Full Service | Sunday April 25, 2021

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good morning ap creek would you stand with us thank you so much for being here we're excited to get into the word but before we do that let's sing some songs together give the lord our worship for he is so worthy to be praised amen let's sing together we lift our voice and bring you [Music] praise glory on display [Music] all blessings flow from you all your promises are true [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] humbly [Music] with us you are faithful to me is [Music] [Music] [Music] is you foreign [Music] broken [Music] what was lost is now restored we give you praise forevermore [Music] all the angels are falling on their faces at the foot of the highest throne [Music] [Music] holy [Music] jesus it's only for you [Music] the gates of [Music] [Applause] [Music] is the darkness [Music] [Music] jesus let's say this [Music] yours is the victory [Music] yours is the victory for foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] is is me [Applause] [Music] is jesus this morning we do sing holy holy holy lord god almighty who was and is and is to come [Music] father we praise you for your power for your might for your word that is always true and steadfast so as we continue to worship you now may you just be enthroned upon the praises of your people this morning in jesus name amen let's continue to sing together [Music] worthy of every song we could ever see worthy of all the praise we could ever bring worthy of every [Music] every jesus name [Music] jesus the only one who could ever say [Music] i'm worthy of every breath [Music] [Music] there is no one like [Music] show me who you are your heart and lead me worthy of every song we could ever see worthy of every breath we could ever [Music] breathe jesus [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] is who you are [Music] and is me who you are oh we trust you jesus your word on your promises build my life upon your love it is a firm foundation i will [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will i will and i will [Music] you are me oh we trust you jesus and i will build my life i will put my trust [Music] i will shaken be shaken [Music] so [Music] you give life you are love you bring light to the darkness you restore every heart that is [Music] it's [Music] [Music] you give life you are love you bring light [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we pour out our praise to [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] but we give this to you the same our hearts will cry these bones [Music] our hearts will cry these bones [Music] is is so [Music] [Music] [Music] and father this morning we do pour out our praise for your word tells us in you we live and move and have our being and we're so thankful for that lord as we get ready to open your word may we just have ears to hear what your spirit would say to the church this morning go before us now we love you so much and it's in jesus name we pray amen open your bibles to the book of philippians ezekiel what a blessing to go through that book but this is kind of a fun change of pace right old testament the hebrew bible now taking a look at the the new testament my first car was a 1988 toyota land cruiser and man ups and downs to that car uh like a lot of first cars are right if the up was you know summertime windows down the down was broken down on the side of the road the next day you know if the up the next new car stereo system that i found on craigslist for 30 dollars the down is that i still am getting eight miles per gallon that car man ups and downs ups and downs and in the bible ups and downs are are just about everywhere yeah on wednesday night we were kind of looking kind of deeply in matthew chapter three and four some contexts for you matthew chapter three is where jesus gets baptized right by john the baptist and then what happens a spirit in the form of a dove comes down a voice of heaven says this is my beloved son quite literally the next chapter the next verse even is then jesus was led into the desert to be tempted by the devil after every major blessing from above there's going to be a bummer coming down below and you can go to the bank on that so again philippians chapter 1 verse 12. that's going to be our text today and paul is writing to the church at philippi saying i would ye should understand brothers that the things which have happened to me have fallen out rather under the furtherance of the gospel so that my bonds in christ are manifest in all the palace that is the palace of caesar's court at that time caesar nero and in all other places and many of the brothers in the lord waxing confident in my bonds are much more bold to speak the word without fear some indeed preach christ even of envy and strife and some also of goodwill the one preach christ of contention not sincerely supposing to add affliction to my bonds but in the other of love knowing that i am set for the defense of the gospel here it is verse 18 what then notwithstanding every way whether in pretense or in truth christ is preached i there and do rejoice yea i will rejoice he repeats himself to kind of emphasize like an exclamation point paul situationally here is in jail he may even have been under like a house arrest kind of situation but not house arrest where there's the you know like the tracker on your ankle you know he would probably have been literally shackled to a guard at that time like physically you know dog on a leash kind of thing him roman soldier paul was like sweet this is an opportunity to minister it's like what yeah he's like i'm gonna count