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reckless ability team now a couple of years ago i did a recall only boosting it's actually a little bit similar to this one but there are variations if you want to check me on twitch make sure you do that's where i do all my live streams so the last couple of days i've been really busy trying to rework a new schedule and stuff for my work and life and stuff so uh we're back on track now and i really hope you enjoyed today's video i've got three battles today because it has been i think it's been about three days since i've uploaded so yeah we're back onto the almost daily videos there and of course with the twitch stream soon we've actually got a schedule going right the first battle we have today this was against jober king and we got a bascalina so what i did with this video right i wanted to use pokemon that could attack and use uh moves that work with the reckless ability right so reckless ability basically what it means right if you use a move that does recall damage and there's a lot of them right um you could actually get a boost in your base power which is like really really nice so firstly i was going to have the recoil moves for damage and then i was going to use some other moves to help along the theme team as well in this case i went for a taunt on the skullope because i thought it might try a sellout move now it's going to be going forward protect there to get a speed boost and now it's going to be attacking me with the cross poison doesn't do a lot of damage i'm going to be going for a head smash here on the scala pod and uh scalloped oh it's called a sculpt and you guys can write them in the comment section and uh scholar peed p is gonna go down so we got the early there with the basket now after using head smash you take a ridiculous amount of recoil damage almost took my little fish out next pokemon that's coming is the fake me up that's actually not a bad nickname i gotta respect that one now i can't do anything i've got double edge head smash take down and i'm thinking okay what if it tries to set up me maybe i should go for the taught right in case he uses a setup move that'd be like really really bad if it did run so go for top there and uh fake me up is going to take me out with a fake iron head now that's my basket on down but they did a pretty good job there i got rid of the skull feet which is a pretty yo it's a pretty good poke all right it can set up speed boost and sword dance i can even baton pass so into hitmonlee now and hitmonlee the moves i had on this were high jump kick and that was it that was the only move i could use with the uh you know the reckless ability now jump kick was taken out of the game i wasn't able to get double edge on it because that was from gen one and you can't get the reckless from gen one uh virtual console um so that was the only move i could give it and i was high jumping high jump kick and reckless is really really powerful um the thing about it right you actually don't take recoil damage only if you miss right so the other moves i got were just to sort of help it out here uh to do some more damage with high jump kick we got max attack and max speed uh that was the same on the bass concert as well so now we've got a uh substrate up and i just wanted to see what had rain was going to do and it's going to be setting up the trickery now the problem about the trick room right is this was actually quite good against the rest of my team so i had to thought well i might try and stall it up with substitute and protect and i might be like a sneaky high jump but not that it's going to do a lot right so uh hadarian's got to go for the psychic there and my sub well my protect is going to protect the sub which is good now i'm thinking okay maybe i should go for a focus energy so if i get maybe a critical hit out of this set and we've got a dazzling gleam here that's gonna easily break myself on the hit one leap now i could have gone for a high jump kick there but let's be honest it would have done no damage at all so it doesn't really matter so go for focus edgy and we've got two more turns to trick room here so i gotta stall that out after like maybe like another two thirds so go into obscure hoping they went for a psychic again and i could get like a free swapping but unfortunately they went for a dazzling glam and obstacle just manages to leave on four health sorry i had one turn a trick from left that's why i swapped him so we've got obstruct to double edge submission and take down now double edge will do a lot of damage here with rekkles actually gets that combination most people use the gut set though but i thought i'd go for the double edge and try and take the waffle out in one shot so go for that double edge there's no more trick room and it's got a focus oh why does it have a focus h4 so hanarin is obviously going to live that one and i'm thinking okay it's probably going to set trick room up again and it did that was really really bad there so obstacle goes out it takes hareen down to one help now on this team right i don't have any priority moves because none of the priority moves actually uh you know boosted by the power of reckless you can check out online there's a bunch of moves now there's only when you look at all the pokemon they have