FULL POKEMON MOVE EVOLUTION TEAM ! ( How To Evolve Pokemon By Moves )

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pokemon move evolution team these are all about pokemon that evolve and actually require a move to evolve which is pretty cool like palace wine to mammoth one with ancient power now i'm back from my holiday people it was a good little break there about for a week and uh the only bad thing is i do have a little bit of a cot i'm just nearly getting over it so my voice might be a little bit fuzzy this video so hope you can uh put up with that one that uh let's get into the video we've got two battles today and this is actually a really really fun team to actually do uh the first battle we'll have these were on my twitch if you want to take my twitch streams out link in the description this one was against uh pixie on here and he's got a pretty cool thing so we got an umbreon lead here now what i did right with all six pokemon i made sure i gave them the move they actually had for the uh evolution so in this case was giving mimic so i gave it protective mimic to start off with right and two other attacking moves now usually with this pseudobuddha right i went for protect and see what the opponent was going to do as in moves and then i could like copy their move with mimic and then i could maybe use the move against them in this case we got a mudslap so i was like oh okay might save and then the umbreon is going to use zap cannon zap cannon is going to get mimic from my sort of widow only on hypnotized channel people and we're gonna have a zap cannon suit of wooden hacker exposed here so we got zap cannon wood hammer head smash and protect not a bad set you know not a bad set there so we got max health and max attack here obviously for my physical moves but this zap can there's going to be wild people i'm going to be able to like paralyze stuff if i can land it right so my actually is going to get dropped there which is really not going to help using a zap cannon because it's got very low accuracy of 50 already so my chances of landing zapgana are very very slim in this matchup they're already fairly slim as it is so the umbreon here it's going to be a special set with workup it's going to be setting up on me heavily i really wanted to use the move like the mimicked move i really want to make like with these sets right i want to try and make use of the move that they had for the evolution as much as humanly possible or you know if it was possible in the battle right so i thought i've got to get some damage on umbreon right because it's quite a bulky pokemon and i got a head smash off which is fairly surprising too because you know i did have a negative one in uh actually and it's not 100 actually move itself so this umbrella is trying to fire some uh trying to find some zac cannons off of me it hasn't even connected one yet so i'm going to go for wood hammer that is going to miss and now umbreon is finally going to land a zap cannon against my suit who does a lot of damage and of course when you get hit by zap can you always get paralyzed now the item i ran on my pseudo-water here was the citrus berry and the ability i gave my suit of wood it was rocket so i'd have no recoil damage from moves like woodhammer and a head smash unfortunately he would have a fails to take out the escombreon i mean the umbreon and um i'm gonna go for zap candy i thought this is appropriate it's only got a little bit of help left right if i can somehow pull this off this will be amazing but you know the odds are really really stacked against me here so the umbrella is going for another zap count it's going it actually only landed one i think that's like the fifth zap cannon here it's only connected one of them so student will who somehow gets through all that and lands is that catted and umbrella is gonna go down with the move that i mimicked i mean i i've got like i'd be salty if that was me right because not only did i get around all those accuracy drops right uh the low the paralyzed everything i can't believe they actually landed so the next pokemon is the umbreon and you might have guessed the people it is a full umbreon team so we got these umbreons and they're going to be thick right so i'm thinking around here should i just go for a head smash or maybe i should go for a zap cannon again so this is going to be a uh a physical umbra with sucker punch there all the way from our gen four and head smash is gonna miss let's go get this guys i can land a zap cannon but i i can't land my own stab move so now we got another sucker punch here on the suitability is not going to go down and zapkin is going to miss unfortunately i mean i did my best work there with the first umbreon i was very lucky to take it out so i'm not going to complain i've got some really crazy luck there you know at the start of the battle so now i'm thinking should i swap out here but it's already paralyzed it's not going to outspeed a flea and you know i'm just going to let it faint right so the uproar is going to go for a third sucker punch and my is going to go down unfortunately i didn't have any like status moves so i