this as unto joy paul man he's like joy in suffering ups and downs it's like a contradiction man the english language is pretty crazy isn't it there's a thing i recently found out contra nym do you guys know what a contra nym is you have homophones you have synonyms uh contronyms it's another like a mode of the english language right a contronym is a word one single word that has two opposite meanings there's a lot of them there's like a hundred of them there's more than a hundred of them but there's they're a lot simpler than you think too like off the word off so you can turn a light off and disengage that light right you can disengage off turn it off no doubt yeah right light you turn it off but your alarm clock can also go off and engage so off can mean on wait hold on everything i knew it's all gone custom you can order like a custom guitar like a single one of a kind custom uh uh scale length inlays custom uh rosewood fretboard whatever you want custom one of a kind there's none like it or you can go to a country and the standard thing that everyone is doing is what it's custom to do this one thing that's opposite right one of a kind versus everyone's doing it or lastly a strike is good in bowling but bad in baseball somehow uh opposites same word opposite meaning right and bowling it means you hit them all in baseball means you actually hit nothing opposites paul joy i counted under joy in all of my suffering up down up down you might think yeah you know between the language that's not suffering you're joe you don't know suffering i don't but paul did second corinthians why don't you guys turn there second corinthians just a few pages back you have obviously matthew mark luke john acts and then the letters to the romans and then first second corinthians chapter 11. this is kind of a an interesting list almost a resume of sorts that paul is giving us paul called to be an apostle was representing jesus christ there's the map above and he went all over that he really did he had a heart for the jews but he was called to the gentiles in doing so chapter 11 verse 23. paul says are they ministers of christ i speak as a fool i am more he gets into this almost in a facetious kind of way but then he goes on and and says in laborers more abundant i've done more work i've done a lot of work in stripes above measure in prisons more frequent in deaths oft paul literally died it says in the book of acts he was preaching in a city they said stone him they took him outside the city stone him to death and then he was raised back up went back into the city and kept on preaching he literally died for the gospel it says in the book of acts verse 24 of the jews five times i received 40 stripes saved one that's like the 39 lashes times five from the jews verse 25 thrice i was beaten with rods once i was stoned thrice i suffered a shipwreck at a day and a night i've been in the deep in journeyings often in perils of waters and perils of robbers and perils of my own countrymen in perils by the heathen and perils in the city and perils in the wilderness in perils in the sea and perils among false brethren in witness and painfulness in watchings often in hunger and thirst and fastings often in cold and nakedness besides those things that with or without that which cometh upon me daily the care of all the churches he's saying i'm called to suffer but what is it what does he say in philippians he's like i count all that suffering as unto joy what that's crazy right he's like this resume like any like one or two of these things like hollywood would have made a movie about it you know what i mean like like like in verse uh what was it 24 or 25 it's a a night and a day i have been in the deep it's like what what was that talking about um he's gone through some stuff man he really has seen a lot and he counts it unto joy that's new testament example but all throughout the bible there's so many examples where people of the bible went through insanely hard things one of my favorite examples is in the book of genesis chapter 37 let's turn there we're going to kind of camp out there for the majority of the of the morning genesis 37 and this is the story of joseph joseph is a perfect picture of jesus if you guys haven't read through the book of genesis but specifically joseph the life and times of joseph chapter 37 pretty much to the end of the book is the story of joseph and what an awesome story it is the comparison between joseph and jesus is is amazing uh it's ordained for sure let me listen to just a couple a couple of the ones that we were able to jot down both joseph and jesus were shepherds of their father's sheep joseph was the shepherd to his father's sheep jesus was the great shepherd right joseph was the dearly beloved son of his father jesus was the only begotten son joseph was sent by his fathers to by his father to his brothers jesus was sent by the father to his brothers the jews joseph was the object of a plot to harm him jesus was the subject of a plot to to bring him harm joseph was hated by his brothers jesus was hated by his brothers the jews joseph had a robe taken from him jesus had his robes stripped from him joseph was taken to egypt and jesus if you remember as an infant he was also taken down to egypt joseph was sold for the price of a common slave of just a few pieces of silver so to jesus was also betrayed for a few pieces of silver the price of a common slave in the day joseph was tempted but jesus was also tempted in matthew chapter 4 as we saw on wednesday night joseph was falsely accused of a crime jesus was falsely accused of crime joseph was thrown into a dungeon jesus was thrown into a dungeon