FULL PSEUDO POISON TYPE POKEMON TEAM! - Pokemon That Should Be Poison Type

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what's up with you photos video with a full pseudo pointer type pokemon team bomanium this one is for you so this is all about pokemon that could or should have a poison type as they're typing right obviously this is all based on opinion so if you agree me disagree with me think i missed out something leave below in the comment section now this one is for patreon people so if you'd like your own custom theme team or pokemon suite you can check me out at patreon.com tier 2 and above the link is in the description so go check it out if you'd like that so we got two battles today and the first battle this one was against bijan i'm not sure if i said that right maybe someone can roast me in the comment section so the proper pronunciation so their first pokemon is a seismitoad which is a pretty curious pokemon as you'll maybe see as the battle goes up now my first pokemon pick as a poison type here is poison and electric for pin church now obviously it's a legislative one but i thought it could definitely be a poison type base on its appearance so those big spikes in it could be poisonous spikes may be something you could tread on the water like an urchin right now urchins could be poisonous too so i thought it could fit the mole for that so we got toxic spikes venom drench self-detract and zing zap so what i wanted to do on all six pokemon too was obviously include every one of the move sets was at least one poison type move right so i added that as a little extra feature there so we got a toxic spikes here i wanted to set two uh layers of this up because i wanted to get some sort of poison against the pokeball for this team right so we got the earth's power come to the side there it's going to do a lot of damage now the item on this was red card right now in their team preview i noticed that a shi ginger and a poison type is gonna come in here and it's going to get poison right which is absolutely wild because i thought if i landed all the toxic spikes on the field they'd just swap in their poison type absorb the mold then she didn't can come in there for only without a poison right but in case of this the red card right it actually booted it in and shinja is going to go down there which is absolutely amazing there complete luck that swapped in right so the next pokemon is the nagonada that was the poison type i was talking about it's going to instantly absorb all the toxic spikes so i was very very lucky there but that was super super funny so it's gonna be going for a nasty plot here which is uh very nasty i actually went for a self-destruct yeah now the evils of this one were max health and max attack adam and nature self-destruct does a lot of damage there unfortunately it doesn't net the ko i don't know whether else mean or max damage there but boy that did a lot to naganada all right now what i need to do here is i need to go into my anaconda sorry my santa con i'm getting the snakes mixed up so obviously this is a venom snakes can be venomous and which is poisonous venomous poisonous i know it's sort of different but i felt like a ground and poison type could definitely work for this one as well it's probably a little bit more of a stretch than some of the other ones but i still feel it's a snake and i still feel like it could be possible right so at this stage i need to go for dynamics here i need to be able to live this next attack because this thing with a nasty plot and a beast boost is going to be very very scary and it's going to be able to get through a lot of my team right good thing about the self-destruct i did deny them of a beast boost so it didn't have like a plus three in special effect it's only got a plus two which is still a lot right so here comes the dragonfalls i live on 69 health there which is going to activate my ability stand spit right now on the uh eb so this is max speed and max attack i want to run a speedy one so you go about jolly nature and we're going to take nagonado out there quite easily it only had like a little bit of health less so i was very very happy to get rid of that one right now we'll say this too there were a couple of other pokemon which i could have included in this that weren't in sword and shield line maybe someone in the comment section will be putting those ones but there were a couple i wouldn't mind including in this team so out comes the size of a toad again i can go for a max quake it's my best option here i'm not saying it's going to take it out but i thought maybe you know two to three eco something like that right so my size of throat isn't going to get like hit super super hard it's definitely a three here ko on that one and uh sides for toad is probably going to be going for some sort of water type move and it's going to go for a skull there i live on 13 health which is great unfortunately i'm going to get burned by the skull which is really really bad because obviously my physical moves are not going to do as much right now the poison type move i gave this was poison tail because i thought that would be a good idea to put on this set right i at least tried to get one like what i tried to do right is i tried to make all new individual types of poisoning type and i also gave them one poison type move each which took quite a while to think up because you had to think of pokemon that you know had a good chance of being a poison type you know in my opinion so we're going to go down to the burn there nothing i really could have done there and out comes the rotom oven now i did have a bit of bit plan for this rotor mother but i wasn't really sure if it was going to work so we're going to go into poison water which of course is size of though we both have a seismo and they're both shiny i definitely think this pokemon could be poisonous like it's a frog uh like a