FULL DUMBEST POKEMON TEAM! Who Is the Dumbest Pokemon Ever ?

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what's up with your photos video we're the full stupidest pokemon team now this is a pokemon team based around pokemon that probably aren't the brightest tool in the shed not to say i don't like this pokemon i like these pokemon they're really cool but uh they don't exactly got a uh the highest iq in the world now there's quite a few to pick from i picked out six of them and i'm going to give my reasoning why i picked these out providing some pokedex entries and other information if you want to check me on twitch people this right do all my live streams twitch.tv slash p.m.yt the link's description of the video we got two battles today with the uh or stupidest or dumbest pokemon team and i really hope you enjoy the first battle here this is against forger assault and we got an obstagoon lead my first dumb pokemon is going to be right horn so when sword and shield got a couple of pokedex entries here we've got it can only remember one thing at a time once it starts rushing it forgets why it started and we got strong but not too bright this pokemon can shatter even a skyscraper with his charging tackle so basically it's a super powerful pokemon but apart from that that just charges around i guess has like maybe like a tiny brain or something like that but yeah that's why i thought i'd put up reihor on this team and it sort of applies to the other evolutions as well but mostly rhyhorn right now this right horn set got burned by a uh a fling flame orb obstacle uh only on pin right channel there right i've got a metal burst on this set that's the best move i can actually go for here now since i'm burned right my moves aren't going to be doing a lot i've got a max elf and max attack uh right horn here now what this obstacle is right it's trolling me right so it's going to swap the irons around it's going to get its flame all back right and it's going to have the gut to burn so it flung the flame over me to burn me stole its iron and back and then activated its own guts you wouldn't read about it so anyway it's going to go for a talent here i am actually going to resist that quite easily and it's going to do hardly any damage here which is okay um i've got metal burst really is my best move here now metal burst is like counter and mirror code but uh there's no negative uh priority so you gotta be a slow pokemon to use it oh there you go you are i didn't even mean to do that right i actually didn't mean to do that part on purpose so now we've got another fling here from the option it's flung this twice at me it's flung all these items the scope lands everything so we're going to get the uh metal burst here again on obscure and i've i've finally taken over like half of its healthy which is very very good now the last move i was thinking maybe it's got a dark type movers coverage but it's going to have body press instead and it's going to get its body very very close to mine and it's going to take my poor little rhyhorn out but very very good effort there rhyhord considering he got trolled about 10 times in about one minute now the next star's dumbest or stupidest pokemon today is going to be magikarp now magikarp the silver pokedex entry for no reason it jumps and splashes about making it easy for predators like pidgeotto to jump it and catch it in midair so magikarp is splashing in the air right and and it's prey for like pidgeottos to just swoop down and eat it like it's so dumb that it reveals itself to its prey and that sort of thing and uh you know all it does is splash about as well but i love magic up you know i don't want to roast roast my magic up too much it's a very cool pokemon but uh that is uh making it definitely on the uh dumb pokemon list next pokemon we got is the artillery and i got rid of the obstacle with a quality hydro pump there those a little bit scared at my miss now this magic up is uh max feeder and max uh special attack and i gave it something normal moose if it gets there we're gonna go for a bounce here because i'm gonna try and bounce here and paralyze the artillery i also thought it'd be a cool idea to give it bounce you know magikarp flops around and makes itself easy for prey to actually uh you know catch now um another thing too if there's a pokemon you think is really dumb or stupid put it below in the comment section i'd love to your thoughts and your reasons why you would have you know picked this pokemon so we got a bullet seed artillery it's firing it right out of its little nosey and uh magic up is going to get destroyed in two shots right it's a moody bullet seed artillery right and it's it's it's another troll set like there's been two troll sets so far now the next uh dumbest stupidest pokemon here is going to be so quagsire in the pearl pokemon uh uh deck century a deep-witted pokemon it doesn't care if it bumps its head into boats or rocks while swimming so if you can imagine quakes are in real life right this is a special set by the way just keep that in mind it's swimming right and then it just it slams into a buzzer oh and then keeps going into a rock goes oh and you know it keeps going along right it doesn't even care it just smacks its head into like every single little thing though there so i i'd say it's probably got like a qua a quite a tiny brain as well so we got we got a galaxy brain quags out here though this is going to be a a special attacking set i've got max elf and i've also got max special attack with a assault vest so we're going to go for max ooze here and we're going to try and boost up that uh you