment to be made that was the tradition of the day if you owed money and you couldn't pay it back they'd make you a slave and your family until you paid it back and oftentimes it would take decades to or more to earn enough as a slave to actually pay off your debt this guy would have been a slave for the rest of his life and his family but then verse 26 the servant therefore fell down and worshipped him saying lord have patience with me and i will pay thee still play thee all verse 27 then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion and loosed him and forgave the debt wow 58 pounds of gold yeah okay you don't owe me anything anymore i forgive you of your debt that's giant but verse 28 the same servant went out and found one of his fellow servants which owed him a hundred pence now how much is a hundred pence we actually know that number it's like five cents it's like pennies so he goes and finds his servant this other servant that owes him a hundred pence and lays his hands on him and took him by the throat saying pay me that thou owest and his fellow servant fell down at his feet and beside him saying have patience with me and i will pay the all but he would not but went and cast him into prison until he paid the debt so when his fellow servants saw what was done they were very sorry and they came and told it to their lord all that was done and then his lord after that he had called him said unto him oh thou wicked servant i forgave thee all that debt because you desired me should us thou also have had compassion on your fellow servant even as i had pity on you and his lord was wrath and delivered him to the tormentors until he should pay all that was due to him so likewise here's where it gets spooky verse 35 so likewise shall my heavenly father do also unto you if from your hearts forgive not everyone is brother their trespasses that make you a little nervous if you have one little speck of unforgiveness in your heart towards someone who sinned against you even if they haven't said their sorrow yet you're in dangerous territory unforgiveness and bitterness is going to mess you up and man if you want to be depressed just keep being bitter just keeping being unforgiving you see um here's where jesus is saying all that compassion and all that mercy and all that stuff that jeremiah was recollecting that's all good right up until you don't reciprocate the same behavior to people who've wronged you there's a link to misery and despair when a person is unforgiving so as a pastor when i read the bible and i hear people say you know i'm never forgiving them who uncle bill because uncle bill did something or said something or you know whatever when i was young and i'm not going to i was unforgivable boy if you're saying something's unforgivable you're already in trouble and the lord says if you're not willing to forgive people who've wronged you then my father in heaven is not gonna forgive you of your sins see this is where jeremiah said man i deserve death in hell it's of the lord's mercies that were not consumed all of us deserve death and hell so unless somebody's done something worse than sending you to hell for all of eternity it's not bad enough for you to hold a grudge do you understand that this is huge i'm telling you something that's huge the reason i say this is because too many people are still wrecked and their lives are ruined the the the sinner the abuser the person who's wrong you they go on their merry way and they just live their life but you're the one who gets messed up by unforgiveness and bitterness ephesians 4 31 and 32 says it's the same the same thing really it says be ye kind one to another tender hearted forgiving one another even as god for christ's sake has forgiven you even as lord has forgiven you you're supposed to forgive others and guess what the lord forgave you before you were even sorry you and i have a tall order when it comes to doing what the lord does but the quickest way to depression is to wallow in your misery look at yourself but also to keep unforgiveness in your heart once you're forgiven of the lord my my word to you today is to do what the bible says you know first peter says the same thing by the way jotted down in your notes first peter 3 verses 8 and 9 it says finally be ye all of one mind having compassion of one another as love as brethren be pitiful that means to have pity on people uh be courteous not rendering evil for evil railing for railing but contra wise or contrary to being evil for evil railing for railing be contrary to that blessing knowing that you are there unto call that you should inherit a blessing you see the knee-jerk human reactions when somebody wrongs you is to give evil for evil or what's railing for railing that means when somebody has done something to you then you rail on them publicly um here's how that looks you have a job that you once had i mean your employer did something wrong to you let's say they had a legitimate you you have a legitimate beef against your former employer they didn't pay you the money they owed you they didn't give you appreciation they didn't pay you enough the people treated you badly whatever it is so you leave that job and then for the rest of your life whenever remember when you used to work for such-and-such oh yeah a bunch of losers bunch of thieves that's railing for railing right there you're still bitter a job that boss what a jerk what does the bible say approve that which is excellent but there's nothing excellent about my former employer hey what about that job used to have well you know what they had the most beautiful blue carpet in their office it was it was so nice you got to find something to say remember your mom told you if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all this verse says instead of railing for railing or evil for evil blessing you speak blessing upon those that have wronged jesus talked about being kind to those that have wronged you and persecuted you bless those that curse you the bible is so opposite of what our knee-jerk reaction is but the blessing is you're blessing those that have cursed you here in this verse first peter 3 8-9 it says knowing that you are there unto called that you should receive or inherit a blessing too many people are walking up bummed because they haven't received the blessing of first peter 3 8-9 by just letting that stuff go forgiving people before they're sorry because that's the that's the reason we can rejoice even in the midst of depression because we can remember this is what the lord has done for us he's forgiven us his mercies fail not his compassions fail not his faithfulness fails not he's just constantly loving faithful merciful unkind and so because of that you and i have our marching orders to be more like him too many people are still in their blues and despair because they don't get this balance of first of all who the lord is which should pull you up out of