definitely like on the back of it it looks very poisonous especially it's shiny color that's why i kind of did that for um i definitely definitely feel and also learned a lot of poison type moves as well and it's also got poison touches the ability to which i gave it so we've got poison job liquidation gastro acid and drain punch gash raster is really cool you can nullify the abilities and poison jab can poison the young obviously try and now poison the opponent and a poison touch as well so works kind of a hand in hand there so we've got the roton going for a trick here i actually went for the gastro acid i'm gonna get a try scarf and they're gonna get a rindoberry window berry is my item there uh the evs i ran on this one were max health and max attack so i'm gonna get uh the rotom's gonna get hit by the sandstorm there and i'm gonna swap this out because i'm locked into gashara so it's not going to do much right if i keep doing them so we're going to go into gujarat this time good job i believe definitely should be a poison type instead of just like the dragon like it's literally oozing poison or some sort of like uh liquid from it right i definitely believe it's even like a poisonous sort of color like that green the purple and the pink what do you think i definitely believe that it should be poison so we got the rotom oven swapping out there and we've got the dust stops coming in uh the sand silk is finally going to go away now the moves that i got on this were acid spray which is really cool we got sludge wave we got dragon balls and flamethrower also gets a lot of poison type moves too so what we're going to do here is we're going to go for acid spray now asset rate doesn't do a lot of damage right but asset spray drops the opponent's special uh defense by two stages a hundred percent of the time so it's it's kind of nice right so you could go for that a couple of turns and i could go for a dragon pulse afterwards and hit the dust cops it was a really powerful dragon boss right now uh willowis is gonna not do too much for me since i'm running a fizzy set it's just going to do like a little bit of damage right so go for a another asset spray on the dust stops here the shiny's looking real nice i've got to admit that and now they've got negative 4 in special defense now they've got a fixed damage movie of being nightshade and that's going to do pretty good damage to me over time so they only need to hit me with that like two more times now i thought maybe they'll swap here maybe they won't i went for dragon pulse and in comes the scissor now on this team you might have noticed right a lot of my i really can't do a lot of steel types right this is pretty much the only pokemon that can really do any form of damage to a steel type at all that is why i included flamethrower here otherwise i would have been getting like walled every single day of the week right so going for the flamethrower out speeding the scissor and that is going to get absolutely annihilated there which is great like i had no answer that uh whatsoever right now the evs on this goodra we run this is max speed and max attack so income is sorry special attack we're running a special attacking one don't roast me too hard so we've got the dust cops coming in it's going to frisk out the item that uh which is the assault best that's my item we're going to go for acid spray here so as a sprayer thought maybe i can get one or two of them up then attack it after so you're getting a crit there on acid spray are really really bad now dust cops right it's going to be able to go for a trick room here so i was like okay trick room that may be okay with some of my pokemon but some of them they're kind of fast like i put speed over them so it's not really going to work that well right so does scops is going to be going for a night trade here and i had exactly 50 health there from salty and goodra is going to go down so that was that was super close if i had 51 i would have lived so we're gonna go to butterfree now butterfree a lot of our butterflies can be almost can be poisonous and so i thought it sort of looks like a poison type too it's very purple so we're going to have this as a poison bun so we've got air slash veno shock a bug buzz and uh substitute now the ability i gave this was tinted lens which is a really really underrated ability in my opinion so dusk ops first is going to go for the willow spear um i'm not really sure i thought they would have gone for the uh night shade instead i guess maybe they'll think i was running around like a physical set so we're going to go for the bug fires here bypass does a pretty good amount of damage here considering it's not very effective and considering this dust off is a thousand percent everlight run so getting a nice special defense drop there and also my item with throat spray as well so that's gonna get another power boost on my special attacking side max speed and max special attack team in nature dust cops is going to be swapping out here rojo comes into the butterfree probably expecting to live you know a bug buzz really really well look at the damage that due to it that tinted lens and plus run really damages roads on there they were not able to swap into that very well i'm gonna out speed them and take it out there so uh tinted lens very very uh i don't i just feel it's a very very underrated building basically what it does is powers up not very effective moves so you know it's kind of nice um not like some pokemon get it but not like a huge huge amount of them so down goes the uh rotom and then comes the dust cop so i was like okay bug buzz probably won't take it out but we'll do a fair bit of damage right dust up should be able to be taken out but like on a small amount of health but i get a critical hit there and dust off is gonna be going down that was very very nicely not that i feel i would ever be able to get around the dust