Being Like-minded

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turn in your bibles to philippians yeah we got a little bit of that course uh correction right for or at least i did where it was uh i was assuming that i had a few wednesday nights to cover the book of philippians it can be done in a few wednesday nights but it's basically we got tonight and sunday we got work man we got to do some work tonight philippians i also need to say there's there's definitely a few different modes of teaching the bible uh of receiving what the lord is is is doing in the word the way that my my dad is doing it this time around through the bible is every single word with a scalpel like for sure you know halfway through versus stuff if i was a betting man which i'm not if i was a better man i would bet that pops next time through the bible once we get to john it'll be a fast-paced thing he said that for for years actually that that what are we 15 years pace or something like that as a joke you know stick with us for 15 years you'll go through the whole bible um that's so true and that's awesome i think he also wants to eventually go at a bit of a blistering pace several chapters a night kind of thing uh more of a survey through the bible and so tonight it's is the challenge given that it's we're now doing a survey through the book of philippians very fast-paced relative to what i would prefer to do i would prefer to have three months for philippians uh and i need to apologize before we get too far into it if if i go through one of your life verses too fast or something like that are you just skipping my life first uh i don't mean to do that because the book of philippians are so rich man pound for pound uh it really packs a punch uh uh it seems like every other verse is is worthy of being you know what people would say you know a life verse right um so with that said uh are you guys ready to get into the word let's do it let's pray first lord we do thank you for this time of just flipping through philippians real quick survey through just joy uh we pray that you'd speak to us that you would um move tonight through your word and that you would speak that you would have your way and in jesus name amen amen let's do it verse one paul and timotheus timothy uh uh paul's young protege the servants of jesus christ to all the saints in christ jesus which are at philippi with the bishops and the deacons bishops is one of those words in the bible that today we've kind of made it into a unique thing it's a little bit uh it kind of sits a little bit funny with some of you you guys and gals that come from that traditional background with the hats and all that stuff bishops in the bible you could you could swap out elder or pastor very easily a shepherd of the flock someone that's teaching someone that's preaching to the church and the deacons the people that are carrying out that uh work for us that'll be people that are setting up the chairs get the communion tables ready uh um things that are as the bible would even literally say are sweaty that's weird yeah sweaty the priests in the old testament they were the linen garments right they weren't supposed to get sweaty and then paul equates that to that should be the work of the elders you know meeting with people prayer teaching and deacons are kind of the get after it kind of people and you definitely got to have both in order to make a church work um getting off track already some people would say that uh you know church is just the woods for me or the boat or or you know uh uh my church is the gym uh or or the boxing ring whatever it may be okay uh question do you have elders do you have deacons are you submitted to one to another and if the answer is no you ain't got church verse two grace be unto you and peace from god our father and from the lord jesus christ i thank my god upon every remembrance of you always in prayer of mine for you making requests with joy for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now being confident of this very thing that he which has begun a good work in you will perform it unto the day of jesus christ unto the day that the lord comes and saves us verse 7 even as it is meat for me to think of this of you all because i have you in my heart in as much as both in my bonds and in the defense and the confirmation of the gospel ye are all partakers of my grace for god is my record how greatly i long after you all in the bowels of jesus christ uh bowels of jesus christ in my heart i long for you guys i'm thinking of you guys how is he thinking of of the church of philippi all the time and how come that's a joyful thing uh it says in verse four always in prayer paul was praying for the church of uh philippi he was praying for them and that's something that we should always be doing right we should always be praying for for our brothers and our sisters that's really easy right to pray for someone that you love someone that you know someone that you care for but it's really it's difficult isn't it to pray for people that you you have contention with and that's not that's not good that doesn't benefit anyone for you to hold on to that strife and and whatnot and it's like if kaipo who's back there kaipo amina uh who's an all-around athletic phenom uh he's really good at frisbee golf he's really good at just about every sport right but frisbee golf like i don't get it and it goes the thing uh if he beats me i get you know 10 over on on the course and he gets five under oh beat me uh that doesn't do anything for kaipo kaipo's like sweet probably probably gonna get seven under next time you know but that doesn't do anything for me right grudge is it's so ironic isn't it that the grudges or or like ill will that you have against people it doesn't do anything for anyone except hold you down so maybe as an exercise this week think about the people that um pray for the people that that are kind of getting in your getting in your way that are kind of grinding your gears you know that that are just not very funny that's what we're called to do right love those who persecute us and pray for them is kind of what uh what we're called to do are called to do in verse 9 and this i pray that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in judgment that you may approve the things that are excellent that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of christ being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by jesus christ unto the glory and the praise of god again uh you know verse 7 and verse 10 like some of you guys like life verse material you guys feeling feeling where i'm coming from on this it's like man this is rich paul was saying uh approve the things that are excellent don't be too quick to to say oh these guys are are foolish these guys are or maybe in our application that church is is doing this weird dance thing if it's of the lord and they're called to do it hey approve the things that are excellent uh even if it's kind of on the fence not to create division uh amongst ourselves as it says in first corinthians but to prove that things are excellent man they're going through the word they're just dancing like michael or like like david did right approve the things that are excellent verse 12 but i would ye should understand brethren that the things which had happened unto me fallen out rather to the furtherance of the gospel so that my bonds in christ are manifest in all the palace and in all other places we we camped out on on these verses and also the next few verses uh paul is if you wouldn't if you wouldn't have stopped at this point if i wouldn't have stopped us reading man this is all daisies and roses and and just smells good man everything's good to go again contextually paul is under house arrest and paul is saying i'm chained to roman guards but this is great they're chained to me i might be chained to them but hey they're chained to me talking about a captive audience right they can't go anywhere i'm going to preach the gospel he's saying this is so good caesar nero was caesar at the time and all the caesars