couldn't really get around this sucker bunch run so next poker is the serena and this is this is interesting evolution right it actually requires stock to evolve it from steeny which is i don't know i just find that funny because when you look at serena's legs right like i don't think he actually has feet i'm not sure like look at those they're basically legs i don't know they're like ballerina it's like a ballerina legs you know how to stand the toes and that sort of thing that i don't know i'm not sure even sure what i'm talking about right now so i went for a tdr and the idea with this set right is to confuse the opponent and actually use a stomp against them and uh you know get around this this umbreon is definitely choice scarf that's how i got out sped so they are choice cast sucker punch and queen the magician is obviously going to get around that right so this umbreon is completely well the only way for it to actually do anything would be to swap out so umbrella is going to get owned and i mean umbreon is going to get owed and the next pokemon that's coming here is a number umbreon called scumbrion i mean i knew there'd be i kind of had a feeling when umbreon was the umbreon team in the preview that one of them would have been called skumbrion right it's it's a good nickname i i've got to admit that so this set obviously uh runs with a little bit of hacks here too from nature power now i was trying to hope if i could get some well mostly a paralyzed and then i could get the confusion going and then the chance of stomp actually flinching all at one time that the re it was a very high risk of actually happening too and especially when they bring in a special umbrella with a life orb and it actually does a lot of damage with the dank pulse there's actually a crit too so i cannot probably leave any other special attack from this umbrella even though it's special attack isn't very good so i was like let's go for the damage on stop right so somehow i mean i feel like when surrender used to stop right it's more like what's the word maybe it's not like a foot hitting umbra it's more like it's more like a leg impaling the umbrella i don't know like a javelin or something someone better explain uh serena's um feed in the combat actually don't worry about explaining that comment section so we're gonna go for another stop there and scovering actually fails to take me out uh with the weather ball here which is kind of nice weatherball looks so awesome and it's awesome on the umbrella like all these umbrellas sort of had like different moves on my you know different generations so down goes uh my serena unfortunately there but you know it's only on a little bit of health i can send something in against it so we're going to be sending in the mammoth one here so obviously mammoth one's evolution is all based around uh having the move anchor power so i thought okay let's move uh probably like a special attacking mammoth one and see if we can get some luck here so we're going to be going for the ancient power hoping for a boost and scorpion is going to go down it's good to take out skull broncos so we're taking out two umbreons so far however we lost my mimicking surah wudu and my stomping serena why why does it get stopped for so the next pokemon's coming is the umbreon now we've seen this before right this is a choice garfield so like what are they going to do now they're going to go for retaliate retail look it's absolutely awesome unfortunately even with the power boost of the ko'd pokemon umbreon's attackers it's garbage right so it's not going to do lots and lots of damage plus memphis one's kind of thick too um it's got it's got also got thick fat so uh the other moves are just stab moves like a blizzard and that sort of thing i just wanted to make sure i had ancient power on this set right so umbron is choice scarf it can't do anything but retell it so i guess there's not a lot of point of actually swapping it there blizzard does some pretty good damage there and i've got freeze drive and water types and earth power and stuff like that man look at the size of mammoth one's tail it's freaking huge so we got another retaliate i think it's gonna be out maybe three more hits to take me out i'm gonna go for a second blizzard here and the second blizzard actually hits i was kind of uh you know happy about that and umbreon finally gets owned it only took like half the battle so the next pokemon is umbreon and this time it's not shiny and soon as i seen the non-shining one i'm thinking i know i i've got a good feeling i know what this one is because i've actually got one myself so i'm gonna go for the blizzard it hits like three times in a row it's actually going mildly surprised there and umbreon is going to have sing here so my mama swine is going to get put to sleep by sing now sings accuracy is terrible it's only got 55 actually so you know it's pretty good uh that actually hit now not only does that sing it's got the uh item throat spray it's going to boost its uh special attacks i'm like okay another special attacking umbrella now i didn't really want to swap this out because the rest of my team could