reckless right that are available for sword and shield there's only a set amount of like pokemon have reckless and have moves that uh you know are powered up by reckless right so it's actually quite a hard team to do and the variety of moves wasn't really huge so while we got the right period here we're going to go for the takedown uh and we've got double edge on this one as well now take down a double edge you're pretty similar like takedown's got less bass power but takedown doesn't like you don't lose as much recall using takedown that's basically the only difference between those two moves so coconutty is going to come in here and it's crying it's going to try and um not me so i've got uh my best option is double edge and i've got rock polish as well since the trick room's up there's no point using rod podge on this side we've got uh max health and max attack as well so we got alola executor is going to be the dynamax pokemon now i knew that a grass move was definitely come our way and this pokemon is really good on a trick run right essentially when you look at all of their team except for scholarly so far they're all like really really slow pokemon so they say scholar people's like the first pokemon if that went down then they could set the trickery up so we got the dynamite it's gonna be going for a max over so it could have come off a physical move a special move so i don't really know what it is at the moment but i know that my right here is going to get wrecked there's nothing i could have done about that one right so down goes right here and i've still got a couple more pokemon on the back i've still got my hip on lee and two other pokemon there wasn't a huge amount of pokemon to pick from as well now some of the recoil moves um i'm trying to think off the top of my head there were some like i think it was vault tackle like moves like that there wasn't a pokemon with reckless and that got that combination of moose so there were a couple that you know were like uh impossible to get right now there was one out of all the recoil moves or all physical moves every single one of them now there is a move called i'm trying to remember i think it's called light of ruin which never actually came to the game it was actually meant to be on as is floated that is the only special move that gets a boost from reckless which is crazy right but uh you know it's actually not in the game i don't think we'll ever get as is float yet i don't know what do you think about that topic let me know in the comments section i'm kind of curious what you people think do you reckon we'll get it eventually or you know not so we're going to go into buffalo buffalo as head charge had to run this one and i've got charge and wild charge on this one which works really nice right head charge does an amazing amount of damage too and so i thought that would be a great thing to do plus it also drops the uh you know speed in dynamics so we've got the executive go for a dragon type move i'm assuming it's going to be uh drake or media that's going to drop my attack that's good because they're going to obviously take like a lot less damage from my head charge there right so go for that and it does very very underwhelming damage so it's about a four here go it's gonna be less so after the alolan uh executor goes out now since i knew they were running a a special one the white herb was on them so you probably wouldn't run wide herb on a physical one you'd probably run it on a special one with moves like drake or meteor and leaf storm right that's what i was thinking that was my thought process right so executor it's going to be out of its dynamics there which is good because i can go for a max strike and that will pro i'm thinking that will almost take it out right and i'll be able to out speed it obviously too so go for that mac strike on the uh executor and that is enough to nearly take it out i knew that it probably just lived due to that attack drop earlier right from the dragon type move assuming as drake almeida so now unfortunately executive's going to be able to set up another trickery man trickery has been super annoying um against my team so coconutty is gonna be able to fire off another maybe a grass type move against me because there is grassy terrain in the field and you know it's gonna do a fair amount of damage to me right so buffalo is out of dynamics now the item i gave by buffalon was actually the uh it was the selleckberry so max health and max attack i want to run this as a bulky poke one especially in dynamax you know say i've come someone brought in like a really good counter i could release dynamics just sponge a few hits and take them out so we've got the draco mia i knew there's going to be a special set there and that is going to hit really hard because actually i've got a negative and special attack there so i take that one fairly well which is nice and now they've dropped their special attack which is cool i can go for a uh a seligberry boost here which will help me out after the trick room it's not gonna help me out too much for it and here i went for a track instead of attacking now the reason i went for a track right there was two pokemon left that were really good on a trick room right and if i let the executor go down now to a head smash i'm not not a