generally like when you look into it they're all kind of crazy and nuts right like they they they marry uh incestuously like stepsisters and sisters and it's kind of weird caesar nero was kind of wild and crazy but until about 66 a.d uh he definitely went from like well that guy's not a very good scissor to like that guy's a crazy dude objectively uh um and that's not to say that before what he did it was right or anything like that he killed his own mother he killed his first wife and there's debate whether or not he killed his second wife and this is all before he met paul but that's just normal caesar stuff uh that's why and then he met paul paul spoke before him it was a trial uh that people like you gotta bring him up up the chain up to caesar nero and then then it just gets crazy where uh all of rome is set on fire nero blames it on the christians but some historians would say that caesar nero actually set it on fire and then blamed it on the christians uh and then was playing his fiddle while this city was burning uh he did the uh uh he burnt christians alive dipped him in wax said you are the lights of the world uh crazy dude and then committed suicide that's a crazy life i don't know i don't want to make any major correlations that the bible doesn't doesn't directly say um like it like we don't necessarily have the account of like what words paul used to nero but man i i i wish i was a fly on the wall uh for that one you know what i mean when i get to heaven i'm gonna check that one out because i wonder if something happened i i wonder if something happened like that have you guys ever shared the word with someone or um kind of revealed that you're a christian or or it's kind of like they're digging and they're like hey are you are you one of those christians and then you say yeah or then you share the word with them or or you or maybe you open up uh the can and say hey you know i was actually reading the word how many times does it happen where pause the story that person now doesn't like you or that person starts to maybe persecute you might be the word that we that we use for that that happens all the time the gospel is polarizing uh because it's true it's just polarizing caesar nero maybe he's like okay you're done all christians there was a there was a bitterness towards the christians from the roman side of things until then then there was absolute hatred uh and and craziness after paul spoke to nero kind of interesting something that we can i don't know infer might be the word but uh it's interesting food for thought verse 14 many of the brethren in the lord waxing confident in my bonds are so much more bold to speak without fear he says because i am in my spot you guys are encouraged and there's a lot of people that can take my spot and this is a good thing he gives a warning in verse 15 saying some indeed preach christ even of envy and strife and some also of good will he says some people preach the gospel for wrong intentions or like a pat on the back good will the one preaches christ of contention not sincerely supposing to add affliction to my bonds or saying you know paul's in jail because you know this and this and this but the other of love knowing that i am set for the defense of god the gospel what then notwithstanding in every way whether in pretense or in truth christ is preached and i therein do rejoice yea i will rejoice paul says hey these guys are maybe doing it for themselves or preaching for themselves or they're preaching that the true gospel and they're saying yeah paul he's in jail uh he says hey that's a win because the gospel is still preached even though they're preaching maybe not with the with the correct heart with the with the way that he would have them go about it he's like hey i rejoice because hey the gospel is getting preached paul is kind of like taking his own medicine here when he is doing what he's approving the things that are excellent with people that are even maybe even talking bad about him it's kind of interesting verse 19 for i know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer and the supply of the spirit of jesus christ according to my earnest expectation and my hope that in nothing i shall be ashamed but that with all boldness and always so now also christ shall be magnified in my body he says hey i'm going to be bold because christ needs to be magnified you might be saying why did why do we always talk about magnifying the lord what does he need to be like is he really tiny that he needs to you know get get the get the scopes and all that stuff no no no not even close to the to the truth uh how big is the moon it's kind of relative right because if i look up at the moon i can just kind of go like this block it out with my thumb move or even pinch it squish it right i mean you guys did that as a kid right you'd like see someone a squishy or the sun how big is the sun now don't take your magnifying glass and look at the sun but if you if you were to galileo it and look at the sun uh the sun is is pretty big but it's also pretty small right it's it's far away you can block it out you can pinch it but 1.3 million earths can fit inside the sun that's that's huge right there's stars that are uh uh just a few like the next closest star is 100 times bigger than the sun and you guys have probably heard the science behind some of this and the estimations of the size of the stars and all that so why do we have telescopes to see things that are so huge bigger than us bigger than anything that's on this world so that we can see them clearly so that our attention can be brought to the sun right lord would you be magnified that's something that's always worth singing always worth praying maybe in your own personal prayers uh when that person is coming against you and that enemy is is attacking you lord would you be magnified in my life would they see you in me man that's it that's a prayer paul says i'm all about jesus may he be magnified in my life when i'm put under the stethoscope the the the telescope uh what's the small one in science that's the three microscope i wasn't a biology major you know uh uh when i'm under the microscope when i am magnified let them see jesus verse 21 for to me to live is christ but to die is gain huge verse huge verse for for us as christians in the modern day time kids in a recent survey 2019 were much more likely to aspire to be the next youtube star rather than the next person in space a survey conducted by harris pohl on behalf of lego asked 3 000 kids ages 8 to 12 to choose from five professions to answer which they wanted to be when they grew up an astronaut a musician professional athlete a teacher or a vlogger youtuber the survey found that the children in the u.s and the united kingdom were three times as likely to want to grow up to be youtubers or vloggers as astronauts when they grow up though the top choice among kids in the u.s and the uk was the vlogger and youtuber 30 of kids said they wanted to be that over the next thing at 19 and 29 respectively in the uk said the same thing youtuber vlogger 56 of kids in china said they wanted to be an astronaut and if i remember right this study it was like uh uh it was it cascaded from there it was like 50 uh and then like 20 10 and then like five percent of the kids in china wanted to be vloggers whereas it was like it was like 30 in the us for youtuber vlogger and then like 25 for a musician and then the other things kind of cascaded from there and it was 10 percent minuscule for the astronaut things for me to live is fame for me to live is the indycar 500 for me to live is is uh really good baking cakes what what is it for you i don't know i don't know what it is for you guys or but man how awesome is it to be our challenge our focus where we should be looking at our mark to say to live is christ because if you are truly living for christ if you die you're in heaven you're good to go for me to live is christ but to die for the furtherance of the gospel man that's huge gain it's huge gain practically speaking paul when he went throughout and i'm pointing