probably get put to sleep by seeing i'm not going to lie my my luck at times is really bad so i'm going to keep it in there hopefully it wakes up but it's never going to get woken up people it's going to be trapped in umbreon's dream eater for all eternity man i don't even know what that will be like um as long as it doesn't involve anything with serena and using stop so harper team has gone but i've taken half the umbreon team out next pokemon on the bat is the uh licky licky now licky licky guitar rollout obviously for the evolution and i thought they'd make a roll out set now if rollout was if i was first thing still type pokemon i thought that wouldn't be very fun so i give it body press and i gave an explosion as well in case i really had to uh you know uh go boom on a bulky opponent or just get it out of the field so this set obviously revolved around rollout mostly so we're going to be going for that defense goal first and uh singh is going to miss which is really good so now obviously using a defense girl my next roller is going to have like a big power boost right plus they're gonna be bulky and that'll also help out body press too so it's a pretty galaxy brain set right so this uh leaky licky is actually max speed and max stack and the item is select very on there too so dark pulse does a fair bit of damage there and i get flips i'm like man that really sucks uh should i just go for body presses so i start the rollouts i wasn't really sure now the next thing is gonna miss as well i mentioned earlier it's got that terrible actually and now leaky licking is gonna be roll on people so once you use roller you're locked in it until it misses or you know the five turns is actually up so i'm going to miss the next attack there it's another thing i'm going for a second roll out and now that does a lot of damage that was actually a critical hit so the next roller is definitely going to take the jumper and out and then umbreon pulls out the scorpion double team i'm like okay well if roland misses there we're going to reset that power all the way from the start however licky leaky manages to hit another rollout and umbrella is going to go down now the next two rollouts right they're going to be really strong right imagine getting hit by a licky licky roller would its tongue actually go like over its whole body like you actually get hit by like a tongue right that'd be crazy so go for another roller here and the next ombre just gets one shot up by crit i don't know if that one matter if it was bulky uh like it was very defensive that sure would have mattered it would have hit really really hard though but it was like i don't know i'm not really sure on that build but that it i'd say it most definitely matter so the last uh pokemon is umbreon again and i'm into my last roller and this as protect i'm like dang it so obviously when i move like protectors use and use roll out that actually stops the flow of roll out so that bass power you know gets reset there and you can pick another move too so i've got roll out defense curl body press exposure i was like you know what i'm just going to go boom here because it's their last pokemon i've still got two remaining so this should be a pretty good idea it's already used protect so it's probably not going to use it again so let's go explosion uh coming off flicky licky's you know uh stab and base attack it's pretty strong right and the umbreon managed to live like man it's one of those days so down goes slinky licking you did pretty well though i got like threw a lot of those umbrella with some crits and stuff so umbreon is gonna use toxic and obviously that's not gonna do anything there's no pokemon on the field to get poison so it's got leftovers as the item i thought okay let's go into my uh silver gun so obviously this only needs a very tight move to evolve that's why i call it a fairy move right so on this set we've got misty explosion misty terrain echo voice and mystical fire so i thought okay what i'm gonna do first right i'm gonna finish this with the bang right so i went for the misty terrain i was too scared to go for missed the explosion right up in case i went for protect again and unfortunately i could have gone away with it there too now the umbreon right unfortunately is going to use wish i'm like oh i could have i could have finished it earlier on so once again with these sets right i really wanted to try and use the move that made them evolve right if i if i had to so that was sort of the challenge of this team so now i've got to use misty explosion i've got to take this out but i can't write because if i go for mystic explosion there's a good chance they're going to use protect so i don't want to do that i'll just go for echoed voice right now the ability on this one was pixelated as well max elf and max special attack so as i thought the umbreon is going to go for protect and miss the explosion i would have taken myself out there so now the next turn i can go for a missed explosion you know on the upper end and that's going to do some pretty good damage right you know i'm thinking it'll definitely take it out so under the misty terrain