know terrible special attack step right now this uh artillery is is it's got i gotta admit it's kind of thick and i also dynamax too so i could get around all like the moody boost and those annoying things so i get a nice little paralyzer i was very happy about that magic up came and clutch with that earlier on so we're going to somehow a speed drop there on the octoly not that it really matters there's already going to be quite a slow here right so the other moves i was thinking about going for is either max quake to boost my special fences i i'm going to go for uh max suze again i want to try and give this i mean if possible i'd like to give this plus rin special attack then it'll be hitting like you know really really hard then i'll be able to fire off some very very nice earth powers and stuff like that so i got another paralyzed in the artillery which is very very lucky it's almost at this stage right it's almost free real estate because i've got two boosts and this is going to be like the third rope now octal refinery gets a uh attack off here and it's going to protect i'm 45 artillery i've got a couple of special attack boosts up my sleeve already and it's only got a low amount of health and it is going to go down so this is very very nice uh the nature on the quags eye was modest nature it's it's very modest about its um intelligence now the next poker pokemon i come in it's called satan i'm a little bit wide and it's a it's a um it's a sincere so this has to be a troll set this is this is probably going to be troll set number three right and it's going to have bullet set as well is this a full bullet so you think we're waiting we got a obstacle sorry about that it's close enough so here comes our bullet scene number two and this is probably going to have skilling right so we know it's going to hit five times on my quagsire so bye bye quagsire you did a pretty good job there um i mean there wasn't much i could do it had a grass type move right now the next fight come on i'm gonna swap in here is gonna be sligo so sligoo shield decks entry the lump on its back contains its tiny brain it thinks only your food and escaping its enemies also it has trouble drawing line between friends and its food and will calmly try and melt and eat those even if it gets along with them so remember you just got your bff in real life right and um it just it thinks your food right it'll just melt you it's crazy so yeah it's got its tiny little brain in it's not like it's like a snail shell almost like a little a little snail that's where its brain is it's like this tiny little brain but there you go people that the more you know about sligo like you don't i'm going to say this you probably don't want to be friends with the sligger right you're going to get melted and away in this world now i i got to say this around here bullets it's probably a quality 396k go i've got a um a really bulky seat here it is maxell and i've got a max special attack now this is actually a hydration rain dance set with acid spray and i've also got uh drag of breath i thought those moves sort of suited that you know melting uh opponents and uh friends alike away right now acid spray drops this special defense by the opponent uh like two right so then you can keep going for acid spray you know if you get three of them up they'll be at negative six so like a mean move like dragon breath is going to be hitting pretty hard right there with the hydration and the rain dance is going to heal off any scummy status and it's great right the only bad thing is uh me and cena actually use encore trapping me into rain dance now when you say actually look at the look at my team right it's actually really weak to grasp i'm only starting to like realize this i i need to sap zipper pokemon like that anyway so my bullet seeds gonna hit me like another four thousand times there okay i'm gonna ask you a question how many seeds come out of one bullet seed burst like look at those bullet seeds right that just one burst of them like let i'm going to see if i can counter like real quick here here we go here it comes zero cups one two three four four five i was about 20 right like real question can someone count all those seeds eat this in one burst and then we can like then we can do some mathematics right and we'll times it by five how many seeds come out of a mincino's bullet seed in five hits like this it's got to be close to like i don't know 60 or 70 i bet no one's actually ever counted anyway we've got a thunder white set i'm gonna dodge that which is great and now i can go for the acid spray here dropping the special defense on the incentive which is cool there if i can land a drag of breath on it it should do a fair whack of damage now dragon breath this whole set is around paralyzing the opponent and then slowly drop slowly melting away their health with acid spray and then you know spamming dragon breath it's a little bit more into its base power than that's right acid spray is very weak but and you're over time it gets like really really strong because you keep dropping the special events and such right so here comes another bullet seed here from the uh minster now i i know that it's got kingdra all right so it's a straight up troll set um this actually works very very good like take you know tails that rock bass bullet see with the king trolley it's been around six sixteen right this it just works you know you got so many opportunities to uh land like a um a flinch right so uh you got that guaranteed five hits i mean it's not guaranteed to get a flinch but it is a pretty dang good chance and it does a lot of damage too so