The Not-So-God-Mode Aventurine (Honkai Star Rail)

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sorry Mr adventurine it's not that I forgot about you I just didn't really see the point very consistently for the last couple of years when a new character comes out I always have two main showcases for them raising mode and God mode we are very close to getting the next patch for starel and I haven't done the god mode for adventuring yet I just didn't really see the point with adventuring because he's not going to be that much different from Raising mode he was already level 80 we did give him his signature light cone already and that's cool and all he gets like a crit damage buff maxed that out we got his traces to god mode standards 888 you know there were two things I mainly wanted to check out for his second showcase here can he protect my team in the harder content like golden gears and two can he actually be a decent sub DPS while he is built how he is in four piece night of Purity Palace giving us some extra DEA and shield strength I'm going to start with him more how I feel like he is most useful and more intended as a defensive support in my case specifically for acaron because he can debuff and that's valuable so without too much Dilly dallying we're going to run through conundrum six golden gears here I still do think it's the hardest content harder than memory of chaos 12 or pure fiction 4 I cleared conundrum 4 with these I'm basically just going to see if we can replace our fushin with adventurine cuz fushan worked perfectly fine we are also going on audition path because our main DPS is acaron and I feel like that's more valuable than going preservation though now that I think about it preservation could have been the ones I banned yep we actually did ban preservation so we're going to restart when did they change the reset blessing to 50 Cosmic fragments that's kind of messed up successfully evade for four Cycles I've never played this mini game before I don't know what's going on here but we're going to try I guess we're supposed to avoid something oh nooo I think I just got lucky on that last one I wasn't sure what was going on we have our first Elite here not the first boss but uh we'll see how it goes anyway I'd say this is their first like real fight we are just going to see how Auto goes here basically full shield on everyone if the boss gets a chance to attack we'll see what it actually does to the shield yeah here we go very little and his follow Attack Just replenish that we'll probably have to wait till at least the second boss to really see something I really hate resetting when it's so expensive but I don't really want any of these or those give me audition three star really the two random ones we lost were both audition I don't even have that many audition and then we got this crap ooh first time we actually took damage silverwolf there got hit shielded characters increase their attack by 40% of The Shield effect I really haven't even seen that many Pres eration this run but that sounds actually quite good I would actually like one of them to attack Sparkle to see what happens with that oh okay dude did just attack and she still has a full shield okay now we have more Shield than HP uh only by like 40 but still previously I basically never use shielders so I never paid attention to that but also I don't think we've gotten any brain inov that stuff yet which is super annoying anyway second boss here let's see how this one goes we're going to manual it I'm not sure if we specifically need to manual it but we're going now uh there was an attack oh and and another one okay I mean we are doing a followup here damn that followup gave us a lot of Shield back wow that's not normal I think that's something with Sim Sim Universe yeah now we have a 7,000 Shield can that stack even higher yep Sparkles is 9,000 now moving on to the second phase now ooh that attack completely wiped out Aaron's Shield it didn't do any damage but almost that was crazy we're going to go and do his ultimate I don't think he's going to really do much damage now uh I mean you know 140k and then the 83 followup isn't bad but you know second boss Sim Universe everyone just does a lot of damage we are going to of course do that to get Acron Shield uh healthyish again going to go and do another acaron burst here for yeah 3.4 million so we are doing a lot of damage oh no oh Akon's dead he just suddenly did a ton of damage um yeah we're dead okay cool I'm pretty sure there's no way to actually save this run but we're going to go until we die oh dear ultimate that's probably it oh yeah I'm going to go in and give it another try but I'm still not going on preservation because I just think air addition is more important I will make preservation cards my second priority after audition cards but if I have an audition and a preservation I'm going to mostly take the audition yeah the fact there's literally no way to heal at all is a little concerning because my Arron just got this was one attack uh so that's pretty bad oh no what am I supposed to do oh now look at this three three star erudition now that the run is probably over awesome I don't think we're even going to be able to defeat this Trotter without our DPS I mean we might be able to get through this one but does that really matter we have a boss coming up before we get to any revivers or anything I'm sure this will be easy dude okay yeah I don't know honestly I never had these issues with fuin I mean it could be coincidence and we're just having horrible luck or maybe he really just does need some sort of like support healer like Gallagher or something so we're going in one more time so we' made it back to the first boss we are pretty healthy at the moment we're just going to see if they can Auto through him oh my Lord why why does it do so much damage literally one attack dude and always just going for acon also I don't get it I don't get why they want to kill Aaron so bad like no that's just like a super strong attack oh now