cops i could have swapped it in my seismitoad and just take it out afterwards right the last pokemon they have is these sides of a toad there i still find it fun we both had a size of those that would shiny right so they're going to have to dynamax the size of tony i kind of thought they'd do that instead of using dust stops dust cops is better with everlight and you know it's more of a support style pokemon right now we already know what some of the moves this thing has already so i thought i should be able to take this out right i've got my seismitoad here i actually might be out of gastro acid this and get rid of um like it's filthy that could be fun right so first thing we're going to go for the veno shockey i was going to go for the tinted lens boost it really didn't do too much at all there and now it's going to go for a max guys here so okay does this have twist whip or does it have water absorb maybe i should go for gastro acid and get rid of the blt right so then it'll be uh you know not super fast in the rainbow so down goes the butterfree here and i've got my seismototal and i was like i've got to swap my seismitoad into the seismic throat right so we've got the leftovers recovery there on the side and he comes with my poison fairy type instead so i definitely think this like should be a poison and fairy type look at how look at it shine it's very very poisonous looking it's a mushroom mushrooms will be poisonous too what a dip right as i did a double swap in hopes that they go for a poison type move and obviously i'd be able to tank that like super super easily instead of doing that they went for a max quakers like ah i don't think they've got anything to shamanic with at all right so i can easily go for a grass type move and you know take this out unfortunately it's going to get a another special defense boost there from the uh max quake coming off by earth power right now what i went is i went for a drain punch here in hopes that i could get a little bit of health back just to leave the next max quake and then they'd be out of you know the uh dynamics right so here comes uh max quake i think that's max quake number two there i guess my size vote and i may just do that pretty well on the r35 we've got two minutes left of this battle too this went like all the way to 20 minutes it was a very very long battle right after i cuddled the stuff out in between there so it's almost got half of its health back there and i can really go for the drain punch now i can do damage and i can get health back i don't know whether i'm going to be able to live the next attack though but i just wait for it anyway i was confident that shinorika could easily take it out right at this stage shinoni could easily just beat this side stone it definitely didn't have a poison type move they went for stealth rock there i think that could have been a misclick because they could have damaged me a little bit with earthbound possibly taking me out but uh i definitely 100 sure i think that was a misclick there so i went for a drain punch it doesn't really matter because i wasn't going to take them out this time anyway i do get a little bit of health back there from the drain punch there and i get the poison touch too which is kind of nice like poison touch finally kicked in right at the end of the battle so we had 50 seconds left this battle we went for another earth power and it actually didn't take me out so there's no way this would have ever got through my strong and that my friends is the gain right here what i wanted to do is i wanted to swap in my shoulder and actually finish it off and see if they even had like a move to hit me with here unfortunately animations just took so long we had the uh poison and then we had the swapping animation and everything like that i do believe they should take the animations out for the timer at least right at least they do something to do that right so we've got 20 seconds left on this battle i've got my shark i'm going to take some stealth rock damage here and here comes the earth power earth power's gonna obviously you can do nothing to me at all there alice max health and max special tag on this generic set as well i will explain the schnotic set a little bit more in the uh second battle too there right so we got four seconds left on this battle i just wait for any move to take it out uh it was always gonna you know take out the uh side to do it anyway and that is the game there we went right down to zero seconds thank you for the battle bijan uh this was on the y-com too so if you do end up actually watching this battle thank you very much there but uh you know i was definitely always gonna win that uh battle regardless where they went for stealth rock or attack me right so the second battle this one's against our peeps a lot this is on my twitch chat and we got a hadith lead i've got my uh usual lead here as my pinch urchin so i thought all right i won't be probably able to set up anything against this maybe i'll just attack it with zing zap right i've got the electric surge up too it should hit pretty hard right now how do you know it's actually going to be swapping out is like okay all right and uh we got sand coming which of course is the palo sand so i'm not going to be able to do anything to this like i've got zing zap and i've got self-destruct but i'm completely counted all i can really do is go for toxic spikes and set them up right now i thought venom dredge would be really cool in this so say i set them up at the start of the game and i swapped the uh you know the pinching out afterwards and then i could go for venom drench and drop the stats with your pokemon it could be quite good then go for explosion or something like that right so we've got a scorching sands coming from the palace then does a lot of damage me it's a clear to eko right now red card is going to kick in here which is great once again i can easily