it keeps stacking over and over and over again right so uh we're getting very close to actually losing slicker here i'm really worried i'd love to get a rest and a uh a rain dance off here so i can heal myself up and get rid of that um you know that paralysis right so firing off another dragon breath here and i finally took it down that big damage i needed a little drink here by the way [Applause] that's very very nice i had to get some i i drank a cup of iq juice so now my iq is like um you know metagross and alakazam's level right i've actually done the smartest pokemon team too if you are wondering about that already you can uh you know check that out on the channel or just type it in youtube search our uh people like smart pokemon team all right next bike i've ever got is the mil tank there i'm gonna get a nice juicy paralyse and now the whitney's gonna go for a defense girl now if i had to guess this set right it's possibly going to be a roll out set with defense girl and probably like you know milk drink one of those scummy combinations right so go for more dragon breasts it's actually doing really really good damage to miltank and miltank is going to get paralyzed once again so everything's really going in my favor at the moment i'm getting through all the tracks which is great like normally i gotta be real normally i'm just sitting here getting infatuated by milt tanks um you know amazing looks right so i'm going to hit by another roll out there which is fine i'm going to be in love with the milta and i get through again which is so so lucky i wish this happened like every single time so bye bye miltank i'm very i'm i'm very very glad that's gonna get fainted right now there's two more pokemon left the next pokemon is going to be mr mime just in time here and it's going to go for a tina dance so we're going to both uh spin around a little bit there and i'm going to be confused now my sligo probably would like to get one acid spray off on this to do some good damage but i get paralyzed so it's parafusion at the moment a chance to be actually getting another attack off a very very same it's a metronome mr mime and it's going to use electric terrain wow that's actually really good because i was going for a rest and now i can't right i can't go for rest because uh the electric train's gonna stop me from sleeping so i need to go for you know acid spray to try and actually do some damage so going faster right here i get rid of the confusion which is very very nice there and i dropped the special offense of the mime which is great so a couple more of them will do some great damage now we got another metronome from mr mime here right what move is it going to use it's going to use glaciate glaciate mr mom just in time and actually look really really cool there and it's super effective it took me out easy peasy you know that's my fourth pokemon down so it's time for another stupid pokemon and we've of course got slow bro let's have a look at the silver entry there's so many entries for slowbro naturally dull to begin with it lost his ability to fuel paying due to shoulder seeping poison like damn that's like it's it's just seeping it's it's it's scum and poisons throughout the slow bro slow pros sort of just like slow bro you know it's not doing anything it's just it's just sitting there doing nothing just dopey all the time i think then the only time it actually does something is when the shoulder bites its tail and then you know that's it even during mega evolution it it doesn't even do anything it's just like cool cool it's like cool story bro and then you know it just goes on with this day it's super super dopey i mean i had to really be on this theme you could say slowpoke slow bro i i think slow king's actually smart i think that's like a different one but it's definitely slowpoke and slow bro right so uh we got interested i got two dance again i've got a belly drum set here if uh max as health and max attack here brave nature tricker and belly drum drain punch and said headbutt i have to take this mime out it's a very very threatening pokemon i hit myself in confusion at plus six oh you wouldn't read about it now my mom's gonna go for a metro it's gonna go for a play ruffia and it's gonna land it's stab but it does like three damage so it's okay so the electricity's disappeared from the field here right i've got to get a drain punch or a zen headbutt i've got to take this my amount right so going for zen head by going for damage going for snap right hopefully i don't hit myself again there and and i do i hit myself twice in confusion and slowbro is going to sit down uh mime is going to go for a metro i was like hoping for an explosion here it got fishiest ran mime damn next we're gonna use psyduck and psyduck is a very very forgetful pokemon it really has these chronic headaches and secret powers but then it does its powers right but then it just completely forgets about everything and looks puzzled you know 24 7. there's so many decks entries i just put them up right there i'm not going to read every single one of them so we're down here to a cursed side up versus a a mime with a metronome it's a troll cell like every single one of these have been straight up troll sets right now with this side like i'm have a light set i've got max health and i've also got max special events and i've got curse right a couple of curse waterfalls should be enough to take it out with 20 seconds of the battle remaining right mime is going to go for a snipe shot look at this look at this ready it came straight out of a 10. so it did three damage to side up there which is fine all i got