CRIMSON MAXED! Can Anyone Else Use It? (Genshin Impact)

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today we'll be maxing AR Lino signature weapon Crimson Moon semblance can it be used well on anyone else and if so who first as usual we got to start with maxing it since this weapon needed some new weapon materials I have been farming the new enemies ever since it came out I'm still not sure we actually have enough if not I have not farmed them today so we have that back up but it's always a bit of a pain when there's a new Elite because especially these guys there's like I don't know 10 of them total maybe a couple more I did make sure to get all of these we needed because they're not even open today we just got to craft a bit risle bonus we got two bonus there we do not need Blues anymore so we can make all 38 of those purples would would still be nice to get a risle bonus just in case I miscounted we got six there we also do need six of these as far as I'm aware so we're just going to craft one and there we go we should be good now but yeah while we're farming here I do want to give a quick thanks to today's video sponsor AFK arena for those who love gaming but struggle to find the time there's a game that fits perfectly into your life AFK Arena it's not just any idle RPG it's a beautifully crafted world where strategy and ease blend seamlessly offering a unique adventure to every player the latest update ushers in the era of the draconus faction dormant for centuries this Noble faction brings with it new Heroes each bearing unique abilities the addition of draconus enriches the world of Asperia with fresh stories challenges and breathtaking Landscapes you can try the new draconus Heroes for free now this month AFK arena is celebrating its fifth anniversary and they're not just celebrating a game they're celebrating a global community of over a 100 million players this my milstone comes with gratitude and a treasure Trove of in-game rewards including 250 free summons free Heroes free skins and many others making it the perfect time for newcomers to embark on 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see if it's enough if it's not then a couple mashas won't hurt that bad a lot of them were pretty hard to find the first time and some are one time as well so these initial markers I made are kind of useless here's one anyway give me a purple three blues which I guess is one purple exactly one more over here a little over one purple and as far as I could find it was just those two and then we have to go to uh see if bygone arrow down here where the rest are here we got a group of two of them which is pretty nice raw purple come on give me a raw yes we got one raw purple at least a good chunk are in pairs of two like this no raw purples there so basically two purples total probably the biggest trunk is up here I don't think I ever found this one though here's a nice set of two come on no purple one more here purple ooh yes there's definitely a purple there let's go yeah and the one that is apparently supposed to be around here I could never find I guess it could be on some other layer I'm not aware of but whatever possibly also just another onetime one I do see the last one in this area though on pretty much the opposite side as far as I know there's just this last one over here in this area and that's basically it it is a group of two so let's hope we get a little bit lucky here and nothing oh yes there is one there's a purple I've given sucro some time to think about what she's done so 20 you should give at least three maybe four to make up for it okay three is fine and uh here I would expect at least two bonus on 13 H I don't know if it's enough but I know we're close oh it is okay whatever here we go getting those l 10 levels for level 90 here 674 base attack 22 crit rate skews heavily into base attack but I think that's perfectly fine she is an attack scaler and depending on what team she's in and what buff she's getting straight up attack could be better than anything else anyway but all right it's maxed let's talk about the passive now it grants a bond of Life equal to 25% of Max HP when a charge attack hits an opponent a bond of life is pretty much bad for everyone but arlino herself the one character does come come to mind immediately that could actually benefit from it this effect can be triggered up to once every 14 seconds in addition when the equipping character has a bond of Life they gain a 12% damage bonus if the value of the bond of life is greater than or equal to 30% of Max HP then gain an additional 24% damage bonus of course for arino herself it's quite nice not in the way that you can get a bond of life whenever you want to just by doing a charge attack pretty much because you really shouldn't be doing a charge attack unless you're actually absorbing debuffs and getting it anyway but it will increase the potency of whatever Bond of life she gets and in AR Lino's case she should pretty much always have the full 36% damage bonus here I'm glad that most other pole arm users could use it and get some benefit from the passive cuz they should at least get the 12% damage bonus one thing I do somewhat embarrassingly need to absolutely make sure of is that it actually works how I think it does so we're just going to get let's say huta in there any enemy it doesn't really matter sure let's just try this slime for example boom we do in fact have a bond of Life there and it can actually stack so I would imagine at this point we do have that 30% or so required for the damage boost there is three stacks on it now and yeah it's nearly half of our HP bar so I definitely shouldn't say it's impossible to have the buff but I don't think it's that realistic either huta might be one exception cuz in a lot of huta teams you don't want her above 50% HP and you know the bond of life if you accidentally heal in some way or another could actually prevent that from happening and if you just don't have a way to heal then you know approximately 14 15 seconds into a battle she should actually be able to have all 36% of the damage bonus so I would say it could be definitely a contender for huta but the base stats are not great for her massive massive base attack where she really prefers HP she does technically scale with attack but considering she gives herself so much from her Elemental skill the big base attack and low crit rate is just not ideal for her she is the main one I had thought about it for though just because maybe in her case Bond of Life wouldn't necessarily be a negative thing one thing I did want to talk about is the visual representation of the bond of life like we have three stacks of the weapon now giving us 75% Bond of life as our Max HP but if you just look at it visually it's under half it's like 40% of our actual HP bar I guess they had to do it like this because Bond of life can be worth more than your entire HP bar if we find another enemy and get four Stacks that would equal 100% but I imagine visually it would show about half we just got to do a charger and leave yep that looks pretty much exactly half okay I honestly wasn't sure I'm not sure this information was mentioned anywhere like in in arleo's kit but