this way because the map that you see above me paul died for the furtherance of the gospel didn't he right it doesn't say in philippians but he would eventually be beheaded by nero and for him to die what happened before that was the gospel spread at like everywhere right uh ephesus uh uh rome all over the mediterranean area again he was called to preach the gospel to the gentiles he being the chiefest of jews as we'll see in a second if we get there in time he knew the jews he knew the hebrews he was the hebrew of hebrews but still god called him to preach to the gentiles and he listened and if those two things line up man we are good to go if the lord's called you to something and the spirit is within and upon you and you go and do it dude check please that's awesome like that's it you're gonna it it's a sure thing verse 22 but if i live in the flesh this is the fruit of my labor yet i will choose what not for i am in a straight betwixt two having the desire to depart and to be with christ which is far better far better he's like i want to be with christ i want to go to heaven you know because he knows he actually saw heaven couldn't describe it it was so amazing but he's like hey i've still got work to do nevertheless verse 24 to abide in the flesh is more needful for you and having this confidence i know that i shall abide and continue with all for your furtherance and joy of faith that you're rejoicing may be more abundant in jesus christ for me by my coming to you again again he says i want to go to heaven but hey we got some stuff to do here on earth first in verse 27 let your conversation be as it becometh of the gospel of christ now pause for a second it's always a good exercise for us for me on staff at the church is to say man how much of our conversations have been about christ or they've been about what coffee is best or how about that new movie or whatever don't be afraid especially with the confidence of a christian brother or a christian sister or whatever circle it is to make the conversation about christ and that's again a lot easier said than done i'd love to talk to you about the latest episode of you know jeopardy or whatever maybe um but only let your conversation be as it becometh of the gospel of christ that's paul he's saying hey let your conversations be edifying let them be upright and just that whether i come to see you or else be absent that i may hear of your affairs that they stand fast in one spirit with one mind striving together for one faith of the gospel he's preaching a singleness of mind he's preaching you guys should all be of one accord like-mindedness again in first corinthians he talks about how the church at in corinth different church philippi corinth the church of corinth he was they were divided remember when they would say you know i'm apollos i have of apollos and i'm of uh paul and well i'm of jesus you know he's like no none of that don't be divided let let that not be named once among you but here he only confirms that he says hey be like-minded be like-minded one to another verse 28 and in nothing terrified by your adversaries which is to them an evident token of perdition but to you of salvation and that of god for unto you it is given in the behalf of christ not only to believe on him but also to suffer for his sake again that's not a promise that you're going to hang on your wall right for unto you it is given on the behalf of christ not only do you believe in him but also to suffer if you believe in christ hey you're called to suffer go get them here we go but it's all for blessing having this verse 30 it says having the same conflicts which he saw in me and now here to be in me he's saying hey it's kind of a humbling thing that he's saying he's like hey kind of like you know when your mom and dad would say do as i as i say not as i do paul is saying hey guys the lord is working through me he's saying check look at how the lord is using me i'm literally shackled to a roman uh uh praetorian the top level guard the ss of the nazis was was the praetorian of the romans i'm shackled to that and dude i'm preaching the gospel rejoice and you're also called to do this same thing too so good luck chapter two continuing on almost almost he does he doesn't take a breath right chapter breaks that's uh an addition from the 1600s right the letter continues he says if there be any any consolation in christ if any comfort of love if any fellowship of spirit if any bowels and mercies fulfill my joy that ye be like-minded having the same love being of one accord and of one mind man that's the heart of the father isn't it and you can also see the chapter breaks contextually the book of philippians that get it gets parsed out huge big time maybe one of the most i don't say misquoted but over quoted in a way that's applied philippians 4 13 i can do all things through christ which gives me strength right you've seen that tattooed on the chest of of of people that are doing drugs and all that it's like oh dude what are you talking about like that's not what that means uh and then they're reaching the height of success making billions billions of dollars with that tattoo on there come on dude that's not a good representation of the christ that we serve philippians so too gets parsed out it gets it gets robbed of the context but here we kind of in the survey of philippians we're moving fast we get to see that having like-mindedness being of one accord not talking about hondas either being of one accord of one mind being together that's what paul is preaching here right he's preaching that the world preaches to the church that the church is bigoted that the church is not tolerant that the church is you fill in the blank that we're just a bunch of you know uh uh cookie cutter molds of of whoever um man whoever says that and people do say that you all heard it just watch the news you know those people have never been to a church at least a church like athei at least to all the other churches that i've been to that that love the lord that preach the gospel you know in this room just looking around like i know a few quite a few of you ages vary there's young people there's uh not young people but mostly young people um there's a blend of age there's men there's women there's different uh social economic statuses right there's different vocations there's welders there's lawyers there's diesel mechanics there's spinal uh operator people uh fancy words and all sorts of them right in the parking lot there's you know beamers and then there's those fj60 land cruisers you know contrast uh all cr all all races all people are represented even in this room right now right at the very least on sunday you know you'll see just about everyone you'll see environmental there are environmentalists in this room there are also loggers in this room a few that i could point out there are vegetarians there are not vegetarians [Music] someone actually today texted me a picture of a huge t-bone steak that they were having for there are not vegetarians at eighth grade but there are also vegetarians there are uh people that have come from a homosexual lifestyle there are people come from southern baptist upbringing we should not be judgmental to any of those things but we should be of one accord looking to the word as our guide as our compass not what uh wolf blitzer says on uh cnn right that's not our guide the word is our guide and we're to be of one accord fill ye of my joy that you be like-minded having the same uh love being of one accord and of one mind and man that's the chur the church is the most diverse place that i go to like it really is um in terms of everything how much money people are making the age of these people uh the diversity of all these of all you guys is something that's beautiful amen it's an awesome thing this is just a good group of people i just love you guys and i love this church and we should continue to strive in that to be like-minded of one accord in all these different things verse three let nothing be done through strife or vain glory