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a huge power ability pokemon team now it's meant to do this one in 2018 when mega man was in the game you know i've been a little bit busy so here we are two years later finally doing i kind of wish i could have done it with mega model in the game but you know i didn't expect magus to not be a thing anymore so today we got three battles and they were really good battles and the thing about this t right is it was difficult because i had to use all physical pokemon to make use of huge power you know huge power doubles that attack step so we got a magneton lead here and this was a pretty scary pokemon for my team because it actually counted all of them with its typing so we've got a choice banner azure here body slam brutal swing present and aqua jet run now present was just a meme right this thing doesn't get very good moves at all uh it's attacks that isn't the greatest in the world either but with huge power and choice ben it reaches like somewhat semi-acceptable levels right so i'm going to be swapping out there i'm expecting like any like let's let's face it guys a thundershock is going to take me out so we're going to be going into a bunnable so instead of going for that it's going to go for a flash cannon and flashcam is going to take me down to one health now this uh was my bottle we set here was as follows we got a physical attacker right with agility we've also got this one last resort brick break and thief right now obviously after my focus is used up i can go for thief and thief and item and maybe if i use brick break then i could go for a last resort ride now the magneto's gonna out speed me and go for a magnet rise there probably predicting like an earthquake it's a good thing i didn't go for earthquake i was able to get a thief off there and steal the everlight on the magnetron guys everlight when you're on one health is so helpful right only on people channel so now we can go for a brick break right against this magneton and you know magneton without the uh everlight is going to be a lot less bulky uh than when it has it now we're going to go down to our flash canon there unfortunately and down goes my bunny bees that's that's a bit of a shame but there's nothing i could have done right so now going back into a zero with the choice boundaries like okay let's see how much i can do right i could either go for an aquajet i know that i can out speed obviously uh the everlight is gone but i was thinking is it gonna be actually doing much damage but then i was like i don't have much for a choice so let's go back to that and maybe hope for like a crit there so go for the aperture and it really still does like nothing it's gonna have a zap cannon on the center i'm like oh no and it lands without it just straight up lands right so zero's just gonna get like the whole population with zero just like wrecked them so the next poker i'm gonna bring it is merrell now this is a bulky special defensive merrell set um it's actually a whirlpool toxic trapper set and it's pretty fun so firstly we're gonna go for a whirlpool there zap cannon actually misses that goodness that would have like hurt a lot at this point i was like okay it probably won't take me out in one hit but boy it's gonna hit really really hard i don't want to get hit by that move right this was something you probably don't see every day or you've probably never seen all so this is something that really cool happened right so the magneton right is going to go for a lock on right now that means any attack will be able to hit with the next turns like oh damn they're going to go for a zap count and then i was like if i go for dive right and hide under water i'll be fine right so i'm i'm hiding underwater right i've got the whirlpool go so whirlpool's going to be able to take it out like two more turns so i was like okay i should be able to you know take it out with a dive right and then the whirlpool damage so obviously uh they're gonna go for their move now they can't try they can't swap out or anything like that which is good so that can is still gonna land even though i'm in assembly like in vulnerable state underwater that is something you hardly hardly ever see now i'm gonna get the dive off thank goodness and manga tom is going to go down but that is something you very very rarely see you know it getting around uh you know the in the semi-and vulnerable state of like dive which is like super super cool so uh the magneton's down thank goodness but a lot of my like basically all of my team got wrecked there so my only option is to basically live the next attack and go for rest uh there's i was thinking about thinking i was thinking like could i go for toxic maybe if i was like nah let's go for rest so lopen is gonna go for a drain punch and that is not going to be enough to take my bulky everlight malware and i'm actually able to get a rest off here but then i'm thinking okay well i've got two turns of doing nothing so there's probably a good chance that la bunny can probably still take me out or it might set up me for my last couple of pokemon so sort of a bad situation right now so a lot paint is going to go for a strength there and strength does a pretty good amount of damage to me i am like i am maxed out for max especially everlight so it's it's actually reasonably bulky marrow whatever like um especially more on the special side now um i can can't do anything effort like two more turns i was like okay shrink is a three hit ko ah there's nothing i can do right lot bunny is still gonna take me out so even though it didn't take me out before the drain punch the actual course of the battle never changed at all so there's nothing i could do here there's no point swapping out um i had to lose my marrow unfortunately but man um if i didn't have merrell i feel like i may