uh the dungeon of caiaphas joseph was bound in chains jesus was bound in chains joseph was placed with two other prisoners one who was saved one who is not saved jesus was hung on the cross with one person who would be saved in one person who would not be saved joseph was exalted after his sufferings jesus was exalted after his sufferings joseph was 30 years old at the state of his recognition we became the number two guy in all of egypt jesus was 30 years old at the beginning of his public ministry we see in matthew chapter 3. joseph wept over his brothers jesus wept over his brother's remember he said oh jerusalem joseph forgave those who wronged him jesus forgave those who wronged him when he said father forgive them for they know not what they do joseph saved the nation physically from famine jesus saved everyone spiritually joseph said that what men did to hurt him was used to save others but what men did to hurt jesus the father used to save everyone the comparison is just uncanny both jesus and joseph they knew ups and downs for sure jesus more than joseph but let's focus on joseph for the time being joseph any vignette of his life it's like man joseph hasn't made he's doing great but then you you sleep on it for a second and it's he's down in the dumps let's check it out verse one of chapter 37 in genesis and jacob dwelt in the land wherein his father was a stranger stranger in a strange land there in the land of canaan these are the generations of jacob joseph being 17 years old was feeding the flock with his brothers and the lad was with the sons of goliath and with the sons of zilpah his father's wives and joseph brought unto his father their evil report jacob asked joseph hey how's it going out there and joseph told the truth and not under peer pressure you know like i'm sure that the brothers were like hey if you tell dad we've been doing i'm going to kill you but he does it anyway but to find favor with uh jacob verse 3 now israel another name for jacob jacob loved joseph more than all his children because he was the son of his old age and he made him a coat of many colors now as a kid i mean come on it's fun to paint and color like the you know red and the blue and the orange and all that stuff with the coat of many colors maybe try and get away from that thinking the flannel graph version of joseph you know as a kid go to many colors technicolor dreamcoat you got to get away from that for a sec right some of you guys as margin would say a coat of like an asterisk there and say pieces like a coat of many pieces some people would say it's a coat of big sleeves the idea is it's a coat that's at the very least signifies like authority over his brothers the big sleeves like functionally would be uh uh um to to have your instruments as like an architect or whatever it may be stuffing it in your sleeves like that's i guess efficient back then or whatever uh but that's what they would do maybe a comparison today would be like uh um like a business suit and a briefcase right joseph's dad jacob gave him the leather briefcase with his name inscribed on it you know like a lawyer they have briefcases that's what they do whereas like a welder what is he gonna do with the briefcase like that's just not efficient that's not what he needs um the brothers would see that coat and know the significance of that coat they were like oh dude we didn't get a coat from dad the brothers were also older than joseph there's joseph being put above his brothers not only that a couple verses down he basically has a dream that says yeah one day you guys are going to battle down to me jesus or god showed this to me in a dream and the brothers are like they knew it was true and they're like i hate him even more so what happens the brothers hating joseph they plot and plan to do away with joseph they see some slave traders on the horizon they said this is our chance let's capture joseph they do it they capture him tie him up throw him in a pit take his coat sell joseph off to the slave traders and at that point it's like he's as good as gone he's as good as dead that's it that's a wrap they're never gonna see him again right the world is was a lot bigger back then you know like you they wouldn't see him on an instagram post later wait that's joseph none of that he's gone dunzo he's a slave hundreds of miles away maybe even thousands of miles away he's gone they took the coat and it says in verse 31 of that same chapter chapter 37 verse 31 they took joseph's coat and they killed a kid of the goats and dipped the coat in blood and then they would present that coat to jacob and say hey joseph died he's gone what's interesting is jacob being a trickster only a couple chapters earlier when he was a kid he tricked his father i don't know if you guys remember that he tricked isaac his father jacob the younger brother stole esau's birthright and blessing he he put on esau's coat he also killed a a a a kid of a goat and and used the leather to to put on his his wrists to emulate the you know field and stream esau the manly man versus jacob who the bible says was a smooth man smooth man so he grabbed the the leather the leather skin put it on his forearms to trick his dad who was basically blind grabbed esau's coats we smelled he looked like esau and tricked his dad the old coat and goat routine but what happened here the sons of jacob they pulled the old coat and goat routine on jacob himself that's interesting some of you kids today that's probably not the move to make the coat and goat routine it's kind of like it's been done you got to come up with something a little bit better now joseph off to slavery chief of all of his brothers