but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves that group us we're diverse and if you think that you're pretty good at something the trouble with a diverse group is there's someone that's better than you at that thing right in that group it's more likely isn't it interesting that like the smaller schools you know back when i was in high school i think it's still based on a's the number of a's that you have right 2a 6a is there something bigger than 6a now 6a is the biggest right that's thousands of kids 2 000 kids or more right go to a 6a school huge but if you're from sweet home in oregon you have a smaller school so statistically right you're not going to have as many athletes to pull from so statistically you're not going to have as good of athletes as opposed to uh you know the the bigger schools in the area they have thousands of kids to pull from and stuff like that that's crazy so if you think you're you're a big britches guy from uh i don't know joseph oregon tiny town of maybe 500 people total right like 20 kids in the school and you're the i'm the quarterback of joseph high school um i'm sure that that quarterback is a stud but westland high school's got a good quarterback you know what i mean like they have five quarterbacks because they're a huge school and they have programs they have developments esteem others better than yourself there's always someone that's that's better at anything than you are generally if you want to be humbled go to the motocross track uh my my dad and a few of our friends here at there was a time where every i think it was tuesday nights we'd go and ride dirt bikes out at mountain view uh there's british people that own it and they call it mountain view cycle park um it's like you mean motocross track yes cycle park all right we're going to the cycle park suite um but at the cycle park uh uh there'd be all right all creeds actually it's kind of like the same person basically was there times 100. lifted truck dirt bike southern accent let's go buddy let's get them you know and then you you'd walk away kind of finding yourself kind of like talking you know that way oh that was a good jump i mean that was a good jump no you're like checking to make sure that you have all your teeth and all that stuff you might like find an extra banjo in your truck and all that stuff what's that doing well you're hanging out the motocross track this but if you want to be humbled man you like sometimes you think you'll be flying doing that clearing that tabletop or or or doing that double jump risky double jump right okay but you guys you've heard the story that my dad said about that kid that passed him all the time that's also not a one-off thing that's not the only kid that's faster than me and my dad it's like most of the kids there are faster than me and my dad and it's like uh how much how long have you been doing this like a year or something like that in terms of sounds right like four-stroke 450 you know sounds huge big thunderous but these 50s and 60s they sound like bye you know because the kids dude they they have no like fear i guess like they don't know that 20 feet is high and that fall is going to hurt those kids fall and they bounce off but like for us it'll be like like that's what it sounds like when we're doing it right if we're like still alive um but if you guys have been there you know that the kids it sounds like this they're just like this the whole pin in it dude pin in it clear if you did a double they're doing a triple or a quad and somebody use time to pack it up this five-year-old is sponsored by three local companies you know killer killer esteem others better than yourselves that hurts on the motocross track and there's a lot of ego and that is suppressed real quick by those kids look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others care for others verse 5 let this mind be in you which is also in jesus christ who being in the form of god thought it not robbery to be equal with god but made himself of no reputation and he took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men and being found in a fashion as a man he humbled himself and he became obedient to the to death even unto the death of the cross wherefore god has also highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every other name that a name of jesus that at the name of jesus every knee should bow and every of everything that is in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father man it's almost like close your bible that's it isn't it that's like the gospel message in a nutshell again another verse that you can a couple verses that you just go and then make write a book on and they have been written on on these subjects uh in fact this is a huge theological point of contention believe it or not the kenosis theology i'm not sure if you guys have heard of that or not look into it on your own time the point of conflict comes in when it's saying that god made himself a man that he was fully man and he was not god anymore people have again given books and lectures on this we believe i believe that god was fully god and fully man he chose to become man and still ha and still was also god that doesn't make sense i know that's fine that it doesn't make sense if god was small enough to figure out he would be big enough to believe in right it's as simple as that the bottom line is what we can gather from here is that god became a man and definitely listen to the promptings of the holy spirit and also to what god the father said to him the triune being of the trinity is so complex it's so complex more complex than you can just figure out with a couple verses but that's awesome to me that's worth studying verse 9 9 10 and 11. it goes on to say that that that we need to confess that jesus is lord because it's either going to be now or it's going to be later and later is not very good later is not a fun option later is going to be in heaven once everyone's taken up in the judgment seat right if you believe in jesus if you accept him in your heart you believe that jesus is lord you will be saved but if you say i'm not going to bow to know jesus today on earth the bible says hey you will everyone's going to meet your maker right as the idiom of today says that's a scary thing i pray that all of us here are are ready to do that in that we have jesus in our hearts moving on verse 12 wherefore my beloved you have always obeyed not as my presence only but now much more in my absence work out your own salvation with fear and trembling another verse it's a highlighted verse work out your own salvation in fear and troubling what does that mean work out your faith in fear trembling uh kind of means you got to do your own work if someone says something in a theological context about the bible you got to work it out for a lot of us that were raised in the church what that looks like is the faith becoming your own right like it was my mom and dad's faith i was kind of born into it i see that a lot with catholicism for some reason where it's like oh yeah my family's catholic so i'm catholic so you know uh not so it says work out it doesn't say work out your family lineage salvation your salvation work out your salvation and fear and troubling my wife mackenzie she's the best she unlike me had to work out her own fear uh salvation in fear and trembling in a totally different way she's the best if you don't know her go meet her she was raised in the mormon faith and if you've read or know of the book of mormon uh pearl great price the the works of the book of mormon um they're pretty close to the bible but they're not the bible uh it's about ken's would say it's about two out of three so in terms logistically if you're cut let me see this let me make it broader if you're coming from not just a solid biblical household your mom and dad weren't a christian and you are currently working out your fear your salvation and fear and trembling um that means that you kind of got to play two truths and a lie with where you're coming from uh you know all paths lead to heaven okay here we go two truths and a lie