head smasher head charge i there was a high chance i would definitely lose but if i went for the attractor and maybe stalled out a couple of turns of trick robe then took it out that would give me a much higher advantage to try and go finish this battle off now thinking here what should i do should i go i went for the infatuation with the track now i could possibly go for a sword dance now while charge would not take it out this range and i didn't really want to go for head smash either head charge man i'm getting my head moves mixed up and now executor is going to go for a flamethrower there on my bootleg it's not going to take it out but they are going to go for a burn obviously they don't want to drop their stats anymore so go for that sword dance there we have got one more turn of trick room left here so it's like okay if i go for another sword dance here that'll be really good right because i've got a select boost i'll have plus four an attack and then they've only got two more pokemon left right and i can you know i could go for maybe a wild charge or a head charge there and at least take one of them out so executives not going to be playing any games there gets through all that infatuation and blueflint is going to go down that really sucked out i wish i could have got like one turn if i had got one turn there or like that turn right there that would have been really good so uh the uh next pokemon is mian zhao and miancho is going to be helping me out like a lot here so executor all right um what i can do it can set up the trick room again and i don't want that to happen right i need to be able to tank one hit which i know i can right because it's already used draco media twice so it's at uh negative four and they're gonna be going for a flamethrower which is a good player they're going to try burning so it does no damage i'm going to pop that substitute up and now the trick room right is going to be it's going to be off the field so that means i've got a subdued up uh the item is leftovers and i've got max attack and max speed a lot of these are basically max attack and max speed or max health and max attack right that's normally how i went with these moves now i was like okay high jump kick right i gotta go fire jump kick i've got to take this out because if it sets up another trick room you know that's game right hitmonlee is a uh you know very powerful pokemon now unfortunately i've still got a bit of this coal left you might be able to tell my narration i do apologize for that but uh i'm trying i'm doing the best i can do at the moment it's like it's this cold it's not really it's like when you have a cold ride and then you've got that last little one percent and it just hangs on like a a dang cockroach that's what's happening to me at the moment so the last time well the second last pokemon is the salt storm here and that is he felt now her powder is very bulky rice like well high jump kick is not gonna one chop that i've got the chance here to go for a home clause boost my actually and not only beat my actually my power as well on high jumping so hydra kicker reckless is very very powerful right those people have used it you'll know um it's more something you'd probably use on hitmonlee so we've got the earthquake coming from the hippal down there that is uh most likely going to break my substitute um it's pretty pretty like a pretty good pokemon hip out it's got some nice um got some nice stalling capacity got like a decent amount of moves uh you know can hit pretty hard we've also got like scorching sand which is like really really interesting there so i've got my leftovers recovery i'm free to go for a high jump kick i was thinking maybe i should just go for sub again but then i was like no they're probably going to keep attacking me till i go down right that's pretty much it i'm gonna go hydro kick and it obviously is gonna mess with the high end claws up there because i got that attack and uh actually boost and here bow down is gonna go down which is really really good there i'm happy about that now the only pokemon i've got left apart from the anchor is hitmonlee there's no trick room up on the field which is really really good so the last pokemon i'm gonna have to basically do as much damage to as possible or you might be able to live like i was thinking about a sash it's not gonna matter now the only way for them to get around me now with the claw winter is a choice scarf and i'm thinking they're not going to have a right i think they're going to be running a slow tape high jump kick is going to land and op launcher is no longer going to be op that is the first battle there and hope you enjoy this one those trickery pokemon really gave my team a lot of trouble right so i guess um if i wasn't able to get rid of that trickery before the last two pokemon go like say if they're both blown right took out the executor right i would have lost then definitely because those pokemon could have come in and take my last couple out so there was a good thing i stalled out there even though it cost me the bouffant um in the end game was good so the next battle we have here this is a very interesting battle this one gets caught myself and what team is he going to have today people so we got a diglett lead here i went for higher jump kickers like