all of his father's household sold into slavery turn the page to chapter 39 verse 1. truly back then if you were sold as a slave that's that's a wrap never gonna see him again joseph was brought down to egypt and potiphar an officer of pharaoh captain of the guard an egyptian brought to him in the hands of the ishmaelites which had brought him down feather and the lord was with joseph interestingly enough we see this phrase phrase or a variation of it and the lord was with joseph eight times in just this chapter if you're going through something ups downs the lord's with you hang in there god's with you times eight in this one chapter joseph ups and downs in potiphar's house some people say potiphar i say potiphar it's all good it says that he was the captain of the guard and an egyptian some people would also say that maybe he was like the chief executioner at the time regardless he was a man of power he held a a a place in the office in egypt right it's not like he was like a nobody he was a somebody and then he takes joseph on as a slave what happens there verse 2 the lord was with joseph and he was a prosperous man and he was in the house of his master the egyptian and his master potiphar saw that the lord was with him there it is again and that the lord made all that he did to prosper in his hand and joseph found grace in potiphar's sight and he served him and potiphar made joseph the overseer of his house and all that he had he put into his hand and it came to pass from that time that he made him over the overseer of his house and the lord and over all that he had that the lord blessed the egyptians house for joseph's sake and the blessing of the lord was upon all that he had in the house and in the field so everything that they did inside everything that it outside the lord blessed it because joseph was there in his trials and his tribulations being a slave potiphar made joseph the number two guy in his household verse six and potiphar and he left all that he had in joseph's hand and he knew not ought what he had saved the bread that he did eat and joseph was a goodly person and well favored joseph was handsome and he did all that he did very well is what that means he did it so good that potiphar just hey you got it he checked out you got it man oh all i need to know just feed me and i'm good to go which is kind of crazy that's how much stuff potiphar had and that's how good of a job joseph did not only for a slave but a hebrew slave hebrew being below even a slave at that time became the number two guy in all of potiphar's house first third or verse seven the story continues and it came to pass that after these things all these things being the good works of joseph that his master's wife cast her eyes upon joseph and she said lie with me but he refused and he said unto his master's wife behold my master witheth not what is in what is with me in the house and he hath committed all that he hath to my hand there is none greater in this house than i pause real quick that actually would include potiphar's wife interestingly enough he said i'm the number two guy there's part of her and then there's me he didn't say and then there's you way down here but that's kind of what we can gather from this if he's the number two guy that means he's he is the number two guy there's none greater in this house than i neither have he kept anything back from me but thee but you because thou art his wife how then can i do this great wickedness and sin against god it's always an interesting exercise to put in different names there other than god right it doesn't say how can i do this wicked thing and sin against you potiphar's wife it doesn't say that how can i do this wicked thing and sin against potiphar that's true but that's not what it says that's not what joseph realizes here maybe even cut into the quick how could i do this and sin against the traditions that my father has jacob the ways that i was brought up the traditions my household family my name how could i do that in sin against my father it says how can i do this in sin against god your sins affect more than just you and the people that you're with and people that you're around verse 10 came to pass as she spake to joseph day by day that he hearkened not into her to lie by her or even to be with her man that's the move right if you're being tempted by something whatever it may be don't even get near it right it says he wouldn't even be with her verse 11 and it came to pass about this time that joseph went into the house to do his business there was none of the men in the house there within and she caught him by his garment saying lie with me again dude joseph's coats are getting him in trouble man like she grabs the coat and says lie with me and he left his garment in her hand and fled and got him out remember in like the preschool like or grade school like you the you'd be playing tag and like the guys like grab your coat and you do like that thing you know joseph did the yeah got it out hannah works every time she caught him by the garment and said lie with me verse 13 it came to pass when she saw that she that he had left his garment in her hand and he fled forth that she called into the men of her house and spaking them saying see he hath brought in a hebrew unto us to mock us he came into me to lie with me and i cried with a loud voice and it came to pass when he heard that i lifted up my voice and cried that he left his garment with me he fled and got him out and she laid up his garment by her until the lord came home until potiphar came home and she spake unto him according to these words saying the hebrew servant which thou hast brought