time to work out that statement in fear and trembling uh is that true do all paths lead to righteousness what no way dude no it's only one way that you can be saved that's with jesus christ romans 10 9 right if you confess with your mouth believe in your heart that jesus is lord then you'll be saved then you'll be saved not you know 30 ways whatever if it says you know something like it's exclusively works that get you into heaven man that sounds tough but that sounds that could sound right it's your job to work out that statement where what you know what you think you know in fear and trembling we know that's not true right uh it's faith and works in that combo that's a whole other can of worms but with everything like especially mormonism jehovah's witness even even like eastern stuff you know buddhism work out your faith and fear and trembling just because it's a smart idiom just because it's a great story man you got to run it through the sieve of the bible and that's fear that's there's some trembling in there for sure that's work verse 13 for it's god that'll work in you both will too both to will and to do his good pleasure the lord wants to use you for the stuff that he has planned and in order to do that you need to be committed to him 14 it says do all things without murmuring and disputing disputing there you can actually interchange with like making excuses you can think of it like that murmuring you know hey hey can you go wash the the dishes murmuring don't do anything with murmuring or or making excuses you've heard the phrase if you uh are get good at making excuses that's all you're gonna get good at right that's the truth verse 15 that he may be blameless and harmless the sons of god without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom ye shine as lights of the world are we living in a crooked and perverse nation i've got some literature some more literature for us of how perverse are we how messed up is the world nothing too heavy or anything like that but there i just i just looked online crazy court cases here's just a few just if you keep remember remember the the the girl who sued i think it was mcdonald's for serving the coffee too hot yeah enough that that's here okay ready i got some i got some more of those perverse generation customers are disappointed that red bull did not energize them in 2016 red bull's famous slogan red bull gives you wings got the company in some trouble an a class action lawsuit accused was accused of the company having misleading ads making false claims plaintiffs said the energy did not give people wings not even figuratively speaking and they did not feel energized they said the company lacked evidence to claim that the beverage could improve one's focus red bull settled outside of court and agreed to pay 640 thousand dollars in 2016. it's like that happened like it's not like that like was dismissed like they paid up woman sues for false weather prediction in 1996 a woman from the israeli city of khafa sued the well-known television weatherman danny rupp for false weather forecast rup had the prediction of sunny weather and it rained based on the forecast she left the house unprepared for inclement weather she took ill and missed work so she claims the woman said rupp's forecast were legally binding she won a thousand dollars in an out of court settlement and got an apology from the weatherman the same price for a burger with or without cheese was contested two mcdonald's customers from florida of course sued the fast food chain for five million dollars because they were made to pay for uh a quarter pounder sandwich without cheese the same price as the same with sandwich with cheese the difference would be about it was about 30 cents at the time a judge dismissed the case with prejudice which means that they cannot file the suit again the basis for the dismissal was that the plaintiffs could not prove the price they had to pay caused them any harm and the lawsuit was dismissed i think the lord that i got dismissed like imagine say yeah okay last one last one for you husband sue's wife over ugly baby in the year 2012 uh a boy meets a pretty girl boy marries the girl and they have kids one similar tale did not have such a happy ending however john feng from china saw his newborn newborn daughter who he said was quote incredibly ugly end quote and did not look like either parent he accused his wife of cheating on him at that point she admits to having several plastic surgeries before they had met he sued on the grounds of false pretenses claiming that she misled him by hiding her cosmetic history he won the case and his wife was made to pay him more than the sum of and twenty thousand dollars that happens like what uh and there's like a hundred of those uh that are all like no way people suing what was another one suing the kidnapper sued the kidnappee because he said that they had a legally binding oral contract that they would stay there and then they didn't they ran away and then he sued them uh yeah anyway we are in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation you need to just go 10 miles that way downtown justice center and you'll find out that man we need to live in a perverse and crooked generation the derek shavin trial tough either way right uh you don't support what he did you don't support the the the riots that are happening after that but the bottom line is is the whole thing's messy we can all agree on that the whole thing's messy uh one week ago tonight when i was preaching uh in in matthew three and four the that's the day i think after the shaving trial concluded right the protesters downtown here in downtown portland cost more than 20 000 to a local boys and girls club i don't know if you guys knew that or not look into it about 60 people caused that damage to a boys and girls club in the inner city how perverse is that right i i'm not saying like how perverse is that like i'm saying how perverse is it that these people who would stand for you know whatever it may be it would seem to be they're kind of shooting themselves in the foot maybe more literally than not right like this is not good they are hurting the people the kids that need help it's so perverse it's so backwards perverse you can also say backwards it's backwards it's messed up for sure what paul is saying here in verse 14 15 even 16 is he's saying we live in a perverse area we live in a perverse generation our the time right now is is not good we need to be above that as christians we need to not be given to murmurings making excuses we need we are called in verse 15 to be blameless and harmless as christians in this midst of a crooked imperfect nation that's a tough call that should make you kind of go like that's heavy verse 16 holding forth in the word of life that i may rejoice in the day of christ that i have not run vain neither labored in vain yea if i be offended upon the sacrifice and service of your faith i joy and rejoice with you all paul says if i lose my head rejoice because i'm in heaven he literally is saying that he's saying if i am offered as a sacrifice man you guys it's all good i'm in heaven i'm with jesus 18. for the same cause also do ye joy and rejoice with me but i trust in the lord jesus christ to send timotheus timothy the young protege shortly unto you that i may be of that i also may be of good comfort when i know your state for i have no man like-minded who will naturally care for your state for all seek their own not things which are of jesus christ but you know the proof of him that as a son with the father he has served me in the gospel him therefore i hope to send presently so soon i i shall see how it would go with me he says i'm going to send you guys timothy in the same like-minded mind that paul is talking about in this whole thing he said we got to be joyful let's all be like-minded together and hey i'm going to send you guys timothy because it says there in in chapter 2 verse 20 for i have no man like-minded who will naturally care for your state paul's saying timothy he's a good dude he loves jesus wants to