to do right is land another waterfall here look at that and uh the moment's going to go down 10 seconds of this battle left can i get another waterfall up here people one more waterfall when it's gone that's all i need here so metronome is going to come from the mr mime it's coming it's coming and it's a zap cannon a zap cannon and atlanta too oh yeah you you can't make this up people i got i'm not even going to complain about that it was just crazy like right there i got destroyed thank you for joining the battery little troll especially that mr mummy had to be the biggest troll out of the hold on let's get on to battle too you know what that battle never happened right that side up it never went down to zapkin this is the first battle uh there's a battle against our club hatchery i'm not sure how to say that but it's probably close enough oh wow that's a big name how do i okay i'm going to try and say this name it's it's going to be good i'm i'm going to say this right now like you can't roast because i i'm run roastable at this point because i can't pronounce pokemon names let alone names like this it's um let me say that i'm going to try see i'm not really sure what that means either so uh yep i'm going to say it's ceo nasher or something like that so go for drew around here trying to wait ceo banash theo banash was that it was it was that close there's got to be someone out there because that knows what these means anyways the next pokemon is snuggle i can read snuggles that's good right there and uh we got earthbound it's a special set and not too bright right horn is going to get taken out in one shot i mean let's be real right i'm lucky to get the english language down let alone all these other languages right so the next pokemon that we got is uh the sligo not the sligo um the snuggles is going to be swapping out and we got the purple what's purple oh light part yeah it is just lego too by the way i thought it was going to be a uh another pokemon so we're going to go for dragon breath here it does good damage like when you look at it right because i get a crit and i also get a paralyzed on top of that too which is wonderful that's really going to suit my strategy i mean it's going to get hit by a player off but it tanks it really really well i'm going to get an attack drop there but i'm not running any attacking moves at all just all special attack so i thought this is the prime opportunity here to set up the reindeer and then say if i get hit by a play rough again that's cool i can go for the rest and you know heal myself up with hydration uh and wake up right so the light pies are gonna get paralyzed which is very very lucky there and now i could go for rest get all my health back and i'll be at full health i'm good to go i can go for another dragon breath against the life part here it should be hard to go uh take it out right there i mean hydration is a really good ability right like super super good all of this especially like goodra is really nice as well in the rain with hydration so we're going to go for a drag of breath here on the live pod that's paralyzed already and that was enough to take out uh purple i get that like like a cat you know purr and then purple all right i know okay i'll see myself out now the next pokemon is site signing i'm not sure synod i'm not trying to say that it's like that little thing over there i'm not good at i'm not good at this right you can you can roast me all your like in the comment section i'm ready for i'm ready for the roast there so we're gonna go for a sword dance um on the hadarin over the other side of the field right there i'm a little bit worried it's a physical set i'm gonna pop this out to spray right here hopefully i can take it up very very soon i'm also dropping its special events like fast like it's going down real fast right there so now it's gonna go for trick room yep so i'd say if i was uh i was thinking about running this set i'd say it'd be like max health and brave nature with max attack right that would work very nicely under the frick room so here comes a psycho cutter it has a chance of critting but it doesn't creep me which is great and now i'm able to get eight acid spray off here almost take today it was very very close so halloween's got a fair bit of bulk to it and i am using like a low base power move too hannah right now is going to use a uh a citrus berry to get some of its health back there so it's not on such a low amount of health so i have to probably take it out the next thing which i will right however psycho cut is gonna creep me and sligo is going to fight man poor little sligger right there it should have used its brain now i've got four more pokemon left yeah we've got magic up something okay it's it's time people it's time to get this going so here comes the psycho cut i've got the focus actually it lives on one health the merch is available right now right i'm going to go for a hydra pump this better not actually miss and it didn't miss which is great and i hit had her in right in the face there actually it was more it was more the whole body than the face but it went down anyway same result you know what i'm saying so our next pokemon here we've got is uh oh oh clock clock clutch like i don't know it's a giggly front it's um it's it's going to go down so swapping magikarp out here i'm feeling good about this let's go into psyduck right now the key leaf's going to go for a rock slide here and it's a three-hit ko so i'm like okay it's not all that bad let's go for those waterfalls here let's get those features right now i like how psyduck's animation goes right up the waterfall