poison the incoming pokemon this time it's not a should ninja it's a surah so sure is going to get poison there it's going to get not badly poisoned just normal poison right this is going to give me a chance to set up the second uh toxic spike so so pretty much here i've done everything that i can possibly do all i can do now is go for a zing zap and see if i can dent this sort of sort of what it isn't super fast either then again pitch urchin isn't very fast either right so go first out speeding soda water getting that big zing zap up does a lot of damage they're getting a critical hit sudowood has actually got pretty nice effects too it's gonna go for a wood hammer and squash my little urchin and it's going to faint right there have you people ever walked on the beach before and seen the uh like the dried-up urchins on the beach i see them all the time right so we're gonna swap into this my butterfree so okay i can go for any move to take this out let's go for veno shock right and then the gets a quick activation on self-destruct i would believe it you wouldn't read about it people but afraid who's going to go down in one shot there that was so lucky getting that quick reactive action sort of what it gets absolutely like they got so much out of that sort of water said they took out my picture and the butterfree right on like such a small amount of health very very nice they're very very lucky so i'm going to saltily swap in my shenanigan on this set i've got moon blast obviously uh this also gets sludge bomb too so it gets a poison type move which you know um doesn't really surprise me too much it does look very very poisonous and it does look really really cool too so we got the uh how do you go for another years like oh this is going to be some really annoying set isn't it so obviously nozzle is going to paralyze me 100 and i get paralyzed instead now what the hedena is going to do it's going to get hit by the sand and it's also going to get hit by the poison i'm also going to get hit by the sand as well so there's a lot of things happening so i got two rounds of like paralysis sorry sand and then the poison so it's going to be a physical set go for the play rough there play rough doesn't do a lot of damage to me i just went for moon blast here because that's really the best i could do and it's i think it's definitely going to be everlighter there judging on the damage that i know i did to a right now the item i ran this one was choice specs i just wanted to do like a little bit of extra damage there uh with my attacking moves right so it's going to go for it's our final play roughly before i fight it with the moon plus and unfortunately i don't land on 69 health people it was very very close right there now i want to give a little uh a little spoiler here i'm thinking about doing a 420 team for 420 day in a couple of days right so uh hopefully i'll be able to get that one done in time so down goes hard area and out comes the thai ranch room so time trip will get hit very very hard by moon blast it's a special set they're going for ancient houses like i'm gonna lift this one and i did on 15 health i don't get paralyzed and i'm able to get another moon blast off there um it actually lifted i was like wow that actually lipped that attack i thought i'd be out of one shot it so the sand is going to subside obviously playing a role in there the tyrants i'm living and the poison is going to be taking that out maybe in like one or two more turns so tyrone desperately tried to get a ancient power boost here olympianic they are not going to get it and genotic is going to go down i don't want this thing to get like any boost at all then again it it's not going to be around for like too much longer like one more time it's going to be going down so we're going to go into the poison ground which is my uh santa conda here so i went for poison tail disrespect and it landed and it took it out beautiful beautiful disrespect ko there but man um actually one of my um one of my friends actually got bitten by a snake before and it was uh apparently like where they got bitten it actually was turning black like and then they had to uh they give like the annie venom and stuff was crazy right has anyone ever been bitten by a snake before hopefully not but uh man it's crazy right so we got the uh primary ender coming in it's a whirlpool poo marina only off in my shadow and i'm going to spin around a little bit it does a lot of damage to me like heaps and heaps of damage right so sand split is going to come into effect there because i got hit by a move and i'm thinking okay they probably got toxic they're probably got a toxic whirlpool trappings there right classic pip night combination there right so i thought here maybe they'll go for a rest and i could go for a coil on their rest here right maybe maybe they'll do that instead of attacking me so i went for poison tower to try and get some more damage there uh on the premarita and primary day is gonna go for rest it's like okay that's cool it's uh gonna be sleeping maybe it has a sleek talk rest or i don't know something like that so the privilege is gonna go to sleep there in the set imagine trying to sleep in sand like getting pelted by sand and you just you know drop off to sleep that'd be uncomfortable so we've got the chester brewery on the premiere in here waking it up and the whirlpool is going to be taking me out the next turn here i thought let's go for a coil they're definitely going to be able to take me out with a whirlpool maybe they'll mess with whirlpool then i can hit them with a more powerful attack right and hope hopefully it happens right so the primary unfortune is not going to miss the whirlpool and i'm going to find that dang the time you want whirlpool to miss and it doesn't like well always misses me when i want it to land like when i want to trap in the opponent like initially it always misses