let's play whack-a-mole right and i think it's gonna go down in one shot i love how diglett is actually showing the underneath it i'm not sure why it does that fall like it actually shows underneath a diglett when it gets kicked but uh that's how it goes so dig a lolla's gonna come out next you might be able to guess what team they're running or you maybe not do so we've got the uh sandstorm here it's gonna out speed my hip on leigh i went for another high jump kick again i was actually really worried that a pokemon would actually have uh protect you know because if i went protect i'd get recoil damage now instead of that happening i'm going to play another game of whack-a-mole on the i actually have to tangle here which is going to drop my speed by one two not that it matters too much i've taken you know a third of the team out already next pokemon is not as i nearly said extra drill um we've got the uh earthquake here and that's going to do a lot of damage taking my hitmon layout from the uh drill bit there so i'm guessing this has sand rush right that is going to be doing a lot of damage even from a pokemon like a drill barrel next poker we have is the obstagoon so obviously you can't really do too much here i reckon the double edge and the driller has a focus area so of course it's got a focus match and uh unfortunately for me the drill bit is gonna be able to take me i took recoil damage from life orb and i took recoil damage from double edge instead of going for an attacking move well it did go for attacking move but a boosted speed with rapid spin now rapid spin oh not only gets rid of all the uh you know traps and stuff on the field and does damage actually boosts your speed now by one stage and now with that extra speed boost it's gonna be able to take me out sounds nice and it's got the sand up too so sand rush is uh gonna be boosting this attack even more so a pretty powerful and dangerous pokemon at the moment now i'm thinking what should i do like i've got to take this thing out i don't really want to dynamics my booflets because i want to save the dynamics right so i went for the head charge on the one health uh drill bar and drill bit is going to go down like i had like there's some of these pokemon uh at the end of the game like there were like really good resistances this thing but there was a lot of normal type moves and there was a lot of fighting time moves right and once you lost like you know say you lost like your booflet with like wild charge the options were starting to like really diminish up your on your typing and stuff so doug true is gonna come in here it's gonna go for a stone edge it does not take me out i'm going to be eating my citrus burrow here not my spirit my select berry and now i can go for a head charge against the duck treasure like this will easily take duct tread as the fences are really bad and then we have another focus on spoke on oh man it's it's one of those days people i'm just gonna burst all these focus pokemon in reality right when i look back on the first bit of the battle i actually expected like both digletts to have elise well like one of them to have a focus that's right now dig trio i mean doug dig trio man i'm copyrighting that dig trio is going to use reversal and this is no joke right because that's going to be very very powerful now i've got two more pokemon left and they've still got like to me right we're i've seen this stage team i thought this is a theme team all about pokemon that can dig right that's what i reckon it is like a digging theme team so you got like you know you got all the digletts and uh doug prayers and stuff like that and then you've got like other pokemon i could think like drill bird and stuff like that i won't even guess what the last pokemon is so we've got the right here here i've got a dynamax this i mean i'm it's sort of desperate at the moment i've got to go for the maxwell's uh mack attacker riperia build here and we've got the reversal doing half else so i'd say if i didn't swap out um if i'd sorry not if i didn't dynamax i would have gone down in one shot so dub tree is obviously gonna go down there's only one health left and i'm gonna get a max knuckle from the uh submission there now submission is a fighting type move it also does recoil damage as well so uh it's not very good though and not many pokemon actually learn it's uh it's just not a good move the only move like the only time it actually was really good was in generation one a few people have played generation one before so uh doug true alola is gonna go for a steel beep it's a special set and ripe era gets dropped like a stone wait it is a stone anyway it gets dropped so i've got one more pokemon left here and i've got to deal with like another pokemon after this steel beaming dug tree so i've got basklin right here and uh dog tree is gonna go for a steal i'm assuming it's gonna be a choice back set there because i would have gone for another move and it still does lots of damage to vascular ride and dad true actually takes itself out i would have loved to have like a uh a setup move here but i didn't unfortunately so i went for head smash and my head is not going to uh smash so the next pokemon and last pokemon is the uh extra drill and i was most worried about this pokemon the only good thing is