Full ORAFOL car wrapping tutorial

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or a fall is one of the world's leading manufacturers of self-adhesive vinyl for high quality wrapping of cars will first take a look at Ora Falls extensive product range for car wrapping and then take you through a full tutorial with expert advice on all the practical aspects of car wrapping [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] it's important that the vehicle is left in the wrapping workshop for at least 24 hours before wrapping commences this will allow time for the preparation of the vehicle it will also ensure that the car surface has time to reach room temperature for a perfect result the vinyl must be applied in a clean dust free and well-lit room at a temperature between 21 and 23 degrees Celsius at application temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius you risk tearing the vinyl and at temperatures above 28 degrees Celsius you risk the adhesive becoming too high tack the vinyl to soft the tools needed for application include a cutter set a pair of scissors magnets a hot-air gun ideally temperature adjustable lint-free cloths masking tape knifeless tape a squeegee with felt edge for plastic vinyl an infrared thermometer and Oracle pre-wrapped surface cleaner as a cleaning agent [Music] the car should be thoroughly cleaned then well rinsed to remove all soap and polish residues and then finally dried if a lacquer has recently been applied ensure it's completely cured out before commencing this process carry out a thorough inspection of the vehicle to check for any body damage any parts of the vehicle that are not being wrapped such as door handles trim rear window wipers antennas or windscreen water nozzles must be removed to remove the door handles and license plates use a Torx wrench and Phillips screwdriver some parts should be removed with a screwdriver while other parts such as letters and numbers on rear of the vehicle are most easily removed using standard dental floss or fishing line as well as a squeegee the already clean car should be wiped with a pre wrapped surface cleaning agent before starting the wrap process this removes any final dust and dirt on the car surface and ensures a perfect surface for the film application the auricle pre-wrap surface cleaner has been developed specifically for this job [Music] use knifeless taped for the precise cutting of the vinyl that needs to be done on the actual car surface secure it with masking tape for this application we've used printed origin 395 1 ra align the vinyl to the side of a car with the release liner still in place allowing for the vehicle contours the vinyl can be temporarily fixed to the side of the vehicle with either magnets or masking tape the vinyl is now roughly cut to shape when doing this the vinyl should be held away from the vehicle to avoid damaging the paint surface the liner on or AFOL films is lint and fiber free so it will leave no residue on the vehicle surface fold back the right half of the vinyl to the midway point carefully peel off the liner from the middle section of the vinyl which was folded over gently roll the part of the final that still has liner on the back and applied the stripped vinyl onto the paint surface of the car using light tension avoid stretching the material as this could distort the printed pattern now the vinyl is smoothed out with a squeegee enlarge even sweeps from the center to the outer edges to remove trapped air bubbles where the vinyl is to be applied around parts of the vehicle that could not be removed the vinyl is cut free remove the remaining paper liner and continue squeegeeing [Music] who repeat the same procedure for the left half of this side of the vehicle [Music] pre-heat the vinyl in large sections at 50 to 60 degrees Celsius using large sweeping movements to avoid tensions inside the vinyl special attention should be paid to avoid any overstretching of the vinyl by pulling too hard the vinyl is pulled downwards when applied to the vehicle with slight tension and then smoothed out in even movements with a squeegee working from the center outwards carefully cut around the lights allowing some margin if the vinyl is designed to cover only a part of the side of the vehicle and you've applied knifeless tape to do the necessary cutting now is the time to do this cutting grab a hold of the end of the knife 'less tape which has been fastened outside the cutting area with masking tape start gently pulling this outwards and into the edge of the vinyl then continue to pull the tape string lightly downwards while performing the cut along the vehicle side remove any excess vinyl and slowly remove the remaining part of the knifeless tape while at the same time pressing down the edge of the vinyl with a felt side of your squeegee to avoid any vinyl lifting cut away the excess vinyl from the vehicle arches and the lower part of the vehicle leaving some margin [Music] carefully cut along the door opening and smooth along the cut using the felt part of your squeegee [Music] the cut edges are folded to the inside using a gloved hand while applying hot air it's very important to remember that the hot air has to be applied at approximately 100 to 120 degrees Celsius this has to be applied carefully to all the outer edges of the final to release tension in the vinyl and to accelerate the activation of the adhesive the procedures to apply the vinyl to the car roof and top side of the vehicle are identical with those of the side again any cut edges by car recesses are firmly tucked into place using a squeegee and hot air and were plic about also with a flex stream like on all other three-dimensional body parts it's recommended to start applying from the center of the bonnet or bumper in this case the car roof is wrapped in Oracle 9 7 o premium shift effect cast with rapid air [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ensure that all cart edges are carefully yet firmly folded into the recesses [Laughter] [Music] refit all the items which were initially removed such as door handles and logos door handles are wrapped while attached to the car when wrapping door handles start out by applying masking tapes to the areas of the handles which are in direct contact with the car side apply the vinyl on top of the door handle and gently tack into place using your squeegee heat up the vinyl with a hot-air gun to soften it then use the hot-air gun and the squeegee alternately to properly affix the film and cut the vinyl to size for wrapping of mirrors masking tape is applied where the two pieces of vinyl should meet cut the first piece of vinyl with some margin remaining remove the liner place the vinyl onto the mirror and heat it in large sections pull the vinyl using some tension and firmly apply it with a squeegee remove the masking tape and repeat this step several times until the mirror is completely wrapped [Music] now the remaining vinyl is carefully cut off again it's important to always work using gaps never cut right on the paintwork it's essential to pre-heat the cut edge and work it in [Music] [Music] position the vinyl centrally on the bonnet with a liner side up and cut it to size with some margin [Music] carefully remove 20 centimeters of liner from the middle section and turn over the vinyl so that the adhesive touches the car [Music] [Music] firmly apply the middle strip with a squeegee now fold the left part of the final to the right and after removing the silicon paper using slight tension smooth out with a squeegee from the middle outwards this is repeated with the other half [Music] [Music] use your squeegee to firmly apply the vinyl to the entire bonnet surface at the edges it's very important to heat up the material with a hot-air gun the edges of cut heated up with a hot air gun and folded to the inside [Music] all recess vinyl is cut away from car logos and decorations with the edges carefully secured [Music] applying vinyl to the spoiler requires the same procedure as the bonnet start out with the central alignment and removal of the liner again apply the hot air using large sweeping motions [Music] [Music] cut away all excess material and fold in the edges usually one has to start with the inlay to make the inevitable overlaps invisible in this case we went the opposite way due to the rough carbon structure of the material the final step is to remount all the small car parts which were removed at the beginning carry out a final quality inspection to make sure that the overall application to the car is perfect the very last step is to apply a layer of Oracle long-lasting seal to the wrapped surfaces to ensure extra long-lasting durability [Music] the vehicle can now be returned to its happy owner here it's important to explain the relevant aftercare instructions the wrapped vehicle may be washed without any problems in a car wash after approximately three days of passed the car wrap can be treated with Oracle cleaning and care products after a minimum of three weeks have passed do not use high-pressure cleaning or caustic chemicals on the car or a fall engineer to perform better [Music]
Channel: ORAFOL Europe
Views: 851,046
Rating: 4.6880283 out of 5
Keywords: ORAFOL, car wrapping, tutorial, tips, tricks
Id: kuIrHjnyKCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2017
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