he's countering I got to be careful I think if we blast we should be able to do burst before he counters hopefully no ow this should kill this should definitely kill though yeah okay so what's the ban this time just not attacking her again so even if I don't Target her is she still going to hurt me okay no I guess not I don't know I don't know how it works but whatever okay no skills but but I'm going to use a skill because I think it's hopefully yeah it was worth it okay we got through it I hate that enemy oh my God are you serious okay cool before we even like could do anything my my Acron is again almost dead like that doesn't make any sense we are literally getting more three star preservation cards than uh a addition which I guess maybe we need and I don't want to reset cuz it cost 50 Cosmic fragments four Cycles shouldn't be a problem if we survive it's this again is it is it always this thing why am I only fighting this thing what what the oh okay I don't know where we got the power but we just one shot it yeah I mean we're getting like all the Quake cards so we'll see if that counts for anything ooh we got pouring rain okay good we're going to use all the skill points yeah my silver w 56 HP literally before I could make one action like half of our blessings are preservation blessings and it's not doing anything what she had a full shield she had a full shield I don't know what I could be doing differently maybe I'm used to just like how good fuan is but dude nah I give up I give up he can't do it at least mine can't I can take fwin and go through this easily in like 20 minutes and my f 's not even built that well like yeah I mean maybe mine can have more death maybe he could be better but like dude we can't even make it to the last boss I'm literally giving the entire party a shield every single turn and it's not enough the enemies are doing just too much damage but maybe there is a massive difference between conundrum 4 and conundrum 6 so I'm going to replace him with fwin now and we're going to see what happens I can't have bad luck three times in a row I really don't want to be unfair but I mean this is just what I'm experiencing now anything else is going to be the same I will let you know if I have suddenly insanely good luck but like on that run it wasn't even horrible luck we we didn't get braining of that which was annoying but that's like it most of the issue comes before we have any action choice you know so it's like there's nothing I can do differently in that case they they just decide to focus fire on one unit and then they die and I think that's just how it can be with every team that doesn't have fushin in it fushin takes out that RNG that's why she's so awesome I'm going to hold off on any judgments until we actually complete this if we also die with fuin then I I'll admit conundrum 6 is just stupid for some reason that's a that's a bad curio why did I just get a bad curio and I don't get anything else he just gives me a bad curio and and and pisses off sure we're going to do the special one we're going to get to negative CUO and enhance three blessings the Black Forest cuckoo clock honestly doesn't matter that much with fushin in my team if we still had adventuring this would have been absolutely atrocious like this is the exact problem I'm having upon entering battle randomly increases the chance for one character to be attacked by enemies for five turns this is like worst case for every team besides fushan teams discard one curio I don't have any curios so sure oh okay damn that's actually pretty lucky get rid of the bad one all right we'll see how this first boss goes in fact I have pretty big confidence in my team I'm just going to let them Auto I did try and manual the bosses with adventuring but it really didn't help cuz most of the bad stuff happened in like the first turn where I didn't really have much control over anything okay I mean they just stunned 34s of my entire team yeah I mean this one isn't going very well either I think we'll be able to get through it and I think that was incredibly bad luck cuz three of my four units getting stunned just doesn't usually happen but okay I mean we got through it though that's the thing we didn't die it was a little close there still no brain into of that just this all type resan again but I'm going to take it I'm not going to risk it holy hell okay yeah there is something funky with conundrum 6 I guess in particular cuz they're just doing stupid amounts of damage this might kill it did yeah these battles are way too close for comfort I don't even know what to think anymore we're going to continue going through it I mean we have still had very very bad blessing luck like stupidly bad blessing luck but I'm just kind of used to that by now I expect that so you know if we have bad luck and we die then there's still I feel like something wrong we finally only got brain of that ooh here we can enhance three blessings of audition please be through the through the three star oh wait we can choose obviously the three stars if we can ooh okay there we go luck is starting to turn around a little bit here should just go for that and then this IPC banking we can get 400 Cosmic fragments or gold coin of Discord in typical genius Society gossip oh no no more blessings okay I figured from the Trotter we would at least get a Bing but I guess not okay we've made it back to the second boss so far with adventuring we couldn't make it past him we got to the second boss at least once I've already wiped it out of my memory but I know we got there at least once let's see how he goes I'm probably going to manual this one because especially now that we have brain in of thatat um I don't want them to waste all of their ultimates oh Lord even though fn's still taking the damage if they really focus fire like on my acaron here she's still going to take a lot of damage yeah this is uh this is really not looking great um I'm going to try and get him to his last thing here and then I'm just going to do that immediately because