it does get a power boost too and coming off uh silvion's big special attack it's gonna be doing a lot of damage there so it did tank the explosion so i think this should definitely take it out they go for a second protector i'm glad that one didn't work i'm gonna go for a uh messy the explosion here and this is like that's like two explosions in one battle this time it's a big old pink explosion and the freaking umbreon lives again oh man it lifted explosion and lift a missed explosion what's going on now so my last pokemon has to take it out it only has a little bit of help left and i do have a type advantage here which is good so my last pokemon here is the grap lock now it actually gets taught uh to actually evolve it which is kind of nice and the other moves i gave with power up punch soak and drain punch head technician as the ability max out and max defense here and we got the um marango berry if it gets hit by a special attacking whip it's like a really bulky set so obviously uh we got the umbreon we both haven't even dynamics yet i just went for a power up punch i knew um there's no point going for uh like a dynamaxx cause any of my moves are gonna be able to take the umbreon out right now this great block isn't very fast source there was a chance umbrell could actually outspeed me here it's not gonna get too much uh health back there from the dynomax but uh you know it's fine i was pretty confident i could lift any move this has so it's gonna be a max darkness now as soon as i see max darkness i'm thinking it probably had something like foul play i'm judging on what set though using right you know wish protect and foul play right so that's going to drop my mind to special defense not that it really matters too much i'm going to go for a drain punch and that is the final umbreon down finally like it lift two explosions i hope you people enjoyed this battle it's really cool i always lie by reversing these things like a six the same pokemon um you get to see some really creative sense i like to do them myself all right i thank you for the pixel and uh we're going to be getting on to the second battle i really need a drink of water right now man i hate these i hate these cause i sort of like restrict your voice so the next battle we have today this one was against mr garcia and once again he's got a really cool team as well now i do have another two to three thing teams lined up in the next few days as well um hopefully hopefully i'll be able to narrate like i was actually going to narrate all three of them today but this is like i judging on this this is probably the only one i'm going to be on the right so the first poke we've got here is the zig zagoon i'm going to go for that stomp again with uh my magical no feet and uh citrus berry is going to kick in somebody okay is this going to have i was wondering if it's going to have belly drum or anything like that but i'm thinking if they got belly drum which they do like they can't use extreme speed because i've got queenly magicians that's going to actually get me around them now i wasn't really sure whether they were going to go for it um you know it's a common ability this pokemon actually has and they're obviously going for another move so down goes six again i wonder what the zig zoom was going to do there um i'll be kind of curious now this pokemon this was the most annoying pokemon i had to face in a fairly long amount of time so we got the lux ray i'm going to swap this out because that has dropped my attack so stomp will be doing you know even less damage than ori was doing at the start so into my grab block now it's going to go for a thunder wave so like okay that's fine i can at least go for power punch and i can just drain punch this thing off and i could go for torn as well because this could have some status moves and i was like it does have a status move it's got thunder wave and it's got swagger so uh parafusion right off the bat there okay fine fine fine i probably need to get a taunt off against the things that we can't do that uh you know in the future so i'm gonna get paralyzed okay that's fine that's you know that's how it is uh the next one is thunderwise they're gonna try and fleech me so they got stabbed and the chance of flinching a thunderbank too so a pretty scummy clever set there i do get the torn off i'll wiggle my hand and uh luxray is gonna have to take me for a couple of turns now which is good so the next move they're gonna use is thunder fang i think that's their only attacking move at this stage um i'm thinking maybe they've got like one other status move and i get that power up punch off which is really good i was thinking about going for a drain punch there i was like no i should be able to get around this one power punch one drain punch you know lux race would be down now this luxury is definitely a bulky set there as you can see with the leftovers um it's built for bulk um it's also uh i'd say it's got pretty good attacks there anyway so you probably don't need too much attack on it they're judging on the damage there so unfortunately i hit myself in confusion from the swagger and the plus one from