not have got past that magnet on the start i mean it could have taken like another one or two pokemon out so i've only got two more pokemon remaining i've i have to battle with five pokemon so five versus six so into a zoom roll this is the best poke on my team i actually have one really good pokemon here so we've got belly drum aqua jet and we've got bounce and we've got play rough too so this thing is made to belly drum than dynamaxx and uh sweep the rest of the tape so a lot bite is going to swap out there which is really good giving me a free belly drum up onto my zero now the item obviously is citrus berry so i can get a little bit of health back say if i get out sped right well you know citron bread are going to heal me up so i can go for a belly from my you know the usual azimural sort of belly drum kind of set right this one's a little bit different though i've got bounce in here so i can actually raise my speed now you could actually opt to go for something like um you know waterfall instead of aquajet but i still kept acrojet on there in case i wasn't able to get the belly drum and then a dynamax ko like right after because you really need to get that ko right you know directly after so go for the dynomax zero definitely the best pokemon on my team like this pokemon is pretty much made to wipe out the opponent's team or like just clean up at the end of battle when i've taken like one pokemon so we've got the big old zoomer here i'm at plus six attack going for that max airstream and that is definitely going to do a lot of damage to vapor and taking it out and giving me a plus one and speed two which is good now the evs i had on this obviously i ran adam and nature because i want to make use of huge power like so as much attack as possible and i put the rest into speed now it's not a very fast poke one even after a plus one so we got the leaf on sliding in here i know that i can go for an airstream and take it out and you know matt it's going to be star fall or air trip i know that i can definitely take leaf on out in one hit now if i do dynamics here i was still confident i could take it out like uh you know plus six is a lot on the zoom row and with huge bout does like a like a heap of damage i really like azumarill shiny too the yellow actually really suits it in my opinion so we're gonna have a dynamic sleep when i was like okay all right all right so i the only thing i'm sort of worried about here is a grass type move and whether i can live there not whether i even out speed it i mean as i said i do have a plus one in speed but leapfrog's fair like it's it's not super fast but you know zoomer is not is is quite a slow pokemon so i was a little bit right here so we got a big old leaf on here and guess what guys it's going to be out of outspeed me with the max overgrowth i was like oh no so it's going to file a couple of seeds out of its head there hit me pretty hard but i managed to leave on 10 health that was so good there that was such a great lift because what that's going to do right even if this attack actually doesn't take me out like even sorry even if i don't take the leaf and out with uh max estrella which would be like super weird i'd be out out speed at the next turn right and it does go down in one shot so i've got plus two in speed now which is really really great so i'm very very fast now so very few things could actually up speed me maybe a absurdly fast pokemon like dragonfold or like a choice scarf mod or or a priority move right so the grassy terrain uh even though those bad for me uh is actually going to give me a little bit of health recovery now we've got the loft honey so like hang on my fake out detector is going off so if this thing goes for a fake out there's a dang good chance it's going to take me out here so i was thinking okay i could go for a i could go for dynamaxx max guard and then that would give me the opportunity to go for a aquajet after in case a lot finding out speeds with lopini's a very fast pokemon as well so you know that that's sort of my thought process at the moment i knew that every move i got here could take it out i was worried about faker i know obviously i wasn't gonna worry about the flinch i was worried about going down to it because i only had 20 health right and that would be stab on la pani as well i thought about this move for quite a while right what they had left and what i should do here and should i go for another like another max airstream i was actually thinking about this one for quite a while but that was my thought process at the moment i was worried about fake out and i wasn't sure so i went for the max guard there that's the last turn on my dynomax and they go for strength and they ah so they don't have fake out um but anyway it doesn't matter right because i'm gonna get a little bit of extra health and even though i've lost my dynamics i've still got a very powerful aqua jet that's gonna go you know go first which is gonna be very very handy right so i don't really know what la lopani is gonna do here i mean it could go for strength uh like what item it's gonna have i hope it doesn't have like a sash or anything like that that would be bad but then i could go for aquajet and just take it out and then i was like no i've got plaster and speed let's go for play rough and just take it out and just in case and la bunny is gonna go down now so i've got plus two and speed i'm out spitting basically everything right so getting some grassy terrain goodness back there and the next pokemon is like a rocks like okay well i've definitely got to go for action against this one because i know i've got an acell rock coming my way now do they have a sash do they not i guess it doesn't really matter i feel like if they had a sash before they probably would have swapped it in like against my dynomax one right so going for the