to us came into me to mock me and it came to pass i lifted my voice and i cried and then he left his garment with me and then he fled out she accuses joseph of attempted rape quite literally the opposite of what's happening joseph was doing everything right he didn't even give her the time of day if she walked into the room he was out that's kind of what the indication that we're getting to in verse 10 is that he sees you come oh i'm out right that's the move guys that's the move girls if you see that issue coming dude avoid it no duh it needs to be said a lot easier said than done right a lot easier said than done but that's the move potipher hears this report coming from his wife now again this isn't in the bible that he was the chief executioner it's almost a like rabitical like like a legend almost so like take that with a grain of salt but regardless of what he did if your wife as potiphar accuses a slave a hebrew slave of rape what's the move done execute him especially if you're like the execution guy it's like that's no question dude for one your wife's sake like you know you're not even gonna like whoever's lying whatever your wife said it trump card end of discussion but secondly your own reputation you know like if a slave tries to rape your wife like what kind of household are you running if that's what's happening potiphar i'm sure felt that pressure but i think potiphar also knew his wife and he knew that it's like joseph's not he also knew joseph joseph's not the guy that's going to do that he's been a stud he's been awesome verse 19 came to pass when his master heard the work the words of his wife which she spake unto him saying after this manner did thy servant do this to me that his wrath was kindled and joseph's master took him and put him into prison a place where the king's prisoners were bound his wrath was kindled i don't think that that was against joseph if his wrath wrath was kindled against joseph that's like death no question done right but he doesn't stick him in a prison he sticks them in like the king's prison there's like ping pong and tv and weightlifting verse 21 but the lord was with joseph big shocker at this point right the lords with joseph head of potiphar's house accused of rape but the lord was with joseph and he and the lord showed him mercy and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison verse 22 says that in the keeper of the prison committed to joseph's hand all the prisoners that were in the prison and whatsoever they did he was the doer of the keeper of the prison looked not to anything that was under his hand because the lord was with him and that which he did the lord made it to prosper deja vu man right the the manager the keeper of the guard said you know that joseph guy pretty solid let's have him take all of my job and great go for like who does that who gives a prisoner like all the responsibilities clearly the lord was with joseph ups downs ups and downs and the story it just continues from there right you have the butler the baker not the candlestick maker you have the butler and the baker right like in the story of prison it keeps going joseph is sitting there right the butler the baker there the butler and the baker they both have dreams they come to joseph say hey what's the dream what does this mean dream a from the butler joseph says hey this is prosperous you are going to be back in pharaoh's courts you're going to be uh your sins are going to be acquitted you're you're judge you're going to be good to go you're going to be let free and then the baker's like hey that's a pretty cool dream i had a dream too tells joseph the dream joseph says uh you're going to die you ever get like the fortune cookies like brooke what up my sister brook would always get a fresh cookie you're going to be very prosperous i'd get the fortune cookie you're going to pay for the check i want that fortune cookie the butler positive dream baker negative dream they both come to pass exactly as joseph said in three days you'll be set free in three days you're gonna die happened exactly like joseph said joseph said hey butler that's being set free just don't don't forget me right don't forget me he's the manager of the prison but he's forgotten for years he's forgotten left playing ping-pong in prison maybe you're in a situation where it's been years you feel like you're in the barren land but just as god remembered noah in the ark god does not forget about you he knows where you're at he's got a plan he is sovereign just as he's sovereign in this story many years later pharaoh the pharaoh at the time by the way egypt is like top dog like when in paul's day rome was a top dog right in joseph's day egypt was the top dog so kind of number one person in the world pharaoh has a dream and the butler ii pharaoh the same butler in prison remembers joseph he's like hey pharaoh there's a guy in prison i had a dream joseph interpreted it correctly to the t to the very day he nailed it maybe he should interpret this dream that's been troubling you pharaoh says all right bring him in by the way what kind of pressure is that again it's like a life or death kind of moment right if joseph prisoner hebrew prisoner slave prisoner hebrew interprets a dream wrong as off with his head for sure kind of thing pharaoh tells him the dream two dreams the skinny cows the fat cows you know that you guys know the story joseph interprets the dream nails it perfectly so much so that in once you guys turn to chapter 41 verse 39 he interprets his streams with such precision such accuracy that it's so evident to pharaoh that god is with joseph chapter 41 verse 39 says and pharaoh said unto