I don't know what he's going to do next and my Arron's about one hit away from being dead yeah he's just going to start summoning stuff so I really should have waited do burst but and fwin can't do another burst she would need to to be able to heal but uh yeah we can now I think it's too late though unless you'll do it like automatically okay yeah she will but even so oh ultimate yeah no I mean we literally can't do it okay well I think one one of the destruction cards saved us but uh dude yeah I mean so I guess I kind of have to take it back like he probably is a really good defensive support it's just this is stupidly difficult I guess I do have to commend him for getting to the second boss like we did with fwin um oh right it's not not over yet although I'm going to still count this as a fail even if we can beat it uh we had like this other random curio that got destroyed and then we repaired it I was like oh we won't need that but we just did so yeah the planer shifts down there you could see still didn't get any blessings because of the other curio we got but uh we're not dead for what that's worth I don't think we're going to be able to beat the last boss obviously because we like died so bad there but I mean we're not even doing that much damage compared to what like we doing last time on Golden gears like 5 million like we're we're nearly at the end here doing 1.3 so we really haven't had that good luck cavity System model is that the one that takes all my Cosmic fragments and boost my damage that would that would probably be insane but I'm going to play it safe and just get uh enhancing this honestly this is actually probably pretty good we will probably be below 50% HP for a while so uh uh it was only one unfortunately but whatever yeah we have 20 blessings total that is completely stupid for Golden gears we should have at least 35 I don't understand what happened I mean yeah okay somewhere in the middle we got that thing that made us not be able to get stuff anymore we can literally enhance everything and still have like 1500 Cosmic fragments left over that's so dumb and I really wish I would have taken that to thing now I didn't know we only had 20 blessings Jesus look at that 1,600 we've enhanced all the garbage we got d one attack even with fushin one attack and we're almost dead how did that even happen bro yeah and we're only doing 1.6 this was like literally the worst run I've ever had there's no way we're going to be able to get through him RG uh received a damage boost that's cool I love when AR jenty receives a damage boost I mean we got to his last phase but there's no way in hell our fn's over half dead she doesn't have any of those orbs she doesn't have any energy I'm going to do her e prematurely okay that was a waste well she did Revive Our jint is going to kill everyone Now Yep there we go okay that was really cool I guess I just didn't realize how much harder conundrum 6 is cuz like we didn't really have that much of a trouble on conundrum 4 or again it could have just been that we had massively bad luck I mean yeah you know 20 upgradeable blessings is literally unheard of I did kind of want to look at his sub DPS capabilities but honestly I would rather just have his Shields be as strong as possible and leave the DPS to my my DPS but yeah considering what the enemies were doing to my fushan team yeah his Shields actually are quite strong quite good again I really didn't think there would be that big of a difference from four and six but I guess there is the enemies are just stupidly strong now I'm not going to say he's better or worse than fushan as a defensive support maybe there's some objective truth one way or the other I think I would still feel more comfortable with fuin over all just because she feels less RNG he might be able to objectively provide more defense overall than fwin but if you get too unlucky they could just Target your important character and then you die anyway also I got to say though it's not super fair to fwin because that was I think by far our worst run in terms of luck and stats at the end he is definitely good like the fact we could even make it to the second boss knowing those enemies are doing that much damage pretty nice I really wasn't expecting to go in there and get absolutely destroyed with fuan also so what can I say golden gears especially when you get into the conundrums is just a different Beast even with raising mode adventuring you know we did floor 12 of memory of chaos and I'm pretty sure it wasn't even difficult so he is a good defensive support I would probably still prefer fushin for pretty much everything besides Acron things are more predictable like yeah if the enemies are way stronger than you are like they were on those golden gears runs you're going to die anyway but I think you'll also die with adventurine like we probably could beat conundrum 6 with both adventurine and fwin if we just had better luck the ratio of better luck needed for each of them might be slightly different event Trine can provide some very very strong Shields and can probably protect you a lot better in AOE situations whereas fwin if one person is getting like really bullied and single targeted down I think fushin would be better it's just that the majority of AOE attacks aren't strong enough to kill fwin outright and then if she has one of her little orbs she can heal back up anyway with that being said those AOE attacks that can One-Shot fushin are mostly in Golden years so potentially he is the better choice there but yeah that'll do it let me know what you think in the comments down below drop like or subscribe if you want thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 46,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honkai star rail, honkai, star rail, hsr, aventurine hsr, aventurine guide, aventurine build, aventurine light cone, aventurine team, aventurine, god mode aventurine
Id: 41EUn3Ff4aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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