care for you guys the church in philippi uh in chapter 1 verse 15 not preaching with envy and strife not out of just goodwill he's saying hey he's like-minded and he naturally wants to care for your state again a challenge when we're caring for people are we naturally caring for their state or are we looking for a resume for the t-shirt that says i helped out on that day you know what are we looking for are we looking to serve or are we looking to be made known timothy is a good example for us for you and for me verse 24 i trust in the lord that i also myself shall come shortly he wants to visit them he paul is hopeful in prison he's hopeful yet i supposed it necessary to send to you epaphroditus my brother and companion in labor and fellowsh fellow soldier but you but your messenger and he that ministered unto to my wants for he longed after you all and was full of heaviness because that he had heard that he had been sick so what's happening here paul is saying hey i'm going to send back to you epaphroditus you guys sent him to me the church of philippians sent epaphroditus to paul to aid and assist paul both financially but also physically in all of his journeys journeys epaphroditus got sick he got better he got home sick and then paul sent him back and now paul's saying hey i'm sending him back because he wants to go back paul's being gracious he's kind of like letting him off the hook a little bit here super gracious verse 27 for indeed he was sick nigh unto death but god had mercy on him and not on him only but also on me lust i should have sorrow upon sorrow that's kind of funny he's saying like he i'm sending him back to you because he's good he's healthy he's not sick anymore and also i don't want to have sorrow upon sorrow as in epaphroditus he's causing some sorrow he might not be like he uh uh you know an annoying guy i don't know whatever it was but paul is saying uh he's you guys take him back i don't know why this cracked me up so much but he was sick unto death god had mercy on him it's all about god's timing isn't it especially when it comes to sickness and in health it's all about god's timing if you find yourself speaking of working out your faith in fear and trembling there's a lot of churches today that are popular that are well known that would say you got to have faith you got to have faith and then you won't be sick or if you are sick or if your son or your daughter is about to die you just gotta have faith you just gotta have faith that's tough because that's not true that's not exclusively true or the other thing is too is if if if your son your daughter heavy things flippantly can be said as you just didn't have enough faith what this is a common doctrine i don't know if you guys are aware of this this is a false doctrine paul had what a thorn in the flesh was he healed of that no did paul have enough faith according to that doctrine nope he didn't he wasn't healed sorry dude timothy paul even said hey you know your stomach hurts drink some wine it'll make you feel better uh just as you as like in a medicinal kind of way it's like wait what did did timothy not have enough faith to get healed without this kind or a path uh epaphroditus here for indeed he was sick unto death but god had mercy on him it's god's timing it has very little to do with your faith at least in terms of how much it is you can be the most faithful person in the world and still go through trial still have physical healings or not but it's god's timing and to say that so and so died i used this example because this has happened very recently to people that are somewhat close to us they went down to that church and said hey our son is is is dying and said you gotta have faith and then the son passed away and like sorry didn't have enough faith yikes that's not that's not the god that i serve that's not the god that i want to put my faith and trust into i put my faith and trust into a god who has timing his timing his ways are higher than my ways not my faith is higher than his timing right it's his ways that are higher than my ways amen 28 i sent him therefore the more carefully that when you see him again you may rejoice and that i may be less sorrowful again there is he's like you guys rejoice i don't know why that's so funny to me that i may be less sorrowful receive him therefore in the lord with all gladness and hold him such in reputation don't say epaphroditus you quitter you left paul hold hold him in high regard because verse 30 for the work of christ he was nigh unto death not regarding his life to supply your lack of service toward me he said man epaphroditus he went hard in the paint he was called to serve and he did it man even under death he went hard and he should be commended for that that's awesome it's cool whether or not epaphroditus was a thorn in paul's flesh or not paul says hey you got to hold him in high regard maybe the highest regard chapter 3 finally brethren rejoice in the lord to write the same things to you to me indeed is not grievous but for you it's safe you're saying hey it's not grievous for me to write the same thing rejoice i'm going to say it again rejoice you all better rejoice it's i'm not getting tired i'm going to keep saying rejection for georgia registrar's rejoice not getting tired it's also funny they said finally and he has like two more he's halfway through classic preacher uh verse two beware of dogs beware of evil workers beware of the concision we're going to get into right here for the next 15 verses or so the day that paul was living in there were what's called judaizers and judaizers were those that he references a lot of in the book of romans right uh some people say that you are of the circumcision or not of the circumcision and if you want to be a christian you really got to be circumcised paul says verse 3 for we are we are of the circumcision which worship god in the spirit and rejoice in christ jesus and have no confidence in the flesh he's saying it doesn't matter what's on your body it doesn't matter what marks you have on your flesh it's what mark has been made in your heart that's what it's all about and praise the lord for that uh situationally right uh that also could be applied to maybe in portland we do see a lot of people with tattoos gauges all that stuff and some people of a traditional uh background that's been like a point of condemnation if you have a tattoo sorry dude you're out uh praise the lord that's not the case i've almost gotten tattoos i just can't make up my mind and that's the problem right plus my dad would kill me no i'm just teasing but hey this right here is almost free license for that kind of stuff especially if it's glorifying to the lord go for it it doesn't matter what's marked on your flesh it's about the mark in your heart the judaizers the people of the day would still kind of hold it to people like paul hold it to the christians of the day say you guys aren't really like christian christians yet paul he goes like this he says hold my flask of water verse four though i might have confidence in the flesh if any other man thinketh that whereof he might trust in the flesh i more almost facetiously you might be like oh wow he's being pretty prideful he's actually not going to be prideful he's going to say factually i am more religious than you that's a bold claim and we'll find out what he means in a second he says i more circumcised on the eighth day of the stock of israel of the tribe of benjamin a hebrew of hebrews as touching the law of pharisee he says i was circumcised on the eighth day as is the jewish custom if you're gonna be serious it's you know not the seventh day not the night eighth day he's like check i did that how many of you knew converted christians who are saying you need to be circumcised can say that he's like none of you guys because i can say it but you can't he then says i'm of the tribe of benjamin now what's significant about benjamin you might ask i'm benjamin there's like a lot more tribes than that right yeah there's a lot more tribes than that 12. specifically joseph and benjamin if