acro jet and micro rods gonna go down in one shot which is really good so they have one more pokemon remaining and the zero is like really clutching actually i think it's taken it's taken four pokemon out at the moment so i've almost got a an entire sweep with this is zoomer so their last pokemon is glacier i'm just gonna go for an aquajet i'm not playing any games here and glacion is going to go down in one hit i thought it might just barely leave it's got a little bit of bulk to it but uh that's pretty much the first game azura will sweep there well if you take away the magnetod and uh definitely a key player to my team like without a zoom roll it's it's a very very hard battle to actually uh you know even get a winning or just an acceptable score so the next battle we have here is gets barlow and this was a pretty interesting battle as well now the other pokemon i didn't get to use was my digibee but digsby gets used in these next two battles so uh i'll get to explain what that said is right so we've got a fever lady i'm thinking about this for a bit i'm like let's go for a choice band body slam and see what that does the thing about azura right the typing people always forget the typing of it right you know it has that normal typing so go for the body scene that does so much damage and it's gonna focus that's like dang i would have taken out one shot but that's all good right and uh we've got burning jealousy here from the um people and i live on 18 health which is really really nice there the thing about that right is i actually was running max elf so if i didn't run max elf you know i wouldn't have lived that one like definitely not at all so dad goes steve or zero actually takes something up now the next pokemon is the intel and i'm like okay well it's gonna go for a foul stinger that is really bad because that's gonna give it a instant plus three in attack and man i've got basically i've gotta take this pokemon out like in one shot right now because it's gonna be able to sweep me with like any like like a physical move like i know the ones that can use that waterfall like i've done actually i've done the uh fel stinger intelligence set myself so on this one i've got flail and dewa and knock off i was like okay they're definitely gonna attack me so let's just go for flail i've got focus on this set max attack and max speed had a couple of focus stations on this team so we got the waterfall there as i knew that guy go fall there it's a nice that physical move and i'm going to leave living on my sash and i'm going to go for the flower flowers at full base power and talon is going to go down now if a teleon did have a focus ash i had the quick attack to take it out so i was prepared to get around that now persian's going to slide in slightly i'm like okay fake out but i can't actually do anything right so if i go for endure again right i can't out speed it there's nothing i could do i don't want to swap into another pokemon so i was happy to select digsby go there it got rid of italian which was a massive threat right so i was happy with that so now instead of attacking me it's gonna go for a parting shot uh dropping my bundle these attacks i'm like okay that's that sort of sucks because now my attacks aren't really going to do all you know that much damage so the next pokemon coming in is the lunatone blue tone shine looks pretty nice i'm still trying to find one of those in pokemon go so go for the brick break there brickmake does okay damage considering and you know that's how how it was right so now i'm thinking i might be able to use last resort if i can get it around this loom tone first what i've got to do right is go for agility so i can be uh you know reasonably fast obviously i ran out of it on this one because i want to make the use of like you know most most use of huge power so instead of going for attacking it also boosts its speed with rock polish like okay we both boost our speed two stages let's go for attacking move now so go for the thief thief does actually really good damage there if i didn't have a negative one attack i almost would have taken i think i could have actually nearly taken it up there so lunatone is gonna go for another rock polish it's at plus four speed and now it's gonna go for a meteor beam now meteor beam is gonna do a lot of damage to me and it's gonna boost the special attack right now the item it's got on there is power herb which is gonna activate the meteor beam right away because normally it's a two turn move right and that's gonna make it attack in one turn and you get a like a free boost which is really nice so i've got the focusation which is unlucky for the lunatone and now i can go for a thief here and obviously i won't be able to thieve an item because i used it up but thief was enough to take out the lunatize like that's really really good so now i can actually go for a last resort which will be really strong and say ah this is persian fake out again i'm counted i can't do anything and now it's gonna take me out so unfortunately two of my pokemon went down to this person so this person's actually kind of a threat right now i've got to take it out it's got the life of as well for some good damage so now we're going to throw in merrell here i was hoping i could snare this um maybe snare this persian for like a maybe a toxic and a little bit of dive and then i was thinking well if i go for any of those sort of strategies right it could go for a parting shot and get out of it so i was like gotta go for toxic right now now the toxic is gonna land which is really good i would i would have probably raged pretty hard there at the toxic miss then so now the percher's got gunk shot as well which is really unfortunate because that's super effective against the whole evolution line well you know most of them right so we've got another gunk