perhaps in the bond of Life tutorial no it actually doesn't mention that here either I know cun heals quite a lot so I'm going to do her burst and see what happens to our Hut's Bond of Life uh that was like a 7,000 heal there um okay it actually chunks away pretty fast I'm not sure what the actual number of the amount where we we are getting healed by but if it completely clears the bond of life then we'll see it didn't just barely all right we have it back let's let's try again so how much is that actually healing per TI okay 3500 since we had about half of our bond of life and it took the entire burst duration to almost clear it that sounds about right so I guess if you want to try and judge how much Bond of life you have basically double what it looks like so I know that was a bit of a tangent but I think it's important to know when you actually have 30% of Max HP as Bond of Life basically on your HP bar it looks like it's 15% a little confusing but something to keep in mind with that in mind as long as you don't have a Healer in your team and you're going with someone like jangi to protect you every pole arm user can take advantage of this I'll buy it with you know a 14sec warm-up time until you get the actual 24% damage bonus but I think for most players that aren't trying to one rotation things that's going to happen naturally but yeah looking at the passive as a whole I mean 36% damage bonus is pretty good the fact everyone besides arino won't have it until the second rotation is a little bit less good obviously again I can't recommend it that hard for huta because of the massive base attack and low crit rate because of it but let's see who else we got in terms of actual like DPS pull arm users we don't have a ton of them Sino Shogun huta Shia and shanling even though with a lot of these you're not even naturally doing charge attacks like with Shia and shanling and I kind of forgot how Soo works but it's Soo it's a bit hard with Shogun I would say in some comps you can use it but like not really International cuz there's B there not really Chev overloaded because there's B there and no jangly there can be a jangly I think the archon team is is pretty good but yeah it's it's kind of Niche for Shogun and again these two I don't think naturally do charge attacks so it'd be something you'd have to incorporate and it might not even be worth to incorporate cuz that will of course slow your rotation down I'm not really going to consider supports or maybe even supports that can be sub DPSS like chevous cuz I just think there are better fourstar weapons for them also I halfway forgot chevous heals so that just really wouldn't work well but yeah I am mainly talking about the passive like I still do think it could be good on sh for like a nonperfect Shia player you know like me when I'm playing with Shia I just kind of do a charge attack here and there even though it might not be proper then the issue I'm thinking about with Shia is that he consumes his own HP as well so it's like I mean Shia doesn't die from Life drain does he if you wanted to use his weapon and are actually doing charge attacks with him you would kind of need jungly or just to make sure you'd never get hit I thought it decreased a lot more than that it decreases based on his current HP so yeah he really can't die from that do I really have to actually make sure he can die from that cuz I just said that now yes this is going to take a while I got a new burst probably need like four or five more bursts until he's at one next we lost 9 HP that time what am I doing I've come too far I need to know now here we go we only lost 6 hp that time some math people watching this are probably like oh boy since it's 2% of his current HP I'm not sure if we can even get to one next ultimate 4 HP no this is where half the entire record in time is going we actually still lost 4 HP on that one weird there could be a minimum amount of HP we lost so does that mean we actually can die we'll find out and probably like three or four more bursts which I said like five bursts ago next burst from 8 oh no from 8 to six I think from here on we're going to lose maybe one HP per burst if we don't lose a single HP on one of the bursts then I guess I'm just going to give up there next burst we're starting with 6 hp let's see what happens happens I think there's hidden HPS I can't see all right here's the next one we did lose one HP we have to go until we at least don't lose one HP I feel like there must have been an easier way to do this but anyway we're on the next burst now we did lose one HP all right here we go maybe we'll get down to one maybe we won't we didn't but I want to do it once more cuz I'm pretty sure HP works on like a decimal point so I probably have like 2.11 3 HP or something that would actually make me feel like it's even less likely that we can die from this or that it would actually take infinite years based on math might be a thing to try for a future video but uh for now I'm going to do one more burst and see what happens one HP if we could see all the information about his HP it probably would start with a zero though a burst at 1 HP here we go I think like two more ultimates and we'll know for sure next one come on man do something all right one more and then I can be confident in my words even if it was possible um it would be very hard to do on accident all right final burst just for good measure maybe it is still possible maybe I would just have to do like eight billion more bursts and it might like I don't know trick the game into thinking he's actually dead or something but no I think that's it I don't think we're going to I don't I don't think we're going to lose that HP cool I'm never going to use Shia again cuz a one HP Shia is must be worth something maybe I'll do a follow up to my one HP Hut video but yeah basically to wrap it up I do not believe it's going to be like best in slot for anyone besides AR know but I think it can be used well it does have the exact same stats as Shia's signature if you can fit in a couple charge attacks in your shower rotation or whatever then I don't think they'd be too far off this is again assuming you would have jangi in your team and not a Healer if you are going for Lenny's bow for example and you happen to pick this and you're like a newer player that doesn't have a lot of options I do think it is a solid pull arm mainly just for the base stats there I would not purposely go for the weapon though especially if you're not planning on getting arino and then even if you are planning on getting arlino I would still consider just getting her higher constellation and going with if you have it Death Match sha signature even Calamity color but yeah guess that'll pretty much do it for the video let me know what you think in the comments down below dropping a like or subscribing to the channel if you enjoyed he always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 72,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin guide, genshin impact guide, moga, crimson, crimson moons simblance, arlecchino weapon, arlekino, hu tao
Id: TY7E8OrbUT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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