you were of either ethereum halftime but nasa gets complicated or benjamin it was like it was almost like your royalty like whoa dude you're a benjamin he's i'm a hebrew of hebrews as touching the law he was a pharisee learning under gamaliel uh again in my personal study going through acts it's it's crazy to see gamaliel actually in the book of acts uh kind of like the lord speaks through him in like a really really cool way that's beside the point but he learned from gamalio gamaliel was like the stud on the mount rushmore of pharisees so to speak six verse six concerning zeal persecuting the church touching the righteous which is in the law blameless but what things were gained to me those i counted lost for christ he says i have all these things i'm the hebrew of hebrews my resume 20 pages long i could he literally says i more i could top any of you guys but i counted it all loss for christ what does he mean verse 8 yea doubtless i count all things but the loss for the excellency of the knowledge of jesus christ my lord paul says i knew i knew of the lord i knew of the old testament i knew of these works put a test in front of me i'd ace it put a problem in front of me i'd solve it i'm the hebrew of hebrews but he says knowing the lord knowing of the lord it's all for loss to know the lord personally an interaction with the lord this is kind of interesting this is kind of where we get our common vernacular like christianese you know like we say like you know the blood of christ and that means a lot that's like a loaded phrase for you and i but if you don't know the lord you're like why are they talking about blood that's kind of weird uh so so too we talk about like our your relationship with jesus we talk about knowing the lord and that's kind of like uh if you don't know the lord or you don't aren't a christian or whatever you're like what are you talking about know the lord that's weird this is where we're kind of getting a lot of that vernacular so when you say that if you're going to work out your uh salvation with fear and trembling or your linguistics with fear and trembling you could point hey we're called to know the lord we're called to be in the word as it says in philippians chapter 3 as a whole we're called to know the lord yay doubtless i count all things but lost for the excellency of the knowledge of jesus christ my lord again no there is not like hello lord mr christ how are you i'm paul it's no almost it's an intimate no like a husband and a wife know having a relationship you know i i don't come home and say hey kenz and then go off and do nothing hey kent how was your day how you doing what's up relationship relationship relationship right knowing kenzie we're called to know the lord for whom i've suffered the loss of all things and don't count them but dung that's kind of a funny statement my resume hebrew of hebrews jew of jews learned under malio aced the tests the plaques on the wall right he says might as well hammer up a meadow muffin up there dung a cow pie [Applause] he's talking about that like what in the bible did get you bet you guys didn't know that's kind of like where he was going with that he's like all this stuff it's all done it's all bologna compared to knowing jesus christ so maybe you have a biblical degree in theology okay cool that's great how's your relationship with jesus christ i've been to uh studied under uh this pastor in this preacher for 18 years do you know jesus do you know him and here's the thing if you're like i don't the best part is it could start today it could start right now you might be a christian you may be raised as a christian but do you know jesus read the word pray have a conversation with the lord work out your faith in fear and trembling with jesus know christ for whom i have suffered the loss of all things but to count them all done that i might win christ and be found in him not having my own righteousness which is of the law he's like if it was the law i'd be good to go that's a big statement but that which is through faith of christ the righteousness is of god by faith there it is faith it's by faith did the law save anyone no the law saved no one the law actually was the point of the law was to show us that we couldn't do it paul is is saying hey the law was pretty good i was probably the best at it but he's saying hey that didn't save me it was my faith in jesus christ that saved me verse 10 that i may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings paul is knowing the fellowship of his sufferings he's like i know christ and i'm also called to know the fellowship of his suffering being made conformable unto death you have to choose that you have to choose that relationship with jesus and in doing so heads up you're choosing some suffering but you're also choosing joy man like the happiest people that i meet are are christians it's all it's it's a funny test isn't it like you could almost be walking through the supermarket fred meyer whatever it may be and you know what i mean you can almost tell like if someone is you know picking out their their you know keto ice cream they're probably not good but if they're going for the ben and jerry's cherry garcia they're probably a pastor you know uh i'm teasing but you know what i mean when you're walking by someone and they're just kind of get the milk get the sugar get the pretzels good dude i'm wearing my mask like come on i think i'm good uh but you almost see the opposite don't you you see someone who's just happy i don't know it might be worth hey do you know jesus because you look like you're filled with the spirit they probably know jesus and joy they're accounted joyful verse 12 not as though i already attained he said he didn't i haven't attained salvation through the law either we're already perfect i'm not perfect but i will follow after it i will fall after jesus that i may be apprehended that for which i am apprehended of christ jesus paul says hey i'm going to chase after my relationship with jesus i want to almost apprehend him as he apprehended me question was paul apprehended by jesus i'm going to say more than just about anybody right on the road to damascus you guys know the story on his donkey what happens jesus shows up knocks him off his donkey and says hey why are you persecuting me and through that you guys know the story he gets saved uh and then he's converted he was he was kind of like taken blinded he was blinded by the light paul was wasn't he he was apprehended by jesus and he says so too i'm i'm apprehending jesus he gave me a big bear hug i'm gonna give him a big bear hug back i'm gonna apprehend him and i love that picture jesus hey every morning every midday whatever time you're doing your bible study every evening whatever it is he's waiting he's there for you ready to apprehend you in the most positive sense not like the the person that sued their kidnapper that kind of not like that verse 13 brothers i counted not myself to have apprehended but this one thing i do forgetting those which are behind and reaching forth to those things which are are before i press forward i pressed toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of god in jesus christ a lot of people do kind of rest on their laurels don't they like you know uncle rico from napoleon dynamite you know i could have made that touchdown back in the day uh there were like a lot of beer commercials in the 70s where like they kind of like depicted everyone as being in the bar talking about the good old days and all that stuff that's actually a thing in ministry too believe it or not a lot of people say man this this one thing this one event that we did worked really really good let's do it for the next 50 years uh uh it's gonna it's gonna be great it's gonna be great uh and they're looking back to the things no no paul's saying hey that's awesome we gotta look forward in ministry for sure but then also you can take this another way too in terms of your personal life and actions and that's like the best news i've ever heard right in terms of your where you're coming from hey