shot here it's going to land and i'm not going to be able to withstand another one like i was barely able to live that first one because i'm running more of especially you know defensive merrell there so down goes the fourth member of my team the last member i've got here is azumarill as usual like usually in a lot of the battles it either came down to a zoomer or i was sort of set up with digs to be right and i could go for you know really powerful flails and that sort of thing so uh they got the persian actually swapping out here and now we've got the double coming in so okay doubles fairly bulky on the uh especially if it's got fluffy right so what i'm going to do is i went for the dynomax and then i i went for the max estrang because i've got to be out out speed this persian right so you know a big pain in the ass now i'm thinking i can't go for belly drum in front of it so i d i actually didn't expect them to swap there i thought they might just try and go for like an attacking move then again it could have been risky if i went for a belly drum or they went for a gunk shot right and then i got the citrus berry then i barely drummed and then i could get the aquajet off that could have been really bad for them so getting up a uh plus one in speed there and it does some really nice damage to the double then i'm i'm quite happy with that so now i can either go for a max geyser or another airstream i'm thinking if i go for another airstream i might be able to out speed that persian person a lola perch just the entire line they're very very fast pokemon right and you know i gotta get some speed boost up so go for the second one there and the double is gonna go down i thought they might try and dynamax there to live the next one but uh obviously that wasn't uh the idea for this set there so down goes the double so they've got one other pokemon and this pokemon is hot we got a win goal here and it's a shiny wing i'm like are they gonna dynamics their wingo like no way so i can go for an airstream again or i could go for a max stuff well max geyser will not take out wingold um i know how i know that sounds funny but it won't take it out so i've got to go for airstream or max stuff i was like let's go for another airstream like this should do some really good damage right i was kind of curious what their wing goal set would be and then they dynamics that we go i'm like oh this is gonna be cool it's the first time i've actually seen someone uh you know dynamics a wind goal before man look at these wings i mean i feel like wingo will be just like the size of a normal bird wait no that's probably a little bit bigger than normal maybe what's the biggest bird that exists i think it's um um isn't it is it a albatross i think that's i don't know i don't know what it is someone don't know what that is anyway so unfortunately for the window it's going to go down there to one shot even with the extra bit of health on dynamaxx it's not going to be living that one i think uh after the valve i mentioned it was like a special so it was a very risky special set there i didn't really want to find out what they were going to do so the last pokemon is the persian and it's poison and i have lost my dynamics here so i can easily go for an akka jet here or i could go from play rough i was actually kind of confident i could go for the player up and take it out there and persian is gonna go down and then my friends is the second battle so really cool pokemon used there and i hope you enjoy the second battle we still have one more battle left and i'm going to take a swigger drink here my throat was uh feeling a little bit dehydrated and uh let's get into it so the third battle this one was against mr gus sword and he all has like super cool team so i was kind of curious what this one was going to be now out of the battles like with this huge power team these are the three that were probably the most entertaining the rest were very one-sided because i found this team was very counted counted hard by like defensive pokemon like say i think i had one battle where someone would just set up like three iron defenses i'm like well that's gg because i don't have any special moves right even my zoom roll if it's set up like a belly drum wouldn't be out of one shot things like that so we're going to score rugby league score if you're looking fresh that's a nice shiny there i actually like that like better than draper right so go for a body slam and body slam does it really doesn't do too much at all this is a definite bulky um this is the everlight i'd say max alpha max defense scorpio so that's about a three hit ko i do get the paralyzer which is really good however i even with the paralyzer i still don't have speeder right so we've got the poison thing there it's gonna be super effective i do leave that one just due to the health there um they could have a little bit they could just have like max alpha max attack with their light like they could still possibly have that cuz that did a little bit too much damage to my zero for them to not have any evs right so the next move that i got is the knock off that's going to get rid of my uh my choice band the only good thing about that is actually going to free me up so i don't have to get going for body slam the whole time and down goes the scruppy but it did get some toxic spikes on the fields like okay i wonder what their plan is with the toxic spikes are they just going to put them up on there you know to poison my pokemon oh they're gonna have a strategy you know based around uh me being poison right that was that's what i think at this point so uh cinderella is gonna come in here i'm not sure if they're running a theme team but that's definitely from bugs bunny uh so i'm gonna go for aqua jet that does some pretty good damage there without the choice bed and now they're