then you sort of give away what set you're running it's very frustrating so now we're going to go into the poison dragon which of course is my good drag let's go for a uh acid spray here drop that special fence by two then what i could do right is i can go for a powerful sludge wave right so here comes a paris song from the pre-runner hell no i'm not i'm not fighting to this thing so it's a parastome trapping set right i need to take this out before the pair of shong uh you know takes out my good to ride now i'm pretty uh certain that i'll do a good amount of damage here and take out the pre-render sorry i have to do it and sludge wave at negative two and seven super effective is going to take out the perimeter so that's very very good right there uh getting rid of that so we've got palestine left and there's no more sand on the field either and we've got one more pokemon so my paris paris song is down to two and out comes the duology now they haven't dynamics yet and then i seen the dura luna come out i'm like okay they've definitely got 69 floors as a gmax right that's my dura luna's nickname and you know what i think it's very very good now while i was doing my stream right i was talking to people right imagine if the trainer right was right at the top of the story like right now there's 69 falls up that'd be so good so anyway i'm facing down the 69th floor building only i'll pit our channel go for that dragon pulse and it's not really going to do too much damage right here comes the gmax depletion and they're going to try and deplete my pp but uh my paper is pretty big so uh i can leave another hit right so i can go for a dragon pulse and try and get some more damage on this thing right now the item on the tuba learning is the leftovers uh they're gonna heal up a fair bit of my damage right perezong is down to one count so there's no point swapping out here right i'm just going to let duralunan take me out nothing i can now really do in this matchup right it's it's it's kind of funny right because if you look at your eluded when it attacks that bottom floor sort of looks like a mouth when it attacks like it leans forward and it looks like a mount opens like watch your back you won't be able to unsee that so anyway it's gonna get some more more leftover recovery maybe that was the design all along and i just never noticed that until now probably so we're gonna go to my size without my last uh sort of hope here to try and take this out and we're gonna go for dynamaxx size of toad now this can go for a drain punch to boost his attack uh into plus one and i can also go for just a liquidation there to get the uh the water going and let's get the water going got to get the water going people and power up my watertight moves right now since i wasn't running swift swim i was running poison such because of this steam ride i wasn't going to be out speeding like uh you know super fast pokemon but we only had a palace and to do a loon left and i was quite confident i could out speed it so go for the max guard they're trying to start at one of the uh g-max uh turns there uh they're gonna get a round of leftovers recovering and they're gonna be out of their gmax now so i'll be able to do more damage them which is going to be very very good right so we're going to go for the max knuckle here and i was thinking on the last poker on the palace there right if that manages to lift my watertight move and it's got like water compaction and then it somehow heals itself i could be in a bit of troubles maybe i should try and nullify their ability with acid spray right so we definitely got this match up here with the duraline it's got the snow it's going to drop my special attack which is uh which is fine and we're going to be able to take it out in the next hit so it's going to go for a breaking swipe so it's had snarl and breaking swipe dropping my attack and my special attacks like man that sucked we're gonna go for max skies here and this should definitely be able to take it out i mean not by much but it should just be able to take that and it's gonna get the rain up on the field too now i'm thinking liquidation should be a two ko against the palestine at absolute worst case scenario if it's not like i don't know like i'm pretty sure it is maybe they've got like some crazy island like pashupari or something like that right so in comes the sandcastle they're going to be power poisoned which is very very good and that is the last turn of my dynamic so what i wanted to do first is i wanted to get rid of the ability and see what it is right so go for the gastro acid here and nullifying their ability and it was the sand ability would i i think that was going to be not a water compaction it was going to be um it's other build hero one of its other abilities so they went for a giga drain there it's thank goodness i had the window berry because i would have got one shot at that so the sandcastle is uh gonna be on his last turn here go for liquidation and that actually was enough to take it out in one shot and that is the second battle i hope you enjoyed these battles people hope you enjoyed the pseudo poison uh type pokemon or my uh like our opinions on that and i'll catch you to bro for another video peace out folks [Music] you
Views: 61,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pseudo Poison Type Pokemon, Pokemon That Should Be Poison Type, poison type pokemon, poison type pokemon explained, poison type pokemon sword and shield, poison type pokemon weakness, poison type pokemon moves, top 10 poison type pokemon, best poison type pokemon, every poison type pokemon, best poison type pokemon team, poison type pokemon then and now, poison type pokemon tribute, poison type pokemon amv, poison type pokemon evolution, poison type pokemon legendary
Id: C5nzCAxfUxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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