we're moving on if you're if you're apprehended you're good we're moving on praise the lord for that verse 14. let me read it again i press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of god in jesus christ it's an athletic reference that he's making there i'm pressing forward toward the mark let us therefore as many as be perfect thus be thus minded and if any thing that ye be otherwise minded god shall reveal this unto you in working out your faith in fear and trembling god is going to reveal to you those go to the right go to the left moments hey this thing it's not of me or this thing keep going this is solid the lord will reveal those things to you 16. nevertheless where to we have already attained let us walk by the same rule let us mind the same thing are you guys getting the like-mindedness that paul is saying chapter one like-mindedness is mentioned chapter two like-mindedness is kind of camped out on and then here we see it again in chapter three hey in all these things be ye like-minded be of the same mind kind of wrapping it up in verse 17 brothers be followers together of me and mark them which walk so is he have for an example he says guys it's the same thing it was kind of like hey guys i'm called to this and this is going to happen kind of like a do as i say and as i do kind of thing paul is an example of this he's preaching the gospel and i'm arrested and if that's happening you're doing good if you're chained to a praetorian hopefully that's a good thing preach the gospel and joy will abound verse 18 for many walk of whom i have told you often and now they tell you even weeping that they are enemies of the cross of christ they were once walking christians walking with you now they turned away and now they're enemies of christ whose end is destruction whose god is their belly and whose glory is in their own shame who mind earthly things isn't that true people that turn away from the lord it's just a bummer it's destruction they're looking to satisfy their own bellies or maybe like you could say their own desires their own heart you know chasing after that paycheck chasing after that girl or that one car or a status or whatever uh paul says their end is destruction and that's a heavy word i don't want my end to be destruction be like-minded with paul make your life be about jesus to live is christ and to die is gain verse 20 wrapping it up for our conversation is in heaven from whence also we look for the savior and the lord jesus christ forget about yourself our investment is in heaven man i think one of the times i got to cover i kind of like was speaking on the fact that we should be serving and the wednesday night crowd uh uh is a you guys are a unique crowd and that most of you guys are eighty creakers tried and true full you know you guys are here on sunday and you guys are here on wednesday maybe even sunday night warships uh you guys are here for uh some of you guys are here for the women's studies that happen and all that stuff your kids are it's awesome you guys are plugged into athy there does come a time where you got to make that switch to plugging in and and and drinking of the water of the word being fed to when you should be serving when you should be jumping into the kids ministry when you should be jumping in on the security team in the parking lot crew if you uh are a musician hopping in on the worship team uh it's funny um not to open the floodgates but now there's some people that are very very very very talented i'm definitely no standard but much better guitar players than me are sitting next to you guys and they're like you know 8th grade you guys are good you guys are good don't you you don't need me to be serving here uh it's hilarious because we definitely need you to be hopping in but it's funny they like they're like oh 8th greek doesn't need me to hop in on the security team ex former navy seal guy or whatever like we'd love to have you on the security team like you're actually the guy we were announcing or whatever kids ministry like honestly that's the big that's the biggest basket that i could throw any of y'all into if you need a spot to serve i don't just don't know where to serve four-year-olds easy next i don't know where to surf three-year-olds next uh and man it's a classic thing where it's like serving the lord what first off treasures are in heaven that's being heavenly minded there's also this like weird third pseudo thing that happens like you don't get paid for it but you get blessed for it like way more than any financial compensation especially teaching kids the bible like it's also like entertainment it's just so funny it just truly brings me joy to even think about the times that we had in the kids ministry kids trying to dodge balls and not getting it you know and then hey jesus loves you like yeah i know that's great uh okay now let's read the bible story let's get the flannel graph out you know all that stuff color the picture it's just so much fun uh kids are blessed by it there's fruit from that years my dad is probably the best example uh where uh or at least that i've i've seen where even in chapter one it says the fruit right he had planted seeds in the 80s and 90s and then those kids now adults have kids of their own and like hey because of the principles that you were teaching uh we are now walking with the lord our kids are doing great and i'm still using those same bible stories that you taught us 30 years ago fruit it's huge so super side note uh if you are here at athy and you're just kind of you've been plugging in for a couple years now you're like yeah i think i'll just kind of hang back nope we need you come on in not so much that we need you it's that the lord wants to bless you truly uh by show of hands how many of you guys have been blessed by serving raise your hand yeah uh-huh there you go hands down that's like almost every one of you guys and if you're online or if you're not in here or maybe you're like visiting or something like that and you go to another church dude plug into that church or if you're online come in and then plug into that church right uh just serve i don't know what else to say about that it's a huge blessing let's wrap it up we're almost done thank you guys for your patience verse 20 let's finish this out four our conversation is in heaven from whence we also look for the savior the lord jesus christ who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all the things unto himself man if we're called to serve the lord if you feel that prompting in your heart even right now that's awesome act on that for sure listen to the lord on that it's storing up treasures in heaven he'll change our vile body it's going to be awesome and some of you all have some vile bodies that need some changing but i know i do i know you do the lord has a plan we should we're called to be joyful and even going through this man i i am encouraged on sunday we'll look at chapter four and and you know just as chapter one two and three there's those little nuggets little nugs uh that you have all throughout the chapter four dude it's littered it's littered with in my bible it's a construction zone it's it's almost all highlighted right it's awesome maybe in your own personal devotions chew on some of the things we covered tonight at a blistering pace we had like an hour and i don't know 20 minutes or something like that to go through three chapters of so i know that some of you guys it's your favorite chapter your favorite verse whatever it is so in your own time i would really encourage you guys to dissect this and then on sunday chapter four wrap it up sound like a plan amen you
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 3,851
Rating: 4.7735848 out of 5
Keywords: Brett Meador, Bible, Church, Teaching, Study, Christian, Jesus, Oregon, Through the Bible, Athey Creek, Athey Creek Church, Athey Creek Christian Fellowship
Id: 8HmKKuSY9Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 33sec (4833 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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