there wasn't any sand on the field right so uh you know if it had the abilities like sand rush or something like that it uh wasn't gonna come into effect so we got the big old extra and i'm wondering what sort of set this is gonna be i'm thinking the only way i can get even like even at this stage right i had a normal type move i had a rock type move and now we're not going to be doing any damage at all that was basically gg here this x drill could go for anything and take me out i'm assuming it was probably going to be like i don't know maybe it was a special set i'm not really sure what it was but uh the max quake is going to take out my basket i know my friends is the game hope you enjoyed uh the second battle against the uh digging team there with the doug trees and the the digletts and the uh drill bits and everything like that at the start i thought it was going to be like a sandstorm on a diglett team but then i've seen the drill bra and stuff come out i really actually need to do a dig evolution team i've been actually no i haven't done that i've actually started thinking i haven't done that one so the last battle this one was uh against hasta here and all these battles are done on my twitch too so if you'd like a opportunity to come and battle me you can the link is in the description of the video so we got the uh nine tiles a lolli and now i seen a lot of nine tails alola when i was doing this team like actually a lot of my team so i was like okay i want to take this out before it can set up the veil right so i've got my him on late as the lead i can go for a high jump kick here but before i could uh kick the uh nine tires it's going to be setting up the uh the bale so it's like okay right i'm assuming they're probably going to make that vowel last for eight turns i went to kick the night tiles still does really good damage there so it's a clear to you ko so now i'm thinking what's it going to use let's go for protect i want to see it it's probably going to go for a moon blast and what i did instead i go for a moon blast and went for disables i was like okay disable right so it's gonna try and disable my high jumping if it disables that move i've got no other moves to use so i went for high jump kick and now instead of disabling my high jump kick it's actually going to disable the last move which would protect the great thing about that was i was able to get the uh nine tiles well fighting the nine tiles without losing my hydro pick that would have been really bad if i actually uh didn't go so if i didn't go for protect there i would have been useless i would have had to swap my hitmon layout maybe that would have been bad so the next pokemon is the firelinks i'm gonna go for a high jump kick again it's my most strongest move and the only attacking move that i've got and it does half help i'm pretty uh you know happy with that one now the uh pharlinx is gonna go for the no retreat here and it's gonna get all the boost in the wood i've got to take this thing out before it sweeps the rest of my team right now i know that it's going to be out speedy and there's no obviously i can't really swap out either i'm just going to have to you know see what it's going to do so getting hit by the hail there i guess the hail didn't really help the filing so it's a little bit extra damage and uh my hitmonlee is going to go down to a close combat now the only good thing about using close combat is actually going to get a defense drop so it's going to be back to where it was before the uh no retreat uh boosts on its defensive side now i've got five more pokemon and i've got to swap into pokemon they can actually live this i thought okay the only pokemon that i'm thinking could live this is my boufflin and booflet in dynamaxx right and then i can go for a uh i could go for any sort of move like a normal type r move there would take it out because it doesn't have the no retreat boost right so i'm going to take that you know to my advantage and maybe right maybe if they go for close combat that could activate my salary too and i could be like a speedy boufflin you know depending on you know what move they're going for i definitely thought they'd go for close comments it was great bait but instead of going for that they went for smart strike maybe they thought that i had weakness policy and deliberately did i'd say that's why they did that for i would not that i wouldn't have lived the close copper it's it's max health and it's dynamics but i'd say the reason they did that was to not activate a weakness policy or they thought they had a weakness policy right so next pokemon is the meow and meowth is going to be uh gigantic banks so this is one of my favorite guy gander max forms i don't know like does anyone out there in the comment section like giganto max me up i like it it's it's called it's it's it's a good meme and i actually don't mind the design of it at all it sort of reminds me of um it sort of reminds me of the of a cat but like just just imagine a lol executive there's like a cat on top of it so we got the gmax gold rush here that's not going to do much damage at all however it is going to actually confuse me right plus uh whoever wins this battle is going to get 69 dollars so we got some chickens floating around our buffalo and cedar hopefully i