your despair but then to stay in that place of goodness you then have to not only receive that forgiveness and mercy of the lord but then start to show the mercy and the forgiveness of the lord that's our responsibility i'll tell you you know depression is is nasty and it's big and i'm not diminishing its reality at all i hope you understand that but i am saying it's a serious problem that the world thinks it has its remedy but there's a reason why if we were if psychology was really working don't you think we would start as humanity generally getting better i got some stats here and this is what i finished with depression during covid since last year one year ago this week the depression rate of u.s adults has tripled there's been a tripling of the depression rate uh in all the different demographic groups kids middle age elderly and most are linked to financial worries um it's interesting because the results show that 27.8 percent of adults report reported depression symptoms in contrast with 8.5 of adults before the pandemic increases were higher across the spectrum of depression severity from mild 24.6 versus 16 before the pandemic too severe which now is five percent of the population versus 0.7 severe depression of our population so severe depression is way up here's interesting before the pandemic women were more likely to have depression symptoms than men but for some reason during the coronavirus in the last year this has kind of baffled those that study these things that basically the same number 22.2 of women and 21.9 of men are dealing with depression during this pandemic men are are more depressed now than than they have been in times past and maybe it has to do with being a little bit out of control and not sure about your job and the finances and providing and all this stuff but kind of where men feel their satisfaction and safety some of that's been taken away and men are not really given as much to say yeah it's all about fear but this last year has been all about fear and people are depressed so it's a real thing and people are dealing with it but learn from lamentations as their jeremiah he makes the coronavirus crisis look like nothing what he's gone through in verses 1 through 20 are profound but he pulls up out of this stupor by remembering who god is how much god loves him the hope that we have in christ i pray that you will use this jeremiah's words from lamentations three as your tools to pull up out of those depression times remembering the lord and what he's done in jesus name let's pray lord how i take this time to lift up those who are dealing with depression a very real thing and and um lord i know that you can feel people can feel like jeremiah that the they're boxed in that you're shooting arrows at them that you're mad at them that they're in the darkness lord i understand it's a very heavy and real thing but we also know that what jeremiah jeremiah's conclusion was about who you are was even more real and lord how thankful we are that you are the one that has not consumed us with the destruction that we deserve but it's of your mercies that were not consumed and lord your mercies are new every morning help us to be remembering these things that every day is a new day and you forgive us of our old sins of yesterday that your compassion doesn't fail even though you know everything about us you still have this heart of love and compassion toward us and lord our faithfulness is faltering fickle but great is your faithfulness lord we just celebrate on this sunday morning the glorious truth help us to be reasonable help us not to listen to those lies of the enemy that come into our head about your your anger at us or you're disappointed in us or that we'll never be victorious or never see the end of our troubles lord help us not to believe that stuff those are lies not just thought distortions true lies from the enemy so help us to think of the truth help us to keep our mind stayed upon you and then let you keep us in perfect peace lord so wrap your loving arms around those who are struggling encourage the the souls lord even in this room or watching online of people who are down lord may they be encouraged by this good word from the scriptures and this we pray in jesus name amen amen let's stand together and if you're not a christian if you're not one who's accepted christ man there's a reason to be blue your sins are still stuck you have not been forgiven of your sins that's why you the bible requires us to accept and believe and before everybody leaves and those of you guys are leaving i'll pray for your salvation no just kidding just a little joke um i understand get out of the parking lot um but before you leave can i challenge you to do two things number one um if you're a christian let this this final song we sing just be a an acknowledgement of everything that we just said that's the lord's mercy and his goodness we have reason to praise him for that number two if you're not a christian the mercy is there right there for the taking you just need to accept it and after this song there's going to be pastors right up here by the front they'd love to pray with you if they're standing here just kind of hanging out go up to one of those guys i'd like to pray and accept christ and they can they can pray a confession of faith where you receive we won't sign you up or get all your information or any of that stuff but we will pray with you you can walk out of here knowing that it's the lord's mercies that has been put up on your life so don't forget that in jesus name let's close with a song your love is like radiant diamonds bursting inside us [Music] we cannot [Music] will surely come find us [Music] like blazing wildfires singing your name got a mercy sweet love of mine i have surrendered to your desires and may this offering stretch across the sky [Music] these like radiant diamonds bursting inside us we cannot contain your love will it will surely come blazing wildfires sweet love of mine [Music] stretch across the skies [Music] i don't [Music] to your design [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] and your love will surely come and lord we are so thankful for that truth you are the god of mercy lord we are just so thankful for what we learned that you um your mercies are new every morning your compassions fail not we love you we thank you so much for that truth go before us now as we go about our week may you just be the center of our lives in jesus name amen amen thank you for joining us you guys are dismissed
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 2,077
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Brett Meador, Bible, Church, Teaching, Study, Christian, Jesus, Oregon, Through the Bible, Athey Creek, Athey Creek Church, Athey Creek Christian Fellowship
Id: 6ciUY4Ircr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 0sec (5400 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.