joseph for as much as god has showed thee all of this there is none so discreet and wise as you are it's interesting that he said god elohim he didn't say ra he didn't say orion he didn't say any of his lower case g gods he's like dude your god is revealing these things to you and it's so clear that he's with you in verse 40 pharaoh continues and says thou shall be over my house and according to over thy word shall all my people be ruled only in the throne will i be greater to you only in my title am i greater than you in terms of action you will be he's saying he's equal to pharaoh only my throne only the fact that i have this cool scepter and weird like hair thing the only difference between you and me is i'm pharaoh i have the title but other than that you're the man verse 41 pharaoh said unto joseph see i have set thee over all the land of egypt and pharaoh took off his ring from his hand put it upon joseph's hand and arrayed him investors of fine linen and put gold chain around his neck joseph got that drip got that gold chain that ring 43 and he made him to ride in the second chariot which he had and they cried before him bow the knee and they made him ruler over the land of egypt skip down to verse 46 and joseph was 30 years old when he stood before pharaoh king of egypt man up and down ruler of his brothers sold by his brothers ruler of potiphar's house accused of rape put into jail ruler of the jail forgotten for years but now the story kind of the ups and downs kind of the altitude ends here at this up place and this is where he kind of begins where the lord really starts using him as far as like saving the nation of egypt right those dreams that he interpreted were dreams of hey there's going to be a huge famine pharaoh's like uh okay what do we do about it joseph lays down a plan and that's kind of why pharaoh makes him as powerful as he does joseph had a plan he was ready right what is the some people someone defined luck really well when they said uh there's no such thing as luck it's just being ready when that timing happens right being practiced up when the timing hits right it's not like lucky you don't find yourself oh i just hit a one hole in one you know it's like being grinded on the course or whatever it may be for years and years putting in the time and then all of a sudden that opportunity is there that's totally what happened with joseph right it was a timing thing and that timing is divine it's the lord's timing and it's not your timing just as paul was considering it joy why was paul so joyful in prison it's because he knew this is going to lead to like the biggest for lack of a better word stage audience of the gospel ever caesar nero the guy paul and i dude i'll bet you paul laid it on thick thick with two c's thick like a blizzard he probably laid on that gospel message way hard on cesar nero it's crazy not to get into like wednesday night wednesday night we're gonna be going through chapter one and chapter two of philippians but it's crazy like caesar nero history remembers him as as like a lunatic like craziness but he it's interesting he wasn't really a lunatic until paul interacted with him he was somewhat normal before that but then he met paul and then he became like so crazy like like martyring christians horribly putting them in hot wax and burning them saying you are the light of the world crazy demonic level crazy and it wasn't until he was preached the gospel and he rejected the gospel and he went way off into the deep end pharaoh not the gospel message but totally received man god is with joseph and he was blessed not only in the old testament they're suffering but they're suffering in the new testament too right of course with jesus but in the book of acts why don't you guys turn their acts chapter four in my personal studies it's been fun to go through the book of acts and just being reminded of just kind of the kind of the playbook of the church right like what we're supposed to be doing the modeling that we're supposed to be doing as a church right book of acts you have peter john and the rest of the disciples dozens more as well they're preaching the gospel they're being successful if you will thousands and thousands of people are coming to christ but still they're being persecuted they're being brought before high councils and judges death is on the line but every time they they they get through it the lord blesses them and and every time it's like uh the people that are judging them they can't speak against them because they're knowledgeable and it's clear that they've been with jesus they've been in the word but once they got released from their judgment their the this the council it says in chapter 4 verse 23 of acts acts 4 23 it says and being let go they james and john went to their own company they went to their own company where do you go when you're let go when you're going through stuff when you're in the down times do you go to your own company do you go to the bar do you go to that website what is it where do you go they went to their own company and they reported all that the chief priests and elders had said unto them and when they heard it they lifted up their voices to god with one accord and said and this is a prayer it's kind of really cool they said lord thou art god i have that underline thou art god which has made heaven and earth and the sea and all that's in them who by the mouth of thy servant david has said why did the heathen rage and the people imagine vain things the king of the earth stood up and the rulers were gathered together against the lord and against christ for a truth against thy holy child jesus whom thou hast anointed