power punch it was a bit of a risky play there i could have gone for a drain punch but in this case i don't think i was going to win this matchup like i just got terrible luck um i got paralyzed so many times in a row so grab lock is going to go down i have to avenge the grab flop though now i do have my serena here to use i could try and stop this out of oblivion but then i'm thinking nah it's not going to do enough damage i'll get paralyzed and stuff too and the whole shenanigans will go again so now lux rate is going to go for a swagger so like okay the only move that luxray can actually do to me the only attacking move is going to be bite right then by not going to be able to do too much at all so my mammoth swine right is going to be going for earth power and of course i hate myself in confusion so i'm kind of lucky that i'm running a special one right not a physical one now um we got a special attacking mama's one here we had max speed and max specs stack i ran modest nature on this one as well and obviously i ran max speed there so i'm going to hit by the bite they're going to try and flinch me and i hit myself again man this is not going through this luxury is super rain and all the time right all the time we're not able to attack it it's healing itself off of leftovers right so basically you're trying to incapacitate the opponent get your health back there and you know try and take it out so i finally get a earth power up then i said h power and the lion king is gonna go down um in the crowd of zebras or what i know the buffalo things the buffalo was it buffalos that um mufasa got sta it was buffaloes i think that mufasa got a tram like trample but i can't remember i think it was buffaloes lion king people let me know in the comment section all right so ryder is going to come and shrek me with like water gun and down goes my members one but don't worry people i still got four pokemon remaining so we're going to be going to roll out now i thought this would be a good pokemon uh to go into it's pretty thick and i need to get those roll lights up really really quick so we got the raichu swapping out there and we got uh the bolt-on coming in so okay that's fine roller is gonna miss unfortunately that's really really bad so now i'm not gonna get another chance um of getting i could have had a second roll out would have done some good damage so now the ballroom's gonna use a discharge it's gonna paralyze me too and then i get paralyzed like right after something man that was actually pretty lucky and now the bomb runs gonna go for another discharge there and it's i've done over half my health and i get paralyzed again so like man this is this is kind of unlucky with all those paralyzed right so now balrog's gonna go for another discharge and this time it crits me and i at that stage right i was like i gotta i i'm thinking right instead of going for a roller this is gonna take too long i've gotta go for explosion like at that stage of the second paralyzed that's where i decided i've got to do some damage right because this bottom's going to get arrayed like everything right so the bolt-on is going to go down in one shot to the explosion thank goodness i ran explosion on that set and licky licky is also going to go down there you know took itself out so i've taken three pokemon out and uh three of my team is down so fairly even at the moment so now comes a yeet dinosaur i mean yi dinosaur i mean i'm going to call it that anyway so we've got pseudo widow first thing i want to see what moves this thing was going to use so i throw that up i wonder what it's gonna do so it's gonna go for breaking swine now the only problem about breaking swipe is gonna be super effective how it's gonna drop my attack at the same time it's like ah i just wanna mimic this move so it's gonna hit me with breaking swipe and it's gonna drop my attack they're interesting sort of move to run on something okay if it's using that sort of move i think it's going to be sort of like some sort of bulky or supports there right like break breaking swipes really good for that so that question was sort of answered when they went for a fire spin so my sudowood is going to be trapped in by firespin so now i'm going to go for the braking swipe on the ute dinosaur it's about a five hit ko right and probably practically dropping very fast if it does hit me with more you know braking swipe set so i'm locked into the fire spin there i was trapped in by that and it's gonna keep spamming the braking swipe against me not that it's doing a lot of damage but fire spin is gonna like it's gonna be really bad because i can't swap out and i'm gonna have to try and take this thing out and i can't really do too much damage and i've got like a shaky sort of accuracy main stab move too so the head smash is gonna miss there i'm already down to like half elf after the next hit uh the item the citrus barrel is actually kind of handy there but uh as you can see i'm right down to half health again and it keeps dropping my attack over and over again so head smash finally connects um the problem is it's a little bit too late there because i'm already at like