actually don't hit myself for confusion and i don't i'm able to get the max strike off which is really good then so the veil remember is still on the field too and that does three quarters damage to the meowth there which is fine that's all good it's gonna drop at speed two so even after a speed drop your mouth is fairly fast so like meowth persian all those pokemon are really nice so we've got a max darkness there that is actually going to drop the special offense of my boufflin and you know they've already confused me so they don't really need to confuse me again i'd say would have done a little bit more damage but it's really not a pokemon that doesn't like a lot of damage right so go for another mac strike and the miata is going to go down i don't hit myself in confusion which was very very lucky there because that could have uh you know that could have really helped out their me out they could have kept attacking me and it could have remained on the field now the uh the vale is going to finally wear off it was up there for eight turns and the next pokemon is the duran so i was like okay durram the best i can do against durian is wild charge and uh the duo's gonna go for the iron head there iron head does a lot of damage i'm still confused too which is a problem hopefully i can get a wild charge off and i do get a wild charge off which is good and it does about just under half health to our kevin durant now well that's actually not a bad name in the world so we've got the uh celebrity boost there now durant is a very fast pokemon if i was running a like a speedy durant i'd run one as jolly nature and then you've got a hustle to make up for its uh attack not that it's attack is really bad or anything but uh that's how i run so we gotta ex is here and buffalo is gonna go down so they've taken a couple of my pokemon out now i'm now thinking what could i do against duran right i've got to take this out in one shot now the item each thing they've got on his leftovers i'm not sure if they're just running that as an item on it uh to heal like back some health or it's got any bulk in it right so i was like okay let's see what basketball is going to do and then durant went for a dig i was like okay dig that's his thing so i'm going to go for a head smash again and the head smash is going to miss i feel like if you use head smash right what do you think about this if you use head smash and it misses you should take recall damage because literally it's like you're ramming your head into it's like headbutt but worse right so kevin durant is going to be going down there and that does a lot of damage they could what they could do right is that going to go head smash make it 100 accuracy right but if you actually know probably you probably need to make it to miss you need to make it like 95 so keep the accuracy like high but there's a chance that i've missed or maybe you can't even keep it the same so uh sylveon is going to take me out for the pixelate quick attack right which is uh i don't know which is really bad for my basket right because it didn't have a lot of help there so that was bad now it's like okay mia ciao let's go for high jump kick there's nothing really i can do here quick attack does a lot of damage and i wait for a higher jump kick and high jump kick is gonna miss so like high jump kick with head smash the same sort of thing maybe give i don't know maybe give head smash a little bit more bass power to make up for that nerf i'm not sure what do you think about that but i just feel like that is definitely a recoil sounding move like you're trying to head you know smash your head into something like if you smash your head into something and you miss and you hit a wall or whatever that i feel like that should definitely be some recoil damage there okay sylvia went down to the quick attack it's a quick attack high jump kick miss and i'm gonna take it out with my double edge obscure which is good there so i've got one more poker left and they've got one more pokemon left as well now the last pokemon is actually a rapidash now i wasn't sure if i'd out speed this or not and i was like okay well i'm gonna go for take down here i don't want like a lot of recoil damage and take down with the reckless is enough to take out the rapidash rapper that's just get a flame body there right at the end and it burns me which would have been good for guts but i'm running reckless and it is the end of the battle as well thank you for the battle there um i think it was hasta and i hope you people enjoyed all three of these battles i shall be back tomorrow with some more theme teams have a good day tonight peace out [Music] you
Views: 84,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reckless Ability, reckless pokemon, Reckless Ability Pokemon, hi jump kick pokemon sword, double edge pokemon, double edge pokemon sword and shield, flare blitz pokemon, recoil pokemon moves, double edge, volt tackle, wood hammer, head smash, flare blitz, brave bird, take down, submission, struggle, wild charge, head charge, light of ruin, pimpnite theme team, pokemon theme team, pokemon moves, pimpnite sword and shield theme teams, pimpnite sword and shield, PIMPNITE
Id: Ps2UhCCT4S8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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