both herod and pontius pilate and the gentiles and the people that gather of israel were gathered together lord you've appointed these people for it to do whatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined before two is done here it is verse 29 and now lord behold their threatenings and grant unto thy servants that with all thy boldness they may speak thy word by stretching forth thy hand to heal and that signs and wonders may be done by thy name of the holy child jesus christ they pray they acknowledge god you are all powerful you are god you've made this you know what's happening you've appointed these people the gentiles herod these people that are persecuting us they don't say lord take take this away from me it's not that it's too heavy for them they say in verse 29 grant unto thy servants that with all boldness they may speak thy word the disciples don't pray for a lighter load they pray for stronger backs the disciples don't pray for a lighter load they pray for stronger backs man what a great example of a new testament people that were getting persecuted and they said lord you're with us you've gone through more than we have you died on the cross why should we crumble why should we buckle under this pressure fun fact buckle's also a contra nym buckle you can buckle you can fasten your belt buckle your belt or you can buckle under the pressure controls are everywhere i'm telling you guys you guys are going to go home conquer him you know google confirm um the disciples didn't buckle under the pressure praise the lord for that praise the lord that they gave us an example of what it looks like to keep going to persevere to go through don't turn there but in isaiah chapter 53 you have that a cornerstone verse really not only of the book of isaiah but of our faith the christian faith it says in there surely heath bore our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we didn't esteem him stricken smitten of god and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed it says there in the king james version of isaiah 53 verse 4 and 5. that's it jesus suffered for us and fun fact we're called to suffer for him that's a promise of god you don't see that on you know the coasters or whatever you know like we're called to suffer for jesus you know but hey jesus suffered for us let's take a note from paul from the book of philippians because there in philippians he says that iconic verse in chapter 1 verse 21 for me to live is christ and to die is gain his life was about preaching christ and if that was his cornerstone if he were to die like die die this time right that's game he's going to be in heaven with the lord if you believe in jesus if jesus is your personal savior then we're going to be healed either way right if you're in this time or if you're in this time if you're just got a raise we just got some bad news terminal news there's going to be healing whether that's physically here on earth or whatever man that's nothing because there's going to be healing spiritually in heaven and that's the ultimate one amen amen let's pray lord we thank you that you are with us just as you are with joseph just as it says that you were with him in the ups and the downs lord you are with us presently lord your holy spirit is with us that's something that joseph didn't have he didn't have the vale torn he didn't have the word both new and old testament lord but we do we have the promise of you and heaven and we thank you for that we thank you for the promise of your word we thank you that you have moved in our lives lord and even witness as the people here you've moved in their individual lives lord there's a lot of people here lord that i know wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you quite literally physically but definitely spiritually lord so as we're going through sufferings as we're going through trials and tribulations help us to be joyful help us to look to you in all this we love you father and in jesus name amen amen would you stand with us and as the band leads out one more song man let's just sing to the lord with gratitude he saved us amen man let's lift it up you were the word at the beginning [Music] what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ what a beautiful name it is nothing compares to this what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus you didn't want heaven without jesus [Music] sin was great your love was greater and what can separate [Music] what a wonderful name it is what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus christ what a wonderful name it is nothing compares to this what a wonderful name it is what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus there's no other name there's no sweeter name i know [Music] and dad could not hold [Music] the [Music] [Music] forever is hello [Music] [Music] [Music] and lord we are just so thankful that you bring joy lord that even in suffering lord we know how it ends we're so thankful for your faithfulness for your love for your mercy and your grace go before us now father as we just desire to draw nearer to you this week we love you and it's in jesus name we pray amen thank you so much for coming you're dismissed you
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 4,682
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: Brett Meador, Bible, Church, Teaching, Study, Christian, Jesus, Oregon, Through the Bible, Athey Creek, Athey Creek Church, Athey Creek Christian Fellowship
Id: LQ0l5uOojsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 58sec (4378 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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