negative i don't know negative three in attack there and my pseudo just isn't doing the damage right so now we've got another breaking swipe here they can pretty much keep using breaking swipe here dropping my attack and hoping that i don't get a crit so go for another head smash and head smash misses again man i really have not had good luck in this battle with the rng guys right so the next move is breaking swipe yet again and sudowoodo is going to go down man that got absolutely destroyed then and there was nothing i could have done so the next pokemon i've only got two left is a fairy move which is my silence i'm thinking okay i'm gonna go for echoed voice here and boost that uh you know boost that and obviously they're gonna go for a rest here i thought they might have some form of recovery and i was right so obviously with the pixelated echo voice it's going to get exponentially stronger using echo voice than a row right so i thought this would be great you know i can power may go boyce and it's doing a lot of damage so the next one is probably going to take this out i'll get very very close right so the dinosaur is going to be asleep in yards like the only movie can do is firespin that's it uh you know the other move is not going to have anything because i'm like a fairy type you know so breaking swipe is not going to affect me that's cool i could go for a second echoed voicier on the dinosaur and it's going to go it's going to get heated so we got um two more pokemon left we got that raichu from early on and one of the known pokemon so mouse police is gonna come in there some of these names are flying over my head i'm sure it's a reference or a theme team there's something i'm sure someone in the comments section you can answer that one i get paralyzed again what's going on and i get paralyzed like right afterwards so we got the echo voice here and raichu is gonna get smacked by that um that's at that's the third echoed voice in a row so this is hitting very very hard right now the the last pokemon is the torah cat nicely atari cat being used that's going to drop my attack not gonna matter i'm not running a fizzle set today and i'm thinking if i go for a missed explosion right missy explosion is not gonna take it out if i go for an echoed voice echo voice is going to hit like it's like extremely hard even though resistant right it's on its fourth one so that bass power is very very high plus i won't sacrifice myself too so we got the uh dynomax turrican here probably the first time you guys have seen this and uh i can go for echo voice and definitely do some decent damage right so we got the max play here from the tara cat my last pokemon the grass type too so i was a little bit worried about that one too so it almost takes me out there thinking oh please don't don't paralyze me i don't get paralyzed i get the echoed voice off look at the damage there i actually get a critical hit which is really really good there obviously the next turn it's going to be able to take me out of the max play here but i did burn up two turns of dynamax which was pretty galaxy brain there because now they can only use one of my tournament dynamics and i haven't dynamics yet here so my last pokemon is the stomping serena now i know that i probably could possibly most definitely get out sped here so what i got to do right i've got to go for dynamaxx and i've got to go for a max guard right that will put them out of their dynamics and then they're sort of forced to use their fire type move out of dynamax which is going to be a lot better than you know uh max flair right with uh oh i'm thinking about the moon set it's got i'm thinking they've got something along the lines they could have flare blitz they could have fire fang that were the physical moves that i knew that were you know best on a turret or a physical turret right so we got a max player here that's going to hit my big old it's going to say something i said my big old max got there and they're out of dynamics which is nice and now i can go for a max um a max stop and take this out it turns out it had fire thanks that was a good call there and it burns me man i don't think i've been this status for in a long time in a battle that's crazy uh the last attack is gonna take the cat on boots out and that my friends is the second battle this isn't crazy rng and that hope you enjoyed both these battles i should be back with another theme team tomorrow judging on my voice and i'll catch you then people peace out [Music] so [Music] you
Views: 67,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Move Evolution, Pokemon Evolution, pokemon that evolve by moves, how to evolve piloswine to mamoswine, how to evolve steenee, how to evolve bonsly, how to evolve sylveon, how to evolve lickitung, How To Evolve, how to evolve clobbopus, Pokemon Evolution By Moves, ancient power mamoswine, mimic bonsly, lickitung rollout, piloswine ancient power, How To Evolve Pokemon By Moves, steenee stomp, Pokemon Theme Team, pimpnite sword and shield, PIMPNITE
Id: 7yDmwNcHcUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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