gonna go for a court chains like ah so they want to put the toxic spikes not on my side of the field don't want to put it on this i'm like okay all right so they want their pokemon to be poisoned so i'm thinking okay let's think of stuff like guts uh facade um quick feet there were the sort of things that were running through my mind that i'm trying to do right and i'm sort of looking at their team and thinking yeah that's that's possibly what they're going to do so now we've got a special syndra it's going to go for electric ball and take out by zero that critical it did not matter at all or zero just it's gonna get wasted for sure so swapping my butt will be here this is the focus that i can uh i was thinking i could go for agility here and maybe try and set that up to get a uh like a large resort up um that sort of thing so go for agility here that's gonna be like a nice little bit there so we've got the focus miss it's to be obviously it's libero cinderace and the focus miss is going to miss so go for agility which is going to give me plus two and speeds like okay good i can probably up speed the synth race now and then i can go for like you know any of my other moves i go for thief i can go for brick break i've got to use the only thing about last thought you've got to use all the moves once right white swapped in so first you go for brick brake right brick brake does some good damage but it quite doesn't take it out and the focus miss is going to land this time and i do have the sash right normally that we obviously would have taken the entire bodily population out but i did have the focus action now i was thinking i could go for a thief i know it's not going to do much damage but that's going to allow me to go for a last resort the next turn and i actually would be able to take an item too because my focus is uh you know it's been consumed so going for the thieves is probably just enough to take out the syndras and uh that's really really good there now the item i got from syndice was heavy duty boots that's nice to see if there's any stealth rocks on the field i could swap it in and swap it back in or any like traps that's something so gotta go fast gonna come in it's like okay i know this is gonna be fast right i've got an agility up but i'm thinking i don't know if it's gonna be actually enough to out speed this thing because it's got quick feet right that's why they put the toxic spikes on the field and i was thinking there's probably going to be other pokemon they're going to be able to benefit from this too so not only did he have a quick beat and actually got the power for that facade as well from that too so that was uh you know that was like super cool putting the uh you know traps on the field then putting it back on your side for the benefit so that's nice so we've got digibee coming in here this is my focus digsby as well now once again i know that i'm going to get outsped i know that i'm going to eat right really hard for this thing i'm thinking why don't i just go for a flail here because i know they're going to attack me and uh this thing isn't very bulky right so we got the uh facade there and it's going to take me all the way down to my focus and now i'm going to go for a full power flail and that is most definitely going to be able to take that out with the huge power on digsby it's a very very strong pokemon right i wanna run something a little bit different from the usual toy standard set you know so fast food's gonna come in it's poison i wonder what they're gonna do with this set and uh then they've got a berry which is gonna be lumber which was pretty smart right because they've definitely got unburdened so now they've consumed their berry they're gonna be very very fast right so i'm not gonna be able to speed here if i if they didn't have the unburdened activator i say i would have outsped them but i'm not they're gonna go for the draining kiss and take my digs to be out so that's really cool there um we really really like great use of using the toxic spikes on their side of the field next pokemon is the merrell and i was thinking okay well with this merrell set this is a good opportunity to maybe trap them in and poison them right they've used draining kiss i know that i can take that easy right if it's just purely a special slurp puff and i'm thinking it is because they use car miner i'm guessing it's like a bulky uh like boosting set or even it could just be a sweeping set right i would be enough to be causing me a lot of trouble right so firstly going for toxic that's very very important now i'm thinking they've got draining kiss they've got car mine right there's a there's a good chance they could have wish too or some form of recovery i'm thinking it's gonna be wish or they could have car minded three attacking moves there's that as well but just the bet like the worst case scenario here if they do have wish i want to put a toxic down and i want to get that whirlpool going right because that'll be really good it also swap them yo stop them from swapping out so the next move we've got a psychic here psychic doesn't do too much to me because i'm very bulky on the special side and they're probably like oh crap it's it's super bulky barrel and uh so meryl strapped in with a whirlpool and it's got poison now which is really nice now my next objective here i can go for a dive right i can hide under the water i won't get hit by a zap captain this time and you know i can do some huge power dive damage right this set really wasn't based a lot on huge power but i wanted to put one physical move on here and i felt like dive went really nicely in this set and even with no ev's an attack right dive would still do some okay damage so the next move is the draining kiss there draining kiss actually does less than psychic but it does give them a little bit of health