looks really really cool so while gigliff is going to set up a stealth rock no no my magic up is now dead because of that stylish rock so once it swaps in on one health it's gonna get destroyed right so go for a second waterfall it's a quality eight hit ko properly and uh now gigolo is going to explode could you imagine like this there's a okay let's just picture this for a second you walk outside and you're gonna climb up a mountain right but then the mountain just explodes on you that's what happened to cyanide right then you know that's what silence was feeling right there inside it always holds its head and says like you know that's when it's getting it's it's headaches it unleashes it's psychic in it like telekinetic powers and then it forgets everything that has happened that that that's literally side off right in the anime with misty and stuff so next poke over there is cuddles to cling clank i think i've come across this one before who knows what set is going to be right it's going to go for metal sounds here and that is going to drop my special defense by two stages i don't wanna get hit by this at all right i definitely don't so now it's got a throat spray too this is bad so setting up the trick romeo now i shouldn't stay into this matchup right what i should do right i should swap the slow bro out i might take a little bit of stealth rocks damage but that's all cool and magic up's going to swap in here it's already going to fight to the stealth rock and i get like i'm going to expose what move they're going to do it's thunderbolt so uh since we exposed the thunderbolt i ain't swapping that in i'm going to go into quags i hear right now quagsire should be able to deal with this thing unless it gets like destroyed right so we're going to out speed go for the trick room earth power here and cuddles is going to go down in one shot that is a really really good ko right now very scared of that now the last pokemon here is uh the tyre engine actually that's another thing too i don't know i don't know someone if someone knows tyranitar i'm not tyrant thai rancher right it's a dinosaur so t-rex has like a tiny brain right for a dinosaur i'm pretty sure all you dinosaur people know that right you'd know like wouldn't that be not a like a super bright pokemon like i i know it'd be like a really good hunter and that sort of stuff of like prey and stuff i don't know how like you know intelligent it actually would be because i'm pretty sure that tyrannosaurus rex or stuff like that have been like really slight tiny tiny brains anyway back to the battle there um i actually really want i really want to make a new updated fossil team just looking at tyranny too but i'm waiting people i'm weighing to bastardon right and rampardos so i got a uh i got credit there by um and max quake and it's gonna boost its uh special defense which is bad because i'm trying to desperately get these ice beams off here i'm trying to go for a scumbag free sax right so i can if i freeze torrent trip we'd be like the ice age you know what i'm saying so here comes another max quake there on my quag's eye and the trick room is going to be uh it's going to be running out right this turn from my slow bro which is very vr unfortunate now here comes a max wormwood i'd say that's i don't know what sort of step this is i'm pretty sure it's a special set judging on the damage like that took that way too well so what i want to say that was a dragon pulse uh on the max worm yep so bringing in my slow bro here i've taken a little bit of damage already however however tyransim is actually out of its dynomax so that's good because i don't want to be facing those powerful moves right so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna i need to go for a desperation dynamics a desperate times call for desperation right now i've got max knuckle with max attack on slowpro this should be enough to uh steal the deal here i don't know what other moves that the tyrantum has got though so i definitely want to make sure that i should be able to tank this move like whatever move it's going to use right and you know what it was a good idea because this thing used meteor beam right it's trying to it's trying to take me out like the rest of the dinosaurs apparently they all you know went down like a meteor shower i don't know about that one but uh we've got a power herb meteor beam set here right here and it's going to come out here and it's going to hit your boy hard and i lived on 69 health there with a crit and now right i'm going to eat my citrus berry and i'm going to get some health back it's going to be great and then i can go for a big smacks ah big mac's knuckle and i'm going to really set a big mack knuckle a big mac knuckle and taking it at the snuggles of tyrantrum and now my friends is the second battle i hope you enjoy this one the with the uh low iq stupid pokemon team dumb pokemon team i love these pokemon they're very cool and i'll catch you next time [Music] foreign
Views: 53,070
Rating: 4.9417219 out of 5
Keywords: dumbest pokemon, dumbest pokemon ever, dumbest pokemon moments, dumbest pokemon decisions, dumbest pokemon designs, dumbest pokemon evolutions, dumbest pokemon name, dumbest pokemon moves, dumbest pokemon in the world, the dumbest pokemon player ever, what is the dumbest pokemon, stupidest pokemon, stupidest pokemon moments, stupidest pokemon names, stupidest pokemon ever, stupidest pokemon evolutions, top 10 dumbest pokemon, top 10 dumbest things in pokemon, most dumbest
Id: do8qRCSpp6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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