sustain right it's not going to help them too much in the um you know the toxic damage because they're gonna need a lot of car mines up to start doing a lot of uh damage or draining kiss right and i'm gonna be diving and stuff like that underneath the uh water on the field you can see that water is flowing nicely there and it's it's not sustainable right so in this case merrell has a very very big advantage here because it's already set all the traps up there and you know to take the slip off out they can't swap due to uh whirlpool either so i've basically got the trap dead so we got another psychiatric their best bet is to go for psychic and maybe get a special defense drop right and just go for damage so going for dive again we got some toxic damage there and whirlpool is going to be enough to take them out so basically once you've got a like once you've got a pokemon right in the toxic and the whirlpool and the dive trap they are not long for this world i can tell you that that doesn't take like a very much i think it's like three turns and they're down so the next pokemon is the luxury i'm like okay luxury's gonna be able to take me out easy this is not very bulky on the defensive side as i mentioned a few times here i mean they're definitely gonna have facade right i know they're gonna have facade because this is where it writes really really nicely on luxor right so there's nothing i could do here all i can do is go for all i like i think i went for a dive here and they're gonna go for agility so like okay agility right so maybe they've got like uh like i thought they could make use of like electro ball here too with like julia they'd be kind of nice so we got the uh poison up there on the lux ray and i'm gonna be able to stall out another turn of poison because i'm underneath the ground right so we've got the uh ice fang there i'm gonna go for a dive here dive actually does really nice damage considering i'm running a marrow and with no attack ev's at all so huge power sort of makes up for that and i've actually done a pretty good uh chunk of damage to lux ray without getting hit so uh they're obviously gonna be able to go for electric type move and take me out whether they've got wild charge or thunder fingers or nothing if they've got wild charges they're not going to be around for a very long road in fact using any either of those moves they go for a spark and spark is going to take my marrow out the good thing about spark right is it has a chance of paralyzing as well and it's got some pretty good base power spot so lux rays are almost down there to maybe like one or two more turns and then it's going to eat it like ah well that sort of sucks that's going to probably stall them out that's probably going to give them like and buy them maybe one extra turn so into azure allow now there's no way i can set up a belly drum and luck for his face here i've got to go for dynamax and i just have to attack that there's nothing i could do here i've just got to go for like uh i could go for a any like a watertight move or a fairy type move and take luxury out now i know that i'm going to get out sped i'm just hoping the bulk of my uh you know dynomax actually allows me to lift this right because lux raiser it's got some pretty good attack right a pretty good attacks that i like i like luck for it's a really cool pokemon so now luxray obviously is gonna go for a uh a sparkier and spark does a lot of damage if i obviously if i didn't dynamax i would have fainted there i was actually quite glad it didn't paralyze me either so now the citrus barrier is gonna kick in there give me a little bit of help back and now i can go for a max geyser what i'm thinking here if i go for max geyser right that'll power up my aqua jet which will do a lot of damage after i'm out of dynamics i'm thinking after i come out of dynamax i'm not gonna probably be able to get a belly drum off here and the battle was almost over two they needed one pokemon left so the last pokemon was the girders like okay they haven't dynamics yet but are they gonna dynamics i wasn't really sure what they're gonna do so i'm thinking well a fairy type move is probably gonna end them regardless of a huge power staffer to girder is gonna do a lot of damage depending what the set they're running if they're running like a uh like a bulky like maybe bulky bulk upset or like drain punch bulk up which works really well on good uh it's still gonna do a heap of damage i've also got max airstream too but that's not stabbed so i was like you know max starfall is gonna do a lot of damage here and you know def probably take them out right so go for the max duffle they are not going to dynamax and uh girder is gonna be going down in one shot and that's pretty much it for all three battles some really really cool uh you know pokemon teams there from uh you know all of my opponents i really hope you enjoy this one i'll be back with another theme team for what is it today tuesday i've got another thing team on wednesday coming up i've actually i'm actually really ahead of the boat all right people have a wonderful day and night where we live in the world and i'll catch you next time [Music] peace [Music] you
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Keywords: huge power pokemon, huge power pokemon sword, huge power pokemon shield, huge power ability, azumarill huge power, azumarill huge power choice band, azumarill huge power moveset, huge power azumarill, huge power slaking, huge power runerigus, huge power passimian, huge power regigigas, huge power diggersby, pokemon huge power vs pure power, pokemon huge power explained, Pokemon Huge Power, Pokemon Huge Power Ability, Pokemon Theme Team, Pimpnite Theme Team, PIMPNITE
Id: JRlH53iMmFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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